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# Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Benjamin Muskalla - Contribution for bug 239066
### JavaBatchCompiler messages.
### compiler
#Format: = word1 word2 word3 = Eclipse Java Compiler
#Format: compiler.version = 0.XXX[, other words (don't forget the comma if adding other words)]
compiler.version = 0.972_R35x, 3.5.1 release
compiler.copyright = Copyright IBM Corp 2000, 2009. All rights reserved.
### progress
progress.compiling = Compiling
### compile
compile.repetition = [repetition {0}/{1}]
compile.instantTime = [compiled {0} lines in {1} ms: {2} lines/s]
compile.detailedTime = [parse: {0} ms ({1}%), resolve: {2} ms ({3}%), analyze: {4} ms ({5}%), generate: {6} ms ({7}%) ]
compile.ioTime = [i/o: read: {0} ms ({1}%), write: {2} ms ({3}%)]
compile.averageTime = [average, excluding min-max {0} lines in {1} ms: {2} lines/s]
compile.totalTime = [total compilation time: {0}]
compile.oneProblem = 1 problem ({0})
compile.severalProblemsErrorsOrWarnings = {0} problems ({1})
compile.severalProblemsErrorsAndWarnings = {0} problems ({1}, {2})
compile.oneError = 1 error
compile.severalErrors = {0} errors
compile.oneWarning = 1 warning
compile.severalWarnings = {0} warnings
compile.oneClassFileGenerated = [1 .class file generated]
compile.severalClassFilesGenerated = [{0} .class files generated]
### configure
configure.requiresJDK1.2orAbove = Need to use a JVM >= 1.2
configure.duplicateLog = duplicate log specification: {0}
configure.duplicateRepeat = duplicate repeat specification: {0}
configure.duplicateMaxProblems = duplicate max problems specification: {0}
configure.duplicateCompliance = duplicate compliance setting specification: {0}
configure.duplicateSource = duplicate source compliance setting specification: {0}
configure.duplicateTarget = duplicate target compliance setting specification: {0}
configure.source = source level should be comprised in between ''1.3'' and ''1.6'' (or ''5'', ''5.0'', ..., ''7'' or ''7.0''): {0}
configure.duplicateOutputPath = duplicate output path specification: {0}
configure.duplicateBootClasspath = duplicate bootclasspath specification: {0}
configure.duplicateExtDirs = duplicate extdirs specification: {0}
configure.duplicateSourcepath = duplicate sourcepath specification: {0}
configure.invalidDebugOption = invalid debug option: {0}
configure.invalidWarningConfiguration = invalid warning configuration: {0}
configure.invalidWarning = invalid warning: {0}. Ignoring warning and compiling
configure.invalidWarningOption = invalid warning option: {0}. Must specify a warning token
configure.targetJDK = target level should be comprised in between ''1.1'' and ''1.7'' (or ''5'', ''5.0'', ..., ''7'' or ''7.0'') or cldc1.1: {0}
configure.incompatibleTargetForSource = Target level ''{0}'' is incompatible with source level ''{1}''. A target level ''{1}'' or better is required
configure.incompatibleTargetForGenericSource = Target level ''{0}'' is incompatible with source level ''{1}''. A source level ''1.5'' or better is required
configure.incompatibleComplianceForSource = Compliance level ''{0}'' is incompatible with source level ''{1}''. A compliance level ''{1}'' or better is required
configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget = Compliance level ''{0}'' is incompatible with target level ''{1}''. A compliance level ''{1}'' or better is required
configure.repetition = repetition must be a positive integer: {0}
configure.maxProblems = max problems must be a positive integer: {0}
## configure.directoryNotExist = directory does not exist: {0}
configure.unrecognizedOption = Unrecognized option : {0}
configure.noClasspath = no classpath defined, using default directory instead
configure.incorrectClasspath = incorrect classpath: {0}
configure.invalidexpansionargumentname = expansion argument file {0} does not exist or cannot be read
configure.cannotOpenLog = cannot open .log file: {0}
configure.cannotOpenLogInvalidEncoding = cannot open .log file: {0}; because UTF-8 is not supported
configure.unexpectedCustomEncoding = unexpected custom encoding specification: {0}[{1}]
configure.unsupportedEncoding = unsupported encoding format: {0}
configure.duplicateDefaultEncoding = duplicate default encoding format specification: {0}
configure.invalidTaskTag ={0} is an invalid task tag
configure.incorrectExtDirsEntry = incorrect ext dir entry; {0} must be a directory
configure.incorrectEndorsedDirsEntry = incorrect endorsed dir entry; {0} must be a directory
configure.duplicateEndorsedDirs = duplicate endorseddirs specification: {0}
configure.incorrectDestinationPathEntry = incorrect destination path entry: {0}
configure.unexpectedBracket = unexpected bracket: {0}
configure.unexpectedDestinationPathEntry = unexpected destination path entry in {0} option
configure.unexpectedDestinationPathEntryFile = unexpected destination path entry for file: {0}
configure.accessRuleAfterDestinationPath = access rules cannot follow destination path entries: {0}
configure.duplicateDestinationPathEntry = duplicate destination path entry in {0} option
configure.invalidClassName = invalid class name: {0}
configure.incorrectVMVersionforAPT = Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
configure.incompatibleSourceForCldcTarget=Target level ''{0}'' is incompatible with source level ''{1}''. A source level ''1.3'' or lower is required
configure.incompatibleComplianceForCldcTarget=Target level ''{0}'' is incompatible with compliance level ''{1}''. A compliance level ''1.4''or lower is required
configure.invalidClasspathSection = invalid Class-Path header in manifest of jar file: {0}
configure.multipleClasspathSections = multiple Class-Path headers in manifest of jar file: {0}
### requestor
requestor.error = {0}. ERROR in {1}
requestor.warning = {0}. WARNING in {1}
requestor.notRetrieveErrorMessage = Cannot retrieve the error message for {0}
requestor.noFileNameSpecified = (original file name is not available)
### unit
unit.more = File {0} is specified more than once
unit.missing = File {0} is missing
### output
output.noClassFileCreated = No .class file created for file {1} in {0} because of an IOException: {2}
### miscellaneous
misc.version = {0} {1}, {2}
misc.usage = {1} {2}\n\
\ \n\
\ Usage: