Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import scala.collection.mutable
sealed abstract class Position {
def render(): String =
def render(cwd: os.Path): String =
def render(cwd: os.Path, sep: String): String
object Position {
final case class File(
path: Either[String, os.Path],
startPos: (Int, Int),
endPos: (Int, Int),
offset: Int = 0
) extends Position {
def render(cwd: os.Path, sep: String): String = {
val p = path match {
case Left(p0) => p0
case Right(p0) =>
if (p0.startsWith(cwd)) p0.relativeTo(cwd).segments.mkString(sep)
else p0.toString
if (startPos == endPos)
s"$p:${startPos._1 + 1}:${startPos._2 + 1}"
else if (startPos._1 == endPos._1)
s"$p:${startPos._1 + 1}:${startPos._2 + 1}-${endPos._2 + 1}"
s"$p:${startPos._1 + 1}:${startPos._2 + 1}-${endPos._1 + 1}:${endPos._2 + 1}"
final case class Raw(startIdx: Int, endIdx: Int) extends Position {
def render(cwd: os.Path, sep: String): String =
s"raw $startIdx:$endIdx"
def +(shift: Int): Raw =
Raw(startIdx + shift, endIdx + shift)
object Raw {
// from
def lineStartIndices(content: String): Array[Int] = {
val content0 = content.toCharArray
// adapted from scala/scala SourceFile.scala
val length = content0.length
val CR = '\r'
val LF = '\n'
def charAtIsEOL(idx: Int)(p: Char => Boolean) = {
// don't identify the CR in CR LF as a line break, since LF will do.
def notCRLF0 =
content0(idx) != CR ||
!content0.isDefinedAt(idx + 1) ||
content0(idx + 1) != LF
idx < length && notCRLF0 && p(content0(idx))
def isAtEndOfLine(idx: Int) = charAtIsEOL(idx) {
case CR | LF => true
case _ => false
val buf = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]
buf += 0
for (i <- 0 until content0.length if isAtEndOfLine(i))
buf += i + 1
private def offsetToPos(content: String): Int => (Int, Int) = {
val lineStartIndices0 = lineStartIndices(content)
def offsetToLine(offset: Int): Int = {
if (offset >= lineStartIndices0.last) lineStartIndices0.length - 1
else {
def find(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
if (a + 1 >= b) a
else {
val c = (a + b) / 2
val idx = lineStartIndices0(c)
if (idx == offset) c
else if (idx < offset) find(c, b)
else find(a, c)
find(0, lineStartIndices0.length - 1)
offset =>
assert(offset >= 0)
assert(offset <= content.length)
val line = offsetToLine(offset)
(line, offset - lineStartIndices0(line))
def filePos(path: Either[String, os.Path], content: String): Raw => File = {
val f = offsetToPos(content)
raw =>
val startPos = f(raw.startIdx)
val endPos = f(raw.endIdx)
File(path, startPos, endPos)
final case class CommandLine(arg: String = "") extends Position { // todo the exact arg should be somehow taken from CaseApp
def render(cwd: os.Path, sep: String): String = "COMMAND_LINE"
final case class Bloop(bloopJavaPath: String) extends Position {
def render(cwd: os.Path, sep: String): String = bloopJavaPath
final case class Custom(msg: String) extends Position {
def render(cwd: os.Path, sep: String): String = msg