timeBench.action.layout.HorizonGraphAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package timeBench.action.layout;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import prefuse.action.Action;
import prefuse.data.Node;
import prefuse.data.expression.AndPredicate;
import prefuse.data.expression.BooleanLiteral;
import prefuse.data.expression.ColumnExpression;
import prefuse.data.expression.ComparisonPredicate;
import prefuse.data.expression.NotPredicate;
import prefuse.data.expression.ObjectLiteral;
import prefuse.data.expression.Predicate;
import prefuse.util.DataLib;
import prefuse.visual.AggregateItem;
import prefuse.visual.AggregateTable;
import prefuse.visual.VisualItem;
import timeBench.action.analytical.InterpolationIndexingAction;
import timeBench.calendar.Calendar;
import timeBench.calendar.CalendarFactory;
import timeBench.calendar.JavaDateCalendarManager;
import timeBench.data.AnchoredTemporalElement;
import timeBench.data.GenericTemporalElement;
import timeBench.data.Instant;
import timeBench.data.TemporalDataException;
import timeBench.data.TemporalDataset;
import timeBench.data.TemporalElement;
import timeBench.data.TemporalObject;
import timeBench.data.expression.GranularityPredicate;
import timeBench.ui.HorizonSettings;
* Complex action for creating a horizon graph as polygons. Actually two new
* groups are created: a table for vertexes in the polygon and an aggregate
* table for the polygons.
* This action should be decomposed into smaller units.
* @author Rind (based on work by Atanasov and Schindler)
public class HorizonGraphAction extends Action {
public static final String COL_INDEXED_VALUE = "indexedValue";
private static final String COL_BAND_ID = "band_id";
public static final String COL_IS_HELP_NODE = "help_node";
public static final String COL_Y_POSITION = "y_value";
public static final String COL_COLOR_INDEX = null;
public static final int MAX_BANDS = 5;
public static final int BAND_ID_POSITIVE_EXTREME_VALUES = MAX_BANDS + 1;
public static final int BAND_ID_NEGATIVE_EXTREME_VALUES = -MAX_BANDS - 1;
public static final int BAND_ID_NULL_VALUES = 0;
private String groupData;
private String groupControlPoints = "groupHorizonPoints";
private String groupBands = "groupHorizonBands";
private String fieldVariable;
* assumed to be double
private String fieldValue;
private InterpolationIndexingAction indexing;
private HorizonSettings settings;
public InterpolationIndexingAction getIndexing() {
return indexing;
public HorizonGraphAction(String groupData, String groupControlPoints,
String groupBands, String fieldVariable, String fieldValue, HorizonSettings settings) {
this.groupData = groupData;
this.groupControlPoints = groupControlPoints;
this.groupBands = groupBands;
this.fieldVariable = fieldVariable;
this.fieldValue = fieldValue;
this.settings = settings;
indexing = new InterpolationIndexingAction(groupControlPoints,
fieldValue, COL_Y_POSITION, fieldVariable);
public void run(double frac) {
// create tuple set for control points
TemporalDataset tmpds = (TemporalDataset) m_vis
TemporalDataset ctrlPts = new TemporalDataset(
initControlPointSchema(tmpds, ctrlPts);
// pre-fill control points with original points
Calendar calendar = JavaDateCalendarManager.getSingleton().getDefaultCalendar();
for (GenericTemporalElement el : tmpds
new NotPredicate(
new GranularityPredicate(
))) {
