org.truffulatree.h2odb.FileProcessor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2013, Martin Pokorny
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
// v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
// obtain one at
package org.truffulatree.h2odb
import java.util.Date
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Try
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.{Database, Table}
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook
import{Cell, DateUtil}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
object DBFiller {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass.getName.init)
private val samplePointIdXls = "SamplePointID"
/** Type of record that is recorded in the target database
type DbRecord = Map[String,Any]
/** Type of records from XLS format file of water analysis results
type XlsRecord = Map[String,Any]
implicit object DbRecordOrdering extends Ordering[DbRecord] {
def compare(rec0: DbRecord, rec1: DbRecord): Int = {
rec1(Tables.DbTableInfo.samplePointId)) match {
case (id0: String, id1: String) => (id0 compare id1) match {
case 0 => {
rec1(Tables.DbTableInfo.analyte)) match {
case (a0: String, a1: String) => a0 compare a1
case cmp => cmp
/** Process a xls file of water analysis records, and insert the processed
* records into a database.
* The processing steps are as follows:
* 1. Read in all lines of xls file.
* 1. Check that header line from xls file has the expected column
* names.
* 1. Create a sequence corresponding to the rows in the xls file of maps
* from column title to column value.
* 1. Check that the "Param" value in each element of the sequence (i.e, an
* xls row) is an expected value.
* 1. Check that the "Test" values, for those "Param"s that have tests, are
* expected values.
* 1. Remove sequence elements with sample point IDs that do not exist in
* the database "Chemistry SampleInfo" table.
* 1. Check that sample point IDs in remaining sequence elements do _not_
* exist in major and minor chemistry database tables.
* 1. Convert the sequence of maps derived from the xls into a new sequence
* of maps compatible with the database table schemas.
* 1. Remove "low priority" test results (this ensures that only the most
* preferred test results for those rows with "Test" values get into the
* database).
* 1. Add new rows to the database.
* 1. Add sample lab ids to the database.
* 1. Scan sequence of maps that were just inserted into the database to
* find those records that fail to meet drinking water standards, and
* print out a message for those that fail.
* @param writeln write a string to output (with added newline)
* @param xls HSSFWorkbook from water analysis report in XLS format
* @param db Database for target database
def apply(writeln: (String) => Unit, xls: HSSFWorkbook, db: Database): Unit = {
// read rows from xls file
getXlsRows(xls) match {
case header :: rows =>
val headerNames = header map { case h => h.asInstanceOf[String] }
processRows(writeln, db, headerNames, rows)
case _ =>
writeln("Added 0 rows to database")
def processRows(
writeln: (String) => Unit,
db: Database,
header: Seq[String],
rows: List[Seq[Any]]): Unit = {
// check that header fields have only what is expected
// create a sequence of maps (column name -> cell value) from xls rows
val records = rows map { fields =>
(header zip fields).toMap
// check for known "Param" field values
// check for known "Test" field values
// filter for sample point id in db
val knownPoints =
(Set.empty[String] /:
db.getTable( {
case (points, row) =>
points + row.get(Tables.DbTableInfo.samplePointId).toString
val recordsInDb =
records filter (r => knownPoints.contains(r(samplePointIdXls)))
// get major chemistry table from database
val majorChemistry = db.getTable(
// get minor chemistry table from database
val minorChemistry = db.getTable(
// get chemistry sample info table from database
val chemSampleInfo = db.getTable(
// convert records to db schema compatible format
val convertedRecords = recordsInDb map (
r => convertXLSRecord(chemSampleInfo, majorChemistry, minorChemistry, r))
// check that samples don't already exist in major and minor chem tables
List(majorChemistry, minorChemistry)).get
// filter out records for low priority tests
val newRecords = removeLowPriorityRecords(convertedRecords)
if (!newRecords.isEmpty) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled)
newRecords foreach { rec => logger.debug((rec - "Table").toString) }
// add rows to database
// report on added records
val sortedRecords = newRecords.sorted
s"Added ${newRecords.length} records with the following sample point IDs to database:")
((Set.empty[String] /: sortedRecords) {
case (acc, rec) => acc + rec(Tables.DbTableInfo.samplePointId).toString
}).toSeq.sorted foreach { id =>
// test values against water quality standards
checkStandards(writeln, sortedRecords)
} else {
writeln("Added 0 rows to database")
/** Validate header fields
* Compare header field names to list of expected names.
