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laika.internal.parse.hocon.ConfigResolver.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package laika.internal.parse.hocon

import laika.api.config.{ Config, ConfigError, ConfigValue, Field, Key, Origin }
import laika.internal.collection.TransitionalCollectionOps.*
import laika.api.config.Config.IncludeMap
import laika.api.config.ConfigError.{ InvalidField, InvalidFields, ResolverFailed }
import laika.api.config.ConfigValue.*
import laika.parse.Failure

import scala.collection.mutable

/** Translates the interim configuration model (usually obtained from a HOCON parser)
  * into the final object model. It turns a root `ObjectBuilderValue` into
  * a root `ObjectValue`.
  * The translation step involves the following steps:
  * - Expand keys (e.g. `{ a.b.c = 7 }` will become `{ a = { b = { c = 7 }}}`
  * - Merge objects with a common base path
  * - Merge concatenated values (e.g. `[1,2] [3,4]` will become `[1,2,3,4]`
  * - Resolve substitution variables (potentially using the provided fallback if not found in
  *   in the provided unresolved root)
  * @author Jens Halm
private[laika] object ConfigResolver {

  /** Translates the interim configuration model (usually obtained from a HOCON parser)
    * into the final object model. It turns a root `ObjectBuilderValue` into
    * a root `ObjectValue`.
    * The translation step involves the following steps:
    * - Expand keys (e.g. `{ a.b.c = 7 }` will become `{ a = { b = { c = 7 }}}`
    * - Merge objects with a common base path
    * - Merge concatenated values (e.g. `[1,2] [3,4]` will become `[1,2,3,4]`
    * - Resolve substitution variables (potentially using the provided fallback if not found in
    *   in the provided unresolved root)
  def resolve(
      root: ObjectBuilderValue,
      origin: Origin,
      fallback: Config,
      includes: IncludeMap
  ): Either[ConfigError, ObjectValue] = {

    val errors = extractErrors(root)

    NonEmptyChain.fromSeq(errors) match {
      case (Some(errs)) => Left(InvalidFields(errs))
      case None         =>
        val rootExpanded = mergeObjects(expandPaths(root))

        val activeFields   = mutable.Set.empty[Key]
        val resolvedFields = mutable.Map.empty[Key, ConfigValue]
        val startedObjects =
          mutable.Map.empty[Key, ObjectBuilderValue] // may be in progress or resolved
        val invalidPaths = mutable.Map.empty[Key, String]

        def resolvedValue(path: Key): Option[ConfigValue] = resolvedFields.get(path)

        def deepMerge(o1: ObjectValue, o2: ObjectValue): ObjectValue = {
          val resolvedFields =
            (o1.values ++ o2.values).groupBy(_.key).mapValuesStrict( {
              case (name, values) => Field(name, values.reduce(merge), origin)

        def resolveValue(key: Key)(value: ConfigBuilderValue): Option[ConfigValue] = value match {
          case o: ObjectBuilderValue   => Some(resolveObject(o, key))
          case a: ArrayBuilderValue    =>
            Some(ArrayValue(a.values.flatMap(resolveValue(key)))) // TODO - adjust path?
          case r: ResolvedBuilderValue => Some(r.value)
          case s: ValidStringValue     => Some(StringValue(s.value))
          case c: ConcatValue          =>
          case m: MergedValue          => resolveMergedValue(key: Key)(m.values.reverse)
          case SelfReference           => None
          case _: InvalidStringValue   => None
          case SubstitutionValue(ref, true) if ref == key => None
          case SubstitutionValue(ref, optional)           =>
            resolvedValue(ref).orElse(lookahead(ref)).orElse {
              if (!optional) invalidPaths += ((key, s"Missing required reference: '$ref'"))
          case _                                          => None

        def resolveMergedValue(key: Key)(values: Seq[ConfigBuilderValue]): Option[ConfigValue] = {

          def loop(values: Seq[ConfigBuilderValue]): Option[ConfigValue] =
            (resolveValue(key)(values.head), values.tail) match {
              case (Some(ov: ObjectValue), Nil)  => Some(ov)
              case (Some(ov: ObjectValue), rest) =>
                loop(rest) match {
                  case Some(o2: ObjectValue) => Some(merge(o2, ov))
                  case _                     => Some(ov)
              case (Some(other), _)              => Some(other)
              case (None, Nil)                   => None
              case (None, rest)                  => loop(rest)


