com.pulumi.aws.glue.kotlin.ConnectionArgs.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.pulumi.aws.glue.kotlin
import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs.builder
import com.pulumi.aws.glue.kotlin.inputs.ConnectionPhysicalConnectionRequirementsArgs
import com.pulumi.aws.glue.kotlin.inputs.ConnectionPhysicalConnectionRequirementsArgsBuilder
import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.core.Output.of
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ConvertibleToJava
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.applySuspend
import kotlin.Pair
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.collections.Map
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* Provides a Glue Connection resource.
* ## Example Usage
* ### Non-VPC Connection
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionProperties: {
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase",
* PASSWORD: "examplepassword",
* USERNAME: "exampleusername",
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_properties={
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase",
* "PASSWORD": "examplepassword",
* "USERNAME": "exampleusername",
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase" },
* { "PASSWORD", "examplepassword" },
* { "USERNAME", "exampleusername" },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* _, err := glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": pulumi.String("jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase"),
* "PASSWORD": pulumi.String("examplepassword"),
* "USERNAME": pulumi.String("exampleusername"),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Connection("example", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionProperties(Map.ofEntries(
* Map.entry("JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase"),
* Map.entry("PASSWORD", "examplepassword"),
* Map.entry("USERNAME", "exampleusername")
* ))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionProperties:
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase
* PASSWORD: examplepassword
* USERNAME: exampleusername
* ```
* ### Non-VPC Connection with secret manager reference
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = aws.secretsmanager.getSecret({
* name: "example-secret",
* });
* const exampleConnection = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionProperties: {
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase",
* SECRET_ID: example.then(example => example.name),
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.secretsmanager.get_secret(name="example-secret")
* example_connection = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_properties={
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase",
* "SECRET_ID": example.name,
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = Aws.SecretsManager.GetSecret.Invoke(new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var exampleConnection = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase" },
* { "SECRET_ID", example.Apply(getSecretResult => getSecretResult.Name) },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := secretsmanager.LookupSecret(ctx, &secretsmanager.LookupSecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.StringRef("example-secret"),
* }, nil)
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": pulumi.String("jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase"),
* "SECRET_ID": pulumi.String(example.Name),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretsmanagerFunctions;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.inputs.GetSecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* final var example = SecretsmanagerFunctions.getSecret(GetSecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var exampleConnection = new Connection("exampleConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionProperties(Map.ofEntries(
* Map.entry("JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase"),
* Map.entry("SECRET_ID", example.applyValue(getSecretResult -> getSecretResult.name()))
* ))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* exampleConnection:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* name: example
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionProperties:
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: jdbc:mysql://example.com/exampledatabase
* SECRET_ID: ${example.name}
* variables:
* example:
* fn::invoke:
* Function: aws:secretsmanager:getSecret
* Arguments:
* name: example-secret
* ```
* ### VPC Connection
* For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/populate-add-connection.html#connection-JDBC-VPC).
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionProperties: {
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: `jdbc:mysql://${exampleAwsRdsCluster.endpoint}/exampledatabase`,
* PASSWORD: "examplepassword",
* USERNAME: "exampleusername",
* },
* physicalConnectionRequirements: {
* availabilityZone: exampleAwsSubnet.availabilityZone,
* securityGroupIdLists: [exampleAwsSecurityGroup.id],
* subnetId: exampleAwsSubnet.id,
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_properties={
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": f"jdbc:mysql://{example_aws_rds_cluster['endpoint']}/exampledatabase",
* "PASSWORD": "examplepassword",
* "USERNAME": "exampleusername",
* },
* physical_connection_requirements={
* "availability_zone": example_aws_subnet["availabilityZone"],
* "security_group_id_lists": [example_aws_security_group["id"]],
* "subnet_id": example_aws_subnet["id"],
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", $"jdbc:mysql://{exampleAwsRdsCluster.Endpoint}/exampledatabase" },
* { "PASSWORD", "examplepassword" },
* { "USERNAME", "exampleusername" },
* },
* PhysicalConnectionRequirements = new Aws.Glue.Inputs.ConnectionPhysicalConnectionRequirementsArgs
* {
* AvailabilityZone = exampleAwsSubnet.AvailabilityZone,
