org.teavm.debugging.Debugger Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Alexey Andreev.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.teavm.debugging;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntHashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.teavm.backend.wasm.debug.parser.DebugInfoParser;
import org.teavm.common.ByteArrayAsyncInputStream;
import org.teavm.common.Promise;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebugInformation;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebugInformationProvider;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebuggerCallSiteVisitor;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebuggerStaticCallSite;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebuggerVirtualCallSite;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.GeneratedLocation;
import org.teavm.debugging.information.SourceLocation;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptBreakpoint;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptCallFrame;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptDebugger;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptDebuggerListener;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptLocation;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptScript;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptValue;
import org.teavm.debugging.javascript.JavaScriptVariable;
import org.teavm.model.MethodReference;
import org.teavm.model.ValueType;
public class Debugger {
private Set listeners = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private JavaScriptDebugger javaScriptDebugger;
private DebugInformationProvider debugInformationProvider;
private List temporaryBreakpoints = new ArrayList<>();
private Predicate temporaryBreakpointHandler;
private Map debugInformationMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map> debugInformationFileMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map wasmDebugInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map wasmScriptMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map> wasmInfoFileMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map scriptMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map breakpointMap = new HashMap<>();
private Set breakpoints = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Set extends Breakpoint> readonlyBreakpoints = Collections.unmodifiableSet(breakpoints);
private CallFrame[] callStack;
private Set scriptNames = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Set allSourceFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private StepLocationsFinder wasmStepLocationsFinder;
public Debugger(JavaScriptDebugger javaScriptDebugger, DebugInformationProvider debugInformationProvider) {
this.javaScriptDebugger = javaScriptDebugger;
this.debugInformationProvider = debugInformationProvider;
public JavaScriptDebugger getJavaScriptDebugger() {
return javaScriptDebugger;
public void addListener(DebuggerListener listener) {
public void removeListener(DebuggerListener listener) {
public Promise suspend() {
return javaScriptDebugger.suspend();
public Promise resume() {
return javaScriptDebugger.resume();
public Promise stepInto() {
return step(true);
public Promise stepOut() {
return javaScriptDebugger.stepOut();
public Promise stepOver() {
return step(false);
private Promise jsStep(boolean enterMethod) {
return enterMethod ? javaScriptDebugger.stepInto() : javaScriptDebugger.stepOver();
private Promise step(boolean enterMethod) {
var callStack = getCallStack();
if (callStack == null || callStack.length == 0) {
return jsStep(enterMethod);
var frame = callStack[0];
if (frame.getLocation() == null || frame.getLocation().getFileName() == null
|| frame.getLocation().getLine() < 0) {
return jsStep(enterMethod);
var successors = new HashSet();
var script = frame.getOriginalLocation().getScript();
var hasSuccessors = false;
if (frame.getLocation() != null && frame.getLocation().getFileName() != null
&& frame.getLocation().getLine() >= 0) {
switch (script.getLanguage()) {
case JS:
hasSuccessors = addJsBreakpoints(frame, script, enterMethod, successors);
case WASM: {
var promise = stepWasm(frame, enterMethod);
if (promise != null) {
return promise;
if (hasSuccessors) {
return jsStep(enterMethod);
} else {
return createTemporaryBreakpoints(successors, null).thenAsync(v -> javaScriptDebugger.stepOut());
private Promise createTemporaryBreakpoints(Collection locations,
Predicate handler) {
var jsBreakpointPromises = new ArrayList>();
for (var location : locations) {
temporaryBreakpointHandler = handler;
return Promise.allVoid(jsBreakpointPromises);
private Promise destroyTemporaryBreakpoints() {
var temporaryBreakpoints = new ArrayList<>(this.temporaryBreakpoints);
var promises = new ArrayList>();
for (var jsBreakpoint : temporaryBreakpoints) {
callStack = null;
return Promise.allVoid(promises);
private boolean addJsBreakpoints(CallFrame frame, JavaScriptScript script, boolean enterMethod,
