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package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf;
/** Efficient conversion of character to bytes.
* This uses the standard JDK mechanism - a writer - but provides mechanisms
* to recycle all the objects that are used. It is compatible with JDK1.1 and up,
* ( nio is better, but it's not available even in 1.2 or 1.3 )
public final class C2BConverter {
private static final org.apache.juli.logging.Log log=
org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory.getLog(C2BConverter.class );
private IntermediateOutputStream ios;
private WriteConvertor conv;
private ByteChunk bb;
private String enc;
/** Create a converter, with bytes going to a byte buffer
public C2BConverter(ByteChunk output, String encoding) throws IOException {;
ios=new IntermediateOutputStream( output );
conv=new WriteConvertor( ios, encoding );
/** Create a converter
public C2BConverter(String encoding) throws IOException {
this( new ByteChunk(1024), encoding );
public ByteChunk getByteChunk() {
return bb;
public String getEncoding() {
return enc;
public void setByteChunk(ByteChunk bb) {;
ios.setByteChunk( bb );
/** Reset the internal state, empty the buffers.
* The encoding remain in effect, the internal buffers remain allocated.
public final void recycle() {
/** Generate the bytes using the specified encoding
public final void convert(char c[], int off, int len ) throws IOException {
conv.write( c, off, len );
/** Generate the bytes using the specified encoding
public final void convert(String s, int off, int len ) throws IOException {
conv.write( s, off, len );
/** Generate the bytes using the specified encoding
public final void convert(String s ) throws IOException {
conv.write( s );
/** Generate the bytes using the specified encoding
public final void convert(char c ) throws IOException {
conv.write( c );
/** Convert a message bytes chars to bytes
public final void convert(MessageBytes mb ) throws IOException {
int type=mb.getType();
if( type==MessageBytes.T_BYTES )
ByteChunk orig=bb;
setByteChunk( mb.getByteChunk());
bb.allocate( 32, -1 );
if( type==MessageBytes.T_STR ) {
convert( mb.getString() );
// System.out.println("XXX Converting " + mb.getString() );
} else if( type==MessageBytes.T_CHARS ) {
CharChunk charC=mb.getCharChunk();
convert( charC.getBuffer(),
charC.getOffset(), charC.getLength());
//System.out.println("XXX Converting " + mb.getCharChunk() );
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("XXX unknowon type " + type );
//System.out.println("C2B: XXX " + bb.getBuffer() + bb.getLength());
/** Flush any internal buffers into the ByteOutput or the internal
* byte[]
public final void flushBuffer() throws IOException {
// -------------------- Private implementation --------------------
* Special writer class, where close() is overridden. The default implementation
* would set byteOutputter to null, and the writer can't be recycled.
* Note that the flush method will empty the internal buffers _and_ call
* flush on the output stream - that's why we use an intermediary output stream
* that overrides flush(). The idea is to have full control: flushing the
* char->byte converter should be independent of flushing the OutputStream.
* When a WriteConverter is created, it'll allocate one or 2 byte buffers,
* with a 8k size that can't be changed ( at least in JDK1.1 -> 1.4 ). It would
* also allocate a ByteOutputter or equivalent - again some internal buffers.
* It is essential to keep this object around and reuse it. You can use either
* pools or per thread data - but given that in most cases a converter will be
* needed for every thread and most of the time only 1 ( or 2 ) encodings will
* be used, it is far better to keep it per thread and eliminate the pool
* overhead too.
final class WriteConvertor extends OutputStreamWriter {
// stream with flush() and close(). overridden.
private IntermediateOutputStream ios;
// Has a private, internal byte[8192]
/** Create a converter.
public WriteConvertor( IntermediateOutputStream out, String enc )
throws UnsupportedEncodingException
super( out, enc );
/** Overridden - will do nothing but reset internal state.
public final void close() throws IOException {
// Calling super.close() would reset out and cb.
* Flush the characters only
public final void flush() throws IOException {
// Will flushBuffer and out()
// flushBuffer put any remaining chars in the byte[]
public final void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
// will do the conversion and call write on the output stream
super.write( cbuf, off, len );
/** Reset the buffer
public final void recycle() {
try {
// System.out.println("Reseting writer");
} catch( Exception ex ) {
/** Special output stream where close() is overridden, so super.close()
is never called.
This allows recycling. It can also be disabled, so callbacks will
not be called if recycling the converter and if data was not flushed.
final class IntermediateOutputStream extends OutputStream {
private ByteChunk tbuff;
private boolean enabled=true;
public IntermediateOutputStream(ByteChunk tbuff) {
public final void close() throws IOException {
// shouldn't be called - we filter it out in writer
throw new IOException("close() called - shouldn't happen ");
public final void flush() throws IOException {
// nothing - write will go directly to the buffer,
// we don't keep any state
public final void write(byte cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
// will do the conversion and call write on the output stream
if( enabled ) {
tbuff.append( cbuf, off, len );
public final void write( int i ) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("write( int ) called - shouldn't happen ");
// -------------------- Internal methods --------------------
void setByteChunk( ByteChunk bb ) {
/** Temporary disable - this is used to recycle the converter without
* generating an output if the buffers were not flushed
final void disable() {
/** Reenable - used to recycle the converter
final void enable() {