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Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and Google Docs.

The newest version!
 * Copyright 2015 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Converts {@link Node#getDeclaredTypeExpression()} to {@link JSDocInfo#getType()} type
 * annotations. Types are marked as inline types.
public final class Es6TypedToEs6Converter implements NodeTraversal.Callback, HotSwapCompilerPass {
  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT_MEMBER_VARIABLES = DiagnosticType.error(
      "Can only convert class member variables (fields) in declarations or the right hand side of "
          + "a simple assignment.");

  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT_BOUNDED_GENERICS = DiagnosticType.warning(
      "Bounded generics are not yet implemented.");

  static final DiagnosticType TYPE_ALIAS_ALREADY_DECLARED = DiagnosticType.error(
      "Type alias already declared as a variable: {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType TYPE_QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED = DiagnosticType.warning(
      "Type query is currently not supported.");

  static final DiagnosticType UNSUPPORTED_RECORD_TYPE = DiagnosticType.error(
      "Currently only member variables are supported in record types, please consider "
          + "using interfaces instead.");

  static final DiagnosticType COMPUTED_PROP_ACCESS_MODIFIER = DiagnosticType.warning(
      "Accessibility is not checked on computed properties");

  static final DiagnosticType NON_AMBIENT_NAMESPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED = DiagnosticType.error(
      "Non-ambient namespaces are not supported");

  static final DiagnosticType CALL_SIGNATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = DiagnosticType.error(
      "Call signature and construct signatures are not supported yet");

  static final DiagnosticType OVERLOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED = DiagnosticType.warning(
      "Function and method overloads are not supported and type information might be lost");

  static final DiagnosticType SPECIALIZED_SIGNATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = DiagnosticType.warning(
      "Specialized signatures are not supported and type information might be lost");

  static final DiagnosticType DECLARE_IN_NON_EXTERNS = DiagnosticType.warning(
      "Found a declare statement in program code.\n"
      + "If you are generating externs, this should be fine.\n"
      + "If not, make sure to pass your .d.ts file as an extern file.");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final Map nodeNamespaceMap;
  private final Set convertedNamespaces;
  private Namespace currNamespace;

  private final Deque> overloadStack;
  private final Set processedOverloads;

  Es6TypedToEs6Converter(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.nodeNamespaceMap = new HashMap<>();
    this.convertedNamespaces = new HashSet<>();
    this.overloadStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    this.processedOverloads = new HashSet<>();

  public void process(Node externs, Node scriptRoot) {
    ScanNamespaces scanner = new ScanNamespaces();
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externs, scanner);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, scanner);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externs, this);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);
    if (!compiler.hasHaltingErrors()) {

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    ScanNamespaces scanner = new ScanNamespaces();
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, scanner);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

  public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (NodeUtil.isStatementParent(n)) {

    switch (n.getToken()) {
      case NAMESPACE:
        if (currNamespace == null && parent.getToken() != Token.DECLARE) {
          return false;
        currNamespace = nodeNamespaceMap.get(n);
        return true;
        return true;

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getToken()) {
      case CLASS:
        visitClass(t, n, parent);
      case INTERFACE:
        visitInterface(t, n, parent);
      case ENUM:
        visitEnum(t, n, parent);
      case NAME:
        maybeVisitColonType(t, n, n);
      case REST:
        maybeVisitColonType(t, n, n.getOnlyChild());
      case FUNCTION:
        visitFunction(t, n, parent);
      case TYPE_ALIAS:
        visitTypeAlias(t, n, parent);
      case DECLARE:
        visitAmbientDeclaration(t, n, parent);
      case EXPORT:
        visitExport(t, n, parent);
      case NAMESPACE:
        visitNamespaceDeclaration(t, n, parent);
      case VAR:
      case LET:
      case CONST:
        visitVarInsideNamespace(t, n, parent);
      case SCRIPT:

    if (NodeUtil.isStatementParent(n)) {

  private void visitNamespaceDeclaration(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    popNamespace(n, parent);
    for (Node name = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(n.getFirstChild()); name != n;
        name = name.getParent()) {
      String fullName = maybePrependCurrNamespace(name.getQualifiedName());
      if (!convertedNamespaces.contains(fullName)) {
        JSDocInfoBuilder doc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo());
        Node namespaceDec = NodeUtil.newQNameDeclaration(
            compiler, fullName, IR.objectlit(),;
        parent.addChildBefore(namespaceDec, n);

