doobie.util.query.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Pure functional JDBC layer for Scala.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Rob Norris and Contributors
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
package doobie.util
import cats.*
import cats.arrow.Profunctor
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO
import doobie.free.preparedstatement.PreparedStatementIO
import doobie.free.resultset.ResultSetIO
import doobie.util.analysis.Analysis
import doobie.util.compat.FactoryCompat
import doobie.util.log.{LoggingInfo, Parameters}
import doobie.util.pos.Pos
import doobie.free.{connection as IFC, preparedstatement as IFPS}
import doobie.hi.{connection as IHC, preparedstatement as IHPS, resultset as IHRS}
import fs2.Stream
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import doobie.util.MultiVersionTypeSupport.=:=
import doobie.util.fragment.Fragment
/** Module defining queries parameterized by input and output types. */
object query {
val DefaultChunkSize = 512
/** A query parameterized by some input type `A` yielding values of type `B`. We define here the core operations that
* are needed. Additional operations are provided on `[[Query0]]` which is the residual query after applying an `A`.
* This is the type constructed by the `sql` interpolator.
trait Query[A, B] { outer =>
protected implicit val write: Write[A]
protected implicit val read: Read[B]
/** The SQL string.
* @group Diagnostics
def sql: String
/** An optional `[[Pos]]` indicating the source location where this `[[Query]]` was constructed. This is used only
* for diagnostic purposes.
* @group Diagnostics
def pos: Option[Pos]
/** Convert this Query to a `Fragment`. */
def toFragment(a: A): Fragment =
write.toFragment(a, sql)
/** Label to be used during logging */
val label: String
/** Program to construct an analysis of this query's SQL statement and asserted parameter and column types.
* @group Diagnostics
def analysis: ConnectionIO[Analysis] =
IHC.prepareQueryAnalysis[A, B](sql)
/** Program to construct an analysis of this query's SQL statement and result set column types.
* @group Diagnostics
def outputAnalysis: ConnectionIO[Analysis] =
/** Program to construct an inspection of the query. Given arguments `a`, calls `f` with the SQL representation of
* the query and a statement with all arguments set. Returns the result of the `ConnectionIO` program constructed.
* @group Diagnostics
def inspect[R](a: A)(f: (String, PreparedStatementIO[Unit]) => ConnectionIO[R]): ConnectionIO[R] =
f(sql, IHPS.set(a))
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a `Stream` with the given chunking factor, with effect type
* `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding elements of type `B`.
* @group Results
def streamWithChunkSize(a: A, chunkSize: Int): Stream[ConnectionIO, B] =
create = IFC.prepareStatement(sql),
prep = IHPS.set(a),
exec = IFPS.executeQuery,
chunkSize = chunkSize,
loggingInfo = LoggingInfo(
sql = sql,
params = Parameters.NonBatch(Write[A].toList(a)),
label = label
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a `Stream` with `DefaultChunkSize`, with effect type
* `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding elements of type `B`.
* @group Results
def stream(a: A): Stream[ConnectionIO, B] =
streamWithChunkSize(a, DefaultChunkSize)
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* an `F[B]` accumulated via the provided `CanBuildFrom`. This is the fastest way to accumulate a collection.
* @group Results
def to[F[_]](a: A)(implicit f: FactoryCompat[B, F[B]]): ConnectionIO[F[B]] = {
toConnectionIO(a, IHRS.build[F, B])
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* an `Map[(K, V)]` accumulated via the provided `CanBuildFrom`. This is the fastest way to accumulate a
* collection. this function can call only when B is (K, V).
* @group Results
def toMap[K, V](a: A)(implicit ev: B =:= (K, V), f: FactoryCompat[(K, V), Map[K, V]]): ConnectionIO[Map[K, V]] =
IHRS.buildPair[Map, K, V](f, read.map(ev))
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* an `F[B]` accumulated via `MonadPlus` append. This method is more general but less efficient than `to`.
* @group Results
def accumulate[F[_]: Alternative](a: A): ConnectionIO[F[B]] =
toConnectionIO(a, IHRS.accumulate[F, B])
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* a unique `B` and raising an exception if the resultset does not have exactly one row. See also `option`.
* @group Results
def unique(a: A): ConnectionIO[B] =
toConnectionIO(a, IHRS.getUnique[B])
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* an optional `B` and raising an exception if the resultset has more than one row. See also `unique`.
* @group Results
def option(a: A): ConnectionIO[Option[B]] =
toConnectionIO(a, IHRS.getOption[B])
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* an `NonEmptyList[B]` and raising an exception if the resultset does not have at least one row. See also
* `unique`.
* @group Results
def nel(a: A): ConnectionIO[NonEmptyList[B]] =
toConnectionIO(a, IHRS.nel[B])
private def toConnectionIO[C](a: A, rsio: ResultSetIO[C]): ConnectionIO[C] = {
create = IFC.prepareStatement(sql),
prep = IHPS.set(a),
exec = IFPS.executeQuery,
process = rsio,
loggingInfo = mkLoggingInfo(a)
private def mkLoggingInfo(a: A): LoggingInfo =
sql = sql,
params = Parameters.NonBatch(write.toList(a)),
label = label
/** @group Transformations */
def map[C](f: B => C): Query[A, C] =
new Query[A, C] {
val write = outer.write
val read = outer.read.map(f)
def sql = outer.sql
def pos = outer.pos
val label = outer.label
/** @group Transformations */
def contramap[C](f: C => A): Query[C, B] =
new Query[C, B] {
val write = outer.write.contramap(f)
val read = outer.read
def sql = outer.sql
def pos = outer.pos
val label = outer.label
/** Apply an argument, yielding a residual `[[Query0]]`.
