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import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.kotlin.KotlinCustomResource
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ResourceMapper
import com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptions
import com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptionsBuilder
import com.pulumi.resources.Resource
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import as frontdoorRuleActionsToKotlin
import as frontdoorRuleConditionsToKotlin

 * Builder for [FrontdoorRule].
public class FrontdoorRuleResourceBuilder internal constructor() {
    public var name: String? = null

    public var args: FrontdoorRuleArgs = FrontdoorRuleArgs()

    public var opts: CustomResourceOptions = CustomResourceOptions()

     * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
    public fun name(`value`: String) { = value

     * @param block The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.
    public suspend fun args(block: suspend FrontdoorRuleArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val builder = FrontdoorRuleArgsBuilder()
        this.args =

     * @param block A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    public suspend fun opts(block: suspend CustomResourceOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        this.opts = com.pulumi.kotlin.options.CustomResourceOptions.opts(block)

    internal fun build(): FrontdoorRule {
        val builtJavaResource =
        return FrontdoorRule(builtJavaResource)

 * Manages a Front Door (standard/premium) Rule.
 * !>**IMPORTANT:** The Rules resource **must** include a `depends_on` meta-argument which references the `azure.cdn.FrontdoorOrigin` and the `azure.cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroup`.
 * ## Example Usage
 * ```typescript
 * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
 * import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
 * const example = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
 *     name: "example-cdn-frontdoor",
 *     location: "West Europe",
 * });
 * const exampleFrontdoorProfile = new azure.cdn.FrontdoorProfile("example", {
 *     name: "example-profile",
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 *     skuName: "Premium_AzureFrontDoor",
 * });
 * const exampleFrontdoorEndpoint = new azure.cdn.FrontdoorEndpoint("example", {
 *     name: "example-endpoint",
 *     cdnFrontdoorProfileId:,
 *     tags: {
 *         endpoint: "",
 *     },
 * });
 * const exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup = new azure.cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroup("example", {
 *     name: "example-originGroup",
 *     cdnFrontdoorProfileId:,
 *     sessionAffinityEnabled: true,
 *     restoreTrafficTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointInMinutes: 10,
 *     healthProbe: {
 *         intervalInSeconds: 240,
 *         path: "/healthProbe",
 *         protocol: "Https",
 *         requestType: "GET",
 *     },
 *     loadBalancing: {
 *         additionalLatencyInMilliseconds: 0,
 *         sampleSize: 16,
 *         successfulSamplesRequired: 3,
 *     },
 * });
 * const exampleFrontdoorOrigin = new azure.cdn.FrontdoorOrigin("example", {
 *     name: "example-origin",
 *     cdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId:,
 *     enabled: true,
 *     certificateNameCheckEnabled: false,
 *     hostName: exampleFrontdoorEndpoint.hostName,
 *     httpPort: 80,
 *     httpsPort: 443,
 *     originHostHeader: "",
 *     priority: 1,
 *     weight: 500,
 * });
 * const exampleFrontdoorRuleSet = new azure.cdn.FrontdoorRuleSet("example", {
 *     name: "exampleruleset",
 *     cdnFrontdoorProfileId:,
 * });
 * const exampleFrontdoorRule = new azure.cdn.FrontdoorRule("example", {
 *     name: "examplerule",
 *     cdnFrontdoorRuleSetId:,
 *     order: 1,
 *     behaviorOnMatch: "Continue",
 *     actions: {
 *         routeConfigurationOverrideAction: {
 *             cdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId:,
 *             forwardingProtocol: "HttpsOnly",
 *             queryStringCachingBehavior: "IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings",
 *             queryStringParameters: [
 *                 "foo",
 *                 "clientIp={client_ip}",
 *             ],
 *             compressionEnabled: true,
 *             cacheBehavior: "OverrideIfOriginMissing",
 *             cacheDuration: "365.23:59:59",
 *         },
 *         urlRedirectAction: {
 *             redirectType: "PermanentRedirect",
 *             redirectProtocol: "MatchRequest",
 *             queryString: "clientIp={client_ip}",
 *             destinationPath: "/exampleredirection",
 *             destinationHostname: "",
 *             destinationFragment: "UrlRedirect",
 *         },
 *     },
 *     conditions: {
 *         hostNameConditions: [{
 *             operator: "Equal",
 *             negateCondition: false,
 *             matchValues: [
 *                 "",
 *                 "",
 *                 "",
 *             ],
 *             transforms: [
 *                 "Lowercase",
 *                 "Trim",
 *             ],
 *         }],
 *         isDeviceConditions: [{
 *             operator: "Equal",
 *             negateCondition: false,
 *             matchValues: "Mobile",
 *         }],
 *         postArgsConditions: [{
 *             postArgsName: "customerName",
 *             operator: "BeginsWith",
 *             matchValues: [
 *                 "J",
 *                 "K",
 *             ],
 *             transforms: ["Uppercase"],
 *         }],
 *         requestMethodConditions: [{
 *             operator: "Equal",
 *             negateCondition: false,
 *             matchValues: ["DELETE"],
 *         }],
 *         urlFilenameConditions: [{
 *             operator: "Equal",
 *             negateCondition: false,
 *             matchValues: ["media.mp4"],
 *             transforms: [
 *                 "Lowercase",
 *                 "RemoveNulls",
 *                 "Trim",
 *             ],
 *         }],
 *     },
 * }, {
 *     dependsOn: [
 *         exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup,
 *         exampleFrontdoorOrigin,
 *     ],
 * });
 * ```
 * ```python
 * import pulumi
 * import pulumi_azure as azure
 * example = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
 *     name="example-cdn-frontdoor",
 *     location="West Europe")
