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edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.VTwo.EditConfigurationVTwo Maven / Gradle / Ivy

/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in LICENSE$ */

package edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.VTwo;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory;

import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.VitroRequest;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.DataPropertyDao;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.vclassgroup.ProhibitedFromSearch;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.VTwo.fields.FieldVTwo;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.configuration.ModelSelector;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.configuration.StandardModelSelector;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.configuration.StandardWDFSelector;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.configuration.WDFSelector;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.configuration.generators.DefaultDataPropertyFormGenerator;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.edit.n3editing.configuration.preprocessors.ModelChangePreprocessor;

 * Represents a set of fields on a form and how parameters from a from
 * submission should be manipulated to create N3.
 * Uris in urisInScope and urisOnForm should not have any quoting or escaping.
 * Literals in literalsOnForm and literalsInScope should be escaped and quoted
 * in preparation for N3. They may also be appended with a datatype or lang.
public class EditConfigurationVTwo {

	//Strings representing required n3 for RDF
    List n3Required = new ArrayList();
    //String representing optional N3 for RDF
    List n3Optional = new ArrayList();
    //Names of variables of 'objects' i.e. URIs on form
    List urisOnform = new ArrayList();
    //Names of variables corresponding to data values i.e. literals on form
    List literalsOnForm = new ArrayList();
    //Names of variables corresponding to Files on form
    List filesOnForm = new ArrayList();

    //Multi values now supported for uris and literals, so second parameter needs to be List
    //Mapping of variable name for object to values for object, i.e. URIs, e.g. "hasElement" = ", "
    Map> urisInScope = new HashMap>();
    //Mapping from variable name to values for literals
    Map> literalsInScope = new HashMap>();

    //Map name of variable to sparql query which should return a one-column result set of URIs corresponding to variable
    //E.g. sparql for inverse of object property
    Map sparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope = new HashMap();
    //Mapping variable to sparql query returning literals
    Map sparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope = new HashMap();

    //Variable names to URI prefixes for variables that are allowed to have new instances created
    Map newResources = new HashMap();

    //Variable names to fields, Field = additional configuration for variable
    Map fields = new HashMap();

    //Mapping variable name to Sparql query to find existing literals corresponding to variable, result set should be one-column multi-row of literals
    MapsparqlForExistingLiterals = new HashMap();
    //Mapping variable name to Sparql query to find existing URIs corresponding to variable, result set should be one-column multi-row of URIs/URI resources
    MapsparqlForExistingUris = new HashMap();

    String subjectUri;
    String varNameForSubject;

    String predicateUri;
    String varNameForPredicate;

    /** When this is a DataPropertyStmt edit, the object is not used, the
     * DataPropertyStatement is retrieved using the subject, predicate and the
     * datapropKey.  When this edit is for a ObjectPropertyStmt,
     * object is the URI, it has no quoting or < or >.
    String object;

     * This can be the variable name for the object of a statement in
     * a object property or data property form.
    String varNameForObject;

    Integer datapropKey=null;

    /** urlPatternToReturnTo is the URL to use as the servlet to return to.
     * Usually it is "/individual" and entityToReturnTo will be added as a
     * "uri" parameter.   */
    String urlPatternToReturnTo = INDIVIDUAL_CONTROLLER ;

    /** If this is non-null it should be the URI of an Individual to return to after
     * the edit. */
    String entityToReturnTo;

     * If this value is not null, it will force the edit to return to the specified
     * URL from the PostEditCleanupController after an edit or a cancel.  This string does
     * NOT get values substituted in and it does NOT get the context appended.
    String urlToReturnTo = null;

     * formUrl saves the URL that was used to request the form so that it can be
     * reissued if a form validation fails and the client can be redirected back
     * to the original form. */
    String formUrl;

     * skipToUrl is a URL that should be forwarded to instead of displaying
     * a form.  This will need the context if it is relative.  It may be a
     * full off site URL.
    String skipToUrl;

    String editKey;

    List validators;

	EditN3GeneratorVTwo n3generator;

    private List modelChangePreprocessors =new LinkedList();

    private List editSubmissionPreprocessors;

    private ProhibitedFromSearch prohibitedFromSearch;

    //TODO: can we rename this to match the name "pageData" that is used on the templates for this?
    //How about we change pageData to something else since page is in the name of just about everything related
    //to templates.
    private HashMap formSpecificData;

    /** Name of freemarker template to generate form. */
    String template;

