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laika.parse.text.TextParsers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package laika.parse.text

import laika.parse.{ Failure, Message, Parser, Success }
import laika.parse.combinator.Parsers

/** Base text parsers that provide optimized low-level parsers for typical requirements
  *  of text markup parsers. In particular they are meant as an efficient replacement
  *  for scenarios where usually regex parsers are used. In cases where different parsers
  *  need to be tried for relatively short input sequences, regex parsers tend to be less
  *  efficient. Furthermore, these base parsers may also improve readability, as it
  *  allows to combine simple low-level parsers to higher-level parsers based on the
  *  Laika combinator API, instead of producing long regexes which may be hard to read.
  *  @author Jens Halm
trait TextParsers extends Parsers {

  /** Creates a NonEmptySet from a Character range.
    * This set can then be passed to parsers like `anyOf` or `oneOf`
    * which expect a NonEmptySet as a parameter.
  def range(fromChar: Char, toChar: Char): NonEmptySet[Char] = {
    val range = if (fromChar > toChar) toChar to fromChar else fromChar to toChar
    NonEmptySet.of(range.head, range.tail: _*)

  /**  A parser that matches only the specified literal string.
    *  The method is implicit so that strings can automatically be lifted to their parsers.
  def literal(expected: String): PrefixedParser[String] = new Literal(expected)

  /** Parses horizontal whitespace (space and tab).
    * Always succeeds, consuming all whitespace found.
  lazy val ws: Characters[String] = anyOf(' ', '\t')

  /** Succeeds at the end of a line, including the end of the input.
    *  Produces an empty string as a result and consumes any new line characters.
  val eol: Parser[Unit] = Parser { in =>
    if (in.atEnd) Success((), in)
    else if (in.char == '\n') Success((), in.consume(1))
    else if (in.char == '\r' && in.remaining > 1 && in.charAt(1) == '\n') Success((), in.consume(2))
    else Failure(Message.ExpectedEOL, in)

  /** Parses any number of whitespace characters followed
    * by a newline character.
  val wsEol: Parser[Unit] = ws.void ~> eol

  /** Succeeds at the end of the input.
  val eof: Parser[String] = Parser { in =>
    if (in.atEnd) Success("", in)
    else Failure(Message.ExpectedEOF, in)

  /** Succeeds at the start of the input.
  val atStart: Parser[Unit] = Parser { in =>
    if (in.offset == 0) Success((), in)
    else Failure(Message.ExpectedStart, in)

  /** Parses a blank line from the current input offset (which may not be at the
    *  start of the line). Fails for lines that contain any non-whitespace character.
    *  Does always produce an empty string as the result, discarding any whitespace
    *  characters found in the line.
    *  Since it also succeeds at the end of the input
    *  it should never be used in the form of `(blankLine *)` or `(blankLine +)`. Use
    *  the `blankLines` parser instead in these cases.
  val blankLine: Parser[String] ="")

  /** Parses one or more blank lines, producing a list of empty strings corresponding
    * to the number of blank lines consumed.
  val blankLines: Parser[List[String]] = (not(eof) ~> blankLine).rep.min(1)

  /** Parses the rest of the line from the current input offset no matter whether
    *  it consist of whitespace only or some text. Does not include the eol character(s).
  val restOfLine: Parser[String] = anyNot('\n', '\r') <~ eol

  /** Parses a single text line from the current input offset (which may not be at the
    *  start of the line). Fails for blank lines. Does not include the eol character(s).
  val textLine: Parser[String] = not(blankLine) ~> restOfLine

  /** Verifies that the previous character is not one of those specified.
    * Succeeds at the start of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def prevNot(char: Char, chars: Char*): Parser[Unit] = prevNot(NonEmptySet.of(char, chars: _*))

  /** Verifies that the previous character is not one of those specified.
    * Succeeds at the start of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def prevNot(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Parser[Unit] = prevNot(chars.contains(_))

  /** Verifies that the previous character does not satisfy the specified predicate.
    * Succeeds at the start of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def prevNot(predicate: Char => Boolean): Parser[Unit] = {
    val errMsg: Char => Message = Message.forRuntimeValue[Char] { found =>
      s"previous character '$found' does not satisfy the specified predicate"
    Parser { in =>
      if (in.offset == 0) Success((), in)
      else if (!predicate(in.charAt(-1))) Success((), in)
      else Failure(errMsg(in.charAt(-1)), in)

