Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import bloop.rifle.BloopRifleLogger
import org.scalajs.logging.{Logger => ScalaJsLogger, NullLogger}
import{OutputStream, PrintStream}
import{BuildException, Diagnostic, Severity}
import scala.scalanative.{build => sn}
trait Logger {
def error(message: String): Unit
// TODO Use macros for log and debug calls to have zero cost when verbosity <= 0
def message(message: => String): Unit
def log(s: => String): Unit
def log(s: => String, debug: => String): Unit
def debug(s: => String): Unit
def log(diagnostics: Seq[Diagnostic]): Unit
def diagnostic(
message: String,
severity: Severity = Severity.Warning,
positions: Seq[Position] = Nil
): Unit = log(Seq(Diagnostic(message, severity, positions)))
def log(ex: BuildException): Unit
def debug(ex: BuildException): Unit
def exit(ex: BuildException): Nothing
def coursierLogger(printBefore: String): coursier.cache.CacheLogger
def bloopRifleLogger: BloopRifleLogger
def scalaJsLogger: ScalaJsLogger
def scalaNativeTestLogger: sn.Logger
def scalaNativeCliInternalLoggerOptions: List[String]
def compilerOutputStream: PrintStream
def verbosity: Int
/** Since we have a lot of experimental warnings all over the build process, this method can be
* used to accumulate them for a better UX
def experimentalWarning(featureName: String, featureType: FeatureType): Unit
def flushExperimentalWarnings: Unit
def cliFriendlyDiagnostic(
message: String,
cliFriendlyMessage: String,
severity: Severity = Severity.Warning,
positions: Seq[Position] = Nil
): Unit = diagnostic(message, severity, positions)
object Logger {
private class Nop extends Logger {
def error(message: String): Unit = ()
def message(message: => String): Unit = ()
def log(s: => String): Unit = ()
def log(s: => String, debug: => String): Unit = ()
def debug(s: => String): Unit = ()
def log(diagnostics: Seq[Diagnostic]): Unit = ()
def log(ex: BuildException): Unit = ()
def debug(ex: BuildException): Unit = ()
def exit(ex: BuildException): Nothing =
throw new Exception(ex)
def coursierLogger(printBefore: String): coursier.cache.CacheLogger =
def bloopRifleLogger: BloopRifleLogger =
def scalaJsLogger: ScalaJsLogger =
def scalaNativeTestLogger: sn.Logger =
def scalaNativeCliInternalLoggerOptions: List[String] =
def compilerOutputStream: PrintStream =
new PrintStream(
new OutputStream {
override def write(b: Int): Unit = ()
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = ()
def verbosity: Int = -1
def experimentalWarning(featureUsed: String, featureType: FeatureType): Unit = ()
def flushExperimentalWarnings: Unit = ()
def nop: Logger = new Nop