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doobie.util.transactor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Rob Norris and Contributors
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or

package doobie.util

import doobie.WeakAsync
import{ConnectionIO, ConnectionOp, commit, rollback, setAutoCommit, unit}
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.util.lens._
import doobie.util.yolo.Yolo
import cats.{Monad, ~>}
import cats.effect.kernel.{Async, MonadCancelThrow, Resource}
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource.ExitCase

import fs2.{Stream, Pipe}
import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}

import javax.sql.DataSource

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

object transactor  {

  /** @group Type Aliases */
  type Interpreter[M[_]] = ConnectionOp ~> Kleisli[M, Connection, *]

   * Data type representing the common setup, error-handling, and cleanup strategy associated with
   * an SQL transaction. A `Transactor` uses a `Strategy` to wrap programs prior to execution.
   * @param before a program to prepare the connection for use
   * @param after  a program to run on success
   * @param oops   a program to run on failure (catch)
   * @param always a program to run in all cases (finally)
   * @group Data Types
  final case class Strategy(
    before: ConnectionIO[Unit],
    after:  ConnectionIO[Unit],
    oops:   ConnectionIO[Unit],
    always: ConnectionIO[Unit]
  ) {
    val resource: Resource[ConnectionIO, Unit] = for {
      _ <- Resource.make(doobie.FC.unit)(_ => always)
      _ <- Resource.makeCase(before) { case (_, exitCase) =>
        exitCase match {
          case ExitCase.Succeeded => after
          case ExitCase.Errored(_) | ExitCase.Canceled => oops
    } yield ()

  object Strategy {

    /** @group Lenses */ val before: Strategy @> ConnectionIO[Unit] = Lens(_.before, (a, b) => a.copy(before = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ val after:  Strategy @> ConnectionIO[Unit] = Lens(_.after,  (a, b) => a.copy(after  = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ val oops:   Strategy @> ConnectionIO[Unit] = Lens(_.oops,   (a, b) => a.copy(oops   = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ val always: Strategy @> ConnectionIO[Unit] = Lens(_.always, (a, b) => a.copy(always = b))

     * A default `Strategy` with the following properties:
     * - Auto-commit will be set to `false`;
     * - the transaction will `commit` on success and `rollback` on failure;
     * @group Constructors
    val default = Strategy(setAutoCommit(false), commit, rollback, unit)

     * A no-op `Strategy`. All actions simply return `()`.
     * @group Constructors
    val void = Strategy(unit, unit, unit, unit)


   * A thin wrapper around a source of database connections, an interpreter, and a strategy for
   * running programs, parameterized over a target monad `M` and an arbitrary wrapped value `A`.
   * Given a stream or program in `ConnectionIO` or a program in `Kleisli`, a `Transactor` can
   * discharge the doobie machinery and yield an effectful stream or program in `M`.
   * @tparam M a target effect type; typically `IO`
   * @group Data Types
  sealed abstract class Transactor[M[_]] { self =>
    /** An arbitrary value that will be handed back to `connect` **/
    type A

    /** An arbitrary value, meaningful to the instance **/
    def kernel: A

    /** A program in `M` that can provide a database connection, given the kernel **/
    def connect: A => Resource[M, Connection]

    /** A natural transformation for interpreting `ConnectionIO` **/
    def interpret: Interpreter[M]

    /** A `Strategy` for running a program on a connection **/
    def strategy: Strategy

    /** Construct a [[Yolo]] for REPL experimentation. */
    def yolo(implicit ev: Async[M]): Yolo[M] = new Yolo(this)

     * Construct a program to perform arbitrary configuration on the kernel value (changing the
     * timeout on a connection pool, for example). This can be the basis for constructing a
     * configuration language for a specific kernel type `A`, whose operations can be added to
     * compatible `Transactor`s via implicit conversion.
     * @group Configuration
    def configure[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] =

