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import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.core.Output.of
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ConvertibleToJava
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.applySuspend
import kotlin.Pair
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.collections.Map
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName

 * Manages a Virtual Machine Run Command.
 * ## Example Usage
 * ```typescript
 * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
 * import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
 * const exampleResourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
 *     name: "example-resources",
 *     location: "West Europe",
 * });
 * const exampleVirtualNetwork = new"example", {
 *     name: "example-vnet",
 *     addressSpaces: [""],
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 * });
 * const exampleSubnet = new"example", {
 *     name: "internal",
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 *     virtualNetworkName:,
 *     addressPrefixes: [""],
 * });
 * const exampleNetworkInterface = new"example", {
 *     name: "example-nic",
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 *     ipConfigurations: [{
 *         name: "internal",
 *         subnetId:,
 *         privateIpAddressAllocation: "Dynamic",
 *     }],
 * });
 * const exampleUserAssignedIdentity = new azure.authorization.UserAssignedIdentity("example", {
 *     name: "example-uai",
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 * });
 * const exampleLinuxVirtualMachine = new azure.compute.LinuxVirtualMachine("example", {
 *     name: "example-VM",
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     size: "Standard_B2s",
 *     adminUsername: "adminuser",
 *     adminPassword: "P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *     disablePasswordAuthentication: false,
 *     networkInterfaceIds: [],
 *     osDisk: {
 *         caching: "ReadWrite",
 *         storageAccountType: "Premium_LRS",
 *     },
 *     sourceImageReference: {
 *         publisher: "Canonical",
 *         offer: "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy",
 *         sku: "22_04-lts",
 *         version: "latest",
 *     },
 *     identity: {
 *         type: "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned",
 *         identityIds: [],
 *     },
 * });
 * const exampleAccount = new"example", {
 *     name: "exampleaccount",
 *     resourceGroupName:,
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     accountTier: "Standard",
 *     accountReplicationType: "LRS",
 * });
 * const exampleAssignment = new azure.authorization.Assignment("example", {
 *     scope:,
 *     roleDefinitionName: "Storage Blob Data Contributor",
 *     principalId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.principalId,
 * });
 * const exampleContainer = new"example", {
 *     name: "example-sc",
 *     storageAccountName:,
 *     containerAccessType: "blob",
 * });
 * const example1 = new"example1", {
 *     name: "script1",
 *     storageAccountName:,
 *     storageContainerName:,
 *     type: "Block",
 *     sourceContent: "echo 'hello world'",
 * });
 * const example2 = new"example2", {
 *     name: "output",
 *     storageAccountName:,
 *     storageContainerName:,
 *     type: "Append",
 * });
 * const example3 = new"example3", {
 *     name: "error",
 *     storageAccountName:,
 *     storageContainerName:,
 *     type: "Append",
 * });
 * const example ={
 *     connectionString: exampleAccount.primaryConnectionString,
 *     httpsOnly: true,
 *     signedVersion: "2019-10-10",
 *     start: "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
 *     expiry: "2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
 *     resourceTypes: {
 *         service: false,
 *         container: false,
 *         object: true,
 *     },
 *     services: {
 *         blob: true,
 *         queue: false,
 *         table: false,
 *         file: false,
 *     },
 *     permissions: {
 *         read: true,
 *         write: true,
 *         "delete": false,
 *         list: false,
 *         add: true,
 *         create: true,
 *         update: false,
 *         process: false,
 *         tag: false,
 *         filter: false,
 *     },
 * });
 * // basic example
 * const exampleRunCommand = new azure.compute.RunCommand("example", {
 *     name: "example-vmrc",
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     virtualMachineId:,
 *     source: {
 *         script: "echo 'hello world'",
 *     },
 * });
 * // authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
 * const example2RunCommand = new azure.compute.RunCommand("example2", {
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     name: "example2-vmrc",
 *     virtualMachineId:,
 *     outputBlobUri:,
 *     errorBlobUri:,
 *     runAsPassword: "P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *     runAsUser: "adminuser",
 *     source: {
 *         scriptUri:,
 *         scriptUriManagedIdentity: {
 *             clientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId,
 *         },
 *     },
 *     errorBlobManagedIdentity: {
 *         clientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId,
 *     },
 *     outputBlobManagedIdentity: {
 *         clientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId,
 *     },
 *     parameters: [{
 *         name: "examplev1",
 *         value: "val1",
 *     }],
 *     protectedParameters: [{
 *         name: "examplev2",
 *         value: "val2",
 *     }],
 *     tags: {
 *         environment: "terraform-examples",
 *         some_key: "some-value",
 *     },
 * }, {
 *     dependsOn: [exampleAssignment],
 * });
 * // authorize to storage blob using SAS token
 * const example3RunCommand = new azure.compute.RunCommand("example3", {
 *     location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
 *     name: "example3-vmrc",
 *     virtualMachineId:,
 *     runAsPassword: "P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *     runAsUser: "adminuser",
 *     errorBlobUri: pulumi.all([, example]).apply(([id, example]) => `${id}${}`),
 *     outputBlobUri: pulumi.all([, example]).apply(([id, example]) => `${id}${}`),
 *     source: {
 *         scriptUri: pulumi.all([, example]).apply(([id, example]) => `${id}${}`),
 *     },
 *     parameters: [{
 *         name: "example-vm1",
 *         value: "val1",
 *     }],
 *     tags: {
 *         environment: "terraform-example-s",
 *         some_key: "some-value",
 *     },
 * });
 * ```
 * ```python
 * import pulumi
 * import pulumi_azure as azure
 * example_resource_group = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
 *     name="example-resources",
 *     location="West Europe")
 * example_virtual_network ="example",
 *     name="example-vnet",
 *     address_spaces=[""],
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 * example_subnet ="example",
 *     name="internal",
 *     address_prefixes=[""])
 * example_network_interface ="example",
 *     name="example-nic",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 *     ip_configurations=[{
 *         "name": "internal",
 *         "subnet_id":,
 *         "private_ip_address_allocation": "Dynamic",
 *     }])
 * example_user_assigned_identity = azure.authorization.UserAssignedIdentity("example",
 *     name="example-uai",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location)
 * example_linux_virtual_machine = azure.compute.LinuxVirtualMachine("example",
 *     name="example-VM",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 *     size="Standard_B2s",
 *     admin_username="adminuser",