* SecurityGroupIdLists = new[]
* {
* exampleAwsSecurityGroup.Id,
* },
* SubnetId = exampleAwsSubnet.Id,
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "fmt"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* _, err := glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": pulumi.Sprintf("jdbc:mysql://%v/exampledatabase", exampleAwsRdsCluster.Endpoint),
* "PASSWORD": pulumi.String("examplepassword"),
* "USERNAME": pulumi.String("exampleusername"),
* },
* PhysicalConnectionRequirements: &glue.ConnectionPhysicalConnectionRequirementsArgs{
* AvailabilityZone: pulumi.Any(exampleAwsSubnet.AvailabilityZone),
* SecurityGroupIdLists: pulumi.StringArray{
* exampleAwsSecurityGroup.Id,
* },
* SubnetId: pulumi.Any(exampleAwsSubnet.Id),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.inputs.ConnectionPhysicalConnectionRequirementsArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Connection("example", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionProperties(Map.ofEntries(
* Map.entry("JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s/exampledatabase", exampleAwsRdsCluster.endpoint())),
* Map.entry("PASSWORD", "examplepassword"),
* Map.entry("USERNAME", "exampleusername")
* ))
* .physicalConnectionRequirements(ConnectionPhysicalConnectionRequirementsArgs.builder()
* .availabilityZone(exampleAwsSubnet.availabilityZone())
* .securityGroupIdLists(exampleAwsSecurityGroup.id())
* .subnetId(exampleAwsSubnet.id())
* .build())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionProperties:
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: jdbc:mysql://${exampleAwsRdsCluster.endpoint}/exampledatabase
* PASSWORD: examplepassword
* USERNAME: exampleusername
* physicalConnectionRequirements:
* availabilityZone: ${exampleAwsSubnet.availabilityZone}
* securityGroupIdLists:
* - ${exampleAwsSecurityGroup.id}
* subnetId: ${exampleAwsSubnet.id}
* ```
* ### Connection using a custom connector
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* // Define the custom connector using the connection_type of `CUSTOM` with the match_criteria of `template_connection`
* // Example here being a snowflake jdbc connector with a secret having user and password as keys
* const example = aws.secretsmanager.getSecret({
* name: "example-secret",
* });
* const example1 = new aws.glue.Connection("example1", {
* name: "example1",
* connectionType: "CUSTOM",
* connectionProperties: {
* CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME: "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver",
* CONNECTOR_URL: "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar",
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: "[[\"default=jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}\"],\",\"]",
* },
* matchCriterias: ["template-connection"],
* });
* // Reference the connector using match_criteria with the connector created above.
* const example2 = new aws.glue.Connection("example2", {
* name: "example2",
* connectionType: "CUSTOM",
* connectionProperties: {
* CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME: "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver",
* CONNECTOR_URL: "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar",
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: "jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}",
* SECRET_ID: example.then(example => example.name),
* },
* matchCriterias: [
* "Connection",
* example1.name,
* ],
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* # Define the custom connector using the connection_type of `CUSTOM` with the match_criteria of `template_connection`
* # Example here being a snowflake jdbc connector with a secret having user and password as keys
* example = aws.secretsmanager.get_secret(name="example-secret")
* example1 = aws.glue.Connection("example1",
* name="example1",
* connection_type="CUSTOM",
* connection_properties={
* "CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME": "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver",
* "CONNECTOR_URL": "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar",
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": "[[\"default=jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}\"],\",\"]",
* },
* match_criterias=["template-connection"])
* # Reference the connector using match_criteria with the connector created above.
* example2 = aws.glue.Connection("example2",
* name="example2",
* connection_type="CUSTOM",
* connection_properties={
* "CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME": "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver",
* "CONNECTOR_URL": "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar",
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": "jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}",
* "SECRET_ID": example.name,
* },
* match_criterias=[
* "Connection",
* example1.name,
* ])
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* // Define the custom connector using the connection_type of `CUSTOM` with the match_criteria of `template_connection`
* // Example here being a snowflake jdbc connector with a secret having user and password as keys
* var example = Aws.SecretsManager.GetSecret.Invoke(new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var example1 = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example1", new()
* {
* Name = "example1",
* ConnectionType = "CUSTOM",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME", "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver" },
* { "CONNECTION_TYPE", "Jdbc" },
* { "CONNECTOR_URL", "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar" },
* { "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "[[\"default=jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}\"],\",\"]" },
* },
* MatchCriterias = new[]
* {
* "template-connection",
* },
* });
* // Reference the connector using match_criteria with the connector created above.