 * example_frontdoor_profile = azure.cdn.FrontdoorProfile("example",
 *     name="example-profile",
 *     sku_name="Premium_AzureFrontDoor")
 * example_frontdoor_endpoint = azure.cdn.FrontdoorEndpoint("example",
 *     name="example-endpoint",
 *     tags={
 *         "endpoint": "",
 *     })
 * example_frontdoor_origin_group = azure.cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroup("example",
 *     name="example-originGroup",
 *     session_affinity_enabled=True,
 *     restore_traffic_time_to_healed_or_new_endpoint_in_minutes=10,
 *     health_probe={
 *         "interval_in_seconds": 240,
 *         "path": "/healthProbe",
 *         "protocol": "Https",
 *         "request_type": "GET",
 *     },
 *     load_balancing={
 *         "additional_latency_in_milliseconds": 0,
 *         "sample_size": 16,
 *         "successful_samples_required": 3,
 *     })
 * example_frontdoor_origin = azure.cdn.FrontdoorOrigin("example",
 *     name="example-origin",
 *     enabled=True,
 *     certificate_name_check_enabled=False,
 *     host_name=example_frontdoor_endpoint.host_name,
 *     http_port=80,
 *     https_port=443,
 *     origin_host_header="",
 *     priority=1,
 *     weight=500)
 * example_frontdoor_rule_set = azure.cdn.FrontdoorRuleSet("example",
 *     name="exampleruleset",
 * example_frontdoor_rule = azure.cdn.FrontdoorRule("example",
 *     name="examplerule",
 *     order=1,
 *     behavior_on_match="Continue",
 *     actions={
 *         "route_configuration_override_action": {
 *             "cdn_frontdoor_origin_group_id":,
 *             "forwarding_protocol": "HttpsOnly",
 *             "query_string_caching_behavior": "IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings",
 *             "query_string_parameters": [
 *                 "foo",
 *                 "clientIp={client_ip}",
 *             ],
 *             "compression_enabled": True,
 *             "cache_behavior": "OverrideIfOriginMissing",
 *             "cache_duration": "365.23:59:59",
 *         },
 *         "url_redirect_action": {
 *             "redirect_type": "PermanentRedirect",
 *             "redirect_protocol": "MatchRequest",
 *             "query_string": "clientIp={client_ip}",
 *             "destination_path": "/exampleredirection",
 *             "destination_hostname": "",
 *             "destination_fragment": "UrlRedirect",
 *         },
 *     },
 *     conditions={
 *         "host_name_conditions": [{
 *             "operator": "Equal",
 *             "negate_condition": False,
 *             "match_values": [
 *                 "",
 *                 "",
 *                 "",
 *             ],
 *             "transforms": [
 *                 "Lowercase",
 *                 "Trim",
 *             ],
 *         }],
 *         "is_device_conditions": [{
 *             "operator": "Equal",
 *             "negate_condition": False,
 *             "match_values": "Mobile",
 *         }],
 *         "post_args_conditions": [{
 *             "post_args_name": "customerName",
 *             "operator": "BeginsWith",
 *             "match_values": [
 *                 "J",
 *                 "K",
 *             ],
 *             "transforms": ["Uppercase"],
 *         }],
 *         "request_method_conditions": [{
 *             "operator": "Equal",
 *             "negate_condition": False,
 *             "match_values": ["DELETE"],
 *         }],
 *         "url_filename_conditions": [{
 *             "operator": "Equal",
 *             "negate_condition": False,
 *             "match_values": ["media.mp4"],
 *             "transforms": [
 *                 "Lowercase",
 *                 "RemoveNulls",
 *                 "Trim",
 *             ],
 *         }],
 *     },
 *     opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[
 *             example_frontdoor_origin_group,
 *             example_frontdoor_origin,
 *         ]))
 * ```
 * ```csharp
 * using System.Collections.Generic;
 * using System.Linq;
 * using Pulumi;
 * using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
 * return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
 * {
 *     var example = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-cdn-frontdoor",
 *         Location = "West Europe",
 *     });
 *     var exampleFrontdoorProfile = new Azure.Cdn.FrontdoorProfile("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-profile",
 *         ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
 *         SkuName = "Premium_AzureFrontDoor",
 *     });
 *     var exampleFrontdoorEndpoint = new Azure.Cdn.FrontdoorEndpoint("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-endpoint",
 *         CdnFrontdoorProfileId = exampleFrontdoorProfile.Id,
 *         Tags =
 *         {
 *             { "endpoint", "" },
 *         },
 *     });
 *     var exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup = new Azure.Cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroup("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-originGroup",
 *         CdnFrontdoorProfileId = exampleFrontdoorProfile.Id,
 *         SessionAffinityEnabled = true,
 *         RestoreTrafficTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointInMinutes = 10,
 *         HealthProbe = new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorOriginGroupHealthProbeArgs
 *         {
 *             IntervalInSeconds = 240,
 *             Path = "/healthProbe",
 *             Protocol = "Https",
 *             RequestType = "GET",
 *         },
 *         LoadBalancing = new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorOriginGroupLoadBalancingArgs
 *         {
 *             AdditionalLatencyInMilliseconds = 0,
 *             SampleSize = 16,
 *             SuccessfulSamplesRequired = 3,
 *         },
 *     });
 *     var exampleFrontdoorOrigin = new Azure.Cdn.FrontdoorOrigin("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-origin",
 *         CdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId = exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup.Id,
 *         Enabled = true,
 *         CertificateNameCheckEnabled = false,
 *         HostName = exampleFrontdoorEndpoint.HostName,
 *         HttpPort = 80,
 *         HttpsPort = 443,
 *         OriginHostHeader = "",
 *         Priority = 1,
 *         Weight = 500,
 *     });
 *     var exampleFrontdoorRuleSet = new Azure.Cdn.FrontdoorRuleSet("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "exampleruleset",
