Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.w3.banana._
import scala.util._
import org.scalatest._
class NTriplesReaderTestSuite[Rdf <: RDF](implicit
ops: RDFOps[Rdf],
reader: RDFReader[Rdf, Try, NTriples]
) extends WordSpec with Matchers {
import ops._
import NTriplesParser.toGraph
val foaf = FOAFPrefix[Rdf]
val bblfish = ""
val name = "Henry Story"
val typ = ""
def foafstr(n: String) = "" + n
def rd(nt: String): Try[Rdf#Graph] = StringReader(nt),"")
def st(node: Rdf#Node) =
uri => s"<${uri.getString}>",
bn => s"_:${fromBNode(bn)}",
case Literal(lexical, Literal.xsdString, None) => s""""$lexical""""
case Literal(lexical, tp, None) => s""""$lexical"^^<$tp>"""
case Literal(lexical, Literal.xsdString, Some(lang)) => s""""$lexical"@$lang"""
def ntparser(ntstring: String, skip: Boolean=false) =
new NTriplesParser[Rdf](new StringReader(ntstring),skip)
"test that the parser can parse single components. Parser " should {
"parse a URL" in {
val iri = ntparser(bblfish+">").parseIRI()
iri should equal (URI(bblfish))
"parse a URL with an encoded character \\u" in {
val iri = ntparser("""http://example/\u0053>""").parseIRI()
iri should equal (URI("http://example/S"))
"parse a URL with an encoded character \\U" in {
val iri = ntparser("""http://example/\U00000053>""").parseIRI()
iri should equal (URI("http://example/S"))
"parse a plain Literal" in {
val lit = ntparser(name + "\"").parsePlainLiteral()
lit should equal(name)
"not parse a plain Literal that does not close" in {
val nt = ntparser(name)
val lit = Try(nt.parseLiteral())
lit should be a 'failure
"parse a PlainLiteral" in {
val lit = ntparser(name + "\" ").parseLiteral()
lit should equal(Literal(name))
"parse a LangLiteral" in {
val lit = ntparser(name + "\"@en ").parseLiteral()
lit should equal(Literal.tagged(name,Lang("en")))
val lit2 = ntparser(name + "\"@en-us ").parseLiteral()
lit2 should equal(Literal.tagged(name,Lang("en-us")))
"parse an TypedLiteral" in {
val litstr = s"""123"^^<${xsd.integer.getString}> """
val lit = ntparser(litstr).parseLiteral()
lit should equal(Literal("123",xsd.integer))
"parse a Bnode" in {
val bn = Try (ntparser(":123 ").parseBNode())
bn should equal(Success(BNode("123")))
"not parse an illegal BNode" in {
val bn = Try (ntparser(":-123 ").parseBNode())
bn should be a 'failure
"test that parser can parse one Triple. The parser" should {
"not fail on a triple containing only URIs" in {
val str = s"$bblfish> <$typ> <${foafstr("Person")}> ."
val p = ntparser(str).parseTriple('<')
p should be (Success(Triple(URI(bblfish),rdf.`type`,foaf.Person)))
"not fail on a triple containing a Literal" in {
val str = s"""$bblfish> <${foafstr("name")}> "$name"."""
val p = ntparser(str).parseTriple('<')
p should be (Success(Triple(URI(bblfish),,Literal(name))))
"not fail on a triple containing a Literal and a bnode" in {
val str = s""":nolate <${foafstr("name")}> "$name"@en."""
val p = ntparser(str).parseTriple('_')
p should be (Success(Triple(BNode("nolate"),,Literal.tagged(name,Lang("en")))))
"not fail on a triple containing two bnodes" in {
val str = s""":jane <${foafstr("knows")}> _:tarzan ."""
val p = ntparser(str).parseTriple('_')
p should be (Success(Triple(BNode("jane"),foaf.knows,BNode("tarzan"))))
"Test that parser can parse a document containing one triple. The parser " should {
"not fail with one triple" in {
val str = s"<$bblfish> <$typ> <${foafstr("Person")}> ."