* var example2 = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example2", new()
* {
* Name = "example2",
* ConnectionType = "CUSTOM",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME", "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver" },
* { "CONNECTION_TYPE", "Jdbc" },
* { "CONNECTOR_URL", "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar" },
* { "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}" },
* { "SECRET_ID", example.Apply(getSecretResult => getSecretResult.Name) },
* },
* MatchCriterias = new[]
* {
* "Connection",
* example1.Name,
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* // Define the custom connector using the connection_type of `CUSTOM` with the match_criteria of `template_connection`
* // Example here being a snowflake jdbc connector with a secret having user and password as keys
* example, err := secretsmanager.LookupSecret(ctx, &secretsmanager.LookupSecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.StringRef("example-secret"),
* }, nil)
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* example1, err := glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example1", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example1"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("CUSTOM"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME": pulumi.String("net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver"),
* "CONNECTION_TYPE": pulumi.String("Jdbc"),
* "CONNECTOR_URL": pulumi.String("s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar"),
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": pulumi.String("[[\"default=jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}\"],\",\"]"),
* },
* MatchCriterias: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("template-connection"),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* // Reference the connector using match_criteria with the connector created above.
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example2", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example2"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("CUSTOM"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME": pulumi.String("net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver"),
* "CONNECTION_TYPE": pulumi.String("Jdbc"),
* "CONNECTOR_URL": pulumi.String("s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar"),
* "JDBC_CONNECTION_URL": pulumi.String("jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}"),
* "SECRET_ID": pulumi.String(example.Name),
* },
* MatchCriterias: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("Connection"),
* example1.Name,
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretsmanagerFunctions;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.inputs.GetSecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* // Define the custom connector using the connection_type of `CUSTOM` with the match_criteria of `template_connection`
* // Example here being a snowflake jdbc connector with a secret having user and password as keys
* final var example = SecretsmanagerFunctions.getSecret(GetSecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var example1 = new Connection("example1", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example1")
* .connectionType("CUSTOM")
* .connectionProperties(Map.ofEntries(
* Map.entry("CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME", "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver"),
* Map.entry("CONNECTION_TYPE", "Jdbc"),
* Map.entry("CONNECTOR_URL", "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar"),
* Map.entry("JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "[[\"default=jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}\"],\",\"]")
* ))
* .matchCriterias("template-connection")
* .build());
* // Reference the connector using match_criteria with the connector created above.
* var example2 = new Connection("example2", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example2")
* .connectionType("CUSTOM")
* .connectionProperties(Map.ofEntries(
* Map.entry("CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME", "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver"),
* Map.entry("CONNECTION_TYPE", "Jdbc"),
* Map.entry("CONNECTOR_URL", "s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar"),
* Map.entry("JDBC_CONNECTION_URL", "jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}"),
* Map.entry("SECRET_ID", example.applyValue(getSecretResult -> getSecretResult.name()))
* ))
* .matchCriterias(
* "Connection",
* example1.name())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example1:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* properties:
* name: example1
* connectionType: CUSTOM
* connectionProperties:
* CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME: net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver
* CONNECTOR_URL: s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: '[["default=jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}"],","]'
* matchCriterias:
* - template-connection
* # Reference the connector using match_criteria with the connector created above.
* example2:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* properties:
* name: example2
* connectionType: CUSTOM
* connectionProperties:
* CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME: net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver
* CONNECTOR_URL: s3://example/snowflake-jdbc.jar
* JDBC_CONNECTION_URL: jdbc:snowflake://example.com/?user=${user}&password=${password}
* SECRET_ID: ${example.name}
* matchCriterias:
* - Connection
* - ${example1.name}
* variables:
* # Define the custom connector using the connection_type of `CUSTOM` with the match_criteria of `template_connection`
* # Example here being a snowflake jdbc connector with a secret having user and password as keys
* example:
* fn::invoke:
* Function: aws:secretsmanager:getSecret
* Arguments:
* name: example-secret
* ```
* ### Azure Cosmos Connection
* For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/connection-properties.html#connection-properties-azurecosmos).
