com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.kotlin.PlanArgs.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.kotlin
import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.PlanArgs.builder
import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.kotlin.inputs.PlanStageArgs
import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.kotlin.inputs.PlanStageArgsBuilder
import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.core.Output.of
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ConvertibleToJava
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.applySuspend
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* Resource for managing an AWS SSM Contact Plan.
* ## Example Usage
* ### Basic Usage
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const example = new aws.ssmcontacts.Plan("example", {
* contactId: "arn:aws:ssm-contacts:us-west-2:123456789012:contact/contactalias",
* stages: [{
* durationInMinutes: 1,
* }],
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* example = aws.ssmcontacts.Plan("example",
* contact_id="arn:aws:ssm-contacts:us-west-2:123456789012:contact/contactalias",
* stages=[{
* "duration_in_minutes": 1,
* }])
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var example = new Aws.SsmContacts.Plan("example", new()
* {
* ContactId = "arn:aws:ssm-contacts:us-west-2:123456789012:contact/contactalias",
* Stages = new[]
* {
* new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageArgs
* {
* DurationInMinutes = 1,
* },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/ssmcontacts"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* _, err := ssmcontacts.NewPlan(ctx, "example", &ssmcontacts.PlanArgs{
* ContactId: pulumi.String("arn:aws:ssm-contacts:us-west-2:123456789012:contact/contactalias"),
* Stages: ssmcontacts.PlanStageArray{
* &ssmcontacts.PlanStageArgs{
* DurationInMinutes: pulumi.Int(1),
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.Plan;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.PlanArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.inputs.PlanStageArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var example = new Plan("example", PlanArgs.builder()
* .contactId("arn:aws:ssm-contacts:us-west-2:123456789012:contact/contactalias")
* .stages(PlanStageArgs.builder()
* .durationInMinutes(1)
* .build())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* example:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Plan
* properties:
* contactId: arn:aws:ssm-contacts:us-west-2:123456789012:contact/contactalias
* stages:
* - durationInMinutes: 1
* ```
* ### Usage with SSM Contact
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const contact = new aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("contact", {
* alias: "alias",
* type: "PERSONAL",
* });
* const plan = new aws.ssmcontacts.Plan("plan", {
* contactId: contact.arn,
* stages: [{
* durationInMinutes: 1,
* }],
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* contact = aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("contact",
* alias="alias",
* type="PERSONAL")
* plan = aws.ssmcontacts.Plan("plan",
* contact_id=contact.arn,
* stages=[{
* "duration_in_minutes": 1,
* }])
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var contact = new Aws.SsmContacts.Contact("contact", new()
* {
* Alias = "alias",
* Type = "PERSONAL",
* });
* var plan = new Aws.SsmContacts.Plan("plan", new()
* {
* ContactId = contact.Arn,
* Stages = new[]
* {
* new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageArgs
* {
* DurationInMinutes = 1,
* },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/ssmcontacts"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* contact, err := ssmcontacts.NewContact(ctx, "contact", &ssmcontacts.ContactArgs{
* Alias: pulumi.String("alias"),
* Type: pulumi.String("PERSONAL"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = ssmcontacts.NewPlan(ctx, "plan", &ssmcontacts.PlanArgs{
* ContactId: contact.Arn,
* Stages: ssmcontacts.PlanStageArray{
* &ssmcontacts.PlanStageArgs{
* DurationInMinutes: pulumi.Int(1),
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.Contact;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.ContactArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.Plan;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.PlanArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.inputs.PlanStageArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var contact = new Contact("contact", ContactArgs.builder()
* .alias("alias")
* .type("PERSONAL")
* .build());
* var plan = new Plan("plan", PlanArgs.builder()
* .contactId(contact.arn())
* .stages(PlanStageArgs.builder()
* .durationInMinutes(1)
* .build())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* contact:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Contact
