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com.mxgraph.view.mxGraphView Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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JGraphX Swing Component - Java Graph Visualization Library
This is a binary & source redistribution of the original, unmodified JGraphX library originating from:
The purpose of this redistribution is to make the library available to other Maven projects.
* $Id:,v 1.2 2013/12/04 16:35:32 gaudenz Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Gaudenz Alder, David Benson
package com.mxgraph.view;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxGeometry;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxGraphModel;
import com.mxgraph.model.mxIGraphModel;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxConstants;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxEvent;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxEventObject;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxEventSource;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxPoint;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxRectangle;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxUndoableEdit;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxUndoableEdit.mxUndoableChange;
import com.mxgraph.util.mxUtils;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxEdgeStyle.mxEdgeStyleFunction;
import com.mxgraph.view.mxPerimeter.mxPerimeterFunction;
* Implements a view for the graph. This class is in charge of computing the
* absolute coordinates for the relative child geometries, the points for
* perimeters and edge styles and keeping them cached in cell states for
* faster retrieval. The states are updated whenever the model or the view
* state (translate, scale) changes. The scale and translate are honoured in
* the bounds.
* This class fires the following events:
* mxEvent.UNDO fires after the root was changed in setCurrentRoot. The
* edit
property contains the mxUndoableEdit which contains the
* mxCurrentRootChange.
* mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE fires after the scale and transle have been
* changed in scaleAndTranslate. The scale
, previousScale
* translate
and previousTranslate
properties contain
* the new and previous scale and translate, respectively.
* mxEvent.SCALE fires after the scale was changed in setScale. The
* scale
and previousScale
properties contain the
* new and previous scale.
* mxEvent.TRANSLATE fires after the translate was changed in setTranslate. The
* translate
and previousTranslate
properties contain
* the new and previous value for translate.
* mxEvent.UP and mxEvent.DOWN fire if the current root is changed by executing
* a mxCurrentRootChange. The event name depends on the location of the root
* in the cell hierarchy with respect to the current root. The
* root
and previous
properties contain the new and
* previous root, respectively.
public class mxGraphView extends mxEventSource
private static mxPoint EMPTY_POINT = new mxPoint();
* Reference to the enclosing graph.
protected mxGraph graph;
* mxCell that acts as the root of the displayed cell hierarchy.
protected Object currentRoot = null;
* Caches the current bounds of the graph.
protected mxRectangle graphBounds = new mxRectangle();
* Specifies the scale. Default is 1 (100%).
protected double scale = 1;
* Point that specifies the current translation. Default is a new
* empty point.
protected mxPoint translate = new mxPoint(0, 0);
* Maps from cells to cell states.
protected Hashtable states = new Hashtable();
* Constructs a new view for the given graph.
* @param graph Reference to the enclosing graph.
public mxGraphView(mxGraph graph)
this.graph = graph;
* Returns the enclosing graph.
* @return Returns the enclosing graph.
public mxGraph getGraph()
return graph;
* Returns the dictionary that maps from cells to states.
public Hashtable getStates()
return states;
* Returns the dictionary that maps from cells to states.
public void setStates(Hashtable states)
this.states = states;
* Returns the cached diagram bounds.
* @return Returns the diagram bounds.
public mxRectangle getGraphBounds()
return graphBounds;
* Sets the graph bounds.
public void setGraphBounds(mxRectangle value)
graphBounds = value;
* Returns the current root.
public Object getCurrentRoot()
return currentRoot;
* Sets and returns the current root and fires an undo event.
* @param root mxCell that specifies the root of the displayed cell hierarchy.
* @return Returns the object that represents the current root.
public Object setCurrentRoot(Object root)
if (currentRoot != root)
mxCurrentRootChange change = new mxCurrentRootChange(this, root);
mxUndoableEdit edit = new mxUndoableEdit(this, false);
fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UNDO, "edit", edit));
return root;
* Sets the scale and translation. Fires a "scaleAndTranslate"
* event after calling revalidate. Revalidate is only called if
* isEventsEnabled.
* @param scale Decimal value that specifies the new scale (1 is 100%).
* @param dx X-coordinate of the translation.
* @param dy Y-coordinate of the translation.
public void scaleAndTranslate(double scale, double dx, double dy)
double previousScale = this.scale;
Object previousTranslate = translate.clone();
if (scale != this.scale || dx != translate.getX()
|| dy != translate.getY())
this.scale = scale;
translate = new mxPoint(dx, dy);
if (isEventsEnabled())
fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, "scale",
scale, "previousScale", previousScale, "translate", translate,
"previousTranslate", previousTranslate));
* Returns the current scale.
