com.pulumi.aws.rds.kotlin.GlobalCluster.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.pulumi.aws.rds.kotlin
import com.pulumi.aws.rds.kotlin.outputs.GlobalClusterGlobalClusterMember
import com.pulumi.aws.rds.kotlin.outputs.GlobalClusterGlobalClusterMember.Companion.toKotlin
import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.kotlin.KotlinCustomResource
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ResourceMapper
import com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptions
import com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptionsBuilder
import com.pulumi.resources.Resource
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
* Builder for [GlobalCluster].
public class GlobalClusterResourceBuilder internal constructor() {
public var name: String? = null
public var args: GlobalClusterArgs = GlobalClusterArgs()
public var opts: CustomResourceOptions = CustomResourceOptions()
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
public fun name(`value`: String) {
this.name = value
* @param block The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.
public suspend fun args(block: suspend GlobalClusterArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val builder = GlobalClusterArgsBuilder()
this.args = builder.build()
* @param block A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
public suspend fun opts(block: suspend CustomResourceOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
this.opts = com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptions.opts(block)
internal fun build(): GlobalCluster {
val builtJavaResource = com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster(
return GlobalCluster(builtJavaResource)
* Manages an RDS Global Cluster, which is an Aurora global database spread across multiple regions. The global database contains a single primary cluster with read-write capability, and a read-only secondary cluster that receives data from the primary cluster through high-speed replication performed by the Aurora storage subsystem.
* More information about Aurora global databases can be found in the [Aurora User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-global-database.html#aurora-global-database-creating).
* ## Example Usage
* ### New MySQL Global Cluster
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example", {
* globalClusterIdentifier: "global-test",
* engine: "aurora",
* engineVersion: "5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2",
* databaseName: "example_db",
* });
* const primary = new aws.rds.Cluster("primary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* clusterIdentifier: "test-primary-cluster",
* masterUsername: "username",
* masterPassword: "somepass123",
* databaseName: "example_db",
* globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* });
* const primaryClusterInstance = new aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* identifier: "test-primary-cluster-instance",
* clusterIdentifier: primary.id,
* instanceClass: aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* });
* const secondary = new aws.rds.Cluster("secondary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* clusterIdentifier: "test-secondary-cluster",
* globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* }, {
* dependsOn: [primaryClusterInstance],
* });
* const secondaryClusterInstance = new aws.rds.ClusterInstance("secondary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* identifier: "test-secondary-cluster-instance",
* clusterIdentifier: secondary.id,
* instanceClass: aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example",
* global_cluster_identifier="global-test",
* engine="aurora",
* engine_version="5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2",
* database_name="example_db")
* primary = aws.rds.Cluster("primary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* cluster_identifier="test-primary-cluster",
* master_username="username",
* master_password="somepass123",
* database_name="example_db",
* global_cluster_identifier=example.id,
* db_subnet_group_name="default")
* primary_cluster_instance = aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* identifier="test-primary-cluster-instance",
* cluster_identifier=primary.id,
* instance_class=aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_LARGE,
* db_subnet_group_name="default")
* secondary = aws.rds.Cluster("secondary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* cluster_identifier="test-secondary-cluster",
* global_cluster_identifier=example.id,
* db_subnet_group_name="default",
* opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[primary_cluster_instance]))
* secondary_cluster_instance = aws.rds.ClusterInstance("secondary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* identifier="test-secondary-cluster-instance",
* cluster_identifier=secondary.id,
* instance_class=aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_LARGE,
* db_subnet_group_name="default")
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Rds.GlobalCluster("example", new()
