com.pulumi.aws.rds.kotlin.ProxyTarget.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.pulumi.aws.rds.kotlin
import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.kotlin.KotlinCustomResource
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ResourceMapper
import com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptions
import com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptionsBuilder
import com.pulumi.resources.Resource
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
* Builder for [ProxyTarget].
public class ProxyTargetResourceBuilder internal constructor() {
public var name: String? = null
public var args: ProxyTargetArgs = ProxyTargetArgs()
public var opts: CustomResourceOptions = CustomResourceOptions()
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
public fun name(`value`: String) {
this.name = value
* @param block The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.
public suspend fun args(block: suspend ProxyTargetArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val builder = ProxyTargetArgsBuilder()
this.args = builder.build()
* @param block A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
public suspend fun opts(block: suspend CustomResourceOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
this.opts = com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptions.opts(block)
internal fun build(): ProxyTarget {
val builtJavaResource = com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyTarget(
return ProxyTarget(builtJavaResource)
* Provides an RDS DB proxy target resource.
* ## Example Usage
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.rds.Proxy("example", {
* name: "example",
* debugLogging: false,
* engineFamily: "MYSQL",
* idleClientTimeout: 1800,
* requireTls: true,
* roleArn: exampleAwsIamRole.arn,
* vpcSecurityGroupIds: [exampleAwsSecurityGroup.id],
* vpcSubnetIds: [exampleAwsSubnet.id],
* auths: [{
* authScheme: "SECRETS",
* description: "example",
* iamAuth: "DISABLED",
* secretArn: exampleAwsSecretsmanagerSecret.arn,
* }],
* tags: {
* Name: "example",
* Key: "value",
* },
* });
* const exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup = new aws.rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroup("example", {
* dbProxyName: example.name,
* connectionPoolConfig: {
* connectionBorrowTimeout: 120,
* initQuery: "SET x=1, y=2",
* maxConnectionsPercent: 100,
* maxIdleConnectionsPercent: 50,
* sessionPinningFilters: ["EXCLUDE_VARIABLE_SETS"],
* },
* });
* const exampleProxyTarget = new aws.rds.ProxyTarget("example", {
* dbInstanceIdentifier: exampleAwsDbInstance.identifier,
* dbProxyName: example.name,
* targetGroupName: exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup.name,
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.rds.Proxy("example",
* name="example",
* debug_logging=False,
* engine_family="MYSQL",
* idle_client_timeout=1800,
* require_tls=True,
* role_arn=example_aws_iam_role["arn"],
* vpc_security_group_ids=[example_aws_security_group["id"]],
* vpc_subnet_ids=[example_aws_subnet["id"]],
* auths=[{
* "auth_scheme": "SECRETS",
* "description": "example",
* "iam_auth": "DISABLED",
* "secret_arn": example_aws_secretsmanager_secret["arn"],
* }],
* tags={
* "Name": "example",
* "Key": "value",
* })
* example_proxy_default_target_group = aws.rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroup("example",
* db_proxy_name=example.name,
* connection_pool_config={
* "connection_borrow_timeout": 120,
* "init_query": "SET x=1, y=2",
* "max_connections_percent": 100,
* "max_idle_connections_percent": 50,
* "session_pinning_filters": ["EXCLUDE_VARIABLE_SETS"],
* })
* example_proxy_target = aws.rds.ProxyTarget("example",
* db_instance_identifier=example_aws_db_instance["identifier"],
* db_proxy_name=example.name,
* target_group_name=example_proxy_default_target_group.name)
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.Rds.Proxy("example", new()
* {
* Name = "example",
* DebugLogging = false,
* EngineFamily = "MYSQL",
* IdleClientTimeout = 1800,
* RequireTls = true,
* RoleArn = exampleAwsIamRole.Arn,
* VpcSecurityGroupIds = new[]
* {
* exampleAwsSecurityGroup.Id,
* },
* VpcSubnetIds = new[]
* {
* exampleAwsSubnet.Id,
* },
* Auths = new[]
* {
* new Aws.Rds.Inputs.ProxyAuthArgs
* {
* AuthScheme = "SECRETS",
* Description = "example",
* IamAuth = "DISABLED",
* SecretArn = exampleAwsSecretsmanagerSecret.Arn,
* },
* },
* Tags =
* {
* { "Name", "example" },
* { "Key", "value" },
* },
