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* Changes Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Alan Snyder.
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package org.violetlib.aqua;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not serializable across versions
class AquaComboBoxPopup extends BasicComboPopup implements AquaExtendedPopup, ListDataListener {
protected static final String uiClassID = "ComboBoxPopupMenuUI";
public enum PopupDisplayType {
EDITABLE_NO_SCROLL, // an editable combo box pop up menu with no scroll pane
EDITABLE_SCROLL, // an editable combo box pop up menu with a scroll pane
CONTEXTUAL // a non editable combo box pop up menu (similar to a contextual menu)
protected PopupDisplayType currentDisplayType;
protected static MouseWheelListener mouseWheelEventConsumer = new MouseWheelListener() {
public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
public AquaComboBoxPopup(JComboBox cBox) {
public AquaComboBoxType getComboBoxType() {
return comboBox != null ? AquaComboBoxUI.getComboBoxType(comboBox) : null;
public String getUIClassID() {
return uiClassID;
protected ListDataListener createListDataListener() {
return this;
public void intervalAdded(ListDataEvent e) {
public void intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent e) {
public void contentsChanged(ListDataEvent e) {
protected void configurePopup() {
// This is "static" configuration that happens when the UI object is created.
setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
// TODO: CPlatformWindow?
putClientProperty("apple.awt._windowFadeOut", 150);
protected JScrollPane createScroller() {
JScrollPane sp = super.createScroller();
return sp;
* If the number of menu items change, we may need to change the size of the popup menu, and we many need to
* install or remove a scroll pane.
private void possiblyUpdatePopup() {
Rectangle newBounds = adjustPopupAndGetBounds(false);
list.setSize(newBounds.width, newBounds.height);
// There are several different presentations:
// An editable combo box uses a list. The list has a maximum number of displayed rows. If there are more elements,
// then a scroll bar is used.
// A pop up or pull down button simulates a standard pop up menu. A pop up menu will expand to fill the screen if
// necessary. If there are items not visible, an upward or downward arrow will be displayed. The menu scrolls by
// moving the mouse over (or beyond) the arrow. Scroll bars are never used.
public void updateContents(boolean remove) {
// The combo box popup scroll pane is used only if the combo box is editable and has too many items.
if (list != null) {
if (currentDisplayType == PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_SCROLL) {
if (remove) {
} else {
if (remove) {
// The following is a workaround for bad behavior in BasicPopupMenuUI. If we do not consume a mouse wheel
// event over the list, then BasicPopupMenuUI will dismiss the popup in response to the event. Even though
// the mouse wheel event has no useful behavior on a non-scrollable list (on a native combo box it will
// bounce scroll the list), the event should not dismiss the popup.
if (currentDisplayType == PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_NO_SCROLL) {
if (remove) {
AquaComboBoxPopupMenuUI ui = AquaUtils.getUI(this, AquaComboBoxPopupMenuUI.class);
if (ui != null) {
ui.configure(comboBox, list);
protected Dimension getBestPopupSizeForRowCount(int maxRowCount) {
int currentElementCount = comboBox.getModel().getSize();
int rowCount = currentDisplayType == PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_SCROLL
? Math.min(maxRowCount, currentElementCount) : currentElementCount;
Dimension popupSize = new Dimension();
ListCellRenderer renderer = list.getCellRenderer();
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
Object value = list.getModel().getElementAt(i);
Component c = renderer.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, i, false, false);
Dimension prefSize = c.getPreferredSize();
popupSize.height += prefSize.height;
popupSize.width = Math.max(prefSize.width, popupSize.width);
//popupSize.width += 10;
return popupSize;
protected @NotNull PopupDisplayType computePopupDisplayType() {
if (comboBox.isEditable()) {
return comboBox.getItemCount() > comboBox.getMaximumRowCount()
? PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_SCROLL : PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_NO_SCROLL;
} else {
return PopupDisplayType.CONTEXTUAL;
public void show() {
int startItemCount = comboBox.getItemCount();
Rectangle popupBounds = adjustPopupAndGetBounds(true);
if (popupBounds == null) {
return; // null means don't show
show(comboBox, popupBounds.x, popupBounds.y);
// hack for JComboBox does not fire popupWillBecomeVisible if item count is 0