* {
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = "global-test",
* Engine = "aurora",
* EngineVersion = "5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2",
* DatabaseName = "example_db",
* });
* var primary = new Aws.Rds.Cluster("primary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier = "test-primary-cluster",
* MasterUsername = "username",
* MasterPassword = "somepass123",
* DatabaseName = "example_db",
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = example.Id,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* });
* var primaryClusterInstance = new Aws.Rds.ClusterInstance("primary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier = "test-primary-cluster-instance",
* ClusterIdentifier = primary.Id,
* InstanceClass = Aws.Rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* });
* var secondary = new Aws.Rds.Cluster("secondary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier = "test-secondary-cluster",
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = example.Id,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* }, new CustomResourceOptions
* {
* DependsOn =
* {
* primaryClusterInstance,
* },
* });
* var secondaryClusterInstance = new Aws.Rds.ClusterInstance("secondary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier = "test-secondary-cluster-instance",
* ClusterIdentifier = secondary.Id,
* InstanceClass = Aws.Rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/rds"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := rds.NewGlobalCluster(ctx, "example", &rds.GlobalClusterArgs{
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("global-test"),
* Engine: pulumi.String("aurora"),
* EngineVersion: pulumi.String("5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2"),
* DatabaseName: pulumi.String("example_db"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* primary, err := rds.NewCluster(ctx, "primary", &rds.ClusterArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("test-primary-cluster"),
* MasterUsername: pulumi.String("username"),
* MasterPassword: pulumi.String("somepass123"),
* DatabaseName: pulumi.String("example_db"),
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: example.ID(),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* primaryClusterInstance, err := rds.NewClusterInstance(ctx, "primary", &rds.ClusterInstanceArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier: pulumi.String("test-primary-cluster-instance"),
* ClusterIdentifier: primary.ID(),
* InstanceClass: pulumi.String(rds.InstanceType_R4_Large),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* secondary, err := rds.NewCluster(ctx, "secondary", &rds.ClusterArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("test-secondary-cluster"),
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: example.ID(),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* }, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
* primaryClusterInstance,
* }))
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = rds.NewClusterInstance(ctx, "secondary", &rds.ClusterInstanceArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier: pulumi.String("test-secondary-cluster-instance"),
* ClusterIdentifier: secondary.ID(),
* InstanceClass: pulumi.String(rds.InstanceType_R4_Large),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalClusterArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.Cluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterInstance;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterInstanceArgs;
* import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new GlobalCluster("example", GlobalClusterArgs.builder()
* .globalClusterIdentifier("global-test")
* .engine("aurora")
* .engineVersion("5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2")
* .databaseName("example_db")
* .build());
* var primary = new Cluster("primary", ClusterArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .clusterIdentifier("test-primary-cluster")
* .masterUsername("username")
* .masterPassword("somepass123")
* .databaseName("example_db")
* .globalClusterIdentifier(example.id())
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build());
* var primaryClusterInstance = new ClusterInstance("primaryClusterInstance", ClusterInstanceArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .identifier("test-primary-cluster-instance")
* .clusterIdentifier(primary.id())
* .instanceClass("db.r4.large")
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build());
* var secondary = new Cluster("secondary", ClusterArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .clusterIdentifier("test-secondary-cluster")
* .globalClusterIdentifier(example.id())
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
* .dependsOn(primaryClusterInstance)
* .build());
* var secondaryClusterInstance = new ClusterInstance("secondaryClusterInstance", ClusterInstanceArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .identifier("test-secondary-cluster-instance")
