org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2013-2014 SmartBear Software
* Copyright 2014-2024 The TestFX Contributors
* Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by the
* European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); You may
* not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
* http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl.html
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence.
package org.testfx.api;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
import javafx.geometry.HorizontalDirection;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D;
import javafx.geometry.VerticalDirection;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.stage.Window;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.testfx.robot.Motion;
import org.testfx.service.finder.NodeFinder;
import org.testfx.service.finder.WindowFinder;
import org.testfx.service.query.BoundsQuery;
import org.testfx.service.query.NodeQuery;
import org.testfx.service.query.PointQuery;
import org.testfx.service.support.Capture;
import org.testfx.util.WaitForAsyncUtils;
* Wrapper-like interface that makes it easier to chain together multiple robot methods while adding a number of
* convenience methods, such as finding a given node, scene or window via a {@link PointQuery}, a {@link Predicate},
* or a {@link Matcher}.
public interface FxRobotInterface {
* Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow()} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window targetWindow();
* Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(Window)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(Window window);
* Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(Predicate)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(Predicate predicate);
// Convenience methods:
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(int)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(int windowIndex);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(String)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(String stageTitleRegex);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(Pattern)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(Pattern stageTitlePattern);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(Scene)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(Scene scene);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#targetWindow(Node)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface targetWindow(Node node);
* Calls {@link WindowFinder#listWindows()} ()} and returns itself for method chaining.
List listWindows();
* Calls {@link WindowFinder#listTargetWindows()} and returns itself for method chaining.
List listTargetWindows();
* Calls {@link WindowFinder#window(Predicate)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window window(Predicate predicate);
// Convenience methods:
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#window(int)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window window(int windowIndex);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#window(String)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window window(String stageTitleRegex);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#window(Pattern)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window window(Pattern stageTitlePattern);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#window(Scene)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window window(Scene scene);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link WindowFinder#window(Node)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Window window(Node node);
* Calls {@link NodeFinder#fromAll()} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery fromAll();
* Calls {@link NodeFinder#from(Node...)} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery from(Node... parentNodes);
* Calls {@link NodeFinder#from(Collection)} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery from(Collection parentNodes);
* Calls {@link NodeFinder#rootNode(Window)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Node rootNode(Window window);
* Calls {@link NodeFinder#rootNode(Scene)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Node rootNode(Scene scene);
* Calls {@link NodeFinder#rootNode(Node)} and returns itself for method chaining.
Node rootNode(Node node);
// Convenience methods:
* Convenience method: Calls {@link NodeFinder#lookup(String)} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery lookup(String query);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link NodeFinder#lookup(Matcher)} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery lookup(Matcher matcher);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link NodeFinder#lookup(Predicate)} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery lookup(Predicate predicate);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link NodeFinder#from(NodeQuery)} and returns itself for method chaining.
NodeQuery from(NodeQuery nodeQuery);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils#bounds(double, double, double, double)}
BoundsQuery bounds(double minX, double minY, double width, double height);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils#bounds(Point2D)}
BoundsQuery bounds(Point2D point);
* Creates a {@code BoundsQuery} that returns the given bounds
BoundsQuery bounds(Bounds bounds);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils#boundsOnScreen(Node)}
BoundsQuery bounds(Node node);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils#boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Scene)} with given scene's bounds
BoundsQuery bounds(Scene scene);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils#boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Window)} with the given window's bounds
BoundsQuery bounds(Window window);
BoundsQuery bounds(String query);
BoundsQuery bounds(Matcher matcher);
BoundsQuery bounds(Predicate predicate);
* Stores the given position as the position to be used in all {@code point()}-related methods
* such as {@link #point(Node)} and {@link #point(Point2D)}, and returns itself for method chaining.
* The default value is {@link Pos#CENTER}
FxRobotInterface targetPos(Pos pointPosition);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.service.locator.PointLocator#point(Point2D)} using {@code new Point2D(x, y)} and sets
* the {@code PointQuery}'s {@link PointQuery#getPosition()} to {@link FxRobotContext#getPointPosition()}.
PointQuery point(double x, double y);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.service.locator.PointLocator#point(Point2D)} and sets the {@code PointQuery}'s
* {@link PointQuery#getPosition()} to {@link FxRobotContext#getPointPosition()}.
PointQuery point(Point2D point);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.service.locator.PointLocator#point(Bounds)} and sets the {@code PointQuery}'s
* {@link PointQuery#getPosition()} to {@link FxRobotContext#getPointPosition()}.