 *         CdnFrontdoorProfileId = exampleFrontdoorProfile.Id,
 *     });
 *     var exampleFrontdoorRule = new Azure.Cdn.FrontdoorRule("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "examplerule",
 *         CdnFrontdoorRuleSetId = exampleFrontdoorRuleSet.Id,
 *         Order = 1,
 *         BehaviorOnMatch = "Continue",
 *         Actions = new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleActionsArgs
 *         {
 *             RouteConfigurationOverrideAction = new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleActionsRouteConfigurationOverrideActionArgs
 *             {
 *                 CdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId = exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup.Id,
 *                 ForwardingProtocol = "HttpsOnly",
 *                 QueryStringCachingBehavior = "IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings",
 *                 QueryStringParameters = new[]
 *                 {
 *                     "foo",
 *                     "clientIp={client_ip}",
 *                 },
 *                 CompressionEnabled = true,
 *                 CacheBehavior = "OverrideIfOriginMissing",
 *                 CacheDuration = "365.23:59:59",
 *             },
 *             UrlRedirectAction = new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleActionsUrlRedirectActionArgs
 *             {
 *                 RedirectType = "PermanentRedirect",
 *                 RedirectProtocol = "MatchRequest",
 *                 QueryString = "clientIp={client_ip}",
 *                 DestinationPath = "/exampleredirection",
 *                 DestinationHostname = "",
 *                 DestinationFragment = "UrlRedirect",
 *             },
 *         },
 *         Conditions = new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleConditionsArgs
 *         {
 *             HostNameConditions = new[]
 *             {
 *                 new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleConditionsHostNameConditionArgs
 *                 {
 *                     Operator = "Equal",
 *                     NegateCondition = false,
 *                     MatchValues = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "",
 *                         "",
 *                         "",
 *                     },
 *                     Transforms = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "Lowercase",
 *                         "Trim",
 *                     },
 *                 },
 *             },
 *             IsDeviceConditions = new[]
 *             {
 *                 new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleConditionsIsDeviceConditionArgs
 *                 {
 *                     Operator = "Equal",
 *                     NegateCondition = false,
 *                     MatchValues = "Mobile",
 *                 },
 *             },
 *             PostArgsConditions = new[]
 *             {
 *                 new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleConditionsPostArgsConditionArgs
 *                 {
 *                     PostArgsName = "customerName",
 *                     Operator = "BeginsWith",
 *                     MatchValues = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "J",
 *                         "K",
 *                     },
 *                     Transforms = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "Uppercase",
 *                     },
 *                 },
 *             },
 *             RequestMethodConditions = new[]
 *             {
 *                 new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleConditionsRequestMethodConditionArgs
 *                 {
 *                     Operator = "Equal",
 *                     NegateCondition = false,
 *                     MatchValues = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "DELETE",
 *                     },
 *                 },
 *             },
 *             UrlFilenameConditions = new[]
 *             {
 *                 new Azure.Cdn.Inputs.FrontdoorRuleConditionsUrlFilenameConditionArgs
 *                 {
 *                     Operator = "Equal",
 *                     NegateCondition = false,
 *                     MatchValues = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "media.mp4",
 *                     },
 *                     Transforms = new[]
 *                     {
 *                         "Lowercase",
 *                         "RemoveNulls",
 *                         "Trim",
 *                     },
 *                 },
 *             },
 *         },
 *     }, new CustomResourceOptions
 *     {
 *         DependsOn =
 *         {
 *             exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup,
 *             exampleFrontdoorOrigin,
 *         },
 *     });
 * });
 * ```
 * ```go
 * package main
 * import (
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * )
 * func main() {
 * 	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
 * 		example, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
 * 			Name:     pulumi.String("example-cdn-frontdoor"),
 * 			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleFrontdoorProfile, err := cdn.NewFrontdoorProfile(ctx, "example", &cdn.FrontdoorProfileArgs{
 * 			Name:              pulumi.String("example-profile"),
 * 			ResourceGroupName: example.Name,
 * 			SkuName:           pulumi.String("Premium_AzureFrontDoor"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleFrontdoorEndpoint, err := cdn.NewFrontdoorEndpoint(ctx, "example", &cdn.FrontdoorEndpointArgs{
 * 			Name:                  pulumi.String("example-endpoint"),
 * 			CdnFrontdoorProfileId: exampleFrontdoorProfile.ID(),
 * 			Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
 * 				"endpoint": pulumi.String(""),
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup, err := cdn.NewFrontdoorOriginGroup(ctx, "example", &cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroupArgs{
 * 			Name:                   pulumi.String("example-originGroup"),
 * 			CdnFrontdoorProfileId:  exampleFrontdoorProfile.ID(),
 * 			SessionAffinityEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 			RestoreTrafficTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointInMinutes: pulumi.Int(10),
 * 			HealthProbe: &cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroupHealthProbeArgs{
 * 				IntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Int(240),
 * 				Path:              pulumi.String("/healthProbe"),
