org.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.DefaultDockerClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* -\-\-
* docker-client
* --
* Copyright (C) 2016 Spotify AB
* Copyright (c) 2014 Oleg Poleshuk
* Copyright (c) 2014 CyDesign Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2016 ThoughtWorks, Inc
* --
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -/-/-
package org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client;
import static;
import static;
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import static;
import static org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.ObjectMapperProvider.objectMapper;
import static;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import static;
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import static;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.auth.ConfigFileRegistryAuthSupplier;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.auth.FixedRegistryAuthSupplier;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.auth.RegistryAuthSupplier;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.BadParamException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ConflictException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ContainerNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ContainerRenameConflictException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.DockerCertificateException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.DockerException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.DockerRequestException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.DockerTimeoutException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ExecCreateConflictException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ExecNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ExecStartConflictException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ImageNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.NetworkNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.NodeNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.NonSwarmNodeException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.NotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.PermissionException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.ServiceNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.TaskNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.UnsupportedApiVersionException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.exceptions.VolumeNotFoundException;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.Container;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerChange;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerConfig;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerCreation;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerExit;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerInfo;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerStats;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ContainerUpdate;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ExecCreation;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ExecState;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.HostConfig;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.Image;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ImageHistory;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ImageInfo;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ImageSearchResult;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.Info;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.Network;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.NetworkConfig;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.NetworkConnection;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.NetworkCreation;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ProgressMessage;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.RegistryAuth;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.RegistryConfigs;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.RemovedImage;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.ServiceCreateResponse;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.TopResults;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.Version;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.Volume;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.VolumeList;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.Config;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.ConfigCreateResponse;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.ConfigSpec;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.Node;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.NodeInfo;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.NodeSpec;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.Secret;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.SecretCreateResponse;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.SecretSpec;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.Service;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.ServiceSpec;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.Swarm;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.SwarmInit;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.SwarmJoin;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.SwarmSpec;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.Task;
import org.testifyproject.testifyproject.spotify.docker.client.messages.swarm.UnlockKey;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.config.Registry;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.config.RegistryBuilder;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.conn.socket.ConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.conn.socket.PlainConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.testifyproject.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager;
import org.testifyproject.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException;
import org.testifyproject.slf4j.Logger;
import org.testifyproject.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class DefaultDockerClient implements DockerClient, Closeable {
* Hack: this {@link ProgressHandler} is meant to capture the image ID (or image digest in Docker
* 1.10+) of an image being created. Weirdly enough, Docker returns the ID or digest of a newly
* created image in the status of a progress message.
* The image ID/digest is required to tag the just loaded image since,
* also weirdly enough, the pull operation with the fromSrc
parameter does not
* support the tag
parameter. By retrieving the ID/digest, the image can be tagged
* with its image name, given its ID/digest.
private static class CreateProgressHandler implements ProgressHandler {
// The length of the image hash
private static final int EXPECTED_CHARACTER_NUM1 = 64;
// The length of the image digest
private static final int EXPECTED_CHARACTER_NUM2 = 71;
private final ProgressHandler delegate;
private String imageId;
private CreateProgressHandler(ProgressHandler delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
private String getImageId() {
Preconditions.checkState(imageId != null,
"Could not acquire image ID or digest following create");
return imageId;
public void progress(ProgressMessage message) throws DockerException {
final String status = message.status();
if (status != null && (status.length() == EXPECTED_CHARACTER_NUM1
|| status.length() == EXPECTED_CHARACTER_NUM2)) {
imageId = message.status();
* Hack: this {@link ProgressHandler} is meant to capture the image names
* of an image being loaded. Weirdly enough, Docker returns the name of a newly
* created image in the stream of a progress message.
private static class LoadProgressHandler implements ProgressHandler {
// The length of the image hash
private static final Pattern IMAGE_STREAM_PATTERN ="Loaded image: (?.+)\n");
private final ProgressHandler delegate;
private Set imageNames;
private LoadProgressHandler(ProgressHandler delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.imageNames = new HashSet<>();
private Set getImageNames() {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(imageNames);
public void progress(ProgressMessage message) throws DockerException {
final String stream =;
if (stream != null) {
Matcher streamMatcher = IMAGE_STREAM_PATTERN.matcher(stream);
if (streamMatcher.matches()) {
// ==========================================================================
private static final String UNIX_SCHEME = "unix";
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultDockerClient.class);
static final long NO_TIMEOUT = 0;
private static final long DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = SECONDS.toMillis(5);
private static final long DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = SECONDS.toMillis(30);
private static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE = 100;
private final ClientConfig defaultConfig = new ClientConfig(
private static final Pattern CONTAINER_NAME_PATTERN ="^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$");
private static final GenericType> CONTAINER_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> CONTAINER_CHANGE_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> IMAGE_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> NETWORK_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> IMAGES_SEARCH_RESULT_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> REMOVED_IMAGE_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> IMAGE_HISTORY_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> SERVICE_LIST =
new GenericType>() {
private static final GenericType> TASK_LIST = new GenericType>() { };
private static final GenericType> NODE_LIST = new GenericType>() { };
private static final GenericType> CONFIG_LIST = new GenericType>() { };
private static final GenericType> SECRET_LIST = new GenericType>() { };
private final Client client;
private final Client noTimeoutClient;
private final URI uri;
private final String apiVersion;
private final RegistryAuthSupplier registryAuthSupplier;
private final Map headers;
Client getClient() {
return client;
Client getNoTimeoutClient() {
return noTimeoutClient;
* Create a new client with default configuration.
* @param uri The docker rest api uri.
public DefaultDockerClient(final String uri) {
this(URI.create(uri.replaceAll("^unix:///", "unix://localhost/")));
* Create a new client with default configuration.
* @param uri The docker rest api uri.
public DefaultDockerClient(final URI uri) {
this(new Builder().uri(uri));
* Create a new client with default configuration.
* @param uri The docker rest api uri.
* @param dockerCertificatesStore The certificates to use for HTTPS.
public DefaultDockerClient(final URI uri, final DockerCertificatesStore dockerCertificatesStore) {
this(new Builder().uri(uri).dockerCertificates(dockerCertificatesStore));
* Create a new client using the configuration of the builder.
