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scala.build.testrunner.AsmTestRunner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.build.testrunner
import org.objectweb.asm
import sbt.testing._
import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
object AsmTestRunner {
class ParentInspector(classPath: Seq[Path]) {
private val cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Seq[String]]
private def parents(className: String): Seq[String] =
Option(cache.get(className)) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
val byteCodeOpt = findInClassPath(classPath, className + ".class")
val parents = byteCodeOpt match {
case None => Nil
case Some(b) =>
val reader = new asm.ClassReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(b))
val checker = new TestClassChecker
reader.accept(checker, 0)
cache.put(className, parents)
def allParents(className: String): Stream[String] = {
def helper(done: Set[String], todo: List[String]): Stream[String] =
todo match {
case Nil => Stream.empty
case h :: t =>
if (done(h)) helper(done, t)
else h #:: helper(done + h, parents(h).toList ::: t)
helper(Set.empty, className :: Nil)
// originally adapted from https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/mill/blob/ab4d61a50da24fb7fac97c4453dd8a770d8ac62b/scalalib/src/Lib.scala#L156-L172
def matchFingerprints(
className: String,
byteCode: () => InputStream,
fingerprints: Seq[Fingerprint],
parentInspector: ParentInspector
): Option[Fingerprint] = {
val checker = new TestClassChecker
var is0: InputStream = null
try {
is0 = byteCode()
val reader = new asm.ClassReader(is0)
reader.accept(checker, 0)
finally if (is0 != null) is0.close()
val isModule = className.endsWith("$")
val hasPublicConstructors = checker.publicConstructorCount > 0
val definitelyNoTests = checker.isAbstract ||
checker.isInterface ||
checker.publicConstructorCount > 1 ||
isModule == hasPublicConstructors
if (definitelyNoTests)
fingerprints.find {
case f: SubclassFingerprint =>
f.isModule == isModule &&
.contains(f.superclassName().replace('.', '/'))
case _: AnnotatedFingerprint =>
// val annotationCls = loader.loadClass(f.annotationName())
// .asInstanceOf[Class[Annotation]]
// f.isModule == isModule && (
// cls.isAnnotationPresent(annotationCls) ||
// cls.getDeclaredMethods.exists(_.isAnnotationPresent(annotationCls)) ||
// cls.getMethods.exists(m => m.isAnnotationPresent(annotationCls) && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()))
// )
def listClassesByteCode(
classPathEntry: Path,
keepJars: Boolean
): Iterator[(String, () => InputStream)] =
if (Files.isDirectory(classPathEntry)) {
var stream: java.util.stream.Stream[Path] = null
try {
stream = Files.walk(classPathEntry, Int.MaxValue)
.map { p =>
val clsName = classPathEntry.relativize(p).toString.stripSuffix(".class")
def openStream() = Files.newInputStream(p)
(clsName, openStream _)
.toVector // fully consume stream before closing it
finally if (stream != null) stream.close()
else if (keepJars && Files.isRegularFile(classPathEntry)) {
import java.util.zip._
val buf = Array.ofDim[Byte](16384)
var zf: ZipFile = null
try {
zf = new ZipFile(classPathEntry.toFile)
// FIXME Check if these are files too
.map { ent =>
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
var is: InputStream = null
try {
is = zf.getInputStream(ent)
var read = -1
while ({
read = is.read(buf)
read >= 0
}) baos.write(buf, 0, read)
val clsName = ent.getName.stripSuffix(".class")
def openStream() = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)
(clsName, openStream _)
finally if (is != null) is.close()
.toVector // fully consume ZipFile before closing it
finally if (zf != null) zf.close()
else Iterator.empty
def listClassesByteCode(
classPath: Seq[Path],
keepJars: Boolean
): Iterator[(String, () => InputStream)] =
classPath.iterator.flatMap(listClassesByteCode(_, keepJars))
def findInClassPath(classPathEntry: Path, name: String): Option[Array[Byte]] =
if (Files.isDirectory(classPathEntry)) {
val p = classPathEntry.resolve(name)
if (Files.isRegularFile(p)) Some(Files.readAllBytes(p))
else None
else if (Files.isRegularFile(classPathEntry)) {
import java.util.zip._
val buf = Array.ofDim[Byte](16384)
var zf: ZipFile = null
try {
zf = new ZipFile(classPathEntry.toFile)
Option(zf.getEntry(name)).map { ent =>
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
var is: InputStream = null
try {
is = zf.getInputStream(ent)
var read = -1
while ({