* @param header Seq of header field names to validate
* @return Unit or an Exception
private def validateHeaderFields(header: Seq[String]): Try[Unit] =
Try {
if (!header.contains(samplePointIdXls))
throw new InvalidInputHeader(
s"XLS file is missing '$samplePointIdXls' column")
/** Validate param fields for all records
* Compare "Param" field values to list of expected values.
* @param records Seq of [[XlsRecord]]s to validate
* @return Unit or an Exception
private def validateParams(records: Seq[XlsRecord]): Try[Unit] =
Try {
val missing = (Set.empty[String] /: records) {
case (miss, rec) =>
val p = rec("Param").asInstanceOf[String]
if (!Tables.analytes.contains(p)) miss + p else miss
if (!missing.isEmpty)
throw new MissingParamConversion(
("""|The following 'Param' values in the spreadsheet have no known
|conversion to an analyte code:
|\n""" + missing.mkString("\n")).stripMargin)
/** Validate test descriptions for all records
* Compare "Test" field values to list of expected values
* @param records Seq of [[XlsRecord]]s to validate
* @return Unit or an Exception
private def validateTests(records: Seq[XlsRecord]): Try[Unit] =
Try {
def isValidTest(rec: Map[String,Any]) = {
val param = rec("Param").asInstanceOf[String]
val test = rec("Test").asInstanceOf[String]
!Tables.testPriority.contains(param) ||
Tables.testPriority(param).exists(t => t.findFirstIn(test).isDefined)
val invalidTests = records filter (!isValidTest(_))
if (!invalidTests.isEmpty) {
val invalid = invalidTests map (
r => (r("SamplePointID").asInstanceOf[String],
throw new InvalidTestDescription(
s"Invalid test descriptions for\n${invalid.mkString("\n")}")
/** Validate samples by checking whether sample point IDs already exist in given
* database tables for analytes expected in analysis reports.
* @param records Seq of [[DbRecord]]s to validate
* @param tables Seq of tables to check for existing sample point IDs
* @return Unit or an Exception
private def validateSamples(
records: Seq[DbRecord],
tables: Seq[Table]): Try[Unit] = {
def getSamples(t: Table): Set[(String,String)] =
(Set.empty[(String,String)] /: t) {
case (acc, row) =>
val analyte = row.get(Tables.DbTableInfo.analyte)
if (analyte != null)
acc + ((row.get(Tables.DbTableInfo.samplePointId).toString,
val existingSamples = tables map (getSamples _) reduceLeft (_ ++ _)
val invalidRecords = records filter { r =>
Try {
if (!invalidRecords.isEmpty) {
val invalidSamplePointIds = (Set.empty[String] /: invalidRecords) {
case (acc, rec) => acc + rec(Tables.DbTableInfo.samplePointId).toString
throw new DuplicateSample(
"Database already contains gen chem data for the following sample points\n" +
/** Convert xls records to database table format
* Convert a (single) [[XlsRecord]] into a [[DbRecord]]. The resulting
* [[DbRecord]] is ready for addition to the appropriate database table.