* @param builder DefaultDockerClient builder
protected DefaultDockerClient(final Builder builder) {
final URI originalUri = checkNotNull(builder.uri, "uri");
checkNotNull(originalUri.getScheme(), "url has null scheme");
this.apiVersion = builder.apiVersion();
if ((builder.dockerCertificatesStore != null) && !originalUri.getScheme().equals("https")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"An HTTPS URI for DOCKER_HOST must be provided to use Docker client certificates");
if (originalUri.getScheme().equals(UNIX_SCHEME)) {
this.uri = UnixConnectionSocketFactory.sanitizeUri(originalUri);
} else {
this.uri = originalUri;
final PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm = getConnectionManager(builder);
final PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager noTimeoutCm = getConnectionManager(builder);
final RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom()
.setConnectionRequestTimeout((int) builder.connectTimeoutMillis)
.setConnectTimeout((int) builder.connectTimeoutMillis)
.setSocketTimeout((int) builder.readTimeoutMillis)
final ClientConfig config = updateProxy(defaultConfig, builder)
.connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider())
.property(ApacheClientProperties.CONNECTION_MANAGER, cm)
.property(ApacheClientProperties.REQUEST_CONFIG, requestConfig);
if (builder.registryAuthSupplier == null) {
this.registryAuthSupplier = new FixedRegistryAuthSupplier();
} else {
this.registryAuthSupplier = builder.registryAuthSupplier;
this.client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder()
// ApacheConnector doesn't respect per-request timeout settings.
// Workaround: instead create a client with infinite read timeout,
// and use it for waitContainer, stopContainer, attachContainer, logs, and build
final RequestConfig noReadTimeoutRequestConfig = RequestConfig.copy(requestConfig)
.setSocketTimeout((int) NO_TIMEOUT)
this.noTimeoutClient = ClientBuilder.newBuilder()
.property(ApacheClientProperties.CONNECTION_MANAGER, noTimeoutCm)
.property(ApacheClientProperties.REQUEST_CONFIG, noReadTimeoutRequestConfig)
this.headers = new HashMap<>(builder.headers());
private ClientConfig updateProxy(ClientConfig config, Builder builder) {
if (builder.useProxy()) {
final String proxyHost = System.getProperty("http.proxyHost");
if (proxyHost != null) {, proxyHost + ":"
+ checkNotNull(System.getProperty("http.proxyPort"), "http.proxyPort"));
//ensure Content-Length is populated before sending request via proxy.,
return config;
public String getHost() {
return fromNullable(uri.getHost()).or("localhost");
private PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager getConnectionManager(Builder builder) {
final PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm =
new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(getSchemeRegistry(builder));
// Use all available connections instead of artificially limiting ourselves to 2 per server.
return cm;
private Registry getSchemeRegistry(final Builder builder) {
final SSLConnectionSocketFactory https;
if (builder.dockerCertificatesStore == null) {
https = SSLConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory();
} else {
https = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(builder.dockerCertificatesStore.sslContext(),
final RegistryBuilder registryBuilder = RegistryBuilder
.register("https", https)
.register("http", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory());
if (builder.uri.getScheme().equals(UNIX_SCHEME)) {
registryBuilder.register(UNIX_SCHEME, new UnixConnectionSocketFactory(builder.uri));
public void close() {
public String ping() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource ="_ping");
return request(GET, String.class, resource, resource.request());
public Version version() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("version");
return request(GET, Version.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public int auth(final RegistryAuth registryAuth) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("auth");
final Response response =
request(POST, Response.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
return response.getStatus();
public Info info() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("info");
return request(GET, Info.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public List listContainers(final ListContainersParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource()
resource = addParameters(resource, params);
try {
return request(GET, CONTAINER_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new BadParamException(getQueryParamMap(resource), e);
throw e;
private WebTarget addParameters(WebTarget resource, final Param... params)
throws DockerException {
final Map> filters = newHashMap();
for (final Param param : params) {
if (param instanceof FilterParam) {
List filterValueList;
if (filters.containsKey( {
filterValueList = filters.get(;
} else {
filterValueList = Lists.newArrayList();
filters.put(, filterValueList);
} else {
resource = resource.queryParam(urlEncode(, urlEncode(param.value()));
if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
// If filters were specified, we must put them in a JSON object and pass them using the
// 'filters' query param like this: filters={"dangling":["true"]}. If filters is an empty map,
// urlEncodeFilters will return null and queryParam() will remove that query parameter.
resource = resource.queryParam("filters", urlEncodeFilters(filters));
return resource;
private Map getQueryParamMap(final WebTarget resource) {
final String queryParams = resource.getUri().getQuery();
final Map paramsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (final String queryParam : queryParams.split("&")) {
final String[] kv = queryParam.split("=");
paramsMap.put(kv[0], kv[1]);
return paramsMap;
* URL-encodes a string when used as a URL query parameter's value.
* @param unencoded A string that may contain characters not allowed in URL query parameters.
* @return URL-encoded String
* @throws DockerException if there's an UnsupportedEncodingException
private String urlEncode(final String unencoded) throws DockerException {
try {
final String encode = URLEncoder.encode(unencoded,;
return encode.replaceAll("\\+", "%20");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
* Takes a map of filters and URL-encodes them. If the map is empty or an exception occurs, return
* null.
* @param filters A map of filters.
