Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2017, [email protected] All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.ttzero.excel.manager.TopNS;
import org.ttzero.excel.entity.Storable;
import org.ttzero.excel.manager.Const;
import org.ttzero.excel.util.FileUtil;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.ttzero.excel.util.StringUtil;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static org.ttzero.excel.util.StringUtil.isEmpty;
import static org.ttzero.excel.util.StringUtil.isNotEmpty;
* Excel样式包含格式化{@link NumFmt}、字体{@link Font}、填充{@link Fill}、边框{@link Border}、
* 垂直对齐{@link Verticals}和水平对齐{@link Horizontals}以及自动折行组成,样式存放在共享区域供多个工作表共用,
* 每个样式值都是由这7种值进行组合而来。全局样式库统管样式读写,添加样式时会查询当前样式是否已存在,如果存在则直接返回该样式在库中的索引值
* 否则添加到样式库末尾
* 本工具简化了样式设计,基础的4种样式由数组保存,单元格样式值由一个{@code int}值保存,
* 它可以极大压缩内存消耗和快速查找,但短板是可用的样式减少,最多只能包含256个格式化,64个字体,填充和边框,
* 对于日常的导出来说应该是够用的,复杂场景就需要考虑将{@code int}扩大到{@code long}
* 由于使用2进制位点保存各个样式,所以要修改样式时必须先清除原位点上的值然后再添加新样式,否则位点在进行“或”运行时将保留全部{@code 1}
* 致使样式错乱,可以直接使用位运算来处理样式,也可以通过{@code Styles.modify}开头的方法来修改
* Bit | Contents
* ------+---------
* 0, 1 | 自动折行
* 1, 3 | 水平对齐
* 4, 2 | 垂直对齐
* 6, 6 | 边框
* 12, 6 | 填充
* 18, 6 | 字体
* 24. 8 | 格式化
* @author on 2017/10/13.
@TopNS(prefix = "", uri = Const.SCHEMA_MAIN, value = "styleSheet")
public class Styles implements Storable {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Styles.class);
private final Map map;
private final AtomicInteger counter;
private int[] styleIndex;
private Document document;
private List fonts;
private List numFmts;
private List fills;
private List borders;
* Cache the data/time format style index.
* It's use for fast test the cell value is a data or time value
private Set dateFmtCache;
private Styles() {
map = new HashMap<>();
counter = new AtomicInteger();
styleIndex = new int[10];
* 向全局样式库中添加样式,添加前会先查询是否已有相同样式,如果有则直接返回该样式在全局样式库中的索引值,
* 不存在则将该样式添加到样式库末尾
* @param s 样式值
* @return 样式索引
public int of(int s) {
int n = map.getOrDefault(s, -1);
if (n == -1) {
n = counter.getAndIncrement();
map.put(s, n);
if (n >= styleIndex.length) {
styleIndex = Arrays.copyOf(styleIndex, styleIndex.length << 1);
styleIndex[n] = s;
return n;
* 通过样式索引查询样式值
* @param styleIndex 样式索引
* @return 样式值,查找失败时返回{@code -1}
public int getStyleByIndex(int styleIndex) {
if (styleIndex >= counter.get()) {
return -1;
return styleIndex >= 0 ? this.styleIndex[styleIndex] : -1;
* Returns the number of styles
* @return the total styles
public int size() {
return map.size();
public static final int INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT = 24;
public static final int INDEX_FONT = 18;
public static final int INDEX_FILL = 12;
public static final int INDEX_BORDER = 6;
public static final int INDEX_VERTICAL = 4;
public static final int INDEX_HORIZONTAL = 1;
public static final int INDEX_WRAP_TEXT = 0;
* Create a general style
* @return Styles
public static Styles create() {
Styles self = new Styles();
self.document = createDocument();
self.numFmts = new ArrayList<>();
self.fonts = new ArrayList<>();
Font font1 = new Font("Calibri", 11);
String lang = Locale.getDefault().toLanguageTag();
// Add chinese font
Font font2 = new Font("宋体", 11); // cn
if ("zh-CN".equals(lang)) {
} else if ("zh-TW".equals(lang)) {
if (StringUtil.isBlank(font2.getName())) font2.setName("新細明體");
// Other charset
self.fills = new ArrayList<>();
self.addFill(new Fill(PatternType.none));
self.addFill(new Fill(PatternType.gray125));
self.borders = new ArrayList<>();
self.addBorder(new Border(BorderStyle.THIN, new Color(191, 191, 191)));
// cellXfs
self.of(0); // General
return self;
* 修改“边框”样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newBorder 新“边框”样式
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyBorder(int style, Border newBorder) {
return Styles.clearBorder(style) | addBorder(newBorder);
* 修改“格式化”样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newNumFmt 新“格式化”样式
