doobie.util.composite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Pure functional JDBC layer for Scala.
The newest version!
package doobie.util
import cats.Cartesian
import cats.functor.{ Invariant => InvariantFunctor }
import doobie.enum.nullability.{ NullabilityKnown, Nullable, NoNulls }
import doobie.free.{ preparedstatement => FPS }
import doobie.free.{ resultset => FRS }
import doobie.util.kernel.Kernel
import doobie.util.meta.Meta
import java.sql.{ PreparedStatement, ResultSet }
import shapeless.{ HList, HNil, ::, Generic, Lazy }
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
* Module defining a typeclass for composite database types (those that can map to multiple columns).
object composite {
@implicitNotFound("""Could not find or construct Composite[${A}].
If ${A} is a simple type (or option thereof) that maps to a single column, you're
probably missing a Meta instance. If ${A} is a product type (typically a case class,
tuple, or HList) then probably one of its component types is missing a Composite instance. You can
usually diagnose this by evaluating Composite[Foo] for each element Foo of the product type in
question. See the FAQ in the Book of Doobie for more hints.
trait Composite[A] { c =>
private[composite] val kernel: Kernel[A]
final lazy val length: Int = kernel.width
val meta: List[(Meta[_], NullabilityKnown)]
/** Flatten the composite into its untyped constituents. This is only useful for logging. */
val toList: A => List[Any]
val set: (Int, A) => FPS.PreparedStatementIO[Unit] =
(n, a) => FPS.raw(ps => kernel.set(ps, n, kernel.ai(a)))
val update: (Int, A) => FRS.ResultSetIO[Unit] =
(n, a) => FRS.raw(rs => kernel.update(rs, n, kernel.ai(a)))
val get: Int => FRS.ResultSetIO[A] =
n => FRS.raw(rs => kernel.ia(kernel.get(rs, n)))
val unsafeGet: (ResultSet, Int) => A =
(rs, n) => kernel.ia(kernel.get(rs, n))
val unsafeSet: (PreparedStatement, Int, A) => Unit =
(ps, n, a) => kernel.set(ps, n, kernel.ai(a))
def imap[B](f: A => B)(g: B => A): Composite[B] =
new Composite[B] {
val kernel = c.kernel.imap(f)(g)
val meta = c.meta
val toList = (b: B) => c.toList(g(b))
/** Product of two Composites. */
def zip[B](cb: Composite[B]): Composite[(A, B)] =
new Composite[(A, B)] {
val kernel = c.kernel.zip(cb.kernel)
val meta = c.meta ++ cb.meta
val toList = (p: (A, B)) => c.toList(p._1) ++ cb.toList(p._2)
object Composite extends LowerPriorityComposite {
def apply[A](implicit A: Composite[A]): Composite[A] = A
implicit val compositeInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[Composite] =
new InvariantFunctor[Composite] {
def imap[A, B](ma: Composite[A])(f: A => B)(g: B => A): Composite[B] =
implicit val compositeCartesian: Cartesian[Composite] =
new Cartesian[Composite] {
def product[A, B](a: Composite[A], b: Composite[B]): Composite[(A, B)] =
implicit val unitComposite: Composite[Unit] =
emptyProduct.imap(_ => ())(_ => HNil)
implicit def fromMeta[A](implicit A: Meta[A]): Composite[A] =
new Composite[A] {
val kernel = new Kernel[A] {
type I = A
val ia = (i: I) => i
val ai = (a: A) => a
val get = A.unsafeGetNonNullable _
val set = A.unsafeSetNonNullable _
val setNull = A.unsafeSetNull _
val update = A.unsafeUpdateNonNullable _
val width = A.kernel.width
val meta = List((A, NoNulls))
val toList = (a: A) => List(a)
implicit def fromMetaOption[A](implicit A: Meta[A]): Composite[Option[A]] =
new Composite[Option[A]] {
val kernel = new Kernel[Option[A]] {
type I = Option[A]
val ia = (i: I) => i
val ai = (a: I) => a
val get = A.unsafeGetNullable _
val set = A.unsafeSetNullable _
val setNull = A.unsafeSetNull _
val update = A.unsafeUpdateNullable _
val width = A.kernel.width
val meta = List((A, Nullable))
val toList = (a: Option[A]) => List(a)
// Composite for shapeless record types
implicit def recordComposite[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](implicit H: Composite[H], T: Composite[T]): Composite[FieldType[K, H] :: T] =
new Composite[FieldType[K, H] :: T] {
val kernel = Kernel.record(H.kernel, T.kernel): Kernel[FieldType[K,H] :: T] // ascription necessary in 2.11 for some reason
val meta = H.meta ++ T.meta
val toList = (l: FieldType[K, H] :: T) => H.toList(l.head) ++ T.toList(l.tail)
// N.B. we're separating this out in order to make the atom ~> composite derivation higher
// priority than the product ~> composite derivation. So this means if we have an product mapped
// to a single column, we will get only the atomic mapping, not the multi-column one.
trait LowerPriorityComposite {
implicit def product[H, T <: HList](implicit H: Composite[H], T: Composite[T]): Composite[H :: T] =
new Composite[H :: T] {
val kernel = Kernel.hcons(H.kernel, T.kernel)
val meta = H.meta ++ T.meta
val toList = (l: H :: T) => H.toList(l.head) ++ T.toList(l.tail)
implicit def emptyProduct: Composite[HNil] =
new Composite[HNil] {
val kernel = Kernel.hnil
val meta = Nil
val toList = (_: HNil) => Nil
implicit def generic[F, G](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[F, G], G: Lazy[Composite[G]]): Composite[F] =
new Composite[F] {
val kernel = G.value.kernel.imap(gen.from)(gen.to)
val meta = G.value.meta
val toList = (f: F) => G.value.toList(gen.to(f))
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