 *     admin_password="P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *     disable_password_authentication=False,
 *     network_interface_ids=[],
 *     os_disk={
 *         "caching": "ReadWrite",
 *         "storage_account_type": "Premium_LRS",
 *     },
 *     source_image_reference={
 *         "publisher": "Canonical",
 *         "offer": "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy",
 *         "sku": "22_04-lts",
 *         "version": "latest",
 *     },
 *     identity={
 *         "type": "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned",
 *         "identity_ids": [],
 *     })
 * example_account ="example",
 *     name="exampleaccount",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 *     account_tier="Standard",
 *     account_replication_type="LRS")
 * example_assignment = azure.authorization.Assignment("example",
 *     role_definition_name="Storage Blob Data Contributor",
 *     principal_id=example_user_assigned_identity.principal_id)
 * example_container ="example",
 *     name="example-sc",
 *     container_access_type="blob")
 * example1 ="example1",
 *     name="script1",
 *     type="Block",
 *     source_content="echo 'hello world'")
 * example2 ="example2",
 *     name="output",
 *     type="Append")
 * example3 ="example3",
 *     name="error",
 *     type="Append")
 * example =,
 *     https_only=True,
 *     signed_version="2019-10-10",
 *     start="2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
 *     expiry="2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
 *     resource_types={
 *         "service": False,
 *         "container": False,
 *         "object": True,
 *     },
 *     services={
 *         "blob": True,
 *         "queue": False,
 *         "table": False,
 *         "file": False,
 *     },
 *     permissions={
 *         "read": True,
 *         "write": True,
 *         "delete": False,
 *         "list": False,
 *         "add": True,
 *         "create": True,
 *         "update": False,
 *         "process": False,
 *         "tag": False,
 *         "filter": False,
 *     })
 * # basic example
 * example_run_command = azure.compute.RunCommand("example",
 *     name="example-vmrc",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 *     source={
 *         "script": "echo 'hello world'",
 *     })
 * # authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
 * example2_run_command = azure.compute.RunCommand("example2",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 *     name="example2-vmrc",
 *     run_as_password="P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *     run_as_user="adminuser",
 *     source={
 *         "script_uri":,
 *         "script_uri_managed_identity": {
 *             "client_id": example_user_assigned_identity.client_id,
 *         },
 *     },
 *     error_blob_managed_identity={
 *         "client_id": example_user_assigned_identity.client_id,
 *     },
 *     output_blob_managed_identity={
 *         "client_id": example_user_assigned_identity.client_id,
 *     },
 *     parameters=[{
 *         "name": "examplev1",
 *         "value": "val1",
 *     }],
 *     protected_parameters=[{
 *         "name": "examplev2",
 *         "value": "val2",
 *     }],
 *     tags={
 *         "environment": "terraform-examples",
 *         "some_key": "some-value",
 *     },
 *     opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[example_assignment]))
 * # authorize to storage blob using SAS token
 * example3_run_command = azure.compute.RunCommand("example3",
 *     location=example_resource_group.location,
 *     name="example3-vmrc",
 *     run_as_password="P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *     run_as_user="adminuser",
 *     error_blob_uri=pulumi.Output.all(, example).apply(lambda id, example: f"{id}{}"),
 *     output_blob_uri=pulumi.Output.all(, example).apply(lambda id, example: f"{id}{}"),
 *     source={
 *         "script_uri": pulumi.Output.all(, example).apply(lambda id, example: f"{id}{}"),
 *     },
 *     parameters=[{
 *         "name": "example-vm1",
 *         "value": "val1",
 *     }],
 *     tags={
 *         "environment": "terraform-example-s",
 *         "some_key": "some-value",
 *     })
 * ```
 * ```csharp
 * using System.Collections.Generic;
 * using System.Linq;
 * using Pulumi;
 * using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
 * return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
 * {
 *     var exampleResourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-resources",
 *         Location = "West Europe",
 *     });
 *     var exampleVirtualNetwork = new Azure.Network.VirtualNetwork("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-vnet",
 *         AddressSpaces = new[]
 *         {
 *             "",
 *         },
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 *     });
 *     var exampleSubnet = new Azure.Network.Subnet("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "internal",
 *         ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 *         VirtualNetworkName = exampleVirtualNetwork.Name,
 *         AddressPrefixes = new[]
 *         {
 *             "",
 *         },
 *     });
 *     var exampleNetworkInterface = new Azure.Network.NetworkInterface("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-nic",
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 *         IpConfigurations = new[]
 *         {
 *             new Azure.Network.Inputs.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
 *             {
 *                 Name = "internal",
 *                 SubnetId = exampleSubnet.Id,
 *                 PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
 *             },
 *         },
 *     });
 *     var exampleUserAssignedIdentity = new Azure.Authorization.UserAssignedIdentity("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-uai",
 *         ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *     });
 *     var exampleLinuxVirtualMachine = new Azure.Compute.LinuxVirtualMachine("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-VM",
 *         ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         Size = "Standard_B2s",
 *         AdminUsername = "adminuser",
 *         AdminPassword = "P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *         DisablePasswordAuthentication = false,
 *         NetworkInterfaceIds = new[]
 *         {
 *             exampleNetworkInterface.Id,
 *         },
 *         OsDisk = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs
 *         {
 *             Caching = "ReadWrite",
 *             StorageAccountType = "Premium_LRS",
 *         },
 *         SourceImageReference = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs
 *         {
 *             Publisher = "Canonical",
 *             Offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy",
 *             Sku = "22_04-lts",
 *             Version = "latest",
 *         },
 *         Identity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineIdentityArgs
 *         {
 *             Type = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned",
 *             IdentityIds = new[]
 *             {
 *                 exampleUserAssignedIdentity.Id,
 *             },
 *         },
 *     });
 *     var exampleAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "exampleaccount",
 *         ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         AccountTier = "Standard",
 *         AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
 *     });
 *     var exampleAssignment = new Azure.Authorization.Assignment("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Scope = exampleAccount.Id,
