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com.mxgraph.analysis.mxTraversal Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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JGraphX Swing Component - Java Graph Visualization Library
This is a binary & source redistribution of the original, unmodified JGraphX library originating from:
The purpose of this redistribution is to make the library available to other Maven projects.
* $Id:,v 1.3 2012/11/21 14:16:01 mate Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, JGraph Ltd
package com.mxgraph.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.mxgraph.costfunction.mxCostFunction;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxCellState;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph.mxICellVisitor;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraphView;
* Implements a collection of utility methods for traversing the
* graph structure. This does not include tree traversal methods.
public class mxTraversal
* Implements a recursive depth first search starting from the specified
* cell. Process on the cell is performing by the visitor class passed in.
* The visitor has access to the current cell and the edge traversed to
* find this cell. Every cell is processed once only.
* mxTraversal.bfs(analysisGraph, startVertex, new mxICellVisitor()
* {
* public boolean visit(Object vertex, Object edge)
* {
* // perform your processing on each cell here
* return false;
* }
* });
* @param aGraph the graph
* @param startVertex
* @param visitor
public static void dfs(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex, mxICellVisitor visitor)
dfsRec(aGraph, startVertex, null, new HashSet(), visitor);
* Core recursive DFS - for internal use
* @param aGraph
* @param cell
* @param edge
* @param seen
* @param visitor
private static void dfsRec(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object cell, Object edge, Set seen, mxICellVisitor visitor)
if (cell != null)
if (!seen.contains(cell))
visitor.visit(cell, edge);
final Object[] edges = aGraph.getEdges(cell, null, false, true);
final Object[] opposites = aGraph.getOpposites(edges, cell);
for (int i = 0; i < opposites.length; i++)
dfsRec(aGraph, opposites[i], edges[i], seen, visitor);
* Implements a recursive breadth first search starting from the specified
* cell. Process on the cell is performing by the visitor class passed in.
* The visitor has access to the current cell and the edge traversed to
* find this cell. Every cell is processed once only.
* mxTraversal.bfs(analysisGraph, startVertex, new mxICellVisitor()
* {
* public boolean visit(Object vertex, Object edge)
* {
* // perform your processing on each cell here
* return false;
* }
* });
* @param aGraph the graph
* @param startVertex
* @param visitor
public static void bfs(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex, mxICellVisitor visitor)
if (aGraph != null && startVertex != null && visitor != null)
Set queued = new HashSet();
LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
Object[] q = { startVertex, null };
bfsRec(aGraph, queued, queue, visitor);
* Core recursive BFS - for internal use
* @param aGraph
* @param queued
* @param queue
* @param visitor
private static void bfsRec(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Set queued, LinkedList queue, mxICellVisitor visitor)
if (queue.size() > 0)
Object[] q = queue.removeFirst();
Object cell = q[0];
Object incomingEdge = q[1];
visitor.visit(cell, incomingEdge);
final Object[] edges = aGraph.getEdges(cell, null, false, false);
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
Object[] currEdge = { edges[i] };
Object opposite = aGraph.getOpposites(currEdge, cell)[0];
if (!queued.contains(opposite))
Object[] current = { opposite, edges[i] };
bfsRec(aGraph, queued, queue, visitor);
* Implements the Dijkstra's shortest path from startVertex to endVertex.
* Process on the cell is performing by the visitor class passed in.
* The visitor has access to the current cell and the edge traversed to
* find this cell. Every cell is processed once only.
