fr.esrf.TangoDs.DeviceImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Source$
// Project: Tango
// Description: java source code for the TANGO client/server API.
// $Author: pascal_verdier $
// Copyright (C) : 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,
// European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is part of Tango.
// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Tango. If not, see .
// $Revision: 25297 $
package fr.esrf.TangoDs;
import fr.esrf.Tango.*;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbAttribute;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbDatum;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DbDevice;
import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.omg.CORBA.Any;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POA;
import java.util.Vector;
* Base class for all TANGO device
public abstract class DeviceImpl extends Device_2POA implements TangoConst {
* Reference to the device-class object associated with the device
protected final DeviceClass device_class;
* DeviceImpl polling extention.
private final DeviceImplExt ext;
* The device black box
protected BlackBox blackbox;
* The device black box depth
protected int blackbox_depth;
* The device name
protected String device_name;
* The administration device name
protected String adm_device_name;
* The device description
protected String desc;
* The device status
protected String device_status;
* The device state
protected DevState device_state;
* The device access
protected byte[] access;
* The device version
protected int version;
* Reference to the multi attribute object
protected MultiAttribute dev_attr;
* Reference to the associated DbDevice object
protected DbDevice db_dev;
private byte[] obj_id;
private boolean exported = false;
* Device's logger
private Logger logger = null;
* Device's logging level backup (for stop/start_logging)
private Level last_level = Level.OFF;
* Device's rolling file threshold
private long rft = LOGGING_DEF_RFT;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : DeviceImpl
// description : constructor for the DeviceImpl class from the class object,
// the device name, the description field,
// the state and the status.
// argument : in : - cl : The class object
// - d_name : The device name
// - de : The device description (default to "A TANGO device")
// - st : The device state (default to UNKNOWN)
// - sta : The device status (default to "Not initialised")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from all its creation
* parameters.
* The device is constructed from its name, its description, an original
* state and status
* @param cl
* Reference to the device class object
* @param d_name
* The device name
* @param de
* The device description field
* @param st
* The device creation state
* @param sta
* The device creation status
* @exception DevFailed
* Re-throw of the exception thrown during the creation of
* the multi-attribute object. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public DeviceImpl(final DeviceClass cl, final String d_name, final String de,
final DevState st, final String sta) throws DevFailed {
device_class = cl;
device_name = d_name;
desc = de;
device_state = st;
device_status = sta;
version = Tango_DevVersion;
blackbox_depth = 0;
ext = new DeviceImplExt();
if (Util._UseDb) {
db_dev = new DbDevice(device_name);
dev_attr = new MultiAttribute(device_name, device_class);
final StringBuffer tmp_adm_name = new StringBuffer("dserver/");
adm_device_name = tmp_adm_name.toString();
* Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from its name.
* The device description field is set to A Tango device. The device
* state is set to unknown and the device status is set to Not
* Initialised
* @param cl
* Reference to the device class object
* @param d_name
* The device name
* @exception DevFailed
* Re-throw of the exception thrown during the creation of
* the multi-attribute object. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public DeviceImpl(final DeviceClass cl, final String d_name) throws DevFailed {
device_class = cl;
device_name = d_name;
desc = "A Tango device";
device_state = DevState.UNKNOWN;
device_status = "Not Initialised";
version = Tango_DevVersion;
blackbox_depth = 0;
ext = new DeviceImplExt();
if (Util._UseDb) {
db_dev = new DbDevice(device_name);
dev_attr = new MultiAttribute(device_name, device_class);
final StringBuffer tmp_adm_name = new StringBuffer("dserver/");
adm_device_name = tmp_adm_name.toString();
* Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from its name and its
* description.
* The device state is set to unknown and the device status is set to Not
* Initialised
* @param cl
* Reference to the device class object
* @param d_name
* The device name
* @param desc
* The device description
* @exception DevFailed
* Re-throw of the exception thrown during the creation of
* the multi-attribute object. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public DeviceImpl(final DeviceClass cl, final String d_name, final String desc)
throws DevFailed {
device_class = cl;
device_name = d_name;
this.desc = desc;
device_state = DevState.UNKNOWN;
device_status = "Not Initialised";
version = Tango_DevVersion;
blackbox_depth = 0;
ext = new DeviceImplExt();
if (Util._UseDb) {
db_dev = new DbDevice(device_name);
dev_attr = new MultiAttribute(device_name, device_class);
final StringBuffer tmp_adm_name = new StringBuffer("dserver/");
adm_device_name = tmp_adm_name.toString();
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : black_box_create
// description : Private method to create the device black box.
// The black box depth is a resource with a default
// value if the resource is not defined
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void black_box_create() {
// If the black box depth objbect attribute is null, create one with the
// default depth
if (blackbox_depth == 0) {
blackbox = new BlackBox();
} else {
blackbox = new BlackBox(blackbox_depth);
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_dev_system_resource()
// description : Method to retrieve some basic device resources
// The resources to be retrived are :
// - The black box depth
// - The device description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void get_dev_system_resource() throws DevFailed {
// Try to retrieve resources for device black box depth and device
// description
if (Util._UseDb) {
try {
final String[] prop_names = { "blackbox_depth", "description", "poll_ring_depth",
"polled_cmd", "polled_attr", "non_auto_polled_cmd", "non_auto_polled_attr",
"poll_old_factor" };
// Call db server
final DbDatum[] res_value = db_dev.get_property(prop_names);
int i = 0;
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
blackbox_depth = res_value[i].extractLong();
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
desc = res_value[i].extractString();
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
if (res_value[i].is_empty() == false) {
} else {
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer(
"Database error while trying to retrieve device properties for device ");
Except.throw_exception("API_DatabaseAccess", o.toString(),
} catch (final BAD_OPERATION ex) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer(
"Database error while trying to retrieve device properties for device ");
Except.throw_exception("API_DatabaseAccess", o.toString(),
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : command_inout
// description : Method called for each command_inout operation executed
// from any client
// The call to this method is in a try bloc for the
// DevFailed exception (generated by the idl
// compiler). Therefore, it
// is not necessary to propagate by re-throw the exceptions
// thrown by the underlying functions/methods.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Execute a command.
* It's the master method executed when a "command_inout" CORBA operation is
* requested by a client. It updates the device black-box, call the TANGO
* command handler and returned the output Any
* @param in_cmd
* The command name
* @param in_any
* The command input data packed in a CORBA Any
* @return The command output data packed in a CORBA Any object
* @exception DevFailed
* Re-throw of the exception thrown by the command_handler
* method. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public Any command_inout(final String in_cmd, final Any in_any) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.command_inout(): command received : " + in_cmd);
// Record operation request in black box
blackbox.insert_cmd(in_cmd, 1);
// Execute command
Any out_any = null;
try {
// If nb connection is closed to the maximum value,
// throw an exception to do not block devices.