* @return String
* @throws DockerException if there's an IOException
private String urlEncodeFilters(final Map> filters) throws DockerException {
try {
final String unencodedFilters = objectMapper().writeValueAsString(filters);
if (!unencodedFilters.isEmpty()) {
return urlEncode(unencodedFilters);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
return null;
public List listImages(final ListImagesParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource()
resource = addParameters(resource, params);
return request(GET, IMAGE_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public ContainerCreation createContainer(final ContainerConfig config)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
return createContainer(config, null);
public ContainerCreation createContainer(final ContainerConfig config, final String name)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource()
if (name != null) {
"Invalid container name: \"%s\"", name);
resource = resource.queryParam("name", name);
}"Creating container with ContainerConfig: {}", config);
try {
return request(POST, ContainerCreation.class, resource, resource
.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE), Entity.json(config));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(config.image(), e);
case 406:
throw new DockerException("Impossible to attach. Container not running.", e);
throw e;
public void startContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");"Starting container with Id: {}", containerId);
containerAction(containerId, "start");
private void containerAction(final String containerId, final String action)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
containerAction(containerId, action, new MultivaluedHashMap());
private void containerAction(final String containerId, final String action,
final MultivaluedMap queryParameters)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource()
for (Map.Entry> queryParameter : queryParameters.entrySet()) {
for (String parameterValue : queryParameter.getValue()) {
resource.queryParam(queryParameter.getKey(), parameterValue);
request(POST, resource, resource.request());
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public void pauseContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");
containerAction(containerId, "pause");
public void unpauseContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");
containerAction(containerId, "unpause");
public void restartContainer(String containerId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
restartContainer(containerId, 10);
public void restartContainer(String containerId, int secondsToWaitBeforeRestart)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");
checkNotNull(secondsToWaitBeforeRestart, "secondsToWait");
MultivaluedMap queryParameters = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
queryParameters.add("t", String.valueOf(secondsToWaitBeforeRestart));
containerAction(containerId, "restart", queryParameters);
public void killContainer(final String containerId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");
containerAction(containerId, "kill");
public void killContainer(final String containerId, final Signal signal)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");
MultivaluedMap queryParameters = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
queryParameters.add("signal", signal.getName());
containerAction(containerId, "kill", queryParameters);
public void stopContainer(final String containerId, final int secondsToWaitBeforeKilling)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource()
.queryParam("t", String.valueOf(secondsToWaitBeforeKilling));
request(POST, resource, resource.request());
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 304: // already stopped, so we're cool
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public ContainerExit waitContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource()
// Wait forever
return request(POST, ContainerExit.class, resource,
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public void removeContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
removeContainer(containerId, new RemoveContainerParam[0]);
public void removeContainer(final String containerId, final boolean removeVolumes)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
removeContainer(containerId, RemoveContainerParam.removeVolumes(removeVolumes));
public void removeContainer(final String containerId, final RemoveContainerParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId);
for (final RemoveContainerParam param : params) {
resource = resource.queryParam(, param.value());
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new BadParamException(getQueryParamMap(resource()), e);
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public InputStream exportContainer(String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource()
try {
return request(GET, InputStream.class, resource,
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public InputStream copyContainer(String containerId, String path)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final String apiVersion = version().apiVersion();
final int versionComparison = org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpareVersion(apiVersion, "1.24");
// Version above 1.24
if (versionComparison >= 0) {
throw new UnsupportedApiVersionException(apiVersion);
final WebTarget resource = resource()
// Internal JSON object; not worth it to create class for this
final JsonNodeFactory nf = JsonNodeFactory.instance;
final JsonNode params = nf.objectNode().set("Resource", nf.textNode(path));
try {
return request(POST, InputStream.class, resource,
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public InputStream archiveContainer(String containerId, String path)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final String apiVersion = version().apiVersion();
final int versionComparison = org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpareVersion(apiVersion, "1.20");
// Version below 1.20
if (versionComparison < 0) {
throw new UnsupportedApiVersionException(apiVersion);
final WebTarget resource = resource()
.queryParam("path", path);
try {
return request(GET, InputStream.class, resource,
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public TopResults topContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
return topContainer(containerId, null);
public TopResults topContainer(final String containerId, final String psArgs)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("top");
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(psArgs)) {
resource = resource.queryParam("ps_args", psArgs);
return request(GET, TopResults.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public void copyToContainer(final Path directory, String containerId, String path)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException, IOException {
final CompressedDirectory org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpressedDirectory = CompressedDirectory.create(directory);
final InputStream fileStream = Files.newInputStream(org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpressedDirectory.file());
copyToContainer(fileStream, containerId, path);
public void copyToContainer(InputStream tarStream, String containerId, String path)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource()
.queryParam("noOverwriteDirNonDir", true)
.queryParam("path", path);
try {
request(PUT, String.class, resource,
Entity.entity(tarStream, "application/tar"));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new BadParamException(getQueryParamMap(resource), e);
case 403:
throw new PermissionException("Volume or container rootfs is marked as read-only.", e);
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException(
String.format("Either container %s or path %s not found.", containerId, path), e);
throw e;
public List inspectContainerChanges(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("changes");
return request(GET, CONTAINER_CHANGE_LIST, resource,
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public ContainerInfo inspectContainer(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("json");
return request(GET, ContainerInfo.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public ContainerCreation org.testifyproject.testifyprojectmitContainer(final String containerId,
final String repo,
final String tag,
final ContainerConfig config,
final String org.testifyproject.testifyprojectment,
final String author)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId");
checkNotNull(repo, "repo");
checkNotNull(config, "containerConfig");
WebTarget resource = resource()
.queryParam("container", containerId)
.queryParam("repo", repo);
if (!isNullOrEmpty(author)) {
resource = resource.queryParam("author", author);
if (!isNullOrEmpty(org.testifyproject.testifyprojectment)) {
resource = resource.queryParam("org.testifyproject.testifyprojectment", org.testifyproject.testifyprojectment);
if (!isNullOrEmpty(tag)) {
resource = resource.queryParam("tag", tag);
}"Committing container id: {} to repository: {} with ContainerConfig: {}", containerId,
repo, config);
try {
return request(POST, ContainerCreation.class, resource, resource
.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE), Entity.json(config));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public void renameContainer(final String containerId, final String name)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource()
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot rename container to null");
"Invalid container name: \"%s\"", name);
resource = resource.queryParam("name", name);"Renaming container with id {}. New name {}.", containerId, name);
try {
