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edu.ucsf.vitro.opensocial.OpenSocialManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package edu.ucsf.vitro.opensocial;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import edu.cornell.mannlib.vedit.beans.LoginStatusBean;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.auth.identifier.RequestIdentifiers;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.auth.identifier.common.HasProfile;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.Individual;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.UserAccount;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.config.ConfigurationProperties;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.VitroRequest;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.individual.IndividualRequestAnalysisContextImpl;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.individual.IndividualRequestAnalyzer;
import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.individual.IndividualRequestInfo;

public class OpenSocialManager {
	public static final String SHINDIG_URL_PROP = "OpenSocial.shindigURL";

	public static final String OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG = "OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG";
	public static final String OPENSOCIAL_NOCACHE = "OPENSOCIAL_NOCACHE";
	public static final String OPENSOCIAL_GADGETS = "OPENSOCIAL_GADGETS";

	public static final String JSON_PERSONID_CHANNEL = "JSONPersonIds";
	public static final String JSON_PMID_CHANNEL = "JSONPubMedIds";
	public static final String TAG_NAME = "openSocial";

	private static final String DEFAULT_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OpenSocialManager.class);

	// for performance
	private static Map gadgetCache;

	private List gadgets = new ArrayList();
	private Map pubsubdata = new HashMap();
	private String viewerId = null;
	private String ownerId = null;
	private boolean isDebug = false;
	private boolean noCache = false;
	private String pageName;
	private ConfigurationProperties configuration;

	private BasicDataSource dataSource;

	public OpenSocialManager(VitroRequest vreq, String pageName) throws SQLException, IOException {
		this(vreq, pageName, false);

	public OpenSocialManager(VitroRequest vreq, String pageName, boolean editMode) throws SQLException, IOException {
		this.isDebug = vreq.getSession() != null
				&& Boolean.TRUE.equals(vreq.getSession().getAttribute(OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG));
		this.noCache = vreq.getSession() != null
				&& Boolean.TRUE.equals(vreq.getSession().getAttribute(OPENSOCIAL_NOCACHE));
		this.pageName = pageName;

		configuration = ConfigurationProperties.getBean(vreq.getSession()

		if (configuration.getProperty(SHINDIG_URL_PROP) == null) {
			// do nothing

		// Analyze the request to figure out whose page we are viewing.
		this.ownerId = figureOwnerId(vreq);

		// If we are authorized to edit on behalf of the page owner,
		// set the viewer ID to be the owner ID, so it looks like we are the page owner.
		if (editMode) {
			this.viewerId = ownerId;
		else {
			// If we have a profile page, use that URI. Otherwise, use the URI of the logged-in user account, if any.
			UserAccount viewer = LoginStatusBean.getCurrentUser(vreq);
			Collection profileUris = HasProfile.getProfileUris(RequestIdentifiers.getIdBundleForRequest(vreq));
			if (!profileUris.isEmpty()) {
				this.viewerId = profileUris.iterator().next();
			} else if (viewer != null) {
				this.viewerId = viewer.getUri();
			} else {
				this.viewerId = null;

		String requestAppId = vreq.getParameter("appId");

		dataSource = new BasicDataSource();

		// Load gadgets from the DB first
		Map allDBGadgets = getAllDBGadgets(!noCache);

		// Add sandbox gadgets if they are present
		if (vreq.getSession() != null && vreq.getSession().getAttribute(OPENSOCIAL_GADGETS) != null) {
			gadgets = getSandboxGadgets(vreq, allDBGadgets, requestAppId);
		else {
			// if no manual one were added, use the ones from the DB
			for (GadgetSpec gadgetSpec : allDBGadgets.values()) {
				// only add ones that are visible in this context!
				int moduleId = 0;
				if (
								(requestAppId == null && gadgetSpec.isEnabled()) ||
								(requestAppId != null && gadgetSpec.getAppId() ==  Integer.parseInt(requestAppId))
						) &&, ownerId, pageName, dataSource)
						) {
					String securityToken = socketSendReceive(viewerId, ownerId, "" + gadgetSpec.getAppId());
					gadgets.add(new PreparedGadget(gadgetSpec, this, moduleId++, securityToken));

		// sort the gadgets

	public static void clearCache() {
		gadgetCache = null;

	private String figureOwnerId(VitroRequest vreq) {
		IndividualRequestAnalyzer requestAnalyzer = new IndividualRequestAnalyzer(vreq,
				new IndividualRequestAnalysisContextImpl(vreq));
		IndividualRequestInfo requestInfo = requestAnalyzer.analyze();
		Individual owner = requestInfo.getIndividual();
		return owner != null ? owner.getURI() : null;

	private String getGadgetFileNameFromURL(String url) {
		String[] urlbits = url.split("/");
		return urlbits[urlbits.length - 1];

	public boolean isDebug() {
		return isDebug;

	public boolean noCache() {
		return noCache;

	public String getOwnerId() {
		return ownerId;

	public boolean hasGadgetListeningTo(String channel) {
		for (PreparedGadget gadget : getVisibleGadgets()) {
			if (gadget.getGadgetSpec().listensTo(channel)) {
				return true;
		return false;

	public static List getOpenSocialId(List individuals) {
		List personIds = new ArrayList();
		for (Individual ind : individuals) {
		return personIds;