* @return Returns the scale.
public double getScale()
return scale;
* Sets the current scale and revalidates the view. Fires a "scale"
* event after calling revalidate. Revalidate is only called if
* isEventsEnabled.
* @param value New scale to be used.
public void setScale(double value)
double previousScale = scale;
if (scale != value)
scale = value;
if (isEventsEnabled())
fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SCALE, "scale", scale,
"previousScale", previousScale));
* Returns the current translation.
* @return Returns the translation.
public mxPoint getTranslate()
return translate;
* Sets the current translation and invalidates the view. Fires
* a property change event for "translate" after calling
* revalidate. Revalidate is only called if isEventsEnabled.
* @param value New translation to be used.
public void setTranslate(mxPoint value)
Object previousTranslate = translate.clone();
if (value != null
&& (value.getX() != translate.getX() || value.getY() != translate
translate = value;
if (isEventsEnabled())
fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, "translate", translate,
"previousTranslate", previousTranslate));
* Returns the bounding box for an array of cells or null, if no cells are
* specified.
* @param cells
* @return Returns the bounding box for the given cells.
public mxRectangle getBounds(Object[] cells)
return getBounds(cells, false);
* Returns the bounding box for an array of cells or null, if no cells are
* specified.
* @param cells
* @return Returns the bounding box for the given cells.
public mxRectangle getBoundingBox(Object[] cells)
return getBounds(cells, true);
* Returns the bounding box for an array of cells or null, if no cells are
* specified.
* @param cells
* @return Returns the bounding box for the given cells.
public mxRectangle getBounds(Object[] cells, boolean boundingBox)
mxRectangle result = null;
if (cells != null && cells.length > 0)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (model.isVertex(cells[i]) || model.isEdge(cells[i]))
mxCellState state = getState(cells[i]);
if (state != null)
mxRectangle tmp = (boundingBox) ? state
.getBoundingBox() : state;
if (tmp != null)
if (result == null)
result = new mxRectangle(tmp);
return result;
* Removes all existing cell states and invokes validate.
public void reload()
public void revalidate()
* Invalidates all cell states.
public void invalidate()
* Removes the state of the given cell and all descendants if the given
* cell is not the current root.
* @param cell
* @param force
* @param recurse
public void clear(Object cell, boolean force, boolean recurse)
if (recurse && (force || cell != currentRoot))
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
int childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
clear(model.getChildAt(cell, i), force, recurse);
* Invalidates the state of the given cell, all its descendants and
* connected edges.
public void invalidate(Object cell)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
cell = (cell != null) ? cell : model.getRoot();
mxCellState state = getState(cell);
if (state == null || !state.isInvalid())
if (state != null)
// Recursively invalidates all descendants
int childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
Object child = model.getChildAt(cell, i);
// Propagates invalidation to all connected edges
int edgeCount = model.getEdgeCount(cell);
for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++)
invalidate(model.getEdgeAt(cell, i));
* First validates all bounds and then validates all points recursively on
* all visible cells.
public void validate()
Object cell = (currentRoot != null) ? currentRoot : graph.getModel()
if (cell != null)
validateBounds(null, cell);
mxRectangle bounds = validatePoints(null, cell);
if (bounds == null)
bounds = new mxRectangle();
* Validates the bounds of the given parent's child using the given parent
* state as the origin for the child. The validation is carried out
* recursively for all non-collapsed descendants.
* @param parentState Object that represents the state of the parent cell.
* @param cell Cell for which the bounds in the state should be updated.
public void validateBounds(mxCellState parentState, Object cell)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
mxCellState state = getState(cell, true);
if (state != null && state.isInvalid())
if (!graph.isCellVisible(cell))
else if (cell != currentRoot && parentState != null)
state.setOrigin(new mxPoint(parentState.getOrigin()));
mxGeometry geo = graph.getCellGeometry(cell);
if (geo != null)
if (!model.isEdge(cell))
mxPoint origin = state.getOrigin();
mxPoint offset = geo.getOffset();
if (offset == null)
offset = EMPTY_POINT;
if (geo.isRelative())
origin.setX(origin.getX() + geo.getX()
* parentState.getWidth() / scale
+ offset.getX());
origin.setY(origin.getY() + geo.getY()
* parentState.getHeight() / scale
+ offset.getY());
state.setAbsoluteOffset(new mxPoint(scale
* offset.getX(), scale * offset.getY()));
origin.setX(origin.getX() + geo.getX());
origin.setY(origin.getY() + geo.getY());
// Updates the cell state's bounds
* (translate.getX() + state.getOrigin().getX()));
* (translate.getY() + state.getOrigin().getY()));
state.setWidth(scale * geo.getWidth());
state.setHeight(scale * geo.getHeight());
if (model.isVertex(cell))
// Updates the cached label
// Applies child offset to origin
mxPoint offset = graph.getChildOffsetForCell(cell);
if (offset != null)
.setX(state.getOrigin().getX() + offset.getX());
.setY(state.getOrigin().getY() + offset.getY());
// Recursively validates the child bounds
if (state != null
&& (!graph.isCellCollapsed(cell) || cell == currentRoot))
int childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
validateBounds(state, model.getChildAt(cell, i));
* Updates the absoluteOffset of the given vertex cell state. This takes
* into account the label position styles.
