org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.WebSocketFrame Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.ProtocolException;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.extensions.Frame;
* A Base Frame as seen in RFC 6455. Sec 5.2
* 0 1 2 3
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
* +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+
* |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length |
* |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) |
* |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) |
* | |1|2|3| |K| | |
* +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* | Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 |
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
* | |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 |
* +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
* | Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data |
* +-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* : Payload Data continued ... :
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* | Payload Data continued ... |
* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
public class WebSocketFrame implements Frame
/** Maximum size of Control frame, per RFC 6455 */
public static final int MAX_CONTROL_PAYLOAD = 125;
public static WebSocketFrame binary()
return new WebSocketFrame(OpCode.BINARY);
public static WebSocketFrame binary(byte buf[])
return new WebSocketFrame(OpCode.BINARY).setPayload(buf);
public static WebSocketFrame ping()
return new WebSocketFrame(OpCode.PING);
public static WebSocketFrame pong()
return new WebSocketFrame(OpCode.PONG);
public static WebSocketFrame text()
return new WebSocketFrame(OpCode.TEXT);
public static WebSocketFrame text(String msg)
return new WebSocketFrame(OpCode.TEXT).setPayload(msg);
private boolean fin = true;
private boolean rsv1 = false;
private boolean rsv2 = false;
private boolean rsv3 = false;
protected byte opcode = OpCode.UNDEFINED;
private boolean masked = false;
private byte mask[];
* The payload data.
* It is assumed to always be in FLUSH mode (ready to read) in this object.
private ByteBuffer data;
private int payloadLength = 0;
/** position of start of data within a fresh payload */
private int payloadStart = -1;
private Type type;
private boolean continuation = false;
private int continuationIndex = 0;
* Optional operation.
* Hack, should not really be in the WebSocketFrame, send results back to this handler when frame was successfully sent (or not).
* Kept in WebSocketFrame as a result of the [006EDR] of JavaWebSocket API lacking the ability to track this SendHandler through Extensions.
private SendHandler sendHandler;
* Default constructor
public WebSocketFrame()
* Construct form opcode
public WebSocketFrame(byte opcode)
* Copy constructor for the websocket frame.
* @param copy
* the websocket to copy.
public WebSocketFrame(Frame frame)
if (frame instanceof WebSocketFrame)
WebSocketFrame wsf = (WebSocketFrame)frame;
// Copy manually
fin = frame.isFin();
rsv1 = frame.isRsv1();
rsv2 = frame.isRsv2();
rsv3 = frame.isRsv3();
opcode = frame.getType().getOpCode();
type = frame.getType();
masked = frame.isMasked();
mask = null;
byte maskCopy[] = frame.getMask();
if (maskCopy != null)
mask = new byte[maskCopy.length];
* Copy constructor for the websocket frame.
* Note: the underlying payload is merely a {@link ByteBuffer#slice()} of the input frame.
* @param copy
* the websocket to copy.
public WebSocketFrame(WebSocketFrame copy)
* Copy constructor for the websocket frame, with an alternate payload.
* This is especially useful for Extensions to utilize when mutating the payload.
* @param copy
* the websocket to copy.
* @param altPayload
* the alternate payload to use for this frame.
public WebSocketFrame(WebSocketFrame copy, ByteBuffer altPayload)
public void assertValid()
if (OpCode.isControlFrame(opcode))
if (getPayloadLength() > WebSocketFrame.MAX_CONTROL_PAYLOAD)
throw new ProtocolException("Desired payload length [" + getPayloadLength() + "] exceeds maximum control payload length ["
if (fin == false)
throw new ProtocolException("Cannot have FIN==false on Control frames");
if (rsv1 == true)
throw new ProtocolException("Cannot have RSV1==true on Control frames");
if (rsv2 == true)
throw new ProtocolException("Cannot have RSV2==true on Control frames");
if (rsv3 == true)
throw new ProtocolException("Cannot have RSV3==true on Control frames");
if (isContinuation())
throw new ProtocolException("Control frames cannot be Continuations");
private final void copy(WebSocketFrame copy, ByteBuffer payload)
fin = copy.fin;
rsv1 = copy.rsv1;
rsv2 = copy.rsv2;
rsv3 = copy.rsv3;
opcode = copy.opcode;
type = copy.type;
masked = copy.masked;
mask = null;
if (copy.mask != null)
mask = new byte[copy.mask.length];
continuationIndex = copy.continuationIndex;
continuation = copy.continuation;
* The number of fragments this frame consists of.
* For every {@link OpCode#CONTINUATION} opcode encountered, this increments by one.
* Note: Not part of the Base Framing Protocol / header information.
* @return the number of continuation fragments encountered.
public int getContinuationIndex()
return continuationIndex;
public byte[] getMask()
if (!masked)
throw new IllegalStateException("Frame is not masked");
return mask;
public final byte getOpCode()
return opcode;
* Get the payload ByteBuffer. possible null.
