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Voovan is a java framwork and it not depends on any third-party framework.
import org.voovan.db.CallType;
import org.voovan.db.DataBaseType;
import org.voovan.db.JdbcOperate;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* SQL处理帮助类
* @author helyho
* Voovan Framework.
* WebSite:
* Licence: Apache v2 License
public class TSQL {
* 从 SQL 字符串中,取 SQL 参数表
* @param sqlStr 原始 sql 字符串 (select * from table where x=::x and y=::y)
* @return sql 参数对照表 ([:x,:y])
public static List getSqlParamNames(String sqlStr){
String[] params = TString.searchByRegex(sqlStr, "::\\w+\\b");
ArrayList sqlParamNames = new ArrayList();
for(String param : params){
return sqlParamNames;
* 转换preparedStatement对象为可用的 sql 字符串(参数用?表示)
* @param sqlStr 原始 sql 字符串 (select * from table where x=:x and y=::y)
* @return 将所有的:引导的参数转换成? (select * from table where x=? and y=?)
public static String preparedSql(String sqlStr){
return TString.fastReplaceAll(sqlStr, "::\\w+\\b", "?");
* 给preparedStatement对象设置参数
* @param preparedStatement preparedStatement对象
* @param sqlParamNames sql 参数表
* @param params 参数键值 Map
* @throws SQLException SQL 异常
public static void setPreparedParams(PreparedStatement preparedStatement,List sqlParamNames,Map params) throws SQLException{
for(int i=0;i params) throws SQLException{
sqlStr = TSQL.removeEmptyCondiction(sqlStr, params);
List sqlParamNames = TSQL.getSqlParamNames(sqlStr);
Logger.sql("[SQL_Executed]: " + assembleSQLWithMap(sqlStr, params));
//获取preparedStatement可用的 SQL
String preparedSql = TSQL.preparedSql(sqlStr);
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(preparedSql);
params = new Hashtable();
TSQL.setPreparedParams(preparedStatement, sqlParamNames, params);
return preparedStatement;
* 创建PreparedStatement
* @param conn 数据库连接
* @param sqlStr sql 自负穿
* @param params Map 参数
* @param callTypes 调用参数类型
* @return PreparedStatement 对象
* @throws SQLException SQL 异常
public static CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection conn,String sqlStr,Map params, CallType[] callTypes) throws SQLException{
Logger.fremawork("[SQL_Executed]: " + sqlStr);
List sqlParamNames = TSQL.getSqlParamNames(sqlStr);
//获取preparedStatement可用的 SQL
String preparedSql = TSQL.preparedSql(sqlStr);
//定义 jdbc statement 对象
CallableStatement callableStatement = (CallableStatement) conn.prepareCall(preparedSql);
params = new Hashtable();
//根据存储过程参数定义,注册 OUT 参数
ParameterMetaData parameterMetaData = callableStatement.getParameterMetaData();
for(int i=0;i getCallableStatementResult(CallableStatement callableStatement) throws SQLException{
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
ParameterMetaData parameterMetaData = callableStatement.getParameterMetaData();
for(int i=0;i argMap = TObject.arrayToMap(args);
return assembleSQLWithMap(sqlStr,argMap);
* 使用argObjectj参数的属性组装SQL
* @param sqlStr SQL 字符串
* @param argObjectj 拼装对象
* @return 拼装候的SQL
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException 反射异常
public static String assembleSQLWithObject(String sqlStr,Object argObjectj) throws ReflectiveOperationException{
//获取对象 [属性-值] Map
Map argMap = TReflect.getMapfromObject(argObjectj);
return assembleSQLWithMap(sqlStr,argMap);
* 使用argMap参数的KV组装SQL
* SQL字符串中以:开始的相同字符串将被替换
* @param sqlStr SQL 字符串
* @param argMap 拼装的 Map
* @return 拼装后的字符串
public static String assembleSQLWithMap(String sqlStr,Map argMap) {
if(argMap!=null) {