if (Util.getAccessConter() > Util.getPoaThreadPoolMax() - 2) {
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", Util.instance().get_ds_real_name()
+ ": No thread available to connect device",
switch (Util.get_serial_model()) {
case BY_CLASS:
synchronized (device_class) {
out_any = device_class.command_handler(this, in_cmd, in_any);
synchronized (this) {
out_any = device_class.command_handler(this, in_cmd, in_any);
default: // NO_SYNC
out_any = device_class.command_handler(this, in_cmd, in_any);
} catch (final DevFailed exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (final Exception exc) {
Except.throw_exception("API_ExceptionCatched", exc.toString(),
// Return value to the caller
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.command_inout(): leaving method for command " + in_cmd);
return out_any;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Device_2Impl.command_inout_2
// description : Method called for each command_inout operation executed
// from any client on a Tango device version 2.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Any command_inout_2(final String in_cmd, final Any in_data, final DevSource source)
throws DevFailed, SystemException {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.command_inout_2 arrived, source = " + source
+ ", command = " + in_cmd);
PollObj polled_cmd = null;
boolean polling_failed = false;
// If the source parameter specifies device, call the command_inout
// method
// implemented by the DeviceImpl class
if (source == DevSource.DEV) {
return command_inout(in_cmd, in_data);
try {
// Record operation request in black box
blackbox.insert_cmd(in_cmd, 2);
final String cmd_str = in_cmd.toLowerCase();
// Check that device supports this command
// Check that the command is polled
boolean found = false;
final Vector poll_list = get_poll_obj_list(); // PollObj
for (int i = 0; i < poll_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_CMD
&& poll_obj.get_name().equals(in_cmd.toLowerCase())) {
polled_cmd = poll_obj;
found = true;
// If the command is not polled but its polling update period is
// defined, and the command is not in the device list of command
// which should not be polled, start to poll it
if (found == false) {
final Command cmd = get_command(cmd_str);
final int poll_period = cmd.get_polling_period();
if (poll_period == 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_CmdNotPolled", "Command " + in_cmd + " not polled",
found = false;
final Vector napc = get_non_auto_polled_cmd();
for (int i = 0; i < napc.size(); i++) {
final String s = (String) napc.elementAt(i);
if (s.equals(cmd_str)) {
found = true;
if (found == true) {
Except.throw_exception("API_CmdNotPolled", "Command " + in_cmd + " not polled",
else {
final Util tg = Util.instance();
final DServer adm_dev = tg.get_dserver_device();
final DevVarLongStringArray send = new DevVarLongStringArray();
send.lvalue = new int[1];
send.svalue = new String[3];
send.lvalue[0] = poll_period;
send.svalue[0] = device_name;
send.svalue[1] = "command";
send.svalue[2] = in_cmd;
adm_dev.add_obj_polling(send, false);
// Wait for first polling. Release monitor during this
// sleep in order to give it to the polling thread
* ext.only_one.rel_monitor(); try { Thread.sleep(500); }
* catch (InterruptedException e){}
* ext.only_one.get_monitor();
// Update the polled-cmd pointer to the new polled object
for (int i = 0; i < poll_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_CMD
&& poll_obj.get_name().equals(in_cmd)) {
polled_cmd = poll_obj;
if (polled_cmd == null) {
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotPolled", "Command not found.",
// Check that some data is available in cache
assert polled_cmd != null;
if (polled_cmd.is_ring_empty()) {
Except.throw_exception("API_NoDataYet", "No data available in cache for command "
+ in_cmd, "Device_2Impl.command_inout");
// Check that data are still refreshed by the polling thread
final long ctm = System.currentTimeMillis();
int tv_sec = (int) (ctm / 1000);
final int tv_usec = (int) (ctm - 1000 * tv_sec) * 1000;
tv_sec = tv_sec - Tango_DELTA_T;
final double last = polled_cmd.get_last_insert_date();
final double now_d = tv_sec + (double) tv_usec / 1000000;
final double diff_d = now_d - last;
if (diff_d > polled_cmd.get_authorized_delta()) {
Except.throw_exception("API_NotUpdatedAnyMore", "Data in cache for command "
+ in_cmd + " not updated any more", "Device_2Impl.command_inout");
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
if (source == DevSource.CACHE) {
throw e;
polling_failed = true;
// Get cmd result (or exception)
if (source == DevSource.CACHE) {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl: Returning data from polling buffer");
assert polled_cmd != null;
return polled_cmd.get_last_cmd_result();
} else {
if (polling_failed == false) {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl: Returning data from polling buffer");
return polled_cmd.get_last_cmd_result();
} else {
return command_inout(in_cmd, in_data);
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Device_2Impl.command_inout_history_2
// description : CORBA operation to read command result history from
// the polling buffer.
// argument: in : - command : command name
// - n : history depth (in record number)
// This method returns a pointer to a DevCmdHistoryList with one
// DevCmdHistory structure for each command record
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public DevCmdHistory[] command_inout_history_2(final String command, int n) throws DevFailed,
SystemException {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.command_inout_history_2 arrived");
final String cmd_str = command.toLowerCase();
// Record operation request in black box
// Check that device supports this command
// Check that the command is polled
PollObj polled_cmd = null;
final Vector poll_list = get_poll_obj_list();
for (int i = 0; i < poll_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_CMD && poll_obj.get_name().equals(cmd_str)) {
polled_cmd = poll_obj;
if (polled_cmd == null) // NOT found
Except.throw_exception("API_CmdNotPolled", "Command " + cmd_str + " not polled",
// Check that some data is available in cache
assert polled_cmd != null;
if (polled_cmd.is_ring_empty()) {
Except.throw_exception("API_NoDataYet", "No data available in cache for command "
+ cmd_str, "Device_2Impl.command_inout_history_2");
// Set the number of returned records
final int in_buf = polled_cmd.get_elt_nb_in_buffer();
if (n > in_buf) {
n = in_buf;
// return command result history
return polled_cmd.get_cmd_history(n);
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : name
// description : Method called when a client request the name attribute
// This method is called for a IDL attribute which can
// not throw exception to client
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device name.
* It's the master method executed when the device name is requested via a
* CORBA attribute. It updates the device black-box and return the device
* name
* @return The device name
public String name() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.name() arrived");
// Record attribute request in black box
// Return data to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.name()");
return device_name;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : adm_name
// description : Method called when a client request the adm_name attribute
// This method is called for a IDL attribute which can
// not throw exception to client
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get administration device name.
* It's the master method executed when the administration device name is
* requested via a CORBA attribute. It updates the device black-box and
* return the administration device name
* @return The administration device name
public String adm_name() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.adm_name() arrived");
// Record attribute request in black box
// Return data to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.adm_name()");
return adm_device_name;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : description
// description : Method called when a client request the description
// attribute
// This method is called for a IDL attribute which can
// not throw exception to client
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device description.
* It's the master method executed when the device description is requested
* via a CORBA attribute. It updates the device black-box and return the
* device description field
* @return The device description
public String description() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.description() arrived");
// Record attribute request in black box
// Return data to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.description()");
return desc;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : state
// description : Method called when a client request the state
// attribute
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device state.
* It's the master method executed when the device state is requested via a
* CORBA attribute. It updates the device black-box and return the device
* state. This method calls the dev_state device method but catch all
* the execption and does not re-throw them because exception can't be
* thrown to a client for CORBA attribute
* @return The device state
public DevState state() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.state() (attribute) arrived");
// Record attribute request in black box
// Return data to caller. If the dev_state throw an exception, catch it
// and do
// not re-throw it because we are in a CORBA attribute implementation
DevState tmp = null;
try {
tmp = dev_state();
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.state() (attribute)");
return tmp;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : status
// description : Method called when a client request the description
// status
// This method is called for a IDL attribute which can
// not throw exception to client
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device status.