* mxTraversal.dijkstra(analysisGraph, startVertex, endVertex, new mxICellVisitor()
* {
* public boolean visit(Object vertex, Object edge)
* {
* // perform your processing on each cell here
* return false;
* }
* });
* @param aGraph
* @param startVertex
* @param endVertex
* @param visitor
* @throws StructuralException - The current Dijkstra algorithm only works for connected graphs
public static void dijkstra(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex, Object endVertex, mxICellVisitor visitor)
throws StructuralException
if (!mxGraphStructure.isConnected(aGraph))
throw new StructuralException("The current Dijkstra algorithm only works for connected graphs and this graph isn't connected");
Object parent = aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent();
Object[] vertexes = aGraph.getChildVertices(parent);
int vertexCount = vertexes.length;
double[] distances = new double[vertexCount];
// parents[][0] is the traveled vertex
// parents[][1] is the traveled outgoing edge
Object[][] parents = new Object[vertexCount][2];
ArrayList vertexList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList vertexListStatic = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
distances[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
vertexList.add((Object) vertexes[i]);
vertexListStatic.add((Object) vertexes[i]);
distances[vertexListStatic.indexOf(startVertex)] = 0;
mxCostFunction costFunction = aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView view = aGraph.getGraph().getView();
while (vertexList.size() > 0)
//find closest vertex
double minDistance;
Object currVertex;
Object closestVertex;
currVertex = vertexList.get(0);
int currIndex = vertexListStatic.indexOf(currVertex);
double currDistance = distances[currIndex];
minDistance = currDistance;
closestVertex = currVertex;
if (vertexList.size() > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < vertexList.size(); i++)
currVertex = vertexList.get(i);
currIndex = vertexListStatic.indexOf(currVertex);
currDistance = distances[currIndex];
if (currDistance < minDistance)
minDistance = currDistance;
closestVertex = currVertex;
// we found the closest vertex
Object currEdge = new Object();
Object[] neighborVertices = aGraph.getOpposites(aGraph.getEdges(closestVertex, null, true, true, false, true), closestVertex,
true, true);
for (int j = 0; j < neighborVertices.length; j++)
Object currNeighbor = neighborVertices[j];
if (vertexList.contains(currNeighbor))
//find edge that connects to the current vertex
Object[] neighborEdges = aGraph.getEdges(currNeighbor, null, true, true, false, true);
Object connectingEdge = null;
for (int k = 0; k < neighborEdges.length; k++)
currEdge = neighborEdges[k];
if (aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true).equals(closestVertex)
|| aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false).equals(closestVertex))
connectingEdge = currEdge;
// check for new distance
int neighborIndex = vertexListStatic.indexOf(currNeighbor);
double oldDistance = distances[neighborIndex];
double currEdgeWeight;
currEdgeWeight = costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, connectingEdge, null));
double newDistance = minDistance + currEdgeWeight;
//final part - updating the structure
if (newDistance < oldDistance)
distances[neighborIndex] = newDistance;
parents[neighborIndex][0] = closestVertex;
parents[neighborIndex][1] = connectingEdge;
ArrayList resultList = new ArrayList();
Object currVertex = endVertex;
while (currVertex != startVertex)
int currIndex = vertexListStatic.indexOf(currVertex);
currVertex = parents[currIndex][0];
resultList.add(0, parents[currIndex]);
resultList.add(resultList.size(), new Object[] { endVertex, null });
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size(); i++)
visitor.visit(resultList.get(i)[0], resultList.get(i)[1]);
* Implements the Bellman-Ford shortest path from startVertex to all vertices.
* @param aGraph
* @param startVertex
* @return a List where List(0) is the distance map and List(1) is the parent map. See the example in
* @throws StructuralException - The Bellman-Ford algorithm only works for graphs without negative cycles
public static List> bellmanFord(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex) throws StructuralException
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(graph.getDefaultParent());
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(graph.getDefaultParent());
int vertexNum = vertices.length;
int edgeNum = edges.length;
Map distanceMap = new HashMap();
Map parentMap = new HashMap();
mxCostFunction costFunction = aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView view = graph.getView();
for (int i = 0; i < vertexNum; i++)
Object currVertex = vertices[i];
distanceMap.put(currVertex, Double.MAX_VALUE);
distanceMap.put(startVertex, 0.0);
parentMap.put(startVertex, startVertex);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexNum; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < edgeNum; j++)
Object currEdge = edges[j];
Object source = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true);
Object target = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false);
double dist = (Double) distanceMap.get(source) + costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, currEdge, null));
if (dist < (Double) distanceMap.get(target))
distanceMap.put(target, dist);
parentMap.put(target, source);
//for undirected graphs, check the reverse direction too
if (!mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED))
dist = (Double) distanceMap.get(target) + costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, currEdge, null));
if (dist < (Double) distanceMap.get(source))
distanceMap.put(source, dist);
parentMap.put(source, target);
for (int i = 0; i < edgeNum; i++)
Object currEdge = edges[i];
Object source = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true);
Object target = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false);
double dist = (Double) distanceMap.get(source) + costFunction.getCost(new mxCellState(view, currEdge, null));
if (dist < (Double) distanceMap.get(target))
throw new StructuralException("The graph contains a negative cycle, so Bellman-Ford can't be completed.");
List> result = new ArrayList>();
return result;
* Implements the Floyd-Roy-Warshall (aka WFI) shortest path algorithm between all vertices.
