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org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
// source: tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.proto

package org.tensorflow.framework;

 * Defines an operation. A NodeDef in a GraphDef specifies an Op by
 * using the "op" field which should match the name of a OpDef.
 * LINT.IfChange
* * Protobuf type {@code tensorflow.OpDef} */ public final class OpDef extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:tensorflow.OpDef) OpDefOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use OpDef.newBuilder() to construct. private OpDef( builder) { super(builder); } private OpDef() { name_ = ""; inputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); outputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); attr_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); summary_ = ""; description_ = ""; isCommutative_ = false; isAggregate_ = false; isStateful_ = false; allowsUninitializedInput_ = false; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private OpDef( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; default: { if (!parseUnknownFieldProto3( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } case 10: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); name_ = s; break; } case 18: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { inputArg_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } inputArg_.add( input.readMessage(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 26: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { outputArg_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } outputArg_.add( input.readMessage(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 34: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { attr_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } attr_.add( input.readMessage(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 42: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); summary_ = s; break; } case 50: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); description_ = s; break; } case 66: { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.Builder subBuilder = null; if (deprecation_ != null) { subBuilder = deprecation_.toBuilder(); } deprecation_ = input.readMessage(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(deprecation_); deprecation_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 128: { isAggregate_ = input.readBool(); break; } case 136: { isStateful_ = input.readBool(); break; } case 144: { isCommutative_ = input.readBool(); break; } case 152: { allowsUninitializedInput_ = input.readBool(); break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { inputArg_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(inputArg_); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { outputArg_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(outputArg_); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { attr_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(attr_); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_descriptor; } protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.class, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.Builder.class); } public interface ArgDefOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef) { /** *
     * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ java.lang.String getName(); /** *
     * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ getNameBytes(); /** *
     * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ java.lang.String getDescription(); /** *
     * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ getDescriptionBytes(); /** *
     * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
     * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
     * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
     *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
     * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
     *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
     *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
     *   single tensors.
     * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
     *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ int getTypeValue(); /** *
     * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
     * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
     * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
     *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
     * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
     *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
     *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
     *   single tensors.
     * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
     *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ org.tensorflow.framework.DataType getType(); /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ java.lang.String getTypeAttr(); /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ getTypeAttrBytes(); /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ java.lang.String getNumberAttr(); /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ getNumberAttrBytes(); /** *
     * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
     * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ java.lang.String getTypeListAttr(); /** *
     * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
     * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ getTypeListAttrBytes(); /** *
     * For inputs: if true, the inputs are required to be refs.
     *   By default, inputs can be either refs or non-refs.
     * For outputs: if true, outputs are refs, otherwise they are not.
* * bool is_ref = 16; */ boolean getIsRef(); } /** *
   * For describing inputs and outputs.
* * Protobuf type {@code tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef} */ public static final class ArgDef extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef) ArgDefOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use ArgDef.newBuilder() to construct. private ArgDef( builder) { super(builder); } private ArgDef() { name_ = ""; description_ = ""; type_ = 0; typeAttr_ = ""; numberAttr_ = ""; typeListAttr_ = ""; isRef_ = false; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private ArgDef( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; default: { if (!parseUnknownFieldProto3( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } case 10: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); name_ = s; break; } case 18: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); description_ = s; break; } case 24: { int rawValue = input.readEnum(); type_ = rawValue; break; } case 34: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); typeAttr_ = s; break; } case 42: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); numberAttr_ = s; break; } case 50: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); typeListAttr_ = s; break; } case 128: { isRef_ = input.readBool(); break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_ArgDef_descriptor; } protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_ArgDef_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.class, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder.class); } public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object name_; /** *
     * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private volatile java.lang.Object description_; /** *
     * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private int type_; /** *
     * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
     * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
     * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
     *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
     * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
     *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
     *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
     *   single tensors.
     * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
     *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public int getTypeValue() { return type_; } /** *
     * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
     * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
     * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
     *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
     * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
     *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
     *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
     *   single tensors.
     * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
     *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.DataType getType() { org.tensorflow.framework.DataType result = org.tensorflow.framework.DataType.valueOf(type_); return result == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.DataType.UNRECOGNIZED : result; } public static final int TYPE_ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private volatile java.lang.Object typeAttr_; /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public java.lang.String getTypeAttr() { java.lang.Object ref = typeAttr_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); typeAttr_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public getTypeAttrBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = typeAttr_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); typeAttr_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int NUMBER_ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private volatile java.lang.Object numberAttr_; /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public java.lang.String getNumberAttr() { java.lang.Object ref = numberAttr_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); numberAttr_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public getNumberAttrBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = numberAttr_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); numberAttr_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int TYPE_LIST_ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private volatile java.lang.Object typeListAttr_; /** *
     * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
     * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public java.lang.String getTypeListAttr() { java.lang.Object ref = typeListAttr_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); typeListAttr_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
     * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public getTypeListAttrBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = typeListAttr_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); typeListAttr_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int IS_REF_FIELD_NUMBER = 16; private boolean isRef_; /** *
     * For inputs: if true, the inputs are required to be refs.
     *   By default, inputs can be either refs or non-refs.
     * For outputs: if true, outputs are refs, otherwise they are not.