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyNumFmt(int style, NumFmt newNumFmt) {
return Styles.clearNumFmt(style) | addNumFmt(newNumFmt);
* 修改"自动折行"样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newWrapText true: 自动折行
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyWrapText(int style, boolean newWrapText) {
return newWrapText ? style | 1 : Styles.clearWrapText(style);
* 修改“垂直对齐”样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newVertical 新“垂直对齐”样式,必须使用{@link Verticals}定义的静态值
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyVertical(int style, int newVertical) {
return Styles.clearVertical(style) | newVertical;
* 修改“水平对齐”样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newHorizontal 新“水平对齐”样式,必须使用{@link Horizontals}定义的静态值
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyHorizontal(int style, int newHorizontal) {
return Styles.clearHorizontal(style) | newHorizontal;
* 修改“填充”样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newFill 新“填充”样式
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyFill(int style, Fill newFill) {
return Styles.clearFill(style) | addFill(newFill);
* 修改“字体”样式
* @param style 原样式值
* @param newFont 新“字体”样式
* @return 新样式值
public int modifyFont(int style, Font newFont) {
return Styles.clearFont(style) | addFont(newFont);
* Create a general style
* @return Styles
public static Styles forReader() {
Styles styles = new Styles();
styles.numFmts = new ArrayList<>();
styles.fonts = new ArrayList<>();
styles.fills = new ArrayList<>();
styles.borders = new ArrayList<>();
return styles;
* Load the style file from disk
* @param is the style {@code InputStream}
* @return the {@link Styles} Object
public static Styles load(InputStream is) {
// load styles.xml
SAXReader reader = SAXReader.createDefault();
Document document;
try {
document =;
} catch (DocumentException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Read the style failed and ignore the style to continue.", e);
Styles self = forReader();
// Add a default font
self.addFont(new Font("Arial", 11,;
return self;
Styles self = new Styles();
Element root = document.getRootElement();
// Parse Number format
self.numFmts = NumFmt.domToNumFmt(root);
// Indexed Colors(部分Excel的indexed颜色与标准有所不同,这部分颜色会定义在标签下)
Element colors = root.element("colors");
if (colors != null) colors = colors.element("indexedColors");
if (colors != null && colors.nodeCount() > 0) {
List sub = colors.elements();
Color[] indexedColors = new Color[sub.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Element e : sub) indexedColors[i++] = parseColor(e);
// Parse Fonts
self.fonts = Font.domToFont(root, indexedColors);
// Parse Fills
self.fills = Fill.domToFill(root, indexedColors);
// Parse Borders
self.borders = Border.domToBorder(root, indexedColors);
} else {
// Parse Fonts
self.fonts = Font.domToFont(root);
// Parse Fills
self.fills = Fill.domToFill(root);
// Parse Borders
self.borders = Border.domToBorder(root);
// Cell xf
Element cellXfs = root.element("cellXfs");
List sub = cellXfs.elements();
int i = 0;
for (Element e : sub) {
int style = 0;
// NumFmt
String numFmtId = getAttr(e, "numFmtId"); // applyNumberFormat = getAttr(e, "applyNumberFormat");
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(numFmtId) && !"0".equals(numFmtId)) {
style |= Integer.parseInt(numFmtId) << INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT;
// Font
String fontId = getAttr(e, "fontId"); // applyFont = getAttr(e, "applyFont");
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(fontId) && !"0".equals(fontId)) {
style |= Integer.parseInt(fontId) << INDEX_FONT;
// Fill
String fillId = getAttr(e, "fillId"); // applyFill = getAttr(e, "applyFill");
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(fillId) && !"0".equals(fillId)) {
style |= Integer.parseInt(fillId) << INDEX_FILL;
// Border
String borderId = getAttr(e, "borderId"); // applyBorder = getAttr(e, "applyBorder");