* It's the master method executed when the device status is requested via a
* CORBA attribute. It updates the device black-box and return the device
* state. This method calls the dev_status device method but catch
* all the execption and does not re-throw them because exception can't be
* thrown to a client for CORBA attribute
* @return The device status
public String status() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.status() (attibute) arrived");
// Record attribute request in black box
// Return data to caller. If the dev_status method throw exception,
// catch it
// and forget it because we are in a CORBA attribute implementation
String tmp = null;
try {
tmp = dev_status();
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.status() (attribute)");
return tmp;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : black_box
// description : CORBA operation to read n element(s) of the black-box.
// This method returns black box element as strings
// argument: in : - n : Number of elt to read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device black box.
* It's the master method executed when the device black box is requested.
* It reads the device black box, update it and return black-box data to the
* client
* @param n
* The number of actions description which must be returned to
* the client. The number of returned element is limited to the
* number of elements stored in the black-box or to the complete
* black-box depth if it is full.
* @return The device black box with one String for each action requested on
* the device
* @exception DevFailed
* If it is not possible to read the device black box. Click
* here
* to read DevFailed exception specification
public String[] black_box(final int n) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.black_box() arrived");
final String[] ret = blackbox.read(n);
// Record operation request in black box
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.black_box()");
return ret;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : command_list_query
// description : CORBA operation to read the device command list.
// This method returns command info in a sequence of
// DevCmdInfo
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device command list.
* Invoked when the client request the command_list_query CORBA operation.
* It updates the device black box and returns an array of DevCmdInfo object
* with one object for each command.
* @return The device command list. One DevCmdInfo is initialised for each
* device command
public DevCmdInfo[] command_list_query() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.command_list_query() arrived");
// Retrive number of command and allocate memory to send back info
final int nb_cmd = device_class.get_command_list().size();
Util.out4.println(nb_cmd + " command(s) for device");
final DevCmdInfo[] back = new DevCmdInfo[nb_cmd];
for (int loop = 0; loop < nb_cmd; loop++) {
back[loop] = new DevCmdInfo();
// Populate the sequence
for (int i = 0; i < nb_cmd; i++) {
back[i].cmd_name = ((Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i)).get_name();
back[i].cmd_tag = ((Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i)).get_tag();
back[i].in_type = ((Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i))
back[i].out_type = ((Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i))
String tmp_desc = ((Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i))
if (tmp_desc == null) {
back[i].in_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
} else {
back[i].in_type_desc = tmp_desc;
tmp_desc = ((Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i)).get_out_type_desc();
if (tmp_desc == null) {
back[i].out_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
} else {
back[i].out_type_desc = tmp_desc;
// Record operation request in black box
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.command_list_query()");
return back;
// ===========================================================================
* Get device command list.
* Invoked when the client request the command_list_query CORBA operation.
* It updates the device black box and returns an array of DevCmdInfo object
* with one object for each command.
* @return The device command list. One DevCmdInfo is initialised for each
* device command
// ===========================================================================
public DevCmdInfo_2[] command_list_query_2() {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.command_list_query_2 arrived");
// Retrieve number of command and allocate memory to send back info
final Vector cmd_list = device_class.get_command_list();
Util.out4.println(cmd_list.size() + " command(s) for device");
final DevCmdInfo_2[] back = new DevCmdInfo_2[cmd_list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list.size(); i++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) cmd_list.elementAt(i);
final DevCmdInfo_2 tmp = new DevCmdInfo_2();
tmp.cmd_name = cmd.get_name();
tmp.cmd_tag = cmd.get_tag();
tmp.level = cmd.get_disp_level();
tmp.in_type = cmd.get_in_type();
tmp.out_type = cmd.get_out_type();
final String str_in = cmd.get_in_type_desc();
if (str_in != null) {
tmp.in_type_desc = str_in;
} else {
tmp.in_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
final String str_out = cmd.get_out_type_desc();
if (str_out != null) {
tmp.out_type_desc = str_out;
} else {
tmp.out_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
back[i] = tmp;
// Record operation request in black box
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.command_list_query_2 exiting");
return back;
// ===========================================================================
* Get device command list.
* Invoked when the client request the command_list_query CORBA operation.
* It updates the device black box and returns an array of DevCmdInfo object
* with one object for specified command.
* @param command
* The specified command name.
* @return The device command list. One DevCmdInfo is initialised for each
* device command
// ===========================================================================
public DevCmdInfo_2 command_query_2(final String command) throws DevFailed, SystemException {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.command_query_2(" + command + ") arrived");
// Retrieve number of command and allocate memory to send back info
final int nb_cmd = device_class.get_command_list().size();
Util.out4.println(nb_cmd + " command(s) for device");
DevCmdInfo_2 back = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nb_cmd; i++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i);
if (cmd.get_name().toLowerCase().equals(command.toLowerCase())) {
final DevCmdInfo_2 tmp = new DevCmdInfo_2();
tmp.cmd_name = cmd.get_name();
tmp.cmd_tag = cmd.get_tag();
tmp.level = cmd.get_disp_level();
tmp.in_type = cmd.get_in_type();
tmp.out_type = cmd.get_out_type();
final String str_in = cmd.get_in_type_desc();
if (str_in.length() != 0) {
tmp.in_type_desc = str_in;
} else {
tmp.in_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
final String str_out = cmd.get_out_type_desc();
if (str_out.length() != 0) {
tmp.out_type_desc = str_out;
} else {
tmp.out_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
back = tmp;
// throw an exception to client if command not found
if (back == null) {
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotFound", "Command " + command + " not found",
// Record operation request in black box
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.command_list_query_2 exiting");
return back;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : command_query
// description : CORBA operation to read a device command info.
// This method returns command info for a specific
// command.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get command info.
* Invoked when the client request the command_query CORBA operation. It
* updates the device black box and returns a DevCmdInfo object for the
* command with name passed to the method as parameter.
* @param command
* The command name
* @return A DevCmdInfo initialised for the wanted command
* @exception DevFailed
* Thrown if the command does not exist. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public DevCmdInfo command_query(final String command) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.command_query() arrived");
final DevCmdInfo back = new DevCmdInfo();
// Try to retrieve the command in the command list
final String cmd_name = command.toLowerCase();
int i;
final int nb_cmd = device_class.get_command_list().size();
for (i = 0; i < nb_cmd; i++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) device_class.get_command_list().elementAt(i);
if (cmd.get_name().toLowerCase().equals(cmd_name) == true) {
back.cmd_name = command;
back.cmd_tag = cmd.get_tag();
back.in_type = cmd.get_in_type();
back.out_type = cmd.get_out_type();
String tmp_desc = cmd.get_in_type_desc();
if (tmp_desc == null) {
back.in_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
} else {
back.in_type_desc = tmp_desc;
tmp_desc = cmd.get_out_type_desc();
if (tmp_desc == null) {
back.out_type_desc = Tango_DescNotSet;
} else {
back.out_type_desc = tmp_desc;
if (i == nb_cmd) {
Util.out3.println("DeviceImpl.command_query(): operation " + command + " not found");
// throw an exception to client
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotFound", "Command " + command + " not found",
// Record operation request in black box
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.command_query()");
return back;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : info
// description : CORBA operation to get device info
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get device info.
* Invoked when the client request the info CORBA operation. It updates the
* black box and returns a DevInfo object with miscellaneous device info
* @return A DevInfo object
public DevInfo info() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.info() arrived");
final DevInfo back = new DevInfo();
// Retrieve server host
final Util tg = Util.instance();
back.server_host = tg.get_host_name();
// Fill-in remaining structure fields
back.dev_class = device_class.get_name();
back.server_id = tg.get_ds_real_name();
back.server_version = Tango_DevVersion;
back.doc_url = device_class.get_doc_url();
// Record operation request in black box
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.info()");
return back;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : ping
// description : CORBA operation to ping if a device to see it is alive
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Ping the device to check if it is still alive.
