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com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.kotlin.CxTestCaseArgs.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.kotlin
import com.pulumi.core.Output
import com.pulumi.core.Output.of
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxTestCaseArgs.builder
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.kotlin.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.kotlin.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgsBuilder
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.kotlin.inputs.CxTestCaseTestConfigArgs
import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.kotlin.inputs.CxTestCaseTestConfigArgsBuilder
import com.pulumi.kotlin.ConvertibleToJava
import com.pulumi.kotlin.PulumiTagMarker
import com.pulumi.kotlin.applySuspend
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* You can use the built-in test feature to uncover bugs and prevent regressions. A test execution verifies that agent responses have not changed for end-user inputs defined in the test case.
* To get more information about TestCase, see:
* * [API documentation](
* * How-to Guides
* * [Official Documentation](
* ## Example Usage
* ### Dialogflowcx Test Case Full
* ```typescript
* import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
* import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
* const agent = new gcp.diagflow.CxAgent("agent", {
* displayName: "dialogflowcx-agent",
* location: "global",
* defaultLanguageCode: "en",
* supportedLanguageCodes: [
* "fr",
* "de",
* "es",
* ],
* timeZone: "America/New_York",
* description: "Example description.",
* avatarUri: "",
* enableStackdriverLogging: true,
* enableSpellCorrection: true,
* speechToTextSettings: {
* enableSpeechAdaptation: true,
* },
* });
* const intent = new gcp.diagflow.CxIntent("intent", {
* parent:,
* displayName: "MyIntent",
* priority: 1,
* trainingPhrases: [{
* parts: [{
* text: "training phrase",
* }],
* repeatCount: 1,
* }],
* });
* const page = new gcp.diagflow.CxPage("page", {
* parent: agent.startFlow,
* displayName: "MyPage",
* transitionRoutes: [{
* intent:,
* triggerFulfillment: {
* messages: [{
* text: {
* texts: ["Training phrase response"],
* },
* }],
* },
* }],
* eventHandlers: [{
* event: "some-event",
* triggerFulfillment: {
* messages: [{
* text: {
* texts: ["Handling some event"],
* },
* }],
* },
* }],
* });
* const basicTestCase = new gcp.diagflow.CxTestCase("basic_test_case", {
* parent:,
* displayName: "MyTestCase",
* tags: ["#tag1"],
* notes: "demonstrates a simple training phrase response",
* testConfig: {
* trackingParameters: ["some_param"],
* page:,
* },
* testCaseConversationTurns: [
* {
* userInput: {
* input: {
* languageCode: "en",
* text: {
* text: "training phrase",
* },
* },
* injectedParameters: JSON.stringify({
* some_param: "1",
* }),
* isWebhookEnabled: true,
* enableSentimentAnalysis: true,
* },
* virtualAgentOutput: {
* sessionParameters: JSON.stringify({
* some_param: "1",
* }),
* triggeredIntent: {
* name:,
* },
* currentPage: {
* name:,
* },
* textResponses: [{
* texts: ["Training phrase response"],
* }],
* },
* },
* {
* userInput: {
* input: {
* event: {
* event: "some-event",
* },
* },
* },
* virtualAgentOutput: {
* currentPage: {
* name:,
* },
* textResponses: [{
* texts: ["Handling some event"],
* }],
* },
* },
* {
* userInput: {
* input: {
* dtmf: {
* digits: "12",
* finishDigit: "3",
* },
* },
* },
* virtualAgentOutput: {
* textResponses: [{
* texts: ["I didn't get that. Can you say it again?"],
* }],
* },
* },
* ],
* });
* ```
* ```python
* import pulumi
* import json
* import pulumi_gcp as gcp
* agent = gcp.diagflow.CxAgent("agent",
* display_name="dialogflowcx-agent",
* location="global",
* default_language_code="en",
* supported_language_codes=[
* "fr",
* "de",
* "es",
* ],
* time_zone="America/New_York",
* description="Example description.",
* avatar_uri="",
* enable_stackdriver_logging=True,
* enable_spell_correction=True,
* speech_to_text_settings={
* "enable_speech_adaptation": True,
* })
* intent = gcp.diagflow.CxIntent("intent",
* display_name="MyIntent",
* priority=1,
* training_phrases=[{
* "parts": [{
* "text": "training phrase",
* }],
* "repeat_count": 1,
* }])
* page = gcp.diagflow.CxPage("page",
* parent=agent.start_flow,
* display_name="MyPage",
* transition_routes=[{
* "intent":,
* "trigger_fulfillment": {
* "messages": [{
* "text": {
* "texts": ["Training phrase response"],
* },
* }],
* },
* }],
* event_handlers=[{
* "event": "some-event",
* "trigger_fulfillment": {
* "messages": [{
* "text": {
* "texts": ["Handling some event"],
* },
* }],
* },
* }])
* basic_test_case = gcp.diagflow.CxTestCase("basic_test_case",
* display_name="MyTestCase",
* tags=["#tag1"],
* notes="demonstrates a simple training phrase response",
* test_config={
* "tracking_parameters": ["some_param"],
* "page":,
* },
* test_case_conversation_turns=[
* {
* "user_input": {
* "input": {
* "language_code": "en",
* "text": {
* "text": "training phrase",
* },
* },
* "injected_parameters": json.dumps({
* "some_param": "1",
* }),
* "is_webhook_enabled": True,
* "enable_sentiment_analysis": True,
* },
* "virtual_agent_output": {
* "session_parameters": json.dumps({
* "some_param": "1",
* }),
* "triggered_intent": {
* "name":,
* },
* "current_page": {
* "name":,
* },
* "text_responses": [{
* "texts": ["Training phrase response"],
* }],
* },
* },
* {
* "user_input": {
* "input": {
* "event": {
* "event": "some-event",
* },
* },
* },
* "virtual_agent_output": {
* "current_page": {
* "name":,
* },
* "text_responses": [{
* "texts": ["Handling some event"],
* }],
* },
* },
* {
* "user_input": {
* "input": {
* "dtmf": {
* "digits": "12",
* "finish_digit": "3",
* },
* },
* },
* "virtual_agent_output": {
* "text_responses": [{