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(borderId) && !"0".equals(borderId)) {
style |= Integer.parseInt(borderId) << INDEX_BORDER;
// Alignment
Element alignment = e.element("alignment");
if (alignment != null) {
String horizontal = getAttr(alignment, "horizontal");
int index;
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(horizontal) && (index = StringUtil.indexOf(Horizontals._names, horizontal)) >= 0) {
style |= index << INDEX_HORIZONTAL;
String vertical = getAttr(alignment, "vertical");
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(vertical) && (index = StringUtil.indexOf(Verticals._names, vertical)) >= 0) {
style |= index << INDEX_VERTICAL;
} else style |= Verticals.BOTTOM;
String wrapText = getAttr(alignment, "wrapText");
style |= ("1".equals(wrapText) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(wrapText) ? 1 : 0) << INDEX_WRAP_TEXT;
}, i);
if (i >= self.styleIndex.length) {
self.styleIndex = Arrays.copyOf(self.styleIndex, self.styleIndex.length << 1);
self.styleIndex[i] = style;
// Test number format
for (Integer styleIndex : {
return self;
* 添加“格式化”,对格式化串去重处理
* 返回样式值中“格式化”部分的2进制值,拿到这个值后可以与其它部分值进行“或”运算以组成最终的样式值
* @param numFmt 格式化{@link NumFmt}
* @return 样式值中“格式化”部分的2进制值
public final int addNumFmt(NumFmt numFmt) {
if (numFmt.getId() < 0 || numFmt.getId() > 58) {
if (isEmpty(numFmt.getCode())) {
throw new NullPointerException("NumFmt code");
int index = BuiltInNumFmt.indexOf(numFmt.getCode());
// Build-in NumFmt
if (index > -1) {
} else {
int i = numFmts.indexOf(numFmt);
if (i <= -1) {
int id;
if (numFmts.isEmpty()) {
id = 164; // customer id
} else {
id = numFmts.get(numFmts.size() - 1).getId() + 1;
} else {
return numFmt.getId() << INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT;
* 添加“字体”
* 返回样式值中“字体”部分的2进制值,拿到这个值后可以与其它部分值进行“或”运算以组成最终的样式值
* @param font 字体{@link Font}
* @return 样式值中“字体”部分的2进制值
public final int addFont(Font font) {
if (isEmpty(font.getName())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Font name not support.");
int i = fonts.indexOf(font);
if (i <= -1) {
i = fonts.size();
return i << INDEX_FONT;
* 添加“填充”
* 返回样式值中“填充”部分的2进制值,拿到这个值后可以与其它部分值进行“或”运算以组成最终的样式值
* @param fill 填充{@link Font}
* @return 样式值中“填充”部分的2进制值
public final int addFill(Fill fill) {
int i = fills.indexOf(fill);
if (i <= -1) {
i = fills.size();
return i << INDEX_FILL;
* 添加“边框”
* 返回样式值中“边框”部分的2进制值,拿到这个值后可以与其它部分值进行“或”运算以组成最终的样式值
* @param border 边框{@link Border}
* @return 样式值中“边框”部分的2进制值
public final int addBorder(Border border) {
int i = borders.indexOf(border);
if (i <= -1) {
i = borders.size();
return i << INDEX_BORDER;
public static int[] unpack(int style) {
int[] styles = new int[7];
styles[0] = style >>> INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT;
styles[1] = style << 8 >>> (INDEX_FONT + 8);
styles[2] = style << 14 >>> (INDEX_FILL + 14);
styles[3] = style << 20 >>> (INDEX_BORDER + 20);
styles[4] = style << 26 >>> (INDEX_VERTICAL + 26);
styles[5] = style << 28 >>> (INDEX_HORIZONTAL + 28);
styles[6] = style << 31 >>> (INDEX_WRAP_TEXT + 31);
return styles;
public static int pack(int[] styles) {
return styles[0] << INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT
| styles[1] << INDEX_FONT
| styles[2] << INDEX_FILL
| styles[3] << INDEX_BORDER
| styles[4] << INDEX_VERTICAL
| styles[5] << INDEX_HORIZONTAL
| styles[6] << INDEX_WRAP_TEXT
private static final String[] attrNames = {
, "fontId"
, "fillId"
, "borderId"
, "vertical"
, "horizontal"
, "wrapText"
, "applyNumberFormat"
, "applyFont"
, "applyFill"
, "applyBorder"
, "applyAlignment"
* Write style to disk
* @param styleFile the storage path
* @throws IOException if I/O error occur
public void writeTo(Path styleFile) throws IOException {
if (document == null) document = createDocument();
Element root = document.getRootElement();
// Number format
if (!numFmts.isEmpty()) {
Element element = document.getRootElement().element("numFmts");