for (Entry arg : argMap.entrySet()) {
sqlStr = TString.fastReplaceAll(sqlStr+" ", "::" + arg.getKey()+"\\b", getSQLString(argMap.get(arg.getKey()))+" ");
return sqlStr.trim();
* 包装resultSet中单行记录成Map
* @param resultset 查询结果集
* @return 转后的 Map 对象
* @throws SQLException SQL 异常
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException 反射异常
public static Map getOneRowWithMap(ResultSet resultset)
throws SQLException, ReflectiveOperationException {
HashMap resultMap = new HashMap();
HashMap columns = new HashMap();
int columnCount = resultset.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
for(int i=1;i<=columnCount;i++){
for(Entry columnEntry : columns.entrySet())
String methodName =getDataMethod(columnEntry.getValue());
Object value = TReflect.invokeMethod(resultset, methodName, columnEntry.getKey());
resultMap.put(columnEntry.getKey(), value);
return resultMap;
* 包装resultSet中单行记录成指定对象
* @param clazz 类对象
* @param resultset 查询结果集
* @return 转换后的对象
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException 反射异常
* @throws SQLException SQL 异常
* @throws ParseException 解析异常
public static Object getOneRowWithObject(Class> clazz,ResultSet resultset)
throws SQLException, ReflectiveOperationException, ParseException {
MaprowMap = getOneRowWithMap(resultset);
return TReflect.getObjectFromMap(clazz, rowMap, true);
* 包装resultSet中所有记录成List,单行元素为Map
* @param resultSet 查询结果集
* @return 转后的 List[Map]
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException 反射异常
* @throws SQLException SQL 异常
public static List> getAllRowWithMapList(ResultSet resultSet)
throws SQLException, ReflectiveOperationException {
List> resultList = new ArrayList>();
while(resultSet!=null &&{
return resultList;
* 包装resultSet中所有记录成List,单行元素为指定对象
* @param clazz 类
* @param resultSet 查询结果集
* @return 转换候的对象结合
* @throws ParseException 解析异常
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException 反射异常
* @throws SQLException SQL 异常
public static List getAllRowWithObjectList(Class> clazz,ResultSet resultSet)
throws SQLException, ReflectiveOperationException, ParseException {
List resultList = new ArrayList();
while(resultSet!=null &&{
return resultList;
private static String EQUAL_CONDICTION = " 1=1";
private static String NOT_EQUAL_CONDICTION = " 1!=1";
* 将SQL 语句中,没有提供查询参数的条件移除
* @param sqlText SQL 字符串
* @param params 参数集合
* @return 转换后的字符串
public static String removeEmptyCondiction(String sqlText, Map params){
params = new Hashtable();
List condictionList = parseSQLCondiction(sqlText);
for(String[] condictionArr : condictionList){
//检查条件是否带参数, 检查参数是否存在
String orginCondiction = condictionArr[0];
String beforeCondictionMethod = condictionArr[1];
String condictionName = condictionArr[2];
String operatorChar = condictionArr[3];
String originCondictionParams = condictionArr[4];
String afterCondictionMethod = condictionArr[5];
String replaceCondiction = orginCondiction;
String condictionParams = originCondictionParams;
if(originCondictionParams!=null && originCondictionParams.contains("::")) {
String[] condictions = TString.searchByRegex(originCondictionParams, "::\\w+\\b");
if(condictions.length > 0) {
for (String condictionParam : condictions){
if (!params.containsKey(condictionParam.replace("::", ""))) {
//遍历所有的 in 的条件, 去除没有参数的条件
if(operatorChar.equals("in") || operatorChar.equals("not in")) {
condictionParams = TString.fastReplaceAll(condictionParams, condictionParam+"\\s*,?", "");
else {
replaceCondiction = EQUAL_CONDICTION;
