org.testfx.util.PointQueryUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2014 SmartBear Software
* Copyright 2014-2024 The TestFX Contributors
* Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by the
* European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); You may
* not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
* http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl.html
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
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package org.testfx.util;
import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
import javafx.geometry.HPos;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
public final class PointQueryUtils {
private PointQueryUtils() {}
* @param bounds the given bounds
* @param position the position within the bounds
* @return a point somewhere in the given bounds whose x and y values are determined by
* passing the given {@code position} to {@link #computePositionFactors(Pos)}.
public static Point2D atPosition(Bounds bounds, Pos position) {
return atPositionFactors(bounds, computePositionFactors(position));
* Returns the point within the given bounds computed using the given {@code positionFactors}.
* The x-component of the returned point is computed using:
* {@code x = bounds.x + positionFactors.x * bounds.width}
* and analogously the y-component of the returned point is computed using:
* {@code y = bounds.y + positionFactors.y * bounds.height}
* @param bounds the given bounds
* @param positionFactors a {@code Point2D} object whose x and y values represent percentages
* (0.0 = 0% and 1.0 = 100%). As an example, an x value of 0 will return {@link Bounds#getMinX()},
* 1.0 will return {@link Bounds#getMaxX()}, and 0.5 will return
* {@code bounds.getMinX() + (bounds.getWidth() * positionFactors.getX()}.
* @return the point somewhere within the given bounds whose x and y values are determined by the given
* {@code positionFactors}.
public static Point2D atPositionFactors(Bounds bounds, Point2D positionFactors) {
double pointX = lerp(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getWidth(), positionFactors.getX());
double pointY = lerp(bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getHeight(), positionFactors.getY());
return new Point2D(pointX, pointY);
* Computes the width/height factors for the point defined by the given {@code position}.
* The width factor is returned in the x component and the height factor in the y component of the point.
* That is, {@link Pos#TOP_LEFT} has a width and height factor of {@literal 0.0}, whereas {@link Pos#BOTTOM_RIGHT}
* has a width and height factor of {@literal 1.0}.
* @param position the position to compute width/height factors for
* @return a {@code Point2D} that can be used as a {@code positionFactor} object in
* {@link #atPositionFactors(Bounds, Point2D)}.
public static Point2D computePositionFactors(Pos position) {
double positionX = computePositionX(position.getHpos());
double positionY = computePositionY(position.getVpos());
return new Point2D(positionX, positionY);
private static double lerp(double start, double distance, double factor) {
return start + (distance * factor);
private static double computePositionX(HPos hPos) {
switch (hPos) {
case LEFT:
return 0.0;
case CENTER:
return 0.5;
case RIGHT:
return 1.0;
throw new RuntimeException("unhandled hPos: " + hPos);
private static double computePositionY(VPos vPos) {
switch (vPos) {
case TOP:
return 0.0;
case CENTER:
return 0.5;
case BOTTOM:
return 1.0;
throw new RuntimeException("unhandled vPos: " + vPos);