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org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes.NSISTokenMaker.flex Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * 07/14/2014
 * - Scanner for NSIS installer scripts.
 * This library is distributed under a modified BSD license.  See the included
 * RSyntaxTextArea.License.txt file for details.
package org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes;

import javax.swing.text.Segment;

import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.*;

 * Scanner for NSIS installer scripts.

* * This implementation was created using * JFlex 1.4.1; however, the generated file * was modified for performance. Memory allocation needs to be almost * completely removed to be competitive with the handwritten lexers (subclasses * of AbstractTokenMaker, so this class has been modified so that * Strings are never allocated (via yytext()), and the scanner never has to * worry about refilling its buffer (needlessly copying chars around). * We can achieve this because RText always scans exactly 1 line of tokens at a * time, and hands the scanner this line as an array of characters (a Segment * really). Since tokens contain pointers to char arrays instead of Strings * holding their contents, there is no need for allocating new memory for * Strings.

* * The actual algorithm generated for scanning has, of course, not been * modified.

* * If you wish to regenerate this file yourself, keep in mind the following: *

  • The generated file will contain two * definitions of both zzRefill and yyreset. * You should hand-delete the second of each definition (the ones * generated by the lexer), as these generated methods modify the input * buffer, which we'll never have to do.
  • *
  • You should also change the declaration/definition of zzBuffer to NOT * be initialized. This is a needless memory allocation for us since we * will be pointing the array somewhere else anyway.
  • *
  • You should NOT call yylex() on the generated scanner * directly; rather, you should use getTokenList as you would * with any other TokenMaker instance.
  • *
* * @author Robert Futrell * @version 1.0 * */ %% %public %class NSISTokenMaker %extends AbstractJFlexCTokenMaker %unicode %ignorecase %type org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.Token %{ /** * Constructor. This must be here because JFlex does not generate a * no-parameter constructor. */ public NSISTokenMaker() { } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. * @see #addToken(int, int, int) */ private void addHyperlinkToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) { int so = start + offsetShift; addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so, true); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. */ private void addToken(int tokenType) { addToken(zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-1, tokenType); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param tokenType The token's type. * @see #addHyperlinkToken(int, int, int) */ private void addToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) { int so = start + offsetShift; addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so, false); } /** * Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens. * * @param array The character array. * @param start The starting offset in the array. * @param end The ending offset in the array. * @param tokenType The token's type. * @param startOffset The offset in the document at which this token * occurs. * @param hyperlink Whether this token is a hyperlink. */ @Override public void addToken(char[] array, int start, int end, int tokenType, int startOffset, boolean hyperlink) { super.addToken(array, start,end, tokenType, startOffset, hyperlink); zzStartRead = zzMarkedPos; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String[] getLineCommentStartAndEnd(int languageIndex) { return new String[] { "#", null }; } /** * Returns the first token in the linked list of tokens generated * from text. This method must be implemented by * subclasses so they can correctly implement syntax highlighting. * * @param text The text from which to get tokens. * @param initialTokenType The token type we should start with. * @param startOffset The offset into the document at which * text starts. * @return The first Token in a linked list