	// JSON Helper Functions
	public static String buildJSONPersonIds(List personIds,
			String message) {
		ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
		ObjectNode json = mapper.createObjectNode();
		json.put("message", message);

		ArrayNode persons = mapper.createArrayNode();
		for (String personId : personIds) {
		json.put("personIds", persons);
		return json.toString();

	public static String buildJSONPersonIds(String personId, String message) {
		List personIds = new ArrayList();
		return buildJSONPersonIds(personIds, message);

	public static String buildJSONPersonIds(Individual ind, String message) {
		List personIds = new ArrayList();
		return buildJSONPersonIds(personIds, message);

	public void setPubsubData(String key, String value) {
		if (pubsubdata.containsKey(key)) {
		if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
			pubsubdata.put(key, value);

	public Map getPubsubData() {
		return pubsubdata;

	public void removePubsubGadgetsWithoutData() {
		// if any visible gadgets depend on pubsub data that isn't present,
		// throw them out
		List removedGadgets = new ArrayList();
		for (PreparedGadget gadget : gadgets) {
			for (String channel : gadget.getGadgetSpec().getChannels()) {
				if (!pubsubdata.containsKey(channel)) {

	public void removeGadget(String name) {
		// if any visible gadgets depend on pubsub data that isn't present,
		// throw them out
		PreparedGadget gadgetToRemove = null;
		for (PreparedGadget gadget : gadgets) {
			if (name.equals(gadget.getName())) {
				gadgetToRemove = gadget;

	public String getPageName() {
		return pageName;

	public String getIdToUrlMapJavascript() {
		StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder("var idToUrlMap = {");
		for (PreparedGadget gadget : gadgets) {
			// retval += gadget.GetAppId() + ":'" + gadget.GetGadgetURL() +
			// "', ";
			retval.append("'remote_iframe_").append(gadget.getAppId()).append("':'").append(gadget.getGadgetURL()).append("', ");
		return retval.substring(0, retval.length() - 2) + "};";

	public boolean isVisible() {
		// always have turned on for ProfileDetails.aspx because we want to
		// generate the "profile was viewed" in Javascript (bot proof)
		// regardless of any gadgets being visible, and we need this to be True
		// for the shindig javascript libraries to load
		return (configuration.getProperty(SHINDIG_URL_PROP) != null
				&& (getVisibleGadgets().size() > 0) || getPageName().equals(

	public List getVisibleGadgets() {
		return gadgets;

	public void postActivity(int userId, String title) throws SQLException {
		postActivity(userId, title, null, null, null);

	public void postActivity(int userId, String title, String body) throws SQLException {
		postActivity(userId, title, body, null, null);

	public void postActivity(int userId, String title, String body,
			String xtraId1Type, String xtraId1Value) throws SQLException {
		String sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO orng_activity (userId, activity, xtraId1Type, xtraId1Value) VALUES ('"
				+ userId +  "','"
				+ System.currentTimeMillis() + "" + title + ""
				+ (body != null ? "" + body + "" : "") + "','"
				+ xtraId1Type + "','" + xtraId1Value + "');";

		try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection()) {
			try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {

	private String socketSendReceive(String viewer, String owner, String gadget)
			throws IOException {
		// These keys need to match what you see in
		// edu.ucsf.orng.shindig.service.SecureTokenGeneratorService in
		// Shindig
		String[] tokenService = configuration.getProperty(
		String request = "c=default" + (viewer != null ? "&v=" + URLEncoder.encode(viewer, "UTF-8") : "") +
				(owner != null ? "&o=" + URLEncoder.encode(owner, "UTF-8") : "") + "&g=" + gadget + "\r\n";

		// Create a socket connection with the specified server and port.
		Socket s = new Socket(tokenService[0],

		// Send request to the server.

		// Receive the encoded content.
		int bytes = 0;
		StringBuilder page = new StringBuilder();
		byte[] bytesReceived = new byte[256];

