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com.mxgraph.analysis.mxGraphStructure Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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JGraphX Swing Component - Java Graph Visualization Library
This is a binary & source redistribution of the original, unmodified JGraphX library originating from:
The purpose of this redistribution is to make the library available to other Maven projects.
* $Id:,v 1.3 2012/11/21 14:16:01 mate Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2012, JGraph Ltd
package com.mxgraph.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import com.mxgraph.costfunction.mxCostFunction;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxCell;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxGraphModel;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxIGraphModel;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxCellState;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph.mxICellVisitor;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraphView;
public class mxGraphStructure
* The default style for vertexes
private static String basicVertexStyleString = "ellipse;strokeColor=black;fillColor=orange;gradientColor=none";
* The default style for edges
private static String basicEdgeStyleString = "strokeColor=red;noEdgeStyle=1;";
private static String basicArrowStyleString = "endArrow=block;";
* @param aGraph
* @return true if the graph is connected
public static boolean isConnected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
int vertexNum = vertices.length;
if (vertexNum == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
//data preparation
int connectedVertices = 1;
int[] visited = new int[vertexNum];
visited[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < vertexNum; i++)
visited[i] = 0;
ArrayList queue = new ArrayList();
//repeat the algorithm until the queue is empty
while (queue.size() > 0)
//cut out the first vertex
Object currVertex = queue.get(0);
//fill the queue with neighboring but unvisited vertexes
Object[] neighborVertices = aGraph.getOpposites(aGraph.getEdges(currVertex, null, true, true, false, true), currVertex, true,
for (int j = 0; j < neighborVertices.length; j++)
//get the index of the neighbor vertex
int index = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < vertexNum; k++)
if (vertices[k].equals(neighborVertices[j]))
index = k;
if (visited[index] == 0)
visited[index] = 1;
// if we visited every vertex, the graph is connected
if (connectedVertices == vertexNum)
return true;
return false;
* @param aGraph
* @param parent
* @return true if the graph contains cycles regardless of edge direction
public static boolean isCyclicUndirected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
Object[] cells = model.cloneCells(aGraph.getChildCells(graph.getDefaultParent(), true, true), true);
mxGraphModel modelCopy = new mxGraphModel();
mxGraph graphCopy = new mxGraph(modelCopy);
Object parentCopy = graphCopy.getDefaultParent();
// mxAnalysisGraph aGraphCopy = new mxAnalysisGraph(graphCopy, aGraph.getGenerator(), aGraph.getProperties());
mxAnalysisGraph aGraphCopy = new mxAnalysisGraph();
Object[] leaf = new Object[1];
leaf[0] = getUndirectedLeaf(aGraphCopy);
if (leaf[0] != null)
while (leaf[0] != null);
int vertexNum = aGraphCopy.getChildVertices(parentCopy).length;
if (vertexNum > 0)
return true;
return false;
* A helper function for getting a leaf vertex (degree <= 1), not taking into account edge direction - for internal use
* @param aGraph
* @return the first undirected leaf that could be found in the graph, null if none
private static Object getUndirectedLeaf(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
Object parent = aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(parent);
int vertexNum = vertices.length;
Object currVertex;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexNum; i++)
currVertex = vertices[i];
int edgeCount = aGraph.getEdges(currVertex, parent, true, true, false, true).length;
if (edgeCount <= 1)
return currVertex;
return null;
* @param aGraph
* @return true if the graph is simple (no self loops and no multiple edges)
public static boolean isSimple(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
Object parent = aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent();
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(parent);
// self loop detection
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
Object currEdge = edges[i];
if (aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true) == aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false))
return false;
for (int j = 0; j < edges.length; j++)
Object currEdge2 = edges[j];
if (currEdge != currEdge2)
if (aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true) == aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge2, true)
&& aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false) == aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge2, false))
return false;
if (aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true) == aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge2, false)
&& aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false) == aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge2, true))
return false;
return true;
* @param aGraph
* @return true if the graph has the structure of a tree, regardless of edge direction
public static boolean isTree(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
if (isConnected(aGraph) && !isCyclicUndirected(aGraph) && isSimple(aGraph))
return true;
return false;
* @param aGraph
* @param omitVertex vertices in this array will be omitted, set this parameter to null if you don't want this feature
* @return a vertex that has lowest degree, or one of those in case if there are more
static public Object getLowestDegreeVertex(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object[] omitVertex)
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
int vertexCount = vertices.length;
int lowestEdgeCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Object bestVertex = null;
List omitList = null;
if (omitVertex != null)
omitList = Arrays.asList(omitVertex);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
if (omitVertex == null || !omitList.contains(vertices[i]))
int currEdgeCount = aGraph.getEdges(vertices[i], null, true, true, true, true).length;
if (currEdgeCount == 0)
return vertices[i];
if (currEdgeCount < lowestEdgeCount)
lowestEdgeCount = currEdgeCount;
bestVertex = vertices[i];
return bestVertex;
* @param graph
* @param sourceVertex
* @param targetVertex
* @return Returns true if the two vertices are connected directly by an edge. If directed, the result is true if they are connected by an edge that points from source to target, if false direction isn't takein into account, just connectivity.