 * 				Protocol:          pulumi.String("Https"),
 * 				RequestType:       pulumi.String("GET"),
 * 			},
 * 			LoadBalancing: &cdn.FrontdoorOriginGroupLoadBalancingArgs{
 * 				AdditionalLatencyInMilliseconds: pulumi.Int(0),
 * 				SampleSize:                      pulumi.Int(16),
 * 				SuccessfulSamplesRequired:       pulumi.Int(3),
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleFrontdoorOrigin, err := cdn.NewFrontdoorOrigin(ctx, "example", &cdn.FrontdoorOriginArgs{
 * 			Name:                        pulumi.String("example-origin"),
 * 			CdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId:   exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup.ID(),
 * 			Enabled:                     pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 			CertificateNameCheckEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 			HostName:                    exampleFrontdoorEndpoint.HostName,
 * 			HttpPort:                    pulumi.Int(80),
 * 			HttpsPort:                   pulumi.Int(443),
 * 			OriginHostHeader:            pulumi.String(""),
 * 			Priority:                    pulumi.Int(1),
 * 			Weight:                      pulumi.Int(500),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleFrontdoorRuleSet, err := cdn.NewFrontdoorRuleSet(ctx, "example", &cdn.FrontdoorRuleSetArgs{
 * 			Name:                  pulumi.String("exampleruleset"),
 * 			CdnFrontdoorProfileId: exampleFrontdoorProfile.ID(),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		_, err = cdn.NewFrontdoorRule(ctx, "example", &cdn.FrontdoorRuleArgs{
 * 			Name:                  pulumi.String("examplerule"),
 * 			CdnFrontdoorRuleSetId: exampleFrontdoorRuleSet.ID(),
 * 			Order:                 pulumi.Int(1),
 * 			BehaviorOnMatch:       pulumi.String("Continue"),
 * 			Actions: &cdn.FrontdoorRuleActionsArgs{
 * 				RouteConfigurationOverrideAction: &cdn.FrontdoorRuleActionsRouteConfigurationOverrideActionArgs{
 * 					CdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId:  exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup.ID(),
 * 					ForwardingProtocol:         pulumi.String("HttpsOnly"),
 * 					QueryStringCachingBehavior: pulumi.String("IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings"),
 * 					QueryStringParameters: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 						pulumi.String("foo"),
 * 						pulumi.String("clientIp={client_ip}"),
 * 					},
 * 					CompressionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 					CacheBehavior:      pulumi.String("OverrideIfOriginMissing"),
 * 					CacheDuration:      pulumi.String("365.23:59:59"),
 * 				},
 * 				UrlRedirectAction: &cdn.FrontdoorRuleActionsUrlRedirectActionArgs{
 * 					RedirectType:        pulumi.String("PermanentRedirect"),
 * 					RedirectProtocol:    pulumi.String("MatchRequest"),
 * 					QueryString:         pulumi.String("clientIp={client_ip}"),
 * 					DestinationPath:     pulumi.String("/exampleredirection"),
 * 					DestinationHostname: pulumi.String(""),
 * 					DestinationFragment: pulumi.String("UrlRedirect"),
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 			Conditions: &cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsArgs{
 * 				HostNameConditions: cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsHostNameConditionArray{
 * 					&cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsHostNameConditionArgs{
 * 						Operator:        pulumi.String("Equal"),
 * 						NegateCondition: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 						MatchValues: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String(""),
 * 							pulumi.String(""),
 * 							pulumi.String(""),
 * 						},
 * 						Transforms: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String("Lowercase"),
 * 							pulumi.String("Trim"),
 * 						},
 * 					},
 * 				},
 * 				IsDeviceConditions: cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsIsDeviceConditionArray{
 * 					&cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsIsDeviceConditionArgs{
 * 						Operator:        pulumi.String("Equal"),
 * 						NegateCondition: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 						MatchValues:     pulumi.String("Mobile"),
 * 					},
 * 				},
 * 				PostArgsConditions: cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsPostArgsConditionArray{
 * 					&cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsPostArgsConditionArgs{
 * 						PostArgsName: pulumi.String("customerName"),
 * 						Operator:     pulumi.String("BeginsWith"),
 * 						MatchValues: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String("J"),
 * 							pulumi.String("K"),
 * 						},
 * 						Transforms: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String("Uppercase"),
 * 						},
 * 					},
 * 				},
 * 				RequestMethodConditions: cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsRequestMethodConditionArray{
 * 					&cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsRequestMethodConditionArgs{
 * 						Operator:        pulumi.String("Equal"),
 * 						NegateCondition: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 						MatchValues: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String("DELETE"),
 * 						},
 * 					},
 * 				},
 * 				UrlFilenameConditions: cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsUrlFilenameConditionArray{
 * 					&cdn.FrontdoorRuleConditionsUrlFilenameConditionArgs{
 * 						Operator:        pulumi.String("Equal"),
 * 						NegateCondition: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 						MatchValues: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String("media.mp4"),
 * 						},
 * 						Transforms: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 							pulumi.String("Lowercase"),
 * 							pulumi.String("RemoveNulls"),
 * 							pulumi.String("Trim"),
 * 						},
 * 					},
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
 * 			exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup,
 * 			exampleFrontdoorOrigin,
 * 		}))
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		return nil
 * 	})
 * }
 * ```
 * ```java
 * package generated_program;
 * import com.pulumi.Context;
 * import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
 * import com.pulumi.core.Output;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
 * import java.util.List;
 * import java.util.ArrayList;
 * import java.util.Map;
 * import;
 * import java.nio.file.Files;
 * import java.nio.file.Paths;
 * public class App {