PointQuery point(Bounds bounds);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.service.locator.PointLocator#point(Node)} and sets the {@code PointQuery}'s
* {@link PointQuery#getPosition()} to {@link FxRobotContext#getPointPosition()}.
PointQuery point(Node node);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.service.locator.PointLocator#point(Scene)} and sets the {@code PointQuery}'s
* {@link PointQuery#getPosition()} to {@link FxRobotContext#getPointPosition()}.
PointQuery point(Scene scene);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.service.locator.PointLocator#point(Window)} and sets the {@code PointQuery}'s
* {@link PointQuery#getPosition()} to {@link FxRobotContext#getPointPosition()}.
PointQuery point(Window window);
* Convenience method: Tries to find a given node via {@link #lookup(String)} before calling {@link #point(Node)},
* throwing a {@link FxRobotException} if no node is found.
PointQuery point(String query);
* Convenience method: Tries to find a given node via {@link #lookup(Matcher)} before calling {@link #point(Node)},
* throwing a {@link FxRobotException} if no node is found.
PointQuery point(Matcher matcher);
* Convenience method: Tries to find a given node via {@link #lookup(Predicate)} before calling
* {@link #point(Node)}, throwing a {@link FxRobotException} if no node is found.
PointQuery point(Predicate predicate);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Point2D)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Point2D point, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Point2D)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Point2D point, Point2D offset) {
return offset(point, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Bounds)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Bounds bounds, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Bounds)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Bounds bounds, Point2D offset) {
return offset(bounds, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Node)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Node node, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Node)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Node node, Point2D offset) {
return offset(node, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Node)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values
* where the offset is computed with respect to the given offset reference position.
PointQuery offset(Node node, Pos offsetReferencePos, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Node)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY) where the
* offset is computed with respect to the given offset reference position.
default PointQuery offset(Node node, Pos offsetReferencePos, Point2D offset) {
return offset(node, offsetReferencePos, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Scene)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Scene scene, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Scene)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Scene scene, Point2D offset) {
return offset(scene, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Window)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Window window, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Window)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Window window, Point2D offset) {
return offset(window, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(String)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(String query, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(String)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(String query, Point2D offset) {
return offset(query, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Matcher)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Matcher matcher, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Matcher)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Matcher matcher, Point2D offset) {
return offset(matcher, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Predicate)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
PointQuery offset(Predicate predicate, double offsetX, double offsetY);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link #point(Predicate)} and sets the query's offset by the given offset point
* (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
default PointQuery offset(Predicate predicate, Point2D offset) {
return offset(predicate, offset.getX(), offset.getY());
* Returns a {@link Capture} that supplies a screenshot using the given rectangle's bounds.
Capture capture(Rectangle2D screenRegion);
* Returns a {@link Capture} that supplies a screenshot using the given bounds.
Capture capture(Bounds bounds);
* Returns a {@link Capture} that supplies a screenshot using the given node's bounds.
Capture capture(Node node);
// Convenience methods:
* Convenience method: Returns a {@link Capture} that supplies the given {@link Image}.
Capture capture(Image image);
* Convenience method: Returns a {@link Capture} that supplies the {@link Image} from the image file of the
* given {@link Path}.
Capture capture(Path path);
* Convenience method: Returns a {@link Capture} that supplies the {@link Image} from the image file of the
* given {@link URL}.
Capture capture(URL url);
* Calls a runnable on the FX application thread and waits for it and
* consecutive events to execute. So changes to the gui triggered by the
* runnable will be performed when returned from this method.
* @param runnable the runnable
* @return this robot
FxRobotInterface interact(Runnable runnable);
* Calls a callable on the FX application thread and waits for it and
* consecutive events to execute. So changes to the gui triggered by the
* callable will be performed when returned from this method.
* @param callable the callable
* @return this robot
FxRobotInterface interact(Callable callable);
* Calls a runnable on the FX application thread and waits for it to
* execute. It does not wait for other events on the fx application thread.
* So changes to the gui triggered by the runnable may not be performed when
* returned from this method.
* @param runnable the runnable
* @return this robot
FxRobotInterface interactNoWait(Runnable runnable);
* Calls a callable on the FX application thread and waits for it to
* execute. It does not wait for other events on the fx application thread.
* So changes to the gui triggered by the callable may not be performed when
* returned from this method.