* * bool is_ref = 16; */ public boolean getIsRef() { return isRef_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } public void writeTo( output) throws { if (!getNameBytes().isEmpty()) {, 1, name_); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) {, 2, description_); } if (type_ != org.tensorflow.framework.DataType.DT_INVALID.getNumber()) { output.writeEnum(3, type_); } if (!getTypeAttrBytes().isEmpty()) {, 4, typeAttr_); } if (!getNumberAttrBytes().isEmpty()) {, 5, numberAttr_); } if (!getTypeListAttrBytes().isEmpty()) {, 6, typeListAttr_); } if (isRef_ != false) { output.writeBool(16, isRef_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (!getNameBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, name_); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, description_); } if (type_ != org.tensorflow.framework.DataType.DT_INVALID.getNumber()) { size += .computeEnumSize(3, type_); } if (!getTypeAttrBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, typeAttr_); } if (!getNumberAttrBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, numberAttr_); } if (!getTypeListAttrBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, typeListAttr_); } if (isRef_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(16, isRef_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef)) { return super.equals(obj); } org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef other = (org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getName() .equals(other.getName()); result = result && getDescription() .equals(other.getDescription()); result = result && type_ == other.type_; result = result && getTypeAttr() .equals(other.getTypeAttr()); result = result && getNumberAttr() .equals(other.getNumberAttr()); result = result && getTypeListAttr() .equals(other.getTypeListAttr()); result = result && (getIsRef() == other.getIsRef()); result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + NAME_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getName().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDescription().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + type_; hash = (37 * hash) + TYPE_ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getTypeAttr().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + NUMBER_ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNumberAttr().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + TYPE_LIST_ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getTypeListAttr().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + IS_REF_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIsRef()); hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * For describing inputs and outputs.
* * Protobuf type {@code tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef) org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_ArgDef_descriptor; } protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_ArgDef_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.class, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder.class); } // Construct using org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } public Builder clear() { super.clear(); name_ = ""; description_ = ""; type_ = 0; typeAttr_ = ""; numberAttr_ = ""; typeListAttr_ = ""; isRef_ = false; return this; } public getDescriptorForType() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_ArgDef_descriptor; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getDefaultInstanceForType() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.getDefaultInstance(); } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef build() { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef buildPartial() { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef result = new org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef(this); result.name_ = name_; result.description_ = description_; result.type_ = type_; result.typeAttr_ = typeAttr_; result.numberAttr_ = numberAttr_; result.typeListAttr_ = typeListAttr_; result.isRef_ = isRef_; onBuilt(); return result; } public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef) { return mergeFrom((org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef other) { if (other == org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.getName().isEmpty()) { name_ = other.name_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getDescription().isEmpty()) { description_ = other.description_; onChanged(); } if (other.type_ != 0) { setTypeValue(other.getTypeValue()); } if (!other.getTypeAttr().isEmpty()) { typeAttr_ = other.typeAttr_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getNumberAttr().isEmpty()) { numberAttr_ = other.numberAttr_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getTypeListAttr().isEmpty()) { typeListAttr_ = other.typeListAttr_; onChanged(); } if (other.getIsRef() != false) { setIsRef(other.getIsRef()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; /** *
       * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder setName( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder clearName() { name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Name for the input/output.  Should match the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder setNameBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object description_ = ""; /** *
       * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public Builder setDescription( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public Builder clearDescription() { description_ = getDefaultInstance().getDescription(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Human readable description.
* * string description = 2; */ public Builder setDescriptionBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private int type_ = 0; /** *
       * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
       * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
       * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
       *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
       * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
       *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
       *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
       *   single tensors.
       * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
       *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public int getTypeValue() { return type_; } /** *
       * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
       * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
       * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
       *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
       * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
       *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
       *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
       *   single tensors.
       * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
       *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public Builder setTypeValue(int value) { type_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
       * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
       * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
       *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
       * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
       *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
       *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
       *   single tensors.
       * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
       *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.DataType getType() { org.tensorflow.framework.DataType result = org.tensorflow.framework.DataType.valueOf(type_); return result == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.DataType.UNRECOGNIZED : result; } /** *
       * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
       * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
       * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
       *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
       * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
       *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
       *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
       *   single tensors.
       * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
       *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public Builder setType(org.tensorflow.framework.DataType value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } type_ = value.getNumber(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Describes the type of one or more tensors that are accepted/produced
       * by this input/output arg.  The only legal combinations are:
       * * For a single tensor: either the "type" field is set or the
       *   "type_attr" field is set to the name of an attr with type "type".
       * * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: the "number_attr"
       *   field will be set to the name of an attr with type "int", and
       *   either the "type" or "type_attr" field will be set as for
       *   single tensors.
       * * For a sequence of tensors, the "type_list_attr" field will be set
       *   to the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
* * .tensorflow.DataType type = 3; */ public Builder clearType() { type_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object typeAttr_ = ""; /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public java.lang.String getTypeAttr() { java.lang.Object ref = typeAttr_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); typeAttr_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public getTypeAttrBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = typeAttr_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); typeAttr_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public Builder setTypeAttr( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } typeAttr_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public Builder clearTypeAttr() { typeAttr_ = getDefaultInstance().getTypeAttr(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "type"
* * string type_attr = 4; */ public Builder setTypeAttrBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); typeAttr_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object numberAttr_ = ""; /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public java.lang.String getNumberAttr() { java.lang.Object ref = numberAttr_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); numberAttr_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public getNumberAttrBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = numberAttr_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); numberAttr_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public Builder setNumberAttr( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } numberAttr_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public Builder clearNumberAttr() { numberAttr_ = getDefaultInstance().getNumberAttr(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * if specified, attr must have type "int"
* * string number_attr = 5; */ public Builder setNumberAttrBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); numberAttr_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object typeListAttr_ = ""; /** *
       * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
       * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public java.lang.String getTypeListAttr() { java.lang.Object ref = typeListAttr_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); typeListAttr_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
       * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public getTypeListAttrBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = typeListAttr_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); typeListAttr_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
       * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public Builder setTypeListAttr( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } typeListAttr_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
       * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public Builder clearTypeListAttr() { typeListAttr_ = getDefaultInstance().getTypeListAttr(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * If specified, attr must have type "list(type)", and none of
       * type, type_attr, and number_attr may be specified.
* * string type_list_attr = 6; */ public Builder setTypeListAttrBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); typeListAttr_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean isRef_ ; /** *
       * For inputs: if true, the inputs are required to be refs.
       *   By default, inputs can be either refs or non-refs.
       * For outputs: if true, outputs are refs, otherwise they are not.
* * bool is_ref = 16; */ public boolean getIsRef() { return isRef_; } /** *
       * For inputs: if true, the inputs are required to be refs.