    /** URL to submit form to. */
    String submitToUrl;

     * If true, then any dependent resources that are unlinked should be
     * removed using DependentResourceDelete.
     *Setting to false for now as we should no longer be utilizing dependent resource deletion.
    private boolean useDependentResourceDelete = false;

    /** Model id from write model. */
    private String writeModelId;

    /** Model id for the abox. */
    private String aboxModelId;

    /** Model id for the tbox. */
    private String tboxModelId;

	/** Model to write changes of a completed edit to. Usually this is null
     * and the edit will be written to the main graph of the system.     */
    private ModelSelector writeModelSelector;

    /** Model to query for existing and things like that. Usually this is null
     * and the main Model of the system will be used as the default.     */
    private ModelSelector queryModelSelector;

    /** Model to check when making new URIs to check that there is not already
     * a resource with a given URI. */
    private ModelSelector resourceModelSelector;

    /** WebappDaoFactory to build option, check box, and radio button lists.
     * Usually this is set to null and the main model will be used. */
    private WDFSelector wdfSelectorForOptons;

    private boolean hasBeenPreparedForUpdate;

    public EditConfigurationVTwo(){
        writeModelSelector = StandardModelSelector.selector;
        queryModelSelector = StandardModelSelector.selector;
        resourceModelSelector = StandardModelSelector.selector;
        wdfSelectorForOptons = StandardWDFSelector.selector;
        n3generator = new EditN3GeneratorVTwo();

    //Make copy of edit configuration object
    public EditConfigurationVTwo copy() {
    	EditConfigurationVTwo editConfig = new EditConfigurationVTwo();
    	//Copy n3generator - make copy of n3generator or get something else?
    	editConfig.setN3Generator( this.getN3Generator() );
    	//For remaining ensure we make copies of all the objects and we don't use refererences
    	//Set form url
    	//Set edit key
    	//subject, predicate
    	//object or data parameters based on whether object or data property
    	if(this.getObject() != null) {



    	//n3 required
    	//n3 optional
    	//uris on form
    	//literals on form
    	//files on form
    	//new resources
    	//uris in scope

    	//TODO: ensure this is not a shallow copy of literals but makes entirely new literal objects

    	//sparql for additional uris in scope
    	//sparql for additional literals in scope
    	//sparql for existing literals
    	//sparql for existing uris

    	//TODO: Ensure this is true copy of field and not just shallow copy with same references
    	Map fields = this.getFields();

    	return editConfig;

     * Add symbols for things like currentTime and editingUser to
     * editConfig.urisInScope and editConfig.literalsInScope.
    public void addSystemValues( Model model, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context){
        if( model == null ) throw new Error("EditConfiguration.addSystemValues() needs a Model");
        if( request == null ) throw new Error("EditConfiguration.addSystemValues() needs a request");

        /* current time */
        if( getSparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope() != null &&
            getSparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope().containsKey("currentTime") &&
        	//Updating so that this is represented as an XSD Date Time literal - to allow for comparison later
        	//Currently it appears that this is only used for file upload
            //getLiteralsInScope().put("currentTime", ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(new Date()));
        	SimpleDateFormat dateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
    		String formattedDate = dateTime.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    		List dateLiterals = new ArrayList();
    		dateLiterals.add(ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(formattedDate, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime));
    		literalsInScope.put("currentTime", dateLiterals);

        /* editing user */
        if( getSparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope() != null &&
            getSparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope().containsKey("editingUser") &&
            USE_SYSTEM_VALUE.equals(getSparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope().get("editingUser"))) {

            if( request.getSession() == null )
                throw new Error("EditConfiguration.addSystemValues() needs a session");

            /* ********** Get URI of a logged in user ************** */
            String userUri = N3EditUtils.getEditorUri(request);
           	log.debug(" - checking system value for User URI " + userUri);
           	List userUriList = new ArrayList();
            urisInScope.put("editingUser", userUriList);

    protected void basicPrepare( ){
        if( subjectUri != null && ! subjectUri.trim().isEmpty() &&
            varNameForSubject != null && ! varNameForSubject.trim().isEmpty() ){
            urisInScope.put( varNameForSubject, Arrays.asList( subjectUri ));
            log.debug("Putting uris in scope - var name for subject "
                    + varNameForSubject + " and subject is " + subjectUri);

        if( predicateUri != null && ! predicateUri.trim().isEmpty() &&
            varNameForPredicate != null && ! varNameForPredicate.trim().isEmpty() ){
            urisInScope.put( varNameForPredicate, Arrays.asList( predicateUri ));
            log.debug("Putting uris in scope - var name for predicate "
                    + varNameForPredicate + " and predicate is " + predicateUri);

        if( isObjectResource() &&
            varNameForObject != null && ! varNameForObject.trim().isEmpty() ){
            urisInScope.put( varNameForObject, Arrays.asList(getObject()));
            log.debug("Putting uris in scope - var name for object "
                    + varNameForObject + " and object is " + object);