request(POST, resource, resource.request());
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
case 409:
throw new ContainerRenameConflictException(containerId, name, e);
throw e;
public ContainerUpdate updateContainer(final String containerId, final HostConfig config)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("update");
return request(POST, ContainerUpdate.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId);
throw e;
public List searchImages(final String term)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path("search").queryParam("term", term);
return request(GET, IMAGES_SEARCH_RESULT_LIST, resource,
public void load(final String image, final InputStream imagePayload)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
create(image, imagePayload);
public void load(final String image, final InputStream imagePayload,
final ProgressHandler handler)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
create(image, imagePayload, handler);
public Set load(final InputStream imagePayload)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
return load(imagePayload, new LoggingLoadHandler());
public Set load(final InputStream imagePayload, final ProgressHandler handler)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource()
.queryParam("quiet", "false");
final LoadProgressHandler loadProgressHandler = new LoadProgressHandler(handler);
final Entity entity = Entity.entity(imagePayload, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
try (final ProgressStream load =
request(POST, ProgressStream.class, resource,
resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE), entity)) {
load.tail(loadProgressHandler, POST, resource.getUri());
return loadProgressHandler.getImageNames();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
} finally {
public void create(final String image, final InputStream imagePayload)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
create(image, imagePayload, new LoggingPullHandler("image stream"));
public void create(final String image, final InputStream imagePayload,
final ProgressHandler handler)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path("create");
resource = resource
.queryParam("fromSrc", "-")
.queryParam("tag", image);
final CreateProgressHandler createProgressHandler = new CreateProgressHandler(handler);
final Entity entity = Entity.entity(imagePayload,
try (final ProgressStream load =
request(POST, ProgressStream.class, resource,
resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE), entity)) {
load.tail(createProgressHandler, POST, resource.getUri());
tag(createProgressHandler.getImageId(), image, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
} finally {
public InputStream save(final String... images)
throws DockerException, IOException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource;
if (images.length == 1) {
resource = resource().path("images").path(images[0]).path("get");
} else {
resource = resource().path("images").path("get");
if (images.length > 1) {
for (final String image : images) {
if (!isNullOrEmpty(image)) {
resource = resource.queryParam("names", urlEncode(image));
return request(
public InputStream saveMultiple(final String... images)
throws DockerException, IOException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path("get");
for (final String image : images) {
resource.queryParam("names", urlEncode(image));
return request(
resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(
public void pull(final String image) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
pull(image, new LoggingPullHandler(image));
public void pull(final String image, final ProgressHandler handler)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
pull(image, registryAuthSupplier.authFor(image), handler);
public void pull(final String image, final RegistryAuth registryAuth)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
pull(image, registryAuth, new LoggingPullHandler(image));
public void pull(final String image, final RegistryAuth registryAuth,
final ProgressHandler handler)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final ImageRef imageRef = new ImageRef(image);
WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path("create");
resource = resource.queryParam("fromImage", imageRef.getImage());
if (imageRef.getTag() != null) {
resource = resource.queryParam("tag", imageRef.getTag());
try (ProgressStream pull =
request(POST, ProgressStream.class, resource,
.header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(registryAuth)))) {
pull.tail(handler, POST, resource.getUri());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e);
throw e;
public void push(final String image) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
push(image, new LoggingPushHandler(image));
public void push(final String image, final RegistryAuth registryAuth)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
push(image, new LoggingPushHandler(image), registryAuth);
public void push(final String image, final ProgressHandler handler)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
push(image, handler, registryAuthSupplier.authFor(image));
public void push(final String image,
final ProgressHandler handler,
final RegistryAuth registryAuth)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final ImageRef imageRef = new ImageRef(image);
WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path(imageRef.getImage()).path("push");
if (imageRef.getTag() != null) {
resource = resource.queryParam("tag", imageRef.getTag());
try (ProgressStream push =
request(POST, ProgressStream.class, resource,
.header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(registryAuth)))) {
push.tail(handler, POST, resource.getUri());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e);
throw e;
public void tag(final String image, final String name)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
tag(image, name, false);
public void tag(final String image, final String name, final boolean force)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final ImageRef imageRef = new ImageRef(name);
WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path(image).path("tag");
resource = resource.queryParam("repo", imageRef.getImage());
if (imageRef.getTag() != null) {
resource = resource.queryParam("tag", imageRef.getTag());
if (force) {
resource = resource.queryParam("force", true);
try {
request(POST, resource, resource.request());
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new BadParamException(getQueryParamMap(resource), e);
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e);
case 409:
throw new ConflictException(e);
throw e;
public String build(final Path directory, final BuildParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException, IOException {
return build(directory, null, new LoggingBuildHandler(), params);
public String build(final Path directory, final String name, final BuildParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException, IOException {
return build(directory, name, new LoggingBuildHandler(), params);
public String build(final Path directory, final ProgressHandler handler,
final BuildParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException, IOException {
return build(directory, null, handler, params);
public String build(final Path directory, final String name, final ProgressHandler handler,
final BuildParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException, IOException {
return build(directory, name, null, handler, params);
public String build(final Path directory, final String name, final String dockerfile,
final ProgressHandler handler, final BuildParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException, IOException {
checkNotNull(handler, "handler");
WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource().path("build");
for (final BuildParam param : params) {
resource = resource.queryParam(, param.value());
if (name != null) {
resource = resource.queryParam("t", name);
if (dockerfile != null) {
resource = resource.queryParam("dockerfile", dockerfile);
// Convert auth to X-Registry-Config format
final RegistryConfigs registryConfigs = registryAuthSupplier.authForBuild();
try (final CompressedDirectory org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpressedDirectory = CompressedDirectory.create(directory);
final InputStream fileStream = Files.newInputStream(org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpressedDirectory.file());
final ProgressStream build =
request(POST, ProgressStream.class, resource,
Entity.entity(fileStream, "application/tar"))) {
String imageId = null;
while (build.hasNextMessage(POST, resource.getUri())) {
final ProgressMessage message = build.nextMessage(POST, resource.getUri());
final String id = message.buildImageId();
if (id != null) {
imageId = id;
return imageId;
public ImageInfo inspectImage(final String image) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path(image).path("json");
return request(GET, ImageInfo.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e);
throw e;
public List removeImage(String image)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
return removeImage(image, false, false);
public List removeImage(String image, boolean force, boolean noPrune)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path(image)
.queryParam("force", String.valueOf(force))
.queryParam("noprune", String.valueOf(noPrune));
return request(DELETE, REMOVED_IMAGE_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e);
case 409:
throw new ConflictException(e);
throw e;
public List history(final String image)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource()
try {
return request(GET, IMAGE_HISTORY_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e);
