org.testifyproject.guava.common.collect.ImmutableSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.testifyproject.guava.common.collect;
import static org.testifyproject.guava.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.testifyproject.guava.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static org.testifyproject.guava.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative;
import static org.testifyproject.guava.common.collect.ObjectArrays.checkElementNotNull;
import org.testifyproject.guava.common.annotations.Beta;
import org.testifyproject.guava.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import org.testifyproject.guava.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.testifyproject.guava.common.primitives.Ints;
import org.testifyproject.guava.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import org.testifyproject.guava.errorprone.annotations.concurrent.LazyInit;
import org.testifyproject.guava.j2objc.annotations.RetainedWith;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A {@link Set} whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed at
* {@link ImmutableCollection}.
* @since 2.0
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true, emulated = true)
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // we're overriding default serialization
public abstract class ImmutableSet extends ImmutableCollection implements Set {
* Returns a {@code Collector} that accumulates the input elements into a new {@code
* ImmutableSet}. Elements appear in the resulting set in the encounter order of the stream; if
* the stream contains duplicates (according to {@link Object#equals(Object)}), only the first
* duplicate in encounter order will appear in the result.
* @since 21.0
public static Collector> toImmutableSet() {
return CollectCollectors.toImmutableSet();
* Returns the empty immutable set. Preferred over {@link Collections#emptySet} for code
* consistency, and because the return type conveys the immutability guarantee.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) // fully variant implementation (never actually produces any Es)
public static ImmutableSet of() {
return (ImmutableSet) RegularImmutableSet.EMPTY;
* Returns an immutable set containing {@code element}. Preferred over {@link
* Collections#singleton} for code consistency, {@code null} rejection, and because the return
* type conveys the immutability guarantee.
public static ImmutableSet of(E element) {
return new SingletonImmutableSet(element);
* Returns an immutable set containing the given elements, minus duplicates, in the order each was
* first specified. That is, if multiple elements are {@linkplain Object#equals equal}, all except
* the first are ignored.
public static ImmutableSet of(E e1, E e2) {
return construct(2, e1, e2);
* Returns an immutable set containing the given elements, minus duplicates, in the order each was
* first specified. That is, if multiple elements are {@linkplain Object#equals equal}, all except
* the first are ignored.
public static ImmutableSet of(E e1, E e2, E e3) {
return construct(3, e1, e2, e3);
* Returns an immutable set containing the given elements, minus duplicates, in the order each was
* first specified. That is, if multiple elements are {@linkplain Object#equals equal}, all except
* the first are ignored.
public static ImmutableSet of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4) {
return construct(4, e1, e2, e3, e4);
* Returns an immutable set containing the given elements, minus duplicates, in the order each was
* first specified. That is, if multiple elements are {@linkplain Object#equals equal}, all except
* the first are ignored.
public static ImmutableSet of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5) {
return construct(5, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5);
* Returns an immutable set containing the given elements, minus duplicates, in the order each was
* first specified. That is, if multiple elements are {@linkplain Object#equals equal}, all except
* the first are ignored.
* @since 3.0 (source-compatible since 2.0)
@SafeVarargs // For Eclipse. For internal javac we have disabled this pointless type of warning.
public static ImmutableSet of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6, E... others) {
final int paramCount = 6;
Object[] elements = new Object[paramCount + others.length];
elements[0] = e1;
elements[1] = e2;
elements[2] = e3;
elements[3] = e4;
elements[4] = e5;
elements[5] = e6;
System.arraycopy(others, 0, elements, paramCount, others.length);
return construct(elements.length, elements);
* Constructs an {@code ImmutableSet} from the first {@code n} elements of the specified array.
* If {@code k} is the size of the returned {@code ImmutableSet}, then the unique elements of
* {@code elements} will be in the first {@code k} positions, and {@code elements[i] == null} for
* {@code k <= i < n}.
* This may modify {@code elements}. Additionally, if {@code n == elements.length} and
* {@code elements} contains no duplicates, {@code elements} may be used without copying in the
* returned {@code ImmutableSet}, in which case it may no longer be modified.
{@code elements} may contain only values of type {@code E}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the first {@code n} elements of {@code elements} is
* null
private static ImmutableSet construct(int n, Object... elements) {
switch (n) {
case 0:
return of();
case 1:
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe; elements contains only E's
E elem = (E) elements[0];
return of(elem);
// continue below to handle the general case
int tableSize = chooseTableSize(n);
Object[] table = new Object[tableSize];
int mask = tableSize - 1;
int hashCode = 0;
int uniques = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Object element = checkElementNotNull(elements[i], i);
int hash = element.hashCode();
for (int j = Hashing.smear(hash); ; j++) {
int index = j & mask;
Object value = table[index];
if (value == null) {
// Came to an empty slot. Put the element here.
elements[uniques++] = element;
table[index] = element;
hashCode += hash;
} else if (value.equals(element)) {
Arrays.fill(elements, uniques, n, null);
if (uniques == 1) {
// There is only one element or elements are all duplicates
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we are careful to only pass in E
E element = (E) elements[0];
return new SingletonImmutableSet(element, hashCode);
} else if (tableSize != chooseTableSize(uniques)) {
// Resize the table when the array includes too many duplicates.