     * Prepare an EditConfiguration for a DataProperty update.
     * This should only be used when editing a existing data property statement.
    public void prepareForDataPropUpdate( Model model, DataPropertyDao dataPropertyDao ){
        if( model == null ) throw new Error("EditConfiguration.prepareForDataPropUpdate() needs a Model");
        if( isObjectResource() ){
           throw new Error("This request does not seems to be a DataPropStmt update");
        } else  if (datapropKey == null) {
            throw new Error("This request does not appear to be for an update since it lacks a dataProp hash key ");


        DefaultDataPropertyFormGenerator.prepareForDataPropUpdate(model, this,dataPropertyDao );

        // run SPARQL, sub in values
        SparqlEvaluateVTwo sparqlEval = new SparqlEvaluateVTwo(model);
        runSparqlForAdditional( sparqlEval );
        runSparqlForExisting( sparqlEval );

        hasBeenPreparedForUpdate = true;

     * Prepare for a ObjectProperty update. Run SPARQL for existing values.
     *  This can be used for an object property or a direct form.
    public void prepareForObjPropUpdate( Model model ){
        if( model == null ) {
        	log.debug("Model is null and will be throwing an error");
        	throw new Error("EditConfiguration.prepareForObjPropUpdate() needs a non-null Model");}
        if( !isObjectResource() ) {
        	log.debug("This does not seem to be an object property update. Lacks object.");
            throw new Error("This request does not appear to be for a object property update.");


        // run SPARQL, sub in values
        SparqlEvaluateVTwo sparqlEval = new SparqlEvaluateVTwo( model );
        runSparqlForAdditional( sparqlEval );
        try {
        	runSparqlForExisting( sparqlEval );
        } catch (Exception e) {

        hasBeenPreparedForUpdate = true;

     * Prepare for a param update: Run SPARQL for existing values.
     *  This can be used for a direct form which does not correspond directly to either
     *  data or object property form.
    public void prepareForParamUpdate( Model model ){
        if( model == null ) {
        	log.debug("Model is null and will be throwing an error");
        	throw new Error("EditConfiguration.prepareForObjPropUpdate() needs a non-null Model");}


        // run SPARQL, sub in values
        SparqlEvaluateVTwo sparqlEval = new SparqlEvaluateVTwo( model );
        runSparqlForAdditional( sparqlEval );
        try {
        	runSparqlForExisting( sparqlEval );
        } catch (Exception e) {

        hasBeenPreparedForUpdate = true;

     * Run SPARQL for Additional values.  This can be used for
     * a data property, an object property or a direct form.
    public void prepareForNonUpdate( Model model ){
        if( model == null ) throw new Error("prepareForNonUpdate() needs a non-null Model");


        SparqlEvaluateVTwo sparqlEval = new SparqlEvaluateVTwo( model );
        runSparqlForAdditional( sparqlEval );
        //runSparqlForExisting( sparqlEval );

    public void setFields(Map fields) {
    	this.fields = fields;

    public void prepareForResubmit(MultiValueEditSubmission editSub){
        //get any values from editSub and add to scope

     * Runs the queries for additional uris and literals then add those back into
     * the urisInScope and literalsInScope.
    public void runSparqlForAdditional(SparqlEvaluateVTwo sparqlEval){
        sparqlEval.evaluateForAdditionalUris( this );
        sparqlEval.evalulateForAdditionalLiterals( this );

    public void runSparqlForExisting(SparqlEvaluateVTwo sparqlEval){
        sparqlEval.evaluateForExistingUris( this );
        sparqlEval.evaluateForExistingLiterals( this );

    public FieldVTwo getField(String key){
        if( fields == null) {
            throw new Error("hashmap of field objects must be set before you can get a value from the EditConfiguration");
        return fields.get(key);

    /** Return a copy of the value so that the configuration is not modified by external code.
    public List getN3Required() {
        return EditConfigurationUtils.copy(n3Required);

    public void setN3Required(List n3Required) {
        this.n3Required = n3Required;

    public void setN3Required(String ... n3RequiredStrs){
        this.n3Required =  new ArrayList(Arrays.asList( n3RequiredStrs )); //using ArrayList to allow list to be resized
    //these methods allow strings to be added to the n3 required list and not just for the list to be set
    public void addN3Required(List n3RequiredInput) {

    public void addN3Required(String ... n3RequiredStrsInput) {
    	 this.n3Required.addAll(Arrays.asList( n3RequiredStrsInput ));
     /** return a copy of the value so that the configuration is not modified by external code.
    public List getN3Optional() {
         return EditConfigurationUtils.copy( n3Optional );

    public void setN3Optional(List n3Optional) {
        this.n3Optional = n3Optional;

    public void setN3Optional(String ... n3Strs){
        this.n3Optional = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList( n3Strs )); //using ArrayList to allow list to be resized

    public void addN3Optional(List n3Optional) {

    public void addN3Optional(String ... n3Strs){
        this.n3Optional.addAll(Arrays.asList( n3Strs ));

    public Map getNewResources() {
        return newResources;

    public void setNewResources(Map newResources) {
        this.newResources = newResources;

    public void setNewResources(String ... strs){
        if( strs == null || strs.length % 2 != 0 ){
            throw new Error(" setNewResources() must have pairs of varName, prefix ");
        Map map = new HashMap();

        for( int i=0;i getUrisOnform() {
        return urisOnform;

    public void setUrisOnform(List urisOnform) {
        this.urisOnform = urisOnform;

    public void setUrisOnForm(String ... strs){
        this.urisOnform = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList( strs )); //using ArrayList to allow resizing
    //This doesn't overwrite or set but adds to existing list
    public void addUrisOnForm(List urisOnform) {

    public void addUrisOnForm(String ... strs){
        this.urisOnform.addAll(Arrays.asList( strs ));

    public void setFilesOnForm(List filesOnForm){
        this.filesOnForm = filesOnForm;

    public List getFilesOnForm(){
        return filesOnForm;

    public List getLiteralsOnForm() {
        return literalsOnForm;

    public void setLiteralsOnForm(List literalsOnForm) {
        this.literalsOnForm = literalsOnForm;

    public void setLiteralsOnForm(String ... strs){
        this.literalsOnForm = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList( strs ));//using ArrayList to allow resizing

    public void addLiteralsOnForm(List literalsOnForm) {

    public void addLiteralsOnForm(String ... strs){
        this.literalsOnForm.addAll(Arrays.asList( strs ));

    public Map> getUrisInScope() {
        return urisInScope;

    public void setUrisInScope(Map> urisInScope) {
        this.urisInScope = urisInScope;

    public EditConfigurationVTwo addUrisInScope(String key, List list) {
        if( urisInScope  == null ){
            urisInScope = new HashMap>();
        urisInScope.put(key, list);
        return this;

    public EditConfigurationVTwo addUrisInScope(Map> uriValues) {
        if( urisInScope  == null ){
            urisInScope = new HashMap>();
        return this;

    public Map> getLiteralsInScope() {
        return literalsInScope;

    public void setLiteralsInScope(Map> literalsInScope) {
        this.literalsInScope = literalsInScope;

    /** Return a copy of the value so that the configuration is not modified by external code.
    public Map getSparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope() {
        return copyMap(sparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope);

    public void setSparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope(Map sparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope) {
        this.sparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope = sparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope;

     /** Return a copy of the value so that the configuration is not modified by external code.
    public Map getSparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope() {
        return copyMap(sparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope);

    private Map copyMap(Map source){
        if( source == null ) return null;
        Map dest = new HashMap();
        for( String key : source.keySet()){
            if( source.get(key) != null )
                dest.put(key, source.get(key));
                dest.put(key, null);
        return dest;

    public void setSparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope(Map sparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope) {
        this.sparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope = sparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope;

    public String getEntityToReturnTo() {
        return entityToReturnTo;

    public void setEntityToReturnTo(String entityToReturnTo) {
        this.entityToReturnTo = entityToReturnTo;

    public String getUrlPatternToReturnTo() {
        return urlPatternToReturnTo;

    public void setUrlPatternToReturnTo(String s) {
        urlPatternToReturnTo = s;