val i = ntparser(str)
i.hasNext should be(true) should be(Success(Triple(URI(bblfish), rdf.`type`, foaf.Person)))
val end =
end.isFailure should be(true)
end.failed.get.asInstanceOf[ParseException].character should be (-1)
i.hasNext should be(false)
"not fail when parsing a document with one triple" in {
val str = s"""<$bblfish> <${foafstr("name")}> "$name"@de ."""
val graphTry = toGraph(ntparser(str))
assert(graphTry.get isIsomorphicWith Graph(Triple(URI(bblfish),, Literal.tagged(name, Lang("de")))))
"not fail when parsing a document with one triple and whitespace" in {
val str =
# a document with a comment
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("knows")}> _:anton . # and some whitespace
val graphTry = toGraph(ntparser(str))
assert( graphTry.get isIsomorphicWith Graph(Triple(URI(bblfish), foaf.knows, BNode("anton"))))
"Test that the parser can parse a document containing more triples. The parser " should {
"parse a document with 5 triples and a comment" in {
val str =
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("name")}> "Henry Story"@en .
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("knows")}> _:anton .
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("knows")}> _:betehess .
# Anton info
_:anton <${foafstr("name")}> "Anton".
_:betehess <${foafstr("homepage")}> .
val graphTry = toGraph(ntparser(str))
assert (graphTry.get isIsomorphicWith Graph(
Triple(URI(bblfish),, Literal.tagged(name, Lang("en"))),
Triple(URI(bblfish), foaf.knows, BNode("anton")),
Triple(URI(bblfish), foaf.knows, BNode("betehess")),
Triple(BNode("anton"),, Literal("Anton")),
Triple(BNode("betehess"), foaf.homepage, URI(""))
"parse a document with 5 triples ( skipping two which do not parse ) and a comment" in {
val str =
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("name")}> "Henry Story" .
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("knows")}> _|:anton .
<$bblfish> <${foafstr("knows")}> _:betehess .
# Anton info
_:anton <${foafstr("name")}> "Anton"
_:betehess <${foafstr("homepage")}> .
val graphTry = toGraph(ntparser(str,skip=true))
graphTry.get.size should be (3)
assert (graphTry.get isIsomorphicWith Graph(
Triple(URI(bblfish),, Literal(name)),
Triple(URI(bblfish), foaf.knows, BNode("betehess")),
Triple(BNode("betehess"), foaf.homepage, URI(""))
def ntparse(string: String): Try[Rdf#Graph] = toGraph(ntparser(string))
"w3c tests of type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax ( from ) " should {
def test(s: String, size: Int)(implicit test: Rdf#Graph => Boolean = _ => true) = {
val parseAttempt = ntparse(s)
parseAttempt should be a 'success
parseAttempt.get.size should be(size)
"verify that empty files parse with success" in {
test("", 0)
test("#Empty file", 0)
"""#One comment, one empty line
""".stripMargin, 0)
"verify that triples with IRIs parse with success" in {
test( """ .""", 1)
"""# x53 is capital S
| .""".stripMargin, 1) { graph =>
graph.triples.head == Triple(URI("http://example/S"), URI("http://example/p"), URI("http://example/o"))
"""# x53 is capital S
| .""".stripMargin, 1) { graph =>
graph.triples.head == Triple(URI("http://example/S"), URI("http://example/p"), URI("http://example/o"))
test( """# IRI with all chars in it.
| .
| """.stripMargin,
"verify that Literals parse with Success" in {
test( """ "string" .""", 1)
test( """ "string"@en .""", 1)
test( """ "string"@en-uk .""", 1) { graph =>
graph isIsomorphicWith Graph(Triple(URI("http://example/s"), URI("http://example/p"),
Literal.tagged("string", Lang("en-uk"))))
"verify that Literals containing a string escape parse successfully" in {
test( """ "a\n" .""", 1) { graph =>
val Triple(_, _, o) = graph.triples.head
o == Literal("a\n")
test( """ "a\u0020b" .""", 1) { graph =>
val Triple(_, _, o) = graph.triples.head
o == Literal("a b")
test( """ "a\U00000020b" .""", 1) { graph =>
val Triple(_, _, o) = graph.triples.head
o == Literal("a b")
"verify that bnodes parse successfully" in {
test( """_:a .""", 1)
test( """ _:a .