       *   By default, inputs can be either refs or non-refs.
       * For outputs: if true, outputs are refs, otherwise they are not.
* * bool is_ref = 16; */ public Builder setIsRef(boolean value) { isRef_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * For inputs: if true, the inputs are required to be refs.
       *   By default, inputs can be either refs or non-refs.
       * For outputs: if true, outputs are refs, otherwise they are not.
* * bool is_ref = 16; */ public Builder clearIsRef() { isRef_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFieldsProto3(unknownFields); } public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef) } // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef) private static final org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef(); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } private static final PARSER = new { public ArgDef parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new ArgDef(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface AttrDefOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef) { /** *
     * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
     * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
     * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ java.lang.String getName(); /** *
     * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
     * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
     * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ getNameBytes(); /** *
     * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
     * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ java.lang.String getType(); /** *
     * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
     * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ getTypeBytes(); /** *
     * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
     * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ boolean hasDefaultValue(); /** *
     * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
     * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue getDefaultValue(); /** *
     * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
     * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder getDefaultValueOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ java.lang.String getDescription(); /** *
     * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ getDescriptionBytes(); /** *
     * For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
     * types, this is the minimum length.
* * bool has_minimum = 5; */ boolean getHasMinimum(); /** * int64 minimum = 6; */ long getMinimum(); /** *
     * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
     * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
     * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
     * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
     * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
     * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ boolean hasAllowedValues(); /** *
     * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
     * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
     * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
     * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
     * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
     * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue getAllowedValues(); /** *
     * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
     * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
     * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
     * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
     * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
     * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder getAllowedValuesOrBuilder(); } /** *
   * Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
   * Op.  That is to say, this describes the attr fields that will
   * be specified in the NodeDef.
* * Protobuf type {@code tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef} */ public static final class AttrDef extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef) AttrDefOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use AttrDef.newBuilder() to construct. private AttrDef( builder) { super(builder); } private AttrDef() { name_ = ""; type_ = ""; description_ = ""; hasMinimum_ = false; minimum_ = 0L; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private AttrDef( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; default: { if (!parseUnknownFieldProto3( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } case 10: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); name_ = s; break; } case 18: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); type_ = s; break; } case 26: { org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder subBuilder = null; if (defaultValue_ != null) { subBuilder = defaultValue_.toBuilder(); } defaultValue_ = input.readMessage(org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(defaultValue_); defaultValue_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 34: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); description_ = s; break; } case 40: { hasMinimum_ = input.readBool(); break; } case 48: { minimum_ = input.readInt64(); break; } case 58: { org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder subBuilder = null; if (allowedValues_ != null) { subBuilder = allowedValues_.toBuilder(); } allowedValues_ = input.readMessage(org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(allowedValues_); allowedValues_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_AttrDef_descriptor; } protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_AttrDef_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.class, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder.class); } public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object name_; /** *
     * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
     * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
     * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
     * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
     * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private volatile java.lang.Object type_; /** *
     * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
     * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public java.lang.String getType() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); type_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
     * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public getTypeBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); type_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int DEFAULT_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue defaultValue_; /** *
     * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
     * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public boolean hasDefaultValue() { return defaultValue_ != null; } /** *
     * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
     * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.getDefaultInstance() : defaultValue_; } /** *
     * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
     * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder getDefaultValueOrBuilder() { return getDefaultValue(); } public static final int DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private volatile java.lang.Object description_; /** *
     * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } } /** *
     * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int HAS_MINIMUM_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private boolean hasMinimum_; /** *
     * For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
     * types, this is the minimum length.
* * bool has_minimum = 5; */ public boolean getHasMinimum() { return hasMinimum_; } public static final int MINIMUM_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private long minimum_; /** * int64 minimum = 6; */ public long getMinimum() { return minimum_; } public static final int ALLOWED_VALUES_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue allowedValues_; /** *
     * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
     * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
     * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
     * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
     * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
     * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public boolean hasAllowedValues() { return allowedValues_ != null; } /** *
     * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
     * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
     * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
     * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
     * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
     * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue getAllowedValues() { return allowedValues_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.getDefaultInstance() : allowedValues_; } /** *
     * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
     * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
     * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
     * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
     * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
     * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder getAllowedValuesOrBuilder() { return getAllowedValues(); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } public void writeTo( output) throws { if (!getNameBytes().isEmpty()) {, 1, name_); } if (!getTypeBytes().isEmpty()) {, 2, type_); } if (defaultValue_ != null) { output.writeMessage(3, getDefaultValue()); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) {, 4, description_); } if (hasMinimum_ != false) { output.writeBool(5, hasMinimum_); } if (minimum_ != 0L) { output.writeInt64(6, minimum_); } if (allowedValues_ != null) { output.writeMessage(7, getAllowedValues()); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (!getNameBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, name_); } if (!getTypeBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, type_); } if (defaultValue_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(3, getDefaultValue()); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, description_); } if (hasMinimum_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(5, hasMinimum_); } if (minimum_ != 0L) { size += .computeInt64Size(6, minimum_); } if (allowedValues_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(7, getAllowedValues()); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef)) { return super.equals(obj); } org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef other = (org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getName() .equals(other.getName()); result = result && getType() .equals(other.getType()); result = result && (hasDefaultValue() == other.hasDefaultValue()); if (hasDefaultValue()) { result = result && getDefaultValue() .equals(other.getDefaultValue()); } result = result && getDescription() .equals(other.getDescription()); result = result && (getHasMinimum() == other.getHasMinimum()); result = result && (getMinimum() == other.getMinimum()); result = result && (hasAllowedValues() == other.hasAllowedValues()); if (hasAllowedValues()) { result = result && getAllowedValues() .equals(other.getAllowedValues()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + NAME_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getName().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getType().hashCode(); if (hasDefaultValue()) { hash = (37 * hash) + DEFAULT_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDefaultValue().hashCode(); } hash = (37 * hash) + DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDescription().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + HAS_MINIMUM_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getHasMinimum()); hash = (37 * hash) + MINIMUM_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getMinimum()); if (hasAllowedValues()) { hash = (37 * hash) + ALLOWED_VALUES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getAllowedValues().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
     * Op.  That is to say, this describes the attr fields that will
     * be specified in the NodeDef.