 *     public static void main(String[] args) {
 *     }
 *     public static void stack(Context ctx) {
 *         var example = new ResourceGroup("example", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-cdn-frontdoor")
 *             .location("West Europe")
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleFrontdoorProfile = new FrontdoorProfile("exampleFrontdoorProfile", FrontdoorProfileArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-profile")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .skuName("Premium_AzureFrontDoor")
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleFrontdoorEndpoint = new FrontdoorEndpoint("exampleFrontdoorEndpoint", FrontdoorEndpointArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-endpoint")
 *             .cdnFrontdoorProfileId(
 *             .tags(Map.of("endpoint", ""))
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup = new FrontdoorOriginGroup("exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup", FrontdoorOriginGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-originGroup")
 *             .cdnFrontdoorProfileId(
 *             .sessionAffinityEnabled(true)
 *             .restoreTrafficTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointInMinutes(10)
 *             .healthProbe(FrontdoorOriginGroupHealthProbeArgs.builder()
 *                 .intervalInSeconds(240)
 *                 .path("/healthProbe")
 *                 .protocol("Https")
 *                 .requestType("GET")
 *                 .build())
 *             .loadBalancing(FrontdoorOriginGroupLoadBalancingArgs.builder()
 *                 .additionalLatencyInMilliseconds(0)
 *                 .sampleSize(16)
 *                 .successfulSamplesRequired(3)
 *                 .build())
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleFrontdoorOrigin = new FrontdoorOrigin("exampleFrontdoorOrigin", FrontdoorOriginArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-origin")
 *             .cdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId(
 *             .enabled(true)
 *             .certificateNameCheckEnabled(false)
 *             .hostName(exampleFrontdoorEndpoint.hostName())
 *             .httpPort(80)
 *             .httpsPort(443)
 *             .originHostHeader("")
 *             .priority(1)
 *             .weight(500)
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleFrontdoorRuleSet = new FrontdoorRuleSet("exampleFrontdoorRuleSet", FrontdoorRuleSetArgs.builder()
 *             .name("exampleruleset")
 *             .cdnFrontdoorProfileId(
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleFrontdoorRule = new FrontdoorRule("exampleFrontdoorRule", FrontdoorRuleArgs.builder()
 *             .name("examplerule")
 *             .cdnFrontdoorRuleSetId(
 *             .order(1)
 *             .behaviorOnMatch("Continue")
 *             .actions(FrontdoorRuleActionsArgs.builder()
 *                 .routeConfigurationOverrideAction(FrontdoorRuleActionsRouteConfigurationOverrideActionArgs.builder()
 *                     .cdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId(
 *                     .forwardingProtocol("HttpsOnly")
 *                     .queryStringCachingBehavior("IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings")
 *                     .queryStringParameters(
 *                         "foo",
 *                         "clientIp={client_ip}")
 *                     .compressionEnabled(true)
 *                     .cacheBehavior("OverrideIfOriginMissing")
 *                     .cacheDuration("365.23:59:59")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .urlRedirectAction(FrontdoorRuleActionsUrlRedirectActionArgs.builder()
 *                     .redirectType("PermanentRedirect")
 *                     .redirectProtocol("MatchRequest")
 *                     .queryString("clientIp={client_ip}")
 *                     .destinationPath("/exampleredirection")
 *                     .destinationHostname("")
 *                     .destinationFragment("UrlRedirect")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .build())
 *             .conditions(FrontdoorRuleConditionsArgs.builder()
 *                 .hostNameConditions(FrontdoorRuleConditionsHostNameConditionArgs.builder()
 *                     .operator("Equal")
 *                     .negateCondition(false)
 *                     .matchValues(
 *                         "",
 *                         "",
 *                         "")
 *                     .transforms(
 *                         "Lowercase",
 *                         "Trim")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .isDeviceConditions(FrontdoorRuleConditionsIsDeviceConditionArgs.builder()
 *                     .operator("Equal")
 *                     .negateCondition(false)
 *                     .matchValues("Mobile")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .postArgsConditions(FrontdoorRuleConditionsPostArgsConditionArgs.builder()
 *                     .postArgsName("customerName")
 *                     .operator("BeginsWith")
 *                     .matchValues(
 *                         "J",
 *                         "K")
 *                     .transforms("Uppercase")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .requestMethodConditions(FrontdoorRuleConditionsRequestMethodConditionArgs.builder()
 *                     .operator("Equal")
 *                     .negateCondition(false)
 *                     .matchValues("DELETE")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .urlFilenameConditions(FrontdoorRuleConditionsUrlFilenameConditionArgs.builder()
 *                     .operator("Equal")
 *                     .negateCondition(false)
 *                     .matchValues("media.mp4")
 *                     .transforms(
 *                         "Lowercase",
 *                         "RemoveNulls",
 *                         "Trim")
 *                     .build())
 *                 .build())
 *             .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
 *                 .dependsOn(
 *                     exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup,
 *                     exampleFrontdoorOrigin)
 *                 .build());
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * ```yaml
 * resources:
 *   example:
 *     type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-cdn-frontdoor
 *       location: West Europe
 *   exampleFrontdoorProfile:
 *     type: azure:cdn:FrontdoorProfile
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-profile
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *       skuName: Premium_AzureFrontDoor
 *   exampleFrontdoorEndpoint:
 *     type: azure:cdn:FrontdoorEndpoint
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-endpoint
 *       cdnFrontdoorProfileId: ${}
 *       tags:
 *         endpoint:
 *   exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup:
 *     type: azure:cdn:FrontdoorOriginGroup
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-originGroup
 *       cdnFrontdoorProfileId: ${}
 *       sessionAffinityEnabled: true
 *       restoreTrafficTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointInMinutes: 10
 *       healthProbe:
 *         intervalInSeconds: 240
 *         path: /healthProbe
 *         protocol: Https
 *         requestType: GET
 *       loadBalancing:
 *         additionalLatencyInMilliseconds: 0
 *         sampleSize: 16
 *         successfulSamplesRequired: 3
 *   exampleFrontdoorOrigin:
 *     type: azure:cdn:FrontdoorOrigin
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-origin
 *       cdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId: ${}
 *       enabled: true
 *       certificateNameCheckEnabled: false
 *       hostName: ${exampleFrontdoorEndpoint.hostName}
 *       httpPort: 80
 *       httpsPort: 443
 *       originHostHeader:
 *       priority: 1
 *       weight: 500
 *   exampleFrontdoorRuleSet:
 *     type: azure:cdn:FrontdoorRuleSet
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: exampleruleset
 *       cdnFrontdoorProfileId: ${}
 *   exampleFrontdoorRule:
 *     type: azure:cdn:FrontdoorRule
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: examplerule
 *       cdnFrontdoorRuleSetId: ${}
 *       order: 1
 *       behaviorOnMatch: Continue
 *       actions:
 *         routeConfigurationOverrideAction:
 *           cdnFrontdoorOriginGroupId: ${}
 *           forwardingProtocol: HttpsOnly
 *           queryStringCachingBehavior: IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings
 *           queryStringParameters:
 *             - foo
 *             - clientIp={client_ip}
 *           compressionEnabled: true
 *           cacheBehavior: OverrideIfOriginMissing
 *           cacheDuration: 365.23:59:59
 *         urlRedirectAction:
 *           redirectType: PermanentRedirect
 *           redirectProtocol: MatchRequest
 *           queryString: clientIp={client_ip}
 *           destinationPath: /exampleredirection
 *           destinationHostname:
 *           destinationFragment: UrlRedirect
 *       conditions:
 *         hostNameConditions:
 *           - operator: Equal
 *             negateCondition: false
 *             matchValues:
 *               -
 *               -
 *               -
 *             transforms:
 *               - Lowercase
 *               - Trim
 *         isDeviceConditions:
 *           - operator: Equal
 *             negateCondition: false
 *             matchValues: Mobile
 *         postArgsConditions:
 *           - postArgsName: customerName
 *             operator: BeginsWith
 *             matchValues:
 *               - J
 *               - K
 *             transforms:
 *               - Uppercase
 *         requestMethodConditions:
 *           - operator: Equal
 *             negateCondition: false
 *             matchValues:
 *               - DELETE
 *         urlFilenameConditions:
 *           - operator: Equal
 *             negateCondition: false
 *             matchValues:
 *               - media.mp4
 *             transforms:
 *               - Lowercase
 *               - RemoveNulls
 *               - Trim
 *     options:
 *       dependson:
 *         - ${exampleFrontdoorOriginGroup}
 *         - ${exampleFrontdoorOrigin}
 * ```
 * ## Specifying IP Address Ranges
 * When specifying IP address ranges in the `socket_address_condition` and the `remote_address_condition` `match_values` use the following format:
 * Use `CIDR` notation when specifying IP address blocks. This means that the syntax for an IP address block is the base IP address followed by a forward slash and the prefix size For example:
 * * `IPv4` example: `` matches any requests that arrive from addresses `` through ``.
 * * `IPv6` example: `1:2:3:/48` matches any requests that arrive from addresses `1:2:3:0:0:0:0:0` through `1:2:3:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff`.
 * When you specify multiple IP addresses and IP address blocks, `OR` logic is applied.
 * * `IPv4` example: if you add two IP addresses `` and ``, the condition is matched for any requests that arrive from either address `` or ``.
 * * `IPv6` example: if you add two IP addresses `1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8` and `10:20:30:40:50:60:70:80`, the condition is matched for any requests that arrive from either address `1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8` or `10:20:30:40:50:60:70:80`.
 * ---
 * ## Action Server Variables
 * Rule Set server variables provide access to structured information about the request. You can use server variables to dynamically change the request/response headers or URL rewrite paths/query strings, for example, when a new page load or when a form is posted.
 * ### Supported Action Server Variables
 * | Variable name | Description |
 * |---------------|-------------|
 * | `socket_ip`      | The IP address of the direct connection to Front Door Profiles edge. If the client used an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to send the request, the value of `socket_ip` is the IP address of the proxy or load balancer. |
 * | `client_ip`      | The IP address of the client that made the original request. If there was an `X-Forwarded-For` header in the request, then the client IP address is picked from the header. |
 * | `client_port`    | The IP port of the client that made the request. |
 * | `hostname`       | The host name in the request from the client. |
 * | `geo_country`    | Indicates the requester's country/region of origin through its country/region code. |
 * | `http_method`    | The method used to make the URL request, such as `GET` or `POST`. |
 * | `http_version`   | The request protocol. Usually `HTTP/1.0`, `HTTP/1.1`, or `HTTP/2.0`. |
 * | `query_string`   | The list of variable/value pairs that follows the "?" in the requested URL. For example, in the request ``, the `query_string` value will be `id=123&title=fabrikam`. |
