Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.unix4j.builder;
import org.unix4j.builder.DefaultCommandBuilder;
import org.unix4j.command.Command;
import org.unix4j.command.NoOp;
import org.unix4j.context.DefaultExecutionContext;
import org.unix4j.context.ExecutionContextFactory;
import org.unix4j.operation.LineOperation;
<#foreach def in commandDefs>
import ${}.${def.command.simpleName};
<#if def.options?size != 0>
import ${}.${def.command.simpleName}Options;
* Default implementation for {@link Unix4jCommandBuilder}. Application code
* does usually not directly refer to this class but uses it indirectly through
* the static methods in {@link org.unix4j.Unix4j Unix4j}.
public class DefaultUnix4jCommandBuilder extends DefaultCommandBuilder implements Unix4jCommandBuilder {
* Default constructor initialized with a {@link NoOp} command which will be
* replaced by the first command joined to this builder's command chain.
* Uses a {@link DefaultExecutionContext} to execute commands.
public DefaultUnix4jCommandBuilder() {
* Constructor using the specified factory to create contexts for command
* execution. The builder is initialized with a {@link NoOp} command which
* will be replaced by the first command joined to this builder's command
* chain.
* @param contextFactory
* the factory used to create execution contexts that are passed
* to the execute method when a command is executed
public DefaultUnix4jCommandBuilder(ExecutionContextFactory contextFactory) {
<#foreach def in commandDefs>
/* ------------------ ${def.commandName} ------------------ */
<#foreach method in def.methods>
public Unix4jCommandBuilder ${}(<#foreach arg in method.args>${def.operands[arg].type} ${arg}<#if arg_has_next>, #if>#foreach>) {
join(${def.command.simpleName}.Factory.${}(<#foreach arg in method.args>${arg}<#if arg_has_next>, #if>#foreach>));
return this;
public Unix4jCommandBuilder join(Command> command) {
return this;
public Unix4jCommandBuilder apply(LineOperation operation) {
return this;
public Unix4jCommandBuilder reset() {
return this;