read = is.read(buf)
read >= 0
}) baos.write(buf, 0, read)
finally if (is != null) is.close()
finally if (zf != null) zf.close()
else None
def findInClassPath(classPath: Seq[Path], name: String): Option[Array[Byte]] =
.flatMap(findInClassPath(_, name).iterator)
def findFrameworkService(classPath: Seq[Path]): Option[String] =
findInClassPath(classPath, "META-INF/services/sbt.testing.Framework").map { b =>
new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def findFramework(
classPath: Seq[Path],
preferredClasses: Seq[String]
): Option[String] = {
val parentInspector = new ParentInspector(classPath)
findFramework(classPath, preferredClasses, parentInspector)
def findFramework(
classPath: Seq[Path],
preferredClasses: Seq[String],
parentInspector: ParentInspector
): Option[String] = {
val preferredClassesByteCode = preferredClasses
.map(_.replace('.', '/'))
.flatMap { name =>
findInClassPath(classPath, name + ".class")
.map { b =>
def openStream() = new ByteArrayInputStream(b)
(name, openStream _)
(preferredClassesByteCode ++ listClassesByteCode(classPath, true))
.flatMap {
case (moduleInfo, _) if moduleInfo.contains("module-info") => Iterator.empty
case (name, is) =>
val checker = new TestClassChecker
var is0: InputStream = null
try {
is0 = is()
val reader = new asm.ClassReader(is0)
reader.accept(checker, 0)
finally if (is0 != null) is0.close()
val isFramework = parentInspector.allParents(name).contains("sbt/testing/Framework")
if (isFramework && !checker.isAbstract && checker.publicConstructorCount == 1)
private class TestClassChecker extends asm.ClassVisitor(asm.Opcodes.ASM9) {
private var nameOpt = Option.empty[String]
private var publicConstructorCount0 = 0
private var isInterfaceOpt = Option.empty[Boolean]
private var isAbstractOpt = Option.empty[Boolean]
private var implements0 = List.empty[String]
def canBeTestSuite: Boolean = {
val isModule = nameOpt.exists(_.endsWith("$"))
!isAbstractOpt.contains(true) &&
!isInterfaceOpt.contains(true) &&
publicConstructorCount0 <= 1 &&
isModule != (publicConstructorCount0 == 1)
def name = nameOpt.getOrElse(sys.error("Class not visited"))
def publicConstructorCount = publicConstructorCount0
def implements = implements0
def isAbstract = isAbstractOpt.getOrElse(sys.error("Class not visited"))
def isInterface = isInterfaceOpt.getOrElse(sys.error("Class not visited"))
override def visit(
version: Int,
access: Int,
name: String,
signature: String,
superName: String,
interfaces: Array[String]
): Unit = {
isInterfaceOpt = Some((access & asm.Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0)
isAbstractOpt = Some((access & asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0)
nameOpt = Some(name)
implements0 = Option(superName).toList ::: implements0
if (interfaces.nonEmpty)
implements0 = interfaces.toList ::: implements0
override def visitMethod(
access: Int,
name: String,
descriptor: String,
signature: String,
exceptions: Array[String]
): asm.MethodVisitor = {
def isPublic = (access & asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0
if (name == "" && isPublic)
publicConstructorCount0 += 1
def taskDefs(
classPath: Seq[Path],
keepJars: Boolean,
fingerprints: Seq[Fingerprint],
parentInspector: ParentInspector
): Iterator[TaskDef] =
listClassesByteCode(classPath, keepJars = keepJars)
.flatMap {
case (name, is) =>
matchFingerprints(name, is, fingerprints, parentInspector)
.map((name.stripSuffix("$"), _))
.map {
case (clsName, fp) =>
new TaskDef(
clsName.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.'),
Array(new SuiteSelector)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader
val classPath = TestRunner.classPath(classLoader)
val parentCache = new ParentInspector(classPath)
val frameworkClassName = findFrameworkService(classPath)
.orElse(findFramework(classPath, TestRunner.commonTestFrameworks, parentCache))
.getOrElse(sys.error("No test framework found"))
.replace('/', '.')
.replace('\\', '.')
val framework = classLoader
val out = System.out
val taskDefs0 =
keepJars = false,
val runner = framework.runner(Array(), Array(), classLoader)
val initialTasks = runner.tasks(taskDefs0)
val events = TestRunner.runTasks(initialTasks, out)
val doneMsg = runner.done()
if (doneMsg.nonEmpty)
val failed = events.exists { ev =>
ev.status == Status.Error ||
ev.status == Status.Failure ||
ev.status == Status.Canceled
if (failed)
abstract class AsmTestRunner
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