* properties:
* alias: alias
* type: PERSONAL
* plan:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Plan
* properties:
* contactId: ${contact.arn}
* stages:
* - durationInMinutes: 1
* ```
* ### Usage With All Fields
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
* const escalationPlan = new aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("escalation_plan", {
* alias: "escalation-plan-alias",
* type: "ESCALATION",
* });
* const contactOne = new aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("contact_one", {
* alias: "alias",
* type: "PERSONAL",
* });
* const contactTwo = new aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("contact_two", {
* alias: "alias",
* type: "PERSONAL",
* });
* const test = new aws.ssmcontacts.Plan("test", {
* contactId: escalationPlan.arn,
* stages: [{
* durationInMinutes: 0,
* targets: [
* {
* contactTargetInfo: {
* isEssential: false,
* contactId: contactOne.arn,
* },
* },
* {
* contactTargetInfo: {
* isEssential: true,
* contactId: contactTwo.arn,
* },
* },
* {
* channelTargetInfo: {
* retryIntervalInMinutes: 2,
* contactChannelId: channel.arn,
* },
* },
* ],
* }],
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import pulumi_aws as aws
* escalation_plan = aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("escalation_plan",
* alias="escalation-plan-alias",
* type="ESCALATION")
* contact_one = aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("contact_one",
* alias="alias",
* type="PERSONAL")
* contact_two = aws.ssmcontacts.Contact("contact_two",
* alias="alias",
* type="PERSONAL")
* test = aws.ssmcontacts.Plan("test",
* contact_id=escalation_plan.arn,
* stages=[{
* "duration_in_minutes": 0,
* "targets": [
* {
* "contact_target_info": {
* "is_essential": False,
* "contact_id": contact_one.arn,
* },
* },
* {
* "contact_target_info": {
* "is_essential": True,
* "contact_id": contact_two.arn,
* },
* },
* {
* "channel_target_info": {
* "retry_interval_in_minutes": 2,
* "contact_channel_id": channel["arn"],
* },
* },
* ],
* }])
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using Pulumi;
* using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var escalationPlan = new Aws.SsmContacts.Contact("escalation_plan", new()
* {
* Alias = "escalation-plan-alias",
* Type = "ESCALATION",
* });
* var contactOne = new Aws.SsmContacts.Contact("contact_one", new()
* {
* Alias = "alias",
* Type = "PERSONAL",
* });
* var contactTwo = new Aws.SsmContacts.Contact("contact_two", new()
* {
* Alias = "alias",
* Type = "PERSONAL",
* });
* var test = new Aws.SsmContacts.Plan("test", new()
* {
* ContactId = escalationPlan.Arn,
* Stages = new[]
* {
* new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageArgs
* {
* DurationInMinutes = 0,
* Targets = new[]
* {
* new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageTargetArgs
* {
* ContactTargetInfo = new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageTargetContactTargetInfoArgs
* {
* IsEssential = false,
* ContactId = contactOne.Arn,
* },
* },
* new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageTargetArgs
* {
* ContactTargetInfo = new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageTargetContactTargetInfoArgs
* {
* IsEssential = true,
* ContactId = contactTwo.Arn,
* },
* },
* new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageTargetArgs
* {
* ChannelTargetInfo = new Aws.SsmContacts.Inputs.PlanStageTargetChannelTargetInfoArgs
* {
* RetryIntervalInMinutes = 2,
* ContactChannelId = channel.Arn,
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v6/go/aws/ssmcontacts"
* "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi"
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* escalationPlan, err := ssmcontacts.NewContact(ctx, "escalation_plan", &ssmcontacts.ContactArgs{
* Alias: pulumi.String("escalation-plan-alias"),
* Type: pulumi.String("ESCALATION"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* contactOne, err := ssmcontacts.NewContact(ctx, "contact_one", &ssmcontacts.ContactArgs{
* Alias: pulumi.String("alias"),
* Type: pulumi.String("PERSONAL"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* contactTwo, err := ssmcontacts.NewContact(ctx, "contact_two", &ssmcontacts.ContactArgs{
* Alias: pulumi.String("alias"),
* Type: pulumi.String("PERSONAL"),
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* _, err = ssmcontacts.NewPlan(ctx, "test", &ssmcontacts.PlanArgs{
* ContactId: escalationPlan.Arn,
* Stages: ssmcontacts.PlanStageArray{
* &ssmcontacts.PlanStageArgs{
* DurationInMinutes: pulumi.Int(0),
* Targets: ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetArray{
* &ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetArgs{
* ContactTargetInfo: &ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetContactTargetInfoArgs{