     * Natural transformation equivalent to `exec` that does not use the provided `Strategy` and
     * instead directly binds the `Connection` provided by `connect`. This can be useful in cases
     * where transactional handling is unsupported or undesired.
     * @group Natural Transformations
    def rawExec(implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): Kleisli[M, Connection, *] ~> M =
      new (Kleisli[M, Connection, *] ~> M) {
        def apply[T](k: Kleisli[M, Connection, T]): M[T] = connect(kernel).use(

      * Natural transformation that provides a connection and binds through a `Kleisli` program
      * using the given `Strategy`, yielding an independent program in `M`.
      * @group Natural Transformations
    def exec(implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): Kleisli[M, Connection, *] ~> M =
      new (Kleisli[M, Connection, *] ~> M) {
        def apply[T](ka: Kleisli[M, Connection, T]): M[T] =
          connect(kernel).use { conn =>
            strategy.resource.mapK(run(conn)).use { _ =>

     * Natural transformation equivalent to `trans` that does not use the provided `Strategy` and
     * instead directly binds the `Connection` provided by `connect`. This can be useful in cases
     * where transactional handling is unsupported or undesired.
     * @group Natural Transformations
    def rawTrans(implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): ConnectionIO ~> M =
      new (ConnectionIO ~> M) {
        def apply[T](f: ConnectionIO[T]): M[T] =
          connect(kernel).use { conn =>

     * Natural transformation that provides a connection and binds through a `ConnectionIO` program
     * interpreted via the given interpreter, using the given `Strategy`, yielding an independent
     * program in `M`. This is the most common way to run a doobie program.
     * @group Natural Transformations
    def trans(implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): ConnectionIO ~> M =
      new (ConnectionIO ~> M) {
        def apply[T](f: ConnectionIO[T]): M[T] =
          connect(kernel).use { conn =>
            strategy.resource.use(_ => f).foldMap(interpret).run(conn)

    def rawTransP(implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): Stream[ConnectionIO, *] ~> Stream[M, *] =
      new (Stream[ConnectionIO, *] ~> Stream[M, *]) {
        def apply[T](s: Stream[ConnectionIO, T]) =
          Stream.resource(connect(kernel)).flatMap { conn =>

    def transP(implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): Stream[ConnectionIO, *] ~> Stream[M, *] =
      new (Stream[ConnectionIO, *] ~> Stream[M, *]) {
        def apply[T](s: Stream[ConnectionIO, T]) =
          Stream.resource(connect(kernel)).flatMap { c =>
            Stream.resource(strategy.resource).flatMap(_ => s).translate(run(c))

    def rawTransPK[I](implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): Stream[Kleisli[ConnectionIO, I, *], *] ~> Stream[Kleisli[M, I, *], *] =
      new (Stream[Kleisli[ConnectionIO, I, *], *] ~> Stream[Kleisli[M, I, *], *]) {
        def apply[T](s: Stream[Kleisli[ConnectionIO, I, *], T]) =
          Stream.resource(connect(kernel)).translate(Kleisli.liftK[M, I]).flatMap { c =>

    def transPK[I](implicit ev: MonadCancelThrow[M]): Stream[Kleisli[ConnectionIO, I, *], *] ~> Stream[Kleisli[M, I, *], *] =
      new (Stream[Kleisli[ConnectionIO, I, *], *] ~> Stream[Kleisli[M, I, *], *]) {
        def apply[T](s: Stream[Kleisli[ConnectionIO, I, *], T]) =
          Stream.resource(connect(kernel)).translate(Kleisli.liftK[M, I]).flatMap { c =>
            Stream.resource(strategy.resource.mapK(Kleisli.liftK[ConnectionIO, I])).flatMap(_ => s)