_:a .""", 2)
test( """ _:1a .
_:1a .""", 2) { graph => graph.contains(Triple(BNode("1a"), URI("http://example/p"), URI("http://example/o")))
"verify that datatypes parse successfully" in {
test(""" "123"^^ .
| "123"^^ .""".stripMargin,2)
"verify a large chunk of NTriples" in {
val doc = """#
|# Copyright World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of
|# Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
|# Automatique, Keio University).
|# All Rights Reserved.
|# Please see the full Copyright clause at
|# Test file with a variety of legal N-Triples
|# Dave Beckett -
|# $Id: test.nt,v 1.7 2003/10/06 15:52:19 dbeckett2 Exp $
|# comment lines
| # comment line after whitespace
|# empty blank line, then one with spaces and tabs
| .
|_:anon .
| _:anon .
|# spaces and tabs throughout:
| .
|# line ending with CR NL (ASCII 13, ASCII 10)
| .
|# 2 statement lines separated by single CR (ASCII 10)
| .
| .
|# All literal escapes
| "simple literal" .
| "backslash:\\" .
| "dquote:\"" .
| "newline:\n" .
| "return\r" .
| "tab:\t" .
|# Space is optional before final .
| .
| "x".
| _:anon.
|# \\u and \\U escapes
|# latin small letter e with acute symbol \u00E9 - 3 UTF-8 bytes #xC3 #A9
| "\u00E9" .
|# Euro symbol \u20ac - 3 UTF-8 bytes #xE2 #x82 #xAC
| "\u20AC" .
|# resource18 test removed
|# resource19 test removed
|# resource20 test removed
|# XML Literals as Datatyped Literals
| ""^^ .
| " "^^ .
| "x"^^ .
| "\""^^ .
| ""^^ .
| "a "^^ .
| "a c"^^ .
| "a\n\nc"^^ .
| "chat"^^ .
|# resource28 test removed 2003-08-03
|# resource29 test removed 2003-08-03
|# Plain literals with languages
| "chat"@fr .
| "chat"@en .
|# Typed Literals
| "abc"^^ .
|# resource33 test removed 2003-08-03
| """.stripMargin
test(doc, 30)
"comment following triple" in {
test(""" . # comment
| _:o . # comment
| "o" . # comment
| "o"^^ . # comment
| "o"@en . # comment""".stripMargin,5)
"literal ascii boundary" in {
//note we are using Scala encoding of chars here
""" "\u0000\u0009\u000b\u000c\u000e\u0026\u0028\u005b\u005d\u007f".""",
val Triple(_,_,o) = graph.triples.head
foldNode(o)(_=>false,_=>false,lit=>lit.lexicalForm.length ==10)
"literal with UTF-8 boundary" in {
test(" \"" +
"""\uc280\udfbf\ue0a0\u80e0\ubfbf\ue180\u80ec\ubfbf\ued80\u80ed\u9fbf\uee80\u80ef\ubfbd\uf090\u8080\uf0bf\ubfbd\uf180\u8080\uf3bf\ubfbd\uf480\u8080\uf48f\ubfbd" . """,1) { graph =>
val Triple(_,_,o) = graph.triples.head
val lexical = lit.lexicalForm
lexical.size == 26 &&
} )
"literal all controls" in {
val lit=""" "\\u0000\\u0001\\u0002\\u0003\\u0004\\u0005\\u0006\\u0007\\u0008\t""" +
"""\\u000B\\u000C\\u000E\\u000F\\u0010\\u0011\\u0012\\u0013\\u0014\\u0015\\u0016\\u0017\\u0018\\u0019\\u001A\\u001B\\u001C""" +
"""\\u001D\\u001E\\u001F" ."""