 * | `request_scheme` | The request scheme: `http` or `https`. |
 * | `request_uri`    | The full original request URI (with arguments). For example, in the request ``, the `request_uri` value will be `/article.aspx?id=123&title=fabrikam`. |
 * | `ssl_protocol`   | The protocol of an established TLS connection. |
 * | `server_port`    | The port of the server that accepted a request. |
 * | `url_path`       | Identifies the specific resource in the host that the web client wants to access. This is the part of the request URI without the arguments. For example, in the request ``, the `uri_path` value will be `/article.aspx`. |
 * ### Action Server Variable Format
 * Server variables can be specified using the following formats:
 * * `{variable}` - Include the entire server variable. For example, if the client IP address is `111.222.333.444` then the `{client_ip}` token would evaluate to `111.222.333.444`.
 * * `{variable:offset}` - Include the server variable after a specific offset, until the end of the variable. The offset is zero-based. For example, if the client IP address is `111.222.333.444` then the `{client_ip:3}` token would evaluate to `.222.333.444`.
 * * `{variable:offset:length}` - Include the server variable after a specific offset, up to the specified length. The offset is zero-based. For example, if the client IP address is `111.222.333.444` then the `{client_ip:4:3}` token would evaluate to `222`.
 * ### Action Server Variables Support
 * Action Server variables are supported on the following actions:
 * * `route_configuration_override_action`
 * * `request_header_action`
 * * `response_header_action`
 * * `url_redirect_action`
 * * `url_rewrite_action`
 * ---
 * ## Condition Operator list
 * For rules that accept values from the standard operator list, the following operators are valid:
 * | Operator                   | Description | Condition Value |
 * |----------------------------|-------------|-----------------|
 * | Any                        |Matches when there is any value, regardless of what it is. | Any |
 * | Equal                      | Matches when the value exactly matches the specified string. | Equal |
 * | Contains                   | Matches when the value contains the specified string. | Contains |
 * | Less Than                  | Matches when the length of the value is less than the specified integer. | LessThan |
 * | Greater Than               | Matches when the length of the value is greater than the specified integer. | GreaterThan |
 * | Less Than or Equal         | Matches when the length of the value is less than or equal to the specified integer. | LessThanOrEqual |
 * | Greater Than or Equal      | Matches when the length of the value is greater than or equal to the specified integer. | GreaterThanOrEqual |
 * | Begins With                | Matches when the value begins with the specified string. | BeginsWith |
 * | Ends With                  | Matches when the value ends with the specified string. | EndsWith |
 * | RegEx                      | Matches when the value matches the specified regular expression. See below for further details. | RegEx |
 * | Not Any                    | Matches when there is no value. | Any and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Equal                  | Matches when the value does not match the specified string. | Equal and negateCondition : true |
 * | Not Contains               | Matches when the value does not contain the specified string. | Contains and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Less Than              | Matches when the length of the value is not less than the specified integer. | LessThan and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Greater Than           | Matches when the length of the value is not greater than the specified integer. | GreaterThan and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Less Than or Equal     | Matches when the length of the value is not less than or equal to the specified integer. | LessThanOrEqual and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Greater Than or Equals | Matches when the length of the value is not greater than or equal to the specified integer. | GreaterThanOrEqual and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Begins With            | Matches when the value does not begin with the specified string. | BeginsWith and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not Ends With              | Matches when the value does not end with the specified string. | EndsWith and negateCondition = true |
 * | Not RegEx                  | Matches when the value does not match the specified regular expression. See `Condition Regular Expressions` for further details. | RegEx and negateCondition = true |
 * ---
 * ## Condition Regular Expressions
 * Regular expressions **don't** support the following operations:
 * * Backreferences and capturing subexpressions.
 * * Arbitrary zero-width assertions.
 * * Subroutine references and recursive patterns.
 * * Conditional patterns.
 * * Backtracking control verbs.
 * * The `\C` single-byte directive.
 * * The `\R` newline match directive.
 * * The `\K` start of match reset directive.
 * * Callouts and embedded code.
 * * Atomic grouping and possessive quantifiers.
 * ---
 * ## Condition Transform List
 * For rules that can transform strings, the following transforms are valid:
 * | Transform   | Description |
 * |-------------|-------------|
 * | Lowercase   | Converts the string to the lowercase representation. |
 * | Uppercase   | Converts the string to the uppercase representation. |
 * | Trim        | Trims leading and trailing whitespace from the string. |
 * | RemoveNulls | Removes null values from the string. |
 * | URLEncode   | URL-encodes the string. |
 * | URLDecode   | URL-decodes the string. |
 * ---
 * ## Import
 * Front Door Rules can be imported using the `resource id`, e.g.
 * ```sh
 * $ pulumi import azure:cdn/frontdoorRule:FrontdoorRule example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/resourceGroup1/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/profile1/ruleSets/ruleSet1/rules/rule1
 * ```
public class FrontdoorRule internal constructor(
    override val javaResource:,
) : KotlinCustomResource(javaResource, FrontdoorRuleMapper) {
     * An `actions` block as defined below.
    public val actions: Output
        get() = javaResource.actions().applyValue({ args0 ->
            args0.let({ args0 ->