* .clusterIdentifier(secondary.id())
* .instanceClass("db.r4.large")
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:rds:GlobalCluster
* properties:
* globalClusterIdentifier: global-test
* engine: aurora
* engineVersion: 5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2
* databaseName: example_db
* primary:
* type: aws:rds:Cluster
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* clusterIdentifier: test-primary-cluster
* masterUsername: username
* masterPassword: somepass123
* databaseName: example_db
* globalClusterIdentifier: ${example.id}
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* primaryClusterInstance:
* type: aws:rds:ClusterInstance
* name: primary
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* identifier: test-primary-cluster-instance
* clusterIdentifier: ${primary.id}
* instanceClass: db.r4.large
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* secondary:
* type: aws:rds:Cluster
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* clusterIdentifier: test-secondary-cluster
* globalClusterIdentifier: ${example.id}
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* options:
* dependson:
* - ${primaryClusterInstance}
* secondaryClusterInstance:
* type: aws:rds:ClusterInstance
* name: secondary
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* identifier: test-secondary-cluster-instance
* clusterIdentifier: ${secondary.id}
* instanceClass: db.r4.large
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* ```
* ### New PostgreSQL Global Cluster
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example", {
* globalClusterIdentifier: "global-test",
* engine: "aurora-postgresql",
* engineVersion: "11.9",
* databaseName: "example_db",
* });
* const primary = new aws.rds.Cluster("primary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* clusterIdentifier: "test-primary-cluster",
* masterUsername: "username",
* masterPassword: "somepass123",
* databaseName: "example_db",
* globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* });
* const primaryClusterInstance = new aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* identifier: "test-primary-cluster-instance",
* clusterIdentifier: primary.id,
* instanceClass: aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* });
* const secondary = new aws.rds.Cluster("secondary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* clusterIdentifier: "test-secondary-cluster",
* globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,
* skipFinalSnapshot: true,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* }, {
* dependsOn: [primaryClusterInstance],
* });
* const secondaryClusterInstance = new aws.rds.ClusterInstance("secondary", {
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* identifier: "test-secondary-cluster-instance",
* clusterIdentifier: secondary.id,
* instanceClass: aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* dbSubnetGroupName: "default",
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example",
* global_cluster_identifier="global-test",
* engine="aurora-postgresql",
* engine_version="11.9",
* database_name="example_db")
* primary = aws.rds.Cluster("primary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* cluster_identifier="test-primary-cluster",
* master_username="username",
* master_password="somepass123",
* database_name="example_db",
* global_cluster_identifier=example.id,
* db_subnet_group_name="default")
* primary_cluster_instance = aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* identifier="test-primary-cluster-instance",
* cluster_identifier=primary.id,
* instance_class=aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_LARGE,
* db_subnet_group_name="default")
* secondary = aws.rds.Cluster("secondary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* cluster_identifier="test-secondary-cluster",
* global_cluster_identifier=example.id,
* skip_final_snapshot=True,
* db_subnet_group_name="default",
* opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[primary_cluster_instance]))
* secondary_cluster_instance = aws.rds.ClusterInstance("secondary",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* identifier="test-secondary-cluster-instance",
* cluster_identifier=secondary.id,
* instance_class=aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_LARGE,
* db_subnet_group_name="default")
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Rds.GlobalCluster("example", new()
* {
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = "global-test",
* Engine = "aurora-postgresql",
* EngineVersion = "11.9",
* DatabaseName = "example_db",
* });
* var primary = new Aws.Rds.Cluster("primary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier = "test-primary-cluster",
* MasterUsername = "username",
* MasterPassword = "somepass123",
* DatabaseName = "example_db",
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = example.Id,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* });
* var primaryClusterInstance = new Aws.Rds.ClusterInstance("primary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier = "test-primary-cluster-instance",