for (NumFmt numFmt : numFmts) numFmt.toDom(element);
// Font
if (!fonts.isEmpty()) {
Element element = document.getRootElement().element("fonts");
for (Font font : fonts) font.toDom(element);
// Fill
if (!fills.isEmpty()) {
Element element = document.getRootElement().element("fills");
for (Fill fill : fills) fill.toDom(element);
// Border
if (!borders.isEmpty()) {
Element element = document.getRootElement().element("borders");
for (Border border : borders) border.toDom(element);
Element cellXfs = root.element("cellXfs").addAttribute("count", String.valueOf(map.size()));
for (int i = 0, len = counter.get(); i < len; i++) {
int[] styles = unpack(styleIndex[i]);
Element newXf = cellXfs.addElement("xf");
newXf.addAttribute(attrNames[0], String.valueOf(styles[0]))
.addAttribute(attrNames[1], String.valueOf(styles[1]))
.addAttribute(attrNames[2], String.valueOf(styles[2]))
.addAttribute(attrNames[3], String.valueOf(styles[3]))
.addAttribute("xfId", "0")
int start = 7;
if (styles[0] > 0) {
newXf.addAttribute(attrNames[start], "1");
if (styles[1] > 0) {
newXf.addAttribute(attrNames[start + 1], "1");
if (styles[2] > 0) {
newXf.addAttribute(attrNames[start + 2], "1");
if (styles[3] > 0) {
newXf.addAttribute(attrNames[start + 3], "1");
if ((styles[4] | styles[5] | styles[6]) > 0) {
newXf.addAttribute(attrNames[start + 4], "1");
Element subEle = newXf.addElement("alignment").addAttribute(attrNames[4], Verticals._names[styles[4]]);
if (styles[5] > 0) {
subEle.addAttribute(attrNames[5], Horizontals._names[styles[5]]);
if (styles[6] > 0) {
subEle.addAttribute(attrNames[6], "1");
FileUtil.writeToDiskNoFormat(document, styleFile);
public static Document createDocument() {
DocumentFactory factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
TopNS ns = Styles.class.getAnnotation(TopNS.class);
Element rootElement;
if (ns != null) {
rootElement = factory.createElement(ns.value(), ns.uri()[0]);
} else {
rootElement = factory.createElement("styleSheet", Const.SCHEMA_MAIN);
// number format
rootElement.addElement("numFmts").addAttribute("count", "0");
// font
rootElement.addElement("fonts").addAttribute("count", "0");
// fill
rootElement.addElement("fills").addAttribute("count", "0");
// border
rootElement.addElement("borders").addAttribute("count", "0");
// cellStyleXfs
Element cellStyleXfs = rootElement.addElement("cellStyleXfs").addAttribute("count", "1");
cellStyleXfs.addElement("xf") // General style
.addAttribute("borderId", "0")
.addAttribute("fillId", "0")
.addAttribute("fontId", "0")
.addAttribute("numFmtId", "0")
.addAttribute("vertical", "center");
// cellXfs
rootElement.addElement("cellXfs").addAttribute("count", "0");
// cellStyles
Element cellStyles = rootElement.addElement("cellStyles").addAttribute("count", "1");
.addAttribute("builtinId", "0")
.addAttribute("name", "常规")
.addAttribute("xfId", "0");
return factory.createDocument(rootElement);
////////////////////////clear style///////////////////////////////
* 清除样式中的“格式化”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“格式化”后的样式
public static int clearNumFmt(int style) {
return style & (-1 >>> 32 - INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT);
* 清除样式中的“字体”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“字体”后的样式
public static int clearFont(int style) {
return style & ~((-1 >>> 32 - (INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT - INDEX_FONT)) << INDEX_FONT);
* 清除样式中的“填充”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“填充”后的样式
public static int clearFill(int style) {
return style & ~((-1 >>> 32 - (INDEX_FONT - INDEX_FILL)) << INDEX_FILL);
* 清除样式中的“边框”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“边框”后的样式
public static int clearBorder(int style) {
return style & ~((-1 >>> 32 - (INDEX_FILL - INDEX_BORDER)) << INDEX_BORDER);
* 清除样式中的“垂直对齐”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“垂直对齐”后的样式