Set successors) {
var debugInfo = debugInformationMap.get(script);
if (debugInfo == null) {
return false;
addFollowing(debugInfo, frame.getLocation(), script, new HashSet<>(), successors);
if (enterMethod) {
var successorFinder = new CallSiteSuccessorFinder(debugInfo, script, successors);
var callSites = debugInfo.getCallSites(frame.getLocation());
for (var callSite : callSites) {
return true;
private Promise stepWasm(CallFrame frame, boolean enterMethod) {
var debugInfo = wasmDebugInfoMap.get(frame.getOriginalLocation().getScript());
if (debugInfo == null || debugInfo.controlFlow() == null || debugInfo.lines() == null) {
return null;
if (wasmStepLocationsFinder == null || wasmStepLocationsFinder.debugInfo != debugInfo) {
wasmStepLocationsFinder = new StepLocationsFinder(debugInfo);
wasmStepLocationsFinder.step(frame.getLocation().getFileName(), frame.getLocation().getLine(),
frame.getOriginalLocation().getColumn(), enterMethod);
var locations = new ArrayList();
for (var breakpointAddress : wasmStepLocationsFinder.getBreakpointAddresses()) {
locations.add(new JavaScriptLocation(frame.getOriginalLocation().getScript(), 0, breakpointAddress));
var callAddresses = IntHashSet.from(wasmStepLocationsFinder.getCallAddresses());
var result = createTemporaryBreakpoints(locations, br -> {
if (br != null && br.isValid() && callAddresses.contains(br.getLocation().getColumn())) {
destroyTemporaryBreakpoints().thenVoid(x -> javaScriptDebugger.stepInto());
return true;
return false;
return result.thenVoid(x -> javaScriptDebugger.stepOut());
static class CallSiteSuccessorFinder implements DebuggerCallSiteVisitor {
private DebugInformation debugInfo;
private JavaScriptScript script;
Set locations;
CallSiteSuccessorFinder(DebugInformation debugInfo, JavaScriptScript script,
Set locations) {
this.debugInfo = debugInfo;
this.script = script;
this.locations = locations;
public void visit(DebuggerVirtualCallSite callSite) {
for (MethodReference potentialMethod : debugInfo.getOverridingMethods(callSite.getMethod())) {
for (GeneratedLocation loc : debugInfo.getMethodEntrances(potentialMethod)) {
loc = debugInfo.getStatementLocation(loc);
locations.add(new JavaScriptLocation(script, loc.getLine(), loc.getColumn()));
public void visit(DebuggerStaticCallSite callSite) {
for (GeneratedLocation loc : debugInfo.getMethodEntrances(callSite.getMethod())) {
loc = debugInfo.getStatementLocation(loc);
locations.add(new JavaScriptLocation(script, loc.getLine(), loc.getColumn()));
private boolean addFollowing(DebugInformation debugInfo, SourceLocation location, JavaScriptScript script,
Set visited, Set successors) {
if (!visited.add(location)) {
return false;
SourceLocation[] following = debugInfo.getFollowingLines(location);
boolean exits = false;
if (following != null) {
for (SourceLocation successor : following) {
if (successor == null) {
exits = true;
} else {
Collection genLocations = debugInfo.getGeneratedLocations(successor);
if (!genLocations.isEmpty()) {
for (GeneratedLocation loc : genLocations) {
loc = debugInfo.getStatementLocation(loc);
successors.add(new JavaScriptLocation(script, loc.getLine(), loc.getColumn()));
} else {
exits |= addFollowing(debugInfo, successor, script, visited, successors);
return exits;
private List debugInformationBySource(String sourceFile) {
var list = debugInformationFileMap.get(sourceFile);
return list != null ? new ArrayList<>(list) : Collections.emptyList();
private List wasmLineInfoBySource(String sourceFile) {
var list = wasmInfoFileMap.get(sourceFile);
return list != null ? new ArrayList<>(list) : Collections.emptyList();
public Promise continueToLocation(SourceLocation location) {
return continueToLocation(location.getFileName(), location.getLine());
public Promise continueToLocation(String fileName, int line) {
if (!javaScriptDebugger.isSuspended()) {
return Promise.VOID;
List> promises = new ArrayList<>();
for (DebugInformation debugInformation : debugInformationBySource(fileName)) {
Collection locations = debugInformation.getGeneratedLocations(fileName, line);
for (GeneratedLocation location : locations) {
var jsLocation = new JavaScriptLocation(scriptMap.get(debugInformation),
location.getLine(), location.getColumn());
return Promise.allVoid(promises).thenAsync(v -> javaScriptDebugger.resume());
public boolean isSuspended() {
return javaScriptDebugger.isSuspended();
public Promise createBreakpoint(String file, int line) {
return createBreakpoint(new SourceLocation(file, line));
public Collection extends String> getSourceFiles() {
return allSourceFiles;
public Promise createBreakpoint(SourceLocation location) {
var breakpoint = new Breakpoint(this, location);
return updateInternalBreakpoints(breakpoint).then(v -> {
updateBreakpointStatus(breakpoint, false);
return breakpoint;
public Set extends Breakpoint> getBreakpoints() {
return readonlyBreakpoints;
private Promise updateInternalBreakpoints(Breakpoint breakpoint) {
if (breakpoint.isDestroyed()) {
