doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Rob Norris and Contributors
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or
package doobie
package hikari
import java.util.Properties
import java.util.concurrent.{ScheduledExecutorService, ThreadFactory}
import cats.effect.implicits.*
import cats.effect.kernel.{Async, Resource, Sync}
import com.zaxxer.hikari.metrics.MetricsTrackerFactory
import com.zaxxer.hikari.{HikariConfig, HikariDataSource}
import javax.sql.DataSource
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
object HikariTransactor {
/** Construct a `HikariTransactor` from an existing `HikariDatasource`. */
def apply[M[_]] = new HikariTransactorPartiallyApplied[M]
class HikariTransactorPartiallyApplied[M[_]] {
def apply(
hikariDataSource: HikariDataSource,
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
)(implicit ev: Async[M]): HikariTransactor[M] = {
Transactor.fromDataSource[M](hikariDataSource, connectEC, logHandler)
/** Resource yielding an unconfigured `HikariTransactor`. */
def initial[M[_]: Async](
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M, HikariTransactor[M]] = initialWithResEffect[M, M](connectEC, logHandler)
/** Similar to [[initial]], but with a separate effect for the construction of the Transactor
* @tparam M0
* the effect to construct the [[HikariTransactor]] in
* @tparam M
* the effect under which the [[HikariTransactor]] runs
def initialWithResEffect[M0[_]: Sync, M[_]: Async](
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M0, HikariTransactor[M]] = {
Resource.fromAutoCloseable(Sync[M0].delay(new HikariDataSource))
.map(Transactor.fromDataSource[M](_, connectEC, logHandler))
/** Resource yielding a new `HikariTransactor` configured with the given Config. Unless you have a good reason,
* consider using `fromConfig` which creates the `connectEC` for you.
def fromConfigCustomEc[M[_]: Async](
config: Config,
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None,
dataSource: Option[DataSource] = None,
dataSourceProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricsTrackerFactory: Option[MetricsTrackerFactory] = None,
scheduledExecutor: Option[ScheduledExecutorService] = None,
threadFactory: Option[ThreadFactory] = None
): Resource[M, HikariTransactor[M]] = {
fromConfigCustomEcWithResEffect[M, M](
config = config,
connectEC = connectEC,
logHandler = logHandler,
dataSource = dataSource,
dataSourceProperties = dataSourceProperties,
healthCheckProperties = healthCheckProperties,
healthCheckRegistry = healthCheckRegistry,
metricRegistry = metricRegistry,
metricsTrackerFactory = metricsTrackerFactory,
scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor,
threadFactory = threadFactory
/** Similar to [[fromConfigCustomEc]], but with a separate effect for the construction of the Transactor
* @tparam M0
* the effect to construct the [[HikariTransactor]] in
* @tparam M
* the effect under which the [[HikariTransactor]] runs
def fromConfigCustomEcWithResEffect[M0[_]: Sync, M[_]: Async](
config: Config,
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None,
dataSource: Option[DataSource] = None,
dataSourceProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricsTrackerFactory: Option[MetricsTrackerFactory] = None,
scheduledExecutor: Option[ScheduledExecutorService] = None,
threadFactory: Option[ThreadFactory] = None
): Resource[M0, HikariTransactor[M]] = {
config = config,
dataSource = dataSource,
dataSourceProperties = dataSourceProperties,
healthCheckProperties = healthCheckProperties,
healthCheckRegistry = healthCheckRegistry,
metricRegistry = metricRegistry,
metricsTrackerFactory = metricsTrackerFactory,
scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor,
threadFactory = threadFactory
.flatMap(fromHikariConfigCustomEcWithResEffect[M0, M](_, connectEC, logHandler))
/** Resource yielding a new `HikariTransactor` configured with the given Config. The `connectEC` is created
* automatically, with the same size as the Hikari pool.