		// The following will block until the page is transmitted.
		while ((bytes = s.getInputStream().read(bytesReceived)) > 0) {
			page.append(new String(bytesReceived, 0, bytes));

		return page.toString();

	public String getContainerJavascriptSrc() {
		return configuration.getProperty(SHINDIG_URL_PROP)
				+ "/gadgets/js/core:dynamic-height:osapi:pubsub:rpc:views:rdf:shindig-container.js?c=1"
				+ (isDebug ? "&debug=1" : "");

	public String getGadgetJavascript() {
		String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
		StringBuilder gadgetScriptText = new StringBuilder("var my = {};" + lineSeparator
				+ "my.gadgetSpec = function(appId, name, url, secureToken, view, chrome_id, opt_params, visible_scope) {"
				+ lineSeparator + "this.appId = appId;" + lineSeparator
				+ " = name;" + lineSeparator + "this.url = url;"
				+ lineSeparator + "this.secureToken = secureToken;"
				+ lineSeparator + "this.view = view || 'default';"
				+ lineSeparator + "this.chrome_id = chrome_id;"
				+ lineSeparator + "this.opt_params = opt_params;" + lineSeparator
				+ "this.visible_scope = visible_scope;" + lineSeparator + "};"
				+ lineSeparator + "my.pubsubData = {};" + lineSeparator);
		for (String key : getPubsubData().keySet()) {
			gadgetScriptText.append("my.pubsubData['").append(key).append("'] = '").append(getPubsubData().get(key)).append("';").append(lineSeparator);
		gadgetScriptText.append("my.openSocialURL = '").append(configuration.getProperty(SHINDIG_URL_PROP)).append("';").append(lineSeparator).append("my.debug = ").append(isDebug() ? "1" : "0").append(";").append(lineSeparator).append("my.noCache = ").append(noCache() ? "1" : "0").append(";").append(lineSeparator).append("my.gadgets = [");
		for (PreparedGadget gadget : getVisibleGadgets()) {
			gadgetScriptText.append("new my.gadgetSpec(").append(gadget.getAppId()).append(",'").append(gadget.getName()).append("','").append(gadget.getGadgetURL()).append("','").append(gadget.getSecurityToken()).append("','").append(gadget.getView()).append("','").append(gadget.getChromeId()).append("',").append(gadget.getOptParams()).append(",'").append(gadget.getGadgetSpec().getVisibleScope()).append("'), ");
		gadgetScriptText = new StringBuilder(gadgetScriptText.substring(0,
				gadgetScriptText.length() - 2)
				+ "];"
				+ lineSeparator);

		return gadgetScriptText.toString();

	Map getAllDBGadgets(boolean useCache) throws SQLException
		// great place to add cache
        // check cache first
		Map allDBGadgets = useCache ? gadgetCache : null;
		if (allDBGadgets == null) {
			allDBGadgets = new HashMap();
			String sqlCommand = "select appId, name, url, channels, enabled from orng_apps";

			try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection()) {
				try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
					try (ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(sqlCommand)) {
						while ( {
							String channelsStr = rset.getString(4);
							List channels = Arrays.asList(channelsStr != null && channelsStr.length() > 0 ? channelsStr.split(" ") : new String[0]);
							GadgetSpec spec = new GadgetSpec(rset.getInt(1),
									rset.getString(2), rset.getString(3), channels, dataSource, rset.getBoolean(5), false);
							String gadgetFileName = getGadgetFileNameFromURL(rset.getString(3));

							allDBGadgets.put(gadgetFileName, spec);

			if (useCache) {
				gadgetCache = allDBGadgets;

		return allDBGadgets;

	private List getSandboxGadgets(VitroRequest vreq, Map allDBGadgets, String requestAppId) throws SQLException, IOException {
		List sandboxGadgets = new ArrayList();
		// Note that this block of code only gets executed after someone fills in the
		// gadget/sandbox form!
		String openSocialGadgetURLS = (String) vreq.getSession()
		String[] urls = openSocialGadgetURLS.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
		for (String openSocialGadgetURL : urls) {
			openSocialGadgetURL = openSocialGadgetURL.trim();
			if (openSocialGadgetURL.length() == 0)
			int appId = 0; // if URL matches one in the DB, use DB provided
							// appId, otherwise generate one
			String gadgetFileName = getGadgetFileNameFromURL(openSocialGadgetURL);
			String name = gadgetFileName;
			List channels = new ArrayList();
			boolean unknownGadget = true;
			if (allDBGadgets.containsKey(gadgetFileName)) {
				appId = allDBGadgets.get(gadgetFileName).getAppId();
				name = allDBGadgets.get(gadgetFileName).getName();
				channels = allDBGadgets.get(gadgetFileName).getChannels();
				unknownGadget = false;
			} else {
				log.warn("Could not find " + gadgetFileName + " in " + allDBGadgets.keySet());
				appId = Math.abs(openSocialGadgetURL.hashCode());
			// if they asked for a specific one, only let it in
			if (requestAppId != null && Integer.parseInt(requestAppId) != appId) {
			GadgetSpec gadget = new GadgetSpec(appId, name,
					openSocialGadgetURL, channels, dataSource, true, unknownGadget);
			// only add ones that are visible in this context!
			int moduleId = 0;
			if (unknownGadget
					||, ownerId, pageName, dataSource)) {
				String securityToken = socketSendReceive(viewerId, ownerId,
						"" + gadget.getAppId());
				sandboxGadgets.add(new PreparedGadget(gadget, this, moduleId++,
		return sandboxGadgets;


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