public static boolean areConnected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object sourceVertex, Object targetVertex)
Object currEdges[] = aGraph.getEdges(sourceVertex, aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent(), true, true, false, true);
List neighborList = Arrays.asList(aGraph.getOpposites(currEdges, sourceVertex, true, true));
return neighborList.contains(targetVertex);
* @param graph
* Make a graph simple (remove parallel edges and self loops)
public static void makeSimple(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
// remove all self-loops
// reduce all valences >1 to 1
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(parent);
//removing self-loops
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
Object currEdge = edges[i];
if (aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true) == aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false))
graph.removeCells(new Object[] { currEdge });
edges = graph.getChildEdges(parent);
Set> vertexSet = new HashSet>();
ArrayList duplicateEdges = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
Object currEdge = edges[i];
Object source = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true);
Object target = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false);
Set currSet = new HashSet();
if (vertexSet.contains(currSet))
//we have a duplicate edge
Object[] duplEdges = duplicateEdges.toArray();
* Makes the graph connected
* @param aGraph
public static void makeConnected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
// an early check, to avoid running getGraphComponents() needlessly, which is CPU intensive
if (mxGraphStructure.isConnected(aGraph))
Object[][] components = getGraphComponents(aGraph);
int componentNum = components.length;
if (componentNum < 2)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
// find a random vertex in each group and connect them.
for (int i = 1; i < componentNum; i++)
Object sourceVertex = components[i - 1][(int) Math.round(Math.random() * (components[i - 1].length - 1))];
Object targetVertex = components[i][(int) Math.round(Math.random() * (components[i].length - 1))];
graph.insertEdge(parent, null, aGraph.getGenerator().getNewEdgeValue(aGraph), sourceVertex, targetVertex);
* @param aGraph
* @return Object[components][vertices]
public static Object[][] getGraphComponents(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
Object parent = aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(parent);
int vertexCount = vertices.length;
if (vertexCount == 0)
return null;
ArrayList> componentList = new ArrayList>();
ArrayList unvisitedVertexList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(vertices));
boolean oldDirectedness = mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED);
mxGraphProperties.setDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), false);
while (unvisitedVertexList.size() > 0)
//check if the current vertex isn't already in a component
//if yes, just remove it from the unvisited list
Object currVertex = unvisitedVertexList.remove(0);
int componentCount = componentList.size();
boolean isInComponent = false;
for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
if (componentList.get(i).contains(currVertex))
isInComponent = true;
//if not, create a new component and run a BFS populating the component and reducing the unvisited list
if (!isInComponent)
final ArrayList currVertexList = new ArrayList();
mxTraversal.bfs(aGraph, currVertex, new mxICellVisitor()
public boolean visit(Object vertex, Object edge)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < currVertexList.size(); i++)
mxGraphProperties.setDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), oldDirectedness);