* "texts": ["I didn't get that. Can you say it again?"],
* }],
* },
* },
* ])
* ```
* ```csharp
* using System.Collections.Generic;
* using System.Linq;
* using System.Text.Json;
* using Pulumi;
* using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
* return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
* {
* var agent = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxAgent("agent", new()
* {
* DisplayName = "dialogflowcx-agent",
* Location = "global",
* DefaultLanguageCode = "en",
* SupportedLanguageCodes = new[]
* {
* "fr",
* "de",
* "es",
* },
* TimeZone = "America/New_York",
* Description = "Example description.",
* AvatarUri = "",
* EnableStackdriverLogging = true,
* EnableSpellCorrection = true,
* SpeechToTextSettings = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs
* {
* EnableSpeechAdaptation = true,
* },
* });
* var intent = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxIntent("intent", new()
* {
* Parent = agent.Id,
* DisplayName = "MyIntent",
* Priority = 1,
* TrainingPhrases = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxIntentTrainingPhraseArgs
* {
* Parts = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxIntentTrainingPhrasePartArgs
* {
* Text = "training phrase",
* },
* },
* RepeatCount = 1,
* },
* },
* });
* var page = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxPage("page", new()
* {
* Parent = agent.StartFlow,
* DisplayName = "MyPage",
* TransitionRoutes = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteArgs
* {
* Intent = intent.Id,
* TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs
* {
* Messages = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
* {
* Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
* {
* Texts = new[]
* {
* "Training phrase response",
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* EventHandlers = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerArgs
* {
* Event = "some-event",
* TriggerFulfillment = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs
* {
* Messages = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs
* {
* Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs
* {
* Texts = new[]
* {
* "Handling some event",
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* });
* var basicTestCase = new Gcp.Diagflow.CxTestCase("basic_test_case", new()
* {
* Parent = agent.Id,
* DisplayName = "MyTestCase",
* Tags = new[]
* {
* "#tag1",
* },
* Notes = "demonstrates a simple training phrase response",
* TestConfig = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestConfigArgs
* {
* TrackingParameters = new[]
* {
* "some_param",
* },
* Page = page.Id,
* },
* TestCaseConversationTurns = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs
* {
* UserInput = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs
* {
* Input = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs
* {
* LanguageCode = "en",
* Text = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTextArgs
* {
* Text = "training phrase",
* },
* },
* InjectedParameters = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["some_param"] = "1",
* }),
* IsWebhookEnabled = true,
* EnableSentimentAnalysis = true,
* },
* VirtualAgentOutput = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs
* {
* SessionParameters = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary
* {
* ["some_param"] = "1",
* }),
* TriggeredIntent = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTriggeredIntentArgs
* {
* Name = intent.Id,
* },
* CurrentPage = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs
* {
* Name = page.Id,
* },
* TextResponses = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs
* {
* Texts = new[]
* {
* "Training phrase response",
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs
* {
* UserInput = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs
* {
* Input = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs
* {
* Event = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputEventArgs
* {
* Event = "some-event",
* },
* },
* },
* VirtualAgentOutput = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs
* {
* CurrentPage = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs
* {
* Name = page.Id,
* },
* TextResponses = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs
* {
* Texts = new[]
* {
* "Handling some event",
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs
* {
* UserInput = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs
* {
* Input = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs
* {
* Dtmf = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputDtmfArgs
* {
* Digits = "12",
* FinishDigit = "3",
* },
* },
* },
* VirtualAgentOutput = new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs
* {
* TextResponses = new[]
* {
* new Gcp.Diagflow.Inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs
* {
* Texts = new[]
* {
* "I didn't get that. Can you say it again?",
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* });
* });
* ```
* ```go
* package main
* import (
* "encoding/json"
* ""
* ""
* )
* func main() {
* pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
* agent, err := diagflow.NewCxAgent(ctx, "agent", &diagflow.CxAgentArgs{
* DisplayName: pulumi.String("dialogflowcx-agent"),
* Location: pulumi.String("global"),
* DefaultLanguageCode: pulumi.String("en"),
* SupportedLanguageCodes: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("fr"),
* pulumi.String("de"),
* pulumi.String("es"),
* },
* TimeZone: pulumi.String("America/New_York"),
* Description: pulumi.String("Example description."),
* AvatarUri: pulumi.String(""),
* EnableStackdriverLogging: pulumi.Bool(true),
* EnableSpellCorrection: pulumi.Bool(true),
* SpeechToTextSettings: &diagflow.CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs{
* EnableSpeechAdaptation: pulumi.Bool(true),