* ClusterIdentifier = primary.Id,
* InstanceClass = Aws.Rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* });
* var secondary = new Aws.Rds.Cluster("secondary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier = "test-secondary-cluster",
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = example.Id,
* SkipFinalSnapshot = true,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* }, new CustomResourceOptions
* {
* DependsOn =
* {
* primaryClusterInstance,
* },
* });
* var secondaryClusterInstance = new Aws.Rds.ClusterInstance("secondary", new()
* {
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier = "test-secondary-cluster-instance",
* ClusterIdentifier = secondary.Id,
* InstanceClass = Aws.Rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* DbSubnetGroupName = "default",
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/rds"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := rds.NewGlobalCluster(ctx, "example", &rds.GlobalClusterArgs{
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("global-test"),
* Engine: pulumi.String("aurora-postgresql"),
* EngineVersion: pulumi.String("11.9"),
* DatabaseName: pulumi.String("example_db"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* primary, err := rds.NewCluster(ctx, "primary", &rds.ClusterArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("test-primary-cluster"),
* MasterUsername: pulumi.String("username"),
* MasterPassword: pulumi.String("somepass123"),
* DatabaseName: pulumi.String("example_db"),
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: example.ID(),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* primaryClusterInstance, err := rds.NewClusterInstance(ctx, "primary", &rds.ClusterInstanceArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier: pulumi.String("test-primary-cluster-instance"),
* ClusterIdentifier: primary.ID(),
* InstanceClass: pulumi.String(rds.InstanceType_R4_Large),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* secondary, err := rds.NewCluster(ctx, "secondary", &rds.ClusterArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* ClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("test-secondary-cluster"),
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: example.ID(),
* SkipFinalSnapshot: pulumi.Bool(true),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* }, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
* primaryClusterInstance,
* }))
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = rds.NewClusterInstance(ctx, "secondary", &rds.ClusterInstanceArgs{
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* Identifier: pulumi.String("test-secondary-cluster-instance"),
* ClusterIdentifier: secondary.ID(),
* InstanceClass: pulumi.String(rds.InstanceType_R4_Large),
* DbSubnetGroupName: pulumi.String("default"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalClusterArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.Cluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterInstance;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterInstanceArgs;
* import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new GlobalCluster("example", GlobalClusterArgs.builder()
* .globalClusterIdentifier("global-test")
* .engine("aurora-postgresql")
* .engineVersion("11.9")
* .databaseName("example_db")
* .build());
* var primary = new Cluster("primary", ClusterArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .clusterIdentifier("test-primary-cluster")
* .masterUsername("username")
* .masterPassword("somepass123")
* .databaseName("example_db")
* .globalClusterIdentifier(example.id())
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build());
* var primaryClusterInstance = new ClusterInstance("primaryClusterInstance", ClusterInstanceArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .identifier("test-primary-cluster-instance")
* .clusterIdentifier(primary.id())
* .instanceClass("db.r4.large")
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build());
* var secondary = new Cluster("secondary", ClusterArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .clusterIdentifier("test-secondary-cluster")
* .globalClusterIdentifier(example.id())
* .skipFinalSnapshot(true)
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
* .dependsOn(primaryClusterInstance)
* .build());
* var secondaryClusterInstance = new ClusterInstance("secondaryClusterInstance", ClusterInstanceArgs.builder()
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .identifier("test-secondary-cluster-instance")
* .clusterIdentifier(secondary.id())
* .instanceClass("db.r4.large")
* .dbSubnetGroupName("default")
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:rds:GlobalCluster
* properties:
* globalClusterIdentifier: global-test
* engine: aurora-postgresql
* engineVersion: '11.9'
* databaseName: example_db
* primary:
* type: aws:rds:Cluster
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* clusterIdentifier: test-primary-cluster
* masterUsername: username