* Invoked when the client request the ping CORBA operation. It updates the
* device black box and simply returns
public void ping() {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.ping() arrived");
// Record operation request in black box
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.ping()");
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : get_attribute_config
// description : CORBA operation to get attribute configuration.
// argument: in : - names: name of attribute(s)
// This method returns a reference to a AttributeConfig array with one
// AttributeConfig
// object for each attribute
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get attribute(s) configuration.
* Invoked when the client request the get_attribute_config CORBA operation.
* It retrieves attribute(s) configuration and initialise a AttributeConfig
* object for each of the wanted attribute.
* @param names
* The attribute name list
* @return An array of AttributeConfig object. One AttributeConfig object is
* initialised for each wanted attribute
* @exception DevFailed
* Thrown if one of the attribute does not exist. Click here
* to read DevFailed exception specification
public AttributeConfig[] get_attribute_config(final String[] names) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.get_attribute_config arrived");
int nb_attr = names.length;
boolean all_attr = false;
// Record operation request in black box
// Return exception if the device does not have any attribute
final int nb_dev_attr = dev_attr.get_attr_nb();
if (nb_dev_attr == 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotFound", "The device does not have any attribute",
// Check if the caller want to get config for all attribute
if (nb_attr == 1 && names[0].equals(Tango_AllAttr)) {
nb_attr = nb_dev_attr;
all_attr = true;
// Allocate memory for the AttributeConfig objects
AttributeConfig[] back = null;
// noinspection ErrorNotRethrown
try {
back = new AttributeConfig[nb_attr];
for (int i = 0; i < nb_attr; i++) {
back[i] = new AttributeConfig();
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
Util.out3.println("Bad allocation while in DeviceImpl.get_attribute_config");
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", "Can't allocate memory in server",
// Fill in these objects
for (int i = 0; i < nb_attr; i++) {
if (all_attr == true) {
final Attribute attr = dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind(i);
} else {
final Attribute attr = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(names[i]);
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.get_attribute_config");
return back;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Device_2Impl.get_attribute_config_2
// description : CORBA operation to get attribute configuration.
// argument: in : - names: name of attribute(s)
// This method returns a pointer to a AttributeConfigList_2 with one
// AttributeConfig_2 structure for each atribute
// WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// This is the release 2 of this CORBA operation which
// returns one more parameter than in release 1
// The code has been duplicated in order to keep it clean
// (avoid many "if" on version number in a common method)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public AttributeConfig_2[] get_attribute_config_2(final String[] names) throws DevFailed,
SystemException {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.get_attribute_config_2 arrived");
// Allocate memory for the AttributeConfig structures
int nb_attr = names.length;
boolean all_attr = false;
// Record operation request in black box
// Get attribute number
final int nb_dev_attr = dev_attr.get_attr_nb();
// Check if the caller want to get config for all attribute
final String in_name = names[0];
if (nb_attr == 1 && in_name.equals(Tango_AllAttr)) {
nb_attr = nb_dev_attr;
all_attr = true;
final AttributeConfig_2[] back = new AttributeConfig_2[nb_attr];
// Fill in these structures
for (int i = 0; i < nb_attr; i++) {
if (all_attr == true) {
final Attribute attr = dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind(i);
back[i] = attr.get_properties_2();
} else {
final Attribute attr = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(names[i]);
back[i] = attr.get_properties_2();
Util.out4.println("Leaving Device_2Impl.get_attribute_config_2");
return back;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : set_attribute_config
// description : CORBA operation to set attribute configuration locally
// and in the Tango database
// argument: in : - new_conf: The new attribute(s) configuration. One
// AttributeConfig object is needed for each
// attribute to update
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set attribute(s) configuration.
* Invoked when the client request the set_attribute_config CORBA operation.
* This method update the attribute configuration and also update the TANGO
* database with the new value. This method allows to update only the
* optional attribute properties.
* @param new_conf
* The attribute(s) new configuration list. There is one
* AttributeConfig object for each attribute with configuration
* to be updated
* @exception DevFailed
* Thrown if one of the attribute does not exist. Click here
* to read DevFailed exception specification
public void set_attribute_config(final AttributeConfig new_conf[]) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.set_attribute_config arrived");
// Record operation request in black box
// Return exception if the device does not have any attribute
final int nb_dev_attr = dev_attr.get_attr_nb();
if (nb_dev_attr == 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotFound", "The device does not have any attribute",
// Update attribute config first in database, then locally
final int nb_attr = new_conf.length;
int i = 0;
try {
for (i = 0; i < nb_attr; i++) {
final Attribute attr = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(new_conf[i].name);
if (Util._UseDb == true) {
attr.upd_database(new_conf[i], device_name);
attr.set_properties(new_conf[i], device_name);
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
// Re build the list of "alarmable" attribute
for (int j = 0; j < nb_dev_attr; j++) {
if (dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind(j).is_alarmed() == true) {
// Change the exception reason flag
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer(e.errors[0].reason);
if (i != 0) {
o.append("\nAll previous attribute(s) have been successfully updated");
if (i != nb_attr - 1) {
o.append("\nAll remaining attribute(s) have not been updated");
e.errors[0].reason = o.toString();
throw e;
// Re build the list of "alarmable" attribute
for (i = 0; i < nb_dev_attr; i++) {
if (dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind(i).is_alarmed()) {
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.set_attribute_config");
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : read_attributes
// description : CORBA operation to read attribute(s) value.
// argument: in : - names: name of attribute(s) to be read
// This method returns a pointer to a AttributeConfigList with one
// AttributeValue
// structure for each atribute. This structure contains the attribute value,
// the
// value quality and the date.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Read attribute(s) value.
* Invoked when the client request the read_attributes CORBA operation. This
* method read attributes value and return them to the caller. A date and a
* quality factor is added to each attribute.
* @param names
* The attribute name list
* @return An array of AttributeValue object. One AttributeValue object is
* initialised for each wanted attribute
* @exception DevFailed
* Thrown if one of the attribute does not exist or if a
* problem occurs during attribute reading. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
// =========================================================================
public AttributeValue[] read_attributes(final String[] names) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.read_attributes arrived" + names[0]);
// Record operation request in black box
// Return exception if the device does not have any attribute
if (dev_attr.get_attr_nb() == 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotFound", "The device does not have any attribute",
// Build a sequence with the names of the attribute to be read.