throw e;
public LogStream logs(final String containerId, final LogsParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource()
for (final LogsParam param : params) {
resource = resource.queryParam(, param.value());
return getLogStream(GET, resource, containerId);
public EventStream events(EventsParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource().path("events");
resource = addParameters(resource, params);
try {
final CloseableHttpClient client = (CloseableHttpClient) ApacheConnectorProvider
final CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(new HttpGet(resource.getUri()));
return new EventStream(response, objectMapper());
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new DockerException(exception);
public LogStream attachContainer(final String containerId,
final AttachParameter... params) throws DockerException,
InterruptedException {
final ContainerInfo containerInfo = inspectContainer(containerId);
if (!containerInfo.state().running()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Container " + containerId + " is not running.");
WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("attach");
for (final AttachParameter param : params) {
resource = resource.queryParam(, String.valueOf(true));
return getLogStream(POST, resource, containerId);
private LogStream getLogStream(final String method, final WebTarget resource,
final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final Invocation.Builder request = resource.request("application/vnd.docker.raw-stream");
return request(method, LogStream.class, resource, request);
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new BadParamException(getQueryParamMap(resource), e);
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId);
throw e;
private LogStream getServiceLogStream(final String method, final WebTarget resource,
final String serviceId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final Invocation.Builder request = resource.request("application/vnd.docker.raw-stream");
return request(method, LogStream.class, resource, request);
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new BadParamException(getQueryParamMap(resource), e);
case 404:
throw new ServiceNotFoundException(serviceId);
throw e;
public ExecCreation execCreate(final String containerId,
final String[] cmd,
final ExecCreateParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final ContainerInfo containerInfo = inspectContainer(containerId);
if (!containerInfo.state().running()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Container " + containerId + " is not running.");
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("exec");
final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {
final JsonGenerator generator = objectMapper().getFactory().createGenerator(writer);
for (final ExecCreateParam param : params) {
if (param.value().equals("true") || param.value().equals("false")) {
generator.writeBooleanField(, Boolean.valueOf(param.value()));
} else {
generator.writeStringField(, param.value());
for (final String s : cmd) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
try {
return request(POST, ExecCreation.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
case 409:
throw new ExecCreateConflictException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public LogStream execStart(final String execId, final ExecStartParameter... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource().path("exec").path(execId).path("start");
final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {
final JsonGenerator generator = objectMapper().getFactory().createGenerator(writer);
for (final ExecStartParameter param : params) {
generator.writeBooleanField(param.getName(), true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DockerException(e);
try {
return request(POST, LogStream.class, resource,
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ExecNotFoundException(execId, e);
case 409:
throw new ExecStartConflictException(execId, e);
throw e;
public Swarm inspectSwarm() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm");
return request(GET, Swarm.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public String initSwarm(final SwarmInit swarmInit) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm").path("init");
return request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new DockerException("bad parameter", e);
case 500:
throw new DockerException("server error", e);
case 503:
throw new DockerException("node is already part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public void joinSwarm(final SwarmJoin swarmJoin) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm").path("join");
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new DockerException("bad parameter", e);
case 500:
throw new DockerException("server error", e);
case 503:
throw new DockerException("node is already part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public void leaveSwarm() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
public void leaveSwarm(final boolean force) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm").path("leave").queryParam("force", force);
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 500:
throw new DockerException("server error", e);
case 503:
throw new DockerException("node is not part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public void updateSwarm(final Long version,
final boolean rotateWorkerToken,
final boolean rotateManagerToken,
final boolean rotateManagerUnlockKey,
final SwarmSpec spec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm").path("update")
.queryParam("version", version)
.queryParam("rotateWorkerToken", rotateWorkerToken)
.queryParam("rotateManagerToken", rotateManagerToken)
.queryParam("rotateManagerUnlockKey", rotateManagerUnlockKey);
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 400:
throw new DockerException("bad parameter", e);
throw e;
public void updateSwarm(final Long version,
final boolean rotateWorkerToken,
final boolean rotateManagerToken,
final SwarmSpec spec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
updateSwarm(version, rotateWorkerToken, rotateWorkerToken, false, spec);
public void updateSwarm(final Long version,
final boolean rotateWorkerToken,
final SwarmSpec spec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
updateSwarm(version, rotateWorkerToken, false, false, spec);
public void updateSwarm(final Long version,
final SwarmSpec spec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
updateSwarm(version, false, false, false, spec);
public UnlockKey unlockKey() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm").path("unlockkey");
return request(GET, UnlockKey.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 500:
throw new DockerException("server error", e);
case 503:
throw new DockerException("node is not part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public void unlock(final UnlockKey unlockKey) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("swarm").path("unlock");
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 500:
throw new DockerException("server error", e);
case 503:
throw new DockerException("node is not part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public ServiceCreateResponse createService(ServiceSpec spec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
return createService(spec, registryAuthSupplier.authForSwarm());
public ServiceCreateResponse createService(final ServiceSpec spec,
final RegistryAuth config)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("services").path("create");
try {
return request(POST, ServiceCreateResponse.class, resource,
.header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(config)), Entity.json(spec));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 406:
throw new DockerException("Server error or node is not part of swarm.", e);
case 409:
throw new DockerException("Name conflicts with an existing object.", e);
throw e;
public Service inspectService(final String serviceId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("services").path(serviceId);
return request(GET, Service.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ServiceNotFoundException(serviceId);
throw e;
public void updateService(final String serviceId, final Long version, final ServiceSpec spec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
updateService(serviceId, version, spec, registryAuthSupplier.authForSwarm());
public void updateService(final String serviceId, final Long version, final ServiceSpec spec,
final RegistryAuth config)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("services").path(serviceId).path("update");
resource = resource.queryParam("version", version);
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)
.header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(config)),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ServiceNotFoundException(serviceId);
throw e;
public List listServices() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("services");
return request(GET, SERVICE_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public List listServices(final Service.Criteria criteria)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final Map> filters = new HashMap<>();
if (criteria.serviceId() != null) {
filters.put("id", Collections.singletonList(criteria.serviceId()));
if (criteria.serviceName() != null) {
filters.put("name", Collections.singletonList(criteria.serviceName()));
final List labels = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry input: criteria.labels().entrySet()) {
if ("".equals(input.getValue())) {
} else {
labels.add(String.format("%s=%s", input.getKey(), input.getValue()));
if (!labels.isEmpty()) {
filters.put("label", labels);