* masterPassword: somepass123
* databaseName: example_db
* globalClusterIdentifier: ${example.id}
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* primaryClusterInstance:
* type: aws:rds:ClusterInstance
* name: primary
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* identifier: test-primary-cluster-instance
* clusterIdentifier: ${primary.id}
* instanceClass: db.r4.large
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* secondary:
* type: aws:rds:Cluster
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* clusterIdentifier: test-secondary-cluster
* globalClusterIdentifier: ${example.id}
* skipFinalSnapshot: true
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* options:
* dependson:
* - ${primaryClusterInstance}
* secondaryClusterInstance:
* type: aws:rds:ClusterInstance
* name: secondary
* properties:
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* identifier: test-secondary-cluster-instance
* clusterIdentifier: ${secondary.id}
* instanceClass: db.r4.large
* dbSubnetGroupName: default
* ```
* ### New Global Cluster From Existing DB Cluster
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.rds.Cluster("example", {});
* const exampleGlobalCluster = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example", {
* forceDestroy: true,
* globalClusterIdentifier: "example",
* sourceDbClusterIdentifier: example.arn,
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.rds.Cluster("example")
* example_global_cluster = aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example",
* force_destroy=True,
* global_cluster_identifier="example",
* source_db_cluster_identifier=example.arn)
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Rds.Cluster("example");
* var exampleGlobalCluster = new Aws.Rds.GlobalCluster("example", new()
* {
* ForceDestroy = true,
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = "example",
* SourceDbClusterIdentifier = example.Arn,
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/rds"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := rds.NewCluster(ctx, "example", nil)
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = rds.NewGlobalCluster(ctx, "example", &rds.GlobalClusterArgs{
* ForceDestroy: pulumi.Bool(true),
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("example"),
* SourceDbClusterIdentifier: example.Arn,
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.Cluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalClusterArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Cluster("example");
* var exampleGlobalCluster = new GlobalCluster("exampleGlobalCluster", GlobalClusterArgs.builder()
* .forceDestroy(true)
* .globalClusterIdentifier("example")
* .sourceDbClusterIdentifier(example.arn())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:rds:Cluster
* exampleGlobalCluster:
* type: aws:rds:GlobalCluster
* name: example
* properties:
* forceDestroy: true
* globalClusterIdentifier: example
* sourceDbClusterIdentifier: ${example.arn}
* ```
* ### Upgrading Engine Versions
* When you upgrade the version of an `aws.rds.GlobalCluster`, the provider will attempt to in-place upgrade the engine versions of all associated clusters. Since the `aws.rds.Cluster` resource is being updated through the `aws.rds.GlobalCluster`, you are likely to get an error (`Provider produced inconsistent final plan`). To avoid this, use the `lifecycle` `ignore_changes` meta argument as shown below on the `aws.rds.Cluster`.
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example", {
* globalClusterIdentifier: "kyivkharkiv",
* engine: "aurora-mysql",
* engineVersion: "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.5",
* });
* const primary = new aws.rds.Cluster("primary", {
* allowMajorVersionUpgrade: true,
* applyImmediately: true,
* clusterIdentifier: "odessadnipro",
* databaseName: "totoro",
* engine: example.engine,
* engineVersion: example.engineVersion,
* globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,
* masterPassword: "satsukimae",
* masterUsername: "maesatsuki",
* skipFinalSnapshot: true,
* });
* const primaryClusterInstance = new aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primary", {
* applyImmediately: true,
* clusterIdentifier: primary.id,
* engine: primary.engine,
* engineVersion: primary.engineVersion,
* identifier: "donetsklviv",
* instanceClass: aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example",
* global_cluster_identifier="kyivkharkiv",
* engine="aurora-mysql",
* engine_version="5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.5")
* primary = aws.rds.Cluster("primary",
* allow_major_version_upgrade=True,
* apply_immediately=True,
* cluster_identifier="odessadnipro",
* database_name="totoro",
* engine=example.engine,
* engine_version=example.engine_version,
* global_cluster_identifier=example.id,
* master_password="satsukimae",
* master_username="maesatsuki",
* skip_final_snapshot=True)
* primary_cluster_instance = aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primary",
* apply_immediately=True,