* @param aGraph
* @return an ArrayList where ArrayList(0) is the distance map and List(1) is the path map. See the example in
* @throws StructuralException - The Floyd-Roy-Warshall algorithm only works for graphs without negative cycles
public static ArrayList floydRoyWarshall(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph) throws StructuralException
Object[] vertices = aGraph.getChildVertices(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
Double[][] dist = new Double[vertices.length][vertices.length];
Object[][] paths = new Object[vertices.length][vertices.length];
Map indexMap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
indexMap.put(vertices[i], i);
Object[] edges = aGraph.getChildEdges(aGraph.getGraph().getDefaultParent());
dist = initializeWeight(aGraph, vertices, edges, indexMap);
for (int k = 0; k < vertices.length; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++)
if (dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j])
paths[i][j] = mxGraphStructure.getVertexWithValue(aGraph, k);
dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j];
for (int i = 0; i < dist[0].length; i++)
if ((Double) dist[i][i] < 0)
throw new StructuralException("The graph has negative cycles");
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
return result;
* A helper function for the Floyd-Roy-Warshall algorithm - for internal use
* @param aGraph
* @param nodes
* @param edges
* @param indexMap
* @return
private static Double[][] initializeWeight(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object[] nodes, Object[] edges, Map indexMap)
Double[][] weight = new Double[nodes.length][nodes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
Arrays.fill(weight[i], Double.MAX_VALUE);
boolean isDirected = mxGraphProperties.isDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), mxGraphProperties.DEFAULT_DIRECTED);
mxCostFunction costFunction = aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView view = aGraph.getGraph().getView();
for (Object currEdge : edges)
Object source = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, true);
Object target = aGraph.getTerminal(currEdge, false);
weight[indexMap.get(source)][indexMap.get(target)] = costFunction.getCost(view.getState(currEdge));
if (!isDirected)
weight[indexMap.get(target)][indexMap.get(source)] = costFunction.getCost(view.getState(currEdge));
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
weight[i][i] = 0.0;
return weight;
* This method helps the user to get the desired data from the result of the Floyd-Roy-Warshall algorithm.
* @param aGraph
* @param FWIresult - the result of the Floyd-Roy-Warhall algorithm
* @param startVertex
* @param targetVertex
* @return returns the shortest path from startVertex to endVertex
* @throws StructuralException - The Floyd-Roy-Warshall algorithm only works for graphs without negative cycles
public static Object[] getWFIPath(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, ArrayList FWIresult, Object startVertex, Object targetVertex)
throws StructuralException
Object[][] dist = FWIresult.get(0);
Object[][] paths = FWIresult.get(1);
ArrayList result = null;
if (aGraph == null || paths == null || startVertex == null || targetVertex == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (int i = 0; i < dist[0].length; i++)
if ((Double) dist[i][i] < 0)
throw new StructuralException("The graph has negative cycles");
if (startVertex != targetVertex)
mxCostFunction cf = aGraph.getGenerator().getCostFunction();
mxGraphView view = aGraph.getGraph().getView();
ArrayList currPath = new ArrayList();
while (startVertex != targetVertex)
result = getWFIPathRec(aGraph, paths, startVertex, targetVertex, currPath, cf, view);
startVertex = result.get(result.size() - 1);
if (result == null)
result = new ArrayList();
return result.toArray();
* Helper method for getWFIPath - for internal use
* @param aGraph
* @param paths
* @param startVertex
* @param targetVertex
* @param currPath
* @param cf
* @param view
* @return
* @throws StructuralException
private static ArrayList getWFIPathRec(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object[][] paths, Object startVertex, Object targetVertex,
ArrayList currPath, mxCostFunction cf, mxGraphView view) throws StructuralException
Double sourceIndexD = (Double) cf.getCost(view.getState(startVertex));
Object[] parents = paths[sourceIndexD.intValue()];
Double targetIndexD = (Double) cf.getCost(view.getState(targetVertex));
int tIndex = targetIndexD.intValue();
if (parents[tIndex] != null)
currPath = getWFIPathRec(aGraph, paths, startVertex, parents[tIndex], currPath, cf, view);
if (mxGraphStructure.areConnected(aGraph, startVertex, targetVertex) || startVertex == targetVertex)
throw new StructuralException("The two vertices aren't connected");
return currPath;