// when this happens, we have already made a copy
return construct(uniques, elements);
} else {
Object[] uniqueElements =
(uniques < elements.length) ? Arrays.copyOf(elements, uniques) : elements;
return new RegularImmutableSet(uniqueElements, hashCode, table, mask);
// We use power-of-2 tables, and this is the highest int that's a power of 2
static final int MAX_TABLE_SIZE = Ints.MAX_POWER_OF_TWO;
// Represents how tightly we can pack things, as a maximum.
private static final double DESIRED_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.7;
// If the set has this many elements, it will "max out" the table size
private static final int CUTOFF = (int) (MAX_TABLE_SIZE * DESIRED_LOAD_FACTOR);
* Returns an array size suitable for the backing array of a hash table that uses open addressing
* with linear probing in its implementation. The returned size is the smallest power of two that
* can hold setSize elements with the desired load factor. Always returns at least setSize + 2.
static int chooseTableSize(int setSize) {
setSize = Math.max(setSize, 2);
// Correct the size for open addressing to match desired load factor.
if (setSize < CUTOFF) {
// Round up to the next highest power of 2.
int tableSize = Integer.highestOneBit(setSize - 1) << 1;
while (tableSize * DESIRED_LOAD_FACTOR < setSize) {
tableSize <<= 1;
return tableSize;
// The table can't be completely full or we'll get infinite reprobes
checkArgument(setSize < MAX_TABLE_SIZE, "collection too large");
* Returns an immutable set containing each of {@code elements}, minus duplicates, in the order
* each appears first in the source collection.
* Performance note: This method will sometimes recognize that the actual copy operation
* is unnecessary; for example, {@code copyOf(copyOf(anArrayList))} will copy the data only once.
* This reduces the expense of habitually making defensive copies at API boundaries. However, the
* precise conditions for skipping the copy operation are undefined.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of {@code elements} is null
* @since 7.0 (source-compatible since 2.0)
public static ImmutableSet copyOf(Collection extends E> elements) {
* TODO(lowasser): consider checking for ImmutableAsList here
* TODO(lowasser): consider checking for Multiset here
// Don't refer to ImmutableSortedSet by name so it won't pull in all that code
if (elements instanceof ImmutableSet && !(elements instanceof SortedSet)) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // all supported methods are covariant
ImmutableSet set = (ImmutableSet) elements;
if (!set.isPartialView()) {
return set;
} else if (elements instanceof EnumSet) {
return copyOfEnumSet((EnumSet) elements);
Object[] array = elements.toArray();
return construct(array.length, array);
* Returns an immutable set containing each of {@code elements}, minus duplicates, in the order
* each appears first in the source iterable. This method iterates over {@code elements} only
* once.
* Performance note: This method will sometimes recognize that the actual copy operation
* is unnecessary; for example, {@code copyOf(copyOf(anArrayList))} should copy the data only
* once. This reduces the expense of habitually making defensive copies at API boundaries.
* However, the precise conditions for skipping the copy operation are undefined.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of {@code elements} is null
public static ImmutableSet copyOf(Iterable extends E> elements) {
return (elements instanceof Collection)
? copyOf((Collection extends E>) elements)
: copyOf(elements.iterator());
* Returns an immutable set containing each of {@code elements}, minus duplicates, in the order
* each appears first in the source iterator.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of {@code elements} is null
public static ImmutableSet copyOf(Iterator extends E> elements) {
// We special-case for 0 or 1 elements, but anything further is madness.
if (!elements.hasNext()) {
return of();
E first = elements.next();
if (!elements.hasNext()) {
return of(first);
} else {
return new ImmutableSet.Builder().add(first).addAll(elements).build();
* Returns an immutable set containing each of {@code elements}, minus duplicates, in the order
* each appears first in the source array.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of {@code elements} is null
* @since 3.0
public static ImmutableSet copyOf(E[] elements) {
switch (elements.length) {
case 0:
return of();
case 1:
return of(elements[0]);
return construct(elements.length, elements.clone());
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // necessary to compile against Java 8
private static ImmutableSet copyOfEnumSet(EnumSet enumSet) {
return ImmutableEnumSet.asImmutable(EnumSet.copyOf(enumSet));
ImmutableSet() {}
/** Returns {@code true} if the {@code hashCode()} method runs quickly. */
boolean isHashCodeFast() {
return false;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) {
if (object == this) {
return true;
} else if (object instanceof ImmutableSet
&& isHashCodeFast()
&& ((ImmutableSet>) object).isHashCodeFast()
&& hashCode() != object.hashCode()) {
return false;
return Sets.equalsImpl(this, object);
public int hashCode() {
return Sets.hashCodeImpl(this);
// This declaration is needed to make Set.iterator() and
// ImmutableCollection.iterator() consistent.