* @param state Cell state whose absolute offset should be updated.
public void updateVertexLabelOffset(mxCellState state)
String horizontal = mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(),
if (horizontal.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT))
- state.getWidth());
else if (horizontal.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT))
+ state.getWidth());
String vertical = mxUtils.getString(state.getStyle(),
if (vertical.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP))
- state.getHeight());
else if (vertical.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM))
+ state.getHeight());
* Validates the points for the state of the given cell recursively if the
* cell is not collapsed and returns the bounding box of all visited states
* as a rectangle.
* @param parentState Object that represents the state of the parent cell.
* @param cell Cell for which the points in the state should be updated.
* @return Returns the bounding box for the given cell.
public mxRectangle validatePoints(mxCellState parentState, Object cell)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
mxCellState state = getState(cell);
mxRectangle bbox = null;
if (state != null)
if (state.isInvalid())
mxGeometry geo = graph.getCellGeometry(cell);
if (geo != null && model.isEdge(cell))
// Updates the points on the source terminal if its an edge
mxCellState source = getState(getVisibleTerminal(cell, true));
state.setVisibleTerminalState(source, true);
if (source != null && model.isEdge(source.getCell())
&& !model.isAncestor(source, cell))
mxCellState tmp = getState(model.getParent(source
validatePoints(tmp, source);
// Updates the points on the source terminal if its an edge
mxCellState target = getState(getVisibleTerminal(cell,
state.setVisibleTerminalState(target, false);
if (target != null && model.isEdge(target.getCell())
&& !model.isAncestor(target, cell))
mxCellState tmp = getState(model.getParent(target
validatePoints(tmp, target);
updateFixedTerminalPoints(state, source, target);
updatePoints(state, geo.getPoints(), source, target);
updateFloatingTerminalPoints(state, source, target);
state.setAbsoluteOffset(getPoint(state, geo));
else if (geo != null && geo.isRelative() && parentState != null
&& model.isEdge(parentState.getCell()))
mxPoint origin = getPoint(parentState, geo);
if (origin != null)
origin.setX((origin.getX() / scale) - translate.getX());
origin.setY((origin.getY() / scale) - translate.getY());
childMoved(parentState, state);
if (model.isEdge(cell) || model.isVertex(cell))
bbox = new mxRectangle(updateBoundingBox(state));
if (state != null
&& (!graph.isCellCollapsed(cell) || cell == currentRoot))
int childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
Object child = model.getChildAt(cell, i);
mxRectangle bounds = validatePoints(state, child);
if (bounds != null)
if (bbox == null)
bbox = bounds;
return bbox;
* Invoked when a child state was moved as a result of late evaluation
* of its position. This is invoked for relative edge children whose
* position can only be determined after the points of the parent edge
* are updated in validatePoints, and validates the bounds of all
* descendants of the child using validateBounds.
protected void childMoved(mxCellState parent, mxCellState child)
Object cell = child.getCell();
// Children of relative edge children need to validate
// their bounds after their parent state was updated
if (!graph.isCellCollapsed(cell) || cell == currentRoot)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
int childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
validateBounds(child, model.getChildAt(cell, i));
* Updates the label of the given state.
public void updateLabel(mxCellState state)
String label = graph.getLabel(state.getCell());
Map style = state.getStyle();
// Applies word wrapping to non-HTML labels and stores the result in the state
if (label != null
&& label.length() > 0
&& !graph.isHtmlLabel(state.getCell())
&& !graph.getModel().isEdge(state.getCell())
&& mxUtils.getString(style, mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE,
double w = getWordWrapWidth(state);
// The lines for wrapping within the given width are calculated for no
// scale. The reason for this is the granularity of actual displayed
// font can cause the displayed lines to change based on scale. A factor
// is used to allow for different overalls widths, it ensures the largest
// font size/scale factor still stays within the bounds. All this ensures
// the wrapped lines are constant overing scaling, at the expense the
// label bounds will vary.