    replaceWithNodes(t, n, n.getLastChild().children());

  private void maybeAddGenerics(Node n, Node jsDocNode) {
    Node name = n.getFirstChild();
    Node generics = (Node) name.getProp(Node.GENERIC_TYPE_LIST);
    if (generics != null) {
      JSDocInfoBuilder doc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(jsDocNode.getJSDocInfo());
      // Discard the type bound (the "extends" part) for now
      for (Node typeName : generics.children()) {
        if (typeName.hasChildren()) {

  private void visitClass(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    maybeAddGenerics(n, n);
    JSDocInfoBuilder doc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo());
    Node interfaces = (Node) n.getProp(Node.IMPLEMENTS);
    if (interfaces != null) {
      for (Node child : interfaces.children()) {
        Node type = convertWithLocation(child);
        doc.recordImplementedInterface(new JSTypeExpression(type, n.getSourceFileName()));

    Node superType = n.getSecondChild();
    Node newSuperType = maybeGetQualifiedNameNode(superType);
    if (newSuperType != superType) {
      n.replaceChild(superType, newSuperType);

    Node classMembers = n.getLastChild();
    ClassDeclarationMetadata metadata = ClassDeclarationMetadata.create(n, parent);

    for (Node member : classMembers.children()) {
      if (member.isCallSignature()) {, CALL_SIGNATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED));

      if (member.isIndexSignature()) {
        doc.recordImplementedInterface(createIObject(t, member));

      // Functions are handled by the regular Es6ToEs3Converter
      if (!member.isMemberVariableDef() && !member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_VARIABLE)) {

      if (metadata == null) {, CANNOT_CONVERT_MEMBER_VARIABLES));

          createPropertyDefinition(t, member, metadata.getFullClassNameNode().getQualifiedName()));

    maybeCreateQualifiedDeclaration(t, n, parent);

  private void visitInterface(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    maybeAddGenerics(n, n);
    Node name = n.getFirstChild();
    Node superTypes = name.getNext();
    JSDocInfoBuilder doc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo());
    if (!superTypes.isEmpty()) {
      for (Node child : superTypes.children()) {
        Node type = convertWithLocation(child);
        doc.recordExtendedInterface(new JSTypeExpression(type, n.getSourceFileName()));

    Node insertionPoint = n;
    Node members = n.getLastChild();
    for (Node member : members.children()) {
      if (member.isCallSignature()) {, CALL_SIGNATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED));

      if (member.isIndexSignature()) {
        doc.recordExtendedInterface(createIObject(t, member));

      // Synthesize a block for method signatures, or convert it to a member variable if optional.
      if (member.isMemberFunctionDef()) {
        Node function = member.getFirstChild();
        if (function.isOptionalEs6Typed()) {
          member = convertMemberFunctionToMemberVariable(member);
        } else {

      if (member.isMemberVariableDef()) {
        Node newNode = createPropertyDefinition(t, member, name.getString());
        insertionPoint.getParent().addChildAfter(newNode, insertionPoint);
        insertionPoint = newNode;

    // Convert interface to class
    Node empty = new Node(Token.EMPTY).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(n);
    n.replaceChild(superTypes, empty);
    NodeUtil.addFeatureToScript(t.getCurrentScript(), Feature.CLASSES);

    maybeCreateQualifiedDeclaration(t, n, parent);

  private JSTypeExpression createIObject(NodeTraversal t, Node indexSignature) {
    Node indexType = convertWithLocation(indexSignature.getFirstChild()
    Node declaredType = convertWithLocation(indexSignature.getDeclaredTypeExpression());
    Node block = new Node(Token.BLOCK, indexType, declaredType);
    Node iObject = IR.string("IObject");
    JSTypeExpression bang = new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, iObject)
        .useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(indexSignature), indexSignature.getSourceFileName());
    return bang;

  private Node createPropertyDefinition(NodeTraversal t, Node member, String className) {
    className = maybePrependCurrNamespace(className);
    Node nameAccess = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, className);
    Node prototypeAccess = NodeUtil.newPropertyAccess(compiler, nameAccess, "prototype");
    Node qualifiedMemberAccess = getQualifiedMemberAccess(
        compiler, member, nameAccess, prototypeAccess);
    // Copy type information.
    maybeVisitColonType(t, member, member);

    Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(qualifiedMemberAccess);
    return newNode.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(member);

   * Constructs a Node that represents an access to the given class member, qualified by either the
   * static or the instance access context, depending on whether the member is static.

