Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0"?> <command-def xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" command-def.xsd"> <command name="ls" class="org.unix4j.unix.Ls" package=""/> <name>ls - list directory contents</name> <synopsis>ls [-ahlRrt] [file...]</synopsis> <description ref="ls.html"/> <notes> <note>Infinite loop detection is currently NOT implemented.</note> </notes> <methods> <method args="" usesStandardInput="false"> Lists all files and directories in the user's current working directory and writes them to the output. </method> <method args="args" usesStandardInput="false"> Prints the name of the specified files and lists all files contained in directories for every directory in those files. Options can be specified by acronym (with a leading dash "-") or by long name (with two leading dashes "--"). Operands other than the default "--paths" operand have to be prefixed with the operand name. </method> <method args="files" usesStandardInput="false"> Prints the name of the given files and lists all files contained in directories for every directory in {@code files}. </method> <method args="options" usesStandardInput="false"> Lists all files and directories in the user's current working directory and writes them to the output using the given options specifying the details of the output format. </method> <method args="options,files" usesStandardInput="false"> Prints the name of the given files and lists all files contained in directories for every directory in {@code files}. The given options define the details of the output format. </method> <method args="options,paths" usesStandardInput="false"> Prints the name of the given files and lists all files contained in directories for every directory in {@code files}. The given options define the details of the output format. </method> </methods> <options> <option name="allFiles" acronym="a"> Lists all files in the given directory, including hidden files (those whose names start with \".\" in Unix). By default, these files are excluded from the list. </option> <option name="humanReadable" acronym="h"> Print sizes in human readable format. (e.g., 1K, 234M, 2G, etc.) </option> <option name="longFormat" acronym="l"> Long format, displaying file types, permissions, number of hard links, owner, group, size, date, and filename. </option> <option name="recurseSubdirs" acronym="R"> Recursively lists subdirectories encountered. </option> <option name="reverseOrder" acronym="r"> Reverses the order of the sort to get reverse collating sequence or oldest first. </option> <option name="timeSorted" acronym="t"> Sorts with the primary key being time modified (most recently modified first) and the secondary key being filename in the collating sequence. </option> </options> <operands default="paths"> <operand name="files" type=""> The files or directories used as starting point for the listing; relative paths are not resolved (use the string path argument to enable relative path resolving based on the current working directory). </operand> <operand name="paths" type="String..."> The files or directories used as starting point for the listing; wildcards * and ? are supported; relative paths are resolved on the basis of the current working directory. </operand> <operand name="args" type="String..."> String arguments defining the options and operands for the command. Options can be specified by acronym (with a leading dash "-") or by long name (with two leading dashes "--"). Operands other than the default "--paths" operand have to be prefixed with the operand name (e.g. "--count" for a subsequent count operand value). </operand> <operand name="options" type="LsOptions"> The options defining the output format. </operand> </operands> </command-def>