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laika.api.config.ConfigDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package laika.api.config

import cats.syntax.all.*
import laika.api.config.ConfigError.{ DecodingFailed, InvalidType }
import laika.api.config.ConfigValue.*
import laika.ast.*
import laika.ast.RelativePath.CurrentDocument
import laika.config.PlatformDateTime

import scala.util.Try

/** A type class that can decode a ConfigValue to an instance of T.
  * @author Jens Halm
trait ConfigDecoder[T] { self =>

  /** Decode the given traced value.
    * The object passed to this method is of type `Traced[ConfigValue]`,
    * which passes the `Origin` alongside the actual value. The origin
    * can be used to resolve relative paths and similar tasks.
  def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]): Either[ConfigError, T]

  def flatMap[U](f: T => Either[ConfigError, U]): ConfigDecoder[U] = new ConfigDecoder[U] {
    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = self.apply(value).flatMap(f)

  def map[U](f: T => U): ConfigDecoder[U] = new ConfigDecoder[U] {
    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = self.apply(value).map(f)


/** Companion containing default decoder implementations for simple values and Seq's.
object ConfigDecoder {

  implicit val boolean: ConfigDecoder[Boolean] = new ConfigDecoder[Boolean] {

    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = value.value match {
      case BooleanValue(b) => Right(b)
      case invalid         => Left(InvalidType("Boolean", invalid))


  implicit val string: ConfigDecoder[String] = new ConfigDecoder[String] {

    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = value.value match {
      case s: SimpleValue => Right(s.render)
      case invalid        => Left(InvalidType("String", invalid))


  implicit val int: ConfigDecoder[Int] = new ConfigDecoder[Int] {

    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = value.value match {
      case LongValue(n)   =>
        Either.cond(n.isValidInt, n.toInt, DecodingFailed(s"not a valid integer: $n"))
      case DoubleValue(n) =>
        Either.cond(n.isValidInt, n.toInt, DecodingFailed(s"not a valid integer: $n"))
      case StringValue(s) =>
        Try(s.toInt) => DecodingFailed(s"not an integer: $s"))
      case invalid        => Left(InvalidType("Number", invalid))


  implicit val double: ConfigDecoder[Double] = new ConfigDecoder[Double] {

    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = value.value match {
      case LongValue(n)   => Right(n.toDouble)
      case DoubleValue(n) => Right(n)
      case StringValue(s) =>
        Try(s.toDouble) => DecodingFailed(s"not a double: $s"))
      case invalid        => Left(InvalidType("Number", invalid))


  implicit val config: ConfigDecoder[Config] = {
    case Traced(ov: ObjectValue, _)      => Right(ov.toConfig)
    case Traced(invalid: ConfigValue, _) => Left(InvalidType("Object", invalid))

  implicit val configValue: ConfigDecoder[ConfigValue] = new ConfigDecoder[ConfigValue] {
    def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = Right(value.value)

  implicit def tracedValue[T](implicit valueDecoder: ConfigDecoder[T]): ConfigDecoder[Traced[T]] =
    new ConfigDecoder[Traced[T]] {

      def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) =
        valueDecoder(value).map(res => value.copy(value = res))


  private def resolvePath(path: VirtualPath, origin: Origin): Path =
    path match {
      case c: CurrentDocument => origin.path / c
      case p: RelativePath    => origin.path.parent / p
      case p: Path            => p

  implicit lazy val path: ConfigDecoder[Path] = tracedValue[String].map { tracedValue =>
    resolvePath(VirtualPath.parse(tracedValue.value), tracedValue.origin)

  implicit lazy val target: ConfigDecoder[Target] = tracedValue[String].map { tracedValue =>
    Target.parse(tracedValue.value) match {
      case et: ExternalTarget => et
      case it: InternalTarget => InternalTarget(resolvePath(it.underlying, tracedValue.origin))

  implicit lazy val date: ConfigDecoder[PlatformDateTime.Type] = string.flatMap { dateString =>
    PlatformDateTime.parse(dateString) => DecodingFailed(s"Invalid date format: $err"))

  implicit lazy val uri: ConfigDecoder[URI] = string.flatMap { uriString =>
    Try(new URI(uriString)) => DecodingFailed(s"Invalid URI format: $err"))

  implicit def seq[T](implicit elementDecoder: ConfigDecoder[T]): ConfigDecoder[Seq[T]] =
    new ConfigDecoder[Seq[T]] {

      def apply(value: Traced[ConfigValue]) = value.value match {
        case ArrayValue(values) =>
          val (errors, results) =
   => elementDecoder(Traced(v, value.origin))).separate
          if (errors.nonEmpty)
                s"One or more errors decoding array elements: ${", ")}"
          else Right(results)
        case invalid            => Left(InvalidType("Array", invalid))


  implicit def nec[T](implicit elementDecoder: ConfigDecoder[T]): ConfigDecoder[NonEmptyChain[T]] =
    seq[T].flatMap { seq =>
      NonEmptyChain.fromSeq(seq).toRight(DecodingFailed("Sequence must not be empty"))

  implicit def map[T](implicit valueDecoder: ConfigDecoder[T]): ConfigDecoder[Map[String, T]] = {
    case Traced(ov: ObjectValue, origin) =>
      val (errors, results) = { field =>
        valueDecoder(Traced(field.value, origin)).map((field.key, _))
      if (errors.nonEmpty)
        Left(DecodingFailed(s"One or more errors decoding map values: ${errors.mkString(", ")}"))
      else Right(results.toMap)
    case Traced(invalid: ConfigValue, _) => Left(InvalidType("Object", invalid))


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