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package org.vesalainen.bean;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessOrder;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorOrder;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.vesalainen.util.ArrayBasedComparator;
import org.vesalainen.util.ArrayIterator;
import org.vesalainen.util.CharSequences;
import org.vesalainen.util.ConvertUtility;
import org.vesalainen.util.LinkedSet;
import org.vesalainen.util.function.IndexFunction;
* A helper class for handling beans.
* Bean object are accessed by strings.
prop - getProp / setProp
list.1 - list.get(1)
list.0.p1 - list.get(0).getP1()
* @author tkv
public class BeanHelper
public static final char Lim = '.';
public static final String RegexDel = "\\"+Lim;
public static final char Add = '+';
public static final char Rem = '#';
public static final String Remove = Rem+"";
public static final char Assign = '=';
private static final Pattern Index = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+");
public static final String dump(Object bean)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
BeanHelper.stream(bean).forEach((s)->sb.append(String.format("%s = %s\n", s, BeanHelper.getValue(bean, s))));
return sb.toString();
private static final Object resolvType(Object bean, Object object, Function defaultFunc, BiFunction fieldFunc, BiFunction methodFunc)
if (object instanceof Field)
Field field = (Field) object;
return fieldFunc.apply(bean, field);
if (object instanceof Method)
Method method = (Method) object;
return methodFunc.apply(bean, method);
return defaultFunc.apply(object);
* Executes consumer for property.
* @param
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param consumer
public static final void doFor(Object bean, String property, Consumer consumer)
T t = (T) getValue(bean, property);
* Return propertys value.
* @param bean
* @param property
* @return
public static final Object getValue(Object bean, String property)
return doFor(bean, property, null, BeanHelper::getValue, BeanHelper::getValue, BeanHelper::getFieldValue, BeanHelper::getMethodValue);
private static Object getFieldValue(Object base, Class cls, String property) throws NoSuchFieldException
return cls.getField(property).get(base);
catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
private static Object getMethodValue(Object base, Method method)
return method.invoke(base);
catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
private static Object getValue(Object arr, int index)
return Array.get(arr, index);
private static Object getValue(List list, int index)
return list.get(index);
private static Object doFor(Object bean, String property, Class type, IndexFunction arrayFunc, IndexFunction listFunc, FieldFunction fieldFunc, BiFunction methodFunc)
String[] parts = property.split(RegexDel);
int len = parts.length - 1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++)
bean = doIt(bean, parts[ii], null, BeanHelper::getValue, BeanHelper::getValue, BeanHelper::getFieldValue, BeanHelper::getMethodValue);
int idx = property.lastIndexOf(Lim);
if (idx != -1)
property = property.substring(idx + 1);
return doIt(bean, property, type, arrayFunc, listFunc, fieldFunc, methodFunc);
private static Object doIt(Object bean, String property, Class argType, IndexFunction arrayFunc, IndexFunction listFunc, FieldFunction fieldFunc, BiFunction methodFunc)
if (Index.matcher(property).matches())
int index = Integer.parseInt(property);
if (bean.getClass().isArray())
return arrayFunc.apply(bean, index);
if (bean instanceof List)
List list = (List) bean;
return listFunc.apply(list, index);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(bean + " not list type");
Class extends Object> type = bean.getClass();
return fieldFunc.apply(bean, type, property);
catch (NoSuchFieldException exx)
if (argType != null)
return methodFunc.apply(bean, type.getMethod(property, argType));
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex)
String methodName = BeanHelper.setter(property);
return methodFunc.apply(bean, type.getMethod(methodName, argType));
return methodFunc.apply(bean, type.getMethod(property));
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex)
String methodName = BeanHelper.getter(property);
return methodFunc.apply(bean, type.getMethod(methodName));
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex2)
methodName = BeanHelper.isser(property);
return methodFunc.apply(bean, type.getMethod(methodName));
catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchMethodException ex)
throw new BeanHelperException(property + " not found in " + bean.getClass().getName(), ex);
* Returns actual parameter types for property
* @param bean
* @param property
* @return
public static final Class[] getParameterTypes(Object bean, String property)
Type type = (Type) doFor(
(Object a, int i)->{Object o = Array.get(a, i);return o!=null?o.getClass().getComponentType():null;},
(List l, int i)->{return l.get(i).getClass().getGenericSuperclass();},
(Object o, Class c, String p)->{return getField(c, p).getGenericType();},
(Object o, Method m)->{return m.getGenericReturnType();});
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType)
ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type;
Type[] ata = pt.getActualTypeArguments();
if (ata.length > 0)
Class[] ca = new Class[ata.length];
for (int ii=0;ii
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param annotationClass
* @return
public static final T getAnnotation(Object bean, String property, Class annotationClass)
return (T) doFor(
(Object a, int i)->{Object o=Array.get(a, i);return o!=null?o.getClass().getAnnotation(annotationClass):null;},
(List l, int i)->{return l.get(i).getClass().getAnnotation(annotationClass);},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{return getField(c, p).getAnnotation(annotationClass);},
(Object b, Method m)->{return m.getAnnotation(annotationClass);});
* Return true if property exists.