// This is necessary in case of the "AllAttr" shortcut is used
// If all attributes are wanted, build this list
final String[] real_names = checkRealNames(names);
// If nb connection is closed to the maximum value,
// throw an exception to do not block devices.
if (Util.getAccessConter() > Util.getPoaThreadPoolMax() - 2) {
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", Util.instance().get_ds_real_name()
+ ": No thread available to connect device", "DeviceImpl.read_attributes()");
final Vector wanted_attr = new Vector();
final Vector wanted_w_attr = new Vector();
AttributeValue[] back = null;
try {
switch (Util.get_serial_model()) {
case BY_CLASS:
synchronized (device_class) {
sortAttributes(real_names, wanted_attr, wanted_w_attr);
back = manageReadAttrinbute(real_names, wanted_attr, wanted_w_attr);
synchronized (this) {
sortAttributes(real_names, wanted_attr, wanted_w_attr);
back = manageReadAttrinbute(real_names, wanted_attr, wanted_w_attr);
default: // NO_SYNC
synchronized (this) {
sortAttributes(real_names, wanted_attr, wanted_w_attr);
back = manageReadAttrinbute(real_names, wanted_attr, wanted_w_attr);
} // End of try
catch (final DevFailed exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (final Exception exc) {
Except.throw_exception("API_ExceptionCatched", exc.toString(),
// Return to caller
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.read_attributes");
return back;
// =========================================================================
* Check if value has been inserted and retuens the AttributeValue objects
// =========================================================================
private AttributeValue[] manageReadAttrinbute(final String[] real_names,
final Vector wanted_attr, final Vector wanted_w_attr) throws DevFailed {
// Call the always_executed_hook method before
// Read the hardware for readable attribute
if (wanted_attr.size() != 0) {
// Set attr value (for readable attribute)
for (int i = 0; i < wanted_attr.size(); i++) {
final int idx = ((Integer) wanted_attr.elementAt(i)).intValue();
// Set attr value for writable attribute
for (int i = 0; i < wanted_w_attr.size(); i++) {
final int idx = ((Integer) wanted_w_attr.elementAt(i)).intValue();
final AttrWriteType w_type = dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind(idx).get_writable();
if (w_type == AttrWriteType.READ_WITH_WRITE || w_type == AttrWriteType.WRITE) {
// Allocate memory for the AttributeValue structures and fill it
return buildAttributeValue(real_names);
// =========================================================================
* Check if value has been inserted and retuens the AttributeValue objects
// =========================================================================
private AttributeValue[] buildAttributeValue(final String[] real_names) throws DevFailed {
// Allocate memory for the AttributeValue structures
AttributeValue[] back = new AttributeValue[0];
// noinspection ErrorNotRethrown
try {
back = new AttributeValue[real_names.length];
for (int i = 0; i < real_names.length; i++) {
back[i] = new AttributeValue();
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError ex) {
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", "Can't allocate memory in server",
// Build the sequence returned to caller for readable attributes and
// check
// that all the wanted attributes set value has been updated
for (int i = 0; i < real_names.length; i++) {
final Attribute att = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(real_names[i]);
if (att.get_value_flag()) {
final AttrWriteType w_type = att.get_writable();
if (w_type == AttrWriteType.READ || w_type == AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE
|| w_type == AttrWriteType.READ_WITH_WRITE) {
if (w_type == AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE
|| w_type == AttrWriteType.READ_WITH_WRITE) {
if (att.is_alarmed() == true
&& att.get_quality().value() != AttrQuality._ATTR_INVALID) {
back[i].time = att.get_when();
back[i].quality = att.get_quality();
back[i].name = att.get_name();
back[i].dim_x = att.get_x();
back[i].dim_y = att.get_y();
final Util tg = Util.instance();
back[i].value = tg.get_orb().create_any();
switch (att.get_data_type()) {
case Tango_DEV_BOOLEAN:
DevVarBooleanArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_boolean_value());
case Tango_DEV_SHORT:
DevVarShortArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_short_value());
case Tango_DEV_USHORT:
DevVarUShortArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_short_value());
case Tango_DEV_LONG:
DevVarLongArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_long_value());
case Tango_DEV_ULONG:
DevVarULongArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_long_value());
case Tango_DEV_LONG64:
DevVarLong64ArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_long64_value());
case Tango_DEV_ULONG64:
DevVarULong64ArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_long64_value());
case Tango_DEV_DOUBLE:
DevVarDoubleArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_double_value());
case Tango_DEV_STRING:
DevVarStringArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_string_value());
case Tango_DEV_STATE:
DevVarStateArrayHelper.insert(back[i].value, att.get_state_value());
* //======================================================== //
* Not possible (DevEncoded type is not transfered inside an
* any)
* //========================================================
* case Tango_DEV_ENCODED :
* DevEncodedHelper.insert(back[i].value,att.get_enc_value());
* break;
Except.throw_exception("API_DatTypeNotSupported", "Attribute " + att.get_name()
+ " data type not supported !", "Device_2Impl.read_attributes()");
} else {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrValueNotSet", "Read value for attribute "
+ att.get_name() + " has not been updated", "DeviceImpl.read_attributes");
} // End of for ( ; ; )
return back;
// =========================================================================
* Retrieve wanted attributes in the device attribute list and check (and
* set) their active flag, before clearing their value set flag
// =========================================================================
private void sortAttributes(final String[] names, final Vector wanted_attr,
final Vector wanted_w_attr) throws DevFailed {
for (final String name : names) {
final Attribute att = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(name);
final int att_idx = dev_attr.get_attr_ind_by_name(name);
if (att.get_writable() == AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE) {
att.waitEndOfRead(); // Wait a while if already reading
} else if (att.get_writable() == AttrWriteType.WRITE) {
} else {
att.waitEndOfRead(); // Wait a while if already reading
// =========================================================================
* Build a sequence with the names of the attribute to be read. This is
* necessary in case of the "AllAttr" shortcut is used If all attributes are
* wanted, build this list
// =========================================================================
private String[] checkRealNames(final String[] names) {
if (names.length == 1) {
if (names[0].equals(Tango_AllAttr)) {
final String[] real_names = new String[dev_attr.get_attr_nb()];
for (int i = 0; i < dev_attr.get_attr_nb(); i++) {
real_names[i] = dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind(i).get_name();
return real_names;
} else {
return names;
} else {
return names;
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================
private void setNotActive(final String[] names) throws DevFailed {
for (final String name : names) {
// =========================================================================
* Read attribute(s) value.
* Invoked when the client request the read_attributes CORBA operation with
* a DevSource parameter. This method read attributes value and return them
* to the caller. A date and a quality factor is added to each attribute.
* @param names
* The attribute name list
* @param source
* could be DevSource.CACHE, DevSource.CACHE_DEV or
* DevSource.DEVICE.
* @return An array of AttributeValue object. One AttributeValue object is
* initialised for each wanted attribute
* @exception DevFailed
* Thrown if one of the attribute does not exist or if a
* problem occurs during attribute reading. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
// =========================================================================
public AttributeValue[] read_attributes_2(final String[] names, final DevSource source)
throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.read_attributes_2 arrived src=" + source.value());
// If the source parameter specifies device, call the read_attribute
// method implemented by the DeviceImpl class
if (source == DevSource.DEV) {
return read_attributes(names);
// final boolean att_in_fault = false;
boolean polling_failed = false;
// Record operation request in black box
AttributeValue[] back = null;
try {
// Build a sequence with the names of the attribute to be read.
// This is necessary in case of the "AllAttr" shortcut is used
// If all attributes are wanted, build this list
int i, j;
boolean all_attr = false;
final Vector poll_list = get_poll_obj_list(); // PollObj
final int nb_poll = poll_list.size();
final int nb_names = names.length;
String[] real_names = names;
// Check if All Attr
if (nb_names == 1) {
final String att_name = names[0];
if (att_name.equals(Tango_AllAttr)) {
all_attr = true;
int nb_real = 0;
// Get the real number
for (i = 0; i < nb_poll; i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_ATTR) {
// get the real polle object
real_names = new String[nb_real];
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nb_poll && j < nb_real; i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_ATTR) {
real_names[j++] = poll_obj.get_name();
// Check that device supports the wanted attribute
if (all_attr == false) {
for (i = 0; i < real_names.length; i++) {
// Check that all wanted attributes are polled.