String[] lines = mxUtils.wordWrap(label,
w * mxConstants.LABEL_SCALE_BUFFER);
if (lines.length > 0)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (String line : lines)
buffer.append(line + '\n');
label = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length() - 1);
* Returns the width for wrapping the label of the given state at
* scale 1.
public double getWordWrapWidth(mxCellState state)
Map style = state.getStyle();
boolean horizontal = mxUtils.isTrue(style,
mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, true);
double w = 0;
// Computes the available width for the wrapped label
if (horizontal)
w = (state.getWidth() / scale) - 2 * mxConstants.LABEL_INSET - 2
* mxUtils.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING)
- mxUtils.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT)
- mxUtils.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT);
w = (state.getHeight() / scale)
- 2
* mxConstants.LABEL_INSET
- 2
* mxUtils.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING)
- mxUtils.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP)
+ mxUtils
.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM);
return w;
* Updates the label bounds in the given state.
public void updateLabelBounds(mxCellState state)
Object cell = state.getCell();
Map style = state.getStyle();
String overflow = mxUtils.getString(style, mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW, "");
if (overflow.equals("fill"))
state.setLabelBounds(new mxRectangle(state));
else if (state.getLabel() != null)
mxRectangle vertexBounds = (!graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) ? state
: null;
style, graph.isHtmlLabel(cell), state.getAbsoluteOffset(),
vertexBounds, scale));
if (overflow.equals("width"))
* Updates the bounding box in the given cell state.
* @param state Cell state whose bounding box should be
* updated.
public mxRectangle updateBoundingBox(mxCellState state)
// Gets the cell bounds and adds shadows and markers
mxRectangle rect = new mxRectangle(state);
Map style = state.getStyle();
// Adds extra pixels for the marker and stroke assuming
// that the border stroke is centered around the bounds
// and the first pixel is drawn inside the bounds
double strokeWidth = Math.max(
Math.round(mxUtils.getInt(style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH,
1) * scale));
strokeWidth -= Math.max(1, strokeWidth / 2);
if (graph.getModel().isEdge(state.getCell()))
int ms = 0;
if (style.containsKey(mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW)
|| style.containsKey(mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW))
ms = (int) Math.round(mxConstants.DEFAULT_MARKERSIZE * scale);
// Adds the strokewidth
rect.grow(ms + strokeWidth);
// Adds worst case border for an arrow shape
if (mxUtils.getString(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, "").equals(
rect.grow(mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH / 2);
// Adds extra pixels for the shadow
if (mxUtils.isTrue(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SHADOW))
rect.setWidth(rect.getWidth() + mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSETX);
rect.setHeight(rect.getHeight() + mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSETY);
// Adds oversize images in labels
if (mxUtils.getString(style, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, "").equals(
if (mxUtils.getString(style, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE) != null)
double w = mxUtils.getInt(style, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH,
mxConstants.DEFAULT_IMAGESIZE) * scale;
double h = mxUtils.getInt(style,
* scale;
double x = state.getX();
double y = 0;
String imgAlign = mxUtils.getString(style,
mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT);
String imgValign = mxUtils.getString(style,
if (imgAlign.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT))
x += state.getWidth() - w;
else if (imgAlign.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER))
x += (state.getWidth() - w) / 2;
if (imgValign.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP))
y = state.getY();
else if (imgValign.equals(mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM))
y = state.getY() + state.getHeight() - h;
y = state.getY() + (state.getHeight() - h) / 2;
rect.add(new mxRectangle(x, y, w, h));
// Adds the rotated bounds to the bounding box if the
// shape is rotated
double rotation = mxUtils.getDouble(style, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION);
mxRectangle bbox = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(rect, rotation);
// Add the rotated bounding box to the non-rotated so
// that all handles are also covered
// Unifies the cell bounds and the label bounds
if (!graph.isLabelClipped(state.getCell()))
return rect;
* Sets the initial absolute terminal points in the given state before the edge
* style is computed.
* @param edge Cell state whose initial terminal points should be updated.
* @param source Cell state which represents the source terminal.