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", {name: "example-secret"});
* const exampleSecretVersion = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example", {
* secretId: example.id,
* secretString: JSON.stringify({
* username: "exampleusername",
* password: "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* const exampleConnection = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionType: "AZURECOSMOS",
* connectionProperties: {
* SparkProperties: pulumi.jsonStringify({
* secretId: example.name,
* "spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint": "https://exampledbaccount.documents.azure.com:443/",
* }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import json
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", name="example-secret")
* example_secret_version = aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example",
* secret_id=example.id,
* secret_string=json.dumps({
* "username": "exampleusername",
* "password": "examplepassword",
* }))
* example_connection = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_type="AZURECOSMOS",
* connection_properties={
* "SparkProperties": pulumi.Output.json_dumps({
* "secretId": example.name,
* "spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint": "https://exampledbaccount.documents.azure.com:443/",
* }),
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using System.Text.Json;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.SecretsManager.Secret("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var exampleSecretVersion = new Aws.SecretsManager.SecretVersion("example", new()
* {
* SecretId = example.Id,
* SecretString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["username"] = "exampleusername",
* ["password"] = "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* var exampleConnection = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionType = "AZURECOSMOS",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "SparkProperties", Output.JsonSerialize(Output.Create(new Dictionary
* {
* ["secretId"] = example.Name,
* ["spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint"] = "https://exampledbaccount.documents.azure.com:443/",
* })) },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "encoding/json"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := secretsmanager.NewSecret(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example-secret"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "username": "exampleusername",
* "password": "examplepassword",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
* _, err = secretsmanager.NewSecretVersion(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs{
* SecretId: example.ID(),
* SecretString: pulumi.String(json0),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("AZURECOSMOS"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "SparkProperties": example.Name.ApplyT(func(name string) (pulumi.String, error) {
* var _zero pulumi.String
* tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "secretId": name,
* "spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint": "https://exampledbaccount.documents.azure.com:443/",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return _zero, err
* }
* json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
* return pulumi.String(json1), nil
* }).(pulumi.StringOutput),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.Secret;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Secret("example", SecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var exampleSecretVersion = new SecretVersion("exampleSecretVersion", SecretVersionArgs.builder()
* .secretId(example.id())
* .secretString(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("username", "exampleusername"),
* jsonProperty("password", "examplepassword")
* )))
* .build());
* var exampleConnection = new Connection("exampleConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionType("AZURECOSMOS")
* .connectionProperties(Map.of("SparkProperties", example.name().applyValue(name -> serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("secretId", name),
* jsonProperty("spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint", "https://exampledbaccount.documents.azure.com:443/")
* )))))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:Secret
* properties:
* name: example-secret
* exampleSecretVersion:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:SecretVersion
* name: example
* properties:
* secretId: ${example.id}
* secretString:
* fn::toJSON:
* username: exampleusername
* password: examplepassword
* exampleConnection:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* name: example
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionType: AZURECOSMOS
* connectionProperties:
* SparkProperties:
* fn::toJSON:
* secretId: ${example.name}
* spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint: https://exampledbaccount.documents.azure.com:443/
* ```
* ### Azure SQL Connection
* For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/connection-properties.html#connection-properties-azuresql).
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", {name: "example-secret"});
* const exampleSecretVersion = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example", {
* secretId: example.id,
* secretString: JSON.stringify({
* username: "exampleusername",
* password: "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* const exampleConnection = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionType: "AZURECOSMOS",
* connectionProperties: {
* SparkProperties: pulumi.jsonStringify({
* secretId: example.name,
* url: "jdbc:sqlserver:exampledbserver.database.windows.net:1433;database=exampledatabase",
* }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import json
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", name="example-secret")
* example_secret_version = aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example",
* secret_id=example.id,
* secret_string=json.dumps({
* "username": "exampleusername",
* "password": "examplepassword",
* }))
* example_connection = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_type="AZURECOSMOS",
* connection_properties={
* "SparkProperties": pulumi.Output.json_dumps({
* "secretId": example.name,