* * Protobuf type {@code tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef) org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_AttrDef_descriptor; } protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_AttrDef_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.class, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder.class); } // Construct using org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } public Builder clear() { super.clear(); name_ = ""; type_ = ""; if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { defaultValue_ = null; } else { defaultValue_ = null; defaultValueBuilder_ = null; } description_ = ""; hasMinimum_ = false; minimum_ = 0L; if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { allowedValues_ = null; } else { allowedValues_ = null; allowedValuesBuilder_ = null; } return this; } public getDescriptorForType() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_AttrDef_descriptor; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef getDefaultInstanceForType() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.getDefaultInstance(); } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef build() { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef buildPartial() { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef result = new org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef(this); result.name_ = name_; result.type_ = type_; if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { result.defaultValue_ = defaultValue_; } else { result.defaultValue_ =; } result.description_ = description_; result.hasMinimum_ = hasMinimum_; result.minimum_ = minimum_; if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { result.allowedValues_ = allowedValues_; } else { result.allowedValues_ =; } onBuilt(); return result; } public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef) { return mergeFrom((org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef other) { if (other == org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.getName().isEmpty()) { name_ = other.name_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getType().isEmpty()) { type_ = other.type_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasDefaultValue()) { mergeDefaultValue(other.getDefaultValue()); } if (!other.getDescription().isEmpty()) { description_ = other.description_; onChanged(); } if (other.getHasMinimum() != false) { setHasMinimum(other.getHasMinimum()); } if (other.getMinimum() != 0L) { setMinimum(other.getMinimum()); } if (other.hasAllowedValues()) { mergeAllowedValues(other.getAllowedValues()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; /** *
       * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
       * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
       * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
       * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
       * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
       * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
       * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder setName( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
       * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
       * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder clearName() { name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
       * Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
       * the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder setNameBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object type_ = ""; /** *
       * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
       * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public java.lang.String getType() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); type_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
       * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public getTypeBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); type_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
       * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public Builder setType( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } type_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
       * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public Builder clearType() { type_ = getDefaultInstance().getType(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
       * "int", etc.).
* * string type = 2; */ public Builder setTypeBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); type_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue defaultValue_ = null; private< org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder> defaultValueBuilder_; /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public boolean hasDefaultValue() { return defaultValueBuilder_ != null || defaultValue_ != null; } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue getDefaultValue() { if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { return defaultValue_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.getDefaultInstance() : defaultValue_; } else { return defaultValueBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public Builder setDefaultValue(org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue value) { if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } defaultValue_ = value; onChanged(); } else { defaultValueBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public Builder setDefaultValue( org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder builderForValue) { if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { defaultValue_ =; onChanged(); } else { defaultValueBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public Builder mergeDefaultValue(org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue value) { if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { if (defaultValue_ != null) { defaultValue_ = org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.newBuilder(defaultValue_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { defaultValue_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { defaultValueBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public Builder clearDefaultValue() { if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { defaultValue_ = null; onChanged(); } else { defaultValue_ = null; defaultValueBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder getDefaultValueBuilder() { onChanged(); return getDefaultValueFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder getDefaultValueOrBuilder() { if (defaultValueBuilder_ != null) { return defaultValueBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return defaultValue_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.getDefaultInstance() : defaultValue_; } } /** *
       * A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
       * a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue default_value = 3; */ private< org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder> getDefaultValueFieldBuilder() { if (defaultValueBuilder_ == null) { defaultValueBuilder_ = new< org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder>( getDefaultValue(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); defaultValue_ = null; } return defaultValueBuilder_; } private java.lang.Object description_ = ""; /** *
       * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public Builder setDescription( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public Builder clearDescription() { description_ = getDefaultInstance().getDescription(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Human-readable description.
* * string description = 4; */ public Builder setDescriptionBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean hasMinimum_ ; /** *
       * For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
       * types, this is the minimum length.
* * bool has_minimum = 5; */ public boolean getHasMinimum() { return hasMinimum_; } /** *
       * For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
       * types, this is the minimum length.
* * bool has_minimum = 5; */ public Builder setHasMinimum(boolean value) { hasMinimum_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
       * types, this is the minimum length.
