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org.terrier.utility.Files Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Terrier - Terabyte Retriever 
 * Webpage: 
 * Contact: terrier{a.}
 * University of Glasgow - School of Computing Science
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
 * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
 * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * The Original Code is
 * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004-2020 the University of Glasgow.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *  Craig Macdonald craigm{a} (original author)
package org.terrier.utility;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import net.sf.samtools.util.BlockCompressedInputStream;
import net.sf.samtools.util.BlockCompressedOutputStream;


/** Utililty class for opening readers/writers and input/output streams to files. Handles gzipped and bzipped files
  * on the fly, ie if a file ends in ".gz" or ".GZ", then it will be opened using a GZipInputStream/GZipOutputStream. ".bz2" 
  * files are handled in a similar fashion. All returned Streams, Readers, Writers etc are Buffered. If a charset encoding is not specified, then the system default is used.
  * New interfaces are used to descibe random data access.

FileSystem plugsin *

Additional file systems can be plugged into this module, by calling the addFileSystemCapability() method. FileSystems have * read and/or write capabilities, as specified using the FSCapability constants. Files using these external file systems should be denoted * by scheme prefixes - eg ftp://, http:// etc. NB: file:// is the default scheme *


Additional Compression Support *

* Support for additional stream compression & decompression can be plugged in by calling addFilterInputStreamMapping(). *


File Caching *

Terrier can cache files which will see heavy IO activity. In particular, files mentioned in the property * will be cached to the default temporary folder. There are also API method to populate the cache with files. For all methods, * is the default temporary directory. An IOException will occur if caching fails for some reason. */ public class Files { /** constants declaring which capabilities a file system has */ public interface FSCapability { /** FS can read files */ /* byte 0 */ byte READ = 1; /** FS can write files */ /* byte 1 */ byte WRITE = 2; /** FS can read file in a random fashion */ /* byte 2 */ byte RANDOM_READ =4; /** FS can write to files in a random fashion */ /* byte 3 */ byte RANDOM_WRITE = 8; /** FS can list the content of a directory */ /* byte 4 */ byte LS_DIR = 16; /** FS can determine properties of a file or directory */ /* byte 5 */ byte STAT = 32; /** FS can mark a file or directory to be deleted on exit */ /* byte 6 */ byte DEL_ON_EXIT = 64; /* byte 7 */ } static final Map> inputStreamMap = new HashMap>(); static final Map> outputStreamMap = new HashMap>(); static BZip2Codec bzipCodec = null; /** decompressing inputstream for .bz2 files. */ static class BZip2InputStream extends FilterInputStream { public BZip2InputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { super((bzipCodec == null ? (bzipCodec = new BZip2Codec()) : bzipCodec).createInputStream(in)); } } /** compressing outputstream for .bz2 files. */ static class BZip2OutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { public BZip2OutputStream(OutputStream in) throws IOException { super((bzipCodec == null ? (bzipCodec = new BZip2Codec()) : bzipCodec).createOutputStream(in)); } } /** Add a filter mapping to the Files layes. This is the method used to implement * stream decompression. For example: *