* });
* var exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup = new Aws.Rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroup("example", new()
* {
* DbProxyName = example.Name,
* ConnectionPoolConfig = new Aws.Rds.Inputs.ProxyDefaultTargetGroupConnectionPoolConfigArgs
* {
* ConnectionBorrowTimeout = 120,
* InitQuery = "SET x=1, y=2",
* MaxConnectionsPercent = 100,
* MaxIdleConnectionsPercent = 50,
* SessionPinningFilters = new[]
* {
* },
* },
* });
* var exampleProxyTarget = new Aws.Rds.ProxyTarget("example", new()
* {
* DbInstanceIdentifier = exampleAwsDbInstance.Identifier,
* DbProxyName = example.Name,
* TargetGroupName = exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup.Name,
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/rds"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* example, err := rds.NewProxy(ctx, "example", &rds.ProxyArgs{
* Name: pulumi.String("example"),
* DebugLogging: pulumi.Bool(false),
* EngineFamily: pulumi.String("MYSQL"),
* IdleClientTimeout: pulumi.Int(1800),
* RequireTls: pulumi.Bool(true),
* RoleArn: pulumi.Any(exampleAwsIamRole.Arn),
* VpcSecurityGroupIds: pulumi.StringArray{
* exampleAwsSecurityGroup.Id,
* },
* VpcSubnetIds: pulumi.StringArray{
* exampleAwsSubnet.Id,
* },
* Auths: rds.ProxyAuthArray{
* &rds.ProxyAuthArgs{
* AuthScheme: pulumi.String("SECRETS"),
* Description: pulumi.String("example"),
* IamAuth: pulumi.String("DISABLED"),
* SecretArn: pulumi.Any(exampleAwsSecretsmanagerSecret.Arn),
* },
* },
* Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
* "Name": pulumi.String("example"),
* "Key": pulumi.String("value"),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup, err := rds.NewProxyDefaultTargetGroup(ctx, "example", &rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroupArgs{
* DbProxyName: example.Name,
* ConnectionPoolConfig: &rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroupConnectionPoolConfigArgs{
* ConnectionBorrowTimeout: pulumi.Int(120),
* InitQuery: pulumi.String("SET x=1, y=2"),
* MaxConnectionsPercent: pulumi.Int(100),
* MaxIdleConnectionsPercent: pulumi.Int(50),
* SessionPinningFilters: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("EXCLUDE_VARIABLE_SETS"),
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = rds.NewProxyTarget(ctx, "example", &rds.ProxyTargetArgs{
* DbInstanceIdentifier: pulumi.Any(exampleAwsDbInstance.Identifier),
* DbProxyName: example.Name,
* TargetGroupName: exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup.Name,
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.Proxy;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.inputs.ProxyAuthArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroup;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyDefaultTargetGroupArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.inputs.ProxyDefaultTargetGroupConnectionPoolConfigArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyTarget;
* import com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyTargetArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Proxy("example", ProxyArgs.builder()
* .name("example")
* .debugLogging(false)
* .engineFamily("MYSQL")
* .idleClientTimeout(1800)
* .requireTls(true)
* .roleArn(exampleAwsIamRole.arn())
* .vpcSecurityGroupIds(exampleAwsSecurityGroup.id())
* .vpcSubnetIds(exampleAwsSubnet.id())
* .auths(ProxyAuthArgs.builder()
* .authScheme("SECRETS")
* .description("example")
* .iamAuth("DISABLED")
* .secretArn(exampleAwsSecretsmanagerSecret.arn())
* .build())
* .tags(Map.ofEntries(
* Map.entry("Name", "example"),
* Map.entry("Key", "value")
* ))
* .build());
* var exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup = new ProxyDefaultTargetGroup("exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup", ProxyDefaultTargetGroupArgs.builder()
* .dbProxyName(example.name())
* .connectionPoolConfig(ProxyDefaultTargetGroupConnectionPoolConfigArgs.builder()
* .connectionBorrowTimeout(120)
* .initQuery("SET x=1, y=2")
* .maxConnectionsPercent(100)
* .maxIdleConnectionsPercent(50)
* .sessionPinningFilters("EXCLUDE_VARIABLE_SETS")
* .build())
* .build());
* var exampleProxyTarget = new ProxyTarget("exampleProxyTarget", ProxyTargetArgs.builder()
* .dbInstanceIdentifier(exampleAwsDbInstance.identifier())
* .dbProxyName(example.name())
* .targetGroupName(exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup.name())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:rds:Proxy
* properties:
* name: example
