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org.testfx.util.DebugUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2013-2014 SmartBear Software
 * Copyright 2014-2024 The TestFX Contributors
 * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by the
 * European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); You may
 * not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
 * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence.
package org.testfx.util;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javafx.event.Event;
import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.stage.Screen;
import javafx.stage.Window;

import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.testfx.api.FxRobot;
import org.testfx.api.FxService;
import org.testfx.api.FxToolkit;

 * Utility class for displaying additional info, running code, or capturing an image of a test whenever
 * a test fails using {@link org.testfx.api.FxAssert#verifyThat(Node, Matcher)} or its related methods.

* It is possible to create completely customized error messages by chaining functions together using * {@link #compose(Function[])} or one can use the standard provided handlers such as * {@link #informedErrorMessage(FxRobot)}, {@link #informedErrorMessage(FxRobot, String)}, etc. * All {@code indent} parameters in methods are used to specify the spacing to insert in order to * offset values. The default indent value is three spaces (e.g. {@code " "}). *

* When a test fails, an image of the screen at the time of failure can be captured and saved to a PNG file. * {@code DebugUtils} provides support for a number of image sizes: the full screen, a window, an area of the * screen (i.e. bounds), or an individual node. Use the convenience methods prefixed by "save" (e.g. * {@link #saveScreenshot(String)}) to capture and save images. The image path will be printed using * {@link #insertContent(String, Object)} and will appear in the error message. For your own custom handler, use * {@link #saveTestImage(Function, Supplier, String)}, one of the "capture"-prefixed methods, and a * {@code Supplier} that determines where to save the image to. *

* This class uses the concept of combining functions together in order to add additional information * to the error message of an {@link AssertionError} thrown by a failing test. *