    /** Create a program expressed as `ConnectionIO` effect using a provided natural transformation `M ~> ConnectionIO`
      * and translate it to back `M` effect. */
    def liftF[I](mkEffect: M ~> ConnectionIO => ConnectionIO[I])(implicit ev: Async[M]): M[I] =
      WeakAsync.liftK[M, ConnectionIO].use(toConnectionIO => trans(ev).apply(mkEffect(toConnectionIO)))(ev)
    /** Crate a program expressed as `Stream` with `ConnectionIO` effects using a provided natural transformation 
      * `M ~> ConnectionIO` and translate it back to a `Stream` with `M` effects. */
    def liftS[I](mkStream: M ~> ConnectionIO => Stream[ConnectionIO, I])(implicit ev: Async[M]): Stream[M, I] =
      Stream.resource(WeakAsync.liftK[M, ConnectionIO])(ev).flatMap(toConnectionIO => transP(ev).apply(mkStream(toConnectionIO)))

    /** Embed a `Pipe` with `ConnectionIO` effects inside a `Pipe` with `M` effects by lifting incoming stream to 
      * `ConnectionIO` effects and lowering outgoing stream to `M` effects. */
    def liftP[I, O](inner: Pipe[ConnectionIO, I, O])(implicit ev: Async[M]): Pipe[M, I, O] =
      (in: Stream[M, I]) => liftS(toConnectionIO => in.translate(toConnectionIO).through(inner))

    private def run(c: Connection)(implicit ev: Monad[M]): ConnectionIO ~> M =
      new (ConnectionIO ~> M) {
        def apply[T](f: ConnectionIO[T]) =

    private def runKleisli[B](c: Connection)(implicit ev: Monad[M]): Kleisli[ConnectionIO, B, *] ~> Kleisli[M, B, *] =
      new (Kleisli[ConnectionIO, B, *] ~> Kleisli[M, B, *]) {
        def apply[T](f: Kleisli[ConnectionIO, B, T]) =

    def copy(
      kernel0: A = self.kernel,
      connect0: A => Resource[M, Connection] = self.connect,
      interpret0: Interpreter[M] = self.interpret,
      strategy0: Strategy = self.strategy
    ): Transactor.Aux[M, A] = new Transactor[M] {
      type A = self.A
      val kernel = kernel0
      val connect = connect0
      val interpret = interpret0
      val strategy = strategy0

     * Convert the effect type of this transactor from M to M0
    def mapK[M0[_]](fk: M ~> M0)(implicit ev1: MonadCancelThrow[M], ev2: MonadCancelThrow[M0]): Transactor.Aux[M0, A] =
      Transactor[M0, A](
          new (Kleisli[M, Connection, *] ~> Kleisli[M0, Connection, *]) {
            def apply[T](f: Kleisli[M, Connection, T]) = f.mapK(fk)

  object Transactor {

    def apply[M[_], A0](
      kernel0: A0,
      connect0: A0 => Resource[M, Connection],
      interpret0: Interpreter[M],
      strategy0: Strategy
    ): Transactor.Aux[M, A0] = new Transactor[M] {
      type A = A0
      val kernel = kernel0
      val connect = connect0
      val interpret = interpret0
      val strategy = strategy0

    type Aux[M[_], A0] = Transactor[M] { type A = A0  }

    /** @group Lenses */ def kernel   [M[_], A]: Transactor.Aux[M, A] Lens A                              = Lens(_.kernel,    (a, b) => a.copy(kernel0    = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ def connect  [M[_], A]: Transactor.Aux[M, A] Lens (A => Resource[M, Connection]) = Lens(_.connect,   (a, b) => a.copy(connect0   = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ def interpret[M[_]]: Transactor[M] Lens Interpreter[M]       = Lens(_.interpret, (a, b) => a.copy(interpret0 = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ def strategy [M[_]]: Transactor[M] Lens Strategy             = Lens(_.strategy,  (a, b) => a.copy(strategy0  = b))
    /** @group Lenses */ def before   [M[_]]: Transactor[M] Lens ConnectionIO[Unit]   = strategy[M] >=> Strategy.before
    /** @group Lenses */ def after    [M[_]]: Transactor[M] Lens ConnectionIO[Unit]   = strategy[M] >=> Strategy.after
    /** @group Lenses */ def oops     [M[_]]: Transactor[M] Lens ConnectionIO[Unit]   = strategy[M] >=> Strategy.oops
    /** @group Lenses */ def always   [M[_]]: Transactor[M] Lens ConnectionIO[Unit]   = strategy[M] >=> Strategy.always

