org.w3.banana.Prefix.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.w3.banana
import scala.util._
trait Prefix[Rdf <: RDF] {
def prefixName: String
def prefixIri: String
def apply(value: String): Rdf#URI
def unapply(iri: Rdf#URI): Option[String]
object Prefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](prefixName: String, prefixIri: String)(implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) =
new PrefixBuilder(prefixName, prefixIri)(ops)
class PrefixBuilder[Rdf <: RDF](val prefixName: String, val prefixIri: String)(implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends Prefix[Rdf] {
import ops._
override def toString: String = "Prefix(" + prefixName + ")"
def apply(value: String): Rdf#URI = makeUri(prefixIri + value)
def unapply(iri: Rdf#URI): Option[String] = {
val uriString = fromUri(iri)
if (uriString.startsWith(prefixIri))
def getLocalName(iri: Rdf#URI): Try[String] =
unapply(iri) match {
case None => Failure(LocalNameException(this.toString + " couldn't extract localname for " + iri.toString))
case Some(localname) => Success(localname)
object RDFSPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new RDFSPrefix(ops)
class RDFSPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")(ops) {
val Class = apply("Class")
val Container = apply("Container")
val ContainerMembershipProperty = apply("ContainerMembershipProperty")
val Datatype = apply("Datatype")
val Literal = apply("Literal")
val Resource = apply("Resource")
val comment = apply("comment")
val domain = apply("domain")
val isDefinedBy = apply("isDefinedBy")
val label = apply("label")
val member = apply("member")
val range = apply("range")
val seeAlso = apply("seeAlso")
val subClassOf = apply("subClassOf")
val subPropertyOf = apply("subPropertyOf")
object RDFPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new RDFPrefix(ops)
class RDFPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")(ops) {
val langString = apply("langString") //todo: does not exist in ontology
val nil = apply("nil")
val typ = apply("type")
val Alt = apply("Alt")
val Bag = apply("Bag")
val List = apply("List")
val PlainLiteral = apply("PlainLiteral")
val Property = apply("Property")
val Seq = apply("Seq")
val Statement = apply("Statement")
val XMLLiteral = apply("XMLLiteral")
val first = apply("first")
val langRange = apply("langRange")
val obj = apply("object")
val predicate = apply("predicate")
val rest = apply("rest")
val subject = apply("subject")
val `type` = apply("type")
val value = apply("value")
object XSDPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new XSDPrefix[Rdf](ops)
class XSDPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#")(ops) {
import ops._
// http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-rdf-based-semantics
// Table 3.3 Datatypes of the OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics
// http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-syntax/
// Table 3 Reserved VOcabulary of OWL 2 with Special Treatment
val anyURI = apply("anyURI")
val base64Binary = apply("base64Binary")
val boolean = apply("boolean")
val `true` = makeLiteral("true", boolean)
val `false` = makeLiteral("false", boolean)
val byte = apply("byte")
val dateTime = apply("dateTime")
val dateTimeStamp = apply("dateTimeStamp")
val decimal = apply("decimal")
val double = apply("double")
val float = apply("float")
val hexBinary = apply("hexBinary")
val int = apply("int")
val integer = apply("integer")
val language = apply("language")
val long = apply("long")
val maxExclusive = apply("maxExclusive")
val maxInclusive = apply("maxInclusive")
val maxLength = apply("maxLength")
val minExclusive = apply("minExclusive")
val minInclusive = apply("minInclusive")
val minLength = apply("minLength")
val Name = apply("Name")
val NCName = apply("NCName")
val negativeInteger = apply("negativeInteger")
val NMToken = apply("NMToken")
val nonNegativeInteger = apply("nonNegativeInteger")
val nonPositiveInteger = apply("nonPositiveInteger")
val normalizedString = apply("normalizedString")
val pattern = apply("pattern")
val PlainLiteral = apply("PlainLiteral")
val positiveInteger = apply("positiveInteger")
val short = apply("short")
val string = apply("string")
val token = apply("token")
val unsignedByte = apply("unsignedByte")
val unsignedInt = apply("unsignedInt")
val unsignedLong = apply("unsignedLong")
val unsignedShort = apply("unsignedShort")
object DCPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new DCPrefix(ops)
class DCPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")(ops) {
val language = apply("language")
object DCTPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new DCTPrefix(ops)
class DCTPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("dc", "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")(ops) {
val title = apply("title")
object FOAFPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new FOAFPrefix(ops)
class FOAFPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")(ops) {
//todo: remove these relations as they don't exist in foaf
val height = apply("height")
val publication = apply("publication")
val wants = apply("wants")
val author = apply("author")
//resources that actually exist in foaf
val Agent = apply("Agent")
val Document = apply("Document")
val Group = apply("Group")
val Image = apply("Image")
val LabelProperty = apply("LabelProperty")
val OnlineAccount = apply("OnlineAccount")
val OnlineChatAccount = apply("OnlineChatAccount")
val OnlineEcommerceAccount = apply("OnlineEcommerceAccount")
val OnlineGamingAccount = apply("OnlineGamingAccount")
val Organization = apply("Organization")
val Person = apply("Person")
val PersonalProfileDocument = apply("PersonalProfileDocument")
val Project = apply("Project")
val account = apply("account")
val accountName = apply("accountName")
val accountServiceHomepage = apply("accountServiceHomepage")
val age = apply("age")
val aimChatID = apply("aimChatID")
val based_near = apply("based_near")
val birthday = apply("birthday")
val currentProject = apply("currentProject")
val depiction = apply("depiction")
val depicts = apply("depicts")
val dnaChecksum = apply("dnaChecksum")
val familyName = apply("familyName")
val family_name = apply("family_name")
val firstName = apply("firstName")
val focus = apply("focus")
val fundedBy = apply("fundedBy")
val geekcode = apply("geekcode")
val gender = apply("gender")
val givenName = apply("givenName")
val givenname = apply("givenname")
val holdsAccount = apply("holdsAccount")
val homepage = apply("homepage")
val icqChatID = apply("icqChatID")
val img = apply("img")
val interest = apply("interest")
val isPrimaryTopicOf = apply("isPrimaryTopicOf")
val jabberID = apply("jabberID")
val knows = apply("knows")
val lastName = apply("lastName")
val logo = apply("logo")
val made = apply("made")
val maker = apply("maker")
val mbox = apply("mbox")
val mbox_sha1sum = apply("mbox_sha1sum")
val member = apply("member")
val membershipClass = apply("membershipClass")
val msnChatID = apply("msnChatID")
val myersBriggs = apply("myersBriggs")
val name = apply("name")
val nick = apply("nick")
val openid = apply("openid")
val page = apply("page")
val pastProject = apply("pastProject")
val phone = apply("phone")
val plan = apply("plan")
val primaryTopic = apply("primaryTopic")
val publications = apply("publications")
val schoolHomepage = apply("schoolHomepage")
val sha1 = apply("sha1")
val skypeID = apply("skypeID")
val status = apply("status")
val surname = apply("surname")
val theme = apply("theme")
val thumbnail = apply("thumbnail")
val tipjar = apply("tipjar")
val title = apply("title")
val topic = apply("topic")
val topic_interest = apply("topic_interest")
val weblog = apply("weblog")
val workInfoHomepage = apply("workInfoHomepage")
val workplaceHomepage = apply("workplaceHomepage")
val yahooChatID = apply("yahooChatID")
object LDPPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new LDPPrefix(ops)
class LDPPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("ldp", "http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#")(ops) {
val AggregateContainer = apply("AggregateContainer")
val CompositeContainer = apply("CompositeContainer")
val Container = apply("Container")
val Page = apply("Page")
val Resource = apply("Resource")
val containerSortPredicates = apply("containerSortPredicates")
val membershipPredicate = apply("membershipPredicate")
val membershipSubject = apply("membershipSubject")
val nextPage = apply("nextPage")
val created = apply("created")
val pageOf = apply("pageOf")
object IANALinkPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new IANALinkPrefix(ops)
* The Iana Link Relations are not linked data so these URLs are currently invented ones, and need
* not reflect what may be used if ever such URIs are coined.
class IANALinkPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("link", "http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/#")(ops) {
val about = apply("about")
val acl = apply("acl") //needs to be registered
val alternate = apply("alternate")
val appendix = apply("appendix")
val archives = apply("archives")
val author = apply("author")
val bookmark = apply("bookmark")
val canonical = apply("canonical")
val chapter = apply("chapter")
val collection = apply("collection")
val contents = apply("contents")
val copyright = apply("copyright")
val create_form = apply("create-form")
val current = apply("current")
val describedby = apply("describedby")
val describes = apply("describes")
val disclosure = apply("disclosure")
val duplicate = apply("duplicate")
val edit = apply("edit")
val edit_form = apply("edit-form")
val edit_media = apply("edit-media")
val enclosure = apply("enclosure")
val first = apply("first")
val glossary = apply("glossary")
val help = apply("help")
val hosts = apply("hosts")
val hub = apply("hub")
val icon = apply("icon")
val index = apply("index")
val item = apply("item")
val last = apply("last")
val latest_version = apply("latest-version")
val license = apply("license")
val lrdd = apply("lrdd")
val meta = apply("meta") //needs to be registered
val monitor = apply("monitor")
val monitor_group = apply("monitor-group")
val next = apply("next")
val next_archive = apply("next-archive")
val nofollow = apply("nofollow")
val noreferrer = apply("noreferrer")
val payment = apply("payment")
val predecessor_version = apply("predecessor-version")
val prefetch = apply("prefetch")
val prev = apply("prev")
val prev_archive = apply("prev-archive")
val preview = apply("preview")
val previous = apply("previous")
val privacy_policy = apply("privacy-policy")
val profile = apply("profile")
val related = apply("related")
val replies = apply("replies")
val search = apply("search")
val section = apply("section")
val self = apply("self")
val service = apply("service")
val start = apply("start")
val stylesheet = apply("stylesheet")
val subsection = apply("subsection")
val successor_version = apply("successor-version")
val tag = apply("tag")
val terms_of_service = apply("terms-of-service")
val tpe = apply("type")
val up = apply("up")
val version_history = apply("version-history")
val via = apply("via")
val working_copy = apply("working-copy")
val working_copy_of = apply("working-copy-of")
trait CommonPrefixes[Rdf <: RDF] { this: RDFOps[Rdf] =>
lazy val xsd = XSDPrefix(this)
lazy val rdf = RDFPrefix(this)
object WebACLPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new WebACLPrefix(ops)
class WebACLPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("acl", "http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl#")(ops) {
val Authorization = apply("Authorization")
val agent = apply("agent")
val agentClass = apply("agentClass")
val accessTo = apply("accessTo")
val accessToClass = apply("accessToClass")
val defaultForNew = apply("defaultForNew")
val mode = apply("mode")
val Access = apply("Access")
val Read = apply("Read")
val Write = apply("Write")
val Append = apply("Append")
val accessControl = apply("accessControl")
val Control = apply("Control")
val owner = apply("owner")
val WebIDAgent = apply("WebIDAgent")
//not officially supported:
val include = apply("include")
val regex = apply("regex")
object CertPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new CertPrefix(ops)
class CertPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("cert", "http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/cert#")(ops) {
val key = apply("key")
val RSAKey = apply("RSAKey")
val RSAPublicKey = apply("RSAPublicKey")
val exponent = apply("exponent")
val modulus = apply("modulus")
object OWLPrefix {