WebTarget resource = resource().path("services");
resource = resource.queryParam("filters", urlEncodeFilters(filters));
return request(GET, SERVICE_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public void removeService(final String serviceId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("services").path(serviceId);
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ServiceNotFoundException(serviceId);
throw e;
public LogStream serviceLogs(String serviceId, LogsParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = noTimeoutResource()
for (final LogsParam param : params) {
resource = resource.queryParam(, param.value());
return getServiceLogStream(GET, resource, serviceId);
public Task inspectTask(final String taskId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("tasks").path(taskId);
return request(GET, Task.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new TaskNotFoundException(taskId);
throw e;
public List listTasks() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("tasks");
return request(GET, TASK_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public List listTasks(final Task.Criteria criteria)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final Map> filters = new HashMap<>();
if (criteria.taskId() != null) {
filters.put("id", Collections.singletonList(criteria.taskId()));
if (criteria.taskName() != null) {
filters.put("name", Collections.singletonList(criteria.taskName()));
if (criteria.serviceName() != null) {
filters.put("service", Collections.singletonList(criteria.serviceName()));
if (criteria.nodeId() != null) {
filters.put("node", Collections.singletonList(criteria.nodeId()));
if (criteria.label() != null) {
filters.put("label", Collections.singletonList(criteria.label()));
if (criteria.desiredState() != null) {
filters.put("desired-state", Collections.singletonList(criteria.desiredState()));
WebTarget resource = resource().path("tasks");
resource = resource.queryParam("filters", urlEncodeFilters(filters));
return request(GET, TASK_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public List listConfigs() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("configs");
try {
return request(GET, CONFIG_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("node is not part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public List listConfigs(final Config.Criteria criteria)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final Map> filters = new HashMap<>();
if (criteria.configId() != null) {
filters.put("id", Collections.singletonList(criteria.configId()));
if (criteria.label() != null) {
filters.put("label", Collections.singletonList(criteria.label()));
if ( != null) {
filters.put("name", Collections.singletonList(;
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("configs")
.queryParam("filters", urlEncodeFilters(filters));
try {
return request(GET, CONFIG_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("node is not part of a swarm", e);
throw e;
public ConfigCreateResponse createConfig(final ConfigSpec config)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("configs").path("create");
try {
return request(POST, ConfigCreateResponse.class, resource,
} catch (final DockerRequestException ex) {
switch (ex.status()) {
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Server not part of swarm.", ex);
case 409:
throw new ConflictException("Name conflicts with an existing object.", ex);
throw ex;
public Config inspectConfig(final String configId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("configs").path(configId);
try {
return request(GET, Config.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (final DockerRequestException ex) {
switch (ex.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException("Config " + configId + " not found.", ex);
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Config not part of swarm.", ex);
throw ex;
public void deleteConfig(final String configId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("configs").path(configId);
try {
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (final DockerRequestException ex) {
switch (ex.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException("Config " + configId + " not found.", ex);
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Config not part of a swarm.", ex);
throw ex;
public void updateConfig(final String configId, final Long version, final ConfigSpec nodeSpec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("configs")
.queryParam("version", version);
try {
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException("Config " + configId + " not found.");
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Config not part of a swarm.", e);
throw e;
public List listNodes() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("nodes");
return request(GET, NODE_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public List listNodes(Node.Criteria criteria) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final Map> filters = new HashMap<>();
if (criteria.nodeId() != null) {
filters.put("id", Collections.singletonList(criteria.nodeId()));
if (criteria.label() != null) {
filters.put("label", Collections.singletonList(criteria.label()));
if (criteria.membership() != null) {
filters.put("membership", Collections.singletonList(criteria.membership()));
if (criteria.nodeName() != null) {
filters.put("name", Collections.singletonList(criteria.nodeName()));
if (criteria.nodeRole() != null) {
filters.put("role", Collections.singletonList(criteria.nodeRole()));
WebTarget resource = resource().path("nodes");
resource = resource.queryParam("filters", urlEncodeFilters(filters));
return request(GET, NODE_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public NodeInfo inspectNode(final String nodeId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("nodes")
try {
return request(GET, NodeInfo.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NodeNotFoundException(nodeId);
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Node " + nodeId + " is not in a swarm", e);
throw e;
public void updateNode(final String nodeId, final Long version, final NodeSpec nodeSpec)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("nodes")
.queryParam("version", version);
try {
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NodeNotFoundException(nodeId);
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Node " + nodeId + " is not a swarm node", e);
throw e;
public void deleteNode(final String nodeId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
deleteNode(nodeId, false);
public void deleteNode(final String nodeId, final boolean force)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("nodes")
.queryParam("force", String.valueOf(force));
try {
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NodeNotFoundException(nodeId);
case 503:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Node " + nodeId + " is not a swarm node", e);
throw e;
public void execResizeTty(final String execId,
final Integer height,
final Integer width)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkTtyParams(height, width);
WebTarget resource = resource().path("exec").path(execId).path("resize");
if (height != null && height > 0) {
resource = resource.queryParam("h", height);
if (width != null && width > 0) {
resource = resource.queryParam("w", width);
try {
request(POST, resource, resource.request(TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ExecNotFoundException(execId, e);
throw e;
public ExecState execInspect(final String execId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("exec").path(execId).path("json");
try {
return request(GET, ExecState.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ExecNotFoundException(execId, e);
throw e;
public ContainerStats stats(final String containerId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("stats")
.queryParam("stream", "0");
try {
return request(GET, ContainerStats.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
public void resizeTty(final String containerId, final Integer height, final Integer width)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
checkTtyParams(height, width);
WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("resize");
if (height != null && height > 0) {
resource = resource.queryParam("h", height);
if (width != null && width > 0) {
resource = resource.queryParam("w", width);
try {
request(POST, resource, resource.request(TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(containerId, e);
throw e;
private void checkTtyParams(final Integer height, final Integer width) throws BadParamException {
if ((height == null && width == null) || (height != null && height == 0)
|| (width != null && width == 0)) {
final Map paramMap = Maps.newHashMap();
paramMap.put("h", height == null ? null : height.toString());
paramMap.put("w", width == null ? null : width.toString());
throw new BadParamException(paramMap, "Either width or height must be non-null and > 0");
public List listNetworks(final ListNetworksParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("networks");
resource = addParameters(resource, params);
return request(GET, NETWORK_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public Network inspectNetwork(String networkId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("networks").path(networkId);
try {
return request(GET, Network.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NetworkNotFoundException(networkId, e);
throw e;
public NetworkCreation createNetwork(NetworkConfig networkConfig)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("networks").path("create");
try {
return request(POST, NetworkCreation.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException("Plugin not found", e);