// translate time primitives to instant in center
long midTime = (el.getInf() + el.getSup()) / 2;
Instant newEl = el.getTemporalElementStore().addInstant(midTime,
for (TemporalObject obj : el.temporalObjects(tmpds)) {
TemporalObject cp = ctrlPts.addTemporalObject(newEl);
// copy raw data
cp.set(fieldVariable, obj.get(fieldVariable));
cp.set(fieldValue, obj.get(fieldValue));
// TODO handle missing values
// TODO transform step chart
// TODO transform base
// indexing
// create helper points
Object[] vars = DataLib.ordinalArray(ctrlPts.getNodes(), fieldVariable);
for (Object variable : vars) {
// System.out.println(variable);
addHelpNodes(ctrlPts, variable, settings.BandsCount, settings.getBandWidth());
// add extreme value bands
addHelpNodesForExtremeValues(ctrlPts, variable);
// shift bands over each other
joinBands(ctrlPts, settings.BandsCount, settings.getBandWidth());
// mirror
// TODO offset
// arrange variables in separate areas
double offset = 0;
for (Object variable : vars) {
Predicate predVar = new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ,
new ColumnExpression(fieldVariable), new ObjectLiteral(
for (TemporalObject newNode : ctrlPts.temporalObjects(predVar)) {
newNode.getDouble(COL_Y_POSITION) + offset);
offset -= settings.getBandWidth() * 11.0 / 10.0; // factor of 0.1 space between
// two parameters
// ATTENTION: HorizonAxisLabel needs to be changed if the factor is
// changed here
// create aggregate tuple set for bands & add items to bands
// ieg.prefuse.data.DataHelper.printTable(System.out, m_vis.getVisualGroup(groupControlPoints), COL_Y_POSITION, VisualItem.VISIBLE, VisualItem.INTERACTIVE);
private void initControlPointSchema(TemporalDataset tmpds,
TemporalDataset ctrlPts) {
try {
ctrlPts.addDataColumn(fieldVariable, String.class, null);
ctrlPts.addDataColumn(fieldValue, double.class, Double.NaN);
ctrlPts.addDataColumn(COL_INDEXED_VALUE, double.class, Double.NaN);
ctrlPts.addDataColumn(COL_Y_POSITION, double.class, Double.NaN);
ctrlPts.addDataColumn(COL_IS_HELP_NODE, boolean.class, false);
ctrlPts.addDataColumn(COL_BAND_ID, int.class, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
m_vis.add(groupControlPoints, ctrlPts);
} catch (TemporalDataException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Calls addHelpNodesInBand(...) for each normal band. This results in
* adding all nodes, which are needed to draw the different colored
* polygons, to the graph. Extreme value and null value ranges are not
* handled by the method.
* @param graph
* the graph instance, where the help node should be added
* @param table
* the data table, from which the help node positions are
* calculated
* @param bandsCount
* the count of bands, e.g. _settings.BandsCount
* @param bandWidth
* the width of a single band, e.g. _settings.getBandWidth()
private void addHelpNodes(TemporalDataset ctrlPts, Object variable,
int bandsCount, double bandWidth) {
for (int bandId = 1; bandId <= bandsCount; bandId++) {
double upperBound = bandWidth * bandId, lowerBound = upperBound
- bandWidth, negativeUpperBound = -lowerBound, negativeLowerBound = -upperBound;
addHelpNodesInBand(ctrlPts, variable, bandId, lowerBound,
addHelpNodesInBand(ctrlPts, variable, -bandId, negativeLowerBound,
* Calls getPointsInBand(...) to determinate the help node positions for the
* specified band and adds the nodes to the graph instance.