* @param target Cell state which represents the target terminal.
public void updateFixedTerminalPoints(mxCellState edge, mxCellState source,
mxCellState target)
updateFixedTerminalPoint(edge, source, true,
graph.getConnectionConstraint(edge, source, true));
updateFixedTerminalPoint(edge, target, false,
graph.getConnectionConstraint(edge, target, false));
* Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.
* @param edge Cell state whose initial terminal points should be
* updated.
public void updateFixedTerminalPoint(mxCellState edge,
mxCellState terminal, boolean source,
mxConnectionConstraint constraint)
mxPoint pt = null;
if (constraint != null)
pt = graph.getConnectionPoint(terminal, constraint);
if (pt == null && terminal == null)
mxPoint orig = edge.getOrigin();
mxGeometry geo = graph.getCellGeometry(edge.cell);
pt = geo.getTerminalPoint(source);
if (pt != null)
pt = new mxPoint(scale
* (translate.getX() + pt.getX() + orig.getX()), scale
* (translate.getY() + pt.getY() + orig.getY()));
edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(pt, source);
* Updates the absolute points in the given state using the specified array
* of points as the relative points.
* @param edge Cell state whose absolute points should be updated.
* @param points Array of points that constitute the relative points.
* @param source Cell state that represents the source terminal.
* @param target Cell state that represents the target terminal.
public void updatePoints(mxCellState edge, List points,
mxCellState source, mxCellState target)
if (edge != null)
List pts = new ArrayList();
mxEdgeStyleFunction edgeStyle = getEdgeStyle(edge, points, source,
if (edgeStyle != null)
mxCellState src = getTerminalPort(edge, source, true);
mxCellState trg = getTerminalPort(edge, target, false);
edgeStyle.apply(edge, src, trg, points, pts);
else if (points != null)
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
pts.add(transformControlPoint(edge, points.get(i)));
pts.add(edge.getAbsolutePoint(edge.getAbsolutePointCount() - 1));
* Transforms the given control point to an absolute point.
public mxPoint transformControlPoint(mxCellState state, mxPoint pt)
mxPoint origin = state.getOrigin();
return new mxPoint(scale
* (pt.getX() + translate.getX() + origin.getX()), scale
* (pt.getY() + translate.getY() + origin.getY()));
* Returns the edge style function to be used to compute the absolute
* points for the given state, control points and terminals.
public mxEdgeStyleFunction getEdgeStyle(mxCellState edge,
List points, Object source, Object target)
Object edgeStyle = null;
if (source != null && source == target)
edgeStyle = edge.getStyle().get(mxConstants.STYLE_LOOP);
if (edgeStyle == null)
edgeStyle = graph.getDefaultLoopStyle();
else if (!mxUtils.isTrue(edge.getStyle(),
mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE, false))
edgeStyle = edge.getStyle().get(mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE);
// Converts string values to objects
if (edgeStyle instanceof String)
String str = String.valueOf(edgeStyle);
Object tmp = mxStyleRegistry.getValue(str);
if (tmp == null)
tmp = mxUtils.eval(str);
edgeStyle = tmp;
if (edgeStyle instanceof mxEdgeStyleFunction)
return (mxEdgeStyleFunction) edgeStyle;
return null;
* Updates the terminal points in the given state after the edge style was
* computed for the edge.
* @param state Cell state whose terminal points should be updated.
* @param source Cell state that represents the source terminal.
* @param target Cell state that represents the target terminal.
public void updateFloatingTerminalPoints(mxCellState state,
mxCellState source, mxCellState target)
mxPoint p0 = state.getAbsolutePoint(0);
mxPoint pe = state.getAbsolutePoint(state.getAbsolutePointCount() - 1);
if (pe == null && target != null)
updateFloatingTerminalPoint(state, target, source, false);
if (p0 == null && source != null)
updateFloatingTerminalPoint(state, source, target, true);
* Updates the absolute terminal point in the given state for the given
* start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
* @param edge Cell state whose terminal point should be updated.
* @param start Cell state for the terminal on "this" side of the edge.
* @param end Cell state for the terminal on the other side of the edge.