Object[][] result = new Object[componentList.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < componentList.size(); i++)
result[i] = componentList.get(i).toArray();
return (Object[][]) result;
* Makes a tree graph directed from the source to the leaves
* @param aGraph
* @param startVertex - this vertex will be root of the tree (the only source node)
* @throws StructuralException - the graph must be a tree (edge direction doesn't matter)
public static void makeTreeDirected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex) throws StructuralException
if (isTree(aGraph))
mxGraphProperties.setDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), false);
final ArrayList bFSList = new ArrayList();
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
final mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
mxTraversal.bfs(aGraph, startVertex, new mxICellVisitor()
public boolean visit(Object vertex, Object edge)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < bFSList.size(); i++)
Object parentVertex = bFSList.get(i);
Object currEdges[] = aGraph.getEdges(parentVertex, parent, true, true, false, true);
Object[] neighbors = aGraph.getOpposites(currEdges, parentVertex, true, true);
for (int j = 0; j < neighbors.length; j++)
Object currVertex = neighbors[j];
int childIndex = bFSList.indexOf(currVertex);
if (childIndex > i)
//parentVertex is parent of currVertex, so the edge must be directed from parentVertex to currVertex
// but we need to find the connecting edge first
Object currEdge = getConnectingEdge(aGraph, parentVertex, currVertex);
model.setTerminal(currEdge, parentVertex, true);
model.setTerminal(currEdge, currVertex, false);
mxGraphProperties.setDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), true);
mxGraphStructure.setDefaultGraphStyle(aGraph, false);
throw new StructuralException("The graph is not a tree");
* @param aGraph
* @param vertexOne
* @param vertexTwo
* @return an edge that directly connects vertexOne and vertexTwo regardless of direction, null if they are not connected directly
public static Object getConnectingEdge(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object vertexOne, Object vertexTwo)
mxIGraphModel model = aGraph.getGraph().getModel();
Object[] edges = aGraph.getEdges(vertexOne, null, true, true, false, true);
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
Object currEdge = edges[i];
Object source = model.getTerminal(currEdge, true);
Object target = model.getTerminal(currEdge, false);
if (source.equals(vertexOne) && target.equals(vertexTwo))
return currEdge;
if (source.equals(vertexTwo) && target.equals(vertexOne))
return currEdge;
return null;
* @param graph
* @return Returns true if the graph has at least one cycle, taking edge direction into account
public static boolean isCyclicDirected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
Object[] cells = model.cloneCells(aGraph.getChildCells(graph.getDefaultParent(), true, true), true);
mxGraphModel modelCopy = new mxGraphModel();
mxGraph graphCopy = new mxGraph(modelCopy);
Object parentCopy = graphCopy.getDefaultParent();
mxAnalysisGraph aGraphCopy = new mxAnalysisGraph();
Object[] leaf = new Object[1];
leaf[0] = getDirectedLeaf(aGraphCopy, parentCopy);
if (leaf[0] != null)
while (leaf[0] != null);
int vertexNum = aGraphCopy.getChildVertices(parentCopy).length;
if (vertexNum > 0)
return true;
return false;
* @param graph
* @param parent
* @param properties
* @return A helper function for isDirectedCyclic and it isn't for general use. It returns a node that hasn't incoming or outgoing edges. It could be considered a "leaf" in a directed graph, but this definition isn't formal.
