Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Rob Norris and Contributors
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or
package doobie.util
import cats._
import{ FRS, ResultSetIO }
import doobie.enumerated.Nullability._
import java.sql.ResultSet
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
Cannot find or construct a Read instance for type:
This can happen for a few reasons, but the most common case is that a data
member somewhere within this type doesn't have a Get instance in scope. Here are
some debugging hints:
- For Option types, ensure that a Read instance is in scope for the non-Option
- For types you expect to map to a single column ensure that a Get instance is
in scope.
- For case classes, HLists, and shapeless records ensure that each element
has a Read instance in scope.
- Lather, rinse, repeat, recursively until you find the problematic bit.
You can check that an instance exists for Read in the REPL or in your code:
scala> Read[Foo]
and similarly with Get:
scala> Get[Foo]
And find the missing instance and construct it as needed. Refer to Chapter 12
of the book of doobie for more information.
final class Read[A](
val gets: List[(Get[_], NullabilityKnown)],
val unsafeGet: (ResultSet, Int) => A
) {
final lazy val length: Int = gets.length
def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] =
new Read(gets, (rs, n) => f(unsafeGet(rs, n)))
def ap[B](ff: Read[A => B]): Read[B] =
new Read(gets ++ ff.gets, (rs, n) => ff.unsafeGet(rs, n)(unsafeGet(rs, n + ff.length)))
def get(n: Int): ResultSetIO[A] =
FRS.raw(unsafeGet(_, n))
object Read extends ReadPlatform {
def apply[A](implicit ev: Read[A]): ev.type = ev
implicit val ReadApply: Applicative[Read] =
new Applicative[Read] {
def ap[A, B](ff: Read[A => B])(fa: Read[A]): Read[B] = fa.ap(ff)
def pure[A](x: A): Read[A] = new Read(Nil, (_, _) => x)
override def map[A, B](fa: Read[A])(f: A => B): Read[B] =
implicit val unit: Read[Unit] =
new Read(Nil, (_, _) => ())
implicit def fromGet[A](implicit ev: Get[A]): Read[A] =
new Read(List((ev, NoNulls)), ev.unsafeGetNonNullable)
implicit def fromGetOption[A](implicit ev: Get[A]): Read[Option[A]] =
new Read(List((ev, Nullable)), ev.unsafeGetNullable)
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