atto.parser.Combinator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package atto
package parser
import java.lang.String
import scala.{ Boolean, Nothing, Unit, Int, Nil, List, PartialFunction, StringContext, Option }
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scalaz.NonEmptyList
import scalaz.Scalaz.{ some, none }
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
import atto.syntax.all._
// These guys need access to the implementation
trait Combinator0 {
import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
import scalaz.Trampoline
import scalaz.{\/, -\/, \/-}
import Trampoline._
import Parser._
import Parser.Internal._
import atto.syntax.all._
/** Parser that consumes no data and produces the specified value. */
def ok[A](a: A): Parser[A] =
new Parser[A] {
override def toString = "ok(" + a + ")"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[A,R]): TResult[R] =
/** Parser that consumes no data and fails with the specified error message. */
def err(what: String): Parser[Nothing] =
new Parser[Nothing] {
override def toString = "err(" + what + ")"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[Nothing,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(kf(st0,Nil, what))
/** Construct the given parser lazily; useful when defining recursive parsers. */
def delay[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = {
lazy val a = p
new Parser[A] {
override def toString = a.toString
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[A,R]): TResult[R] =
a.apply(st0, kf, ks)
def advance(n: Int): Parser[Unit] =
new Parser[Unit] {
override def toString = "advance(" + n.toString + ")"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[Unit, R]): TResult[R] =
ks(st0.copy(pos = st0.pos + n),())
private def prompt[R](st0: State, kf: State => TResult[R], ks: State => TResult[R]): Result[R] =
Partial[R](s =>
if (s.isEmpty) suspend(kf(st0 copy (complete = true)))
else suspend(ks(st0 copy (input = st0.input + s, complete = false)))
def demandInput: Parser[Unit] =
new Parser[Unit] {
override def toString = "demandInput"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[Unit,R]): TResult[R] =
if (st0.complete)
suspend(kf(st0,List(),"not enough bytes"))
done(prompt(st0, st => kf(st,List(),"not enough bytes"), a => ks(a,())))
private def ensureSuspended(n: Int): Parser[String] =
new Parser[String] {
override def toString = "ensureSuspended(" + n + ")"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[String,R]): TResult[R] =
if (st0.input.length >= st0.pos + n)
suspend(ks(st0,st0.input.substring(st0.pos, st0.pos + n)))
suspend((demandInput ~> ensureSuspended(n))(st0,kf,ks))
def ensure(n: Int): Parser[String] =
new Parser[String] {
override def toString = "ensure(" + n + ")"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[String,R]): TResult[R] =
if (st0.input.length >= st0.pos + n)
suspend(ks(st0,st0.input.substring(st0.pos, st0.pos + n)))
val wantInput: Parser[Boolean] =
new Parser[Boolean] {
override def toString = "wantInput"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[Boolean,R]): TResult[R] =
if (st0.input.length >= st0.pos + 1) suspend(ks(st0,true))
else if (st0.complete) suspend(ks(st0,false))
else done(prompt(st0, a => ks(a,false), a => ks(a,true)))
/** Parser that produces the remaining input (but does not consume it). */
val get: Parser[String] =
new Parser[String] {
override def toString = "get"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[String,R]): TResult[R] =
def endOfChunk: Parser[Boolean] =
new Parser[Boolean] {
override def toString = "endOfChunk"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[Boolean,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(ks(st0,st0.pos == st0.input.length))
* Attoparsec `try`, for compatibility reasons. This is actually a no-op
* since atto parsers always rewind in case of failure.
def attempt[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T] = p
/** Parser that matches end of input. */
val endOfInput: Parser[Unit] =
new Parser[Unit] {
override def toString = "endOfInput"
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[Unit,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(if (st0.pos >= st0.input.length) {
if (st0.complete)
(st1: State, stack: List[String], msg: String) => ks(st1,()),
(st1: State, u: Unit) => kf(st1, Nil, "endOfInput")
} else kf(st0,Nil,"endOfInput"))
def discardLeft[A,B](m: Parser[A], b: => Parser[B]): Parser[B] = {
lazy val n = b
new Parser[B] {
override def toString = m infix ("~> " + n)
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[B,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(m(st0,kf,(s:State, a: A) => n(s, kf, ks)))
def discardRight[A, B](m: Parser[A], b: => Parser[B]): Parser[A] = {
lazy val n = b
new Parser[A] {
override def toString = m infix ("<~ " + n)
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[A,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(m(st0,kf,(st1:State, a: A) => n(st1, kf, (st2: State, b: B) => ks(st2, a))))
def andThen[A, B](m: Parser[A], b: => Parser[B]): Parser[(A,B)] = {
lazy val n = b
new Parser[(A,B)] {
override def toString = m infix ("~ " + n)
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[(A,B),R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(m(st0,kf,(st1:State, a: A) => n(st1, kf, (st2: State, b: B) => ks(st2, (a, b)))))
def orElse[A, B >: A](m: Parser[A], b: => Parser[B]): Parser[B] = {
lazy val n = b
new Parser[B] {
override def toString = m infix ("| ...")