WARNING: {@code member} may be modified/destroyed by this method, do not use it * afterwards. */ private static Node getQualifiedMemberAccess(AbstractCompiler compiler, Node member, Node staticAccess, Node instanceAccess) { Node context = member.isStaticMember() ? staticAccess : instanceAccess; context = context.cloneTree(); if (member.isComputedProp()) { return IR.getelem(context, member.removeFirstChild()); } else { return NodeUtil.newPropertyAccess(compiler, context, member.getString()); } } private void visitEnum(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { Node name = n.getFirstChild(); Node members = n.getLastChild(); double nextValue = 0; Node[] stringKeys = new Node[members.getChildCount()]; int i = 0; for (Node child = members.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNext(), i++) { if (child.hasChildren()) { nextValue = child.getFirstChild().getDouble() + 1; } else { child.addChildToFront(IR.number(nextValue++)); } stringKeys[i] = child; } members.detachChildren(); String oldName = name.getString(); String qName = maybePrependCurrNamespace(oldName); JSDocInfoBuilder builder = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo()); builder.recordEnumParameterType( new JSTypeExpression(IR.string("number"), n.getSourceFileName())); Node newDec = NodeUtil.newQNameDeclaration( compiler, qName, IR.objectlit(stringKeys),; n.setJSDocInfo(null); parent.replaceChild(n, newDec); t.reportCodeChange(); } private void visitFunction(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { // For member functions (eg. class Foo { f() {} }), the JSDocInfo // needs to go on the synthetic MEMBER_FUNCTION_DEF node. boolean isMemberFunctionDef = parent.isMemberFunctionDef(); // Currently, we remove the overloading signature and drop the type information on the original // signature. String name = isMemberFunctionDef ? parent.getString() : n.getFirstChild().getString(); if (!name.isEmpty() && overloadStack.peek().containsKey(name)) {, OVERLOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED)); if (isMemberFunctionDef) { t.reportCodeChange(parent.getParent()); parent.detach(); NodeUtil.markFunctionsDeleted(parent, compiler); } else { t.reportCodeChange(parent); n.detach(); NodeUtil.markFunctionsDeleted(n, compiler); } Node original = overloadStack.peek().get(name); processedOverloads.add(original); Node paramList = original.getSecondChild(); paramList.removeChildren(); Node originalParent = original.getParent(); Node originalJsDocNode = originalParent.isMemberFunctionDef() || originalParent.isAssign() ? originalParent : original; JSDocInfoBuilder builder = new JSDocInfoBuilder(false); builder.recordType(new JSTypeExpression( convertWithLocation(TypeDeclarationsIR.namedType("Function")), n.getSourceFileName())); originalJsDocNode.setJSDocInfo(; return; } overloadStack.peek().put(name, n); Node jsDocNode = isMemberFunctionDef ? parent : n; maybeAddGenerics(n, jsDocNode); // Return types are colon types on the function node. Optional member functions are handled // separately. if (!(isMemberFunctionDef && n.isOptionalEs6Typed())) { maybeVisitColonType(t, n, jsDocNode); } if (n.getLastChild().isEmpty()) { n.replaceChild(n.getLastChild(), IR.block().useSourceInfoFrom(n)); } if (!isMemberFunctionDef) { maybeCreateQualifiedDeclaration(t, n, parent); } } private void maybeAddVisibility(Node n) { Visibility access = (Visibility) n.getProp(Node.ACCESS_MODIFIER); if (access != null) { if (n.isComputedProp()) {, COMPUTED_PROP_ACCESS_MODIFIER)); } JSDocInfoBuilder memberDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo()); memberDoc.recordVisibility(access); n.setJSDocInfo(; n.removeProp(Node.ACCESS_MODIFIER); } } private void maybeVisitColonType(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node jsDocNode) { Node type = n.getDeclaredTypeExpression(); boolean hasColonType = type != null; if (n.isRest() && hasColonType) { type = new Node(Token.ELLIPSIS, convertWithLocation(type.removeFirstChild())); } else if (n.isMemberVariableDef()) { if (type != null) { type = maybeProcessOptionalProperty(n, type); } } else { type = maybeProcessOptionalParameter(n, type); } if (type == null) { return; } JSDocInfoBuilder builder = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(jsDocNode.getJSDocInfo()); JSTypeExpression typeExpression = new JSTypeExpression(type, n.getSourceFileName()); switch (n.getToken()) { case