public static Object getDirectedLeaf(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object parent)
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(parent);
int vertexNum = vertices.length;
Object currVertex;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexNum; i++)
currVertex = vertices[i];
int inEdgeCount = aGraph.getEdges(currVertex, parent, true, false, false, true).length;
int outEdgeCount = aGraph.getEdges(currVertex, parent, false, true, false, true).length;
if (outEdgeCount == 0 || inEdgeCount == 0)
return currVertex;
return null;
* Makes the complement of aGraph
* @param aGraph
public static void complementaryGraph(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
ArrayList> oldConnections = new ArrayList>();
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
//replicate the edge connections in oldConnections
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(parent);
int vertexCount = vertices.length;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
mxCell currVertex = (mxCell) vertices[i];
int edgeCount = currVertex.getEdgeCount();
mxCell currEdge = new mxCell();
ArrayList neighborVertexes = new ArrayList();
for (int j = 0; j < edgeCount; j++)
currEdge = (mxCell) currVertex.getEdgeAt(j);
mxCell source = (mxCell) currEdge.getSource();
mxCell destination = (mxCell) currEdge.getTarget();
if (!source.equals(currVertex))
neighborVertexes.add(j, source);
neighborVertexes.add(j, destination);
oldConnections.add(i, neighborVertexes);
//delete all edges and make a complementary model
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(parent);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
ArrayList oldNeighbors = new ArrayList();
oldNeighbors = oldConnections.get(i);
mxCell currVertex = (mxCell) vertices[i];
for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++)
mxCell targetVertex = (mxCell) vertices[j];
boolean shouldConnect = true; // the decision if the two current vertexes should be connected
if (oldNeighbors.contains(targetVertex))
shouldConnect = false;
else if (targetVertex.equals(currVertex))
shouldConnect = false;
else if (areConnected(aGraph, currVertex, targetVertex))
shouldConnect = false;
if (shouldConnect)
graph.insertEdge(parent, null, null, currVertex, targetVertex);
* @param aGraph - the graph to search
* @param value - desired value
* @return the first vertex with the wanted value. If none are found, null is returned
public static Object getVertexWithValue(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, int value)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
int childNum = vertices.length;
int vertexValue = 0;
mxCostFunction costFunction = aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView view = graph.getView();
for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++)
Object currVertex = vertices[i];
vertexValue = (int) costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, currVertex, null));
if (vertexValue == value)
return currVertex;
return null;
* Sets the style of the graph to that as in GraphEditor
* @param aGraph
* @param resetEdgeValues - set to true if you want to re-generate edge weights
public static void setDefaultGraphStyle(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, boolean resetEdgeValues)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(parent);
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
model.setStyle(vertices[i], basicVertexStyleString);
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(parent);
boolean isDirected = mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED);
String edgeString = basicEdgeStyleString;
if (isDirected)
edgeString = edgeString + basicArrowStyleString;
edgeString = edgeString + "endArrow=none";
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
model.setStyle(edges[i], edgeString);
if (resetEdgeValues)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
model.setValue(edges[i], null);
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
model.setValue(edges[i], aGraph.getGenerator().getNewEdgeValue(aGraph));
* @param aGraph
* @return the regularity of the graph
* @throws StructuralException if the graph is irregular
public static int regularity(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph) throws StructuralException
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(graph.getDefaultParent());
int vertexCount = vertices.length;
Object currVertex = vertices[0];
int regularity = aGraph.getEdges(currVertex, null, true, true).length;
for (int i = 1; i < vertexCount; i++)
currVertex = vertices[i];
if (regularity != aGraph.getEdges(currVertex, null, true, true).length)
throw new StructuralException("The graph is irregular.");
return regularity;
* @param aGraph
* @param vertex
* @return indegree of vertex
public static int indegree(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object vertex)
if (vertex == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED))
return aGraph.getEdges(vertex, aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent(), true, false, true, true).length;
return aGraph.getEdges(vertex, aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent(), true, true, true, true).length;
* @param aGraph
* @param vertex
* @return outdegree of vertex
public static int outdegree(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object vertex)
if (mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED))
return aGraph.getEdges(vertex, aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent(), false, true, true, true).length;
return aGraph.getEdges(vertex, aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent(), true, true, true, true).length;