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* intent, err := diagflow.NewCxIntent(ctx, "intent", &diagflow.CxIntentArgs{
* Parent: agent.ID(),
* DisplayName: pulumi.String("MyIntent"),
* Priority: pulumi.Int(1),
* TrainingPhrases: diagflow.CxIntentTrainingPhraseArray{
* &diagflow.CxIntentTrainingPhraseArgs{
* Parts: diagflow.CxIntentTrainingPhrasePartArray{
* &diagflow.CxIntentTrainingPhrasePartArgs{
* Text: pulumi.String("training phrase"),
* },
* },
* RepeatCount: pulumi.Int(1),
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* page, err := diagflow.NewCxPage(ctx, "page", &diagflow.CxPageArgs{
* Parent: agent.StartFlow,
* DisplayName: pulumi.String("MyPage"),
* TransitionRoutes: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteArray{
* &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteArgs{
* Intent: intent.ID(),
* TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
* Messages: diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
* &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs{
* Text: &diagflow.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
* Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("Training phrase response"),
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* EventHandlers: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerArray{
* &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerArgs{
* Event: pulumi.String("some-event"),
* TriggerFulfillment: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs{
* Messages: diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArray{
* &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs{
* Text: &diagflow.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs{
* Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("Handling some event"),
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "some_param": "1",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
* tmpJSON1, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
* "some_param": "1",
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* json1 := string(tmpJSON1)
* _, err = diagflow.NewCxTestCase(ctx, "basic_test_case", &diagflow.CxTestCaseArgs{
* Parent: agent.ID(),
* DisplayName: pulumi.String("MyTestCase"),
* Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("#tag1"),
* },
* Notes: pulumi.String("demonstrates a simple training phrase response"),
* TestConfig: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestConfigArgs{
* TrackingParameters: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("some_param"),
* },
* Page: page.ID(),
* },
* TestCaseConversationTurns: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArray{
* &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs{
* UserInput: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs{
* Input: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTypeArgs{
* LanguageCode: pulumi.String("en"),
* Text: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTextArgs{
* Text: pulumi.String("training phrase"),
* },
* },
* InjectedParameters: pulumi.String(json0),
* IsWebhookEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
* EnableSentimentAnalysis: pulumi.Bool(true),
* },
* VirtualAgentOutput: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs{
* SessionParameters: pulumi.String(json1),
* TriggeredIntent: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTriggeredIntentArgs{
* Name: intent.ID(),
* },
* CurrentPage: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs{
* Name: page.ID(),
* },
* TextResponses: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArray{
* &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs{
* Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("Training phrase response"),
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs{
* UserInput: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs{
* Input: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTypeArgs{
* Event: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputEventArgs{
* Event: pulumi.String("some-event"),
* },
* },
* },
* VirtualAgentOutput: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs{
* CurrentPage: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs{
* Name: page.ID(),
* },
* TextResponses: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArray{
* &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs{
* Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("Handling some event"),
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs{
* UserInput: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs{
* Input: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTypeArgs{
* Dtmf: &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputDtmfArgs{
* Digits: pulumi.String("12"),
* FinishDigit: pulumi.String("3"),
* },
* },
* },
* VirtualAgentOutput: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs{
* TextResponses: diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArray{
* &diagflow.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs{
* Texts: pulumi.StringArray{
* pulumi.String("I didn't get that. Can you say it again?"),
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* },
* })
* if err != nil {
* return err
* }
* return nil
* })
* }
* ```
* ```java
* package generated_program;
* import com.pulumi.Context;
* import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
* import com.pulumi.core.Output;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxAgent;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxAgentArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxIntent;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxIntentArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxIntentTrainingPhraseArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxPage;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxPageArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageEventHandlerArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxTestCase;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxTestCaseArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestConfigArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTextArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTriggeredIntentArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputEventArgs;