     /** return a copy of the value so that the configuration is not modified by external code.
    public Map getSparqlForExistingLiterals() {
        return copyMap(sparqlForExistingLiterals);

    public void setSparqlForExistingLiterals(Map sparqlForExistingLiterals) {
        this.sparqlForExistingLiterals = sparqlForExistingLiterals;

     /** return a copy of the value so that the configuration is not modified by external code.
    public Map getSparqlForExistingUris() {
        return copyMap(sparqlForExistingUris);

    public void setSparqlForExistingUris(Map sparqlForExistingUris) {
        this.sparqlForExistingUris = sparqlForExistingUris;

    /* ********************** static methods to get EditConfigs from Session ******************************** */

     public static void clearAllConfigsInSession( HttpSession sess ){
        if(sess == null ) return;

    public static void clearEditConfigurationInSession(HttpSession session, EditConfigurationVTwo editConfig) {
        if( session == null || editConfig == null )
        Map configs = (Map)session.getAttribute("EditConfigurations");
        if( configs == null )
            return ;
        if( configs.containsKey( editConfig.editKey ) )
            configs.remove( editConfig.editKey );

    public static void putConfigInSession(EditConfigurationVTwo ec, HttpSession sess){
        if( sess == null )
            throw new Error("EditConfig: could not put config in session because session was null");
        if( ec.editKey == null )
            throw new Error("EditConfig: could not put into session because editKey was null.");

        Map configs = (Map)sess.getAttribute("EditConfigurations");
        if( configs == null ){
            configs = new HashMap();
        configs.put(ec.editKey , ec);

    public static EditConfigurationVTwo getConfigFromSession(HttpSession sess, String editKey){
        Map configs = (Map)sess.getAttribute("EditConfigurations");
	return (configs != null) ? configs.get( editKey ) : null;

     * This may return null, which indicates that there is no editKey or EditConfiguration in the
     * request or session.  If the queryParams are supplied, look for the editKey
     * there first since multipart parsing might have cleared them from the request.
    public static EditConfigurationVTwo getConfigFromSession( HttpSession sess, HttpServletRequest request ){
        String key = getEditKeyFromRequest(request);

        if( key == null )
            return null;
        return getConfigFromSession(sess, key);

     * The editKey can be a HTTP query parameter or it can be a request attribute.
    public static String getEditKeyFromRequest( ServletRequest request){
        String key = null;
        if( request instanceof VitroRequest ){
            return request.getParameter("editKey");
        }else if( request instanceof HttpServletRequest ){
            HttpServletRequest hsreq = (HttpServletRequest)request;
            boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(hsreq);
            if( isMultipart ) {
                //multipart parsing will consume all request parameters so
                //the editKey needs to be stashed in the request attributes.
                key = (String)request.getAttribute("editKey");
                if( key == null ) {
                    // handle the cancel button where nothing is really uploaded
                    key = request.getParameter("editKey");
            	key = (String)request.getAttribute("editKey");
                if( key  != null  ){
                    return key;
                } else {
                	key = request.getParameter("editKey");

        if( key != null && key.trim().length() > 0 ){
            return key;
            log.debug("cannnot find editKey in request query parameters or from request");
            return null;

    public static String newEditKey(HttpSession sess){
        int mills = new DateTime().getMillisOfDay();

        Map configs = (Map)sess.getAttribute("EditConfigurations");
        if( configs == null ){
            return Integer.toString(mills);
            while( configs.containsKey( Integer.toString(mills) )){
                mills ++;
            return Integer.toString(mills);

     * getters and setters

    public String getObject() {
        return object;

    public void setObject(String object) {
        this.object = object;

    public boolean isObjectResource() {
        boolean objectFound = false;
        boolean dataKeyFound = false;
		if( object != null && ! object.trim().isEmpty() )
		    objectFound = true;
		if( getDatapropKey() != null )
		    dataKeyFound = true;
		if( dataKeyFound && objectFound )
		    throw new Error("Bad configuration: both datapropKey and object are defined.");
		return objectFound;

	public Integer getDatapropKey() {
        return datapropKey;

    public void setDatapropKey(Integer datapropKey) {
        this.datapropKey = datapropKey;

    public String getSubjectUri() {
        return subjectUri;

    public void setSubjectUri(String subjectUri) {
        this.subjectUri = subjectUri;

    public String getPredicateUri() {
        return predicateUri;

    public void setPredicateUri(String predicateUri) {
        this.predicateUri = predicateUri;