        def lookahead(key: Key): Option[ConfigValue] = {

          def resolvedParent(current: Key): Option[(ObjectBuilderValue, Key)] = {
            if (current.segments.isEmpty) Some((rootExpanded, current))
            else {
              val matching = startedObjects.toSeq.filter(o => current.isChild(o._1))
              val sorted   = matching.sortBy(_._1.segments.length)
              sorted.lastOption.fold(resolvedParent(current.parent)) { case (commonPath, obv) =>
                Some((obv, Key(current.segments.take(commonPath.segments.size + 1))))

          if (activeFields.contains(key)) {
            invalidPaths += ((key, s"Circular Reference involving path '$key'"))
          else {
            resolvedParent(key).flatMap { case (obj, fieldPath) =>
              obj.values.find(_.validKey == fieldPath).map(_.value).foreach(
                resolveField(fieldPath, _)

        def resolveConcatPart(key: Key)(part: ConcatPart): Option[ConfigValue] = part.value match {
          case SelfReference => None
          case other         =>
            resolveValue(key)(other) match {
              case Some(simpleValue: SimpleValue) =>
                Some(StringValue(part.whitespace + simpleValue.render))
              case Some(_: ASTValue)              => None
              case other                          => other

        def concat(key: Key)(v1: ConfigValue, v2: ConfigValue): ConfigValue = {
          (v1, v2) match {
            case (o1: ObjectValue, o2: ObjectValue) => deepMerge(o1, o2)
            case (a1: ArrayValue, a2: ArrayValue)   => ArrayValue(a1.values ++ a2.values)
            case (s1: StringValue, s2: StringValue) => StringValue(s1.value ++ s2.value)
            case (NullValue, a2: ArrayValue)        => a2
            case _                                  =>
              invalidPaths += ((
                s"Invalid concatenation of values. It must contain either only objects, only arrays or only simple values"

        def merge(v1: ConfigValue, v2: ConfigValue): ConfigValue = {
          (v1, v2) match {
            case (o1: ObjectValue, o2: ObjectValue) => deepMerge(o1, o2)
            case (_, c2)                            => c2

        def resolveField(
            key: Key,
            value: ConfigBuilderValue
        ): Option[ConfigValue] = {
          resolvedValue(key).orElse {
            activeFields += key
            val res = resolveValue(key)(value)
            activeFields -= key
            res.foreach { resolved =>
              resolvedFields += ((key, resolved))

        def resolveObject(obj: ObjectBuilderValue, key: Key): ObjectValue = {
          startedObjects += ((key, obj))

          def resolve(field: BuilderField): Option[Field] =
            resolveField(field.validKey, field.value).map(
              Field(field.validKey.local.toString, _, origin)

          val resolvedFields = obj.values.flatMap {
            case BuilderField(_, IncludeBuilderValue(resource)) =>
              includes.get(resource) match {
                case None                  =>
                  if (resource.isRequired)
                    invalidPaths += ((
                      s"Missing required include '${resource.resourceId.value}'"
                case Some(Left(error))     =>
                  invalidPaths += ((
                    s"Error including '${resource.resourceId.value}': ${error.message}"
                case Some(Right(included)) =>
                  resolveObject(included, key).values
            case field                                          => resolve(field)

        val res = resolveObject(rootExpanded, Key.root)

        if (invalidPaths.nonEmpty)
              s"One or more errors resolving configuration: ${
         { case (key, msg) => s"'$key': $msg" }.mkString(", ")
        else Right(res)

  /** Merges objects with a common base path into a single one.
    * ```
    * a = { b = { c = 7 }}
    * a = { b = { d = 9 }}
    * ```
    * will become
    * ```
    * a = { b = { c = 7, d = 9 }}
    * ```
    * @param obj
    * @return
  def mergeObjects(obj: ObjectBuilderValue): ObjectBuilderValue = {

    def resolveSelfReference(
        key: Key,
        value: ConcatValue,
        parent: ConfigBuilderValue
    ): ConfigBuilderValue = {
      def resolve(value: ConfigBuilderValue): ConfigBuilderValue = value match {
        case SelfReference                           => parent
        case SubstitutionValue(ref, _) if ref == key => parent
        case other                                   => other
      val resolved                                               =
        ConcatValue(resolve(value.first), => p.copy(value = resolve(p.value))))
      if (resolved == value) MergedValue(Seq(parent, value)) else resolved