return Promise.VOID;
var promises = new ArrayList>();
for (var jsBreakpoint : breakpoint.jsBreakpoints) {
var jsBreakpoints = new ArrayList();
var location = breakpoint.getLocation();
for (var debugInformation : debugInformationBySource(location.getFileName())) {
var locations = debugInformation.getGeneratedLocations(location);
for (var genLocation : locations) {
var jsLocation = new JavaScriptLocation(scriptMap.get(debugInformation),
genLocation.getLine(), genLocation.getColumn());
promises.add(javaScriptDebugger.createBreakpoint(jsLocation).thenVoid(jsBreakpoint -> {
breakpointMap.put(jsBreakpoint, breakpoint);
for (var wasmDebugInfo : wasmLineInfoBySource(location.getFileName())) {
if (wasmDebugInfo.lines() == null) {
for (var sequence : wasmDebugInfo.lines().sequences()) {
for (var loc : sequence.unpack().locations()) {
if (loc.location() == null) {
if (loc.location().line() == location.getLine()
&& loc.location().file().fullName().equals(location.getFileName())) {
var jsLocation = new JavaScriptLocation(wasmScriptMap.get(wasmDebugInfo),
0, loc.address() + wasmDebugInfo.offset());
promises.add(javaScriptDebugger.createBreakpoint(jsLocation).thenVoid(jsBreakpoint -> {
breakpointMap.put(jsBreakpoint, breakpoint);
breakpoint.jsBreakpoints = jsBreakpoints;
return Promise.allVoid(promises);
private DebuggerListener[] getListeners() {
return listeners.toArray(new DebuggerListener[0]);
private void updateBreakpointStatus(Breakpoint breakpoint, boolean fireEvent) {
boolean valid = false;
for (JavaScriptBreakpoint jsBreakpoint : breakpoint.jsBreakpoints) {
if (jsBreakpoint.isValid()) {
valid = true;
if (breakpoint.valid != valid) {
breakpoint.valid = valid;
if (fireEvent) {
for (DebuggerListener listener : getListeners()) {
public CallFrame[] getCallStack() {
if (!isSuspended()) {
return null;
if (callStack == null) {
// TODO: with inlining enabled we can have several JVM methods compiled into one JavaScript function
// so we must consider this case.
var frames = new ArrayList();
boolean wasEmpty = false;
for (var jsFrame : javaScriptDebugger.getCallStack()) {
List locations;
DebugInformation debugInformation = null;
DebugInfo wasmDebugInfo = null;
switch (jsFrame.getLocation().getScript().getLanguage()) {
case JS:
debugInformation = debugInformationMap.get(jsFrame.getLocation().getScript());
locations = mapJsFrames(jsFrame, debugInformation);
case WASM:
locations = mapWasmFrames(jsFrame);
if (!locations.isEmpty()) {
wasmDebugInfo = wasmDebugInfoMap.get(jsFrame.getLocation().getScript());
locations = Collections.emptyList();
for (var locWithMethod : locations) {
var loc = locWithMethod.loc;
var method = locWithMethod.method;
if (!locWithMethod.empty || !wasEmpty) {
frames.add(new CallFrame(this, jsFrame, loc, method, debugInformation, wasmDebugInfo));
wasEmpty = locWithMethod.empty;
callStack = frames.toArray(new CallFrame[0]);
return callStack.clone();
private static class SourceLocationWithMethod {
private final boolean empty;
private final SourceLocation loc;
private final MethodReference method;
SourceLocationWithMethod(boolean empty, SourceLocation loc, MethodReference method) {
this.empty = empty;
this.loc = loc;
this.method = method;
private List mapJsFrames(JavaScriptCallFrame frame,
DebugInformation debugInformation) {
SourceLocation loc;
if (debugInformation != null) {
loc = debugInformation.getSourceLocation(frame.getLocation().getLine(),
} else {
loc = null;
boolean empty = loc == null || (loc.getFileName() == null && loc.getLine() < 0);
var method = !empty && debugInformation != null
? debugInformation.getMethodAt(frame.getLocation().getLine(), frame.getLocation().getColumn())
: null;
return Collections.singletonList(new SourceLocationWithMethod(empty, loc, method));
private List mapWasmFrames(JavaScriptCallFrame frame) {
var debugInfo = wasmDebugInfoMap.get(frame.getLocation().getScript());
if (debugInfo == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
var lineInfo = debugInfo.lines();
if (lineInfo == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
var address = frame.getLocation().getColumn() - debugInfo.offset();
var sequence = lineInfo.find(address);
if (sequence == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
var instructionLocation = sequence.unpack().find(address);
if (instructionLocation == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
var location = instructionLocation.location();
var result = new ArrayList();
while (true) {
var loc = new SourceLocation(location.file().fullName(), location.line());
var inlining = location.inlining();
var method = inlining != null ? inlining.method() : sequence.method();
result.add(new SourceLocationWithMethod(false, loc, getMethodReference(method)));
if (inlining == null) {
location = inlining.location();
return result;
private MethodReference getMethodReference(MethodInfo methodInfo) {
return new MethodReference(methodInfo.cls().fullName(),, ValueType.VOID);
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