    public Map getFields() {
        return fields;

    public String getEditKey() {
        return editKey;

    public void setEditKey(String editKey) {
    	this.editKey = editKey;

    public String getFormUrl() {
        return formUrl;

    public void setFormUrl(String formUrl) {
    	this.formUrl = formUrl;

    public EditN3GeneratorVTwo getN3Generator(){
        return n3generator;

    public void setN3Generator(EditN3GeneratorVTwo gen) {
    	this.n3generator = gen;

    public String getVarNameForSubject() {
    	return this.varNameForSubject;

    public void setVarNameForSubject(String varName) {
    	this.varNameForSubject = varName;

    public String getVarNameForPredicate() {
    	return this.varNameForPredicate;

    public void setVarNameForPredicate(String varName) {
    	this.varNameForPredicate = varName;

    public String getVarNameForObject(){
        return this.varNameForObject;

    public void setVarNameForObject(String varName) {
    	this.varNameForObject = varName;

    /**If this is set to true, then dependent resources should be deleted on edits that
     * remove the parent resource.
    public boolean isUseDependentResourceDelete() {
		return useDependentResourceDelete;

    /**If this is set to true, then dependent resources should be deleted on edits that
     * remove the parent resource.
	public void setUseDependentResourceDelete(boolean useDependentResourceDelete) {
		this.useDependentResourceDelete = useDependentResourceDelete;

    public List getModelChangePreprocessors() {
    	return this.modelChangePreprocessors;

    public void addModelChangePreprocessor( ModelChangePreprocessor modelChangePreprocessor) {
    	this.modelChangePreprocessors.add( modelChangePreprocessor );

    public void setProhibitedFromSearch( ProhibitedFromSearch prohibitedFromSearch) {
    	this.prohibitedFromSearch = prohibitedFromSearch;

    public ProhibitedFromSearch getProhibitedFromSearch() {
    	return this.prohibitedFromSearch;

    private void debugScope(String msg){
        if( log.isDebugEnabled()){
            for( String key: literalsInScope.keySet() ){
                String val = literalsInScope.get(key).toString();
                log.debug( key + " " + val );
            log.debug("uris in scope: " );
            for( String key: urisInScope.keySet() ){
                String val = urisInScope.get(key).toString();
                log.debug( key + " " + val );

    public final static String USE_SYSTEM_VALUE = "USE_SYSTEM_VALUE";

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EditConfigurationVTwo.class.getName());

    public ModelSelector getWriteModelSelector() {
        return writeModelSelector;

    public void setWriteModelSelector(ModelSelector writeModel) {
        if( writeModel != null )
            this.writeModelSelector = writeModel;

    public ModelSelector getQueryModelSelector() {
        return queryModelSelector;

    public void setQueryModelSelector(ModelSelector queryModel) {
        if( queryModel != null )
            this.queryModelSelector = queryModel;

    public WDFSelector getWdfSelectorForOptons() {
        return wdfSelectorForOptons;

    public void setWdfSelectorForOptons(WDFSelector wdfForOptons) {
        this.wdfSelectorForOptons = wdfForOptons;

    public ModelSelector getResourceModelSelector() {
        return resourceModelSelector;

    public void setResourceModelSelector(ModelSelector resourceModelSelector) {
        if( resourceModelSelector != null )
            this.resourceModelSelector = resourceModelSelector;

    public List getValidators() {
		return validators;

    public void addValidator( N3ValidatorVTwo validator){
    	if( this.validators == null )
    		this.validators = new ArrayList();

    public void addEditSubmissionPreprocessor( EditSubmissionVTwoPreprocessor preprocessor){
        if( editSubmissionPreprocessors == null )
            editSubmissionPreprocessors = new ArrayList();

    public List getEditSubmissionPreprocessors() {
        return editSubmissionPreprocessors;

    public void setTemplate(String template){
        this.template = template;

    public String getTemplate() {
        return this.template;

    public String getSubmitToUrl() {
        return submitToUrl;

    public void setSubmitToUrl(String submitToUrl) {
        this.submitToUrl = submitToUrl;

    public boolean isUpdate(){
        //return isObjectPropertyUpdate() || isDataPropertyUpdate();
    	//TODO: Change back if this doesn't work
    	return isObjectPropertyUpdate() || isDataPropertyUpdate() || isParamUpdate();

    public boolean isObjectPropertyUpdate(){
        return this.getObject() != null && this.getObject().trim().length() > 0;

    public boolean isDataPropertyUpdate() {
    	return this.getDatapropKey() != null ;

    //*****TEST Method***Remove if doesn't work******//
    public boolean isParamUpdate = false;
    public void setParamUpdate (boolean inputParamUpdate) {
    	this.isParamUpdate = inputParamUpdate;
    public boolean isParamUpdate() {
    	return this.isParamUpdate;

    //TODO: can we rename this to match the name "pageData" that is used on the templates for this?
    //How about we change pageData to something else since page is in the name of just about everything related
    //to templates.