    def mergeValues(
        key: Key
    )(cbv1: ConfigBuilderValue, cbv2: ConfigBuilderValue): ConfigBuilderValue = (cbv1, cbv2) match {
      case (o1: ObjectBuilderValue, o2: ObjectBuilderValue) =>
        mergeObjects(ObjectBuilderValue(o1.values ++ o2.values))
      case (v1, SelfReference)                              => v1
      case (v1, SubstitutionValue(ref, _)) if ref == key    => v1
      case (_, r2: ResolvedBuilderValue)                    => r2
      case (_, a2: ArrayBuilderValue)                       => a2
      case (_, o2: ObjectBuilderValue)                      => o2
      case (v1, c2: ConcatValue)                            => resolveSelfReference(key, c2, v1)
      case (MergedValue(vs), v2)                            => MergedValue(vs :+ v2)
      case (v1, v2)                                         => MergedValue(Seq(v1, v2))

    val mergedFields =
      obj.values.groupBy(_.key.getOrElse(Key.root)).mapValuesStrict( {
        case (key, values) =>
          val merged = values.reduce(mergeValues(key)) match {
            case obj: ObjectBuilderValue => mergeObjects(obj)
            case other                   => other
          BuilderField(key, merged)

  /** Expands all flattened path expressions to nested objects.
    * ```
    * { a.b.c = 7 }
    * ```
    * will become
    * ```
    * { a = { b = { c = 7 }}}
    * ```
  def expandPaths(obj: ObjectBuilderValue, key: Key = Key.root): ObjectBuilderValue = {

    def expandValue(value: ConfigBuilderValue, child: Key): ConfigBuilderValue = value match {
      case o: ObjectBuilderValue => expandPaths(o, child)
      case a: ArrayBuilderValue  =>
        val expandedElements = { case (element, index) =>
          expandValue(element, child.child(index.toString))
      case c: ConcatValue        =>
          first = expandValue(c.first, child),
          rest = => part.copy(value = expandValue(part.value, child)))
      case other                 => other

    val expandedFields = { field =>
      field.validKey.segments.toList match {
        case name :: Nil  =>
            key = Right(key.child(name)),
            value = expandValue(field.value, key.child(name))
        case name :: rest =>
            key = Right(key.child(name)),
            value = expandPaths(
              ObjectBuilderValue(Seq(BuilderField(Right(Key(rest)), field.value))),
        case Nil          =>
            key = Right(Key.root),
            value = expandValue(field.value, Key.root) // TODO - should never get here
    obj.copy(values = expandedFields)

  /* Extracts all invalid values from the unresolved config tree */
  def extractErrors(obj: ObjectBuilderValue, parentPath: String = ""): Seq[InvalidField] = {

    def extract(field: String, value: ConfigBuilderValue): Seq[InvalidField] = {
      def wrap(failure: Failure): Seq[InvalidField] = {
        val fieldName = if (parentPath.isEmpty) field else s"$parentPath.$field"
        Seq(InvalidField(fieldName, failure))
      value match {
        case InvalidStringValue(_, failure)                          => wrap(failure)
        case InvalidBuilderValue(ArrayBuilderValue(values), failure) =>
          val nested = values.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (arrValue, index) =>
            extract(field + "." + index, arrValue)
          if (nested.isEmpty) wrap(failure) else nested
        case InvalidBuilderValue(obj: ObjectBuilderValue, failure)   =>
          val nested = extractErrors(obj)
          if (nested.isEmpty) wrap(failure) else nested
        case InvalidBuilderValue(_, failure)                         => wrap(failure)
        case incl: IncludeBuilderValue                               =>
          incl.resource.resourceId match {
            case InvalidStringValue(_, failure) => wrap(failure)
            case _                              => Nil
        case child: ObjectBuilderValue                               =>
          val fieldName = if (parentPath.isEmpty) field else s"$parentPath.$field"
          extractErrors(child, fieldName)
        case child: ArrayBuilderValue                                =>
          child.values.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (arrValue, index) =>
            extract(field + "." + index, arrValue)
        case concat: ConcatValue                                     =>
          (concat.first +:, _))
        case _                                                       => Nil

    obj.values.flatMap {
      case BuilderField(Left(InvalidStringValue(_, failure)), inv: InvalidBuilderValue)
          if failure.message.contains("unquoted string") =>
        // keep the message of the value failure with the position of the key failure for more clarity
        Seq(InvalidField("", failure.copy(msgProvider = inv.failure.msgProvider)))
      case BuilderField(Left(InvalidStringValue(_, failure)), _) =>
        Seq(InvalidField("", failure))
      case BuilderField(name, value) => extract(""), value)


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