  /** Verifies that the next character is not one of those specified.
    * Succeeds at the end of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def nextNot(char: Char, chars: Char*): Parser[Unit] = nextNot(NonEmptySet.of(char, chars: _*))

  /** Verifies that the next character is not one of those specified.
    * Succeeds at the end of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def nextNot(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Parser[Unit] = nextNot(chars.contains(_))

  /** Verifies that the next character does not satisfy the specified predicate.
    * Succeeds at the end of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def nextNot(predicate: Char => Boolean): Parser[Unit] = {
    val errMsg: Char => Message = Message.forRuntimeValue[Char] { found =>
      s"next character '$found' does not satisfy the specified predicate"
    Parser { in =>
      if (in.remaining == 0) Success((), in)
      else if (!predicate(in.char)) Success((), in)
      else Failure(errMsg(in.char), in)

  /** Verifies that the previous character is one of those specified.
    * Fails at the start of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def prevIn(char: Char, chars: Char*): Parser[Unit] = prevIn(NonEmptySet.of(char, chars: _*))

  /** Verifies that the previous character is one of those specified.
    * Fails at the start of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def prevIn(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Parser[Unit] = prevIs(chars.contains(_))

  /** Verifies that the previous character satisfies the specified predicate.
    * Fails at the start of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def prevIs(predicate: Char => Boolean): Parser[Unit] = {
    val errMsg: Char => Message = Message.forRuntimeValue[Char] { found =>
      s"previous character '$found' does not satisfy the specified predicate"
    def atStart: Message        = Message.fixed("unable to check predicate on start of input")
    Parser { in =>
      if (in.offset == 0) Failure(atStart, in)
      else if (predicate(in.charAt(-1))) Success((), in)
      else Failure(errMsg(in.charAt(-1)), in)

  /** Verifies that the next character is one of those specified.
    * Fails at the end of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def nextIn(char: Char, chars: Char*): Parser[Unit] = nextIn(NonEmptySet.of(char, chars: _*))

  /** Verifies that the next character is one of those specified.
    * Fails at the end of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def nextIn(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Parser[Unit] = nextIs(chars.contains(_))

  /** Verifies that the next character does not satisfy the specified predicate.
    * Fails at the end of the input and does not consume any input
    * or produce a result when it succeeds.
  def nextIs(predicate: Char => Boolean): Parser[Unit] = {
    val errMsg: Char => Message = Message.forRuntimeValue[Char] { found =>
      s"next character '$found' does not satisfy the specified predicate"
    def atEnd: Message          = Message.fixed("unable to check predicate on end of input")
    Parser { in =>
      if (in.remaining == 0) Failure(atEnd, in)
      else if (predicate(in.char)) Success((), in)
      else Failure(errMsg(in.char), in)

  /** Consumes any kind of input, always succeeds.
    *  This parser would consume the entire input unless a `max` constraint
    *  is specified.
  val anyChars: Characters[String] = Characters.anyWhile(_ => true)

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive occurrences of the specified characters.
    *  Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.
  def anyOf(char: Char, chars: Char*): Characters[String] = Characters.include(char +: chars)

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive occurrences of the specified characters.
    * Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.
  def anyOf(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Characters[String] =

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are not one of the specified characters.
    *  Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.
  def anyNot(char: Char, chars: Char*): Characters[String] = Characters.exclude(char +: chars)

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive occurrences that are not one of the specified characters.
    * Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.
  def anyNot(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Characters[String] =

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive characters which satisfy the specified predicate.
    * Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.
  def anyWhile(p: Char => Boolean): Characters[String] = Characters.anyWhile(p)

  /** Consumes one character if it matches one of the specified characters, fails otherwise.
  def oneOf(char: Char, chars: Char*): PrefixedParser[String] = {
    val startChars = NonEmptySet.of(char, chars: _*)
    new PrefixCharacters(anyOf(startChars).take(1), startChars)