* Example: *

 * // Template:
 * compose(
 *      // insert a header for the section of error information
 *      insertHeader(headerText),
 *      // insert the specific content that falls under this header
 *      insertContent(contentHeading, content),
 *      insertContent(contentHeading2, contentIterable),
 *      insertContent(contentHeading3, contentArray),
 *      insertContent(contentHeading4, contentStream),
 *      // insert a header for the section of error information
 *      insertHeader(headerText),
 *      // insert the specific content that falls under this header
 *      insertContent(contentHeading5, contentStream2),
 *      insertContent(contentHeading6, contentStream3));
 * // Example:
 * compose(
 *      insertHeader("Context:"),
 *      showKeysPressedAtTestFailure(this),
 *      showMouseButtonsPressedAtTestFailure(this),
 *      showFiredEvents(),
 *      saveScreenshot());
 * // is equivalent to:
 * informedErrorMessage(this);
 * // as it uses all of the default arguments.
 * }
*/ public final class DebugUtils { /** * The default indentation to use for spacing between items of the error messages, defaults to * three spaces. */ private static final String DEFAULT_INDENT = " "; private static final AtomicInteger DEFAULT_PHOTO_NUMBER = new AtomicInteger(0); private DebugUtils() {} /** * Composes multiple functions together into one. The functions are called in the order that they appear * in the array. That is, {@code functions[0]} is run first, {@code functions[1]} is run second, etc. */ @SafeVarargs public static Function compose(Function... functions) { switch (functions.length) { case 0: return Function.identity(); case 1: return functions[0]; default: return // flip arguments so that functions will be run in the order // in which they appear in the given array .reduce((accumulated, nextFunction) -> nextFunction.compose(accumulated)) .orElse(Function.identity()); } } /** * Ignores the given {@code StringBuilder} and just runs the given code block. */ public static Function runCode(Runnable runnable) { return sb -> {; return sb; }; } /** * Inserts a header on a newline followed by the default indent; useful for specifying a section * in the error message. */ public static Function insertHeader(String headerText) { return insertHeader(headerText, DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Inserts a header on a newline followed by the given {@code indent}; useful for specifying a * section in the error message. */ public static Function insertHeader(String headerText, String indent) { return sb -> sb.append("\n\n").append(indent).append(headerText); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two default indents followed by the given {@code contentHeading}. * Then, inserts a newline followed by three default indents followed by the content itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Object content) { return insertContent(contentHeading, content, DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two of the given {@code indents} followed by the given * {@code contentHeading}. Then, inserts a newline followed by three of the given {@code indents} followed * by the content itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Object content, String indent) { return sb -> sb.append("\n").append(indent).append(indent) .append(contentHeading).append("\n") .append(indent).append(indent).append(indent) .append(content); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two default indents followed by the given {@code contentHeading}. * Then, for each item in the given iterable, inserts a newline followed by three default indents followed by the * list item itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Iterable contentIter) { return insertContent(contentHeading, contentIter, DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two of the given {@code indents} followed by the given * {@code contentHeading}. Then, for each item in the given iterable, inserts a newline followed by three of * the given indents followed by the list item itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Iterable contentIter, String indent) { return sb -> { sb.append("\n").append(indent).append(indent).append(contentHeading); contentIter.forEach(content -> sb.append("\n").append(indent).append(indent).append(indent).append(content)); return sb; }; } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two default indents followed by the given {@code contentHeading}. * Then, for each item in the given array, inserts a newline followed by three default indents followed by the * array item itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Object[] contentArray) { return insertContent(contentHeading, contentArray, DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two of the given indents followed by the given * {@code contentHeading}. Then, for each item in the given array, inserts a newline followed by three of the * given indents followed by the array item itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Object[] contentArray, String indent) { return insertContent(contentHeading, Stream.of(contentArray), indent); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two default indents followed by the given {@code contentHeading}. * Then, for each item in the given stream, inserts a newline followed by three default indents followed by the * item itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Stream contentStream) { return insertContent(contentHeading, contentStream, DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Inserts the heading on a newline followed by two of the given indents followed by the given * {@code contentHeading}. Then, for each item in the given stream, inserts a newline followed by three of * the given indents followed by the item itself. */ public static Function insertContent(String contentHeading, Stream contentStream, String indent) { return sb -> { sb.append("\n").append(indent).append(indent).append(contentHeading); contentStream.forEach(content -> sb.append("\n").append(indent).append(indent).append(indent).append(content)); return sb; }; } /** * Via {@link #insertContent(String, Object)}: shows the keys that were pressed when the test failed. */ public static Function showKeysPressedAtTestFailure(FxRobot robot) { return showKeysPressedAtTestFailure(robot, DEFAULT_INDENT); } public static Function showKeysPressedAtTestFailure(FxRobot robot, String indent) { return sb -> { Set keysPressed = robot.robotContext().getKeyboardRobot().getPressedKeys(); return insertContent("Keys pressed at test failure:", keysPressed, indent) .apply(sb); }; } /** * Via {@link #insertContent(String, Object)}: shows the {@link MouseButton}s * that were pressed when the test failed. */ public static Function showMouseButtonsPressedAtTestFailure(FxRobot robot) { return showMouseButtonsPressedAtTestFailure(robot, DEFAULT_INDENT); } public static Function showMouseButtonsPressedAtTestFailure(FxRobot robot, String indent) { return sb -> { Set mouseButtons = robot.robotContext().getMouseRobot().getPressedButtons(); return insertContent("Mouse Buttons pressed at test failure:", mouseButtons, indent) .apply(sb); }; } /** * Via {@link #insertContent(String, Object)}: shows all events that were fired since the start of the test. * Note: only events stored in {@link org.testfx.api.FxToolkitContext#getFiredEvents()} will be shown. */ public static Function showFiredEvents() { return showFiredEvents(DEFAULT_INDENT); } public static Function showFiredEvents(String indent) { return sb -> { List firedEvents = FxToolkit.toolkitContext().getFiredEvents(); return showFiredEvents(firedEvents, indent).apply(sb); }; } /** * Via {@link #insertContent(String, Object)}: shows all events that were fired since the start of the test. */ public static Function showFiredEvents(FiredEvents events) { return showFiredEvents(events, DEFAULT_INDENT); } public static Function showFiredEvents(FiredEvents events, String indent) { return showFiredEvents(events.getEvents(), indent); } public static Function showFiredEvents(List events) { return showFiredEvents(events, DEFAULT_INDENT); } public static Function showFiredEvents(List events, String indent) { return insertContent("Fired events since test began:", events, indent); } public static Function captureScreenshot() { return captureScreenshot(Screen.getPrimary()); } public static Function captureScreenshot(int screenIndex) { return captureScreenshot(Screen.getScreens().get(screenIndex)); } public static Function captureScreenshot(Screen screen) { return captureBounds(screen.getBounds()); } /** * Captures the registered stage. */ public static Function captureWindow() { return captureWindow(FxToolkit.toolkitContext().getRegisteredStage()); } public static Function captureWindow(Window window) { return captureBounds(mapToRect2D(window)); } public static Function captureBounds(Bounds bounds) { return captureBounds(mapToRect2D(bounds)); } public static Function captureBounds(Rectangle2D bounds) { return