* @param callable the callable
* @return this robot
FxRobotInterface interactNoWait(Callable callable);
* Calls {@link WaitForAsyncUtils#waitForFxEvents()} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface interrupt();
* Calls {@link WaitForAsyncUtils#waitForFxEvents(int)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface interrupt(int attemptsCount);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.SleepRobot#sleep(long)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface sleep(long milliseconds);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.SleepRobot#sleep(long, TimeUnit)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface sleep(long duration, TimeUnit timeUnit);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ClickRobot#clickOn(MouseButton...)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ClickRobot#clickOn(PointQuery, Motion, MouseButton...)} and returns itself for
* more method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(PointQuery pointQuery, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(pointQuery, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ClickRobot#clickOn(PointQuery, MouseButton...)} and returns itself for more method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(PointQuery pointQuery, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ClickRobot#doubleClickOn(MouseButton...)} and returns itself for more method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ClickRobot#doubleClickOn(PointQuery, Motion, MouseButton...)} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(PointQuery pointQuery, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(pointQuery, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ClickRobot#doubleClickOn(PointQuery, Motion, MouseButton...)} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(PointQuery pointQuery, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the given coordinates, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(double x, double y, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(x, y, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the given coordinates,
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(double x, double y, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the given point, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for
* method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Point2D point, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(point, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the given point, clicks
* the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Point2D point, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Bounds)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Bounds bounds, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(bounds, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned
* from {@link #point(Bounds)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Bounds bounds, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Node)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Node node, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(node, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Node)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Node node, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Scene)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Scene scene, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(scene, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Scene)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Scene scene, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Window)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Window window, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(window, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Window)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Window window, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(String)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(String query, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(query, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(String)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(String query, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Matcher)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Matcher matcher, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(matcher, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Matcher)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Matcher matcher, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Predicate)}, clicks the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface clickOn(Predicate predicate, MouseButton... buttons) {
return clickOn(predicate, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Predicate)}, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface clickOn(Predicate predicate, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn();
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link PointQuery#query()}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(PointQuery pointQuery) {
return rightClickOn(pointQuery, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link PointQuery#query()}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button and returns itself for method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(PointQuery pointQuery, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the given coordinates, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY}
* button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(double x, double y) {
return rightClickOn(x, y, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the given coordinates,
* clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(double x, double y, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Point2D)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Point2D point) {
return rightClickOn(point, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Point2D)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Point2D point, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Bounds)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Bounds bounds) {
return rightClickOn(bounds, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Bounds)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Bounds bounds, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Node)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Node node) {
return rightClickOn(node, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Node)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Node node, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Scene)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Scene scene) {
return rightClickOn(scene, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Scene)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Scene scene, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Window)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Window window) {
return rightClickOn(window, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Window)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Window window, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(String)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(String query) {
return rightClickOn(query, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(String)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(String query, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Matcher)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Matcher matcher) {
return rightClickOn(matcher, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Matcher)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Matcher matcher, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Predicate)}, clicks
* the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Predicate predicate) {
return rightClickOn(predicate, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Predicate)}, clicks the {@link MouseButton#SECONDARY} button, and returns itself for method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface rightClickOn(Predicate predicate, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(double, double)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(double x, double y, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(x, y, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(double, double)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(double x, double y, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Point2D)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Point2D point, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(point, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Point2D)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Point2D point, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Bounds)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Bounds bounds, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(bounds, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Bounds)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Bounds bounds, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Node)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Node node, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(node, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Node)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Node node, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Scene)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Scene scene, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(scene, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Scene)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Scene scene, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Window)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Window window, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(window, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Window)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Window window, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(String)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(String query, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(query, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(String)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(String query, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Matcher)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Matcher matcher, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(matcher, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Matcher)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Matcher matcher, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Predicate)}, double
* clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Predicate predicate, MouseButton... buttons) {
return doubleClickOn(predicate, Motion.DEFAULT, buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Predicate)}, double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn(Predicate predicate, Motion motion, MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.DragRobot#drag(MouseButton...)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.DragRobot#drag(PointQuery, MouseButton...)} and returns itself for more method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(PointQuery pointQuery, MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.DragRobot#drop()} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drop();
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.DragRobot#dropTo(PointQuery)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(PointQuery pointQuery);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.DragRobot#dropBy(double, double)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropBy(double x, double y);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(double, double)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(double x, double y, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Point2D)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Point2D point, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Bounds)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Bounds bounds, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Node)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Node node, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Scene)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Scene scene, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Window)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Window window, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(String)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(String query, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Matcher)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Matcher matcher, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Predicate)}, presses the given
* buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface drag(Predicate predicate, MouseButton... buttons);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(double, double)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(double x, double y);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Point2D)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Point2D point);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Bounds)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Bounds bounds);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Node)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Node node);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Scene)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Scene scene);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Window)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Window window);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(String)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(String query);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Matcher)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Matcher matcher);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from {@link #point(Predicate)}, releases the buttons
* that were pressed in {@link #drag(MouseButton...)}- or {@link #press(MouseButton...)}-related methods,
* and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface dropTo(Predicate predicate);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.KeyboardRobot#press(KeyCode...)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface press(KeyCode... keys);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.KeyboardRobot#press(KeyCode...)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface release(KeyCode... keys);
* Presses and holds mouse buttons.