def apply[Rdf <: RDF](implicit ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) = new OWLPrefix(ops)
class OWLPrefix[Rdf <: RDF](ops: RDFOps[Rdf]) extends PrefixBuilder("owl", "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#")(ops) {
// http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-rdf-based-semantics/
// table 3.2: OWL 2 RDF-Based Vocabulary
val AllDifferent = apply("AllDifferent")
val AllDisjointClasses = apply("AllDisjointClasses")
val AllDisjointProperties = apply("AllDisjointProperties")
val allValuesFrom = apply("allValuesFrom")
val annotatedProperty = apply("annotatedProperty")
val annotatedSource = apply("annotatedSource")
val annotatedTarget = apply("annotatedTarget")
val Annotation = apply("Annotation")
val AnnotationProperty = apply("AnnotationProperty")
val assertionProperty = apply("assertionProperty")
val AsymmetricProperty = apply("AsymmetricProperty")
val Axiom = apply("Axiom")
val backwardCompatibleWith = apply("backwardCompatibleWith")
val bottomDataProperty = apply("bottomDataProperty")
val bottomObjectProperty = apply("bottomObjectProperty")
val cardinality = apply("cardinality")
val Class = apply("Class")
val complementOf = apply("complementOf")
val DataRange = apply("DataRange")
val datatypeComplementOf = apply("datatypeComplementOf")
val DatatypeProperty = apply("DatatypeProperty")
val deprecated = apply("deprecated")
val DeprecatedClass = apply("DeprecatedClass")
val DeprecatedProperty = apply("DeprecatedProperty")
val differentFrom = apply("differentFrom")
val disjointUnionOf = apply("disjointUnionOf")
val disjointWith = apply("disjointWith")
val distinctMembers = apply("distinctMembers")
val equivalentClass = apply("equivalentClass")
val equivalentProperty = apply("equivalentProperty")
val FunctionalProperty = apply("FunctionalProperty")
val hasKey = apply("hasKey")
val hasSelf = apply("hasSelf")
val hasValue = apply("hasValue")
val imports = apply("imports")
val incompatibleWith = apply("incompatibleWith")
val intersectionOf = apply("intersectionOf")
val InverseFunctionalProperty = apply("InverseFunctionalProperty")
val inverseOf = apply("inverseOf")
val IrreflexiveProperty = apply("IrreflexiveProperty")
val maxCardinality = apply("maxCardinality")
val maxQualifiedCardinality = apply("maxQualifiedCardinality")
val members = apply("members")
val minCardinality = apply("minCardinality")
val minQualifiedCardinality = apply("minQualifiedCardinality")
val NamedIndividual = apply("NamedIndividual")
val NegativePropertyAssertion = apply("NegativePropertyAssertion")
val Nothing = apply("Nothing")
val ObjectProperty = apply("ObjectProperty")
val onClass = apply("onClass")
val onDataRange = apply("onDataRange")
val onDatatype = apply("onDatatype")
val oneOf = apply("oneOf")
val onProperty = apply("onProperty")
val onProperties = apply("onProperties")
val Ontology = apply("Ontology")
val OntologyProperty = apply("OntologyProperty")
val priorVersion = apply("priorVersion")
val propertyChainAxiom = apply("propertyChainAxiom")
val propertyDisjointWith = apply("propertyDisjointWith")
val qualifiedCardinality = apply("qualifiedCardinality")
val ReflexiveProperty = apply("ReflexiveProperty")
val Restriction = apply("Restriction")
val sameAs = apply("sameAs")
val someValuesFrom = apply("someValuesFrom")
val sourceIndividual = apply("sourceIndividual")
val SymmetricProperty = apply("SymmetricProperty")
val targetIndividual = apply("targetIndividual")
val targetValue = apply("targetValue")
val Thing = apply("Thing")
val topDataProperty = apply("topDataProperty")
val topObjectProperty = apply("topObjectProperty")
val TransitiveProperty = apply("TransitiveProperty")
val unionOf = apply("unionOf")
val versionInfo = apply("versionInfo")
val versionIRI = apply("versionIRI")
val withRestrictions = apply("withRestrictions")
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