int afterShowItemCount = comboBox.getItemCount();
if (afterShowItemCount == 0) {
if (startItemCount != afterShowItemCount) {
Rectangle newBounds = adjustPopupAndGetBounds(false);
list.setSize(newBounds.width, newBounds.height);
Point newLoc = comboBox.getLocationOnScreen();
setLocation(newLoc.x + newBounds.x, newLoc.y + newBounds.y);
// end hack
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // local class
protected JList createList() {
ListCellRenderer renderer = null;
AquaComboBoxUI ui = AquaUtils.getUI(comboBox, AquaComboBoxUI.class);
if (ui != null) {
renderer = ui.getListCellRenderer();
return new AquaPopupMenuList(comboBox.getModel(), renderer);
protected static class AquaPopupMenuList extends JList {
private boolean isRendererConfigured;
public AquaPopupMenuList(ListModel dataModel, @Nullable ListCellRenderer renderer) {
isRendererConfigured = renderer != null;
if (renderer != null) {
public void setCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer super Object> cellRenderer) {
if (!isRendererConfigured) {
public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.isMetaDown()) {
e = new MouseEvent((Component)e.getSource(), e.getID(), e.getWhen(),
e.getModifiers() ^ InputEvent.META_MASK, e.getX(), e.getY(), e.getXOnScreen(), e.getYOnScreen(),
e.getClickCount(), e.isPopupTrigger(), MouseEvent.NOBUTTON);
protected Rectangle adjustPopupAndGetBounds(boolean forceConfiguration) {
PopupDisplayType actualDisplayType = computePopupDisplayType();
if (currentDisplayType != actualDisplayType) {
currentDisplayType = actualDisplayType;
} else if (forceConfiguration) {
Dimension popupSize = getBestPopupSizeForRowCount(comboBox.getMaximumRowCount());
Rectangle popupBounds = computePopupBounds(0, comboBox.getBounds().height, popupSize.width, popupSize.height);
Dimension realPopupSize = popupBounds.getSize();
if (currentDisplayType == PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_SCROLL) {
} else {
int selectedIndex = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
if (selectedIndex >= 0 && currentDisplayType == PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_SCROLL) {
Rectangle cellBounds = list.getCellBounds(selectedIndex, selectedIndex);
return popupBounds;
protected void initializeListSelection() {
AquaComboBoxUI ui = AquaUtils.getUI(comboBox, AquaComboBoxUI.class);
if (ui != null) {
if (ui.updateListSelectionFromEditor()) {
int selectedIndex = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
if (selectedIndex == -1 || getComboBoxType() == AquaComboBoxType.PULL_DOWN_MENU_BUTTON) {
} else {
protected Rectangle computePopupBounds(int xx, int yy, int pw, int ph) {
// When this method is called, the X and Y parameters are not interesting.
// The width and height represent the preferred size of the popup.
// The preferred location of the popup is based on the display type. If there is not enough room below the
// combo box, we will locate the pop up at a higher position. This method does not attempt to fit the pop up
// horizontally on the screen. That adjustment is performed by AquaPopupMenuUI, which supports external
// scrolling, except for editable combo box menus, which support internal scrolling.
// Get the screen location of the combo box
// Retain this location because our result must be relative to the combo box
Point p = AquaUtils.getScreenLocation(comboBox);
// Get the available bounds of the screen where the popup should appear.
Rectangle scrBounds = AquaUtils.getScreenBounds(p, comboBox);
if (currentDisplayType == PopupDisplayType.EDITABLE_SCROLL) {
pw += 15;
Insets comboBoxInsets = comboBox.getInsets();
Dimension comboBoxSize = comboBox.getSize();
int minWidth = comboBoxSize.width - (comboBoxInsets.left + comboBoxInsets.right);
pw = Math.max(minWidth, pw);
int x = p.x + comboBoxInsets.left;
if (!AquaUtils.isLeftToRight(comboBox)) {
x = p.x + comboBoxSize.width - comboBoxInsets.right - pw;
AquaComboBoxType type = getComboBoxType();
int yOffset = getNominalPopupYOffset();
int y = p.y + yOffset;
// For a pop up menu, the goal is for the menu item label to exactly overlay the combo box button label, at
// least in the case where our default renderer is used.
int labelYOffset = 0;
if (type == AquaComboBoxType.POP_UP_MENU_BUTTON) {
AquaComboBoxUI ui = AquaUtils.getUI(comboBox, AquaComboBoxUI.class);
if (ui != null) {
Point labelOffset = ui.getPopupButtonLabelOffset();
if (labelOffset != null) {
x += labelOffset.x;
labelYOffset = labelOffset.y;
y += labelYOffset;
putClientProperty(AquaPopupMenuUI.POP_UP_SELECTED_REGION, null);
putClientProperty(AquaPopupMenuUI.POP_UP_SELECTED_REGION_LOCATION, null);
int popupHeight = 0; // 0 => fit to content
int roomBelow = scrBounds.y + scrBounds.height - p.y;
if (roomBelow < 100) {
// Not enough room below the combo box, so instead display above, with a small gap.