* "url": "jdbc:sqlserver:exampledbserver.database.windows.net:1433;database=exampledatabase",
* }),
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using System.Text.Json;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.SecretsManager.Secret("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var exampleSecretVersion = new Aws.SecretsManager.SecretVersion("example", new()
* {
* SecretId = example.Id,
* SecretString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["username"] = "exampleusername",
* ["password"] = "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* var exampleConnection = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionType = "AZURECOSMOS",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "SparkProperties", Output.JsonSerialize(Output.Create(new Dictionary
* {
* ["secretId"] = example.Name,
* ["url"] = "jdbc:sqlserver:exampledbserver.database.windows.net:1433;database=exampledatabase",
* })) },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "encoding/json"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := secretsmanager.NewSecret(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example-secret"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "username": "exampleusername",
* "password": "examplepassword",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
* _, err = secretsmanager.NewSecretVersion(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs{
* SecretId: example.ID(),
* SecretString: pulumi.String(json0),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("AZURECOSMOS"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "SparkProperties": example.Name.ApplyT(func(name string) (pulumi.String, error) {
* var _zero pulumi.String
* tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "secretId": name,
* "url": "jdbc:sqlserver:exampledbserver.database.windows.net:1433;database=exampledatabase",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return _zero, err
* }
* json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
* return pulumi.String(json1), nil
* }).(pulumi.StringOutput),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.Secret;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Secret("example", SecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var exampleSecretVersion = new SecretVersion("exampleSecretVersion", SecretVersionArgs.builder()
* .secretId(example.id())
* .secretString(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("username", "exampleusername"),
* jsonProperty("password", "examplepassword")
* )))
* .build());
* var exampleConnection = new Connection("exampleConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionType("AZURECOSMOS")
* .connectionProperties(Map.of("SparkProperties", example.name().applyValue(name -> serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("secretId", name),
* jsonProperty("url", "jdbc:sqlserver:exampledbserver.database.windows.net:1433;database=exampledatabase")
* )))))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:Secret
* properties:
* name: example-secret
* exampleSecretVersion:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:SecretVersion
* name: example
* properties:
* secretId: ${example.id}
* secretString:
* fn::toJSON:
* username: exampleusername
* password: examplepassword
* exampleConnection:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* name: example
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionType: AZURECOSMOS
* connectionProperties:
* SparkProperties:
* fn::toJSON:
* secretId: ${example.name}
* url: jdbc:sqlserver:exampledbserver.database.windows.net:1433;database=exampledatabase
* ```
* ### Google BigQuery Connection
* For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/connection-properties.html#connection-properties-bigquery).
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* import * as std from "@pulumi/std";
* const example = new aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", {name: "example-secret"});
* const exampleSecretVersion = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example", {
* secretId: example.id,
* secretString: JSON.stringify({
* credentials: std.base64encode({
* input: `{
* "type": "service_account",
* "project_id": "example-project",
* "private_key_id": "example-key",
* "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\\nREDACTED\\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
* "client_email": "[email protected]",
* "client_id": example-client",
* "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
* "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
* "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
* "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/example-project%%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com",
* "universe_domain": "googleapis.com"
* }
* `,
* }).then(invoke => invoke.result),
* }),
* });
* const exampleConnection = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionType: "BIGQUERY",
* connectionProperties: {
* SparkProperties: pulumi.jsonStringify({
* secretId: example.name,
* }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import json
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* import pulumi_std as std
* example = aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", name="example-secret")
* example_secret_version = aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example",
* secret_id=example.id,
* secret_string=json.dumps({
* "credentials": std.base64encode(input="""{
* "type": "service_account",
* "project_id": "example-project",
* "private_key_id": "example-key",
* "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nREDACTED\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
* "client_email": "[email protected]",
* "client_id": example-client",
* "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
* "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
* "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
* "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/example-project%%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com",
* "universe_domain": "googleapis.com"
* }
* """).result,
* }))
* example_connection = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_type="BIGQUERY",
* connection_properties={
* "SparkProperties": pulumi.Output.json_dumps({
* "secretId": example.name,
* }),