public static int clearVertical(int style) {
return style & ~((-1 >>> 32 - (INDEX_BORDER - INDEX_VERTICAL)) << INDEX_VERTICAL);
* 清除样式中的“水平对齐”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“水平对齐”后的样式
public static int clearHorizontal(int style) {
return style & ~((-1 >>> 32 - (INDEX_VERTICAL - INDEX_HORIZONTAL)) << INDEX_HORIZONTAL);
* 清除样式中的“自动折行”
* @param style 样式值
* @return 清除“自动折行”后的样式
public static int clearWrapText(int style) {
return style & ~(-1 >>> 32 - (INDEX_HORIZONTAL - INDEX_WRAP_TEXT));
////////////////////////default border style/////////////////////////////
public static int defaultCharBorderStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_BORDER) | (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.CENTER;
public static int defaultStringBorderStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_BORDER) | (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.LEFT;
public static int defaultIntBorderStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_BORDER) | (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.RIGHT;
public static int defaultDoubleBorderStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_BORDER) | (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.RIGHT;
////////////////////////default style/////////////////////////////
public static int defaultCharStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.CENTER;
public static int defaultStringStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.LEFT;
public static int defaultIntStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.RIGHT;
public static int defaultDoubleStyle() {
return (1 << INDEX_FONT) | Horizontals.RIGHT;
////////////////////////////////Check style////////////////////////////////
* 判断样式是否包含“格式化"
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 包含”格式化“
public static boolean hasNumFmt(int style) {
return style >>> INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT != 0;
* 判断样式是否包含“字体"
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 包含”字体“
public static boolean hasFont(int style) {
return true; // Font is required
* 判断样式是否包含“填充"
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 包含”填充“
public static boolean hasFill(int style) {
return style << 14 >>> (INDEX_FILL + 14) != 0;
* 判断样式是否包含“边框"
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 包含”边框“
public static boolean hasBorder(int style) {
return style << 20 >>> (INDEX_BORDER + 20) != 0;
* 判断样式是否包含“垂直对齐"
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 包含”垂直对齐“(非默认)
public static boolean hasVertical(int style) {
return style << 26 >>> (INDEX_VERTICAL + 26) != 0;
* 判断样式是否包含“水平对齐"
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 包含”水平对齐“(非默认)
public static boolean hasHorizontal(int style) {
return style << 28 >>> (INDEX_HORIZONTAL + 28) != 0;
* 判断样式是否自动折行
* @param style 样式值
* @return true: 自动折行
public static boolean hasWrapText(int style) {
return (style & 1) > 0;
////////////////////////////////To object//////////////////////////////////
* 获取样式中的格式化值
* @param style 样式值
* @return 格式化或 {@code null}
public NumFmt getNumFmt(int style) {
int n = style >>> INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT;
if (n <= 0) return null;
NumFmt fmt = null;
// 优先从自定义队列中查找
for (NumFmt e : numFmts) {
if ( == n) {
fmt = e;
// 不在内置队列中则从内置格式化队列中查找
if (fmt == null) {
// 内置格式化不全可能返回null
fmt = BuiltInNumFmt.get(n);
if (fmt == null && n <= 58) fmt = new NumFmt().setId(n);
return fmt;
* 获取样式中的格式化
* @param style 样式值
* @return 当前样式包含的格式化,不含格式化时返回{@code null}
public Fill getFill(int style) {
return fills.get(style << 14 >>> (INDEX_FILL + 14));
* 获取样式中的字体
* @param style 样式值
* @return 当前样式包含的字体,样式一定包含字体
public Font getFont(int style) {
return fonts.get(Math.max(0, style << 8 >>> (INDEX_FONT + 8)));
* 获取样式中的边框
* @param style 样式值
* @return 当前样式包含的边框,不含边框时返回{@code null}
public Border getBorder(int style) {
return borders.get(style << 20 >>> (INDEX_BORDER + 20));