* @return A {@link ByteBuffer#slice()} of the payload buffer (to prevent modification of the buffer state). Possibly null if no payload present.
* Note: this method is exposed via the immutable {@link Frame#getPayload()} method.
public ByteBuffer getPayload()
if (data != null)
return data;
return null;
public String getPayloadAsUTF8()
if (data == null)
return null;
return BufferUtil.toUTF8String(data);
public int getPayloadLength()
if (data == null)
return 0;
return payloadLength;
public int getPayloadStart()
if (data == null)
return -1;
return payloadStart;
public SendHandler getSendHandler()
return sendHandler;
public Type getType()
return type;
public boolean hasPayload()
return ((data != null) && (payloadLength > 0));
public boolean isContinuation()
return continuation;
public boolean isControlFrame()
return OpCode.isControlFrame(opcode);
public boolean isDataFrame()
return OpCode.isDataFrame(opcode);
public boolean isFin()
return fin;
public boolean isLast()
return fin;
public boolean isLastFrame()
return fin;
public boolean isMasked()
return masked;
public boolean isRsv1()
return rsv1;
public boolean isRsv2()
return rsv2;
public boolean isRsv3()
return rsv3;
public void notifySendFailed(Throwable t)
if (sendHandler == null)
sendHandler.setResult(new SendResult(t));
public void notifySendSuccess()
if (sendHandler == null)
sendHandler.setResult(new SendResult(null));
* Get the position currently within the payload data.
* Used by flow control, generator and window sizing.
* @return the number of bytes remaining in the payload data that has not yet been written out to Network ByteBuffers.
public int position()
if (data == null)
return -1;
return data.position();
* Get the number of bytes remaining to write out to the Network ByteBuffer.
* Used by flow control, generator and window sizing.
* @return the number of bytes remaining in the payload data that has not yet been written out to Network ByteBuffers.
public int remaining()
if (data == null)
return 0;
return data.remaining();
public void reset()
fin = true;
rsv1 = false;
rsv2 = false;
rsv3 = false;
opcode = -1;
masked = false;
data = null;
payloadLength = 0;
mask = null;
continuationIndex = 0;
continuation = false;
public Frame setContinuation(boolean continuation)
this.continuation = continuation;
return this;
public Frame setContinuationIndex(int continuationIndex)
this.continuationIndex = continuationIndex;
return this;
public WebSocketFrame setFin(boolean fin)
this.fin = fin;
return this;
public Frame setMask(byte[] maskingKey)
this.mask = maskingKey;
this.masked = (mask != null);
return this;
public Frame setMasked(boolean mask)
this.masked = mask;
return this;
public WebSocketFrame setOpCode(byte op)
this.opcode = op;
if (op == OpCode.UNDEFINED)
this.type = null;
this.type = Frame.Type.from(op);
return this;
* Set the data and payload length.
* @param buf
* the bytebuffer to set
public WebSocketFrame setPayload(byte buf[])
if (buf == null)
data = null;
return this;
if (OpCode.isControlFrame(opcode))
if (buf.length > WebSocketFrame.MAX_CONTROL_PAYLOAD)
throw new ProtocolException("Control Payloads can not exceed 125 bytes in length.");
data = BufferUtil.toBuffer(buf);
payloadStart = data.position();
payloadLength = data.limit();
return this;
* Set the data and payload length.
* @param buf
* the bytebuffer to set
public WebSocketFrame setPayload(byte buf[], int offset, int len)
if (buf == null)
data = null;
return this;
if (OpCode.isControlFrame(opcode))
if (len > WebSocketFrame.MAX_CONTROL_PAYLOAD)
throw new ProtocolException("Control Payloads can not exceed 125 bytes in length.");
data = BufferUtil.toBuffer(buf,offset,len);
payloadStart = data.position();
payloadLength = data.limit();
return this;
* Set the data payload.
* The provided buffer will be used as is, no copying of bytes performed.
* The provided buffer should be flipped and ready to READ from.
* @param buf
* the bytebuffer to set
public WebSocketFrame setPayload(ByteBuffer buf)
if (buf == null)
data = null;
return this;
if (OpCode.isControlFrame(opcode))
if (buf.remaining() > WebSocketFrame.MAX_CONTROL_PAYLOAD)
throw new ProtocolException("Control Payloads can not exceed 125 bytes in length.");
data = buf.slice();
payloadStart = data.position();
payloadLength = data.limit();
return this;
public WebSocketFrame setPayload(String str)
return this;
public WebSocketFrame setRsv1(boolean rsv1)
this.rsv1 = rsv1;
return this;
public WebSocketFrame setRsv2(boolean rsv2)
this.rsv2 = rsv2;
return this;
public WebSocketFrame setRsv3(boolean rsv3)
this.rsv3 = rsv3;
return this;
public void setSendHandler(SendHandler handler)
this.sendHandler = handler;
public String toString()
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (sendHandler != null)
return b.toString();