 *         RoleDefinitionName = "Storage Blob Data Contributor",
 *         PrincipalId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId,
 *     });
 *     var exampleContainer = new Azure.Storage.Container("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-sc",
 *         StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
 *         ContainerAccessType = "blob",
 *     });
 *     var example1 = new Azure.Storage.Blob("example1", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "script1",
 *         StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
 *         StorageContainerName = exampleContainer.Name,
 *         Type = "Block",
 *         SourceContent = "echo 'hello world'",
 *     });
 *     var example2 = new Azure.Storage.Blob("example2", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "output",
 *         StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
 *         StorageContainerName = exampleContainer.Name,
 *         Type = "Append",
 *     });
 *     var example3 = new Azure.Storage.Blob("example3", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "error",
 *         StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
 *         StorageContainerName = exampleContainer.Name,
 *         Type = "Append",
 *     });
 *     var example = Azure.Storage.GetAccountSAS.Invoke(new()
 *     {
 *         ConnectionString = exampleAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
 *         HttpsOnly = true,
 *         SignedVersion = "2019-10-10",
 *         Start = "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
 *         Expiry = "2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
 *         ResourceTypes = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.GetAccountSASResourceTypesInputArgs
 *         {
 *             Service = false,
 *             Container = false,
 *             Object = true,
 *         },
 *         Services = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.GetAccountSASServicesInputArgs
 *         {
 *             Blob = true,
 *             Queue = false,
 *             Table = false,
 *             File = false,
 *         },
 *         Permissions = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.GetAccountSASPermissionsInputArgs
 *         {
 *             Read = true,
 *             Write = true,
 *             Delete = false,
 *             List = false,
 *             Add = true,
 *             Create = true,
 *             Update = false,
 *             Process = false,
 *             Tag = false,
 *             Filter = false,
 *         },
 *     });
 *     // basic example
 *     var exampleRunCommand = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("example", new()
 *     {
 *         Name = "example-vmrc",
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         VirtualMachineId = exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.Id,
 *         Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
 *         {
 *             Script = "echo 'hello world'",
 *         },
 *     });
 *     // authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
 *     var example2RunCommand = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("example2", new()
 *     {
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         Name = "example2-vmrc",
 *         VirtualMachineId = exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.Id,
 *         OutputBlobUri = example2.Id,
 *         ErrorBlobUri = example3.Id,
 *         RunAsPassword = "P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *         RunAsUser = "adminuser",
 *         Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
 *         {
 *             ScriptUri = example1.Id,
 *             ScriptUriManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs
 *             {
 *                 ClientId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
 *             },
 *         },
 *         ErrorBlobManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs
 *         {
 *             ClientId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
 *         },
 *         OutputBlobManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs
 *         {
 *             ClientId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
 *         },
 *         Parameters = new[]
 *         {
 *             new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandParameterArgs
 *             {
 *                 Name = "examplev1",
 *                 Value = "val1",
 *             },
 *         },
 *         ProtectedParameters = new[]
 *         {
 *             new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs
 *             {
 *                 Name = "examplev2",
 *                 Value = "val2",
 *             },
 *         },
 *         Tags =
 *         {
 *             { "environment", "terraform-examples" },
 *             { "some_key", "some-value" },
 *         },
 *     }, new CustomResourceOptions
 *     {
 *         DependsOn =
 *         {
 *             exampleAssignment,
 *         },
 *     });
 *     // authorize to storage blob using SAS token
 *     var example3RunCommand = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("example3", new()
 *     {
 *         Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 *         Name = "example3-vmrc",
 *         VirtualMachineId = exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.Id,
 *         RunAsPassword = "P@$$w0rd1234!",
 *         RunAsUser = "adminuser",
 *         ErrorBlobUri = Output.Tuple(example3.Id, example).Apply(values =>
 *         {
 *             var id = values.Item1;
 *             var example = values.Item2;
 *             return $"{id}{example.Apply(getAccountSASResult => getAccountSASResult.Sas)}";
 *         }),
 *         OutputBlobUri = Output.Tuple(example2.Id, example).Apply(values =>
 *         {
 *             var id = values.Item1;
 *             var example = values.Item2;
 *             return $"{id}{example.Apply(getAccountSASResult => getAccountSASResult.Sas)}";
 *         }),
 *         Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
 *         {
 *             ScriptUri = Output.Tuple(example1.Id, example).Apply(values =>
 *             {
 *                 var id = values.Item1;
 *                 var example = values.Item2;
 *                 return $"{id}{example.Apply(getAccountSASResult => getAccountSASResult.Sas)}";
 *             }),
 *         },
 *         Parameters = new[]
 *         {
 *             new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandParameterArgs
 *             {
 *                 Name = "example-vm1",
 *                 Value = "val1",
 *             },
 *         },
 *         Tags =
 *         {
 *             { "environment", "terraform-example-s" },
 *             { "some_key", "some-value" },
 *         },
 *     });
 * });
 * ```
 * ```go
 * package main
 * import (
 * 	"fmt"
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * 	""
 * )
 * func main() {
 * 	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
 * 		exampleResourceGroup, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
 * 			Name:     pulumi.String("example-resources"),
 * 			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleVirtualNetwork, err := network.NewVirtualNetwork(ctx, "example", &network.VirtualNetworkArgs{
 * 			Name: pulumi.String("example-vnet"),
 * 			AddressSpaces: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 				pulumi.String(""),
 * 			},
 * 			Location:          exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleSubnet, err := network.NewSubnet(ctx, "example", &network.SubnetArgs{