FUNCTION: builder.recordReturnType(typeExpression); break; case MEMBER_VARIABLE_DEF: builder.recordType(typeExpression); break; default: builder.recordType(typeExpression); builder.recordInlineType(); } jsDocNode.setJSDocInfo(; if (hasColonType) { n.setDeclaredTypeExpression(null); t.reportCodeChange(); } } private void visitTypeAlias(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { String alias = n.getString(); if (t.getScope().hasSlot(alias)) { JSError.make(n, TYPE_ALIAS_ALREADY_DECLARED, alias)); } JSDocInfoBuilder builder = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo()); builder.recordTypedef(new JSTypeExpression( convertWithLocation(n.getFirstChild()), n.getSourceFileName())); Node newName = maybeGetQualifiedNameNode(; Node newDec1 = NodeUtil.newQNameDeclaration( compiler, newName.getQualifiedName(), null,; parent.replaceChild(n, newDec1); t.reportCodeChange(); } private void visitAmbientDeclaration(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { if (!n.isFromExterns()) {, DECLARE_IN_NON_EXTERNS)); } Node insertionPoint = n; Node topLevel = parent; boolean insideExport = parent.isExport(); if (insideExport) { insertionPoint = parent; topLevel = parent.getParent(); } // The node can have multiple children if transformed from an ambient namespace declaration. for (Node c : n.children()) { if (c.isConst()) { JSDocInfoBuilder builder = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(c.getJSDocInfo()); builder.recordConstancy(); c.setToken(Token.VAR); c.setJSDocInfo(; } Node toAdd = c.detach(); if (insideExport && !toAdd.isExprResult()) { // We want to keep the "export" declaration in externs toAdd = new Node(Token.EXPORT, toAdd).srcref(parent); } topLevel.addChildBefore(toAdd, insertionPoint); } insertionPoint.detach(); t.reportCodeChange(); } private void visitExport(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { if (currNamespace != null) { replaceWithNodes(t, n, n.children()); } else if (n.hasMoreThanOneChild()) { Node insertPoint = n; for (Node c = n.getSecondChild(); c != null; c = c.getNext()) { Node toAdd; if (!c.isExprResult()) { toAdd = n.cloneNode(); toAdd.addChildToFront(c.detach()); } else { toAdd = c.detach(); } parent.addChildAfter(toAdd, insertPoint); insertPoint = toAdd; } t.reportCodeChange(); } } private void replaceWithNodes(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Iterable replacements) { Node insertPoint = n; for (Node c : replacements) { Node detached = c.detach(); n.getParent().addChildAfter(detached, insertPoint); insertPoint = detached; } n.detach(); t.reportCodeChange(); } private void visitVarInsideNamespace(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { if (currNamespace != null) { Node insertPoint = n; for (Node child : n.children()) { Node name = child; String oldName = name.getString(); String qName = maybePrependCurrNamespace(oldName); JSDocInfoBuilder builder = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(child.getJSDocInfo()); if (n.isConst()) { builder.recordConstancy(); } Node newDec = NodeUtil.newQNameDeclaration( compiler, qName, child.removeFirstChild(),; parent.addChildAfter(newDec, insertPoint); insertPoint = newDec; } n.detach(); t.reportCodeChange(); } } private Node maybeCreateAnyType(Node n, Node type) { return type == null ? TypeDeclarationsIR.anyType().useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(n) : type; } private Node maybeProcessOptionalParameter(Node n, Node type) { if (n.isOptionalEs6Typed()) { n.putBooleanProp(Node.OPT_ES6_TYPED, false); type = maybeCreateAnyType(n, type); return new Node(Token.EQUALS, convertWithLocation(type)); } else { return type == null ? null : convertWithLocation(type); } } private Node maybeProcessOptionalProperty(Node n, Node type) { if (n.isOptionalEs6Typed()) { n.putBooleanProp(Node.OPT_ES6_TYPED, false); TypeDeclarationNode baseType = (TypeDeclarationNode) maybeCreateAnyType(n, type); type = TypeDeclarationsIR.unionType( ImmutableList.of(baseType, TypeDeclarationsIR.undefinedType())); type.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(baseType); } else { type = maybeCreateAnyType(n, type); } return convertWithLocation(type); } private Node convertWithLocation(Node type) { return convertDeclaredTypeToJSDoc(type).