     * Construct a constructor of `Transactor[M, D]` for some `D <: DataSource` by partial
     * application of `M`, which cannot be inferred in general. This follows the pattern described
     * [here](
     * @group Constructors
     object fromDataSource {
      def apply[M[_]] = new FromDataSourceUnapplied[M]

       * Constructor of `Transactor[M, D]` fixed for `M`; see the `apply` method for details.
       * @group Constructors (Partially Applied)
      class FromDataSourceUnapplied[M[_]] {
        def apply[A <: DataSource](
          dataSource: A,
          connectEC:  ExecutionContext
          implicit ev: Async[M]
        ): Transactor.Aux[M, A] = {
          val connect = (dataSource: A) => {
            val acquire = ev.evalOn(ev.delay(dataSource.getConnection()), connectEC)
            def release(c: Connection) = ev.blocking(c.close())
          val interp  = KleisliInterpreter[M].ConnectionInterpreter
          Transactor(dataSource, connect, interp, Strategy.default)


     * Construct a `Transactor` that wraps an existing `Connection`. Closing the connection is the
     * responsibility of the caller.
     * @param connection a raw JDBC `Connection` to wrap
     * @param blocker for blocking database operations
     * @group Constructors
    def fromConnection[M[_]: Async](
      connection: Connection
    ): Transactor.Aux[M, Connection] = {
      val connect = (c: Connection) => Resource.pure[M, Connection](c)
      val interp  = KleisliInterpreter[M].ConnectionInterpreter
      Transactor(connection, connect, interp, Strategy.default)

     * Module of constructors for `Transactor` that use the JDBC `DriverManager` to allocate
     * connections. Note that `DriverManager` is unbounded and will happily allocate new connections
     * until server resources are exhausted. It is usually preferable to use `DataSourceTransactor`
     * with an underlying bounded connection pool (as with `H2Transactor` and `HikariTransactor` for
     * instance). Blocking operations on `DriverManagerTransactor` are executed on an unbounded
     * cached daemon thread pool by default, so you are also at risk of exhausting system threads.
     * TL;DR this is fine for console apps but don't use it for a web application.
     * @group Constructors
    object fromDriverManager {

      private def create[M[_]](
        driver: String,
        conn: () => Connection,
        strategy: Strategy
      )(implicit ev: Async[M]): Transactor.Aux[M, Unit] =
          _ => {
            val acquire = ev.blocking{ Class.forName(driver); conn() }
            def release(c: Connection) = ev.blocking{ c.close() }

       * Construct a new `Transactor` that uses the JDBC `DriverManager` to allocate connections.
       * @param driver     the class name of the JDBC driver, like "org.h2.Driver"
       * @param url        a connection URL, specific to your driver
      def apply[M[_]: Async](
        driver: String,
        url:    String
      ): Transactor.Aux[M, Unit] =
        create(driver, () => DriverManager.getConnection(url), Strategy.default)

       * Construct a new `Transactor` that uses the JDBC `DriverManager` to allocate connections.
       * @param driver     the class name of the JDBC driver, like "org.h2.Driver"
       * @param url        a connection URL, specific to your driver
       * @param user       database username
       * @param pass       database password
      def apply[M[_]: Async](
        driver: String,
        url:    String,
        user:   String,
        pass:   String
      ): Transactor.Aux[M, Unit] =
        create(driver, () => DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass), Strategy.default)

       * Construct a new `Transactor` that uses the JDBC `DriverManager` to allocate connections.
       * @param driver     the class name of the JDBC driver, like "org.h2.Driver"
       * @param url        a connection URL, specific to your driver
       * @param info       a `Properties` containing connection information (see `DriverManager.getConnection`)
      def apply[M[_]: Async](
        driver: String,
        url:    String,
        info:   java.util.Properties
      ): Transactor.Aux[M, Unit] =
        create(driver, () => DriverManager.getConnection(url, info), Strategy.default)




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