* debugLogging: false
* engineFamily: MYSQL
* idleClientTimeout: 1800
* requireTls: true
* roleArn: ${exampleAwsIamRole.arn}
* vpcSecurityGroupIds:
* - ${exampleAwsSecurityGroup.id}
* vpcSubnetIds:
* - ${exampleAwsSubnet.id}
* auths:
* - authScheme: SECRETS
* description: example
* iamAuth: DISABLED
* secretArn: ${exampleAwsSecretsmanagerSecret.arn}
* tags:
* Name: example
* Key: value
* exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup:
* type: aws:rds:ProxyDefaultTargetGroup
* name: example
* properties:
* dbProxyName: ${example.name}
* connectionPoolConfig:
* connectionBorrowTimeout: 120
* initQuery: SET x=1, y=2
* maxConnectionsPercent: 100
* maxIdleConnectionsPercent: 50
* sessionPinningFilters:
* exampleProxyTarget:
* type: aws:rds:ProxyTarget
* name: example
* properties:
* dbInstanceIdentifier: ${exampleAwsDbInstance.identifier}
* dbProxyName: ${example.name}
* targetGroupName: ${exampleProxyDefaultTargetGroup.name}
* ```
* ## Import
* Provisioned Clusters:
* __Using `pulumi import` to import__ RDS DB Proxy Targets using the `db_proxy_name`, `target_group_name`, target type (such as `RDS_INSTANCE` or `TRACKED_CLUSTER`), and resource identifier separated by forward slashes (`/`). For example:
* Instances:
* ```sh
* $ pulumi import aws:rds/proxyTarget:ProxyTarget example example-proxy/default/RDS_INSTANCE/example-instance
* ```
* Provisioned Clusters:
* ```sh
* $ pulumi import aws:rds/proxyTarget:ProxyTarget example example-proxy/default/TRACKED_CLUSTER/example-cluster
* ```
public class ProxyTarget internal constructor(
override val javaResource: com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyTarget,
) : KotlinCustomResource(javaResource, ProxyTargetMapper) {
* DB cluster identifier.
* **NOTE:** Either `db_instance_identifier` or `db_cluster_identifier` should be specified and both should not be specified together
public val dbClusterIdentifier: Output?
get() = javaResource.dbClusterIdentifier().applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
* DB instance identifier.
public val dbInstanceIdentifier: Output?
get() = javaResource.dbInstanceIdentifier().applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
* The name of the DB proxy.
public val dbProxyName: Output
get() = javaResource.dbProxyName().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Hostname for the target RDS DB Instance. Only returned for `RDS_INSTANCE` type.
public val endpoint: Output
get() = javaResource.endpoint().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Port for the target RDS DB Instance or Aurora DB Cluster.
public val port: Output
get() = javaResource.port().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Identifier representing the DB Instance or DB Cluster target.
public val rdsResourceId: Output
get() = javaResource.rdsResourceId().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB instance or DB cluster. Currently not returned by the RDS API.
public val targetArn: Output
get() = javaResource.targetArn().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* The name of the target group.
public val targetGroupName: Output
get() = javaResource.targetGroupName().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* DB Cluster identifier for the DB Instance target. Not returned unless manually importing an `RDS_INSTANCE` target that is part of a DB Cluster.
public val trackedClusterId: Output
get() = javaResource.trackedClusterId().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
* Type of targetE.g., `RDS_INSTANCE` or `TRACKED_CLUSTER`
public val type: Output
get() = javaResource.type().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })
public object ProxyTargetMapper : ResourceMapper {
override fun supportsMappingOfType(javaResource: Resource): Boolean =
com.pulumi.aws.rds.ProxyTarget::class == javaResource::class
override fun map(javaResource: Resource): ProxyTarget = ProxyTarget(
javaResource as
* @see [ProxyTarget].
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
* @param block Builder for [ProxyTarget].
public suspend fun proxyTarget(name: String, block: suspend ProxyTargetResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): ProxyTarget {
val builder = ProxyTargetResourceBuilder()
return builder.build()
* @see [ProxyTarget].
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
public fun proxyTarget(name: String): ProxyTarget {
val builder = ProxyTargetResourceBuilder()
return builder.build()
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