* @param source Boolean indicating if start is the source terminal state.
public void updateFloatingTerminalPoint(mxCellState edge,
mxCellState start, mxCellState end, boolean source)
start = getTerminalPort(edge, start, source);
mxPoint next = getNextPoint(edge, end, source);
double border = mxUtils.getDouble(edge.getStyle(),
border += mxUtils.getDouble(edge.getStyle(),
mxPoint pt = getPerimeterPoint(start, next, graph.isOrthogonal(edge),
edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(pt, source);
* Returns a cell state that represents the source or target terminal or
* port for the given edge.
public mxCellState getTerminalPort(mxCellState state, mxCellState terminal,
boolean source)
String key = (source) ? mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PORT
: mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PORT;
String id = mxUtils.getString(, key);
if (id != null && graph.getModel() instanceof mxGraphModel)
mxCellState tmp = getState(((mxGraphModel) graph.getModel())
// Only uses ports where a cell state exists
if (tmp != null)
terminal = tmp;
return terminal;
* Returns a point that defines the location of the intersection point between
* the perimeter and the line between the center of the shape and the given point.
public mxPoint getPerimeterPoint(mxCellState terminal, mxPoint next,
boolean orthogonal)
return getPerimeterPoint(terminal, next, orthogonal, 0);
* Returns a point that defines the location of the intersection point between
* the perimeter and the line between the center of the shape and the given point.
* @param terminal Cell state for the source or target terminal.
* @param next Point that lies outside of the given terminal.
* @param orthogonal Boolean that specifies if the orthogonal projection onto
* the perimeter should be returned. If this is false then the intersection
* of the perimeter and the line between the next and the center point is
* returned.
* @param border Optional border between the perimeter and the shape.
public mxPoint getPerimeterPoint(mxCellState terminal, mxPoint next,
boolean orthogonal, double border)
mxPoint point = null;
if (terminal != null)
mxPerimeterFunction perimeter = getPerimeterFunction(terminal);
if (perimeter != null && next != null)
mxRectangle bounds = getPerimeterBounds(terminal, border);
if (bounds.getWidth() > 0 || bounds.getHeight() > 0)
point = perimeter.apply(bounds, terminal, next, orthogonal);
if (point == null)
point = getPoint(terminal);
return point;
* Returns the x-coordinate of the center point for automatic routing.
* @return Returns the x-coordinate of the routing center point.
public double getRoutingCenterX(mxCellState state)
float f = (state.getStyle() != null) ? mxUtils.getFloat(
state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_ROUTING_CENTER_X) : 0;
return state.getCenterX() + f * state.getWidth();
* Returns the y-coordinate of the center point for automatic routing.
* @return Returns the y-coordinate of the routing center point.
public double getRoutingCenterY(mxCellState state)
float f = (state.getStyle() != null) ? mxUtils.getFloat(
state.getStyle(), mxConstants.STYLE_ROUTING_CENTER_Y) : 0;
return state.getCenterY() + f * state.getHeight();
* Returns the perimeter bounds for the given terminal, edge pair.
public mxRectangle getPerimeterBounds(mxCellState terminal, double border)
if (terminal != null)
border += mxUtils.getDouble(terminal.getStyle(),
return terminal.getPerimeterBounds(border * scale);
* Returns the perimeter function for the given state.
public mxPerimeterFunction getPerimeterFunction(mxCellState state)
Object perimeter = state.getStyle().get(mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER);
// Converts string values to objects
if (perimeter instanceof String)
String str = String.valueOf(perimeter);
Object tmp = mxStyleRegistry.getValue(str);
if (tmp == null)
tmp = mxUtils.eval(str);
perimeter = tmp;
if (perimeter instanceof mxPerimeterFunction)
return (mxPerimeterFunction) perimeter;
return null;
* Returns the nearest point in the list of absolute points or the center
* of the opposite terminal.
* @param edge Cell state that represents the edge.
* @param opposite Cell state that represents the opposite terminal.
* @param source Boolean indicating if the next point for the source or target
* should be returned.
* @return Returns the nearest point of the opposite side.
public mxPoint getNextPoint(mxCellState edge, mxCellState opposite,
boolean source)
List pts = edge.getAbsolutePoints();
mxPoint point = null;
if (pts != null && (source || pts.size() > 2 || opposite == null))
int count = pts.size();
int index = (source) ? Math.min(1, count - 1) : Math.max(0,
count - 2);
point = pts.get(index);
if (point == null && opposite != null)
point = new mxPoint(opposite.getCenterX(), opposite.getCenterY());
return point;
* Returns the nearest ancestor terminal that is visible. The edge appears
* to be connected to this terminal on the display.
* @param edge Cell whose visible terminal should be returned.
* @param source Boolean that specifies if the source or target terminal
* should be returned.
* @return Returns the visible source or target terminal.
public Object getVisibleTerminal(Object edge, boolean source)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
Object result = model.getTerminal(edge, source);
Object best = result;
while (result != null && result != currentRoot)
if (!graph.isCellVisible(best) || graph.isCellCollapsed(result))
best = result;
result = model.getParent(result);
// Checks if the result is not a layer
if (model.getParent(best) == model.getRoot())
best = null;
return best;
* Updates the given state using the bounding box of the absolute points.