* @param bean
* @param property
* @return
public static final boolean hasProperty(Object bean, String property)
return (boolean) doFor(
(Object a, int i)->{return true;},
(List l, int i)->{return true;},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{getField(c, p);return true;},
(Object b, Method m)->{return true;});
catch (BeanHelperException ex)
return false;
* Return propertys annotations
* @param
* @param bean
* @param property
* @return
public static final T[] getAnnotations(Object bean, String property)
return (T[]) doFor(
(Object a, int i)->{Object o=Array.get(a, i);return o!=null?o.getClass().getAnnotations():null;},
(List l, int i)->{return l.get(i).getClass().getAnnotations();},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{return getField(c, p).getAnnotations();},
(Object b, Method m)->{return m.getAnnotations();});
* Returns AnnotatedElement for property
* @param bean
* @param property
* @return
public static final AnnotatedElement getAnnotatedElement(Object bean, String property)
return (AnnotatedElement) doFor(
(Object a, int i)->{Object o=Array.get(a, i);return o!=null?o.getClass():null;},
(List l, int i)->{Object o = l.get(i);return o!=null?o.getClass():null;},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{return getField(c, p);},
(Object b, Method m)->{return m;});
* Default object factory that calls newInstance method. Checked exceptions
* are wrapped in IllegalArgumentException.
* @param
* @param cls Target class
* @param hint Hint for factory
* @return
public static final T defaultFactory(Class cls, String hint)
return cls.newInstance();
catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
* Applies bean action by using default factory.
* Bean actions are:
List item property remove by adding '#' to the end of pattern.
E.g. list.3- same as list.remove(3)
List item property assign by adding '=' to the end of pattern
E.g. list.3=hint same as list.set(3, factory.get(cls, hint))
List item creation to the end of the list.
E.g. list+ same as add(factory.get(cls, null))
E.g. list+hint same as add(factory.get(cls, hint))
* @param
* @param base
* @param fieldname
* @return true if pattern was applied
public static final T applyList(Object base, String fieldname)
return applyList(base, fieldname, BeanHelper::defaultFactory);
* Applies bean action by using given factory
* Bean actions are:
List item property remove by adding '#' to the end of pattern.
E.g. list.3- - list.remove(3)
List item creation to the end of the list.
E.g. list+ - add(factory.get(cls, null))
E.g. list+hint - add(factory.get(cls, hint))
* @param
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param factory
* @return true if pattern was applied
public static final T applyList(Object bean, String property, BiFunction,String,T> factory)
int addIdx = property.lastIndexOf(Add);
if (addIdx != -1)
String hint = property.substring(addIdx+1);
return addList(bean, property.substring(0, addIdx), hint, factory);
int assignIdx = property.lastIndexOf(Assign);
if (assignIdx != -1)
String hint = property.substring(assignIdx+1);
return assignList(bean, property.substring(0, assignIdx), hint, factory);
if (property.endsWith(Remove))
return (T)removeList(bean, property.substring(0, property.length()-1));
return null;
* Return prefix of apply pattern or pattern if not apply-pattern.