  /** Consumes one character if it matches one of the specified characters, fails otherwise.
  def oneOf(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): PrefixedParser[String] =
    new PrefixCharacters(anyOf(chars).take(1), chars)

  /** Consumes one character if it is not one of the specified characters.
  def oneNot(char: Char, chars: Char*): Parser[String] = Characters.exclude(char +: chars).take(1)

  /** Consumes one character if it is not one of the specified characters.
  def oneNot(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Parser[String] =

  /** Consumes one character if it satisfies the specified predicate, fails otherwise.
  def oneIf(p: Char => Boolean): Parser[String] = Characters.anyWhile(p).take(1)

  /** Parses exactly one character from the input, fails only at the end of the input.
  val oneChar: Parser[String] = anyChars.take(1)

  /** Consumes one or more characters if they match one of the specified characters,
    * fails if the first character does not match.
  def someOf(char: Char, chars: Char*): PrefixCharacters[String] = {
    val startChars = NonEmptySet.of(char, chars: _*)
    new PrefixCharacters(anyOf(startChars).min(1), startChars)

  /** Consumes one or more characters if they match one of the specified characters,
    * fails if the first character does not match.
  def someOf(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): PrefixCharacters[String] =
    new PrefixCharacters(anyOf(chars).min(1), chars)

  /** Consumes one or more characters that are not one of the specified characters,
    * fails for empty results.
  def someNot(char: Char, chars: Char*): Characters[String] =
    Characters.exclude(char +: chars).min(1)

  /** Consumes one or more characters that are not one of the specified characters,
    * fails for empty results.
  def someNot(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): Characters[String] =

  /** Consumes one or more characters which satisfy the specified predicate,
    * fails for empty results.
  def someWhile(p: Char => Boolean): Characters[String] = Characters.anyWhile(p).min(1)

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive characters until one of the specified characters
    * is encountered on the input string.
  def delimitedBy(char: Char, chars: Char*): DelimitedText = new DelimitedText(
    TextDelimiter(oneOf(char, chars: _*))

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive characters until one of the specified characters
    * is encountered on the input string.
  def delimitedBy(chars: NonEmptySet[Char]): DelimitedText = new DelimitedText(

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive characters until the specified string delimiter
    * is encountered on the input string.
  def delimitedBy(str: String): DelimitedText =
    if (str.isEmpty) DelimitedText.Undelimited
    else delimitedBy(literal(str))

  /** Consumes any number of consecutive characters until the specified delimiter parser
    * succeeds on the input.
    * This constructor is limited to the sub-trait `PrefixedParser`
    * as only those can be optimized for an assertion that needs to be performed on each
    * character. Most parsers for non-empty text implement this trait, e.g `oneOf`, `someOf`,
    * `delimiter` or the literal parsers for a character or string.
  def delimitedBy(delimiter: PrefixedParser[String]): DelimitedText = new DelimitedText(

  /** Creates a parser for a delimiter based on the given set of delimiter characters
    * with an API that allows to specify predicates for the characters immediately
    * preceding or following the delimiter, a common task in markup parsing.
  def delimiter(char: Char, chars: Char*): DelimiterParser = new DelimiterParser(
    oneOf(char, chars: _*)

  /** Creates a parser for a delimiter based on a literal string with an API that
    * allows to specify predicates for the characters immediately
    * preceding or following the delimiter, a common task in markup parsing.
  def delimiter(delim: String): DelimiterParser = new DelimiterParser(literal(delim))

  /** Creates a parser for a delimiter with an API that allows to specify
    * predicates for the characters immediately preceding or following
    * the delimiter, a common task in markup parsing.
    * This specified underlying parser needs to implement the sub-trait `PrefixedParser`
    * as only those can be optimized for an assertion that needs to be performed on each
    * character. Most parsers for non-empty text implement this trait, e.g `oneOf`, `someOf`,
    * `delimiter` or the literal parsers for a character or string.
  def delimiter(parser: PrefixedParser[String]): DelimiterParser = new DelimiterParser(parser)


/** Instance that allows to import all text parsers in isolation.
  * Usually it is more convenient to import laika.parse.api._
  * to get all parser builders with one import.
object TextParsers extends TextParsers

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