* @tparam M
* the effect under which the [[HikariTransactor]] runs
def fromConfig[M[_]: Async](
config: Config,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None,
dataSource: Option[DataSource] = None,
dataSourceProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricsTrackerFactory: Option[MetricsTrackerFactory] = None,
scheduledExecutor: Option[ScheduledExecutorService] = None,
threadFactory: Option[ThreadFactory] = None
): Resource[M, HikariTransactor[M]] = {
fromConfigWithResEffect[M, M](
config = config,
logHandler = logHandler,
dataSource = dataSource,
dataSourceProperties = dataSourceProperties,
healthCheckProperties = healthCheckProperties,
healthCheckRegistry = healthCheckRegistry,
metricRegistry = metricRegistry,
metricsTrackerFactory = metricsTrackerFactory,
scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor,
threadFactory = threadFactory
/** Similar to [[fromConfig]], but with a separate effect for the construction of the Transactor
* @tparam M0
* the effect to construct the [[HikariTransactor]] in
* @tparam M
* the effect under which the [[HikariTransactor]] runs
def fromConfigWithResEffect[M0[_]: Sync, M[_]: Async](
config: Config,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None,
dataSource: Option[DataSource] = None,
dataSourceProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
healthCheckRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricRegistry: Option[Object] = None,
metricsTrackerFactory: Option[MetricsTrackerFactory] = None,
scheduledExecutor: Option[ScheduledExecutorService] = None,
threadFactory: Option[ThreadFactory] = None
): Resource[M0, HikariTransactor[M]] = {
config = config,
dataSource = dataSource,
dataSourceProperties = dataSourceProperties,
healthCheckProperties = healthCheckProperties,
healthCheckRegistry = healthCheckRegistry,
metricRegistry = metricRegistry,
metricsTrackerFactory = metricsTrackerFactory,
scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor,
threadFactory = threadFactory
.flatMap(fromHikariConfigWithResEffect[M0, M](_, logHandler))
/** Resource yielding a new `HikariTransactor` configured with the given HikariConfig. Unless you have a good reason,
* consider using [[fromHikariConfig]], it will be created automatically for you.
def fromHikariConfigCustomEc[M[_]: Async](
hikariConfig: HikariConfig,
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M, HikariTransactor[M]] =
fromHikariConfigCustomEcWithResEffect[M, M](hikariConfig, connectEC, logHandler)
/** Similar to [[fromHikariConfigCustomEc]], but with a separate effect for the construction of the Transactor
* @tparam M0
* the effect to construct the [[HikariTransactor]] in
* @tparam M
* the effect under which the [[HikariTransactor]] runs
def fromHikariConfigCustomEcWithResEffect[M0[_]: Sync, M[_]: Async](
hikariConfig: HikariConfig,
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M0, HikariTransactor[M]] = Resource
.fromAutoCloseable(Sync[M0].delay(new HikariDataSource(hikariConfig)))
.map(Transactor.fromDataSource[M](_, connectEC, logHandler))
/** Resource yielding a new `HikariTransactor` configured with the given HikariConfig. The connection ExecutionContext
* (used for waiting for a connection from the connection pool) is created automatically, with the same size as the
* Hikari connection pool.
def fromHikariConfig[M[_]: Async](
hikariConfig: HikariConfig,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M, HikariTransactor[M]] =
fromHikariConfigWithResEffect[M, M](hikariConfig, logHandler)
/** Similar to [[fromHikariConfig]], but with a separate effect for the construction of the Transactor
* @tparam M0
* the effect to construct the [[HikariTransactor]] in
* @tparam M
* the effect under which the [[HikariTransactor]] runs
def fromHikariConfigWithResEffect[M0[_]: Sync, M[_]: Async](
hikariConfig: HikariConfig,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M0, HikariTransactor[M]] =
for {
// to populate unset fields with default values, like `maximumPoolSize`
_ <- Sync[M0].delay(hikariConfig.validate()).toResource
// Note that the number of JDBC connections is usually limited by the underlying JDBC pool.
// You may therefore want to limit your connection pool to the same size as the underlying JDBC pool
// as any additional threads are guaranteed to be blocked.
connectEC <- ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[M0](hikariConfig.getMaximumPoolSize)
result <- fromHikariConfigCustomEcWithResEffect[M0, M](hikariConfig, connectEC, logHandler)
} yield result
/** Resource yielding a new `HikariTransactor` configured with the given info. Consider using `fromConfig` for better
* configurability.
def newHikariTransactor[M[_]: Async](
driverClassName: String,
url: String,
user: String,
pass: String,
connectEC: ExecutionContext,
logHandler: Option[LogHandler[M]] = None
): Resource[M, HikariTransactor[M]] =
for {
_ <- Resource.eval(Sync[M].delay(Class.forName(driverClassName)))
t <- initial[M](connectEC, logHandler)
_ <- Resource.eval[M, Unit] {
t.configure { ds =>
Sync[M].delay[Unit] {
ds `setJdbcUrl` url
ds `setUsername` user
ds `setPassword` pass
} yield t