    /** This is for specific data for a form that will be set by the generator. */
	public  void setFormSpecificData(HashMap formSpecificData) {
		this.formSpecificData = formSpecificData;

    //TODO: can we rename this to match the name "pageData" that is used on the templates for this?
    //How about we change pageData to something else since page is in the name of just about everything related
    //to templates.
	public void addFormSpecificData( String key, Object value){
	    if( this.formSpecificData == null){
	        this.formSpecificData = new HashMap();

    //TODO: can we rename this to match the name "pageData" that is used on the templates for this?
    //How about we change pageData to something else since page is in the name of just about everything related
    //to templates.

	public HashMap getFormSpecificData() {
		return this.formSpecificData;

	public boolean hasBeenPreparedForUpdate() {
	    return hasBeenPreparedForUpdate;

    public void addNewResource(String key, String namespace){
        if( key == null || key.isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key of new resource must not be null");
        if( newResources == null ) {
            newResources = new HashMap();
            newResources.put(key, namespace);
            newResources.put(key, namespace);

    public void addSparqlForExistingLiteral(String key, String sparql){
        if( key == null || key.isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must not be null");
        if( sparql == null || sparql .isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sparql must not be null");

        Map map = sparqlForExistingLiterals;
        if( map == null ) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put(key, sparql);
            map.put(key, sparql);

    public void addSparqlForExistingUris(String key, String sparql){
        if( key == null || key.isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must not be null");
        if( sparql == null || sparql .isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sparql must not be null");

        Map map = sparqlForExistingUris;
        if( map == null ) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put(key, sparql);
            map.put(key, sparql);

    public void addSparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope(String key, String sparql){
        if( key == null || key.isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must not be null");
        if( sparql == null || sparql .isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sparql must not be null");

        Map map = sparqlForAdditionalLiteralsInScope;
        if( map == null ) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put(key, sparql);
            map.put(key, sparql);

    public void addSparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope(String key, String sparql){
        if( key == null || key.isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must not be null");
        if( sparql == null || sparql .isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sparql must not be null");

        Map map = sparqlForAdditionalUrisInScope;
        if( map == null ) {
            map = new HashMap();
            map.put(key, sparql);
            map.put(key, sparql);

    public void addField( FieldVTwo field){
        if( field == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("field must not be null");
        if( field.getName() == null || field.getName().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("field must not have null or empty name");
        if( fields == null )
            fields = new HashMap();

        if( fields.containsKey(field.getName() ))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("adding filed that is already in the field list");

        fields.put( field.getName(), field);

    public void addFields(List fields) {
    	if( fields != null )
    		for(FieldVTwo f: fields) {


    public String toString(){
        return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE);

    private static final String INDIVIDUAL_CONTROLLER = "/individual";

    public EditConfigurationVTwo addLiteralInScope(String key, Literal ... values) {
        if( literalsInScope  == null ){
            literalsInScope = new HashMap>();
        literalsInScope.put(key, Arrays.asList(values));
        return this;

    public EditConfigurationVTwo addLiteralsInScope(Map> scopeLiterals) {
        if( literalsInScope  == null ){
            literalsInScope = new HashMap>();
        return this;

    public void setUrlToReturnTo(String url){
        this.urlToReturnTo = url;

    public String getUrlToReturnTo() {
        return this.urlToReturnTo;

    public void setSkipToUrl(String url){

    public String getSkipToUrl() {
        return skipToUrl;

    public void setWriteModelId(String writeModelId) {
        this.writeModelId = writeModelId;

    public String getWriteModelId() {
        return writeModelId;

    public void setAboxModelId(String aboxModelId) {
        this.aboxModelId = aboxModelId;

    public String getAboxModelId() {
        return aboxModelId;

    public void setTboxModelId(String tboxModelId) {
        this.tboxModelId = tboxModelId;

    public String getTboxModelId() {
        return tboxModelId;

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