throw e;
public void removeNetwork(String networkId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("networks").path(networkId);
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NetworkNotFoundException(networkId, e);
throw e;
public void connectToNetwork(String containerId, String networkId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
connectToNetwork(networkId, NetworkConnection.builder().containerId(containerId).build());
public void connectToNetwork(String networkId, NetworkConnection networkConnection)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("networks").path(networkId).path("connect");
try {
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
final String message = String.format("Container %s or network %s not found.",
networkConnection.containerId(), networkId);
throw new NotFoundException(message, e);
throw e;
public void disconnectFromNetwork(String containerId, String networkId)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
disconnectFromNetwork(containerId, networkId, false);
public void disconnectFromNetwork(String containerId, String networkId, boolean force)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("networks").path(networkId).path("disconnect");
final Map request = new HashMap<>();
request.put("Container", containerId);
request.put("Force", force);
try {
request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE),
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
final String message = String.format("Container %s or network %s not found.",
containerId, networkId);
throw new NotFoundException(message, e);
throw e;
public Volume createVolume() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
return createVolume(Volume.builder().build());
public Volume createVolume(final Volume volume) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("volumes").path("create");
return request(POST, Volume.class, resource,
public Volume inspectVolume(final String volumeName)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("volumes").path(volumeName);
try {
return request(GET, Volume.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new VolumeNotFoundException(volumeName, e);
throw e;
public void removeVolume(final Volume volume)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
public void removeVolume(final String volumeName)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("volumes").path(volumeName);
try {
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (DockerRequestException e) {
switch (e.status()) {
case 404:
throw new VolumeNotFoundException(volumeName, e);
case 409:
throw new ConflictException("Volume is in use and cannot be removed", e);
throw e;
public VolumeList listVolumes(ListVolumesParam... params)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
WebTarget resource = resource().path("volumes");
resource = addParameters(resource, params);
return request(GET, VolumeList.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public List listSecrets() throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("secrets");
return request(GET, SECRET_LIST, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
public SecretCreateResponse createSecret(final SecretSpec secret)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("secrets").path("create");
try {
return request(POST, SecretCreateResponse.class, resource,
} catch (final DockerRequestException ex) {
switch (ex.status()) {
case 406:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Server not part of swarm.", ex);
case 409:
throw new ConflictException("Name conflicts with an existing object.", ex);
throw ex;
public Secret inspectSecret(final String secretId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("secrets").path(secretId);
try {
return request(GET, Secret.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (final DockerRequestException ex) {
switch (ex.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException("Secret " + secretId + " not found.", ex);
case 406:
throw new NonSwarmNodeException("Server not part of swarm.", ex);
throw ex;
public void deleteSecret(final String secretId) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final WebTarget resource = resource().path("secrets").path(secretId);
try {
request(DELETE, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
} catch (final DockerRequestException ex) {
switch (ex.status()) {
case 404:
throw new NotFoundException("Secret " + secretId + " not found.", ex);
throw ex;
private WebTarget resource() {
final WebTarget target =;
if (!isNullOrEmpty(apiVersion)) {
return target.path(apiVersion);
return target;
private WebTarget noTimeoutResource() {
final WebTarget target =;
if (!isNullOrEmpty(apiVersion)) {
return target.path(apiVersion);
return target;
private T request(final String method, final GenericType type,
final WebTarget resource, final Invocation.Builder request)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
return headers(request).async().method(method, type).get();
} catch (ExecutionException | MultiException e) {
throw propagate(method, resource, e);
private T request(final String method, final Class clazz,
final WebTarget resource, final Invocation.Builder request)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
return headers(request).async().method(method, clazz).get();
} catch (ExecutionException | MultiException e) {
throw propagate(method, resource, e);
private T request(final String method, final Class clazz,
final WebTarget resource, final Invocation.Builder request,
final Entity> entity)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
return headers(request).async().method(method, entity, clazz).get();
} catch (ExecutionException | MultiException e) {
throw propagate(method, resource, e);
private void request(final String method,
final WebTarget resource,
final Invocation.Builder request)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
try {
headers(request).async().method(method, String.class).get();
} catch (ExecutionException | MultiException e) {
throw propagate(method, resource, e);
private Invocation.Builder headers(final Invocation.Builder request) {
final Set> entries = headers.entrySet();
for (final Map.Entry entry : entries) {
request.header(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return request;
private RuntimeException propagate(final String method, final WebTarget resource,
final Exception ex)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
// Sometimes e is a org.testifyproject.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException
// which contains the cause we're actually interested in.
// So we unpack it here.
if (ex instanceof MultiException) {
cause = cause.getCause();
Response response = null;
if (cause instanceof ResponseProcessingException) {
response = ((ResponseProcessingException) cause).getResponse();
} else if (cause instanceof WebApplicationException) {
response = ((WebApplicationException) cause).getResponse();
} else if ((cause instanceof ProcessingException) && (cause.getCause() != null)) {
// For a ProcessingException, The exception message or nested Throwable cause SHOULD contain
// additional information about the reason of the processing failure.
cause = cause.getCause();
if (response != null) {
throw new DockerRequestException(method, resource.getUri(), response.getStatus(),
message(response), cause);
} else if ((cause instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
|| (cause instanceof ConnectTimeoutException)) {
throw new DockerTimeoutException(method, resource.getUri(), ex);
} else if ((cause instanceof InterruptedIOException)
|| (cause instanceof InterruptedException)) {
throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted: " + method + " " + resource);
} else {
throw new DockerException(ex);
private String message(final Response response) {
final Readable reader;
try {
reader = new InputStreamReader(response.readEntity(InputStream.class), UTF_8);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
return null;
try {
return CharStreams.toString(reader);
} catch (IOException ignore) {
return null;
private String authHeader(final RegistryAuth registryAuth) throws DockerException {
// the docker daemon requires that the X-Registry-Auth header is specified
// with a non-empty string even if your registry doesn't use authentication
if (registryAuth == null) {
return "null";
try {
return Base64.encodeAsString(ObjectMapperProvider
} catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
throw new DockerException("Could not encode X-Registry-Auth header", ex);
private String authRegistryHeader(final RegistryConfigs registryConfigs)
throws DockerException {
if (registryConfigs == null) {
return null;
try {
String authRegistryJson =
final String apiVersion = version().apiVersion();
final int versionComparison = org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpareVersion(apiVersion, "1.19");
// Version below 1.19
if (versionComparison < 0) {
authRegistryJson = "{\"configs\":" + authRegistryJson + "}";
} else if (versionComparison == 0) {
// Version equal 1.19
authRegistryJson = "{\"auths\":" + authRegistryJson + "}";
return Base64.encodeAsString(authRegistryJson);
} catch (JsonProcessingException | InterruptedException ex) {
throw new DockerException("Could not encode X-Registry-Config header", ex);
private void assertApiVersionIsAbove(String minimumVersion)
throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
final String apiVersion = version().apiVersion();
final int versionComparison = org.testifyproject.testifyprojectpareVersion(apiVersion, minimumVersion);
// Version above minimumVersion
if (versionComparison < 0) {
throw new UnsupportedApiVersionException(apiVersion);
* Create a new {@link DefaultDockerClient} builder.