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[B,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(m(st0, (st1: State, stack: List[String], msg: String) => n(st1.copy(pos = st0.pos), kf, ks), ks))
def either[A, B](m: Parser[A], b: => Parser[B]): Parser[\/[A,B]] = {
lazy val n = b
new Parser[\/[A,B]] {
override def toString = m infix ("|| " + n)
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[\/[A,B],R]): TResult[R] =
(st1: State, stack: List[String], msg: String) => n (st1.copy(pos = st0.pos), kf, (st1: State, b: B) => ks(st1, \/-(b))),
(st1: State, a: A) => ks(st1, -\/(a))
def modifyName[A](m: Parser[A], f: String => String): Parser[A] =
named(m, f(m.toString))
def named[A](m: Parser[A], s: => String): Parser[A] =
new Parser[A] {
override def toString = s
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[A,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(m(st0, (st1: State, stack: List[String], msg: String) => kf(st1, s :: stack, msg), ks))
def namedOpaque[A](m: Parser[A], s: => String): Parser[A] =
new Parser[A] {
override def toString = s
def apply[R](st0: State, kf: Failure[R], ks: Success[A,R]): TResult[R] =
suspend(m(st0, (st1: State, stack: List[String], msg: String) => kf(st1, Nil, "Failure reading:" + s), ks))
// These don't need access to the implementation
trait Combinator extends Combinator0 {
import scala.Predef.intWrapper
import scalaz.Foldable
import scalaz.syntax.foldable._
def collect[A, B](m: Parser[A], f: PartialFunction[A,B]): Parser[B] =
m.filter(f isDefinedAt _).map(f)
def cons[A, B >: A](m: Parser[A], n: => Parser[List[B]]): Parser[NonEmptyList[B]] =
m flatMap (x => n map (xs => NonEmptyList(x, xs: _*)))
/** Parser that matches `p` only if there is no remaining input */
def phrase[A](p: Parser[A]): Parser[A] =
p <~ endOfInput named ("phrase" + p)
// TODO: return a parser of a reducer of A
/** Parser that matches zero or more `p`. */
def many[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[List[A]] = {
lazy val many_p : Parser[List[A]] = cons(p, many_p).map(_.list) | ok(Nil)
many_p named ("many(" + p + ")")
/** Parser that matches one or more `p`. */
def many1[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[NonEmptyList[A]] =
cons(p, many(p))
def manyN[A](n: Int, a: Parser[A]): Parser[List[A]] =
((1 to n) :\ ok(List[A]()))((_, p) => cons(a, p).map(_.list)) named "ManyN(" + n + ", " + a + ")"
def manyUntil[A](p: Parser[A], q: Parser[_]): Parser[List[A]] = {
lazy val scan: Parser[List[A]] = (q ~> ok(Nil)) | cons(p, scan).map(_.list)
scan named ("manyUntil(" + p + "," + q + ")")
def skipMany(p: Parser[_]): Parser[Unit] =
many(p).void named s"skipMany($p)"
def skipMany1(p: Parser[_]): Parser[Unit] =
many1(p).void named s"skipMany1($p)"
def skipManyN(n: Int, p: Parser[_]): Parser[Unit] =
manyN(n, p).void named s"skipManyN($n, $p)"
def sepBy[A](p: Parser[A], s: Parser[_]): Parser[List[A]] =
cons(p, ((s ~> sepBy1(p,s)).map(_.list) | ok(Nil))).map(_.list) | ok(Nil) named ("sepBy(" + p + "," + s + ")")
def sepBy1[A](p: Parser[A], s: Parser[_]): Parser[NonEmptyList[A]] = {
lazy val scan : Parser[NonEmptyList[A]] = cons(p, s ~> scan.map(_.list) | ok(Nil))
scan named ("sepBy1(" + p + "," + s + ")")
// Delimited pair
def pairBy[A,B](a: Parser[A], delim: Parser[_], b: Parser[B]): Parser[(A,B)] =
(a <~ delim) ~ b
def choice[A](xs: Parser[A]*) : Parser[A] =
xs.foldRight[Parser[A]](err("choice: no match"))(_ | _) named s"choice(${xs.mkString(", ")})"
def choice[F[_]: Foldable, A](fpa: F[Parser[A]]) : Parser[A] =
choice(fpa.toList: _*)
def opt[A](m: Parser[A]): Parser[Option[A]] =
(attempt(m).map(some(_)) | ok(none)) named s"opt($m)"
def filter[A](m: Parser[A])(p: A => Boolean): Parser[A] =
m.flatMap { a =>
if (p(a)) ok(a) else err("filter")
} named "filter(...)"
def count[A](n: Int, p: Parser[A]): Parser[List[A]] =
((1 to n) :\ ok(List[A]()))((_, a) => cons(p, a).map(_.list))
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