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org.tinygroup.dbrouterjdbc4.jdbc.TinyDatabaseMetaData Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 *  Copyright (c) 1997-2013, ([email protected]).
 *  Licensed under the GPL, Version 3.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  版权 (c) 1997-2013, ([email protected]).
 *  本开源软件遵循 GPL 3.0 协议;
 *  如果您不遵循此协议,则不被允许使用此文件。
 *  你可以从下面的地址获取完整的协议文本
package org.tinygroup.dbrouterjdbc4.jdbc;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.RowIdLifetime;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.tinygroup.dbrouter.config.Router;
import org.tinygroup.dbrouterjdbc4.jdbc.ShardsFilter.ShardFilterData;

 * 功能说明:

* * 开发人员: renhui
* 开发时间: 2014-1-10
*/ public class TinyDatabaseMetaData implements DatabaseMetaData { private TinyConnection tinyConnection; private Collection connections = new ArrayList(); private Router router; public TinyDatabaseMetaData(TinyConnection tinyConnection, Router router) throws SQLException { this.tinyConnection = tinyConnection; this.router = router; connections.addAll(tinyConnection.getDataSource2Connection().values()); } public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() throws SQLException { return false; } public String getURL() throws SQLException { return tinyConnection.getUrl(); } public String getUserName() throws SQLException { return tinyConnection.getUserName(); } public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException { return tinyConnection.isReadOnly(); } public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() throws SQLException { return !nullsAreSortedHigh(); } public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() throws SQLException { return false; } public String getDatabaseProductName() throws SQLException { return "dbrouter"; } public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws SQLException { return "1.0"; } public String getDriverName() throws SQLException { return "dbrouter JDBC Driver"; } public String getDriverVersion() throws SQLException { return "1.0"; } public int getDriverMajorVersion() { return 1; } public int getDriverMinorVersion() { return 0; } public boolean usesLocalFiles() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException { return false; } public String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws SQLException { return "\""; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public String getSQLKeywords() throws SQLException { String[] allKeywords = { "ACCESSIBLE", "ADD", "ALL", "ALTER", "ANALYZE", "AND", "AS", "ASC", "ASENSITIVE", "BEFORE", "BETWEEN", "BIGINT", "BINARY", "BLOB", "BOTH", "BY", "CALL", "CASCADE", "CASE", "CHANGE", "CHAR", "CHARACTER", "CHECK", "COLLATE", "COLUMN", "CONDITION", "CONNECTION", "CONSTRAINT", "CONTINUE", "CONVERT", "CREATE", "CROSS", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_USER", "CURSOR", "DATABASE", "DATABASES", "DAY_HOUR", "DAY_MICROSECOND", "DAY_MINUTE", "DAY_SECOND", "DEC", "DECIMAL", "DECLARE", "DEFAULT", "DELAYED", "DELETE", "DESC", "DESCRIBE", "DETERMINISTIC", "DISTINCT", "DISTINCTROW", "DIV", "DOUBLE", "DROP", "DUAL", "EACH", "ELSE", "ELSEIF", "ENCLOSED", "ESCAPED", "EXISTS", "EXIT", "EXPLAIN", "FALSE", "FETCH", "FLOAT", "FLOAT4", "FLOAT8", "FOR", "FORCE", "FOREIGN", "FROM", "FULLTEXT", "GRANT", "GROUP", "HAVING", "HIGH_PRIORITY", "HOUR_MICROSECOND", "HOUR_MINUTE", "HOUR_SECOND", "IF", "IGNORE", "IN", "INDEX", "INFILE", "INNER", "INOUT", "INSENSITIVE", "INSERT", "INT", "INT1", "INT2", "INT3", "INT4", "INT8", "INTEGER", "INTERVAL", "INTO", "IS", "ITERATE", "JOIN", "KEY", "KEYS", "KILL", "LEADING", "LEAVE", "LEFT", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "LINEAR", "LINES", "LOAD", "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LOCK", "LONG", "LONGBLOB", "LONGTEXT", "LOOP", "LOW_PRIORITY", "MATCH", "MEDIUMBLOB", "MEDIUMINT", "MEDIUMTEXT", "MIDDLEINT