public abstract UnmodifiableIterator iterator();
private transient ImmutableList asList;
public ImmutableList asList() {
ImmutableList result = asList;
return (result == null) ? asList = createAsList() : result;
ImmutableList createAsList() {
return new RegularImmutableAsList(this, toArray());
abstract static class Indexed extends ImmutableSet {
abstract E get(int index);
public UnmodifiableIterator iterator() {
return asList().iterator();
public Spliterator spliterator() {
return CollectSpliterators.indexed(size(), SPLITERATOR_CHARACTERISTICS, this::get);
public void forEach(Consumer super E> consumer) {
int n = size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ImmutableList createAsList() {
return new ImmutableAsList() {
public E get(int index) {
return Indexed.this.get(index);
Indexed delegateCollection() {
return Indexed.this;
* This class is used to serialize all ImmutableSet instances, except for
* ImmutableEnumSet/ImmutableSortedSet, regardless of implementation type. It
* captures their "logical contents" and they are reconstructed using public
* static factories. This is necessary to ensure that the existence of a
* particular implementation type is an implementation detail.
private static class SerializedForm implements Serializable {
final Object[] elements;
SerializedForm(Object[] elements) {
this.elements = elements;
Object readResolve() {
return copyOf(elements);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
Object writeReplace() {
return new SerializedForm(toArray());
* Returns a new builder. The generated builder is equivalent to the builder
* created by the {@link Builder} constructor.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Returns a new builder, expecting the specified number of distinct elements to be added.
* If {@code expectedSize} is exactly the number of distinct elements added to the builder
* before {@link Builder#build} is called, the builder is likely to perform better than an unsized
* {@link #builder()} would have.
It is not specified if any performance benefits apply if {@code expectedSize} is close to,
* but not exactly, the number of distinct elements added to the builder.
* @since 23.1
public static Builder builderWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) {
checkNonnegative(expectedSize, "expectedSize");
return new Builder(expectedSize);
* A builder for creating {@code ImmutableSet} instances. Example: {@code
* static final ImmutableSet GOOGLE_COLORS =
* ImmutableSet.builder()
* .add(new Color(0, 191, 255))
* .build();}
* Elements appear in the resulting set in the same order they were first added to the builder.
Building does not change the state of the builder, so it is still possible to add more
* elements and to build again.
* @since 2.0
public static class Builder extends ImmutableCollection.ArrayBasedBuilder {
Object[] hashTable;
private int hashCode;
* Creates a new builder. The returned builder is equivalent to the builder
* generated by {@link ImmutableSet#builder}.
public Builder() {
Builder(int capacity) {
this.hashTable = new Object[chooseTableSize(capacity)];
* Adds {@code element} to the {@code ImmutableSet}. If the {@code
* ImmutableSet} already contains {@code element}, then {@code add} has no
* effect (only the previously added element is retained).
* @param element the element to add
* @return this {@code Builder} object
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code element} is null
public Builder add(E element) {
if (hashTable != null && chooseTableSize(size) <= hashTable.length) {
return this;
} else {
hashTable = null;
return this;
private void addDeduping(E element) {
int mask = hashTable.length - 1;
int hash = element.hashCode();
for (int i = Hashing.smear(hash); ; i++) {
i &= mask;
Object previous = hashTable[i];
if (previous == null) {
hashTable[i] = element;
hashCode += hash;
} else if (previous.equals(element)) {
* Adds each element of {@code elements} to the {@code ImmutableSet},
* ignoring duplicate elements (only the first duplicate element is added).
* @param elements the elements to add
* @return this {@code Builder} object
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code elements} is null or contains a
* null element
public Builder add(E... elements) {
if (hashTable != null) {
for (E e : elements) {
} else {
return this;
* Adds each element of {@code elements} to the {@code ImmutableSet},
* ignoring duplicate elements (only the first duplicate element is added).
* @param elements the {@code Iterable} to add to the {@code ImmutableSet}
* @return this {@code Builder} object
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code elements} is null or contains a
* null element
public Builder addAll(Iterable extends E> elements) {
if (hashTable != null) {
for (E e : elements) {
} else {
return this;
* Adds each element of {@code elements} to the {@code ImmutableSet},
* ignoring duplicate elements (only the first duplicate element is added).
* @param elements the elements to add to the {@code ImmutableSet}
* @return this {@code Builder} object
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code elements} is null or contains a
* null element
public Builder addAll(Iterator extends E> elements) {
while (elements.hasNext()) {
return this;
Builder combine(ArrayBasedBuilder builder) {
if (hashTable != null
&& builder instanceof Builder) {
for (int i = 0; i < builder.size; i++) {
addDeduping((E) builder.contents[i]);
} else {
return this;
* Returns a newly-created {@code ImmutableSet} based on the contents of
* the {@code Builder}.
public ImmutableSet build() {
switch (size) {
case 0:
return of();
case 1:
return (ImmutableSet) of(contents[0]);
ImmutableSet result;
if (hashTable != null && size == contents.length) {
result =
new RegularImmutableSet(contents, hashCode, hashTable, hashTable.length - 1);
} else {
result = construct(size, contents);
// construct has the side effect of deduping contents, so we update size
// accordingly.
size = result.size();
forceCopy = true;
hashTable = null;
return result;