* import com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.inputs.CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputDtmfArgs;
* import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
* import java.util.List;
* import java.util.ArrayList;
* import java.util.Map;
* import;
* import java.nio.file.Files;
* import java.nio.file.Paths;
* public class App {
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* }
* public static void stack(Context ctx) {
* var agent = new CxAgent("agent", CxAgentArgs.builder()
* .displayName("dialogflowcx-agent")
* .location("global")
* .defaultLanguageCode("en")
* .supportedLanguageCodes(
* "fr",
* "de",
* "es")
* .timeZone("America/New_York")
* .description("Example description.")
* .avatarUri("")
* .enableStackdriverLogging(true)
* .enableSpellCorrection(true)
* .speechToTextSettings(CxAgentSpeechToTextSettingsArgs.builder()
* .enableSpeechAdaptation(true)
* .build())
* .build());
* var intent = new CxIntent("intent", CxIntentArgs.builder()
* .parent(
* .displayName("MyIntent")
* .priority(1)
* .trainingPhrases(CxIntentTrainingPhraseArgs.builder()
* .parts(CxIntentTrainingPhrasePartArgs.builder()
* .text("training phrase")
* .build())
* .repeatCount(1)
* .build())
* .build());
* var page = new CxPage("page", CxPageArgs.builder()
* .parent(agent.startFlow())
* .displayName("MyPage")
* .transitionRoutes(CxPageTransitionRouteArgs.builder()
* .intent(
* .triggerFulfillment(CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentArgs.builder()
* .messages(CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs.builder()
* .text(CxPageTransitionRouteTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs.builder()
* .texts("Training phrase response")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .eventHandlers(CxPageEventHandlerArgs.builder()
* .event("some-event")
* .triggerFulfillment(CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentArgs.builder()
* .messages(CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageArgs.builder()
* .text(CxPageEventHandlerTriggerFulfillmentMessageTextArgs.builder()
* .texts("Handling some event")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build());
* var basicTestCase = new CxTestCase("basicTestCase", CxTestCaseArgs.builder()
* .parent(
* .displayName("MyTestCase")
* .tags("#tag1")
* .notes("demonstrates a simple training phrase response")
* .testConfig(CxTestCaseTestConfigArgs.builder()
* .trackingParameters("some_param")
* .page(
* .build())
* .testCaseConversationTurns(
* CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs.builder()
* .userInput(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs.builder()
* .input(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs.builder()
* .languageCode("en")
* .text(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputTextArgs.builder()
* .text("training phrase")
* .build())
* .build())
* .injectedParameters(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("some_param", "1")
* )))
* .isWebhookEnabled(true)
* .enableSentimentAnalysis(true)
* .build())
* .virtualAgentOutput(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs.builder()
* .sessionParameters(serializeJson(
* jsonObject(
* jsonProperty("some_param", "1")
* )))
* .triggeredIntent(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTriggeredIntentArgs.builder()
* .name(
* .build())
* .currentPage(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs.builder()
* .name(
* .build())
* .textResponses(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs.builder()
* .texts("Training phrase response")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build(),
* CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs.builder()
* .userInput(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs.builder()
* .input(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs.builder()
* .event(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputEventArgs.builder()
* .event("some-event")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .virtualAgentOutput(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs.builder()
* .currentPage(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputCurrentPageArgs.builder()
* .name(
* .build())
* .textResponses(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs.builder()
* .texts("Handling some event")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build(),
* CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs.builder()
* .userInput(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputArgs.builder()
* .input(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputArgs.builder()
* .dtmf(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnUserInputInputDtmfArgs.builder()
* .digits("12")
* .finishDigit("3")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .virtualAgentOutput(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs.builder()
* .textResponses(CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputTextResponseArgs.builder()
* .texts("I didn't get that. Can you say it again?")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build());
* }
* }
* ```
* ```yaml
* resources:
* agent:
* type: gcp:diagflow:CxAgent
* properties:
* displayName: dialogflowcx-agent
* location: global
* defaultLanguageCode: en
* supportedLanguageCodes:
* - fr
* - de
* - es
* timeZone: America/New_York
* description: Example description.