", "MINUTE_MICROSECOND", "MINUTE_SECOND", "MOD", "MODIFIES", "NATURAL", "NOT", "NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG", "NULL", "NUMERIC", "ON", "OPTIMIZE", "OPTION", "OPTIONALLY", "OR", "ORDER", "OUT", "OUTER", "OUTFILE", "PRECISION", "PRIMARY", "PROCEDURE", "PURGE", "RANGE", "READ", "READS", "READ_ONLY", "READ_WRITE", "REAL", "REFERENCES", "REGEXP", "RELEASE", "RENAME", "REPEAT", "REPLACE", "REQUIRE", "RESTRICT", "RETURN", "REVOKE", "RIGHT", "RLIKE", "SCHEMA", "SCHEMAS", "SECOND_MICROSECOND", "SELECT", "SENSITIVE", "SEPARATOR", "SET", "SHOW", "SMALLINT", "SPATIAL", "SPECIFIC", "SQL", "SQLEXCEPTION", "SQLSTATE", "SQLWARNING", "SQL_BIG_RESULT", "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS", "SQL_SMALL_RESULT", "SSL", "STARTING", "STRAIGHT_JOIN", "TABLE", "TERMINATED", "THEN", "TINYBLOB", "TINYINT", "TINYTEXT", "TO", "TRAILING", "TRIGGER", "TRUE", "UNDO", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UNLOCK", "UNSIGNED", "UPDATE", "USAGE", "USE", "USING", "UTC_DATE", "UTC_TIME", "UTC_TIMESTAMP", "VALUES", "VARBINARY", "VARCHAR", "VARCHARACTER", "VARYING", "WHEN", "WHERE", "WHILE", "WITH", "WRITE", "X509", "XOR", "YEAR_MONTH", "ZEROFILL", "MINUS", "ROWNUM", "SYSDATE", "SYSTIME", "SYSTIMESTAMP", "TODAY" }; String[] sql92Keywords = { "ABSOLUTE", "EXEC", "OVERLAPS", "ACTION", "EXECUTE", "PAD", "ADA", "EXISTS", "PARTIAL", "ADD", "EXTERNAL", "PASCAL", "ALL", "EXTRACT", "POSITION", "ALLOCATE", "FALSE", "PRECISION", "ALTER", "FETCH", "PREPARE", "AND", "FIRST", "PRESERVE", "ANY", "FLOAT", "PRIMARY", "ARE", "FOR", "PRIOR", "AS", "FOREIGN", "PRIVILEGES", "ASC", "FORTRAN", "PROCEDURE", "ASSERTION", "FOUND", "PUBLIC", "AT", "FROM", "READ", "AUTHORIZATION", "FULL", "REAL", "AVG", "GET", "REFERENCES", "BEGIN", "GLOBAL", "RELATIVE", "BETWEEN", "GO", "RESTRICT", "BIT", "GOTO", "REVOKE", "BIT_LENGTH", "GRANT", "RIGHT", "BOTH", "GROUP", "ROLLBACK", "BY", "HAVING", "ROWS", "CASCADE", "HOUR", "SCHEMA", "CASCADED", "IDENTITY", "SCROLL", "CASE", "IMMEDIATE", "SECOND", "CAST", "IN", "SECTION", "CATALOG", "INCLUDE", "SELECT", "CHAR", "INDEX", "SESSION", "CHAR_LENGTH", "INDICATOR", "SESSION_USER", "CHARACTER", "INITIALLY", "SET", "CHARACTER_LENGTH", "INNER", "SIZE", "CHECK", "INPUT", "SMALLINT", "CLOSE", "INSENSITIVE", "SOME", "COALESCE", "INSERT", "SPACE", "COLLATE", "INT", "SQL", "COLLATION", "INTEGER", "SQLCA", "COLUMN", "INTERSECT", "SQLCODE", "COMMIT", "INTERVAL", "SQLERROR", "CONNECT", "INTO", "SQLSTATE", "CONNECTION", "IS", "SQLWARNING", "CONSTRAINT", "ISOLATION", "SUBSTRING", "CONSTRAINTS", "JOIN", "SUM", "CONTINUE", "KEY", "SYSTEM_USER", "CONVERT", "LANGUAGE", "TABLE", "CORRESPONDING", "LAST", "TEMPORARY", "COUNT", "LEADING", "THEN", "CREATE", "LEFT", "TIME", "CROSS", "LEVEL", "TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT", "LIKE", "TIMEZONE_HOUR", "CURRENT_DATE", "LOCAL", "TIMEZONE_MINUTE", "CURRENT_TIME", "LOWER", "TO", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "MATCH", "TRAILING", "CURRENT_USER", "MAX", "TRANSACTION", "CURSOR", "MIN", "TRANSLATE", "DATE", "MINUTE", "TRANSLATION", "DAY", "MODULE", "TRIM", "DEALLOCATE", "MONTH", "TRUE", "DEC", "NAMES", "UNION", "DECIMAL", "NATIONAL", "UNIQUE", "DECLARE", "NATURAL", "UNKNOWN", "DEFAULT", "NCHAR", "UPDATE", "DEFERRABLE", "NEXT", "UPPER", "DEFERRED", "NO", "USAGE", "DELETE", "NONE", "USER", "DESC", "NOT", "USING", "DESCRIBE", "NULL", "VALUE", "DESCRIPTOR", "NULLIF", "VALUES", "DIAGNOSTICS", "NUMERIC", "VARCHAR", "DISCONNECT", "OCTET_LENGTH", "VARYING", "DISTINCT", "OF", "VIEW", "DOMAIN", "ON", "WHEN", "DOUBLE", "ONLY", "WHENEVER", "DROP", "OPEN", "WHERE", "ELSE", "OPTION", "WITH", "END", "OR", "WORK", "END-EXEC", "ORDER", "WRITE", "ESCAPE", "OUTER", "YEAR", "EXCEPT", "OUTPUT", "ZONE", "EXCEPTION" }; TreeMap mySQLKeywordMap = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < allKeywords.length; ++i) { mySQLKeywordMap.put(allKeywords[i], null); } HashMap sql92KeywordMap = new HashMap(sql92Keywords.length); for (int i = 0; i < sql92Keywords.length; ++i) { sql92KeywordMap.put(sql92Keywords[i], null); } Iterator it = sql92KeywordMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { mySQLKeywordMap.remove(; } StringBuffer keywordBuf = new StringBuffer(); it = mySQLKeywordMap.keySet().