* @param aGraph
* @param vertex
* @return true if vertex is a cut vertex
public static boolean isCutVertex(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object vertex)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
if (aGraph.getEdges(vertex, null, true, true, false, true).length >= 2)
Object[] cells = model.cloneCells(aGraph.getChildCells(graph.getDefaultParent(), true, true), true);
mxGraphModel modelCopy = new mxGraphModel();
mxGraph graphCopy = new mxGraph(modelCopy);
mxAnalysisGraph aGraphCopy = new mxAnalysisGraph();
Object newVertex = getVertexWithValue(aGraphCopy,
(int) aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction().getCost(new mxCellState(graph.getView(), vertex, null)));
graphCopy.removeCells(new Object[] { newVertex }, true);
Object[][] oldComponents = getGraphComponents(aGraph);
Object[][] newComponents = getGraphComponents(aGraphCopy);
if (newComponents.length > oldComponents.length)
return true;
return false;
* @param aGraph
* @return all cut vertices of aGraph
public static Object[] getCutVertices(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
ArrayList cutVertexList = new ArrayList();
Object[] vertexes = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
int vertexNum = vertexes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexNum; i++)
if (isCutVertex(aGraph, vertexes[i]))
return cutVertexList.toArray();
* @param aGraph
* @param edge
* @return true if edge is a cut edge of aGraph
public static boolean isCutEdge(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object edge)
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
mxCostFunction costFunction = aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView view = graph.getView();
int srcValue = (int) costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, aGraph.getTerminal(edge, true), null));
int destValue = (int) costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, aGraph.getTerminal(edge, false), null));
if (aGraph.getTerminal(edge, false) != null || aGraph.getTerminal(edge, true) != null)
Object[] cells = model.cloneCells(aGraph.getChildCells(graph.getDefaultParent(), true, true), true);
mxGraphModel modelCopy = new mxGraphModel();
mxGraph graphCopy = new mxGraph(modelCopy);
mxAnalysisGraph aGraphCopy = new mxAnalysisGraph();
Object[] edges = aGraphCopy.getChildEdges(aGraphCopy.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
Object currEdge = edges[0];
mxCostFunction costFunctionCopy = aGraphCopy.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView viewCopy = graphCopy.getView();
int currSrcValue = (int) costFunctionCopy.getCost(new mxCellState(viewCopy, aGraphCopy.getTerminal(currEdge, true), null));
int currDestValue = (int) costFunctionCopy.getCost(new mxCellState(viewCopy, aGraphCopy.getTerminal(currEdge, false), null));
int i = 0;
while (currSrcValue != srcValue || currDestValue != destValue)
currEdge = edges[i];
currSrcValue = Integer.parseInt((String) modelCopy.getValue(aGraphCopy.getTerminal(currEdge, true)));
currDestValue = Integer.parseInt((String) modelCopy.getValue(aGraphCopy.getTerminal(currEdge, false)));
graphCopy.removeCells(new Object[] { currEdge }, true);
Object[][] oldComponents = getGraphComponents(aGraph);
Object[][] newComponents = getGraphComponents(aGraphCopy);
if (newComponents.length > oldComponents.length)
return true;
return false;
* @param aGraph
* @return all cut edges of aGraph
public static Object[] getCutEdges(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
ArrayList cutEdgeList = new ArrayList();
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
int edgeNum = edges.length;
for (int i = 0; i < edgeNum; i++)
if (isCutEdge(aGraph, edges[i]))
return cutEdgeList.toArray();
* @param aGraph
* @return all source vertices of aGraph
* @throws StructuralException the graph must be directed
public static Object[] getSourceVertices(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph) throws StructuralException
if (!mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED))
throw new StructuralException("The graph is undirected, so it can't have source vertices.");
ArrayList sourceList = new ArrayList();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
Object currVertex = vertices[i];
Object[] outEdges = aGraph.getEdges(vertices[i], null, false, true, true, true);
Object[] inEdges = aGraph.getEdges(vertices[i], null, true, false, true, true);
if (inEdges.length == 0 && outEdges.length > 0)
return sourceList.toArray();
* @param aGraph
* @return all sink vertices of aGraph
* @throws StructuralException the graph must be directed
public static Object[] getSinkVertices(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph) throws StructuralException
if (!mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED))
throw new StructuralException("The graph is undirected, so it can't have sink vertices.");
ArrayList sourceList = new ArrayList();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
Object currVertex = vertices[i];
Object[] outEdges = aGraph.getEdges(vertices[i], null, false, true, true, true);
Object[] inEdges = aGraph.getEdges(vertices[i], null, true, false, true, true);
if (inEdges.length > 0 && outEdges.length == 0)
return sourceList.toArray();
* @param aGraph
* @return true if aGraph is biconnected
public static boolean isBiconnected(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph)
int edgeCount = aGraph.getChildEdges(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent()).length;
if (getCutVertices(aGraph).length == 0 && edgeCount >= 1)
return true;
return false;