 * 			Name:               pulumi.String("internal"),
 * 			ResourceGroupName:  exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 * 			VirtualNetworkName: exampleVirtualNetwork.Name,
 * 			AddressPrefixes: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 				pulumi.String(""),
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleNetworkInterface, err := network.NewNetworkInterface(ctx, "example", &network.NetworkInterfaceArgs{
 * 			Name:              pulumi.String("example-nic"),
 * 			Location:          exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 * 			IpConfigurations: network.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArray{
 * 				&network.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs{
 * 					Name:                       pulumi.String("internal"),
 * 					SubnetId:                   exampleSubnet.ID(),
 * 					PrivateIpAddressAllocation: pulumi.String("Dynamic"),
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleUserAssignedIdentity, err := authorization.NewUserAssignedIdentity(ctx, "example", &authorization.UserAssignedIdentityArgs{
 * 			Name:              pulumi.String("example-uai"),
 * 			ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 * 			Location:          exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleLinuxVirtualMachine, err := compute.NewLinuxVirtualMachine(ctx, "example", &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineArgs{
 * 			Name:                          pulumi.String("example-VM"),
 * 			ResourceGroupName:             exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 * 			Location:                      exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			Size:                          pulumi.String("Standard_B2s"),
 * 			AdminUsername:                 pulumi.String("adminuser"),
 * 			AdminPassword:                 pulumi.String("P@$$w0rd1234!"),
 * 			DisablePasswordAuthentication: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 			NetworkInterfaceIds: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 				exampleNetworkInterface.ID(),
 * 			},
 * 			OsDisk: &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs{
 * 				Caching:            pulumi.String("ReadWrite"),
 * 				StorageAccountType: pulumi.String("Premium_LRS"),
 * 			},
 * 			SourceImageReference: &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs{
 * 				Publisher: pulumi.String("Canonical"),
 * 				Offer:     pulumi.String("0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy"),
 * 				Sku:       pulumi.String("22_04-lts"),
 * 				Version:   pulumi.String("latest"),
 * 			},
 * 			Identity: &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineIdentityArgs{
 * 				Type: pulumi.String("SystemAssigned, UserAssigned"),
 * 				IdentityIds: pulumi.StringArray{
 * 					exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ID(),
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleAccount, err := storage.NewAccount(ctx, "example", &storage.AccountArgs{
 * 			Name:                   pulumi.String("exampleaccount"),
 * 			ResourceGroupName:      exampleResourceGroup.Name,
 * 			Location:               exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			AccountTier:            pulumi.String("Standard"),
 * 			AccountReplicationType: pulumi.String("LRS"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleAssignment, err := authorization.NewAssignment(ctx, "example", &authorization.AssignmentArgs{
 * 			Scope:              exampleAccount.ID(),
 * 			RoleDefinitionName: pulumi.String("Storage Blob Data Contributor"),
 * 			PrincipalId:        exampleUserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId,
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		exampleContainer, err := storage.NewContainer(ctx, "example", &storage.ContainerArgs{
 * 			Name:                pulumi.String("example-sc"),
 * 			StorageAccountName:  exampleAccount.Name,
 * 			ContainerAccessType: pulumi.String("blob"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		example1, err := storage.NewBlob(ctx, "example1", &storage.BlobArgs{
 * 			Name:                 pulumi.String("script1"),
 * 			StorageAccountName:   exampleAccount.Name,
 * 			StorageContainerName: exampleContainer.Name,
 * 			Type:                 pulumi.String("Block"),
 * 			SourceContent:        pulumi.String("echo 'hello world'"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		example2, err := storage.NewBlob(ctx, "example2", &storage.BlobArgs{
 * 			Name:                 pulumi.String("output"),
 * 			StorageAccountName:   exampleAccount.Name,
 * 			StorageContainerName: exampleContainer.Name,
 * 			Type:                 pulumi.String("Append"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		example3, err := storage.NewBlob(ctx, "example3", &storage.BlobArgs{
 * 			Name:                 pulumi.String("error"),
 * 			StorageAccountName:   exampleAccount.Name,
 * 			StorageContainerName: exampleContainer.Name,
 * 			Type:                 pulumi.String("Append"),
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		example := storage.GetAccountSASOutput(ctx, storage.GetAccountSASOutputArgs{
 * 			ConnectionString: exampleAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
 * 			HttpsOnly:        pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 			SignedVersion:    pulumi.String("2019-10-10"),
 * 			Start:            pulumi.String("2023-04-01T00:00:00Z"),
 * 			Expiry:           pulumi.String("2024-04-01T00:00:00Z"),
 * 			ResourceTypes: &storage.GetAccountSASResourceTypesArgs{
 * 				Service:   pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Container: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Object:    pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 			},
 * 			Services: &storage.GetAccountSASServicesArgs{
 * 				Blob:  pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 				Queue: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Table: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				File:  pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 			},
 * 			Permissions: &storage.GetAccountSASPermissionsArgs{
 * 				Read:    pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 				Write:   pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 				Delete:  pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				List:    pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Add:     pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 				Create:  pulumi.Bool(true),
 * 				Update:  pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Process: pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Tag:     pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 				Filter:  pulumi.Bool(false),
 * 			},
 * 		}, nil)
 * 		// basic example
 * 		_, err = compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "example", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
 * 			Name:             pulumi.String("example-vmrc"),
 * 			Location:         exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			VirtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.ID(),
 * 			Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
 * 				Script: pulumi.String("echo 'hello world'"),
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		// authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
 * 		_, err = compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "example2", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
 * 			Location:         exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			Name:             pulumi.String("example2-vmrc"),
 * 			VirtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.ID(),
 * 			OutputBlobUri:    example2.ID(),