* cluster_identifier=primary.id,
* engine=primary.engine,
* engine_version=primary.engine_version,
* identifier="donetsklviv",
* instance_class=aws.rds.InstanceType.R4_LARGE)
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Rds.GlobalCluster("example", new()
* {
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = "kyivkharkiv",
* Engine = "aurora-mysql",
* EngineVersion = "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.5",
* });
* var primary = new Aws.Rds.Cluster("primary", new()
* {
* AllowMajorVersionUpgrade = true,
* ApplyImmediately = true,
* ClusterIdentifier = "odessadnipro",
* DatabaseName = "totoro",
* Engine = example.Engine,
* EngineVersion = example.EngineVersion,
* GlobalClusterIdentifier = example.Id,
* MasterPassword = "satsukimae",
* MasterUsername = "maesatsuki",
* SkipFinalSnapshot = true,
* });
* var primaryClusterInstance = new Aws.Rds.ClusterInstance("primary", new()
* {
* ApplyImmediately = true,
* ClusterIdentifier = primary.Id,
* Engine = primary.Engine,
* EngineVersion = primary.EngineVersion,
* Identifier = "donetsklviv",
* InstanceClass = Aws.Rds.InstanceType.R4_Large,
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/rds"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := rds.NewGlobalCluster(ctx, "example", &rds.GlobalClusterArgs{
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("kyivkharkiv"),
* Engine: pulumi.String("aurora-mysql"),
* EngineVersion: pulumi.String("5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.5"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* primary, err := rds.NewCluster(ctx, "primary", &rds.ClusterArgs{
* AllowMajorVersionUpgrade: pulumi.Bool(true),
* ApplyImmediately: pulumi.Bool(true),
* ClusterIdentifier: pulumi.String("odessadnipro"),
* DatabaseName: pulumi.String("totoro"),
* Engine: example.Engine,
* EngineVersion: example.EngineVersion,
* GlobalClusterIdentifier: example.ID(),
* MasterPassword: pulumi.String("satsukimae"),
* MasterUsername: pulumi.String("maesatsuki"),
* SkipFinalSnapshot: pulumi.Bool(true),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = rds.NewClusterInstance(ctx, "primary", &rds.ClusterInstanceArgs{
* ApplyImmediately: pulumi.Bool(true),
* ClusterIdentifier: primary.ID(),
* Engine: primary.Engine,
* EngineVersion: primary.EngineVersion,
* Identifier: pulumi.String("donetsklviv"),
* InstanceClass: pulumi.String(rds.InstanceType_R4_Large),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalClusterArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.Cluster;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterInstance;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ClusterInstanceArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new GlobalCluster("example", GlobalClusterArgs.builder()
* .globalClusterIdentifier("kyivkharkiv")
* .engine("aurora-mysql")
* .engineVersion("5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.5")
* .build());
* var primary = new Cluster("primary", ClusterArgs.builder()
* .allowMajorVersionUpgrade(true)
* .applyImmediately(true)
* .clusterIdentifier("odessadnipro")
* .databaseName("totoro")
* .engine(example.engine())
* .engineVersion(example.engineVersion())
* .globalClusterIdentifier(example.id())
* .masterPassword("satsukimae")
* .masterUsername("maesatsuki")
* .skipFinalSnapshot(true)
* .build());
* var primaryClusterInstance = new ClusterInstance("primaryClusterInstance", ClusterInstanceArgs.builder()
* .applyImmediately(true)
* .clusterIdentifier(primary.id())
* .engine(primary.engine())
* .engineVersion(primary.engineVersion())
* .identifier("donetsklviv")
* .instanceClass("db.r4.large")
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:rds:GlobalCluster
* properties:
* globalClusterIdentifier: kyivkharkiv
* engine: aurora-mysql
* engineVersion: 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.5
* primary:
* type: aws:rds:Cluster
* properties:
* allowMajorVersionUpgrade: true
* applyImmediately: true
* clusterIdentifier: odessadnipro
* databaseName: totoro
* engine: ${example.engine}
* engineVersion: ${example.engineVersion}
* globalClusterIdentifier: ${example.id}
* masterPassword: satsukimae
* masterUsername: maesatsuki
* skipFinalSnapshot: true
* primaryClusterInstance:
* type: aws:rds:ClusterInstance
* name: primary
* properties:
* applyImmediately: true
* clusterIdentifier: ${primary.id}
* engine: ${primary.engine}
* engineVersion: ${primary.engineVersion}
* identifier: donetsklviv
* instanceClass: db.r4.large
* ```
* ## Import
* Using `pulumi import`, import `aws_rds_global_cluster` using the RDS Global Cluster identifier. For example:
* ```sh
* $ pulumi import aws:rds/globalCluster:GlobalCluster example example
* ```
* Certain resource arguments, like `force_destroy`, only exist within this provider. If the argument is set in the the provider configuration on an imported resource, This provider will show a difference on the first plan after import to update the state value. This change is safe to apply immediately so the state matches the desired configuration.