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using System.Text.Json;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* using Std = Pulumi.Std;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.SecretsManager.Secret("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var exampleSecretVersion = new Aws.SecretsManager.SecretVersion("example", new()
* {
* SecretId = example.Id,
* SecretString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["credentials"] = Std.Base64encode.Invoke(new()
* {
* Input = @"{
* ""type"": ""service_account"",
* ""project_id"": ""example-project"",
* ""private_key_id"": ""example-key"",
* ""private_key"": ""-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nREDACTED\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"",
* ""client_email"": ""[email protected]"",
* ""client_id"": example-client"",
* ""auth_uri"": ""https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"",
* ""token_uri"": ""https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"",
* ""auth_provider_x509_cert_url"": ""https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs"",
* ""client_x509_cert_url"": ""https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/example-project%%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com"",
* ""universe_domain"": ""googleapis.com""
* }
* ",
* }).Apply(invoke => invoke.Result),
* }),
* });
* var exampleConnection = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionType = "BIGQUERY",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "SparkProperties", Output.JsonSerialize(Output.Create(new Dictionary
* {
* ["secretId"] = example.Name,
* })) },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "encoding/json"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-std/sdk/go/std"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := secretsmanager.NewSecret(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example-secret"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "credentials": std.Base64encode(ctx, &std.Base64encodeArgs{
* Input: `{
* "type": "service_account",
* "project_id": "example-project",
* "private_key_id": "example-key",
* "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nREDACTED\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
* "client_email": "[email protected]",
* "client_id": example-client",
* "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
* "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
* "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
* "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/example-project%%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com",
* "universe_domain": "googleapis.com"
* }
* `,
* }, nil).Result,
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
* _, err = secretsmanager.NewSecretVersion(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs{
* SecretId: example.ID(),
* SecretString: pulumi.String(json0),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("BIGQUERY"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "SparkProperties": example.Name.ApplyT(func(name string) (pulumi.String, error) {
* var _zero pulumi.String
* tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "secretId": name,
* })
* if err != nil {
* return _zero, err
* }
* json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
* return pulumi.String(json1), nil
* }).(pulumi.StringOutput),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.Secret;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Secret("example", SecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var exampleSecretVersion = new SecretVersion("exampleSecretVersion", SecretVersionArgs.builder()
* .secretId(example.id())
* .secretString(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("credentials", StdFunctions.base64encode(Base64encodeArgs.builder()
* .input("""
* {
* "type": "service_account",
* "project_id": "example-project",
* "private_key_id": "example-key",
* "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nREDACTED\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
* "client_email": "[email protected]",
* "client_id": example-client",
* "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
* "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
* "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
* "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/example-project%%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com",
* "universe_domain": "googleapis.com"
* }
* """)
* .build()).result())
* )))
* .build());
* var exampleConnection = new Connection("exampleConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionType("BIGQUERY")
* .connectionProperties(Map.of("SparkProperties", example.name().applyValue(name -> serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("secretId", name)
* )))))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:Secret
* properties:
* name: example-secret
* exampleSecretVersion:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:SecretVersion
* name: example
* properties:
* secretId: ${example.id}
* secretString:
* fn::toJSON:
* credentials:
* fn::invoke:
* Function: std:base64encode
* Arguments:
* input: |
* {
* "type": "service_account",
* "project_id": "example-project",
* "private_key_id": "example-key",
* "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nREDACTED\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
* "client_email": "[email protected]",
* "client_id": example-client",
* "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
* "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
* "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
* "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/example-project%%40appspot.gserviceaccount.com",
* "universe_domain": "googleapis.com"
* }
* Return: result
* exampleConnection:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* name: example
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionType: BIGQUERY
* connectionProperties:
* SparkProperties:
* fn::toJSON:
* secretId: ${example.name}
* ```
* ### OpenSearch Service Connection
* For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/connection-properties.html#connection-properties-opensearch).
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", {name: "example-secret"});
* const exampleSecretVersion = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example", {