* @param graph
* the graph instance, where the help node should be added
* @param table
* the data table, from which the help node positions are
* calculated
* @param bandId
* the current band id
* @param lowerBound
* the current lower value bound of the band
* @param upperBound
* the current upper value bound of the band
private void addHelpNodesInBand(TemporalDataset ctrlPts, Object variable,
int bandId, double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
List pointsInBand = getPointsInBand(ctrlPts, variable,
lowerBound, upperBound);
for (TimeValuePair point : pointsInBand) {
addHelpNode(ctrlPts, variable, bandId, point.time, point.value);
* adds a single help node to the graph
* @param graph
* the graph instance, where the tuple should be added
* @param bandId
* the id of the band the help node should belong to
* @param x
* the x coordinate of the help node
* @param y
* the y coordinate of the help node
* @return the added a node instance
private Node addHelpNode(TemporalDataset ctrlPts, Object variable,
int bandId, long time, double y) {
TemporalElement el = null;
// search an identical temporal element
// Iterator iter = ctrlPts.temporalElements(new
// ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ, new
// ColumnExpression(TemporalElement.INF), new
// NumericLiteral(time))).iterator();
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// GenericTemporalElement curr = iter.next();
// if (curr.getSup() == time) {
// el = curr;
// break;
// }
// }
// otherwise make a new one
if (el == null) {
Calendar calendar = JavaDateCalendarManager.getSingleton().getDefaultCalendar();
el = ctrlPts.addInstant(time, time,
CalendarFactory.getSingleton().getGranularity(calendar, "Millisecond", "Top"));
TemporalObject node = ctrlPts.addTemporalObject(el);
node.set(fieldVariable, variable);
node.setDouble(COL_Y_POSITION, y);
node.setBoolean(COL_IS_HELP_NODE, true);
node.setInt(COL_BAND_ID, bandId);
// node.setDate(HorizonVisualization.COL_X_TIMESTAMP, new Date(new
// Double(x).longValue()));
// node.setString(HorizonVisualization.COL_Y_FIELD_VALUE, "");
return node;
* Calculates all points (including helper points) between the specified
* bounds. The points later make up a single polygon, which is rendered.
* @param variable
* @param table
* the data table, from which the points are calculated
* @param lowerBound
* the current lower value bound of the band
* @param upperBound
* the current upper value bound of the band
* @return a list of the calculated points
private List getPointsInBand(TemporalDataset ctrlPts,
Object variable, double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
double boundNearBase = lowerBound < 0 ? upperBound : lowerBound;
List pointsInBand = new Vector();
Predicate predVar = new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ,
new ColumnExpression(fieldVariable),
new ObjectLiteral(variable));
Predicate predReal = new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ,
new ColumnExpression(COL_IS_HELP_NODE), new BooleanLiteral(
Iterator rows = ctrlPts.temporalObjects(
new AndPredicate(predVar, predReal)).iterator();
if (!rows.hasNext())
return pointsInBand;
TimeValuePair p1 = new TimeValuePair(ctrlPts.getInf(), boundNearBase);
// TemporalObject t =
// ctrlPts.getTemporalElementByRow(getTuple(rows.nextInt()); rows =
// table.rows();
TemporalObject t;
boolean finished = false;
while (!finished) {
// add the current point if it is between the bounds
if (lowerBound <= p1.value && p1.value <= upperBound)
// get the next point
TimeValuePair p2;
if (rows.hasNext()) {
t = rows.next();
p2 = new TimeValuePair(
((AnchoredTemporalElement) t.getTemporalElement()).getInf(),
} else {
finished = true;
p2 = new TimeValuePair(p1.time, boundNearBase);
TimeValuePair min = p1.value < p2.value ? p1 : p2;
TimeValuePair max = p1.value < p2.value ? p2 : p1;
TimeValuePair pn1 = null, pn2 = null;
// calculate possible points of intersection
if (min.value < lowerBound && max.value > lowerBound) {
double hx = (lowerBound - p1.value)
/ ((p2.value - p1.value) / (p2.time - p1.time))
+ p1.time;
pn1 = new TimeValuePair(Math.round(hx), lowerBound);
if (min.value < upperBound && max.value > upperBound) {
double hx = (upperBound - p1.value)
/ ((p2.value - p1.value) / (p2.time - p1.time))
+ p1.time;
pn2 = new TimeValuePair(Math.round(hx), upperBound);
if (min != p1) // restore order
TimeValuePair h = pn1;
pn1 = pn2;
pn2 = h;
// add the intersection point if not null
if (pn1 != null)
if (pn2 != null)
p1 = p2;
for (TimeValuePair d : pointsInBand)
if (d.value != boundNearBase)
return pointsInBand;
return new Vector();
* Calculates all points which outside the specified bounds.