if ("or".equals(beforeCondictionMethod) || "or".equals(afterCondictionMethod)) {
replaceCondiction = NOT_EQUAL_CONDICTION;
//从原查询条件, 生成替换用的查询条件, 这样可以保留原查询条件种的 ( 或 )
String targetCondiction = condictionName + "\\s*" + operatorChar + "\\s*" + originCondictionParams;
targetCondiction = targetCondiction.replaceAll("\\(", "\\\\(");
targetCondiction = targetCondiction.replaceAll("\\)", "\\\\)");
targetCondiction = targetCondiction.replaceAll("\\[", "\\\\[");
targetCondiction = targetCondiction.replaceAll("\\]", "\\\\]");
targetCondiction = targetCondiction.replaceAll("\\+", "\\\\+");
replaceCondiction = TString.fastReplaceAll(orginCondiction, targetCondiction , replaceCondiction);
//in 或者 not in 之前已经有移除了参数, 这里做最后的, 处理
if(operatorChar.equals("in") || operatorChar.equals("not in")) {
condictionParams = condictionParams.trim();
condictionParams = TString.removeSuffix(condictionParams);
originCondictionParams = originCondictionParams.replaceAll("\\(", "\\\\(");
originCondictionParams = originCondictionParams.replaceAll("\\)", "\\\\)");
originCondictionParams = originCondictionParams.replaceAll("\\[", "\\\\[");
originCondictionParams = originCondictionParams.replaceAll("\\]", "\\\\]");
originCondictionParams = originCondictionParams.replaceAll("\\+", "\\\\+");
replaceCondiction = TString.fastReplaceAll(replaceCondiction, originCondictionParams, condictionParams);
sqlText = sqlText.replace(orginCondiction, replaceCondiction);
return sqlText;
public static ConcurrentHashMap> PARSED_CONDICTIONS = new ConcurrentHashMap>();
* 获取解析后的 SQL 的条件
* @param sqlText SQL 字符串
* @return 解析的 SQL 查询条件
public static List parseSQLCondiction(String sqlText) {
int hashcode = THash.hashTime31(sqlText);
List condictionList = PARSED_CONDICTIONS.get(hashcode);
if(condictionList == null) {
condictionList = new ArrayList();
String sqlRegx = "((\\swhere\\s)|(\\sand\\s)|(\\sor\\s))[\\S\\s]+?(?=(\\swhere\\s)|(\\sand\\s)|(\\sor\\s)|(\\sgroup by\\s)|(\\sorder\\s)|(\\slimit\\s)|$)";
String[] sqlCondictions = TString.searchByRegex(sqlText, sqlRegx, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
for (int i = 0; i < sqlCondictions.length; i++) {
String condiction = sqlCondictions[i];
//如果包含 ) 并且不在字符串中, 则移除后面的内容, 防止解析出 1=1) m2, gggg m3 导致替换问题
if (condiction.indexOf("(") < condiction.indexOf(")") && TString.searchByRegex(condiction, "[\\\"`'].*?\\).*?[\\\"`']").length == 0) {
int indexClosePair = condiction.lastIndexOf(")");
if (indexClosePair != -1) {
condiction = condiction.substring(0, indexClosePair + 1);
//between 则拼接下一段
if (TString.regexMatch(condiction, "\\sbetween\\s") > 0) {
i = i + 1;
condiction = condiction + sqlCondictions[i];
String originCondiction = condiction;
condiction = condiction.trim();
String concateMethod = condiction.substring(0, condiction.indexOf(" ") + 1).trim();
condiction = condiction.substring(condiction.indexOf(" ") + 1, condiction.length()).trim();
String[] splitedCondicction = TString.searchByRegex(condiction, "(\\sbetween\\s+)|(\\sis\\s+)|(\\slike\\s+)|(\\s(not\\s)?in\\s+)|(\\!=)|(>=)|(<=)|[=<>]");
if (splitedCondicction.length == 1) {
String operatorChar = splitedCondicction[0].trim();
String[] condictionArr = condiction.split("(\\sbetween\\s+)|(\\sis\\s+)|(\\slike\\s+)|(\\s(not\\s)?in\\s+)|(\\!=)|(>=)|(<=)|[=<>]");
condictionArr[0] = condictionArr[0].trim();
//查询的主字段 ( 的处理
if (TString.regexMatch(condiction, "\\(") > TString.regexMatch(condiction, "\\)") && condictionArr[0].startsWith("(")) {