 * 			ErrorBlobUri:     example3.ID(),
 * 			RunAsPassword:    pulumi.String("P@$$w0rd1234!"),
 * 			RunAsUser:        pulumi.String("adminuser"),
 * 			Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
 * 				ScriptUri: example1.ID(),
 * 				ScriptUriManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs{
 * 					ClientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 			ErrorBlobManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs{
 * 				ClientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
 * 			},
 * 			OutputBlobManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs{
 * 				ClientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
 * 			},
 * 			Parameters: compute.RunCommandParameterArray{
 * 				&compute.RunCommandParameterArgs{
 * 					Name:  pulumi.String("examplev1"),
 * 					Value: pulumi.String("val1"),
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 			ProtectedParameters: compute.RunCommandProtectedParameterArray{
 * 				&compute.RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs{
 * 					Name:  pulumi.String("examplev2"),
 * 					Value: pulumi.String("val2"),
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 			Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
 * 				"environment": pulumi.String("terraform-examples"),
 * 				"some_key":    pulumi.String("some-value"),
 * 			},
 * 		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
 * 			exampleAssignment,
 * 		}))
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		// authorize to storage blob using SAS token
 * 		_, err = compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "example3", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
 * 			Location:         exampleResourceGroup.Location,
 * 			Name:             pulumi.String("example3-vmrc"),
 * 			VirtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.ID(),
 * 			RunAsPassword:    pulumi.String("P@$$w0rd1234!"),
 * 			RunAsUser:        pulumi.String("adminuser"),
 * 			ErrorBlobUri: pulumi.All(example3.ID(), example).ApplyT(func(_args []interface{}) (string, error) {
 * 				id := _args[0].(string)
 * 				example := _args[1].(storage.GetAccountSASResult)
 * 				return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", id, example.Sas), nil
 * 			}).(pulumi.StringOutput),
 * 			OutputBlobUri: pulumi.All(example2.ID(), example).ApplyT(func(_args []interface{}) (string, error) {
 * 				id := _args[0].(string)
 * 				example := _args[1].(storage.GetAccountSASResult)
 * 				return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", id, example.Sas), nil
 * 			}).(pulumi.StringOutput),
 * 			Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
 * 				ScriptUri: pulumi.All(example1.ID(), example).ApplyT(func(_args []interface{}) (string, error) {
 * 					id := _args[0].(string)
 * 					example := _args[1].(storage.GetAccountSASResult)
 * 					return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", id, example.Sas), nil
 * 				}).(pulumi.StringOutput),
 * 			},
 * 			Parameters: compute.RunCommandParameterArray{
 * 				&compute.RunCommandParameterArgs{
 * 					Name:  pulumi.String("example-vm1"),
 * 					Value: pulumi.String("val1"),
 * 				},
 * 			},
 * 			Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
 * 				"environment": pulumi.String("terraform-example-s"),
 * 				"some_key":    pulumi.String("some-value"),
 * 			},
 * 		})
 * 		if err != nil {
 * 			return err
 * 		}
 * 		return nil
 * 	})
 * }
 * ```
 * ```java
 * package generated_program;
 * import com.pulumi.Context;
 * import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
 * import com.pulumi.core.Output;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
 * import java.util.List;
 * import java.util.ArrayList;
 * import java.util.Map;
 * import;
 * import java.nio.file.Files;
 * import java.nio.file.Paths;
 * public class App {
 *     public static void main(String[] args) {
 *     }
 *     public static void stack(Context ctx) {
 *         var exampleResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("exampleResourceGroup", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-resources")
 *             .location("West Europe")
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleVirtualNetwork = new VirtualNetwork("exampleVirtualNetwork", VirtualNetworkArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-vnet")
 *             .addressSpaces("")
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleSubnet = new Subnet("exampleSubnet", SubnetArgs.builder()
 *             .name("internal")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .virtualNetworkName(
 *             .addressPrefixes("")
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleNetworkInterface = new NetworkInterface("exampleNetworkInterface", NetworkInterfaceArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-nic")
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .ipConfigurations(NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs.builder()
 *                 .name("internal")
 *                 .subnetId(
 *                 .privateIpAddressAllocation("Dynamic")
 *                 .build())
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleUserAssignedIdentity = new UserAssignedIdentity("exampleUserAssignedIdentity", UserAssignedIdentityArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-uai")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleLinuxVirtualMachine = new LinuxVirtualMachine("exampleLinuxVirtualMachine", LinuxVirtualMachineArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-VM")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .size("Standard_B2s")
 *             .adminUsername("adminuser")
 *             .adminPassword("P@$$w0rd1234!")
 *             .disablePasswordAuthentication(false)
 *             .networkInterfaceIds(
 *             .osDisk(LinuxVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs.builder()
 *                 .caching("ReadWrite")
 *                 .storageAccountType("Premium_LRS")
 *                 .build())
 *             .sourceImageReference(LinuxVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs.builder()
 *                 .publisher("Canonical")
 *                 .offer("0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy")
 *                 .sku("22_04-lts")
 *                 .version("latest")
 *                 .build())
 *             .identity(LinuxVirtualMachineIdentityArgs.builder()
 *                 .type("SystemAssigned, UserAssigned")
 *                 .identityIds(
 *                 .build())
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleAccount = new Account("exampleAccount", AccountArgs.builder()
 *             .name("exampleaccount")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .accountTier("Standard")
 *             .accountReplicationType("LRS")
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleAssignment = new Assignment("exampleAssignment", AssignmentArgs.builder()
 *             .scope(
 *             .roleDefinitionName("Storage Blob Data Contributor")
 *             .principalId(exampleUserAssignedIdentity.principalId())
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleContainer = new Container("exampleContainer", ContainerArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-sc")
 *             .storageAccountName(
 *             .containerAccessType("blob")
 *             .build());
 *         var example1 = new Blob("example1", BlobArgs.builder()
 *             .name("script1")
 *             .storageAccountName(
 *             .storageContainerName(
 *             .type("Block")
 *             .sourceContent("echo 'hello world'")
 *             .build());