	 * addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.gz$", GZIPInputStream.class, GZIPOutputStream.class);
	 * addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.GZ$", GZIPInputStream.class, GZIPOutputStream.class);
* @param regex Regular expression that the filename must match to require the filter stream * @param inputStreamClass Class extending InputStream that decompresses the file * @param outputStreamClass Class extending OutputStream that compresses the file */ public static void addFilterInputStreamMapping(String regex, Class inputStreamClass, Class outputStreamClass) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); inputStreamMap.put(p, inputStreamClass); outputStreamMap.put(p, outputStreamClass); } /** a search regex and a replacement for path transformations */ protected static class PathTransformation { /** pattern for a transformation */ protected Pattern matches; /** what the pattern should be replaced with */ protected String replacement; /** create a new transformation with the pattern and replacement */ public PathTransformation(String find, String replace) { matches = Pattern.compile(find); replacement = replace; } /** change a path if it matches this transformation */ public String transform(String path) { Matcher m = matches.matcher(path); if (m.matches()) return m.replaceAll(replacement); return path; } } /** map of scheme to FileSystem implementation */ protected static final Map fileSystems = new HashMap(); /** transformations to apply to a path */ protected static final List pathTransformations = new LinkedList(); /** default scheme */ protected static final String DEFAULT_SCHEME = ApplicationSetup.getProperty("files.default.scheme", "file"); static{ addFileSystemCapability(new LocalFileSystem()); addFileSystemCapability(new HTTPFileSystem()); addFileSystemCapability(new ResourceFileSystem()); addFileSystemCapability(new StdInOutFileSystem()); intialise_transformations(); initialise_mappings(); initialise_static_cache(); } /** we may have been specified some files to cache immediately */ protected static void initialise_static_cache() { String[] filesToCache = ArrayUtils.parseCommaDelimitedString(ApplicationSetup.getProperty("", "")); for (String filename : filesToCache) { try{ System.err.println("Caching file " + filename); cacheFile(filename); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Could not cache file "+ filename +" because " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** initialise the transformations from Application property */ protected static void intialise_transformations() { final String[] transforms = ApplicationSetup.getProperty("files.transforms","").split("\\s*,\\s*"); for(String transform: transforms) { if (transform.length() == 0) continue; String parts[] = transform.split("\\s*>\\s*"); addPathTransormation(parts[0], parts[1]); } } /** initialise the default compression mappings */ protected static void initialise_mappings() { addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.gz$", GZIPInputStream.class, GZIPOutputStream.class); addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.GZ$", GZIPInputStream.class, GZIPOutputStream.class); addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.bz2", BZip2InputStream.class, BZip2OutputStream.class); addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.BZ2$", BZip2InputStream.class, BZip2OutputStream.class); addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.bgz", BlockCompressedInputStream.class, BlockCompressedOutputStream.class); addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\.BGZ$", BlockCompressedInputStream.class, BlockCompressedOutputStream.class); String mappingValue = ApplicationSetup.getProperty("files.mappings", null); if (mappingValue == null || mappingValue.length() == 0) return; for (String mapping : mappingValue.split("\\s*,\\s*")) { String[] parts = mapping.split(":"); if (parts.length != 3) { System.err.println("Invalid mapping: " + mapping); continue; } try{ Class inClz = parts[1].length() > 0 && ! parts[1].equals("null") ? ApplicationSetup.getClass(parts[1]).asSubclass(InputStream.class) : null; Class outClz = parts[2].length() > 0 && ! parts[2].equals("null") ? ApplicationSetup.getClass(parts[2]).asSubclass(OutputStream.class) : null; addFilterInputStreamMapping(".+\\."+parts[0], inClz, outClz); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Could not record mapping for " + parts[0] + " to " + parts[1] + " and/or " + parts[2] + " : " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** Cache to the temporary directory specified by System property. */ public static void cacheFile(String filename) throws IOException { cacheFile(filename, System.getProperty("")); } /** Cache file to specified temporary folder */ public static void cacheFile(String filename, String temporaryFolder) throws IOException { String localFile = temporaryFolder + "/" + new File(filename).getName(); Files.copyFile(filename, localFile); addPathTransormation(filename, localFile); new File(localFile).deleteOnExit(); } /** add a static transformation to apply to a path. Find and replace are both regular expressions */ public static void addPathTransormation(String find, String replace) { pathTransformations.add(new PathTransformation(find, replace)); } /** Add a file system to Terrier. File systems are denoted by URI scheme prefixes (e.g. http). The underlying file system * is represented by an FileSystem */ public static void addFileSystemCapability(FileSystem fs) { for (String scheme : fs.schemes()) { fileSystems.put(scheme, fs); } } /** apply any transformations to the specified filename */ protected static String transform(String filename) { //apply the static transformations for (PathTransformation pt : pathTransformations) filename = pt.transform(filename); return filename; } /** derive the file system to use that is associated with the scheme in the specified filename. * @param filename */ protected static FileSystem getFileSystem(String filename) { if ("-".equals(filename)) return fileSystems.get(StdInOutFileSystem.SCHEME); //check to see if filename is in a URI form if (! filename.matches("^\\w+:.