condictionArr[0] = TString.removePrefix(condictionArr[0]);
condictionArr[1] = condictionArr[1].trim();
if (condictionArr.length > 1) {
if (operatorChar.contains("in") && condictionArr[1].trim().startsWith("(") && condictionArr[1].trim().endsWith(")")) {
condictionArr[1] = condictionArr[1].substring(1, condictionArr[1].length() - 1);
if (condictionArr[0].startsWith("(") && TString.regexMatch(condictionArr[1], "\\(") > TString.regexMatch(condictionArr[1], "\\)")) {
condictionArr[0] = TString.removePrefix(condictionArr[0]);
if (condictionArr[1].endsWith(")") && TString.regexMatch(condictionArr[1], "\\(") < TString.regexMatch(condictionArr[1], "\\)")) {
condictionArr[1] = TString.removeSuffix(condictionArr[1]);
condictionList.add(new String[]{originCondiction.trim(), concateMethod, condictionArr[0].trim(), operatorChar, condictionArr[1].trim(), null});
} else {
Logger.error("Parse SQL condiction error");
} else {
condictionList.add(new String[]{originCondiction, null, null, null, null, null});
for (int i = condictionList.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
condictionList.get(i)[5] = condictionList.get(i + 1)[1];
PARSED_CONDICTIONS.put(hashcode, condictionList);
return condictionList;
* SQL的参数,将 JAVA 的类型转换成可在SQL中进行封装的字符串
* 例如:String类型的对象转换成 'chs'
* @param argObj 转换前的对象
* @return 封装后的字符串
public static String getSQLString(Object argObj)
return "null";
if(argObj instanceof List)
Object[] objects =((List>)argObj).toArray();
StringBuilder listValueStr= new StringBuilder("(");
for(Object obj : objects)
String sqlValue = getSQLString(obj);
if(sqlValue!=null) {
return TString.removeSuffix(listValueStr.toString())+")";
else if(argObj instanceof String){
return "\'"+argObj.toString()+"\'";
else if(argObj instanceof Boolean){
return "true";
return "false";
else if(argObj instanceof Date){
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TDateTime.STANDER_DATETIME_TEMPLATE);
return "'"+dateFormat.format(argObj)+"'";
return argObj.toString();
* 根据 SQL 类型判断 Result 该使用什么方法取值
* @param databaseType 数据库中的数据类型
* @return 方法名
public static String getDataMethod(int databaseType){
case Types.CHAR :
return "getString";
case Types.VARCHAR :
return "getString";
case Types.LONGVARCHAR :
return "getString";
case Types.NCHAR :
return "getString";
return "getString";
case Types.NUMERIC :
return "getBigDecimal";
case Types.DECIMAL :
return "getBigDecimal";
case Types.BIT :
return "getBoolean";
case Types.BOOLEAN :
return "getBoolean";
case Types.TINYINT :
return "getByte";
case Types.SMALLINT :
return "getShort";
case Types.INTEGER :
return "getInt";
case Types.BIGINT :
return "getLong";
case Types.REAL :
return "getFloat";
case Types.FLOAT :
return "getFloat";
case Types.DOUBLE :
return "getDouble";
case Types.BINARY :
return "getBytes";
case Types.VARBINARY :
return "getBytes";
return "getBytes";
case Types.DATE :
return "getDate";
case Types.TIME :
return "getTime";
case Types.TIMESTAMP :
return "getTimestamp";
case Types.CLOB :
return "getClob";
case Types.BLOB :
return "getBlob";
case Types.ARRAY :
return "getArray";
return "getString";
* 根据 JAVA 类型判断该使用什么 SQL 数据类型
* @param obj 对象
* @return 数据库中的数据类型
public static int getSqlTypes(Object obj){
Class> objectClass = obj.getClass();
if(char.class == objectClass){
return Types.CHAR;
}else if(String.class == objectClass){
return Types.VARCHAR ;
}else if(BigDecimal.class == objectClass){