* @param major "Major chemistry" database table
* @param minor "Minor chemistry" database table
* @param record [[XlsRecord]] to convert
* @return [[DbRecord]] derived from record
private def convertXLSRecord(
info: Table,
major: Table,
minor: Table,
record: XlsRecord): DbRecord = {
import Tables.DbTableInfo._
val result: mutable.Map[String,Any] = mutable.Map()
var total: Boolean = false
var analyteStr: Option[String] = None
var methodStr: Option[String] = None
record foreach {
// "ND" result value
case ("ReportedND", "ND") =>
// set value to lower limit (as Float)
result(sampleValue) =
record("LowerLimit").asInstanceOf[Float] *
// add "symbol" column value (as String)
result(symbol) = "<"
// normal result value...these are _strings_ for some reason
case ("ReportedND", v: String) =>
result(sampleValue) = v.toFloat
// sample point id
case ("SamplePointID", id: String) =>
// set sample point id (as String)
result(samplePointId) = id
// set point id (as String)
result(pointId) = id.init
// set sample point guid (as String)
result(samplePointGUID) =
(info withFilter { r =>
r(samplePointId) == id
} map { r =>
// water parameter identification
case ("Param", p: String) =>
analyteStr = Some(p)
// record table this result goes into (as table reference)
result("Table") = Tables.chemistryTable(p) match {
case => major
case => minor
// set test result priority value (as Int)
result("Priority") = {
val thisTest = record("Test").asInstanceOf[String]
val optTests = Tables.testPriority.get(p) =>
// analysis method
case ("Method", m: String) =>
methodStr = Some(m)
// total analyte
case ("Total", t: String) =>
total = (t != null) && t.trim.length > 0
// test result units (as String); some are converted, some not
case ("Results_Units", u: String) =>
result(units) =
Tables.units.getOrElse(record("Param").asInstanceOf[String], u)
// lab id
case ("SampleNumber", n: String) =>
result(labId) = n
result(analysesAgency) = analysesAgencyDefault
// analysis timestamp
case ("AnalysisTime", d: Date) =>
result(analysisDate) = d
// drop any other column
case _ =>
// resolve analyte + total and analysisMethod columns
analyteStr foreach { a =>
// analyte code (name)
result(analyte) =
if (total) totalAnalyte(Tables.analytes(a))
else Tables.analytes(a)
// construct analysisMethod
val methodSuffix = Tables.method.get(a)
result(analysisMethod) =
methodStr map { m =>
(methodSuffix map { s => m + ", " + s}) getOrElse(m)
} orElse(methodSuffix) getOrElse("")
/** Remove records from low priority test results
* For each value of the pair (sample point, analyte) retain only the record
* with the most preferred test method.
* @param records Seq of [[DbRecord]]s
* @return Seq of [[DbRecord]]s with only the highest priority test
* results remaining
private def removeLowPriorityRecords(records: Seq[DbRecord]): Seq[DbRecord] =
((Map.empty[(String,String),DbRecord] /: records) {
case (newrecs, rec) => {
val key = (rec(Tables.DbTableInfo.samplePointId).asInstanceOf[String],
if (!newrecs.contains(key) ||
(rec("Priority").asInstanceOf[Int] <
newrecs + ((key, rec))
else newrecs
/** Compare analyte test result to water quality standards
* @param record [[DbRecord]] to compare to standards
* @return true, if test result falls within limits;
* false, otherwise
private def meetsStandards(record: DbRecord): Boolean = {
import Tables.DbTableInfo._
(Tables.standards.get(baseAnalyte(record(analyte).toString)) map {
case (lo, hi) => {
record(sampleValue) match {
case v: Float => lo <= v && v <= hi
/** Add records to chemistry database tables
* Add each record to the appropriate chemistry database table
* @param records Seq of [[DbRecord]]s to add to database
private def addChemTableRows(records: Seq[DbRecord]): Unit = {
val tables = Set((records map (_.apply("Table").asInstanceOf[Table])):_*)
val colNames = Map(
(tables.toSeq map { tab => (tab, }):_*)
records foreach { rec =>
val table = rec("Table").asInstanceOf[Table]
val row = colNames(table) map { col =>
rec.getOrElse(col, null).asInstanceOf[Object] }
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"$row -> ${table.getName}")
/** Check and report on analyte test results comparison to standards
* @param writeln function to output a line a text
* @param records Seq of [[DbRecord]]s to check
private def checkStandards(writeln: (String) => Unit, records: Seq[DbRecord]):
Unit = {
import Tables.DbTableInfo.{analyte, samplePointId, sampleValue, units}
val poorQuality = records filter (!meetsStandards(_))
if (!poorQuality.isEmpty) {
val failStr =
if (poorQuality.length > 1)
s"${poorQuality.length} records fail"
"1 record fails"
writeln(failStr + " to meet water standards:")
poorQuality foreach { rec =>
(rec(samplePointId), rec(analyte), rec(sampleValue), rec(units)) match {
case (s: String, a: String, v: Float, u: String) =>
writeln(f"$s - $a ($v%g $u)")
} else writeln("All records meet all water standards")
/** Get data rows from XLS file.
* @param xls HSSFWorkbook for XLS input file
private def getXlsRows(xls: HSSFWorkbook): List[Seq[Any]] = {
val sheet = xls.getSheetAt(0)
(sheet.getFirstRowNum to sheet.getLastRowNum).toList map { r =>
} withFilter { row =>
row != null
} map { row =>
(row.getFirstCellNum until row.getLastCellNum) map { c =>
Option(row.getCell(c)) map { cell =>
cell.getCellType match {
if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell))
case _ =>
} getOrElse ("")
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