* Also updates terminal distance, length and segments.
* @param state Cell state whose bounds should be updated.
public void updateEdgeBounds(mxCellState state)
List points = state.getAbsolutePoints();
if (points != null && points.size() > 0)
mxPoint p0 = points.get(0);
mxPoint pe = points.get(points.size() - 1);
if (p0 == null || pe == null)
// Note: This is an error that normally occurs
// if a connected edge has a null-terminal, ie.
// source is null and/or target is null and no
// additional control points are defined
if (state.getCell() != getCurrentRoot())
if (p0.getX() != pe.getX() || p0.getY() != pe.getY())
double dx = pe.getX() - p0.getX();
double dy = pe.getY() - p0.getY();
state.setTerminalDistance(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
double length = 0;
double[] segments = new double[points.size() - 1];
mxPoint pt = p0;
double minX = pt.getX();
double minY = pt.getY();
double maxX = minX;
double maxY = minY;
for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++)
mxPoint tmp = points.get(i);
if (tmp != null)
double dx = pt.getX() - tmp.getX();
double dy = pt.getY() - tmp.getY();
double segment = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
segments[i - 1] = segment;
length += segment;
pt = tmp;
minX = Math.min(pt.getX(), minX);
minY = Math.min(pt.getY(), minY);
maxX = Math.max(pt.getX(), maxX);
maxY = Math.max(pt.getY(), maxY);
double markerSize = 1; // TODO: include marker size
state.setWidth(Math.max(markerSize, maxX - minX));
state.setHeight(Math.max(markerSize, maxY - minY));
* Returns the absolute center point along the given edge.
public mxPoint getPoint(mxCellState state)
return getPoint(state, null);
* Returns the absolute point on the edge for the given relative
* geometry as a point. The edge is represented by the given cell state.
* @param state Represents the state of the parent edge.
* @param geometry Optional geometry that represents the relative location.
* @return Returns the mxpoint that represents the absolute location
* of the given relative geometry.
public mxPoint getPoint(mxCellState state, mxGeometry geometry)
double x = state.getCenterX();
double y = state.getCenterY();
if (state.getSegments() != null
&& (geometry == null || geometry.isRelative()))
double gx = (geometry != null) ? geometry.getX() / 2 : 0;
int pointCount = state.getAbsolutePointCount();
double dist = (gx + 0.5) * state.getLength();
double[] segments = state.getSegments();
double segment = segments[0];
double length = 0;
int index = 1;
while (dist > length + segment && index < pointCount - 1)
length += segment;
segment = segments[index++];
double factor = (segment == 0) ? 0 : (dist - length) / segment;
mxPoint p0 = state.getAbsolutePoint(index - 1);
mxPoint pe = state.getAbsolutePoint(index);
if (p0 != null && pe != null)
double gy = 0;
double offsetX = 0;
double offsetY = 0;
if (geometry != null)
gy = geometry.getY();
mxPoint offset = geometry.getOffset();
if (offset != null)
offsetX = offset.getX();
offsetY = offset.getY();
double dx = pe.getX() - p0.getX();
double dy = pe.getY() - p0.getY();
double nx = (segment == 0) ? 0 : dy / segment;
double ny = (segment == 0) ? 0 : dx / segment;
x = p0.getX() + dx * factor + (nx * gy + offsetX) * scale;
y = p0.getY() + dy * factor - (ny * gy - offsetY) * scale;
else if (geometry != null)
mxPoint offset = geometry.getOffset();
if (offset != null)
x += offset.getX();
y += offset.getY();
return new mxPoint(x, y);
* Gets the relative point that describes the given, absolute label
* position for the given edge state.