return Types.NUMERIC;
}else if(Boolean.class == objectClass){
return Types.BIT;
}else if(Byte.class == objectClass){
return Types.TINYINT;
}else if(Short.class == objectClass){
return Types.SMALLINT;
}else if(Integer.class == objectClass){
return Types.INTEGER;
}else if(Long.class == objectClass){
return Types.BIGINT;
}else if(Float.class == objectClass){
return Types.FLOAT;
}else if(Double.class == objectClass){
return Types.DOUBLE;
}else if(Byte[].class == objectClass){
return Types.BINARY;
}else if(Date.class == objectClass){
return Types.DATE;
}else if(Time.class == objectClass){
return Types.TIME;
}else if(Timestamp.class == objectClass){
return Types.TIMESTAMP;
}else if(Clob.class == objectClass){
return Types.CLOB;
}else if(Blob.class == objectClass){
return Types.BLOB;
}else if(Object[].class == objectClass){
return Types.ARRAY;
return 0;
* 获取当前连接的数据库类型
* @param connection 连接对象
* @return 数据库类型
public static DataBaseType getDataBaseType(Connection connection) {
try {
if (connection.getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase().indexOf("MYSQL") != -1) {
return DataBaseType.MySql;
if (connection.getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase().indexOf("MARIADB") != -1) {
return DataBaseType.Mariadb;
} else if (connection.getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase().indexOf("POSTAGE") != -1) {
return DataBaseType.Postage;
} else if (connection.getMetaData().getDriverName().toUpperCase().indexOf("ORACLE") != -1) {
return DataBaseType.Oracle;
return DataBaseType.UNKNOW;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return DataBaseType.UNKNOW;
* 包括 SQL 关键字
* @param jdbcOperate jdbcOperate 对象
* @param sqlField sql 关键字
* @return sql字符串
public static String wrapSqlField(JdbcOperate jdbcOperate, String sqlField){
try {
Connection connection = jdbcOperate.getConnection();
DataBaseType dataBaseType = TSQL.getDataBaseType(connection);
if (dataBaseType.equals(DataBaseType.Mariadb) || dataBaseType.equals(DataBaseType.MySql)) {
return "`"+sqlField+"`";
} else if (dataBaseType.equals(DataBaseType.Oracle)) {
return "\""+sqlField+"\"";
} else if (dataBaseType.equals(DataBaseType.Postage)) {
return "`"+sqlField+"`";
} else {
return sqlField;
} catch (SQLException e) {
Logger.error("wrap sql field error", e);
return sqlField;
* 生成 Mysql 分页的 sql
* @param sql Sql语句
* @param pageNumber 页码
* @param pageSize 页面记录数
* @return sql字符串
public static String genMysqlPageSql(String sql, int pageNumber, int pageSize){
int pageStart = (pageNumber-1) * pageSize;
if(pageSize<0 || pageNumber<0) {
return sql;
return sql + " limit " + pageStart + ", " + pageSize;
* 生成 Postage 分页的 sql
* @param sql Sql语句
* @param pageNumber 页码
* @param pageSize 页面记录数
* @return sql字符串
public static String genPostagePageSql(String sql, int pageNumber, int pageSize){
int pageStart = (pageNumber-1) * pageSize;
if(pageSize<0 || pageNumber<0) {
return sql;
return sql + " limit " + pageSize + " offset " + pageStart;
* 生成Oracle 分页的 sql
* @param sql Sql语句
* @param pageNumber 页码
* @param pageSize 页面记录数
* @return sql字符串
public static String genOraclePageSql(String sql, int pageNumber, int pageSize){
int pageStart = (pageNumber-1) * pageSize;
int pageEnd = pageStart + pageSize;
if(pageSize<0 || pageNumber<0) {
return sql;
sql = sql.replaceFirst("select", "select rownum rn,");
sql = "select pageSql.* from (" + sql + " ) pageSql where rn between " + pageStart + " and " + pageEnd;
return sql;