"literal all punctuation" in {
test(""" " !\"#$%&():;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~" .""",1)
"literal with single quote" in {
test(""" "x'y" .""",1)
"literal_with_2_squotes" in {
test( """ "x''y" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_dquote" in {
test( """ "x''y" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_2_dquotes" in {
test( """ "x\"\"y" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS2" in {
test( """ "test-\\" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_CHARACTER_TABULATION" in {
test( " \"\\t\" .", 1){g=>
"literal_with_BACKSPACE" in {
test( " \"\\b\" .", 1){g=>
"literal_with_LINE_FEED" in {
test( " \"\\n\" .", 1){g=>
"literal_with_CARRIAGE_RETURN" in {
test( """ "\r" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_FORM_FEED" in {
test( """ "\f" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS" in {
test( """ "\\" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_numeric_escape4" in {
test( """ "\u006F" .""", 1){g=>
"literal_with_numeric_escape8" in {
test( """ "\U0000006F" .""", 1){g=>
"langtagged_string" in {
test( """ "chat"@en .""", 1){g=>
val o = g.triples.head.objectt
o.fold(uri=>false,bn=>false,lit=>lit.lexicalForm=="chat" && lit.lang == Some(Lang("en")))
"lantag_with_subtag" in {
test( """ "Cheers"@en-UK .""", 1){g=>
val o = g.triples.head.objectt
lit=> lit.lexicalForm=="Cheers" && lit.lang == Some(Lang("en-UK")))
"minimal_whitespace" in {
test( """.
|_:s_:bnode1.""".stripMargin, 6)
"w3c tests of type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax" should {
def fail(s: String,erros: Int, test: List[Try[Rdf#Triple]] => Boolean = _ => true) = {
val parseIterator = ntparser(s,true)
val resultList = parseIterator.toList
case Failure(ParseException(_,-1,_))=>false
case _ => true
}.size == erros)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-01" in {
fail("""# Bad IRI : space.
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-02" in {
fail("""# Bad IRI : bad escape
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-03" in {
fail("""# Bad IRI : bad escape
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-04" in {
fail("""# Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed.
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-05" in {
fail("""# Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed.
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-06" in {
fail("""# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-07" in {
fail("""# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-08" in {
fail("""# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
| .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-uri-09" in {
fail("""# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
| "foo"^^ .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01" in {
fail("""@prefix : .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-base-01" in {
fail("""@base .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-struct-01" in {
fail(""" , .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-struct-02" in {
fail(""" ; , .""".stripMargin,
"nt-syntax-bad-lang-01" in {
fail("""# Bad lang tag
| "string"@1 .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-esc-01" in {
fail("""# Bad string escape
| "a\zb" .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-esc-02" in {
fail("""# Bad string escape
| "\\uWXYZ" .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-esc-03" in {
fail("""# Bad string escape
| "\\U0000WXYZ" .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-string-01" in {
fail(""" "abc' .""".stripMargin,0) //we get an eof before the end of the string
"nt-syntax-bad-string-02" in {
fail(""" 1.0 .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-string-03" in {
fail(""" 1.0e1 .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-string-04" in {
fail(""" '''abc''' .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-string-05" in {
fail(""" ""\"abc\""\" .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-string-06" in {
fail(""" "abc .""".stripMargin,0) // we get an eof before the end of the string
"nt-syntax-bad-string-07" in {
fail(""" abc" .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-num-01" in {
fail(""" 1 .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-num-02" in {
fail(""" 1.0 .""".stripMargin,1)
"nt-syntax-bad-num-03" in {
fail(""" 1.0e0 .""".stripMargin,1)
* Usefull method for parsing large files to do speed tests
* see: Data Set RDF Dumps
* @param args path_to_NTriplesFile [encoding]
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val encoding = if (args.length > 2) args(1) else "UTF-8"
val ntp = new NTriplesParser[Rdf](
new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(
new File(args(0))), encoding), true)
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
var x = 0
var failures = 0
while (ntp.hasNext) {
val t =
x = x + 1
if (t.isFailure) {
failures = failures + 1
val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"time to parse $x triples was ${t2 - t1} milliseconds. Found $failures failures. ")