captureSupport -> captureSupport.captureRegion(bounds); } public static Function captureNode(Node node) { return captureSupport -> captureSupport.captureNode(node); } /** * Returns {@link #defaultImagePath(String, int)} with "testfx-test" as the test name and * {@link AtomicInteger#getAndIncrement() gets and increments} the next photo number. */ public static Supplier defaultImagePath() { return defaultImagePath("testfx-test", DEFAULT_PHOTO_NUMBER.getAndIncrement()); } /** * Returns {@code () -> Paths.get(testName + " - 0.png");} */ public static Supplier defaultImagePath(String testName) { return defaultImagePath(testName, 0); } /** * Returns {@code () -> Paths.get(testName + " - " photoNumber + ".png");} */ public static Supplier defaultImagePath(String testName, int photoNumber) { return () -> Paths.get(testName + " - " + photoNumber + ".png"); } /** * Saves the captured primary screen image using {@link #defaultImagePath()} and the {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT}. */ public static Function saveScreenshot() { return saveScreenshot(defaultImagePath(), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the primary screen to "testName - 0.png" * (e.g. "button_has_label - 0.png"). */ public static Function saveScreenshot(String testName) { return saveScreenshot(testName, 0); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the primary screen to "testName - photoNumber.png" * (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveScreenshot(String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveScreenshot(defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the primary screen to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveScreenshot(Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureScreenshot(), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the screen to "testName - photoNumber.png" (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveScreenshot(Screen screen, String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveScreenshot(screen, defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the screen to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveScreenshot(Screen screen, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureScreenshot(screen), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the screen at the given index in {@link Screen#getScreens()}} * to "testName - photoNumber.png" (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveScreenshot(int screenIndex, String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveScreenshot(screenIndex, defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured screenshot of the screen at the given index in {@link Screen#getScreens()}} * to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveScreenshot(int screenIndex, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureScreenshot(screenIndex), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured registered stage image using {@link #defaultImagePath()} and the {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT}. */ public static Function saveWindow() { return saveWindow(defaultImagePath(), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured registered stage "testName - photoNumber.png" (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveWindow(String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveWindow(defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured registered stage to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveWindow(Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveWindow(FxToolkit.toolkitContext().getRegisteredStage(), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured window to "testName - photoNumber.png" (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveWindow(Window window, String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveWindow(window, defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured window to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveWindow(Window window, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureWindow(window), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured image based on the given bounds using {@link #defaultImagePath()} * and the {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT}. */ public static Function saveBounds(Bounds bounds) { return saveBounds(bounds, defaultImagePath(), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured image based on the given bounds to "testName - photoNumber.png" * (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveBounds(Bounds bounds, String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveBounds(bounds, defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured image based on the given bounds to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveBounds(Bounds bounds, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureBounds(bounds), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured image based on the given bounds using {@link #defaultImagePath()} * and the {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT}. */ public static Function saveBounds(Rectangle2D bounds) { return saveBounds(bounds, defaultImagePath(), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured image based on the given bounds to "testName - photoNumber.png" * (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveBounds(Rectangle2D bounds, String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveBounds(bounds, defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured image based on the given bounds to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveBounds(Rectangle2D bounds, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureBounds(bounds), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured node using {@link #defaultImagePath()} and the {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT}. */ public static Function saveNode(Node node) { return saveNode(node, defaultImagePath(), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured node image to "testName - photoNumber.png" (e.g. "button_has_label - 2.png"). */ public static Function saveNode(Node node, String testName, int photoNumber) { return saveNode(node, defaultImagePath(testName, photoNumber), DEFAULT_INDENT); } /** * Saves the captured node to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveNode(Node node, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return saveTestImage(captureNode(node), capturedImagePath, indent); } /** * Saves the captured image to the supplied path. */ public static Function saveTestImage(Function captureImage, Supplier capturedImagePath, String indent) { return sb -> { CaptureSupport captureSupport = FxService.serviceContext().getCaptureSupport(); Image errorImage = captureImage.apply(captureSupport); Path path = capturedImagePath.get(); captureSupport.saveImage(errorImage, path); insertContent("Test image saved at:", path.toAbsolutePath().toString(), indent).apply(sb); return sb; }; } /** * Convenience method for {@link #informedErrorMessage(String, boolean, boolean, FxRobot, boolean, boolean)} * with all booleans set to {@code true} and the header text set to {@code "Context:"}. */ public static Function informedErrorMessage(FxRobot robot) { return informedErrorMessage(robot, "Context:"); } /** * Convenience method for {@link #informedErrorMessage(String, boolean, boolean, FxRobot, boolean, boolean)} * with all booleans set to {@code true}. */ public static Function informedErrorMessage(FxRobot robot, String headerText) { return informedErrorMessage(headerText, true, true, robot, true, true); } /** * Convenience method for {@link #insertHeader(String)} using "Context:" as the header text and then, via * {@link #insertContent(String, Object)}, composes {@link #showKeysPressedAtTestFailure(FxRobot)}, * {@link #showMouseButtonsPressedAtTestFailure(FxRobot)}, and {@link #showFiredEvents()} together in * their given order, depending on what the booleans are. */ public static Function informedErrorMessage(String headerText, boolean takeScreenshot, boolean showFiredEvents, FxRobot robot, boolean showKeysPressed, boolean showMouseButtonsPressed) { Function function = Function.identity(); if (headerText != null) { function = insertHeader(headerText).compose(function); } if (takeScreenshot) { function = saveScreenshot().compose(function); } if (showKeysPressed) { function = showKeysPressedAtTestFailure(robot, DEFAULT_INDENT).compose(function); } if (showMouseButtonsPressed) { function = showMouseButtonsPressedAtTestFailure(robot, DEFAULT_INDENT).compose(function); } if (showFiredEvents) { function = showFiredEvents(DEFAULT_INDENT).compose(function); } return function; } private static Rectangle2D mapToRect2D(Bounds bounds) { return new Rectangle2D(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()); } private static Rectangle2D mapToRect2D(Window window) { return new Rectangle2D(window.getX(), window.getY(), window.getWidth(), window.getHeight()); } }

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