* * bool has_minimum = 5; */ public Builder clearHasMinimum() { hasMinimum_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private long minimum_ ; /** * int64 minimum = 6; */ public long getMinimum() { return minimum_; } /** * int64 minimum = 6; */ public Builder setMinimum(long value) { minimum_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** * int64 minimum = 6; */ public Builder clearMinimum() { minimum_ = 0L; onChanged(); return this; } private org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue allowedValues_ = null; private< org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder> allowedValuesBuilder_; /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public boolean hasAllowedValues() { return allowedValuesBuilder_ != null || allowedValues_ != null; } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue getAllowedValues() { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { return allowedValues_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.getDefaultInstance() : allowedValues_; } else { return allowedValuesBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public Builder setAllowedValues(org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue value) { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } allowedValues_ = value; onChanged(); } else { allowedValuesBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public Builder setAllowedValues( org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder builderForValue) { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { allowedValues_ =; onChanged(); } else { allowedValuesBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public Builder mergeAllowedValues(org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue value) { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { if (allowedValues_ != null) { allowedValues_ = org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.newBuilder(allowedValues_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { allowedValues_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { allowedValuesBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public Builder clearAllowedValues() { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { allowedValues_ = null; onChanged(); } else { allowedValues_ = null; allowedValuesBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder getAllowedValuesBuilder() { onChanged(); return getAllowedValuesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder getAllowedValuesOrBuilder() { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ != null) { return allowedValuesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return allowedValues_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.getDefaultInstance() : allowedValues_; } } /** *
       * The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
       * of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
       * If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
       * of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
       * If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
       * "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
* * .tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 7; */ private< org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder> getAllowedValuesFieldBuilder() { if (allowedValuesBuilder_ == null) { allowedValuesBuilder_ = new< org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValueOrBuilder>( getAllowedValues(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); allowedValues_ = null; } return allowedValuesBuilder_; } public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFieldsProto3(unknownFields); } public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef) } // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef) private static final org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef(); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } private static final PARSER = new { public AttrDef parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new AttrDef(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } private int bitField0_; public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object name_; /** *
   * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
   * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } } /** *
   * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
   * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int INPUT_ARG_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private java.util.List inputArg_; /** *
   * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public java.util.List getInputArgList() { return inputArg_; } /** *
   * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public java.util.List getInputArgOrBuilderList() { return inputArg_; } /** *
   * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public int getInputArgCount() { return inputArg_.size(); } /** *
   * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getInputArg(int index) { return inputArg_.get(index); } /** *
   * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder getInputArgOrBuilder( int index) { return inputArg_.get(index); } public static final int OUTPUT_ARG_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private java.util.List outputArg_; /** *
   * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public java.util.List getOutputArgList() { return outputArg_; } /** *
   * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public java.util.List getOutputArgOrBuilderList() { return outputArg_; } /** *
   * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public int getOutputArgCount() { return outputArg_.size(); } /** *
   * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getOutputArg(int index) { return outputArg_.get(index); } /** *
   * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder getOutputArgOrBuilder( int index) { return outputArg_.get(index); } public static final int ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private java.util.List attr_; /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public java.util.List getAttrList() { return attr_; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public java.util.List getAttrOrBuilderList() { return attr_; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public int getAttrCount() { return attr_.size(); } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef getAttr(int index) { return attr_.get(index); } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder getAttrOrBuilder( int index) { return attr_.get(index); } public static final int DEPRECATION_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation deprecation_; /** *
   * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public boolean hasDeprecation() { return deprecation_ != null; } /** *
   * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation getDeprecation() { return deprecation_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.getDefaultInstance() : deprecation_; } /** *
   * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecationOrBuilder getDeprecationOrBuilder() { return getDeprecation(); } public static final int SUMMARY_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private volatile java.lang.Object summary_; /** *
   * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public java.lang.String getSummary() { java.lang.Object ref = summary_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); summary_ = s; return s; } } /** *
   * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public getSummaryBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = summary_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); summary_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private volatile java.lang.Object description_; /** *
   * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } } /** *
   * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int IS_COMMUTATIVE_FIELD_NUMBER = 18; private boolean isCommutative_; /** *
   * True if the operation is commutative ("op(a,b) == op(b,a)" for all inputs)
* * bool is_commutative = 18; */ public boolean getIsCommutative() { return isCommutative_; } public static final int IS_AGGREGATE_FIELD_NUMBER = 16; private boolean isAggregate_; /** *
   * If is_aggregate is true, then this operation accepts N >= 2
   * inputs and produces 1 output all of the same type.  Should be
   * associative and commutative, and produce output with the same
   * shape as the input.  The optimizer may replace an aggregate op
   * taking input from multiple devices with a tree of aggregate ops
   * that aggregate locally within each device (and possibly within
   * groups of nearby devices) before communicating.
   * TODO(josh11b): Implement that optimization.
* * bool is_aggregate = 16; */ public boolean getIsAggregate() { return isAggregate_; } public static final int IS_STATEFUL_FIELD_NUMBER = 17; private boolean isStateful_; /** *
   * Ops are marked as stateful if their behavior depends on some state beyond
   * their input tensors (e.g. variable reading op) or if they have
   * a side-effect (e.g. printing or asserting ops). Equivalently, stateless ops
   * must always produce the same output for the same input and have
   * no side-effects.
   * By default Ops may be moved between devices.  Stateful ops should
   * either not be moved, or should only be moved if that state can also
   * be moved (e.g. via some sort of save / restore).
   * Stateful ops are guaranteed to never be optimized away by Common
   * Subexpression Elimination (CSE).
* * bool is_stateful = 17; */ public boolean getIsStateful() { return isStateful_; } public static final int ALLOWS_UNINITIALIZED_INPUT_FIELD_NUMBER = 19; private boolean allowsUninitializedInput_; /** *
   * By default, all inputs to an Op must be initialized Tensors.  Ops
   * that may initialize tensors for the first time should set this
   * field to true, to allow the Op to take an uninitialized Tensor as
   * input.