* @param property
* @return
public static final String applyPrefix(String property)
int addIdx = property.lastIndexOf(Add);
if (addIdx != -1)
return property.substring(0, addIdx);
int assignIdx = property.lastIndexOf(Assign);
if (assignIdx != -1)
return property.substring(0, assignIdx);
if (property.endsWith(Remove))
return property.substring(0, property.length()-1);
return property;
* Return true if pattern is add, assign or remove
* @param pattern
* @return
public static final boolean isApplyPattern(String pattern)
return isAdd(pattern) || isAssign(pattern) || isRemove(pattern);
* Return true for add action
* @param property
* @return
public static final boolean isAdd(String property)
return property.lastIndexOf(Add) != -1;
* Return true for assign action
* @param property
* @return
public static final boolean isAssign(String property)
return property.lastIndexOf(Assign) != -1;
* Return true for remove action
* @param property
* @return
public static final boolean isRemove(String property)
return property.lastIndexOf(Remove) != -1;
* Removes pattern item from list
* @param bean
* @param property
public static final Object removeList(Object bean, String property)
return doFor(
(Object a, int i)->{throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported");},
(List l, int i)->{return l.remove(i);},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported");},
(Object b, Method m)->{throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported");}
* Adds pattern item to end of list
* @param
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param value
public static final void addList(Object bean, String property, T value)
addList(bean, property, null, (Class c, String h)->{return value;});
* Adds pattern item to end of list using given factory and hint
* @param
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param hint
* @param factory
public static final T addList(Object bean, String property, String hint, BiFunction,String,T> factory)
Object fieldValue = getValue(bean, property);
if (fieldValue instanceof List)
List list = (List) fieldValue;
Class[] pt = getParameterTypes(bean, property);
T value = (T)factory.apply(pt[0], hint);
if (value != null && !pt[0].isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(pt[0]+" not assignable from "+value);
return value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldValue+" not List");
* Assign pattern item a new value using given factory (and hint)
* @param
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param hint
* @param factory
public static final T assignList(Object bean, String property, String hint, BiFunction,String,T> factory)
Class[] pt = getParameterTypes(bean, prefix(property));
Class type = pt != null && pt.length > 0 ? pt[0] : null;
T value = (T) factory.apply(type, hint);
(Object a, int i)->{Array.set(a, i, value);return null;},
(List l, int i)->{l.set(i, value);return null;},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported");},
(Object b, Method m)->{throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported");}
return value;
* Set value
* @param bean
* @param property
* @param v
public static final void setValue(Object bean, String property, Object v)
Object vv = BeanHelper.getValue(bean, property);
if (v != null && v.getClass().isArray() && vv != null && (vv instanceof Collection))
{ // array assignment to Collection
Collection col = (Collection) vv;
Class[] pt = BeanHelper.getParameterTypes(bean, property);
int len = Array.getLength(v);
for (int ii=0;ii type = BeanHelper.getType(bean, property);
if (v != null)
v = ConvertUtility.convert(type, v);
Object value = v;
(Object a, int i)->{Array.set(a, i, value);return null;},
(List l, int i)->{l.set(i, value);return null;},
(Object b, Class c, String p)->{try
c.getField(p).set(b, value);return null;
catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
(Object b, Method m)->{try
m.invoke(b, value);return null;
catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
* property -> getProperty
* @param field
* @param fieldName
* @return
public static final String getter(Field field, String fieldName)
Class> type = field.getType();
if (type.isPrimitive() && "boolean".equals(type.getName()))
return isser(fieldName);
return getter(fieldName);
public static final String getter(String fieldName)
return "get" + upper(fieldName);
public static final String isser(String fieldName)
return "is" + upper(fieldName);
* property -> setField
* @param property
* @return
public static final String setter(String property)
return "set" + upper(property);
* (g/s)etField -> property
* Field -> property
* @param etter
* @return
public static final String property(String etter)
if (etter.startsWith("get") || etter.startsWith("set"))
etter = etter.substring(3);
if (etter.startsWith("is"))
etter = etter.substring(2);
return lower(etter);
private static String lower(String str)
if (str.length() > 0)
return str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
return str;
private static String upper(String str)
if (str.length() > 0)
return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
return str;
* Returns fieldname for method. getX -> 'x'
* @param method
* @return
public static final String getProperty(Method method)
return property(method.getName());
private static final int ModifierMask = Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.INTERFACE | Modifier.NATIVE | Modifier.STATIC;
* Returns Set of classes patterns.
Annotations XmlAccessorOrder and XmlType are checked for correct ordering.