* @group Transformations
def toQuery0(a: A): Query0[B] =
new Query0[B] {
def sql = outer.sql
def pos = outer.pos
def toFragment = outer.toFragment(a)
def analysis = outer.analysis
def outputAnalysis = outer.outputAnalysis
def streamWithChunkSize(n: Int) = outer.streamWithChunkSize(a, n)
def accumulate[F[_]: Alternative] = outer.accumulate[F](a)
def to[F[_]](implicit f: FactoryCompat[B, F[B]]) = outer.to[F](a)
def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: B =:= (K, V), f: FactoryCompat[(K, V), Map[K, V]]) = outer.toMap(a)
def unique = outer.unique(a)
def option = outer.option(a)
def nel = outer.nel(a)
def map[C](f: B => C): Query0[C] = outer.map(f).toQuery0(a)
def inspect[R](f: (String, PreparedStatementIO[Unit]) => ConnectionIO[R]) = outer.inspect(a)(f)
object Query {
/** Construct a `Query` with the given SQL string, an optional `Pos` for diagnostic purposes, and type arguments for
* writable input and readable output types. Note that the most common way to construct a `Query` is via the `sql`
* interpolator.
* @group Constructors
def apply[A, B](sql: String, pos: Option[Pos] = None, label: String = unlabeled)(implicit
A: Write[A],
B: Read[B]
): Query[A, B] = {
val sql0 = sql
val label0 = label
val pos0 = pos
new Query[A, B] {
val write = A
val read = B
val sql = sql0
val pos = pos0
val label = label0
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
implicit val queryProfunctor: Profunctor[Query] =
new Profunctor[Query] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Query[A, B])(f: C => A)(g: B => D): Query[C, D] =
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
implicit def queryCovariant[A]: Functor[Query[A, *]] =
new Functor[Query[A, *]] {
def map[B, C](fa: Query[A, B])(f: B => C): Query[A, C] =
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
implicit def queryContravariant[B]: Contravariant[Query[*, B]] =
new Contravariant[Query[*, B]] {
def contramap[A, C](fa: Query[A, B])(f: C => A): Query[C, B] =
/** An abstract query closed over its input arguments and yielding values of type `B`, without a specified
* disposition. Methods provided on `[[Query0]]` allow the query to be interpreted as a stream or program in
* `CollectionIO`.
trait Query0[B] { outer =>
/** The SQL string.
* @group Diagnostics
def sql: String
/** An optional `Pos` indicating the source location where this `Query` was constructed. This is used only for
* diagnostic purposes.
* @group Diagnostics
def pos: Option[Pos]
/** Program to construct an analysis of this query's SQL statement and asserted parameter and column types.
* @group Diagnostics
def analysis: ConnectionIO[Analysis]
/** Convert this Query0 to a `Fragment`. */
def toFragment: Fragment
/** Program to construct an inspection of the query. Calls `f` with the SQL representation of the query and a
* statement with all statement arguments set. Returns the result of the `ConnectionIO` program constructed.
* @group Diagnostics
def inspect[R](f: (String, PreparedStatementIO[Unit]) => ConnectionIO[R]): ConnectionIO[R]
/** Program to construct an analysis of this query's SQL statement and result set column types.
* @group Diagnostics
def outputAnalysis: ConnectionIO[Analysis]
/** `Stream` with default chunk factor, with effect type `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]`
* yielding elements of type `B`.
* @group Results
def stream: Stream[ConnectionIO, B] =
/** `Stream` with given chunk factor, with effect type `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]`
* yielding elements of type `B`.
* @group Results
def streamWithChunkSize(n: Int): Stream[ConnectionIO, B]
/** Program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding an `F[B]` accumulated via the
* provided `CanBuildFrom`. This is the fastest way to accumulate a collection.
* @group Results
def to[F[_]](implicit f: FactoryCompat[B, F[B]]): ConnectionIO[F[B]]
/** Apply the argument `a` to construct a program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding
* an `Map[(K, V)]` accumulated via the provided `CanBuildFrom`. This is the fastest way to accumulate a
* collection. this function can call only when B is (K, V).
* @group Results
def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: B =:= (K, V), f: FactoryCompat[(K, V), Map[K, V]]): ConnectionIO[Map[K, V]]
/** Program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding an `F[B]` accumulated via `MonadPlus`
* append. This method is more general but less efficient than `to`.
* @group Results
def accumulate[F[_]: Alternative]: ConnectionIO[F[B]]
/** Program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding a unique `B` and raising an exception
* if the resultset does not have exactly one row. See also `option`.
* @group Results
def unique: ConnectionIO[B]
/** Program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding an optional `B` and raising an
* exception if the resultset has more than one row. See also `unique`.
* @group Results
def option: ConnectionIO[Option[B]]
/** Program in `[[doobie.free.connection.ConnectionIO ConnectionIO]]` yielding a `NonEmptyList[B]` and raising an
* exception if the resultset does not have at least one row. See also `unique`.
* @group Results
def nel: ConnectionIO[NonEmptyList[B]]
/** @group Transformations */
def map[C](f: B => C): Query0[C]
object Query0 {
/** Construct a `Query` with the given SQL string, an optional `Pos` for diagnostic purposes, with no parameters.
* Note that the most common way to construct a `Query` is via the `sql`interpolator.
* @group Constructors
def apply[A: Read](sql: String, pos: Option[Pos] = None, label: String = unlabeled): Query0[A] =
Query[Unit, A](sql, pos, label).toQuery0(())
/** @group Typeclass Instances */
implicit val queryFunctor: Functor[Query0] =
new Functor[Query0] {
def map[A, B](fa: Query0[A])(f: A => B) = fa `map` f
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