// If some are non polled, store
// their name in the real_names sequence in a vector
final Vector non_polled = new Vector(); // String
if (all_attr == false) {
for (i = 0; i < real_names.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nb_poll; j++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(j);
if (poll_obj.get_name().equals(real_names[i].toLowerCase())) {
if (j == nb_poll) {
// If some attributes are not polled but their polling update period
// is defined,
// and the attribute is not in the device list of attr which should
// not be
// polled, start to poll them
final Vector poll_period = new Vector();
if (non_polled.size() != 0) {
// Check that it is possible to start polling for the non polled
// attribute
for (i = 0; i < non_polled.size(); i++) {
final String non_polled_name = (String) non_polled.elementAt(i);
final Attribute att = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(non_polled_name);
if (att.get_polling_period() == 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotPolled", "Attribute " + non_polled_name
+ " not polled", "Device_2Impl.read_attributes");
} else {
boolean found = false;
final Vector napa = get_non_auto_polled_attr();
for (j = 0; j < napa.size(); j++) {
final String napa_str = ((String) napa.elementAt(j)).toLowerCase();
if (napa_str.equals(non_polled_name.toLowerCase())) {
found = true;
if (found) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotPolled", "Attribute "
+ non_polled_name + " not polled",
// Start polling
final Util tg = Util.instance();
final DServer adm_dev = tg.get_dserver_device();
final DevVarLongStringArray send = new DevVarLongStringArray();
send.lvalue = new int[1];
send.svalue = new String[3];
send.svalue[0] = device_name;
send.svalue[1] = "attribute";
for (i = 0; i < non_polled.size(); i++) {
send.lvalue[0] = (Integer) poll_period.elementAt(i);
send.svalue[2] = (String) non_polled.elementAt(i);
adm_dev.add_obj_polling(send, false);
// Allocate memory for the AttributeValue structures
final int nb_attr = real_names.length;
back = new AttributeValue[nb_attr];
// For each attribute, check that some data are available in cache
// and that they
// are not too old
for (i = 0; i < nb_attr; i++) {
PollObj polled_attr = null;
for (j = 0; j < poll_list.size(); j++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(j);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_ATTR
&& poll_obj.get_name().toLowerCase()
.equals(real_names[i].toLowerCase())) {
polled_attr = poll_obj;
// Check that some data is available in cache
if (polled_attr.is_ring_empty() == true) {
"No data available in cache for attribute " + real_names[i],
// Check that data are still refreshed by the polling thread
final long ctm = System.currentTimeMillis();
int tv_sec = (int) (ctm / 1000);
final int tv_usec = (int) (ctm - 1000 * tv_sec) * 1000;
tv_sec = tv_sec - Tango_DELTA_T;
final double last = polled_attr.get_last_insert_date();
final double now_d = tv_sec + (double) tv_usec / 1000000;
final double diff_d = now_d - last;
if (diff_d > polled_attr.get_authorized_delta()) {
Except.throw_exception("API_NotUpdatedAnyMore", "Data in cache for attribute "
+ real_names[i] + " not updated any more",
// Finally, after all these checks, get value and store it in
// the
// sequence sent back to user
// In order to avoid unnecessary copy, don't use the assignement
// operator of the
// AttributeValue structure which copy each element and
// therefore also copy
// the Any object. The Any assignement operator is a deep copy!
// Create a new sequence using the attribute buffer and insert
// it into the
// Any. The sequence inside the source Any has been created
// using the attribute
// data buffer.
back[i] = polled_attr.get_last_attr_value();
} catch (final DevFailed e) {
if (source == DevSource.CACHE) {
throw e;
// if (att_in_fault == true) {
// throw e;
// }
polling_failed = true;
// If the source parameter is CACHE, returned data,
// else call method reading attribute from device
if (source == DevSource.CACHE_DEV && polling_failed == true) {
back = read_attributes(names);
return back;
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : Device_2Impl.read_attribute_history_2
// description : CORBA operation to read attribute alue history from
// the polling buffer.
// argument: in : - name : attribute name
// - n : history depth (in record number)
// This method returns a pointer to a DevAttrHistoryList with one
// DevAttrHistory structure for each attribute record
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public DevAttrHistory[] read_attribute_history_2(final String name, int n) throws DevFailed,
SystemException {
Util.out4.println("Device_2Impl.read_attribute_history_2 arrived");
// Record operation request in black box
final Vector poll_list = get_poll_obj_list();
final int nb_poll = poll_list.size();
// Check that the device supports this attribute.
// This method returns an exception in case of unsupported attribute
final Attribute att = dev_attr.get_attr_by_name(name);
final String attr_str = name.toLowerCase();
// Check that the wanted attribute is polled.
PollObj polled_attr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nb_poll; i++) {
final PollObj poll_obj = (PollObj) poll_list.elementAt(i);
if (poll_obj.get_type() == Tango_POLL_ATTR && poll_obj.get_name().equals(attr_str)) {
polled_attr = poll_obj;
if (polled_attr == null) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotPolled", "No data available in cache for attribute "
+ attr_str, "Device_2Impl.read_attribute_history_2");
// Check that some data is available in cache
assert polled_attr != null;
if (polled_attr.is_ring_empty()) {
Except.throw_exception("API_NoDataYet", "No data available in cache for attribute "
+ attr_str, "Device_2Impl.read_attribute_history_2");
// Set the number of returned records
final int in_buf = polled_attr.get_elt_nb_in_buffer();
if (n > in_buf) {
n = in_buf;
// return attribute value history
return polled_attr.get_attr_history(n, att.get_data_type());
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : write_attributes
// description : CORBA operation to write attribute(s) value
// argument: in : - values: The new attribute(s) value to be set.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write attribute(s).
* Invoked when the client request the write_attributes CORBA operation.
* This method writes new attribute value.
* @param values
* The attribute(s) new set value. There is one AttributeValue
* object for each attribute to be set
* @exception DevFailed
* Thrown if one of the attribute does not exist. Click here
* to read DevFailed exception specification
public void write_attributes(final AttributeValue[] values) throws DevFailed {
Util.out4.println("DeviceImpl.write_attributes arrived");
// Record operation request in black box
// Return exception if the device does not have any attribute
final int nb_dev_attr = dev_attr.get_attr_nb();
if (nb_dev_attr == 0) {
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotFound", "The device does not have any attribute",
// Retrieve index of wanted attributes in the device attribute list
final long nb_updated_attr = values.length;
final Vector updated_attr = new Vector();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nb_updated_attr; i++) {
// Check that these attributes are writable
for (i = 0; i < nb_updated_attr; i++) {
if (dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind((Integer) updated_attr.elementAt(i)).get_writable() == AttrWriteType.READ
|| dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind((Integer) updated_attr.elementAt(i)).get_writable() == AttrWriteType.READ_WITH_WRITE) {
final StringBuffer o = new StringBuffer("Attribute ");
o.append(dev_attr.get_attr_by_ind((Integer) updated_attr.elementAt(i)).get_name());
o.append(" is not writable");
Except.throw_exception("API_AttrNotWritable", o.toString(),
// Set attribute internal value
for (i = 0; i < nb_updated_attr; i++) {
try {
dev_attr.get_w_attr_by_ind((Integer) updated_attr.elementAt(i)).set_write_value(
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
dev_attr.get_w_attr_by_ind((Integer) updated_attr.elementAt(j)).rollback();
throw ex;
// Write the hardware
try {
// If nb connection is closed to the maximum value,
// throw an exception to do not block devices.
if (Util.getAccessConter() > Util.getPoaThreadPoolMax() - 2) {
Except.throw_exception("API_MemoryAllocation", Util.instance().get_ds_real_name()
+ ": No thread available to connect device",
// Call the always_executed_hook method before
switch (Util.get_serial_model()) {
case BY_CLASS:
synchronized (device_class) {
synchronized (this) {
default: // NO_SYNC
} catch (final DevFailed exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (final Exception exc) {
Except.throw_exception("API_ExceptionCatched", exc.toString(),
// Return to caller.