* avatarUri:
* enableStackdriverLogging: true
* enableSpellCorrection: true
* speechToTextSettings:
* enableSpeechAdaptation: true
* page:
* type: gcp:diagflow:CxPage
* properties:
* parent: ${agent.startFlow}
* displayName: MyPage
* transitionRoutes:
* - intent: ${}
* triggerFulfillment:
* messages:
* - text:
* texts:
* - Training phrase response
* eventHandlers:
* - event: some-event
* triggerFulfillment:
* messages:
* - text:
* texts:
* - Handling some event
* intent:
* type: gcp:diagflow:CxIntent
* properties:
* parent: ${}
* displayName: MyIntent
* priority: 1
* trainingPhrases:
* - parts:
* - text: training phrase
* repeatCount: 1
* basicTestCase:
* type: gcp:diagflow:CxTestCase
* name: basic_test_case
* properties:
* parent: ${}
* displayName: MyTestCase
* tags:
* - '#tag1'
* notes: demonstrates a simple training phrase response
* testConfig:
* trackingParameters:
* - some_param
* page: ${}
* testCaseConversationTurns:
* - userInput:
* input:
* languageCode: en
* text:
* text: training phrase
* injectedParameters:
* fn::toJSON:
* some_param: '1'
* isWebhookEnabled: true
* enableSentimentAnalysis: true
* virtualAgentOutput:
* sessionParameters:
* fn::toJSON:
* some_param: '1'
* triggeredIntent:
* name: ${}
* currentPage:
* name: ${}
* textResponses:
* - texts:
* - Training phrase response
* - userInput:
* input:
* event:
* event: some-event
* virtualAgentOutput:
* currentPage:
* name: ${}
* textResponses:
* - texts:
* - Handling some event
* - userInput:
* input:
* dtmf:
* digits: '12'
* finishDigit: '3'
* virtualAgentOutput:
* textResponses:
* - texts:
* - I didn't get that. Can you say it again?
* ```
* ## Import
* TestCase can be imported using any of these accepted formats:
* * `{{parent}}/testCases/{{name}}`
* When using the `pulumi import` command, TestCase can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:
* ```sh
* $ pulumi import gcp:diagflow/cxTestCase:CxTestCase default {{parent}}/testCases/{{name}}
* ```
* @property displayName The human-readable name of the test case, unique within the agent. Limit of 200 characters.
* - - -
* @property notes Additional freeform notes about the test case. Limit of 400 characters.
* @property parent The agent to create the test case for.
* Format: projects//locations//agents/.
* @property tags Tags are short descriptions that users may apply to test cases for organizational and filtering purposes.
* Each tag should start with "#" and has a limit of 30 characters
* @property testCaseConversationTurns The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
* @property testConfig Config for the test case.
* Structure is documented below.
public data class CxTestCaseArgs(
public val displayName: Output? = null,
public val notes: Output? = null,
public val parent: Output? = null,
public val tags: Output>? = null,
public val testCaseConversationTurns: Output>? =
public val testConfig: Output? = null,
) : ConvertibleToJava {
override fun toJava(): com.pulumi.gcp.diagflow.CxTestCaseArgs =
.displayName(displayName?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
.notes(notes?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
.parent(parent?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0 }))
.tags(tags?.applyValue({ args0 ->{ args0 -> args0 }) }))
testCaseConversationTurns?.applyValue({ args0 ->{ args0 ->
args0.let({ args0 -> args0.toJava() })
.testConfig(testConfig?.applyValue({ args0 -> args0.let({ args0 -> args0.toJava() }) })).build()
* Builder for [CxTestCaseArgs].
public class CxTestCaseArgsBuilder internal constructor() {
private var displayName: Output? = null
private var notes: Output? = null
private var parent: Output? = null
private var tags: Output>? = null
private var testCaseConversationTurns: Output>? =
private var testConfig: Output? = null
* @param value The human-readable name of the test case, unique within the agent. Limit of 200 characters.