*$")) return fileSystems.get(DEFAULT_SCHEME); //identify scheme component of filename final int colonPos = filename.indexOf(":"); final String scheme = filename.substring(0, colonPos).toLowerCase(); //obtain the filesystem representing the scheme FileSystem rtr = fileSystems.get(scheme); //if (rtr == null) //{ //throw new RuntimeException("FileSystem for "+filename +"(scheme '"+scheme+"') not found. Configured schemes are: " // + ArrayUtils.join(fileSystems.keySet().toArray(new String[0]), ", ")); //} return rtr; } /** Get the name of the file system that would be used to access a given file or directory. * @param path * @return name Name of the file system, or null if no filesystem found */ public static String getFileSystemName(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return null; return; } /** Opens an OutputStream to a file called Filename, processing all * allowed writable file systems named in writeFileSystemPrefixes * @param filename Filename of file to open * @throws IOException */ protected static InputStream openFile(String filename) throws IOException { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("No file system for "+filename); if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.READ) == 0) throw new IOException("File system not supporting reads for "+ filename); InputStream rtr = fs.openFileStream(filename); for(Pattern regex : inputStreamMap.keySet()) { if (regex.matcher(filename).matches()) { Class filterClass = inputStreamMap.get(regex); if (filterClass == null) throw new IOException("Decompression of file type of "+filename +" not supported"); try{ rtr = filterClass.getConstructor(InputStream.class).newInstance(rtr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WrappedIOException(e); } } } return rtr; } /** Opens an OutputStream to a file called filename, using the filesystem * named in the scheme component of the filename. * @param filename Filename of file to open, optionally including scheme * @throws IOException */ protected static OutputStream writeFile(String filename) throws IOException { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("No file system for "+filename); if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.WRITE) == 0) throw new IOException("File system not supporting writes for "+ filename); OutputStream rtr = fs.writeFileStream(filename); for(Pattern regex : outputStreamMap.keySet()) { if (regex.matcher(filename).matches()) { Class filterClass = outputStreamMap.get(regex); if (filterClass == null) throw new IOException("Compression of file type of "+filename +" not supported"); try{ //System.err.println(filterClass.getName()); if (filterClass.getName().endsWith("BlockCompressedOutputStream")) { rtr = filterClass.getConstructor(OutputStream.class, File.class).newInstance(rtr, null); } else rtr = filterClass.getConstructor(OutputStream.class).newInstance(rtr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WrappedIOException(e); } } } return rtr; } /** Returns a RandomAccessFile implementation accessing the specified file */ public static RandomDataInput openFileRandom(String filename) throws IOException { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("No file system for "+filename); if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.RANDOM_READ) == 0) throw new IOException("File system not supporting random reads for "+ filename); return fs.openFileRandom(filename); } /** Returns a RandomAccessFile implementation accessing the specificed file */ public static RandomDataOutput writeFileRandom(String filename) throws IOException { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("No file system for "+filename); if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.RANDOM_WRITE) == 0) throw new IOException("File system not supporting random writes for "+ filename); return fs.writeFileRandom(filename); } /** Delete the named file. Returns false if the scheme of filename cannot * be recognised, the filesystem doesnt have write capability, or the underlying * filesystem could not delete the file * @param filename path to file to delete */ public static boolean delete(String filename) { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.WRITE) == 0) return false; try{ return fs.delete(filename); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** Mark the named path as to be deleted on exit. Returns false if the * scheme of the filename cannot be recognised, the filesystem does not * have write capability, or the file system does not have deleteOnExit * capability */ public static boolean deleteOnExit(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.WRITE) == 0) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.DEL_ON_EXIT) == 0) return false; try{ return fs.deleteOnExit(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** returns true iff the path is really a path */ public static boolean exists(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return false; //System.err.printf("Cap: %d Stat: %d check: %d\n", fs.capabilities() , FSCapability.STAT, (fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.STAT)); if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.STAT) == 0) return true; try{ return fs.exists(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** returns true iff path can be read */ public static boolean canRead(String filename) { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & (FSCapability.READ | FSCapability.STAT)) == 0) return true; try{ return fs.canRead(filename); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** returns true iff path can be read */ public static boolean canWrite(String filename) { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & (FSCapability.WRITE | FSCapability.STAT )) == 0) return false; try{ return fs.canWrite(filename); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** returns true if the specificed path can be made as a directory */ public static boolean mkdir(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.WRITE) == 0) return false; try{ return fs.mkdir(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** returns the length of the file, or 0L if cannot be found etc */ public static long length(String filename) { filename = transform(filename); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(filename); if (fs == null) return 0L; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.STAT) == 0) return 0L; try{ return fs.length(filename); } catch (IOException ioe) { return 0L; } } /** return true if path is a directory */ public static boolean isDirectory(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return false; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.STAT) == 0) return false; try{ return fs.isDirectory(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** rename a file or directory. If the two are on different file systems, it is assumed to be a file */ public static boolean rename(String sourceFilename, String destFilename) { sourceFilename = transform(sourceFilename); destFilename = transform(destFilename); final FileSystem destFS = getFileSystem(destFilename); final FileSystem sourceFS = getFileSystem(sourceFilename); try{ if (destFS == sourceFS)//yes, that's object equals { return sourceFS.rename(sourceFilename, destFilename); } else { copyFile(sourceFS.openFileStream(sourceFilename), destFS.writeFileStream(destFilename)); sourceFS.delete(sourceFilename); return true; } } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** What is the parent path to the specified path? */ public static String getParent(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return null; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.STAT) == 0) return null; try{ return fs.getParent(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { return null; } } private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; /** List the contents of a directory */ public static String[] list(String path) { path = transform(path); final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(path); if (fs == null) return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; if ((fs.capabilities() & FSCapability.LS_DIR) == 0) return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; try{ return fs.list(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // everything from here down is sytactic sugar for ensuring you always have the method your looking for // all file system independence magic is done above this point /** Opens a reader to the file called file. Provided for easy overriding for encoding support etc in * child classes. Called from openNextFile(). * @param file File to open. * @return BufferedReader of the file */ public static BufferedReader openFileReader(File file) throws IOException { return openFileReader(file.getPath(),null); } /** Opens a reader to the file called filename. Provided for easy overriding for encoding support etc in * child classes. Called from openNextFile(). * @param file File to open. * @param charset Character set encoding of file. null for system default. * @return BufferedReader of the file */ public static BufferedReader openFileReader(File file, String charset) throws IOException { return openFileReader(file.getPath(), charset); } /** Opens a reader to the file called filename. Provided for easy overriding for encoding support etc in * child classes. Called from openNextFile(). * @param filename File to open. * @return BufferedReader of the file */ public static BufferedReader openFileReader(String filename) throws IOException { return openFileReader(filename,null); } /** Opens a reader to the file called filename. Provided for easy overriding for encoding support etc in * child classes. Called from openNextFile(). * @param filename File to open. * @param charset Character set encoding of file. null for system default. * @return BufferedReader of the file */ public static BufferedReader openFileReader(String filename, String charset) throws IOException { return new BufferedReader( charset == null ? new InputStreamReader(openFile(filename)) : new InputStreamReader(openFile(filename), charset) ); } /** Opens an InputStream to a file called file. * @param file File to open. * @return InputStream of the file */ public static InputStream openFileStream(File file) throws IOException { return openFileStream(file.getPath()); } /** Open a file for random access reading */ public static RandomDataInput openFileRandom(File file) throws IOException { return openFileRandom(file.getPath()); } /** Opens an InputStream to a file called filename. * @param filename File to open. * @return InputStream of the file */ public static InputStream openFileStream(String filename) throws IOException { return new BufferedInputStream(openFile(filename)); } /** Opens an OutputStream to a file called file. * @param file File to open. * @return OutputStream of the file */ public static OutputStream writeFileStream(File file) throws IOException { return writeFileStream(file.getPath()); } /** Open a file for random access writing and reading */ public static RandomDataOutput writeFileRandom(File file) throws IOException { return writeFileRandom(file.getPath()); } /** Opens an OutputStream to a file called filename. * @param filename File to open. * @return OutputStream of the file */ public static OutputStream writeFileStream(String filename) throws IOException { return new BufferedOutputStream(writeFile(filename)); } /** Opens an Writer to a file called file. System default encoding will be used. * @param file File to open. * @return Writer of the file */ public static Writer writeFileWriter(File file) throws IOException { return writeFileWriter(file.getPath(), null); } /** Opens an Writer to a file called file. * @param file File to open. * @param charset Character set encoding of file. null for system default. * @return Writer of the file */ public static Writer writeFileWriter(File file, String charset) throws IOException { return writeFileWriter(file.getPath(), charset); } /** Opens an Writer to a file called file. System default encoding will be used. * @param filename File to open. * @return Writer of the file */ public static Writer writeFileWriter(String filename) throws IOException { return writeFileWriter(filename, null); } /** Opens an Writer to a file called file. * @param filename File to open. * @param charset Character set encoding of file. null for system default. * @return Writer of the file */ public static Writer writeFileWriter(String filename, String charset) throws IOException { return new BufferedWriter( charset == null ? new OutputStreamWriter(writeFile(filename)) : new OutputStreamWriter(writeFile(filename), charset) ); } //from: /** buffer size for copying files */ private static final int bufferSize = 4 * 1024; /** CRC32 the file while being copied, to allow * integrity to be verified */ private static final boolean verify = false; /** Copy a file from srcFile to destFile. * @return null if OK * @throws IOException if there was a problem copying */ public static Long copyFile(String srcFilename, String destFilename) throws IOException { return copyFile(openFileStream(srcFilename), writeFileStream(destFilename)); } /** Copy a file from srcFile to destFile. * @return null if OK * @throws IOException if there was a problem copying */ public static Long copyFile(File srcFile, File destFile) throws IOException { return copyFile(openFileStream(srcFile), writeFileStream(destFile)); } /** Copy all bytes from in to out * @return null if OK * throws IOException if there was a problem copying */ public static Long copyFile(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { final CRC32 checksum = verify ? new CRC32() : null; if (verify) { checksum.reset(); } byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int bytesRead; if (verify) while ((bytesRead = >= 0) { checksum.update(buffer, 0, bytesRead); out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } else while ((bytesRead = >= 0) out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); out.close(); in.close(); if (verify) { return new Long(checksum.getValue()); } else { return null; } } /** Returns the CRC checksum of denoted file */ public static Long createChecksum(File file) throws IOException { final InputStream in = openFileStream(file); final CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); checksum.reset(); final byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = >= 0) { checksum.update(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } in.close(); return Long.valueOf(checksum.getValue()); } /** returns the length of file f */ public static long length(File f) { return length(f.getPath()); } /** Check that the a specified file exists as per Terrier's file system abstraction layer */ public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Exists: " + args[0] + Files.exists(args[0])); } }

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