     * If this rule is a match should the rules engine continue processing the remaining rules or stop? Possible values are `Continue` and `Stop`. Defaults to `Continue`.
    public val behaviorOnMatch: Output?
        get() = javaResource.behaviorOnMatch().applyValue({ args0 ->
  { args0 ->

     * The resource ID of the Front Door Rule Set for this Front Door Rule. Changing this forces a new Front Door Rule to be created.
    public val cdnFrontdoorRuleSetId: Output
        get() = javaResource.cdnFrontdoorRuleSetId().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })

     * The name of the Front Door Rule Set containing this Front Door Rule.
    public val cdnFrontdoorRuleSetName: Output
        get() = javaResource.cdnFrontdoorRuleSetName().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })

     * A `conditions` block as defined below.
    public val conditions: Output?
        get() = javaResource.conditions().applyValue({ args0 ->
  { args0 ->
                args0.let({ args0 ->

     * The name which should be used for this Front Door Rule. Possible values must be between 1 and 260 characters in length, begin with a letter and may contain only letters and numbers. Changing this forces a new Front Door Rule to be created.
    public val name: Output
        get() ={ args0 -> args0 })

     * The order in which the rules will be applied for the Front Door Endpoint. The order value should be sequential and begin at `1`(e.g. `1`, `2`, `3`...). A Front Door Rule with a lesser order value will be applied before a rule with a greater order value.
     * ->**NOTE:** If the Front Door Rule has an order value of `0` they do not require any conditions and the actions will always be applied.
    public val order: Output
        get() = javaResource.order().applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })

public object FrontdoorRuleMapper : ResourceMapper {
    override fun supportsMappingOfType(javaResource: Resource): Boolean = == javaResource::class

    override fun map(javaResource: Resource): FrontdoorRule = FrontdoorRule(
        javaResource as

 * @see [FrontdoorRule].
 * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
 * @param block Builder for [FrontdoorRule].
public suspend fun frontdoorRule(
    name: String,
    block: suspend FrontdoorRuleResourceBuilder.() -> Unit,
): FrontdoorRule {
    val builder = FrontdoorRuleResourceBuilder()

 * @see [FrontdoorRule].
 * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
public fun frontdoorRule(name: String): FrontdoorRule {
    val builder = FrontdoorRuleResourceBuilder()

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