 *         var example2 = new Blob("example2", BlobArgs.builder()
 *             .name("output")
 *             .storageAccountName(
 *             .storageContainerName(
 *             .type("Append")
 *             .build());
 *         var example3 = new Blob("example3", BlobArgs.builder()
 *             .name("error")
 *             .storageAccountName(
 *             .storageContainerName(
 *             .type("Append")
 *             .build());
 *         final var example = StorageFunctions.getAccountSAS(GetAccountSASArgs.builder()
 *             .connectionString(exampleAccount.primaryConnectionString())
 *             .httpsOnly(true)
 *             .signedVersion("2019-10-10")
 *             .start("2023-04-01T00:00:00Z")
 *             .expiry("2024-04-01T00:00:00Z")
 *             .resourceTypes(GetAccountSASResourceTypesArgs.builder()
 *                 .service(false)
 *                 .container(false)
 *                 .object(true)
 *                 .build())
 *             .services(GetAccountSASServicesArgs.builder()
 *                 .blob(true)
 *                 .queue(false)
 *                 .table(false)
 *                 .file(false)
 *                 .build())
 *             .permissions(GetAccountSASPermissionsArgs.builder()
 *                 .read(true)
 *                 .write(true)
 *                 .delete(false)
 *                 .list(false)
 *                 .add(true)
 *                 .create(true)
 *                 .update(false)
 *                 .process(false)
 *                 .tag(false)
 *                 .filter(false)
 *                 .build())
 *             .build());
 *         // basic example
 *         var exampleRunCommand = new RunCommand("exampleRunCommand", RunCommandArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-vmrc")
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .virtualMachineId(
 *             .source(RunCommandSourceArgs.builder()
 *                 .script("echo 'hello world'")
 *                 .build())
 *             .build());
 *         // authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
 *         var example2RunCommand = new RunCommand("example2RunCommand", RunCommandArgs.builder()
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .name("example2-vmrc")
 *             .virtualMachineId(
 *             .outputBlobUri(
 *             .errorBlobUri(
 *             .runAsPassword("P@$$w0rd1234!")
 *             .runAsUser("adminuser")
 *             .source(RunCommandSourceArgs.builder()
 *                 .scriptUri(
 *                 .scriptUriManagedIdentity(RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs.builder()
 *                     .clientId(exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId())
 *                     .build())
 *                 .build())
 *             .errorBlobManagedIdentity(RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs.builder()
 *                 .clientId(exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId())
 *                 .build())
 *             .outputBlobManagedIdentity(RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs.builder()
 *                 .clientId(exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId())
 *                 .build())
 *             .parameters(RunCommandParameterArgs.builder()
 *                 .name("examplev1")
 *                 .value("val1")
 *                 .build())
 *             .protectedParameters(RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs.builder()
 *                 .name("examplev2")
 *                 .value("val2")
 *                 .build())
 *             .tags(Map.ofEntries(
 *                 Map.entry("environment", "terraform-examples"),
 *                 Map.entry("some_key", "some-value")
 *             ))
 *             .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
 *                 .dependsOn(exampleAssignment)
 *                 .build());
 *         // authorize to storage blob using SAS token
 *         var example3RunCommand = new RunCommand("example3RunCommand", RunCommandArgs.builder()
 *             .location(exampleResourceGroup.location())
 *             .name("example3-vmrc")
 *             .virtualMachineId(
 *             .runAsPassword("P@$$w0rd1234!")
 *             .runAsUser("adminuser")
 *             .errorBlobUri(Output.tuple(, example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult)).applyValue(values -> {
 *                 var id = values.t1;
 *                 var example = values.t2;
 *                 return String.format("%s%s", id,example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult ->;
 *             }))
 *             .outputBlobUri(Output.tuple(, example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult)).applyValue(values -> {
 *                 var id = values.t1;
 *                 var example = values.t2;
 *                 return String.format("%s%s", id,example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult ->;
 *             }))
 *             .source(RunCommandSourceArgs.builder()
 *                 .scriptUri(Output.tuple(, example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult)).applyValue(values -> {
 *                     var id = values.t1;
 *                     var example = values.t2;
 *                     return String.format("%s%s", id,example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult ->;
 *                 }))
 *                 .build())
 *             .parameters(RunCommandParameterArgs.builder()
 *                 .name("example-vm1")
 *                 .value("val1")
 *                 .build())
 *             .tags(Map.ofEntries(
 *                 Map.entry("environment", "terraform-example-s"),
 *                 Map.entry("some_key", "some-value")
 *             ))
 *             .build());
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * ```yaml
 * resources:
 *   exampleResourceGroup:
 *     type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-resources
 *       location: West Europe
 *   exampleVirtualNetwork:
 *     type: azure:network:VirtualNetwork
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-vnet
 *       addressSpaces:
 *         -
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *   exampleSubnet:
 *     type: azure:network:Subnet
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: internal
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *       virtualNetworkName: ${}
 *       addressPrefixes:
 *         -
 *   exampleNetworkInterface:
 *     type: azure:network:NetworkInterface
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-nic
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *       ipConfigurations:
 *         - name: internal
 *           subnetId: ${}
 *           privateIpAddressAllocation: Dynamic
 *   exampleUserAssignedIdentity:
 *     type: azure:authorization:UserAssignedIdentity
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-uai
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *   exampleLinuxVirtualMachine:
 *     type: azure:compute:LinuxVirtualMachine
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-VM
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       size: Standard_B2s
 *       adminUsername: adminuser
 *       adminPassword: P@$$w0rd1234!
 *       disablePasswordAuthentication: false
 *       networkInterfaceIds:
 *         - ${}
 *       osDisk:
 *         caching: ReadWrite
 *         storageAccountType: Premium_LRS
 *       sourceImageReference:
 *         publisher: Canonical
 *         offer: 0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy
 *         sku: 22_04-lts