* secretId: example.id,
* secretString: JSON.stringify({
* "opensearch.net.http.auth.user": "exampleusername",
* "opensearch.net.http.auth.pass": "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* const exampleConnection = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionType: "OPENSEARCH",
* connectionProperties: {
* SparkProperties: pulumi.jsonStringify({
* secretId: example.name,
* "opensearch.nodes": "https://search-exampledomain-ixlmh4jieahrau3bfebcgp8cnm.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com",
* "opensearch.port": "443",
* "opensearch.aws.sigv4.region": "us-east-1",
* "opensearch.nodes.wan.only": "true",
* "opensearch.aws.sigv4.enabled": "true",
* }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import json
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", name="example-secret")
* example_secret_version = aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example",
* secret_id=example.id,
* secret_string=json.dumps({
* "opensearch.net.http.auth.user": "exampleusername",
* "opensearch.net.http.auth.pass": "examplepassword",
* }))
* example_connection = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_type="OPENSEARCH",
* connection_properties={
* "SparkProperties": pulumi.Output.json_dumps({
* "secretId": example.name,
* "opensearch.nodes": "https://search-exampledomain-ixlmh4jieahrau3bfebcgp8cnm.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com",
* "opensearch.port": "443",
* "opensearch.aws.sigv4.region": "us-east-1",
* "opensearch.nodes.wan.only": "true",
* "opensearch.aws.sigv4.enabled": "true",
* }),
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using System.Text.Json;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.SecretsManager.Secret("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var exampleSecretVersion = new Aws.SecretsManager.SecretVersion("example", new()
* {
* SecretId = example.Id,
* SecretString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["opensearch.net.http.auth.user"] = "exampleusername",
* ["opensearch.net.http.auth.pass"] = "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* var exampleConnection = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionType = "OPENSEARCH",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "SparkProperties", Output.JsonSerialize(Output.Create(new Dictionary
* {
* ["secretId"] = example.Name,
* ["opensearch.nodes"] = "https://search-exampledomain-ixlmh4jieahrau3bfebcgp8cnm.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com",
* ["opensearch.port"] = "443",
* ["opensearch.aws.sigv4.region"] = "us-east-1",
* ["opensearch.nodes.wan.only"] = "true",
* ["opensearch.aws.sigv4.enabled"] = "true",
* })) },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "encoding/json"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := secretsmanager.NewSecret(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example-secret"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "opensearch.net.http.auth.user": "exampleusername",
* "opensearch.net.http.auth.pass": "examplepassword",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
* _, err = secretsmanager.NewSecretVersion(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs{
* SecretId: example.ID(),
* SecretString: pulumi.String(json0),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("OPENSEARCH"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "SparkProperties": example.Name.ApplyT(func(name string) (pulumi.String, error) {
* var _zero pulumi.String
* tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "secretId": name,
* "opensearch.nodes": "https://search-exampledomain-ixlmh4jieahrau3bfebcgp8cnm.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com",
* "opensearch.port": "443",
* "opensearch.aws.sigv4.region": "us-east-1",
* "opensearch.nodes.wan.only": "true",
* "opensearch.aws.sigv4.enabled": "true",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return _zero, err
* }
* json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
* return pulumi.String(json1), nil
* }).(pulumi.StringOutput),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.Secret;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Secret("example", SecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var exampleSecretVersion = new SecretVersion("exampleSecretVersion", SecretVersionArgs.builder()
* .secretId(example.id())
* .secretString(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("opensearch.net.http.auth.user", "exampleusername"),
* jsonProperty("opensearch.net.http.auth.pass", "examplepassword")
* )))
* .build());
* var exampleConnection = new Connection("exampleConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionType("OPENSEARCH")
* .connectionProperties(Map.of("SparkProperties", example.name().applyValue(name -> serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("secretId", name),
* jsonProperty("opensearch.nodes", "https://search-exampledomain-ixlmh4jieahrau3bfebcgp8cnm.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com"),
* jsonProperty("opensearch.port", "443"),
* jsonProperty("opensearch.aws.sigv4.region", "us-east-1"),
* jsonProperty("opensearch.nodes.wan.only", "true"),
* jsonProperty("opensearch.aws.sigv4.enabled", "true")
* )))))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:Secret
* properties:
* name: example-secret
* exampleSecretVersion:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:SecretVersion
* name: example
* properties:
* secretId: ${example.id}
* secretString:
* fn::toJSON:
* opensearch.net.http.auth.user: exampleusername
* opensearch.net.http.auth.pass: examplepassword
* exampleConnection:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* name: example
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionType: OPENSEARCH
* connectionProperties:
* SparkProperties:
* fn::toJSON:
* secretId: ${example.name}
* opensearch.nodes: https://search-exampledomain-ixlmh4jieahrau3bfebcgp8cnm.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com
* opensearch.port: '443'
* opensearch.aws.sigv4.region: us-east-1
* opensearch.nodes.wan.only: 'true'
* opensearch.aws.sigv4.enabled: 'true'
* ```
* ### Snowflake Connection
* For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/connection-properties.html#connection-properties-snowflake).