* IsEssential: pulumi.Bool(false),
* ContactId: contactOne.Arn,
* },
* },
* &ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetArgs{
* ContactTargetInfo: &ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetContactTargetInfoArgs{
* IsEssential: pulumi.Bool(true),
* ContactId: contactTwo.Arn,
* },
* },
* &ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetArgs{
* ChannelTargetInfo: &ssmcontacts.PlanStageTargetChannelTargetInfoArgs{
* RetryIntervalInMinutes: pulumi.Int(2),
* ContactChannelId: pulumi.Any(channel.Arn),
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.Contact;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.ContactArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.Plan;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.PlanArgs;
* import com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.inputs.PlanStageArgs;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import java.io.File;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Pulumi.run(App::stack);
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var escalationPlan = new Contact("escalationPlan", ContactArgs.builder()
* .alias("escalation-plan-alias")
* .type("ESCALATION")
* .build());
* var contactOne = new Contact("contactOne", ContactArgs.builder()
* .alias("alias")
* .type("PERSONAL")
* .build());
* var contactTwo = new Contact("contactTwo", ContactArgs.builder()
* .alias("alias")
* .type("PERSONAL")
* .build());
* var test = new Plan("test", PlanArgs.builder()
* .contactId(escalationPlan.arn())
* .stages(PlanStageArgs.builder()
* .durationInMinutes(0)
* .targets(
* PlanStageTargetArgs.builder()
* .contactTargetInfo(PlanStageTargetContactTargetInfoArgs.builder()
* .isEssential(false)
* .contactId(contactOne.arn())
* .build())
* .build(),
* PlanStageTargetArgs.builder()
* .contactTargetInfo(PlanStageTargetContactTargetInfoArgs.builder()
* .isEssential(true)
* .contactId(contactTwo.arn())
* .build())
* .build(),
* PlanStageTargetArgs.builder()
* .channelTargetInfo(PlanStageTargetChannelTargetInfoArgs.builder()
* .retryIntervalInMinutes(2)
* .contactChannelId(channel.arn())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* escalationPlan:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Contact
* name: escalation_plan
* properties:
* alias: escalation-plan-alias
* contactOne:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Contact
* name: contact_one
* properties:
* alias: alias
* type: PERSONAL
* contactTwo:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Contact
* name: contact_two
* properties:
* alias: alias
* type: PERSONAL
* test:
* type: aws:ssmcontacts:Plan
* properties:
* contactId: ${escalationPlan.arn}
* stages:
* - durationInMinutes: 0
* targets:
* - contactTargetInfo:
* isEssential: false
* contactId: ${contactOne.arn}
* - contactTargetInfo:
* isEssential: true
* contactId: ${contactTwo.arn}
* - channelTargetInfo:
* retryIntervalInMinutes: 2
* contactChannelId: ${channel.arn}
* ```
* ## Import
* Using `pulumi import`, import SSM Contact Plan using the Contact ARN. For example:
* ```sh
* $ pulumi import aws:ssmcontacts/plan:Plan example {ARNValue}
* ```
* @property contactId The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
* @property stages One or more configuration blocks for specifying a list of stages that the escalation plan or engagement plan uses to engage contacts and contact methods. See Stage below for more details.
public data class PlanArgs(
public val contactId: Output? = null,
public val stages: Output>? = null,
) : ConvertibleToJava {
override fun toJava(): com.pulumi.aws.ssmcontacts.PlanArgs =
.contactId(contactId?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
stages?.applyValue({ args0 ->
args0.map({ args0 ->
args0.let({ args0 ->
* Builder for [PlanArgs].
public class PlanArgsBuilder internal constructor() {
private var contactId: Output? = null
private var stages: Output>? = null
* @param value The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact or escalation plan.
public suspend fun contactId(`value`: Output) {
this.contactId = value
* @param value One or more configuration blocks for specifying a list of stages that the escalation plan or engagement plan uses to engage contacts and contact methods. See Stage below for more details.
public suspend fun stages(`value`: Output>) {
this.stages = value
public suspend fun stages(vararg values: Output) {
this.stages = Output.all(values.asList())
* @param values One or more configuration blocks for specifying a list of stages that the escalation plan or engagement plan uses to engage contacts and contact methods. See Stage below for more details.
public suspend fun stages(values: List
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