* * bool allows_uninitialized_input = 19; */ public boolean getAllowsUninitializedInput() { return allowsUninitializedInput_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } public void writeTo( output) throws { if (!getNameBytes().isEmpty()) {, 1, name_); } for (int i = 0; i < inputArg_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(2, inputArg_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < outputArg_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(3, outputArg_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < attr_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(4, attr_.get(i)); } if (!getSummaryBytes().isEmpty()) {, 5, summary_); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) {, 6, description_); } if (deprecation_ != null) { output.writeMessage(8, getDeprecation()); } if (isAggregate_ != false) { output.writeBool(16, isAggregate_); } if (isStateful_ != false) { output.writeBool(17, isStateful_); } if (isCommutative_ != false) { output.writeBool(18, isCommutative_); } if (allowsUninitializedInput_ != false) { output.writeBool(19, allowsUninitializedInput_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (!getNameBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, name_); } for (int i = 0; i < inputArg_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, inputArg_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < outputArg_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(3, outputArg_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < attr_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(4, attr_.get(i)); } if (!getSummaryBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, summary_); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, description_); } if (deprecation_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(8, getDeprecation()); } if (isAggregate_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(16, isAggregate_); } if (isStateful_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(17, isStateful_); } if (isCommutative_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(18, isCommutative_); } if (allowsUninitializedInput_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(19, allowsUninitializedInput_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef)) { return super.equals(obj); } org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef other = (org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getName() .equals(other.getName()); result = result && getInputArgList() .equals(other.getInputArgList()); result = result && getOutputArgList() .equals(other.getOutputArgList()); result = result && getAttrList() .equals(other.getAttrList()); result = result && (hasDeprecation() == other.hasDeprecation()); if (hasDeprecation()) { result = result && getDeprecation() .equals(other.getDeprecation()); } result = result && getSummary() .equals(other.getSummary()); result = result && getDescription() .equals(other.getDescription()); result = result && (getIsCommutative() == other.getIsCommutative()); result = result && (getIsAggregate() == other.getIsAggregate()); result = result && (getIsStateful() == other.getIsStateful()); result = result && (getAllowsUninitializedInput() == other.getAllowsUninitializedInput()); result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + NAME_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getName().hashCode(); if (getInputArgCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + INPUT_ARG_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getInputArgList().hashCode(); } if (getOutputArgCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + OUTPUT_ARG_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getOutputArgList().hashCode(); } if (getAttrCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + ATTR_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getAttrList().hashCode(); } if (hasDeprecation()) { hash = (37 * hash) + DEPRECATION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDeprecation().hashCode(); } hash = (37 * hash) + SUMMARY_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSummary().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDescription().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + IS_COMMUTATIVE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIsCommutative()); hash = (37 * hash) + IS_AGGREGATE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIsAggregate()); hash = (37 * hash) + IS_STATEFUL_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIsStateful()); hash = (37 * hash) + ALLOWS_UNINITIALIZED_INPUT_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getAllowsUninitializedInput()); hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
   * Defines an operation. A NodeDef in a GraphDef specifies an Op by
   * using the "op" field which should match the name of a OpDef.
   * LINT.IfChange
* * Protobuf type {@code tensorflow.OpDef} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:tensorflow.OpDef) org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_descriptor; } protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.class, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.Builder.class); } // Construct using org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getInputArgFieldBuilder(); getOutputArgFieldBuilder(); getAttrFieldBuilder(); } } public Builder clear() { super.clear(); name_ = ""; if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { inputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { inputArgBuilder_.clear(); } if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { outputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } else { outputArgBuilder_.clear(); } if (attrBuilder_ == null) { attr_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } else { attrBuilder_.clear(); } if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { deprecation_ = null; } else { deprecation_ = null; deprecationBuilder_ = null; } summary_ = ""; description_ = ""; isCommutative_ = false; isAggregate_ = false; isStateful_ = false; allowsUninitializedInput_ = false; return this; } public getDescriptorForType() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDefProtos.internal_static_tensorflow_OpDef_descriptor; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef getDefaultInstanceForType() { return org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.getDefaultInstance(); } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef build() { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef buildPartial() { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef result = new org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; result.name_ = name_; if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { inputArg_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(inputArg_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } result.inputArg_ = inputArg_; } else { result.inputArg_ =; } if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { outputArg_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(outputArg_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } result.outputArg_ = outputArg_; } else { result.outputArg_ =; } if (attrBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { attr_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(attr_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } result.attr_ = attr_; } else { result.attr_ =; } if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { result.deprecation_ = deprecation_; } else { result.deprecation_ =; } result.summary_ = summary_; result.description_ = description_; result.isCommutative_ = isCommutative_; result.isAggregate_ = isAggregate_; result.isStateful_ = isStateful_; result.allowsUninitializedInput_ = allowsUninitializedInput_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef) { return mergeFrom((org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef other) { if (other == org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.getName().isEmpty()) { name_ = other.name_; onChanged(); } if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.inputArg_.isEmpty()) { if (inputArg_.isEmpty()) { inputArg_ = other.inputArg_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.addAll(other.inputArg_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.inputArg_.isEmpty()) { if (inputArgBuilder_.isEmpty()) { inputArgBuilder_.dispose(); inputArgBuilder_ = null; inputArg_ = other.inputArg_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); inputArgBuilder_ = ? getInputArgFieldBuilder() : null; } else { inputArgBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.inputArg_); } } } if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.outputArg_.isEmpty()) { if (outputArg_.isEmpty()) { outputArg_ = other.outputArg_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } else { ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.addAll(other.outputArg_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.outputArg_.isEmpty()) { if (outputArgBuilder_.isEmpty()) { outputArgBuilder_.dispose(); outputArgBuilder_ = null; outputArg_ = other.outputArg_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); outputArgBuilder_ = ? getOutputArgFieldBuilder() : null; } else { outputArgBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.outputArg_); } } } if (attrBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.attr_.isEmpty()) { if (attr_.isEmpty()) { attr_ = other.attr_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } else { ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.addAll(other.attr_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.attr_.isEmpty()) { if (attrBuilder_.isEmpty()) { attrBuilder_.dispose(); attrBuilder_ = null; attr_ = other.attr_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); attrBuilder_ = ? getAttrFieldBuilder() : null; } else { attrBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.attr_); } } } if (other.hasDeprecation()) { mergeDeprecation(other.getDeprecation()); } if (!other.getSummary().isEmpty()) { summary_ = other.summary_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getDescription().isEmpty()) { description_ = other.description_; onChanged(); } if (other.getIsCommutative() != false) { setIsCommutative(other.getIsCommutative()); } if (other.getIsAggregate() != false) { setIsAggregate(other.getIsAggregate()); } if (other.getIsStateful() != false) { setIsStateful(other.getIsStateful()); } if (other.getAllowsUninitializedInput() != false) { setAllowsUninitializedInput(other.getAllowsUninitializedInput()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; /** *
     * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
     * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
     * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
     * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
     * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
     * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder setName( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
     * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder clearName() { name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * Op names starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use.
     * Names should be CamelCase and match the regexp "[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".