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", {name: "example-secret"});
* const exampleSecretVersion = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example", {
* secretId: example.id,
* secretString: JSON.stringify({
* sfUser: "exampleusername",
* sfPassword: "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* const exampleConnection = new aws.glue.Connection("example", {
* name: "example",
* connectionType: "SNOWFLAKE",
* connectionProperties: {
* SparkProperties: pulumi.jsonStringify({
* secretId: example.name,
* sfUrl: "exampleorg-exampleconnection.snowflakecomputing.com",
* }),
* },
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import json
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.secretsmanager.Secret("example", name="example-secret")
* example_secret_version = aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion("example",
* secret_id=example.id,
* secret_string=json.dumps({
* "sfUser": "exampleusername",
* "sfPassword": "examplepassword",
* }))
* example_connection = aws.glue.Connection("example",
* name="example",
* connection_type="SNOWFLAKE",
* connection_properties={
* "SparkProperties": pulumi.Output.json_dumps({
* "secretId": example.name,
* "sfUrl": "exampleorg-exampleconnection.snowflakecomputing.com",
* }),
* })
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using System.Text.Json;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.SecretsManager.Secret("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example-secret",
* });
* var exampleSecretVersion = new Aws.SecretsManager.SecretVersion("example", new()
* {
* SecretId = example.Id,
* SecretString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["sfUser"] = "exampleusername",
* ["sfPassword"] = "examplepassword",
* }),
* });
* var exampleConnection = new Aws.Glue.Connection("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* ConnectionType = "SNOWFLAKE",
* ConnectionProperties =
* {
* { "SparkProperties", Output.JsonSerialize(Output.Create(new Dictionary
* {
* ["secretId"] = example.Name,
* ["sfRole"] = "EXAMPLEETLROLE",
* ["sfUrl"] = "exampleorg-exampleconnection.snowflakecomputing.com",
* })) },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "encoding/json"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/glue"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/secretsmanager"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := secretsmanager.NewSecret(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example-secret"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "sfUser": "exampleusername",
* "sfPassword": "examplepassword",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
* _, err = secretsmanager.NewSecretVersion(ctx, "example", &secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs{
* SecretId: example.ID(),
* SecretString: pulumi.String(json0),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = glue.NewConnection(ctx, "example", &glue.ConnectionArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* ConnectionType: pulumi.String("SNOWFLAKE"),
* ConnectionProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
* "SparkProperties": example.Name.ApplyT(func(name string) (pulumi.String, error) {
* var _zero pulumi.String
* tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "secretId": name,
* "sfUrl": "exampleorg-exampleconnection.snowflakecomputing.com",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return _zero, err
* }
* json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
* return pulumi.String(json1), nil
* }).(pulumi.StringOutput),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.Secret;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion;
* import com.pulumi.aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersionArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.Connection;
* import com.pulumi.aws.glue.ConnectionArgs;
* import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Secret("example", SecretArgs.builder()
* .name("example-secret")
* .build());
* var exampleSecretVersion = new SecretVersion("exampleSecretVersion", SecretVersionArgs.builder()
* .secretId(example.id())
* .secretString(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("sfUser", "exampleusername"),
* jsonProperty("sfPassword", "examplepassword")
* )))
* .build());
* var exampleConnection = new Connection("exampleConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .connectionType("SNOWFLAKE")
* .connectionProperties(Map.of("SparkProperties", example.name().applyValue(name -> serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("secretId", name),
* jsonProperty("sfRole", "EXAMPLEETLROLE"),
* jsonProperty("sfUrl", "exampleorg-exampleconnection.snowflakecomputing.com")
* )))))
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:Secret
* properties:
* name: example-secret
* exampleSecretVersion:
* type: aws:secretsmanager:SecretVersion
* name: example
* properties:
* secretId: ${example.id}
* secretString:
* fn::toJSON:
* sfUser: exampleusername
* sfPassword: examplepassword
* exampleConnection:
* type: aws:glue:Connection
* name: example
* properties:
* name: example
* connectionType: SNOWFLAKE
* connectionProperties:
* SparkProperties:
* fn::toJSON:
* secretId: ${example.name}
* sfUrl: exampleorg-exampleconnection.snowflakecomputing.com
* ```
* ## Import
* Using `pulumi import`, import Glue Connections using the `CATALOG-ID` (AWS account ID if not custom) and `NAME`. For example:
* ```sh
* $ pulumi import aws:glue/connection:Connection MyConnection 123456789012:MyConnection
* ```
* @property catalogId ID of the Data Catalog in which to create the connection. If none is supplied, the AWS account ID is used by default.
* @property connectionProperties Map of key-value pairs used as parameters for this connection. For more information, see the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/connection-properties.html).
* **Note:** Some connection types require the `SparkProperties` property with a JSON document that contains the actual connection properties. For specific examples, refer to Example Usage.
* @property connectionType Type of the connection. Valid values: `AZURECOSMOS`, `AZURESQL`, `BIGQUERY`, `CUSTOM`, `JDBC`, `KAFKA`, `MARKETPLACE`, `MONGODB`, `NETWORK`, `OPENSEARCH`, `SNOWFLAKE`. Defaults to `JDBC`.
* @property description Description of the connection.
* @property matchCriterias List of criteria that can be used in selecting this connection.
* @property name Name of the connection.
* The following arguments are optional:
* @property physicalConnectionRequirements Map of physical connection requirements, such as VPC and SecurityGroup. See `physical_connection_requirements` Block for details.
* @property tags Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider `default_tags` configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
public data class ConnectionArgs(
public val catalogId: Output? = null,
public val connectionProperties: Output
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