* 获取样式中的垂直对齐,参考范围{@link Verticals}
* @param style 样式值
* @return 当前样式包含的垂直对齐
public int getVertical(int style) {
return style << 26 >>> (INDEX_VERTICAL + 26) << INDEX_VERTICAL;
* 获取样式中的水平对齐,参考范围{@link Horizontals}
* @param style 样式值
* @return 当前样式包含的水平对齐
public int getHorizontal(int style) {
return style << 28 >>> (INDEX_HORIZONTAL + 28) << INDEX_HORIZONTAL;
* 获取样式中自动折行标记,标记为{@code 1}时表示自动折行
* @param style 样式值
* @return 1: 自动折行
public int getWrapText(int style) {
return style & 1;
* Returns the attribute value from Element
* @param element current element
* @param attr the attr name
* @return the attr value
public static String getAttr(Element element, String attr) {
return element != null ? element.attributeValue(attr) : null;
* Parse color tag
* @param element color tag
* @return awt.Color or null
public static Color parseColor(Element element) {
if (element == null) return null;
String rgb = getAttr(element, "rgb"), indexed = getAttr(element, "indexed")
, auto = getAttr(element, "auto"), theme = getAttr(element, "theme");
Color c = null;
// Standard Alpha Red Green Blue color value (ARGB).
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(rgb)) {
c = toColor(rgb);
// Indexed color value. Only used for backwards compatibility.
// References a color in indexedColors.
else if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(indexed)) {
// if indexed greater than 64 means auto.
c = new BuildInColor(Integer.parseInt(indexed));
// A boolean value indicating the color is automatic and system color dependent.
else if ("1".equals(auto) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(auto)) {
c = new BuildInColor(64);
// Theme colors
else if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(theme)) {
int t = 0;
try {
t = Integer.parseInt(theme);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) { }
if (t < 0 || t > 11) {
LOGGER.warn("Unknown theme color index {}", t);
t = 0;
Color themeColor = ColorIndex.themeColors[t];
String tint = getAttr(element, "tint");
c = HlsColor.calculateColor(themeColor, tint);
return c;
* Test the style is data format
* @param styleIndex the style index
* @return true if the style content data format
public boolean isDate(int styleIndex) {
// Test from cache
if (dateFmtCache != null && dateFmtCache.contains(styleIndex)) return true;
if (styleIndex > counter.get()) return false;
int style = this.styleIndex[styleIndex];
int nf = style >> INDEX_NUMBER_FORMAT & 0xFF;
// No number format
if (nf == 0) return false;
boolean isDate;
NumFmt numFmt;
// Test by numFmt code
if (!(isDate = isBuildInDateFormat(nf))
&& (numFmt = findFmtById(nf)) != null
&& (isNotEmpty(numFmt.getCode()))) {
isDate = testCodeIsDate(numFmt.getCode());
// Put into data/time format cache
// Ignore the style code, Uniform use of 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' format output
if (isDate) {
if (dateFmtCache == null) dateFmtCache = new HashSet<>();
return isDate;
// All indexes from 0 to 163 are reserved for built-in formats.
// The first user-defined format starts at 164.
private static boolean isBuildInDateFormat(int nf) {
return nf < 164 && (nf >= 14 && nf <= 22
|| nf >= 27 && nf <= 36
|| nf >= 45 && nf <= 47
|| nf >= 50 && nf <= 58
|| nf == 81);
public static boolean testCodeIsDate(String code) {
char[] chars = code.toCharArray();
int score = 0;
byte[] byteScore = new byte[26];
for (int i = 0, size = chars.length; i < size; ) {
char c = chars[i];
// To lower case
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) c += 32;
int a = ++i;
if (c == '[') {
// Found the end char ']'
for (; i < size && chars[i] != ']'; i++) ;
int len = i - a + 1;
// DBNum{n}
if (len == 6 && chars[a] == 'D' && chars[a + 1] == 'B' && chars[a + 2] == 'N'
&& chars[a + 3] == 'u' && chars[a + 4] == 'm') {
int n = chars[a + 5] - '0';
// If use "[DBNum{n}]" etc. as the Excel display format, you can use Chinese numerals.