int gap = 4;
int ybottom = p.y - gap;
y = Math.max(scrBounds.y, ybottom - ph);
popupHeight = ybottom - y;
// If the combo box is a pop up menu button, make sure the selected item is visible and try to position it
// so that the selected menu item label is over the combo box button label.
if (list != null && type == AquaComboBoxType.POP_UP_MENU_BUTTON) {
int selectedIndex = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
if (selectedIndex >= 0) {
Rectangle cellBounds = list.getCellBounds(selectedIndex, selectedIndex);
cellBounds = new Rectangle(cellBounds.x, cellBounds.y, cellBounds.width, cellBounds.height+2);
// For scrolling purposes, only the Y coordinate matters.
Point regionScreenLocation = new Point(x, p.y + labelYOffset);
putClientProperty(AquaPopupMenuUI.POP_UP_SELECTED_REGION, cellBounds);
putClientProperty(AquaPopupMenuUI.POP_UP_SELECTED_REGION_LOCATION, regionScreenLocation);
if (list != null && type == AquaComboBoxType.PULL_DOWN_MENU_BUTTON) {
// Unfortunately, the path by which the pop up location is transmitted from the popup to the popup menu UI is
// interrupted by code in JPopupMenu that thinks it knows more than we do about where popup menus should appear
// on the screen. The following is a workaround. It also allows us to force the popup height to be different
// than the popup content height.
putClientProperty(AquaPopupMenuUI.POP_UP_SCREEN_BOUNDS, new Rectangle(x, y, 0, popupHeight));
return new Rectangle(x - p.x, y - p.y, pw, ph);
* Return the nominal Y offset of the popup relative to the top of the combo box.
* The nominal offset may be replaced if there is not enough room on the screen.
protected int getNominalPopupYOffset() {
AquaComboBoxUI ui = AquaUtils.getUI(comboBox, AquaComboBoxUI.class);
if (ui != null) {
return ui.getNominalPopupYOffset();
} else {
return comboBox.getHeight() + 2;
public void startArrowScroll() {
if (list != null) {
public void stopArrowScroll() {
if (list != null) {
Point p = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
if (p != null) {
SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(p, list);
int index = list.locationToIndex(p);
if (index >= 0 && list.getSelectedIndex() != index) {
public void updateSelection(MouseEvent e) {
updateListBoxSelectionForEvent(e, false);
protected void updateListBoxSelectionForEvent(MouseEvent e, boolean shouldScroll) {
// On an editable combo box, Aqua tracks the mouse when it is dragged, not when it is moved.
AquaComboBoxType type = getComboBoxType();
if (type != AquaComboBoxType.EDITABLE_COMBO_BOX || e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED) {
super.updateListBoxSelectionForEvent(e, shouldScroll);
protected MouseListener createMouseListener() {
return new AquaComboBoxPopupMouseListener();
protected class AquaComboBoxPopupMouseListener extends MouseAdapter implements MouseListener {
// These methods copied from BasicComboPopup.Handler
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == list) {
if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) || !comboBox.isEnabled()) {
if (comboBox.isEditable()) {
Component comp = comboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent();
if (shouldFocusEditor(comp)) {
} else if (comboBox.isRequestFocusEnabled()) {
protected boolean shouldFocusEditor(@NotNull Component c) {
if (c instanceof JComponent) {
JComponent jc = (JComponent) c;
if (!jc.isRequestFocusEnabled()) {
return false;
if (isTextured()) {
return false;
return true;
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == list) {
if (list.getModel().getSize() > 0) {
// JList mouse listener
if (comboBox.getSelectedIndex() == list.getSelectedIndex()) {
// workaround for cancelling an edited item (bug 4530953)
if (comboBox.isEditable() && comboBox.getEditor() != null) {
// JComboBox mouse listener
Component source = (Component)e.getSource();
Dimension size = source.getSize();
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle( 0, 0, size.width, size.height);
if ( !bounds.contains( e.getPoint() ) ) {
MouseEvent newEvent = convertMouseEvent( e );
Point location = newEvent.getPoint();
Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
list.computeVisibleRect( r );
if ( r.contains( location ) ) {
if (comboBox.getSelectedIndex() == list.getSelectedIndex()) {
hasEntered = false;
protected boolean isTextured() {
AquaComboBoxUI ui = AquaUtils.getUI(comboBox, AquaComboBoxUI.class);
return ui != null && ui.isTextured;