* * string name = 1; */ public Builder setNameBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.util.List inputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureInputArgIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { inputArg_ = new java.util.ArrayList(inputArg_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } } private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder> inputArgBuilder_; /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public java.util.List getInputArgList() { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(inputArg_); } else { return inputArgBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public int getInputArgCount() { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { return inputArg_.size(); } else { return inputArgBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getInputArg(int index) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { return inputArg_.get(index); } else { return inputArgBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder setInputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef value) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder setInputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder addInputArg(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef value) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder addInputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef value) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder addInputArg( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.add(; onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder addInputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder addAllInputArg( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureInputArgIsMutable(); values, inputArg_); onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder clearInputArg() { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { inputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public Builder removeInputArg(int index) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureInputArgIsMutable(); inputArg_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { inputArgBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder getInputArgBuilder( int index) { return getInputArgFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder getInputArgOrBuilder( int index) { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { return inputArg_.get(index); } else { return inputArgBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public java.util.List getInputArgOrBuilderList() { if (inputArgBuilder_ != null) { return inputArgBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(inputArg_); } } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder addInputArgBuilder() { return getInputArgFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder addInputArgBuilder( int index) { return getInputArgFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Description of the input(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef input_arg = 2; */ public java.util.List getInputArgBuilderList() { return getInputArgFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder> getInputArgFieldBuilder() { if (inputArgBuilder_ == null) { inputArgBuilder_ = new< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder>( inputArg_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); inputArg_ = null; } return inputArgBuilder_; } private java.util.List outputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureOutputArgIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { outputArg_ = new java.util.ArrayList(outputArg_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } } private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder> outputArgBuilder_; /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public java.util.List getOutputArgList() { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(outputArg_); } else { return outputArgBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public int getOutputArgCount() { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { return outputArg_.size(); } else { return outputArgBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef getOutputArg(int index) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { return outputArg_.get(index); } else { return outputArgBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder setOutputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef value) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder setOutputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder addOutputArg(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef value) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder addOutputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef value) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder addOutputArg( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.add(; onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder addOutputArg( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder addAllOutputArg( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); values, outputArg_); onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder clearOutputArg() { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { outputArg_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public Builder removeOutputArg(int index) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { ensureOutputArgIsMutable(); outputArg_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { outputArgBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder getOutputArgBuilder( int index) { return getOutputArgFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder getOutputArgOrBuilder( int index) { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { return outputArg_.get(index); } else { return outputArgBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public java.util.List getOutputArgOrBuilderList() { if (outputArgBuilder_ != null) { return outputArgBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(outputArg_); } } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder addOutputArgBuilder() { return getOutputArgFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder addOutputArgBuilder( int index) { return getOutputArgFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Description of the output(s).
* * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.ArgDef output_arg = 3; */ public java.util.List getOutputArgBuilderList() { return getOutputArgFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder> getOutputArgFieldBuilder() { if (outputArgBuilder_ == null) { outputArgBuilder_ = new< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.ArgDefOrBuilder>( outputArg_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); outputArg_ = null; } return outputArgBuilder_; } private java.util.List attr_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureAttrIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { attr_ = new java.util.ArrayList(attr_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } } private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder> attrBuilder_; /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public java.util.List getAttrList() { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(attr_); } else { return attrBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public int getAttrCount() { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { return attr_.size(); } else { return attrBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef getAttr(int index) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { return attr_.get(index); } else { return attrBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder setAttr( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef value) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder setAttr( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder addAttr(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef value) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder addAttr( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef value) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder addAttr( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.add(; onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder addAttr( int index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder builderForValue) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder addAllAttr( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { ensureAttrIsMutable(); values, attr_); onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder clearAttr() { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { attr_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public Builder removeAttr(int index) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { ensureAttrIsMutable(); attr_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { attrBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder getAttrBuilder( int index) { return getAttrFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder getAttrOrBuilder( int index) { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { return attr_.get(index); } else { return attrBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public java.util.List getAttrOrBuilderList() { if (attrBuilder_ != null) { return attrBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(attr_); } } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder addAttrBuilder() { return getAttrFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.getDefaultInstance()); } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder addAttrBuilder( int index) { return getAttrFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.getDefaultInstance()); } /** * repeated .tensorflow.OpDef.AttrDef attr = 4; */ public java.util.List getAttrBuilderList() { return getAttrFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder> getAttrFieldBuilder() { if (attrBuilder_ == null) { attrBuilder_ = new< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDef.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder>( attr_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); attr_ = null; } return attrBuilder_; } private org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation deprecation_ = null; private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecationOrBuilder> deprecationBuilder_; /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public boolean hasDeprecation() { return deprecationBuilder_ != null || deprecation_ != null; } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation getDeprecation() { if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { return deprecation_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.getDefaultInstance() : deprecation_; } else { return deprecationBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public Builder setDeprecation(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation value) { if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } deprecation_ = value; onChanged(); } else { deprecationBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public Builder setDeprecation( org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.Builder builderForValue) { if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { deprecation_ =; onChanged(); } else { deprecationBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public Builder mergeDeprecation(org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation value) { if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { if (deprecation_ != null) { deprecation_ = org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.newBuilder(deprecation_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { deprecation_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { deprecationBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public Builder clearDeprecation() { if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { deprecation_ = null; onChanged(); } else { deprecation_ = null; deprecationBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.Builder getDeprecationBuilder() { onChanged(); return getDeprecationFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecationOrBuilder getDeprecationOrBuilder() { if (deprecationBuilder_ != null) { return deprecationBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return deprecation_ == null ? org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.getDefaultInstance() : deprecation_; } } /** *
     * Optional deprecation based on GraphDef versions.