* Certain resource arguments, like `source_db_cluster_identifier`, do not have an API method for reading the information after creation. If the argument is set in the Pulumi program on an imported resource, Pulumi will always show a difference. To workaround this behavior, either omit the argument from the Pulumi program or use `ignore_changes` to hide the difference. For example:
public class GlobalCluster internal constructor(
override val javaResource: com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster,
) : KotlinCustomResource(javaResource, GlobalClusterMapper) {
* RDS Global Cluster Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
public val arn: Output
get() = javaResource.arn().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Name for an automatically created database on cluster creation.
public val databaseName: Output?
get() = javaResource.databaseName().applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
* If the Global Cluster should have deletion protection enabled. The database can't be deleted when this value is set to `true`. The default is `false`.
public val deletionProtection: Output?
get() = javaResource.deletionProtection().applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
* Writer endpoint for the new global database cluster. This endpoint always points to the writer DB instance in the current primary cluster.
public val endpoint: Output
get() = javaResource.endpoint().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Name of the database engine to be used for this DB cluster. The provider will only perform drift detection if a configuration value is provided. Valid values: `aurora`, `aurora-mysql`, `aurora-postgresql`. Defaults to `aurora`. Conflicts with `source_db_cluster_identifier`.
public val engine: Output
get() = javaResource.engine().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* The life cycle type for this DB instance. This setting applies only to Aurora PostgreSQL-based global databases. Valid values are `open-source-rds-extended-support`, `open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled`. Default value is `open-source-rds-extended-support`. [Using Amazon RDS Extended Support]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/extended-support.html
public val engineLifecycleSupport: Output
get() = javaResource.engineLifecycleSupport().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Engine version of the Aurora global database. The `engine`, `engine_version`, and `instance_class` (on the `aws.rds.ClusterInstance`) must together support global databases. See [Using Amazon Aurora global databases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-global-database.html) for more information. By upgrading the engine version, the provider will upgrade cluster members. **NOTE:** To avoid an `inconsistent final plan` error while upgrading, use the `lifecycle` `ignore_changes` for `engine_version` meta argument on the associated `aws.rds.Cluster` resource as shown above in Upgrading Engine Versions example.
public val engineVersion: Output
get() = javaResource.engineVersion().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
public val engineVersionActual: Output
get() = javaResource.engineVersionActual().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Enable to remove DB Cluster members from Global Cluster on destroy. Required with `source_db_cluster_identifier`.
public val forceDestroy: Output?
get() = javaResource.forceDestroy().applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
* Global cluster identifier.
public val globalClusterIdentifier: Output
get() = javaResource.globalClusterIdentifier().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Set of objects containing Global Cluster members.
public val globalClusterMembers: Output>
get() = javaResource.globalClusterMembers().applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
args0.let({ args0 -> toKotlin(args0) })
* AWS Region-unique, immutable identifier for the global database cluster. This identifier is found in AWS CloudTrail log entries whenever the AWS KMS key for the DB cluster is accessed
public val globalClusterResourceId: Output
get() = javaResource.globalClusterResourceId().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use as the primary DB Cluster of the Global Cluster on creation. The provider cannot perform drift detection of this value.
public val sourceDbClusterIdentifier: Output
get() = javaResource.sourceDbClusterIdentifier().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Specifies whether the DB cluster is encrypted. The default is `false` unless `source_db_cluster_identifier` is specified and encrypted. The provider will only perform drift detection if a configuration value is provided.
public val storageEncrypted: Output
get() = javaResource.storageEncrypted().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
public object GlobalClusterMapper : ResourceMapper {
override fun supportsMappingOfType(javaResource: Resource): Boolean =
com.pulumi.aws.rds.GlobalCluster::class == javaResource::class
override fun map(javaResource: Resource): GlobalCluster = GlobalCluster(
javaResource as
* @see [GlobalCluster].
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
* @param block Builder for [GlobalCluster].
public suspend fun globalCluster(
name: String,
block: suspend GlobalClusterResourceBuilder.() -> Unit,
): GlobalCluster {
val builder = GlobalClusterResourceBuilder()
return builder.build()
* @see [GlobalCluster].
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
public fun globalCluster(name: String): GlobalCluster {
val builder = GlobalClusterResourceBuilder()
return builder.build()
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