 *         version: latest
 *       identity:
 *         type: SystemAssigned, UserAssigned
 *         identityIds:
 *           - ${}
 *   exampleAssignment:
 *     type: azure:authorization:Assignment
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       scope: ${}
 *       roleDefinitionName: Storage Blob Data Contributor
 *       principalId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.principalId}
 *   exampleAccount:
 *     type: azure:storage:Account
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: exampleaccount
 *       resourceGroupName: ${}
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       accountTier: Standard
 *       accountReplicationType: LRS
 *   exampleContainer:
 *     type: azure:storage:Container
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-sc
 *       storageAccountName: ${}
 *       containerAccessType: blob
 *   example1:
 *     type: azure:storage:Blob
 *     properties:
 *       name: script1
 *       storageAccountName: ${}
 *       storageContainerName: ${}
 *       type: Block
 *       sourceContent: echo 'hello world'
 *   example2:
 *     type: azure:storage:Blob
 *     properties:
 *       name: output
 *       storageAccountName: ${}
 *       storageContainerName: ${}
 *       type: Append
 *   example3:
 *     type: azure:storage:Blob
 *     properties:
 *       name: error
 *       storageAccountName: ${}
 *       storageContainerName: ${}
 *       type: Append
 *   # basic example
 *   exampleRunCommand:
 *     type: azure:compute:RunCommand
 *     name: example
 *     properties:
 *       name: example-vmrc
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       virtualMachineId: ${}
 *       source:
 *         script: echo 'hello world'
 *   # authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
 *   example2RunCommand:
 *     type: azure:compute:RunCommand
 *     name: example2
 *     properties:
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       name: example2-vmrc
 *       virtualMachineId: ${}
 *       outputBlobUri: ${}
 *       errorBlobUri: ${}
 *       runAsPassword: P@$$w0rd1234!
 *       runAsUser: adminuser
 *       source:
 *         scriptUri: ${}
 *         scriptUriManagedIdentity:
 *           clientId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId}
 *       errorBlobManagedIdentity:
 *         clientId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId}
 *       outputBlobManagedIdentity:
 *         clientId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId}
 *       parameters:
 *         - name: examplev1
 *           value: val1
 *       protectedParameters:
 *         - name: examplev2
 *           value: val2
 *       tags:
 *         environment: terraform-examples
 *         some_key: some-value
 *     options:
 *       dependson:
 *         - ${exampleAssignment}
 *   # authorize to storage blob using SAS token
 *   example3RunCommand:
 *     type: azure:compute:RunCommand
 *     name: example3
 *     properties:
 *       location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
 *       name: example3-vmrc
 *       virtualMachineId: ${}
 *       runAsPassword: P@$$w0rd1234!
 *       runAsUser: adminuser
 *       errorBlobUri: ${}${}
 *       outputBlobUri: ${}${}
 *       source:
 *         scriptUri: ${}${}
 *       parameters:
 *         - name: example-vm1
 *           value: val1
 *       tags:
 *         environment: terraform-example-s
 *         some_key: some-value
 * variables:
 *   example:
 *     fn::invoke:
 *       Function: azure:storage:getAccountSAS
 *       Arguments:
 *         connectionString: ${exampleAccount.primaryConnectionString}
 *         httpsOnly: true
 *         signedVersion: 2019-10-10
 *         start: 2023-04-01T00:00:00Z
 *         expiry: 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z
 *         resourceTypes:
 *           service: false
 *           container: false
 *           object: true
 *         services:
 *           blob: true
 *           queue: false
 *           table: false
 *           file: false
 *         permissions:
 *           read: true
 *           write: true
 *           delete: false
 *           list: false
 *           add: true
 *           create: true
 *           update: false
 *           process: false
 *           tag: false
 *           filter: false
 * ```
 * ## Import
 * An existing Virtual Machine Run Command can be imported into Terraform using the `resource id`, e.g.
 * ```sh
 * $ pulumi import azure:compute/runCommand:RunCommand example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1/runCommands/rc1
 * ```
 * @property errorBlobManagedIdentity An `error_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob.
 * @property errorBlobUri Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
 * @property location The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
 * @property name Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
 * @property outputBlobManagedIdentity An `output_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob.
 * @property outputBlobUri Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
 * @property parameters A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
 * @property protectedParameters A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
 * @property runAsPassword Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
 * @property runAsUser Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
 * @property source A `source` block as defined below. The source of the run command script.
 * @property tags A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
 * @property virtualMachineId Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
public data class RunCommandArgs(
    public val errorBlobManagedIdentity: Output? = null,
    public val errorBlobUri: Output? = null,
    public val location: Output? = null,
    public val name: Output? = null,
    public val outputBlobManagedIdentity: Output? = null,
    public val outputBlobUri: Output? = null,
    public val parameters: Output>? = null,
    public val protectedParameters: Output>? = null,
    public val runAsPassword: Output? = null,
    public val runAsUser: Output? = null,
    public val source: Output? = null,
    public val tags: Output>? = null,
    public val virtualMachineId: Output? = null,
) : ConvertibleToJava {
    override fun toJava(): =
                errorBlobManagedIdentity?.applyValue({ args0 ->
                    args0.let({ args0 ->
            .errorBlobUri(errorBlobUri?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
            .location(location?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
            .name(name?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
                outputBlobManagedIdentity?.applyValue({ args0 ->
                    args0.let({ args0 ->
            .outputBlobUri(outputBlobUri?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
                parameters?.applyValue({ args0 ->
          { args0 ->
                        args0.let({ args0 ->
                protectedParameters?.applyValue({ args0 ->
          { args0 ->
                        args0.let({ args0 -> args0.toJava() })
            .runAsPassword(runAsPassword?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
            .runAsUser(runAsUser?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
            .source(source?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0.let({ args0 -> args0.toJava() }) }))
            .tags(tags?.applyValue({ args0 ->{ args0 -> }).toMap() }))
            .virtualMachineId(virtualMachineId?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 })).build()