* @param buttons mouse buttons to press, defaults to primary mouse button.
FxRobotInterface press(MouseButton... buttons);
* Releases pressed mouse buttons.
* @param buttons mouse buttons to release, defaults to all pressed mouse buttons.
FxRobotInterface release(MouseButton... buttons);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.MoveRobot#moveTo(PointQuery)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(PointQuery pointQuery) {
return moveTo(pointQuery, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.MoveRobot#moveTo(PointQuery, Motion)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(PointQuery pointQuery, Motion motion);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.MoveRobot#moveBy(double, double)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveBy(double x, double y) {
return moveBy(x, y, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.MoveRobot#moveBy(double, double, Motion)} and returns itself for more method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveBy(double x, double y, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(double, double)} and returns
* itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(double x, double y) {
return moveTo(x, y, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(double, double)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(double x, double y, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Point2D)} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Point2D point) {
return moveTo(point, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Point2D)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Point2D point, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given {@code Bounds} and returns itself for
* method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Bounds bounds) {
return moveTo(bounds, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Bounds)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Bounds bounds, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given {@code Node} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Node node) {
return moveTo(node, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the center of the
* given {@code Node} and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Node node, Motion motion) {
return moveTo(node, Pos.CENTER, Point2D.ZERO, motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Node)},
* with the given offset from the center of the given {@code Node}, and returns itself for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Node node, Point2D offset) {
return moveTo(node, Pos.CENTER, offset, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Node)}, with the given offset (from the {@code offsetReferencePos}, and returns itself for
* method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Node node, Pos offsetReferencePos, Point2D offset, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given {@code Scene} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Scene scene) {
return moveTo(scene, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Scene)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Scene scene, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given {@code Window} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Window window) {
return moveTo(window, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Window)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Window window, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(String)} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(String query) {
return moveTo(query, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(String)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(String query, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Matcher)} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Matcher matcher) {
return moveTo(matcher, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Matcher)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Matcher matcher, Motion motion);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from {@link #point(Predicate)} and returns itself
* for method chaining.
default FxRobotInterface moveTo(Predicate predicate) {
return moveTo(predicate, Motion.DEFAULT);
* Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given {@code motion} (see: {@link Motion} to the point returned from
* {@link #point(Predicate)} and returns itself for method chaining.
FxRobotInterface moveTo(Predicate predicate, Motion motion);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ScrollRobot#scroll(int)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface scroll(int amount);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ScrollRobot#scroll(int, VerticalDirection)} and returns itself for more method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface scroll(int amount, VerticalDirection direction);
// Convenience methods:
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ScrollRobot#scroll(int, VerticalDirection)} with arguments {@code 1} and
* {@code direction} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface scroll(VerticalDirection direction);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ScrollRobot#scroll(int, HorizontalDirection)} and returns itself for more method
* chaining.
FxRobotInterface scroll(int amount, HorizontalDirection direction);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.ScrollRobot#scroll(int, VerticalDirection)} with arguments {@code 1} and
* {@code direction} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface scroll(HorizontalDirection direction);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.TypeRobot#push(KeyCode...)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface push(KeyCode... combination);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.TypeRobot#push(KeyCodeCombination)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface push(KeyCodeCombination combination);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.TypeRobot#type(KeyCode...)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface type(KeyCode... keys);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.TypeRobot#type(KeyCode, int)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface type(KeyCode key, int times);
* Convenience method: Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.TypeRobot#type(KeyCode, int)} with {@link KeyCode#BACK_SPACE}
* and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface eraseText(int characters);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.WriteRobot#write(char)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface write(char character);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.WriteRobot#write(String)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface write(String text);
* Calls {@link org.testfx.robot.WriteRobot#write(String, int)} and returns itself for more method chaining.
FxRobotInterface write(String text, int sleepMillis);
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