representing * the syntax highlighted text. */ public Token getTokenList(Segment text, int initialTokenType, int startOffset) { resetTokenList(); this.offsetShift = -text.offset + startOffset; // Start off in the proper state. int state = YYINITIAL; switch (initialTokenType) { case Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE: state = STRING; break; case Token.LITERAL_CHAR: state = CHAR_LITERAL; break; case Token.LITERAL_BACKQUOTE: state = BACKTICKS; break; case Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE: state = MLC; break; } start = text.offset; s = text; try { yyreset(zzReader); yybegin(state); return yylex(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return new TokenImpl(); } } /** * Refills the input buffer. * * @return true if EOF was reached, otherwise * false. */ private boolean zzRefill() { return zzCurrentPos>=s.offset+s.count; } /** * Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream. * Does not close the old reader. * * All internal variables are reset, the old input stream * cannot be reused (internal buffer is discarded and lost). * Lexical state is set to YY_INITIAL. * * @param reader the new input stream */ public final void yyreset(Reader reader) { // 's' has been updated. zzBuffer = s.array; /* * We replaced the line below with the two below it because zzRefill * no longer "refills" the buffer (since the way we do it, it's always * "full" the first time through, since it points to the segment's * array). So, we assign zzEndRead here. */ //zzStartRead = zzEndRead = s.offset; zzStartRead = s.offset; zzEndRead = zzStartRead + s.count - 1; zzCurrentPos = zzMarkedPos = zzPushbackPos = s.offset; zzLexicalState = YYINITIAL; zzReader = reader; zzAtBOL = true; zzAtEOF = false; } %} Letter = ([A-Za-z]) LetterOrUnderscore = ({Letter}|"_") NonzeroDigit = ([1-9]) Digit = ("0"|{NonzeroDigit}) HexDigit = ({Digit}|[A-Fa-f]) OctalDigit = ([0-7]) EscapedSourceCharacter = ("u"{HexDigit}{HexDigit}{HexDigit}{HexDigit}) NonSeparator = ([^\t\f\r\n\ \(\)\{\}\[\]\;\,\.\=\>\<\!\~\?\:\+\-\*\/\&\|\^\%\"\']|"#"|"\\") IdentifierStart = ({LetterOrUnderscore}|[$/]) IdentifierPart = ({IdentifierStart}|{Digit}|("\\"{EscapedSourceCharacter})) LineTerminator = (\n) WhiteSpace = ([ \t\f]) MLCBegin = ("/*") MLCEnd = ("*/") LineCommentBegin = ([;#]) IntegerLiteral = (({NonzeroDigit}{Digit}*)|"0") HexLiteral = ("0"(([xX]{HexDigit}+)|({OctalDigit}*))) ErrorNumberFormat = (({IntegerLiteral}|{HexLiteral}){NonSeparator}+) BooleanLiteral = ("true"|"false") Separator = ([\(\)\{\}\[\]]) Separator2 = ([\;,.]) NonAssignmentOperator = ("+"|"-"|"<="|"^"|"++"|"<"|"*"|">="|"%"|"--"|">"|"/"|"!="|"?"|">>"|"!"|"&"|"=="|":"|">>"|"~"|"|"|"&&") AssignmentOperator = ("="|"-="|"*="|"/="|"|="|"&="|"^="|"+="|"%="|"<<="|">>=") Operator = ({NonAssignmentOperator}|{AssignmentOperator}) Identifier = ({IdentifierStart}{IdentifierPart}*) VariableStart = ("$") Variable = ({VariableStart}({Identifier}|"{"{Identifier}"}")) URLGenDelim = ([:\/\?#\[\]@]) URLSubDelim = ([\!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]) URLUnreserved = ({LetterOrUnderscore}|{Digit}|[\-\.\~]) URLCharacter = ({URLGenDelim}|{URLSubDelim}|{URLUnreserved}|[%]) URLCharacters = ({URLCharacter}*) URLEndCharacter = ([\/\$]|{Letter}|{Digit}) URL = (((https?|f(tp|ile))"://"|"www.")({URLCharacters}{URLEndCharacter})?) %state STRING %state CHAR_LITERAL %state BACKTICKS %state MLC %state EOL_COMMENT %% { /* Keywords */ "function" | "functionend" | "section" | "sectionend" | "subsection" | "subsectionend" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); } /* Instructions */ "addbrandingimage" | "addsize" | "allowrootdirinstall" | "allowskipfiles" | "autoclosewindow" | "bggradient" | "brandingtext" | "bringtofront" | "callinstdll" | "caption" | "changeui" | "checkbitmap" | "completedtext" | "componenttext" | "copyfiles" | "crccheck" | "createdirectory" | "createfont" | "createshortcut" | "delete" | "deleteinisec" | "deleteinistr" | "deleteregkey" | "deleteregvalue" | "detailprint" | "detailsbuttontext" | "dirshow" | "dirtext" | "enumregkey" | "enumregvalue" | "exch" | "exec" | "execshell" | "execwait" | "expandenvstrings" | "file" | "fileclose" | "fileerrortext" | "fileopen" | "fileread" | "filereadbyte" | "fileseek" | "filewrite" | "filewritebyte" | "findclose" | "findfirst" | "findnext" | "findwindow" | "flushini" | "getcurinsttype" | "getcurrentaddress" | "getdlgitem" | "getdllversion" | "getdllversionlocal" | "getfiletime" | "getfiletimelocal" | "getfullpathname" | "getfunctionaddress" | "getlabeladdress" | "gettempfilename" | "getwindowtext" | "hidewindow" | "icon" | "initpluginsdir" | "installbuttontext" | "installcolors" | "installdir" | "installdirregkey" | "instprogressflags" | "insttype" | "insttypegettext" | "insttypesettext" | "intfmt" | "intop" | "langstring" | "langstringup" | "licensebkcolor" | "licensedata" | "licenseforceselection" | "licensetext" | "loadlanguagefile" | "loadlanguagefile" | "logset" | "logtext" | "miscbuttontext" | "name" | "nop" | "outfile" | "page" | "plugindir" | "pop" | "push" | "readenvstr" | "readinistr" | "readregdword" | "readregstr" | "regdll" | "rename" | "requestexecutionlevel" | "reservefile" | "rmdir" | "searchpath" | "sectiongetflags" | "sectiongetinsttypes" | "sectiongetsize" | "sectiongettext" | "sectionin" | "sectionsetflags" | "sectionsetinsttypes" | "sectionsetsize" | "sectionsettext" | "sendmessage" | "setautoclose" | "setbkcolor" | "setbrandingimage" | "setcompress" | "setcompressor" | "setcurinsttype" | "setdatablockoptimize" | "setdatesave" | "setdetailsprint" | "setdetailsview" | "setfileattributes" | "setfont" | "setoutpath" | "setoverwrite" | "setpluginunload" | "setrebootflag" | "setshellvarcontext" | "setstaticbkcolor" | "setwindowlong" | "showinstdetails" | "showuninstdetails" | "showwindow" | "silentinstall" | "silentuninstall" | "sleep" | "spacetexts" | "strcpy" | "strlen" | "subcaption" | "uninstallbuttontext" | "uninstallcaption" | "uninstallicon" | "uninstallsubcaption" | "uninstalltext" | "uninstpage" | "unregdll" | "var" | "viaddversionkey" | "videscription" | "vicompanyname" | "vicomments" | "vilegalcopyrights" | "vilegaltrademarks" | "viproductname" | "viproductversion" | "windowicon" | "writeinistr" | "writeregbin" | "writeregdword" | "writeregexpandstr" | "writeregstr" | "writeuninstaller" | "xpstyle" | /* Flow control instructions */ "abort" | "call" | "clearerrors" | "goto" | "ifabort" | "iferrors" | "iffileexists" | "ifrebootflag" | "intcmp" | "intcmpu" | "iswindow" | "messagebox" | "reboot" | "return" | "quit" | "seterrors" | "strcmp" | "strcmps" { addToken(Token.FUNCTION); } /* Compiler utility commands */ "!addincludedir" | "!addplugindir" | "!define" | "!include" | "!cd" | "!echo" | "!error" | "!insertmacro" | "!packhdr" | "!system" | "!warning" | "!undef" | "!verbose" | /* Conditional compilation */ "!ifdef" | "!ifndef" | "!if" | "!else" | "!endif" | "!macro" | "!macroend" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); } /* Global variables */ "$0" | "$1" | "$2" | "$3" | "$4" | "$5" | "$6" | "$7" | "$8" | "$9" | "$INSTDIR" | "$OUTDIR" | "$CMDLINE" | "$LANGUAGE" | /* Local variables */ ("$R0"{Digit}) | /* Constants */ "ARCHIVE" | "CENTER" | "CONTROL" | "CUR" | "EXT" | ("F"{NonzeroDigit}) | ("F1"{Digit}) | ("F2"[0-4]) | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE" | "MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE" | "RIGHT" | "RO" | "SET" | "SHIFT" | "SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED" | "SW_SHOWMINIMIZED" | "SW_SHOWNORMAL" | "a" | "admin" | "all" | "alwaysoff" | "auto" | "both" | "bottom" | "bzip2" | "checkbox" | "colored" | "components" | "current" | "custom" | "directory" | "force" | "hide" | "highest" | "ifnewer" | "instfiles" | "license" | "listonly" | "manual" | "nevershow" | "none" | "off" | "on" | "r" | "radiobuttons" | "show" | "silent" | "silentlog" | "smooth" | "textonly" | "top" | "try" | "uninstConfirm" | "user" | "w" | "zlib" | "$$" | "$DESKTOP" | "$EXEDIR" | "$HWNDPARENT" | "$PLUGINSDIR" | "$PROGRAMFILES" | "$QUICKLAUNCH" | "$SMPROGRAMS" | "$SMSTARTUP" | "$STARTMENU" | "$SYSDIR" | "$TEMP" | "$WINDIR" | "$\n" | "$\r" | "${NSISDIR}" | "ALT" | "END" | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN" | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL" | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE" | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY" | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM" | "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY" | "HIDDEN" | "HKCC" | "HKCR" | "HKCU" | "HKDD" | "HKLM" | "HKPD" | "HKU" | "SHCTX" | "IDABORT" | "IDCANCEL" | "IDIGNORE" | "IDNO" | "IDOK" | "IDRETRY" | "IDYES" | "LEFT" | "MB_DEFBUTTON1" | "MB_DEFBUTTON2" | "MB_DEFBUTTON3" | "MB_DEFBUTTON4" | "MB_ICONEXCLAMATION" | "MB_ICONINFORMATION" | "MB_ICONQUESTION" | "MB_ICONSTOP" | "MB_OK" | "MB_OKCANCEL" | "MB_RETRYCANCEL" | "MB_RIGHT" | "MB_SETFOREGROUND" | "MB_TOPMOST" | "MB_YESNO" | "MB_YESNOCANCEL" | "NORMAL" | "OFFLINE" | "READONLY" | "SYSTEM" | "TEMPORARY" { addToken(Token.VARIABLE); } {LineTerminator} { addNullToken(); return