if (n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 3) break;
// Maybe is a LCID
// [$-xxyyzzzz]
else if (i - a > 2 && chars[a] == '$' && chars[a + 1] == '-') {
// Language & Calendar Identifier
// String lcid = new String(chars, a + 2, i - a - 2);
// Maybe the format is a data
score = 50;
} else {
switch (c) {
case 'y':
case 'm':
case 'd':
case 'h':
case 's':
for (; i < size && chars[i] == c; i++) ;
byteScore[c - 'a'] += i - a + 1;
case 'a':
case 'p':
if (a < size && chars[a] == 'm')
byteScore[c - 'a'] += 1;
// Exclude case
// y > 4
// h > 4
// s > 4
// am > 1 || pm > 1
if (byteScore[24] > 4 || byteScore[7] > 4 || byteScore[18] > 4 || byteScore[0] > 1 || byteScore[15] > 1) {
return false;
// Calculating the score
// Plus 5 points for each keywords
score += byteScore[0] * 5; // am
score += byteScore[3] * 5; // d
score += byteScore[7] * 5; // h
score += byteScore[12] * 5; // m
score += byteScore[15] * 5; // pm
score += byteScore[18] * 5; // s
score += byteScore[24] * 5; // y
// Addition calculation if consecutive keywords appear
// y + m + d
if (byteScore[24] > 0 && byteScore[12] > 0 && byteScore[3] > 0
&& byteScore[24] + byteScore[12] + byteScore[3] >= 4) {
score += 70;
// y + m
} else if (byteScore[24] > 0 && byteScore[12] > 0 && byteScore[24] + byteScore[12] >= 3) {
score += 60;
// m + d
} else if (byteScore[12] > 0 && byteScore[3] > 0) {
score += 60;
// Code is yyyy or yy
} else if (byteScore[24] == chars.length) {
score += 60;
// h + m + s
if (byteScore[7] > 0 && byteScore[12] > 0 && byteScore[18] > 0
&& byteScore[7] + byteScore[12] + byteScore[18] > 3) {
score += 70;
// h + m
} else if (byteScore[7] > 0 && byteScore[12] > 0) {
score += 60;
// m + s
} else if (byteScore[12] > 0 && byteScore[18] > 0) {
score += 60;
// am + pm
if (byteScore[0] + byteScore[15] == 2) {
score += 50;
return score >= 70;
// Find the number format in array
private NumFmt findFmtById(int id) {
if (numFmts == null || numFmts.isEmpty())
return null;
NumFmt fmt = numFmts.get(numFmts.size() - 1);
if (fmt.getId() > id) {
int n = Collections.binarySearch(numFmts, new NumFmt(id, null));
return n >= 0 ? numFmts.get(n) : null;
return fmt.getId() == id ? fmt : null;
* Fast test cell value is data/time value
* @param styleIndex the style index
* @return true if the style content data format
* @deprecated Replace with {@link #isDate(int)}
public boolean fastTestDateFmt(int styleIndex) {
return dateFmtCache != null && dateFmtCache.contains(styleIndex);
* Append a date format back into cache
* @param xf the XFRecord id
public void addDateFmtCache(int xf) {
if (dateFmtCache == null) dateFmtCache = new HashSet<>();
* Converts a String
to an integer and returns the
* specified opaque Color
. This method handles string
* formats that are used to represent octal and hexadecimal numbers.
* @param v hexadecimal numbers or color name
* @return the new Color
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if convert failed.
public static Color toColor(String v) {
Color color = null;
final String source = v;
if (v.charAt(0) != '#') {
try {
Field field = Color.class.getDeclaredField(v);
color = (Color) field.get(null);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
if (v.length() > 6) v = v.substring(v.length() - 6);
v = '#' + v;
if (color == null) {
try {
color = Color.decode(v);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Color \"" + source + "\" not support.");
return color;
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