* The points later make up a single polygon for the extreme values.
* @param table the data table, from which the points are calculated
* @param bound the value bound of the extreme value band
* @param bandWidth the width of a single band, e.g. _settings.getBandWidth()
* @return a list of the calculated points
private List getPointsInExtremeBand(TemporalDataset ctrlPts,
Object variable, double bound, double bandWidth)
List pointsInBand = new Vector();
Predicate predVar = new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ,
new ColumnExpression(fieldVariable),
new ObjectLiteral(variable));
Predicate predReal = new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ,
new ColumnExpression(COL_IS_HELP_NODE), new BooleanLiteral(
Iterator rows = ctrlPts.temporalObjects(
new AndPredicate(predVar, predReal)).iterator();
if (!rows.hasNext())
return pointsInBand;
TimeValuePair p1 = new TimeValuePair(ctrlPts.getInf(), 0);
double lastY = 0;
double sign = Math.signum(bound);
TemporalObject t;
boolean finished = false;
while (!finished) {
// add the current point if it's between the bounds
if((sign == 1 && p1.value > bound && lastY != bandWidth) || (sign == -1 && p1.value < bound && lastY != -bandWidth))
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(p1.time, lastY));
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(p1.time, lastY = bandWidth * sign));
// get the next point
TimeValuePair p2;
t = rows.next();
p2 = new TimeValuePair(
((AnchoredTemporalElement) t.getTemporalElement())
finished = true;
p2 = new TimeValuePair(p1.time, 0);
TimeValuePair min = p1.value < p2.value ? p1 : p2;
TimeValuePair max = p1.value < p2.value ? p2 : p1;
if(min.value <= bound && max.value >= bound && min.value != max.value)
double hx = (bound - p1.value) / ((p2.value - p1.value) / (p2.time - p1.time)) + p1.time;
if(sign == 1 && p1.value < p2.value || sign == -1 && p1.value > p2.value)
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(Math.round(hx), lastY));
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(Math.round(hx), lastY = bandWidth * sign));
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(Math.round(hx), lastY));
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(Math.round(hx), lastY = 0));
p1 = p2;
if(p1.value == bandWidth)
pointsInBand.add(new TimeValuePair(p1.time, 0));
for(TimeValuePair d : pointsInBand)
if(d.value != 0)
return pointsInBand;
return new Vector();
static class TimeValuePair {
long time;
double value;
public TimeValuePair(long time, double value) {
this.time = time;
this.value = value;
* Calls getPointsInExtremeBand(...) to determinate the help node positions
* for the positive and negative extreme bands and adds the nodes to the graph instance.
* @param graph the graph instance, where the help node should be added
* @param table the data table, from which the help node positions are calculated
* @param bandsCount the count of bands, e.g. _settings.BandsCount
* @param bandWidth the width of a single band, e.g. _settings.getBandWidth()
private void addHelpNodesForExtremeValues(TemporalDataset ctrlPts, Object variable)
double bandWidth = settings.getBandWidth();
List pointsInPositiveExtremeValues = getPointsInExtremeBand(ctrlPts, variable, bandWidth * settings.BandsCount, bandWidth);
for(TimeValuePair point : pointsInPositiveExtremeValues) {
// System.out.println("pos. extr.:" + point.time + " " + point.value + " " + variable);
addHelpNode(ctrlPts, variable, HorizonGraphAction.BAND_ID_POSITIVE_EXTREME_VALUES, point.time, point.value);
List pointsInNegativeExtremeValues = getPointsInExtremeBand(ctrlPts, variable, -bandWidth * settings.BandsCount, bandWidth);
for(TimeValuePair point : pointsInNegativeExtremeValues) {
// System.out.println("neg. extr.:" + point.time + " " + point.value + " " + variable);
addHelpNode(ctrlPts, variable, HorizonGraphAction.BAND_ID_NEGATIVE_EXTREME_VALUES, point.time, point.value);
* Performs the band join operation. After joining the bands, the different
* colored polygons will be rendered on top of each other. The polygons for
* extreme value bands or null value bands are drawn on top.