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { keywordBuf.append(; } while (it.hasNext()) { keywordBuf.append(","); keywordBuf.append(; } return keywordBuf.toString(); } public String getNumericFunctions() throws SQLException { return "ABS,ACOS,ASIN,ATAN,ATAN2,BIT_COUNT,CEILING,COS,COT,DEGREES,EXP,FLOOR,LOG,LOG10,MAX,MIN,MOD,PI,POW,POWER,RADIANS,RAND,ROUND,SIN,SQRT,TAN,TRUNCATE"; } public String getStringFunctions() throws SQLException { return "ASCII,BIN,BIT_LENGTH,CHAR,CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHAR_LENGTH,CONCAT,CONCAT_WS,CONV,ELT,EXPORT_SET,FIELD,FIND_IN_SET,HEX,INSERT,INSTR,LCASE,LEFT,LENGTH,LOAD_FILE,LOCATE,LOCATE,LOWER,LPAD,LTRIM,MAKE_SET,MATCH,MID,OCT,OCTET_LENGTH,ORD,POSITION,QUOTE,REPEAT,REPLACE,REVERSE,RIGHT,RPAD,RTRIM,SOUNDEX,SPACE,STRCMP,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING_INDEX,TRIM,UCASE,UPPER"; } public String getSystemFunctions() throws SQLException { return "DATABASE,USER,SYSTEM_USER,SESSION_USER,PASSWORD,ENCRYPT,LAST_INSERT_ID,VERSION"; } public String getTimeDateFunctions() throws SQLException { return "DAYOFWEEK,WEEKDAY,DAYOFMONTH,DAYOFYEAR,MONTH,DAYNAME,MONTHNAME,QUARTER,WEEK,YEAR,HOUR,MINUTE,SECOND,PERIOD_ADD,PERIOD_DIFF,TO_DAYS,FROM_DAYS,DATE_FORMAT,TIME_FORMAT,CURDATE,CURRENT_DATE,CURTIME,CURRENT_TIME,NOW,SYSDATE,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,UNIX_TIMESTAMP,FROM_UNIXTIME,SEC_TO_TIME,TIME_TO_SEC"; } public String getSearchStringEscape() throws SQLException { return "\\"; } public String getExtraNameCharacters() throws SQLException { return ""; } public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsConvert() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsGroupBy() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws SQLException { return true; } public String getSchemaTerm() throws SQLException { return "schema"; } public String getProcedureTerm() throws SQLException { return "procedure"; } public String getCatalogTerm() throws SQLException { return "catalog"; } public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws SQLException { return true; } public String getCatalogSeparator() throws SQLException { return "."; } public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsUnion() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsUnionAll() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException { return true; } public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() throws SQLException { return 16777208; } public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() throws SQLException { return 16777208; } public int getMaxColumnNameLength() throws SQLException { return 64; } public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() throws SQLException { return 64; } public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() throws SQLException { return 16; } public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() throws SQLException { return 64; } public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() throws SQLException { return 256; } public int getMaxColumnsInTable() throws SQLException { return 512; } public int getMaxConnections() throws SQLException { return 0; } public int getMaxCursorNameLength() throws SQLException { return 64; } public int getMaxIndexLength() throws SQLException { return 256; } public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() throws SQLException { return 0; } public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() throws SQLException { return 