firstToken; } /* Operators. */ {Operator} { addToken(Token.OPERATOR); } {BooleanLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_BOOLEAN); } {Identifier} { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); } {Variable} { addToken(Token.VARIABLE); } {WhiteSpace}+ { addToken(Token.WHITESPACE); } /* String/Character literals. */ \" { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(STRING); } \' { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(CHAR_LITERAL); } \` { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(BACKTICKS); } /* Comment literals. */ "/**/" { addToken(Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); } {MLCBegin} { start = zzMarkedPos-2; yybegin(MLC); } {LineCommentBegin} { start = zzMarkedPos-1; yybegin(EOL_COMMENT); } /* Separators. */ {Separator} { addToken(Token.SEPARATOR); } {Separator2} { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); } /* Numbers */ {IntegerLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_DECIMAL_INT); } {HexLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_HEXADECIMAL); } {ErrorNumberFormat} { addToken(Token.ERROR_NUMBER_FORMAT); } /* Ended with a line not in a string or comment. */ <> { addNullToken(); return firstToken; } /* Catch any other (unhandled) characters and flag them as identifiers. */ . { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); } } { [^\n\\\$\"]+ {} \\. { /* Skip all escaped chars. */ } \\ { /* Line ending in '\' => continue to next line. */ addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); return firstToken; } {Variable} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); addToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.VARIABLE); start = zzMarkedPos; } {VariableStart} {} \" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); } \n | <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.ERROR_STRING_DOUBLE); return firstToken; } } { [^\n\\\$\']+ {} \\. { /* Skip all escaped chars. */ } \\ { /* Line ending in '\' => continue to next line. */ addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.LITERAL_CHAR); return firstToken; } {Variable} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); addToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.VARIABLE); start = zzMarkedPos; } {VariableStart} {} \' { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.LITERAL_CHAR); } \n | <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.ERROR_CHAR); return firstToken; } } { [^\n\\\$\`]+ {} \\. { /* Skip all escaped chars. */ } \\ { /* Line ending in '\' => continue to next line. */ addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.LITERAL_BACKQUOTE); return firstToken; } {Variable} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.LITERAL_BACKQUOTE); addToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.VARIABLE); start = zzMarkedPos; } {VariableStart} {} \` { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead, Token.LITERAL_BACKQUOTE); } \n | <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.LITERAL_BACKQUOTE); return firstToken; } } { [^hwf\n\*]+ {} {URL} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); addHyperlinkToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); start = zzMarkedPos; } [hwf] {} \n { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); return firstToken; } {MLCEnd} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); addToken(start,zzStartRead+1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); } \* {} <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_MULTILINE); return firstToken; } } { [^hwf\n]+ {} {URL} { int temp=zzStartRead; addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addHyperlinkToken(temp,zzMarkedPos-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); start = zzMarkedPos; } [hwf] {} \n | <> { addToken(start,zzStartRead-1, Token.COMMENT_EOL); addNullToken(); return firstToken; } }

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