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(type); } private Node convertDeclaredTypeToJSDoc(Node type) { checkArgument(type instanceof TypeDeclarationNode); switch (type.getToken()) { // "Primitive" types. case STRING_TYPE: return IR.string("string"); case BOOLEAN_TYPE: return IR.string("boolean"); case NUMBER_TYPE: return IR.string("number"); case VOID_TYPE: return IR.string("void"); case UNDEFINED_TYPE: return IR.string("undefined"); case ANY_TYPE: return new Node(Token.QMARK); // Named types. case NAMED_TYPE: return convertNamedType(type); case ARRAY_TYPE: { Node arrayType = IR.string("Array"); Node memberType = convertWithLocation(type.getFirstChild()); arrayType.addChildToFront( new Node(Token.BLOCK, memberType).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(type)); return new Node(Token.BANG, arrayType); } case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: { Node namedType = type.getFirstChild(); Node result = convertWithLocation(namedType); Node typeParameterTarget = result.getToken() == Token.BANG ? result.getFirstChild() : result; Node parameters = IR.block().useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(type); typeParameterTarget.addChildToFront(parameters); for (Node param = namedType.getNext(); param != null; param = param.getNext()) { parameters.addChildToBack(convertWithLocation(param)); } return result; } // Composite types. case FUNCTION_TYPE: { Node returnType = type.getFirstChild(); Node paramList = new Node(Token.PARAM_LIST); for (Node param = returnType.getNext(); param != null; param = param.getNext()) { Node paramType = param.getDeclaredTypeExpression(); if (param.isRest()) { if (paramType == null) { paramType = new Node(Token.ELLIPSIS, new Node(Token.QMARK)); } else { paramType = new Node(Token.ELLIPSIS, convertWithLocation(paramType.getFirstChild())); } } else { paramType = maybeProcessOptionalParameter(param, maybeCreateAnyType(param, paramType)); } paramList.addChildToBack(paramType); } Node function = new Node(Token.FUNCTION); // TODO(moz): We should always add a PARAM_LIST in JsDocInfoParser if (paramList.hasChildren()) { function.addChildToBack(paramList); } function.addChildToBack(convertWithLocation(returnType)); return function; } case UNION_TYPE: Node pipe = new Node(Token.PIPE); for (Node child : type.children()) { pipe.addChildToBack(convertWithLocation(child)); } return pipe; case RECORD_TYPE: { Node lb = new Node(Token.LB); for (Node member : type.children()) { if (member.isMemberFunctionDef()) { member = convertMemberFunctionToMemberVariable(member); } else if (!member.isMemberVariableDef()) {, UNSUPPORTED_RECORD_TYPE)); continue; } Node colon = new Node(Token.COLON); member.setToken(Token.STRING_KEY); Node memberType = maybeProcessOptionalProperty(member, member.getDeclaredTypeExpression()); member.setDeclaredTypeExpression(null); colon.addChildToBack(member.detach()); colon.addChildToBack(memberType); lb.addChildToBack(colon); } return new Node(Token.LC, lb); } case TYPEOF: // Currently, TypeQuery is not supported in Closure's type system., TYPE_QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED)); return new Node(Token.QMARK); case STRING:, SPECIALIZED_SIGNATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED)); return new Node(Token.QMARK); default: // TODO(moz): Implement. break; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected node type for type conversion: " + type.getToken()); } private Node convertNamedType(Node type) { Node oldNameNode = type.getFirstChild(); Node newNameNode = maybeGetQualifiedNameNode(oldNameNode); if (newNameNode != oldNameNode) { type.replaceChild(oldNameNode, newNameNode); } Node propTree = type.getFirstChild(); String dotted = propTree.getQualifiedName(); // In the native type syntax, nominal types are non-nullable by default. // NOTE(dimvar): This adds ! in front of type variables as well. // Minor issue, not worth fixing for now. // To fix, we must first transpile declarations of generic types, collect // the type variables in scope, and use them during transpilation. return new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(dotted)); } private void maybeCreateQualifiedDeclaration(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { if (currNamespace != null) { Node name = n.getFirstChild(); String oldName = name.getString(); String qName = maybePrependCurrNamespace(oldName); Node newName = n.isFunction() ?"") : IR.empty(); newName.useSourceInfoFrom(n); n.replaceChild(name, newName); Node placeHolder = IR.empty(); parent.replaceChild(n, placeHolder); Node newDec = NodeUtil.newQNameDeclaration( compiler, qName, n, n.getJSDocInfo()).useSourceInfoFromForTree(n); n.setJSDocInfo(null); parent.replaceChild(placeHolder, newDec); t.reportCodeChange(); } } private Node convertMemberFunctionToMemberVariable(Node member) { Node function = member.getFirstChild(); Node memberVariable = Node.newString(Token.MEMBER_VARIABLE_DEF, member.getString()); memberVariable.useSourceInfoFrom(member); if (!processedOverloads.contains(function)) { Node returnType = maybeCreateAnyType(function, function.getDeclaredTypeExpression()); LinkedHashMap required = new LinkedHashMap<>(); LinkedHashMap optional = new LinkedHashMap<>(); String restName = null; TypeDeclarationNode restType = null; for (Node param : function.getSecondChild().children()) { if (param.isName()) { if (param.isOptionalEs6Typed()) { optional.put(param.getString(), param.getDeclaredTypeExpression()); } else { required.put(param.getString(), param.getDeclaredTypeExpression()); } } else if (param.isRest()) { restName = param.getFirstChild().getString(); restType = param.getDeclaredTypeExpression(); } } TypeDeclarationNode type = TypeDeclarationsIR.functionType(returnType, required, optional, restName, restType); memberVariable.setDeclaredTypeExpression(type); } else { memberVariable.setDeclaredTypeExpression(TypeDeclarationsIR.namedType("Function")); } memberVariable.putBooleanProp(Node.OPT_ES6_TYPED, function.isOptionalEs6Typed()); member.replaceWith(memberVariable); NodeUtil.markFunctionsDeleted(member, compiler); return memberVariable; } private Node maybeGetQualifiedNameNode(Node oldNameNode) { if (oldNameNode.isName()) { String oldName = oldNameNode.getString(); for (Namespace definitionNamespace = currNamespace; definitionNamespace != null; definitionNamespace = definitionNamespace.parent) { if (definitionNamespace.typeNames.contains(oldName)) { return NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, + "." + oldName) .useSourceInfoFromForTree(oldNameNode); } } } return oldNameNode; } private void pushOverloads() { overloadStack.push(new HashMap()); } private void popOverloads() { overloadStack.pop(); } private String maybePrependCurrNamespace(String oldName) { return currNamespace == null ? oldName : + "." + oldName; } private void popNamespace(Node n, Node parent) { if (n.getToken() == Token.NAMESPACE) { Node parentModuleRoot; Node grandParent = parent.getParent(); switch (parent.getToken()) { case DECLARE: case EXPORT: if (parent.getParent().isExport()) { parentModuleRoot = grandParent.getGrandparent(); } else { parentModuleRoot = grandParent.getParent(); } break; default: parentModuleRoot = grandParent; } currNamespace = nodeNamespaceMap.get(parentModuleRoot); } } private class ScanNamespaces implements NodeTraversal.Callback { private final Map namespaces = new HashMap<>(); @Override public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { switch (n.getToken()) { case ROOT: case SCRIPT: case NAMESPACE_ELEMENTS: return true; case DECLARE: return n.getFirstChild().getToken() == Token.NAMESPACE; case EXPORT: switch (n.getFirstChild().getToken()) { case CLASS: case INTERFACE: case ENUM: case TYPE_ALIAS: case NAMESPACE: case DECLARE: return true; default: break; } return false; case NAMESPACE: String[] segments = n.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName().split("\\."); for (String s : segments) { String currName = maybePrependCurrNamespace(s); if (!namespaces.containsKey(currName)) { currNamespace = new Namespace(currName, currNamespace); namespaces.put(currName, currNamespace); } currNamespace = namespaces.get(currName); } nodeNamespaceMap.put(n, currNamespace); return true; case CLASS: case INTERFACE: case ENUM: if (currNamespace != null) { currNamespace.typeNames.add(n.getFirstChild().getString()); } return true; case TYPE_ALIAS: if (currNamespace != null) { currNamespace.typeNames.add(n.getString()); } return true; default: break; } return false; } @Override public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { popNamespace(n, parent); } } private static class Namespace { private final String name; private final Set typeNames; private final Namespace parent; private Namespace(String name, Namespace parent) { = name; this.parent = parent; this.typeNames = new HashSet<>(); } } }

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