0; } public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() throws SQLException { return 32; } public int getMaxRowSize() throws SQLException { return 2147483639; } public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() throws SQLException { return false; } public int getMaxStatementLength() throws SQLException { return 0; } public int getMaxStatements() throws SQLException { return 0; } public int getMaxTableNameLength() throws SQLException { return 64; } public int getMaxTablesInSelect() throws SQLException { return 256; } public int getMaxUserNameLength() throws SQLException { return 16; } public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException { return Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; } public boolean supportsTransactions() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() throws SQLException { return false; } public ResultSet getProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types) throws SQLException { if (catalogJudge(catalog) && schemaJudge(schemaPattern)) { if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(connections)) { ResultSet resultSet = connections.iterator().next() .getMetaData() .getTables(null, null, tableNamePattern, types); return buildResultSet( tableNamePattern, resultSet, ResultSetSimpleBuilder.getTablesBuilder( router.getSchema(), router.getCatalog())); } } return new TinyResultSetSimple(); } /** * 替换"TABLE_NAME"字段的值为逻辑表名。 * * @param queryMode * @param tableNamePattern * @param resultSet * @return * @throws SQLException */ private ResultSet buildResultSet(String tableNamePattern, ResultSet resultSet, ResultSetSimpleBuilder builder) throws SQLException { ShardsFilter shardsFilter = new ShardsFilter( tinyConnection.getAbleShards()); List datas = shardsFilter.filter(tableNamePattern); if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(datas)) {// 认为是不同库表名都相同, return new TinyResultSetSimple(resultSet); } ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); builder.addColumns(metaData); builder.addValues(metaData.getColumnCount(), resultSet, datas); return; } public ResultSet getSchemas() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getTableTypes() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException { if (catalogJudge(catalog) && schemaJudge(schemaPattern)) { if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(connections)) { ShardsFilter shardsFilter = new ShardsFilter( tinyConnection.getAbleShards()); String physicsTableName = shardsFilter .getPhysicsTableName(tableNamePattern); if (physicsTableName == null) { physicsTableName = checkTableName(tableNamePattern); } ResultSet resultSet = connections .iterator() .next() .getMetaData() .getColumns(null, null, physicsTableName, columnNamePattern); return buildResultSet( tableNamePattern, resultSet, ResultSetSimpleBuilder.getColumnsBuilder( router.getSchema(), router.getCatalog())); } } return new TinyResultSetSimple();// 返回一个空的result } private String checkTableName(String tableNamePattern) { if(!tableNamePattern.endsWith("%")){ tableNamePattern=tableNamePattern+"%"; } return tableNamePattern; } private boolean catalogJudge(String catalog) { return StringUtil.isBlank(catalog) || StringUtil.isBlank(router.getCatalog()) || catalog.equals(router.getCatalog()); } private boolean schemaJudge(String schemaPattern) { return StringUtil.isBlank(schemaPattern) || StringUtil.isBlank(router.getSchema()) || ShardsFilter.isMatch(schemaPattern, router.getSchema()); } public ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String catalog, String schema, String table, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schema, String table, int scope, boolean nullable) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException { if (catalogJudge(catalog) && schemaJudge(schema)) { if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(connections)) { ShardsFilter shardsFilter = new ShardsFilter( tinyConnection.getAbleShards()); String physicsTableName = shardsFilter .getPhysicsTableName(table); if (physicsTableName == null) { physicsTableName = table; } ResultSet resultSet = connections.iterator().next() .getMetaData() .getPrimaryKeys(null, null, physicsTableName); return buildResultSet( table, resultSet, ResultSetSimpleBuilder.getPrimaryKeysBuilder( router.getSchema(), router.getCatalog())); } } return new TinyResultSetSimple(); } public ResultSet getImportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getCrossReference(String primaryCatalog, String primarySchema, String primaryTable, String foreignCatalog, String foreignSchema, String foreignTable) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String table, boolean unique, boolean approximate) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public boolean supportsResultSetType(int type) throws SQLException { return type != ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE; } public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean updatesAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean deletesAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean insertsAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws SQLException { return true; } public ResultSet getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, int[] types) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return tinyConnection; } public boolean supportsSavepoints() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsNamedParameters() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { return true; } public ResultSet getSuperTypes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getAttributes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, String attributeNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLException { return holdability == ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT; } public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException { return ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT; } public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws SQLException { return 1; } public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws SQLException { return 3; } public int getJDBCMajorVersion() throws SQLException { return 3; } public int getJDBCMinorVersion() throws SQLException { return 0; } public int getSQLStateType() throws SQLException { return 2; } public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy() throws SQLException { return false; } public boolean supportsStatementPooling() throws SQLException { return false; } public T unwrap(Class iface) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public boolean isWrapperFor(Class iface) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public RowIdLifetime getRowIdLifetime() throws SQLException { return RowIdLifetime.ROWID_UNSUPPORTED; } public ResultSet getSchemas(String catalog, String schemaPattern) throws SQLException { List resultSets = new ArrayList(); for (Connection connection : connections) { resultSets.add(connection.getMetaData().getSchemas(catalog, schemaPattern)); } return new TinyResultSetCombine(resultSets); } public boolean supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() throws SQLException { return true; } public boolean autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() throws SQLException { return false; } public ResultSet getClientInfoProperties() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getFunctions(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String functionNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } public ResultSet getFunctionColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String functionNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not support method"); } }

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