Util.out4.println("Leaving DeviceImpl.write_attributes");
// =================================================================
* Remove an attribute on the device attribute list.
* @param attname
* Attribute's name to be removed to the list
* @throws DevFailed .
// =================================================================
public void remove_attribute(final String attname) throws DevFailed {
// Remove property in database
if (Util._UseDb) {
final DeviceProxy dev = new DeviceProxy(device_name);
final DbAttribute da = dev.get_attribute_property(attname);
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : add_attribute
// description : Add attribute to the device attribute(s) list
// argument: in : - new_attr: The new attribute to be added.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add a new attribute to the device attribute list.
* Attributes are normally constructed in the
* DeviceClass::attribute_factory() method. Nevertheless, it is still
* possible to add a new attribute to a device with this method. Please,
* note that if you add an attribute to a device at device creation time,
* this attribute will be added to the device class attribute list.
* Therefore, all devices belonging to the same class created after this
* attribute addition will also have this attribute.
* @param new_attr
* Reference to the new attribute to be added to the list
* @exception DevFailed . Click
* here
* to read DevFailed exception specification
public void add_attribute(final Attr new_attr) throws DevFailed {
final Vector attr_list = device_class.get_class_attr().get_attr_list();
final int old_attr_nb = attr_list.size();
// Check that this attribute is not already defined for this device.
// If it is alaredy there, immediately returns.
// Trick : If you add an attribute to a device, this attribute will be
// inserted in the device class attribute list. Therefore, all devices
// created after this attribute addition will also have this attribute.
final String attr_name = new_attr.get_name();
boolean already_there = true;
try {
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
already_there = false;
if (already_there == true) {
// Add this attribute in the MultiClassAttribute attr_list vector if it
// does not
// already exist
int i;
for (i = 0; i < old_attr_nb; i++) {
if (((Attr) attr_list.elementAt(i)).get_name().equals(attr_name) == true) {
if (i == old_attr_nb) {
// Get all the properties defined for this attribute at class level
.init_class_attribute(device_class.get_name(), old_attr_nb);
// Add the attribute to the MultiAttribute object
dev_attr.add_attribute(device_name, device_class, i);
// Five methods which could be redefined in each device server class
* Get device state.
* Default method to get device state. The behaviour of this method depends
* on the device state. If the device state is ON or ALARM, it reads the
* attribute(s) with an alarm level defined, check if the read value is
* above/below the alarm and eventually change the state to ALARM, return
* the device state. For all th eother device state, ti smethod simply
* returns the state This method can be redefined in sub-classes in case of
* the default behaviour does not fullfill the needs
* @return The device state
* @exception DevFailed
* If it is necessary to read attribute(s) and a problem
* occurs during the reading. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public DevState dev_state() throws DevFailed {
if (device_state.value() == DevState._ON || device_state.value() == DevState._ALARM) {
// Read the hardware
final Vector attr_list = dev_attr.get_alarm_list();
final int nb_wanted_attr = attr_list.size();
if (nb_wanted_attr != 0) {
// Set attr value
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nb_wanted_attr; i++) {
final Attribute att = dev_attr
.get_attr_by_ind((Integer) attr_list.elementAt(i));
try {
} catch (final DevFailed ex) {
throw ex;
// Check alarm level
if (dev_attr.check_alarm() == true) {
device_state = DevState.ALARM;
return device_state;
* Get device status.
* Default method to get device status. It returns the contents of the
* device device_status field. If the device state is ALARM, alarm messages
* are added to the device status. This method can be redefined in
* sub-classes in case of the default behaviour does not fullfill the needs
* @return The device status
* @exception DevFailed
* This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public String dev_status() throws DevFailed {
if (device_state.value() == DevState._ALARM || device_state.value() == DevState._ON) {
final StringBuffer alarm_status = new StringBuffer(device_status);
return alarm_status.toString();
return device_status;
* Read the hardware to return attribute value(s).
* Default method to implement an action necessary on a device to read the
* hardware involved in a a read attribute CORBA call. This method must be
* redefined in sub-classes in order to support attribute reading
* @param attr_list
* Reference to a vector with Integer object. Each element in
* this vector is the index in the device onject attribute vector
* of an attribute to be read.
* @exception DevFailed
* This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public void read_attr_hardware(final Vector attr_list) throws DevFailed {
* Set the attribute read value.
* Default method to set an attribute read value. This method must be
* redefined in sub-classes when attributes are needed
* @param attr
* The attribute object
* @exception DevFailed
* This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public void read_attr(final Attribute attr) throws DevFailed {
* Write the hardware for attributes.
* Default method to implement an action necessary on a device to write the
* hardware involved in a a write attribute. This method must be redefined
* in sub-classes in order to support writable attribute
* @param attr_list
* Reference to a vector of Integer objects. Each element in this
* vector is the index in the main attribute vector of an
* attribute to be written.
* @exception DevFailed
* This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public void write_attr_hardware(final Vector attr_list) throws DevFailed {
* Hook method.
* Default method to implement an action necessary on a device before any
* command is executed. This method can be redefined in sub-classes in case
* of the default behaviour does not fullfill the needs
* @exception DevFailed
* This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public void always_executed_hook() throws DevFailed {
// one abstract method
* Intialise a device.
* In the DeviceImpl class, this method is pure abstract and must be defined
* in sub-class. Its rule is to initialise a device. This method is called
* during device creation an dby the DevRestart command
* @exception DevFailed
* This method does not throw exception but a redefined
* method can. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification
public abstract void init_device() throws DevFailed;
* This method is called during device Init an the DevRestart command. Some
* clean-up should be done here for stopping thread, clearing lists...
* @throws DevFailed
public abstract void delete_device() throws DevFailed;
* Return device POA
* Return a reference to the device POA. This method is necessary for the
* CORBA object implicit activation by the _this method
* @return Reference to the device POA
public POA _default_POA() {
return Util.instance().get_poa();
// Methods to retrieve/set some data members from outside the class and all
// its inherited classes
* Get device status.
* Return the device device_status field. This method does the same thing
* than the default dev_status method.
* @return Device status
public String get_status() {
return device_status;
* Set device status.
* @param new_status
* The new device status
public void set_status(final String new_status) {
device_status = new_status;
* Get device state.
* Return the device device_state field. This method does the same thing
* than the default dev_state method.
* @return Device state
public DevState get_state() {
return device_state;
* Set device state.
* @param new_state
* The new device state
public void set_state(final DevState new_state) {
device_state = new_state;
* Get device name.