 * Builder for [RunCommandArgs].
public class RunCommandArgsBuilder internal constructor() {
    private var errorBlobManagedIdentity: Output? = null

    private var errorBlobUri: Output? = null

    private var location: Output? = null

    private var name: Output? = null

    private var outputBlobManagedIdentity: Output? = null

    private var outputBlobUri: Output? = null

    private var parameters: Output>? = null

    private var protectedParameters: Output>? = null

    private var runAsPassword: Output? = null

    private var runAsUser: Output? = null

    private var source: Output? = null

    private var tags: Output>? = null

    private var virtualMachineId: Output? = null

     * @param value An `error_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob.
    public suspend fun errorBlobManagedIdentity(`value`: Output) {
        this.errorBlobManagedIdentity = value

     * @param value Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
    public suspend fun errorBlobUri(`value`: Output) {
        this.errorBlobUri = value

     * @param value The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
    public suspend fun location(`value`: Output) {
        this.location = value

     * @param value Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
    public suspend fun name(`value`: Output) { = value

     * @param value An `output_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob.
    public suspend fun outputBlobManagedIdentity(`value`: Output) {
        this.outputBlobManagedIdentity = value

     * @param value Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
    public suspend fun outputBlobUri(`value`: Output) {
        this.outputBlobUri = value

     * @param value A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(`value`: Output>) {
        this.parameters = value

    public suspend fun parameters(vararg values: Output) {
        this.parameters = Output.all(values.asList())

     * @param values A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(values: List>) {
        this.parameters = Output.all(values)

     * @param value A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(`value`: Output>) {
        this.protectedParameters = value

    public suspend fun protectedParameters(vararg values: Output) {
        this.protectedParameters = Output.all(values.asList())

     * @param values A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(values: List>) {
        this.protectedParameters = Output.all(values)

     * @param value Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public suspend fun runAsPassword(`value`: Output) {
        this.runAsPassword = value

     * @param value Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public suspend fun runAsUser(`value`: Output) {
        this.runAsUser = value

     * @param value A `source` block as defined below. The source of the run command script.
    public suspend fun source(`value`: Output) {
        this.source = value

     * @param value A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public suspend fun tags(`value`: Output>) {
        this.tags = value

     * @param value Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
    public suspend fun virtualMachineId(`value`: Output) {
        this.virtualMachineId = value

     * @param value An `error_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob.
    public suspend fun errorBlobManagedIdentity(`value`: RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.errorBlobManagedIdentity = mapped

     * @param argument An `error_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob.
    public suspend fun errorBlobManagedIdentity(argument: suspend RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.errorBlobManagedIdentity = mapped

     * @param value Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
    public suspend fun errorBlobUri(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.errorBlobUri = mapped

     * @param value The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
    public suspend fun location(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.location = mapped

     * @param value Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
    public suspend fun name(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) }) = mapped

     * @param value An `output_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob.
    public suspend fun outputBlobManagedIdentity(`value`: RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.outputBlobManagedIdentity = mapped

     * @param argument An `output_blob_managed_identity` block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob.
    public suspend fun outputBlobManagedIdentity(argument: suspend RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.outputBlobManagedIdentity = mapped

     * @param value Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
    public suspend fun outputBlobUri(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.outputBlobUri = mapped

     * @param value A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(`value`: List?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.parameters = mapped

     * @param argument A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(argument: List Unit>) {
        val toBeMapped = argument.toList().map {
            RunCommandParameterArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.parameters = mapped

     * @param argument A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(vararg argument: suspend RunCommandParameterArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = argument.toList().map {
            RunCommandParameterArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.parameters = mapped

     * @param argument A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(argument: suspend RunCommandParameterArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = listOf(RunCommandParameterArgsBuilder().applySuspend { argument() }.build())
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.parameters = mapped

     * @param values A list of `parameter` blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun parameters(vararg values: RunCommandParameterArgs) {
        val toBeMapped = values.toList()
        val mapped = toBeMapped.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.parameters = mapped

     * @param value A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(`value`: List?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.protectedParameters = mapped

     * @param argument A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(argument: List Unit>) {
        val toBeMapped = argument.toList().map {
            RunCommandProtectedParameterArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.protectedParameters = mapped

     * @param argument A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(vararg argument: suspend RunCommandProtectedParameterArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = argument.toList().map {
            RunCommandProtectedParameterArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.protectedParameters = mapped

     * @param argument A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(argument: suspend RunCommandProtectedParameterArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = listOf(
            RunCommandProtectedParameterArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.protectedParameters = mapped

     * @param values A list of `protected_parameter` blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script.
    public suspend fun protectedParameters(vararg values: RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs) {
        val toBeMapped = values.toList()
        val mapped = toBeMapped.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.protectedParameters = mapped

     * @param value Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public suspend fun runAsPassword(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.runAsPassword = mapped

     * @param value Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public suspend fun runAsUser(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.runAsUser = mapped

     * @param value A `source` block as defined below. The source of the run command script.
    public suspend fun source(`value`: RunCommandSourceArgs?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.source = mapped

     * @param argument A `source` block as defined below. The source of the run command script.
    public suspend fun source(argument: suspend RunCommandSourceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        val toBeMapped = RunCommandSourceArgsBuilder().applySuspend { argument() }.build()
        val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
        this.source = mapped

     * @param value A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public suspend fun tags(`value`: Map?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.tags = mapped

     * @param values A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
    public fun tags(vararg values: Pair) {
        val toBeMapped = values.toMap()
        val mapped = toBeMapped.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.tags = mapped

     * @param value Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
    public suspend fun virtualMachineId(`value`: String?) {
        val toBeMapped = value
        val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
        this.virtualMachineId = mapped

    internal fun build(): RunCommandArgs = RunCommandArgs(
        errorBlobManagedIdentity = errorBlobManagedIdentity,
        errorBlobUri = errorBlobUri,
        location = location,
        name = name,
        outputBlobManagedIdentity = outputBlobManagedIdentity,
        outputBlobUri = outputBlobUri,
        parameters = parameters,
        protectedParameters = protectedParameters,
        runAsPassword = runAsPassword,
        runAsUser = runAsUser,
        source = source,
        tags = tags,
        virtualMachineId = virtualMachineId,

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