* * .tensorflow.OpDeprecation deprecation = 8; */ private< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecationOrBuilder> getDeprecationFieldBuilder() { if (deprecationBuilder_ == null) { deprecationBuilder_ = new< org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecation.Builder, org.tensorflow.framework.OpDeprecationOrBuilder>( getDeprecation(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); deprecation_ = null; } return deprecationBuilder_; } private java.lang.Object summary_ = ""; /** *
     * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public java.lang.String getSummary() { java.lang.Object ref = summary_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); summary_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
     * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public getSummaryBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = summary_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); summary_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
     * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public Builder setSummary( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } summary_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public Builder clearSummary() { summary_ = getDefaultInstance().getSummary(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string summary = 5; */ public Builder setSummaryBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); summary_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object description_ = ""; /** *
     * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
     * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
     * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public Builder setDescription( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public Builder clearDescription() { description_ = getDefaultInstance().getDescription(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
* * string description = 6; */ public Builder setDescriptionBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean isCommutative_ ; /** *
     * True if the operation is commutative ("op(a,b) == op(b,a)" for all inputs)
* * bool is_commutative = 18; */ public boolean getIsCommutative() { return isCommutative_; } /** *
     * True if the operation is commutative ("op(a,b) == op(b,a)" for all inputs)
* * bool is_commutative = 18; */ public Builder setIsCommutative(boolean value) { isCommutative_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * True if the operation is commutative ("op(a,b) == op(b,a)" for all inputs)
* * bool is_commutative = 18; */ public Builder clearIsCommutative() { isCommutative_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean isAggregate_ ; /** *
     * If is_aggregate is true, then this operation accepts N >= 2
     * inputs and produces 1 output all of the same type.  Should be
     * associative and commutative, and produce output with the same
     * shape as the input.  The optimizer may replace an aggregate op
     * taking input from multiple devices with a tree of aggregate ops
     * that aggregate locally within each device (and possibly within
     * groups of nearby devices) before communicating.
     * TODO(josh11b): Implement that optimization.
* * bool is_aggregate = 16; */ public boolean getIsAggregate() { return isAggregate_; } /** *
     * If is_aggregate is true, then this operation accepts N >= 2
     * inputs and produces 1 output all of the same type.  Should be
     * associative and commutative, and produce output with the same
     * shape as the input.  The optimizer may replace an aggregate op
     * taking input from multiple devices with a tree of aggregate ops
     * that aggregate locally within each device (and possibly within
     * groups of nearby devices) before communicating.
     * TODO(josh11b): Implement that optimization.
* * bool is_aggregate = 16; */ public Builder setIsAggregate(boolean value) { isAggregate_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * If is_aggregate is true, then this operation accepts N >= 2
     * inputs and produces 1 output all of the same type.  Should be
     * associative and commutative, and produce output with the same
     * shape as the input.  The optimizer may replace an aggregate op
     * taking input from multiple devices with a tree of aggregate ops
     * that aggregate locally within each device (and possibly within
     * groups of nearby devices) before communicating.
     * TODO(josh11b): Implement that optimization.
* * bool is_aggregate = 16; */ public Builder clearIsAggregate() { isAggregate_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean isStateful_ ; /** *
     * Ops are marked as stateful if their behavior depends on some state beyond
     * their input tensors (e.g. variable reading op) or if they have
     * a side-effect (e.g. printing or asserting ops). Equivalently, stateless ops
     * must always produce the same output for the same input and have
     * no side-effects.
     * By default Ops may be moved between devices.  Stateful ops should
     * either not be moved, or should only be moved if that state can also
     * be moved (e.g. via some sort of save / restore).
     * Stateful ops are guaranteed to never be optimized away by Common
     * Subexpression Elimination (CSE).
* * bool is_stateful = 17; */ public boolean getIsStateful() { return isStateful_; } /** *
     * Ops are marked as stateful if their behavior depends on some state beyond
     * their input tensors (e.g. variable reading op) or if they have
     * a side-effect (e.g. printing or asserting ops). Equivalently, stateless ops
     * must always produce the same output for the same input and have
     * no side-effects.
     * By default Ops may be moved between devices.  Stateful ops should
     * either not be moved, or should only be moved if that state can also
     * be moved (e.g. via some sort of save / restore).
     * Stateful ops are guaranteed to never be optimized away by Common
     * Subexpression Elimination (CSE).
* * bool is_stateful = 17; */ public Builder setIsStateful(boolean value) { isStateful_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * Ops are marked as stateful if their behavior depends on some state beyond
     * their input tensors (e.g. variable reading op) or if they have
     * a side-effect (e.g. printing or asserting ops). Equivalently, stateless ops
     * must always produce the same output for the same input and have
     * no side-effects.
     * By default Ops may be moved between devices.  Stateful ops should
     * either not be moved, or should only be moved if that state can also
     * be moved (e.g. via some sort of save / restore).
     * Stateful ops are guaranteed to never be optimized away by Common
     * Subexpression Elimination (CSE).
* * bool is_stateful = 17; */ public Builder clearIsStateful() { isStateful_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean allowsUninitializedInput_ ; /** *
     * By default, all inputs to an Op must be initialized Tensors.  Ops
     * that may initialize tensors for the first time should set this
     * field to true, to allow the Op to take an uninitialized Tensor as
     * input.
* * bool allows_uninitialized_input = 19; */ public boolean getAllowsUninitializedInput() { return allowsUninitializedInput_; } /** *
     * By default, all inputs to an Op must be initialized Tensors.  Ops
     * that may initialize tensors for the first time should set this
     * field to true, to allow the Op to take an uninitialized Tensor as
     * input.
* * bool allows_uninitialized_input = 19; */ public Builder setAllowsUninitializedInput(boolean value) { allowsUninitializedInput_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * By default, all inputs to an Op must be initialized Tensors.  Ops
     * that may initialize tensors for the first time should set this
     * field to true, to allow the Op to take an uninitialized Tensor as
     * input.
* * bool allows_uninitialized_input = 19; */ public Builder clearAllowsUninitializedInput() { allowsUninitializedInput_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFieldsProto3(unknownFields); } public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:tensorflow.OpDef) } // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:tensorflow.OpDef) private static final org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef(); } public static org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } private static final PARSER = new { public OpDef parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new OpDef(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } public org.tensorflow.framework.OpDef getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } }

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