* Return the device name (device_name field)
* @return Device name
public String get_name() {
return device_name;
* Get device class object reference.
* Return the device class object reference
* @return Device class
public DeviceClass get_device_class() {
return device_class;
* Get the reference to the associated DbDevice object
* Return the DbDevice object reference
* @return DbDevice
public DbDevice get_db_device() {
return db_dev;
* Get the associated CORBA object identifier
* @return The CORBA object identifier
public byte[] get_obj_id() {
return obj_id;
* Set the associated CORBA object identifier
* @param id
* The CORBA object identifier
public void set_obj_id(final byte[] id) {
obj_id = id;
boolean get_exported_flag() {
return exported;
void set_exported_flag(final boolean exp) {
exported = exp;
* Returns the device's logger
public Logger get_logger() {
if (logger == null) {
logger = Logger.getLogger(get_name().toLowerCase());
last_level = Level.WARN;
return logger;
* Initialize the logging for this device
@SuppressWarnings( { "NestedTryStatement" })
public void init_logger() {
try {
Util.out4.println("Initializing logging for " + get_name());
// - Get Util instance
final Util util = Util.instance();
// - Get cmd line logging level then ...
final int trace_level = util.get_trace_level();
// ... convert it to log4j level
Level cmd_line_level;
// does the logging level set from cmd line?
boolean level_set_from_cmd_line = true;
if (trace_level <= 0) {
level_set_from_cmd_line = false;
cmd_line_level = Level.OFF;
} else if (trace_level <= 2) {
cmd_line_level = Level.INFO;
} else {
cmd_line_level = Level.DEBUG;
// - Add a console target if logging level set from cmd line
if (level_set_from_cmd_line) {
// add a console target if logging level set from cmd line
try {
Logging.instance().add_logging_target(get_logger(), LOGGING_CONSOLE_TARGET);
} catch (final DevFailed df) {
/** ignore exception */
if (!Util._UseDb) {
// - Done if we are not using the database
Util.out4.println("Not using the database. Logging Intialization complete");
// - Get both logging level and targets from database
final Logging.LoggingProperties properties = Logging.instance().get_logging_properties(
get_logger(), util.get_database());
if (properties == null) {
Util.out4.println("Failed to obtain logging properties from database");
Util.out4.println("Aborting logging intialization");
// - Set logging level
if (level_set_from_cmd_line == false) {
Util.out4.println("Logging level set to " + properties.logging_level.toString());
} else {
// - Save current logging level
last_level = get_logger().getLevel();
// - Get rolling threshold for file targets
if (rft != properties.logging_rft) {
rft = properties.logging_rft;
Util.out4.println("Rolling threshold changed to " + String.valueOf(rft));
// - Set logging targets
if (properties.logging_targets != null) {
Util.out4.println("Adding logging targets (" + properties.logging_targets.length
+ " entries in db)");
for (final String logging_target : properties.logging_targets) {
try {
Logging.instance().add_logging_target(get_logger(), logging_target);
} catch (final DevFailed e) { /* ignore any exception */
// set rolling file threshold for file targets
Logging.instance().set_rolling_file_threshold(get_logger(), rft);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// igore any exception
* Backup current logging level then set it to OFF
public void stop_logging() {
last_level = get_logger().getLevel();
* Restore logging level to its backup value
public void start_logging() {
* This method check that a comamnd is supported by the device and does not
* need input value. The method throws an exception if the command is not
* defined or needs an input value
// ==========================================================
void check_command_exists(final String cmd_name) throws DevFailed {
final Vector cmd_list = device_class.get_command_list();
for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list.size(); i++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) cmd_list.elementAt(i);
if (cmd.get_name().toLowerCase().equals(cmd_name)) {
if (cmd.get_in_type() != Tango_DEV_VOID) {
Except.throw_exception("API_IncompatibleCmdArgumentType", "Command " + cmd_name
+ " cannot be polled because it needs input value",
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotFound", "Command " + cmd_name + " not found",
// =======================================
// Polling part
// =======================================
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
int get_poll_old_factor() {
return ext.poll_old_factor;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
void set_poll_old_factor(final int fact) {
ext.poll_old_factor = fact;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
boolean is_polled() {
return ext.polled;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
void is_polled(final boolean b) {
ext.polled = b;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
Vector get_poll_obj_list() {
return ext.poll_obj_list;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
int get_poll_ring_depth() {
return ext.poll_ring_depth;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
public void set_poll_ring_depth(final int size) {
ext.poll_ring_depth = size;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
MultiAttribute get_device_attr() {
return dev_attr;
* Set device state.
* @param new_multi_attr The new attribute
public void set_device_attr(final MultiAttribute new_multi_attr) {
dev_attr = new_multi_attr;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
Vector get_non_auto_polled_cmd() {
return ext.non_auto_polled_cmd;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
void set_non_auto_polled_cmd(final String[] s) {
for (final String value : s) {
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
Vector get_non_auto_polled_attr() {
return ext.non_auto_polled_attr;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
void set_non_auto_polled_attr(final String[] s) {
for (final String value : s) {
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
Vector get_polled_cmd() {
return ext.polled_cmd;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
public void set_polled_cmd(final String[] s) {
for (final String value : s) {
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
Vector get_polled_attr() {
return ext.polled_attr;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
public void set_polled_attr(final String[] s) {
for (final String value : s) {
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
TangoMonitor get_dev_monitor() {
return ext.only_one;
// ==========================================================
* This method check return the polled object for input type and name.
* @param obj_type
* the object type
* @param obj_name
* the object name
// ==========================================================
synchronized PollObj get_polled_obj_by_type_name(final int obj_type, final String obj_name)
throws DevFailed {
// Get vector and search for type and name.
final Vector po_list = get_poll_obj_list();
for (int i = 0; i < po_list.size(); i++) {
final PollObj polled_obj = (PollObj) po_list.elementAt(i);
if (polled_obj.get_type_i() == obj_type) {
if (polled_obj.get_name_i().equals(obj_name)) {
return polled_obj;
// If not found throws exception
Except.throw_exception("API_PollObjNotFound", obj_name
+ " not found in list of polled object", "DeviceImpl.get_polled_obj_by_type_name");
return null;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// method : DeviceImpl.get_command
// description : This method returns a pointer to command object.
// The method throws an exception if the
// command is not defined
// in : cmd_name : The command name
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command get_command(final String cmd_name) throws DevFailed {
Command ret_cmd = null;
final Vector cmd_list = device_class.get_command_list();
for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list.size(); i++) {
final Command cmd = (Command) cmd_list.elementAt(i);
if (cmd.get_name().toLowerCase().equals(cmd_name.toLowerCase())) {
ret_cmd = cmd;
if (ret_cmd == null) {
Except.throw_exception("API_CommandNotFound", "Command " + cmd_name + " not found",
return ret_cmd;
// ==========================================================
// ==========================================================
class DeviceImplExt {
boolean exported = false;
boolean polled = false;
int poll_ring_depth = 0;
int poll_old_factor;
Vector polled_cmd;
Vector polled_attr;
Vector non_auto_polled_cmd;
Vector non_auto_polled_attr;
Vector poll_obj_list;
TangoMonitor only_one; // Polling monitor
DeviceImplExt() {
polled_cmd = new Vector();
polled_attr = new Vector();
non_auto_polled_cmd = new Vector();
non_auto_polled_attr = new Vector();
poll_obj_list = new Vector();
only_one = new TangoMonitor();
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