* - - -
public suspend fun displayName(`value`: Output) {
this.displayName = value
* @param value Additional freeform notes about the test case. Limit of 400 characters.
public suspend fun notes(`value`: Output) {
this.notes = value
* @param value The agent to create the test case for.
* Format: projects//locations//agents/.
public suspend fun parent(`value`: Output) {
this.parent = value
* @param value Tags are short descriptions that users may apply to test cases for organizational and filtering purposes.
* Each tag should start with "#" and has a limit of 30 characters
public suspend fun tags(`value`: Output>) {
this.tags = value
public suspend fun tags(vararg values: Output) {
this.tags = Output.all(values.asList())
* @param values Tags are short descriptions that users may apply to test cases for organizational and filtering purposes.
* Each tag should start with "#" and has a limit of 30 characters
public suspend fun tags(values: List>) {
this.tags = Output.all(values)
* @param value The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(`value`: Output>) {
this.testCaseConversationTurns = value
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(vararg values: Output) {
this.testCaseConversationTurns = Output.all(values.asList())
* @param values The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(values: List>) {
this.testCaseConversationTurns = Output.all(values)
* @param value Config for the test case.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testConfig(`value`: Output) {
this.testConfig = value
* @param value The human-readable name of the test case, unique within the agent. Limit of 200 characters.
* - - -
public suspend fun displayName(`value`: String?) {
val toBeMapped = value
val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.displayName = mapped
* @param value Additional freeform notes about the test case. Limit of 400 characters.
public suspend fun notes(`value`: String?) {
val toBeMapped = value
val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.notes = mapped
* @param value The agent to create the test case for.
* Format: projects//locations//agents/.
public suspend fun parent(`value`: String?) {
val toBeMapped = value
val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.parent = mapped
* @param value Tags are short descriptions that users may apply to test cases for organizational and filtering purposes.
* Each tag should start with "#" and has a limit of 30 characters
public suspend fun tags(`value`: List?) {
val toBeMapped = value
val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.tags = mapped
* @param values Tags are short descriptions that users may apply to test cases for organizational and filtering purposes.
* Each tag should start with "#" and has a limit of 30 characters
public suspend fun tags(vararg values: String) {
val toBeMapped = values.toList()
val mapped = toBeMapped.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.tags = mapped
* @param value The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(`value`: List?) {
val toBeMapped = value
val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.testCaseConversationTurns = mapped
* @param argument The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(argument: List Unit>) {
val toBeMapped = argument.toList().map {
CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgsBuilder().applySuspend { it() }.build()
val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
this.testCaseConversationTurns = mapped
* @param argument The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(vararg argument: suspend CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val toBeMapped = argument.toList().map {
CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgsBuilder().applySuspend { it() }.build()
val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
this.testCaseConversationTurns = mapped
* @param argument The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(argument: suspend CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val toBeMapped = listOf(
CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgsBuilder().applySuspend {
val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
this.testCaseConversationTurns = mapped
* @param values The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testCaseConversationTurns(vararg values: CxTestCaseTestCaseConversationTurnArgs) {
val toBeMapped = values.toList()
val mapped = toBeMapped.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.testCaseConversationTurns = mapped
* @param value Config for the test case.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testConfig(`value`: CxTestCaseTestConfigArgs?) {
val toBeMapped = value
val mapped = toBeMapped?.let({ args0 -> of(args0) })
this.testConfig = mapped
* @param argument Config for the test case.
* Structure is documented below.
public suspend fun testConfig(argument: suspend CxTestCaseTestConfigArgsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val toBeMapped = CxTestCaseTestConfigArgsBuilder().applySuspend { argument() }.build()
val mapped = of(toBeMapped)
this.testConfig = mapped
internal fun build(): CxTestCaseArgs = CxTestCaseArgs(
displayName = displayName,
notes = notes,
parent = parent,
tags = tags,
testCaseConversationTurns = testCaseConversationTurns,
testConfig = testConfig,