command-definition.uniq.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0"?> <command-def xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" command-def.xsd"> <command name="uniq" class="org.unix4j.unix.Uniq" package="org.unix4j.unix.uniq"/> <name> uniq - report or filter out repeated lines in a usually pre-sorted file </name> <synopsis> ORIGINAL: uniq [-c|-d|-u][-f fields][-s char][input_file [output_file]] CURRENT: uniq [-c|-d|-u][-g][input_file] </synopsis> <description ref="uniq.html"/> <notes/> <methods> <method args="" usesStandardInput="true"> Reads from the standard input and compares adjacent lines, writing one copy of each input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lines are not written to the output. Note that repeated lines in the input are not detected if they are not adjacent (see --global or -g option); sorted input lines always result in unique output lines. </method> <method args="args" usesStandardInput="true"> Reads the file specified by the {@code "--path"} operand (the default operand) and writes only unique lines to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated input lines are not written to the output. Options can be specified by acronym (with a leading dash "-") or by long name (with two leading dashes "--"). Operands other than the default "--path" operand have to be prefixed with the operand name. Note that repeated lines in the input are not detected if they are not adjacent unless the --global is specified (sorted input lines always result in unique output lines). </method> <method args="file" usesStandardInput="false"> Reads from the specified input {@code file} and compares adjacent lines, writing one copy of each input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lines are not written to the output. Note that repeated lines in the input are not detected if they are not adjacent (see --global or -g option); sorted input lines always result in unique output lines. </method> <method args="path" usesStandardInput="false"> Reads the file specified by its {@code path} and compares adjacent lines, writing one copy of each input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lines are not written to the output. Note that repeated lines in the input are not detected if they are not adjacent (see --global or -g option); sorted input lines always result in unique output lines. </method> <method args="options" usesStandardInput="true"> Reads from the standard input and compares adjacent lines, writing one copy of each input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lines are not written to the output. Note that repeated non-adjacent lines in the input are only detected with the --global or -g option. In other words, unique output lines are guaranteed only if either (a) the --global or -g option is specified, or (b) the input lines are sorted. </method> <method args="options,file" usesStandardInput="false"> Reads from the specified input {@code file} and compares adjacent lines, writing one copy of each input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lines are not written to the output. Note that repeated non-adjacent lines in the input are only detected with the --global or -g option. In other words, unique output lines are guaranteed only if either (a) the --global or -g option is specified, or (b) the input lines are sorted. </method> <method args="options,path" usesStandardInput="false"> Reads the file specified by its {@code path} and compares adjacent lines, writing one copy of each input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lines are not written to the output. Note that repeated non-adjacent lines in the input are only detected with the --global or -g option. In other words, unique output lines are guaranteed only if either (a) the --global or -g option is specified, or (b) the input lines are sorted. </method> </methods> <options> [-c|-d|-u][-f fields][-s char] <option name="count" acronym="c" exclusiveGroup="cdu"> Precedes each output line with a count of the number of times the line occurred in the input. </option> <option name="duplicatedOnly" acronym="d" exclusiveGroup="cdu"> Suppresses the writing of lines that are not repeated in the input. </option> <option name="uniqueOnly" acronym="u" exclusiveGroup="cdu"> Suppresses the writing of lines that are repeated in the input. </option> <option name="global" acronym="g"> Suppresses repeated lines globally, that is, if lines are non-adjacent. This option guarantees unique output lines even if the input lines are not sorted. </option> </options> <operands default="path"> <operand name="file" type=""> The files or directories used as starting point for the listing; relative paths are not resolved (use the string path argument to enable relative path resolving based on the current working directory). </operand> <operand name="path" type="String"> The files or directories used as starting point for the listing; wildcards * and ? are supported; relative paths are resolved on the basis of the current working directory. </operand> <operand name="args" type="String..."> String arguments defining the options and operands for the command. Options can be specified by acronym (with a leading dash "-") or by long name (with two leading dashes "--"). Operands other than the default "--path" operand have to be prefixed with the operand name. </operand> <operand name="options" type="UniqOptions"> The options defining the uniqueness details for the output lines. </operand> </operands> </command-def>