* @param cls
* @return
* @see javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorOrder
* @see javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType
public static final Set getProperties(Class> cls)
if (cls.isPrimitive() || cls.isAnnotation() || cls.isEnum() || String.class.equals(cls))
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
NavigableSet set = setFor(cls);
Method[] methods = cls.getMethods();
for (Method method : methods)
if ((method.getModifiers() & ModifierMask) == 0)
String name = method.getName();
if ((name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("is"))
&& method.getParameterCount() == 0)
String property = getProperty(method);
Class> returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (
returnType.isArray() ||
if (hasMethod(methods, setter(property)))
for (Field field : cls.getFields())
if ((field.getModifiers() & ModifierMask) == 0)
return set;
private static boolean hasMethod(Method[] methods, String setter)
for (Method method : methods)
if (setter.equals(method.getName()) && method.getParameterCount() == 1)
return true;
return false;
private static NavigableSet setFor(Class> cls)
XmlType xmlType = cls.getAnnotation(XmlType.class);
if (xmlType != null)
String[] propOrder = xmlType.propOrder();
if (propOrder != null && propOrder.length > 0)
return new TreeSet<>(new ArrayBasedComparator<>(propOrder));
XmlAccessorOrder xmlAccessorOrder = cls.getAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
if (xmlAccessorOrder == null)
xmlAccessorOrder = cls.getPackage().getAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
if (xmlAccessorOrder != null)
XmlAccessOrder xmlAccessOrder = xmlAccessorOrder.value();
if (xmlAccessOrder != null && xmlAccessOrder.equals(XmlAccessOrder.ALPHABETICAL))
return new TreeSet<>();
return new LinkedSet<>();
private static boolean separator(int cc)
switch (cc)
case Lim:
case Add:
case Rem:
case Assign:
return true;
return false;
* Return string before last reparator
* @param pattern
* @return
public static final String prefix(String pattern)
int idx = CharSequences.lastIndexOf(pattern, BeanHelper::separator);
if (idx != -1)
return pattern.substring(0, idx);
return "";
* Return true if string after last separator is numeric
* @param pattern
* @return
public static final boolean isListItem(String pattern)
int idx = pattern.lastIndexOf(Lim);
if (idx != -1)
return true;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
return false;
return false;
* Return string after last '.'/'+'/'#'
* @param pattern
* @return
public static final String suffix(String pattern)
int idx = CharSequences.lastIndexOf(pattern, BeanHelper::separator);
if (idx != -1)
return pattern.substring(idx+1);
return pattern;
* Return set of objects patterns
* @param bean
* @return
public static final Set getProperties(Object bean)
return stream(bean).collect(Collectors.toSet());
* Returns targets pattern or null if target not found.
* @param bean
* @param target
* @return
public static String getPattern(Object bean, Object target)
return stream(bean).filter((s)->{return target.equals(getValue(bean, s));}).findFirst().orElse(null);
* Return stream of bean patterns
* @param bean
* @return
public static final Stream stream(Object bean)
return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(bean), false);
* Return spliterator of bean patterns
* Note! tryAdvance method is not implemented.
* @param bean
* @return
public static final Spliterator spliterator(Object bean)
return new SpliteratorImpl(bean);
private static class SpliteratorImpl implements Spliterator
private Deque stack;
private Object bean;
public SpliteratorImpl(Object bean)
this.bean = bean;
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer super String> action)
walk(bean, action);
private void walk(Object bean, Consumer super String> consumer)
walk("", bean, consumer);
private void walk(String prefix, Object bean, Consumer super String> consumer)
if (bean != null)
for (String fld : getProperties(bean.getClass()))
String name = prefix + fld;
Object value = getValue(bean, fld);
if (value != null)
if (value.getClass().isArray())
int len = Array.getLength(value);
for (int index = 0;index action)
if (stack == null)
stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
stack.push(new Ctx("", bean));
while (!stack.isEmpty())
Ctx c = stack.peek();
if (c.oit != null && c.oit.hasNext())
action.accept(c.name + Lim + c.idx);
Object next = c.oit.next();
stack.push(new Ctx(c.name+Lim+c.idx+Lim, next));
return true;
if (c.fit == null && c.ob != null)
c.fit = getProperties(c.ob.getClass()).iterator();
if (c.fit != null && c.fit.hasNext())
String fld = c.fit.next();
c.name = c.prefix + fld;
Object value = getValue(c.ob, fld);
if (value != null)
if (value.getClass().isArray())
c.oit = new ArrayIterator<>(value);
c.idx = 0;
if (value instanceof List)
List list = (List) value;
c.oit = list.iterator();
c.idx = 0;
stack.push(new Ctx(c.name + Lim, value));
return true;
return false;
public Spliterator trySplit()
return null;
public long estimateSize()
return bean.getClass().getDeclaredFields().length*2;
public int characteristics()
return 0;
private static class Ctx
private String prefix;
private Object ob;
private Iterator fit;
private Iterator oit;
private int idx;
private String name;
public Ctx(String p, Object o)
this.prefix = p;
this.ob = o;