* @param graph
* the graph instance
* @param bandsCount
* the count of bands, e.g. _settings.BandsCount
* @param bandWidth
* the width of a single band, e.g. _settings.getBandWidth()
private void joinBands(TemporalDataset graph, int bandsCount,
double bandWidth) {
for (TemporalObject node : graph.temporalObjects()) {
double y = node.getDouble(COL_Y_POSITION);
double sign = Math.signum(y);
if (node.getBoolean(COL_IS_HELP_NODE)) {
int bandId = node.getInt(COL_BAND_ID);
// filter extreme values (bandId > bandsCount) and missing
// values (bandId == 0)
if (Math.abs(bandId) <= bandsCount && bandId != 0)
y -= ((Math.abs(bandId) - 1) * bandWidth) * sign; // join
// the
// bands
} else {
if (Math.abs(y) >= bandWidth * bandsCount)
y = sign * bandWidth;
while (Math.abs(y) > bandWidth)
y -= bandWidth * sign;
node.setDouble(COL_Y_POSITION, y);
* Performs the mirror transformation for negative values.
* @param graph
* the graph instance
private void applyMirrorTransformation(TemporalDataset graph) {
for (TemporalObject node : graph.temporalObjects()) {
double y = node.getDouble(COL_Y_POSITION);
y = Math.abs(y);
node.setDouble(COL_Y_POSITION, y);
* Initializes the colored polygon (called aggregates).
* @param visualGraph
* the visualGraph used by the visualization
* @param bandsCount
* the count of bands, e.g. _settings.BandsCount
* @param variableSet
* a set of the different variables (e.g. { "insulin-dose",
* "glucose" })
private void initBands(Object[] variableSet) {
AggregateTable aggregates = m_vis.addAggregates(groupBands);
aggregates.addColumn(VisualItem.POLYGON, float[].class);
aggregates.addColumn(COL_BAND_ID, int.class);
aggregates.addColumn(COL_COLOR_INDEX, int.class);
for (Object variable : variableSet) {
for (int bandId = 1; bandId <= settings.BandsCount; bandId++) {
addAggregate(aggregates, variable, bandId);
addAggregate(aggregates, variable, -bandId);
addAggregate(aggregates, variable,
addAggregate(aggregates, variable,
addAggregate(aggregates, variable, BAND_ID_NULL_VALUES);
* Adds a single aggregate to the aggregate table.
* @param visualGraph
* the visualGraph used by the visualization
* @param aggregates
* the aggregate table used by the visualization
* @param variable
* the variable
* @param bandId
* the bandId of the aggregate
private void addAggregate(AggregateTable aggregates, Object variable,
int bandId) {
List itemsInBand = new Vector();
Predicate predVar = new ComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate.EQ,
new ColumnExpression(fieldVariable),
new ObjectLiteral(variable));
Iterator items = m_vis.items(groupControlPoints, predVar);
while (items.hasNext()) {
VisualItem item = items.next();
if (item.getBoolean(COL_IS_HELP_NODE)
&& item.getInt(COL_BAND_ID) == bandId)
if (itemsInBand.size() > 2) {
AggregateItem aggregate = (AggregateItem) aggregates.addItem();
.set(VisualItem.POLYGON, new float[2 * itemsInBand.size()]);
aggregate.setInt(COL_BAND_ID, bandId);
aggregate.setInt(COL_COLOR_INDEX, bandId + MAX_BANDS + 1); // see
// palette
// structure
for (VisualItem item : itemsInBand)