public mxPoint getRelativePoint(mxCellState edgeState, double x, double y)
mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
mxGeometry geometry = model.getGeometry(edgeState.getCell());
if (geometry != null)
int pointCount = edgeState.getAbsolutePointCount();
if (geometry.isRelative() && pointCount > 1)
double totalLength = edgeState.getLength();
double[] segments = edgeState.getSegments();
// Works which line segment the point of the label is closest to
mxPoint p0 = edgeState.getAbsolutePoint(0);
mxPoint pe = edgeState.getAbsolutePoint(1);
Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(p0.getPoint(), pe.getPoint());
double minDist = line.ptSegDistSq(x, y);
int index = 0;
double tmp = 0;
double length = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < pointCount; i++)
tmp += segments[i - 2];
pe = edgeState.getAbsolutePoint(i);
line = new Line2D.Double(p0.getPoint(), pe.getPoint());
double dist = line.ptSegDistSq(x, y);
if (dist < minDist)
minDist = dist;
index = i - 1;
length = tmp;
p0 = pe;
double seg = segments[index];
p0 = edgeState.getAbsolutePoint(index);
pe = edgeState.getAbsolutePoint(index + 1);
double x2 = p0.getX();
double y2 = p0.getY();
double x1 = pe.getX();
double y1 = pe.getY();
double px = x;
double py = y;
double xSegment = x2 - x1;
double ySegment = y2 - y1;
px -= x1;
py -= y1;
double projlenSq = 0;
px = xSegment - px;
py = ySegment - py;
double dotprod = px * xSegment + py * ySegment;
if (dotprod <= 0.0)
projlenSq = 0;
projlenSq = dotprod * dotprod
/ (xSegment * xSegment + ySegment * ySegment);
double projlen = Math.sqrt(projlenSq);
if (projlen > seg)
projlen = seg;
double yDistance = Line2D.ptLineDist(p0.getX(), p0.getY(),
pe.getX(), pe.getY(), x, y);
int direction = Line2D.relativeCCW(p0.getX(), p0.getY(),
pe.getX(), pe.getY(), x, y);
if (direction == -1)
yDistance = -yDistance;
// Constructs the relative point for the label
return new mxPoint(
Math.round(((totalLength / 2 - length - projlen) / totalLength)
* -2), Math.round(yDistance / scale));
return new mxPoint();
* Returns the states for the given array of cells. The array contains all
* states that are not null, that is, the returned array may have less
* elements than the given array.
public mxCellState[] getCellStates(Object[] cells)
List result = new ArrayList(cells.length);
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
mxCellState state = getState(cells[i]);
if (state != null)
mxCellState[] resultArray = new mxCellState[result.size()];
return result.toArray(resultArray);
* Returns the state for the given cell or null if no state is defined for
* the cell.
* @param cell Cell whose state should be returned.
* @return Returns the state for the given cell.
public mxCellState getState(Object cell)
return getState(cell, false);
* Returns the cell state for the given cell. If create is true, then
* the state is created if it does not yet exist.
* @param cell Cell for which a new state should be returned.
* @param create Boolean indicating if a new state should be created if it
* does not yet exist.
* @return Returns the state for the given cell.
public mxCellState getState(Object cell, boolean create)
mxCellState state = null;
if (cell != null)
state = states.get(cell);
if (state == null && create && graph.isCellVisible(cell))
state = createState(cell);
states.put(cell, state);
return state;
* Removes and returns the mxCellState for the given cell.
* @param cell mxCell for which the mxCellState should be removed.
* @return Returns the mxCellState that has been removed.
public mxCellState removeState(Object cell)
return (cell != null) ? (mxCellState) states.remove(cell) : null;
* Creates and returns a cell state for the given cell.
* @param cell Cell for which a new state should be created.
* @return Returns a new state for the given cell.
public mxCellState createState(Object cell)
return new mxCellState(this, cell, graph.getCellStyle(cell));
* Action to change the current root in a view.
public static class mxCurrentRootChange implements mxUndoableChange
protected mxGraphView view;
protected Object root, previous;
protected boolean up;
* Constructs a change of the current root in the given view.
public mxCurrentRootChange(mxGraphView view, Object root)
this.view = view;
this.root = root;
this.previous = this.root;
this.up = (root == null);
if (!up)
Object tmp = view.getCurrentRoot();
mxIGraphModel model = view.graph.getModel();
while (tmp != null)
if (tmp == root)
up = true;
tmp = model.getParent(tmp);
* Returns the graph view where the change happened.
public mxGraphView getView()
return view;
* Returns the root.
public Object getRoot()
return root;
* Returns the previous root.
public Object getPrevious()
return previous;
* Returns true if the drilling went upwards.
public boolean isUp()
return up;
* Changes the current root of the view.
public void execute()
Object tmp = view.getCurrentRoot();
view.currentRoot = previous;
previous = tmp;
mxPoint translate = view.graph.getTranslateForRoot(view
if (translate != null)
view.translate = new mxPoint(-translate.getX(),
// Removes all existing cell states and revalidates
up = !up;
String eventName = (up) ? mxEvent.UP : mxEvent.DOWN;
view.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(eventName, "root",
view.currentRoot, "previous", previous));