* @return Returns a builder that can be used to further customize and then build the client.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Create a new {@link DefaultDockerClient} builder prepopulated with values loaded from the
* DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variables.
* @return Returns a builder that can be used to further customize and then build the client.
* @throws DockerCertificateException if we could not build a DockerCertificates object
public static Builder fromEnv() throws DockerCertificateException {
final String endpoint = DockerHost.endpointFromEnv();
final Path dockerCertPath = Paths.get(firstNonNull(DockerHost.certPathFromEnv(),
final Builder builder = new Builder();
final Optional certs = DockerCertificates.builder()
if (endpoint.startsWith(UNIX_SCHEME + "://")) {
} else {
final String stripped = endpoint.replaceAll(".*://", "");
final HostAndPort hostAndPort = HostAndPort.fromString(stripped);
final String hostText = hostAndPort.getHost();
final String scheme = certs.isPresent() ? "https" : "http";
final int port = hostAndPort.getPortOrDefault(DockerHost.defaultPort());
final String address = isNullOrEmpty(hostText) ? DockerHost.defaultAddress() : hostText;
builder.uri(scheme + "://" + address + ":" + port);
if (certs.isPresent()) {
return builder;
public static class Builder {
public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE =
"LOGIC ERROR: DefaultDockerClient does not support being built "
+ "with both `registryAuth` and `registryAuthSupplier`. "
+ "Please build with at most one of these options.";
private URI uri;
private String apiVersion;
private long connectTimeoutMillis = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS;
private long readTimeoutMillis = DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS;
private int connectionPoolSize = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE;
private DockerCertificatesStore dockerCertificatesStore;
private boolean dockerAuth;
private boolean useProxy = true;
private RegistryAuth registryAuth;
private RegistryAuthSupplier registryAuthSupplier;
private Map headers = new HashMap<>();
public URI uri() {
return uri;
public Builder uri(final URI uri) {
this.uri = uri;
return this;
* Set the URI for connections to Docker.
* @param uri URI String for connections to Docker
* @return Builder
public Builder uri(final String uri) {
return uri(URI.create(uri));
* Set the Docker API version that will be used in the HTTP requests to Docker daemon.
* @param apiVersion String for Docker API version
* @return Builder
public Builder apiVersion(final String apiVersion) {
this.apiVersion = apiVersion;
return this;
public String apiVersion() {
return apiVersion;
public long connectTimeoutMillis() {
return connectTimeoutMillis;
* Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection to Docker is established. A timeout value
* of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
* @param connectTimeoutMillis connection timeout to Docker daemon in milliseconds
* @return Builder
public Builder connectTimeoutMillis(final long connectTimeoutMillis) {
this.connectTimeoutMillis = connectTimeoutMillis;
return this;
public long readTimeoutMillis() {
return readTimeoutMillis;
* Set the SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds. This is the maximum period of inactivity between
* receiving two consecutive data packets from Docker.
* @param readTimeoutMillis read timeout to Docker daemon in milliseconds
* @return Builder
public Builder readTimeoutMillis(final long readTimeoutMillis) {
this.readTimeoutMillis = readTimeoutMillis;
return this;
public DockerCertificatesStore dockerCertificates() {
return dockerCertificatesStore;
* Provide certificates to secure the connection to Docker.
* @param dockerCertificatesStore DockerCertificatesStore object
* @return Builder
public Builder dockerCertificates(final DockerCertificatesStore dockerCertificatesStore) {
this.dockerCertificatesStore = dockerCertificatesStore;
return this;
public int connectionPoolSize() {
return connectionPoolSize;
* Set the size of the connection pool for connections to Docker. Note that due to a known
* issue, DefaultDockerClient maintains two separate connection pools, each of which is capped
* at this size. Therefore, the maximum number of concurrent connections to Docker may be up to
* 2 * connectionPoolSize.
* @param connectionPoolSize connection pool size
* @return Builder
public Builder connectionPoolSize(final int connectionPoolSize) {
this.connectionPoolSize = connectionPoolSize;
return this;
public boolean dockerAuth() {
return dockerAuth;
* Allows reusing Docker auth info.
* @param dockerAuth tells if Docker auth info should be used
* @return Builder
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #registryAuthSupplier(RegistryAuthSupplier)}
public Builder dockerAuth(final boolean dockerAuth) {
this.dockerAuth = dockerAuth;
return this;
public boolean useProxy() {
return useProxy;
* Allows connecting to Docker Daemon using HTTP proxy.
* @param useProxy tells if Docker Client has to connect to docker daemon using HTTP Proxy
* @return Builder
public Builder useProxy(final boolean useProxy) {
this.useProxy = useProxy;
return this;
public RegistryAuth registryAuth() {
return registryAuth;
* Set the auth parameters for pull/push requests from/to private repositories.
* @param registryAuth RegistryAuth object
* @return Builder
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #registryAuthSupplier(RegistryAuthSupplier)}
public Builder registryAuth(final RegistryAuth registryAuth) {
if (this.registryAuthSupplier != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
this.registryAuth = registryAuth;
// stuff the static RegistryAuth into a RegistryConfigs instance to maintain what
// DefaultDockerClient used to do with the RegistryAuth before we introduced the
// RegistryAuthSupplier
final RegistryConfigs configs = RegistryConfigs.create(singletonMap(
MoreObjects.firstNonNull(registryAuth.serverAddress(), ""),
this.registryAuthSupplier = new FixedRegistryAuthSupplier(registryAuth, configs);
return this;
public Builder registryAuthSupplier(final RegistryAuthSupplier registryAuthSupplier) {
if (this.registryAuthSupplier != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
this.registryAuthSupplier = registryAuthSupplier;
return this;
* Adds additional headers to be sent in all requests to the Docker Remote API.
public Builder header(String name, Object value) {
headers.put(name, value);
return this;
public Map headers() {
return headers;
public DefaultDockerClient build() {
if (dockerAuth && registryAuthSupplier == null && registryAuth == null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Unable to use Docker auth info", e);
// read the docker config file for auth info if nothing else was specified
if (registryAuthSupplier == null) {
registryAuthSupplier(new ConfigFileRegistryAuthSupplier());
return new DefaultDockerClient(this);